then, respecting the morbid anatdmy, and the characters of these terrible diseases. To my friend Dr. Hodgkin, I must refer you, for a fuller and more scientific exposi- I tion of the malignant changes of structure. In these Lectures, it is my duty to view every thing in its relation to practice. It is at the bed-side of the sick that the sterling value of obstetric knowledge must be as-
IN the year 1816, Dr. Wedemeyer, when the eye of an embryo of about
six months, observed that, on slightly pressthe vitreous humour escaped from the centre of the optic nerve. Having subsequently had many opportunities of repeating his researches, he found a canal in ,the middle of the optic nerve; the anterior opening of which was in contact with the vitreous humour ; its posterior termination could not be ascertained, and, as well as the diameter of the canal, seemed to varyaccording to the age of the foetus. Itis very probable that, at the period of cerebral development, when the corpora quadrigemina contain cavities, the abovementioned canal is pervious through the whole course of the optic nerve, and that it subsequently obliterates from the origin of the latter towards the retina. Dr. Wedemeyer never found it of more than half an inch in length from the retina, towards the decussation of
ing the globe,
confined to his bed. On exami. Dr. Folcieri, of Bozzolo, found an aneurism of the popliteal artery, of the size of a pigeon’s egg, and so painful as hardly to admit of the slightest pressure, After the preliminary use of repeated gene. ral and local bloodletting, and of cold lotions, the femoral artery was, in the after. noon of the 5th of June, 1826, tied in the
eventually nation,
usual manner.
According to Scarpa’s method (which seems to prevail throughout the great. er part of Italy,) a small cylinder of linen, covered with cerate, was placed between the vessel and the ligature ; after the appli. cation of which, the pain and pulsation in
the aneurismatic tumour immediately ceased, On the morning after the operation, the wound was considerably swelled, the fever but, after copious blood. very high, &c. ; letting, these symptoms rapidly disap. peared ; and, twenty-four hours after the operation, the wound being in full suppura. tion, the cylinder and the ligature were withdrawn, and the edges of the wound brought into close contact. The artery seemed perfectly oblite:tated, for the pulsa. tion in the aneurismatic tumour did not return ; the wound from the operation speedily healed ; and, on the 22d of August, the tumour in the ham had completely dis. appeared.—Annal. Univers. di Med., Jan. 1829. RUPTURE OF THE HEART.
Prezzi, 2etat. 58, of a lym. phatic constitution, having been in the habitual eulo I yirient of good health, felt, on the 2lst of February, 1828, without any assignable cause, a violent burning sensation
in the eyes, which, however, under the use of leeches and aperients, subsided within the nerves ; in embryos more than seven a few days ; but, at the beginning of March, months old, it was completely obliterated. was foliowed by an erysipelatous inflammaM. Wedemeyer’s discovery is confirmed tion of the neck. On the 10th of March, Dr. by an analogous observation of Meckel and Binardi, of Modena, observed a pulsation Carus, viz. that, in the olfactory nerve of of the inflamed part, corresponding with the human foetus and of the lower animsis, that of the heart, the action of which was there exists a canal which communicates no means irregular ; the pulse wasratber by with the lateral ventricle, and, in the former, weak and slow. After a venesection, and obliterates at the sixth month of gestation, under the use of emollient poultices, the while, in most of the latter, it is found per- patient seemed to be completely recovered, manent during life. and resumed her former occupation as maid’ servant. On the 14th, she frequently comANEURISM OF THE POPLITEAL ARTERY SUCplained of a sensation of cold and numbness TREATED BY CESSFULLY THE APPLICAin the hands, but, in other respects, seemed TION OF A TEMPORARY LIGATURE. quite well. On the morningof the 15th, Antonio Rotelli having, about fourteen she suddenly screamed out, and instantly years ago, gone through several courses of died. On examination, the brain was found mercury on account of scrophulous tumours, bloodless, but, as well as the lung, of healthy had, subsequently, enjoyed good health up structure ; the pericardium was enormously to his thirty-third year, when, in conse- distended by a great quantity of blood, quence of much exertion, and the abuse of which having been removed, the heart was spirituous liquors, he began to feel a very pale and flabby ; and about an inch above violent pain in the left ham, so that he was its apex, on the left margin, exhibited a