Stochastic Processes and their Applications 101 (2002) 163 – 183
Anisotropic contact processes on homogeneous trees Steven P. Lalleya; ∗ , Thomas M. Sellkeb a University
b Purdue
of Chicago, Department of Statistics, 5734 University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA University, Department of Statistics, Mathematical Sciences Building, W. Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Received 14 November 2001; received in revised form 25 January 2002; accepted 25 February 2002
Abstract Su0cient conditions are given for the existence of a weak survival phase in a homogeneous but not necessarily isotropic contact process on a homogeneous tree. These require that the contact process be homogeneous, that is, for any two vertices x; y of the tree there is an automorphism mapping x to y leaving the infection rates invariant; and that the contact process be weakly symmetric, that is, for each vertex there should be at least two incident edges with the same c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. infection rate. MSC: 60K35 Keywords: Contact process; Homogeneous tree; Weak survival
1. Introduction The isotropic contact process on a homogeneous tree T = Td of degree d ¿ 3 is known to have three distinct phases: an extinction phase, a weak survival phase, and a strong survival phase. In the weak survival phase, the set of infected sites remains nonempty forever with positive probability, but with probability one every =xed site eventually becomes and remains healthy (provided the set of initially infected sites is =nite). By contrast, in the strong survival phase, the event that a =xed site is infected at arbitrarily large times has positive probability. The existence of the weak survival phase was proved by Pemantle (1992) for d ¿ 4, and later by Liggett (1996) for d=3; subsequently, Stacey (1996) discovered a relatively simple proof for all d ¿ 3. Their ∗
Supported by NSF grant DMS-0071970. Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (S.P. Lalley),
[email protected] (T.M. Sellke).
c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0304-4149/02/$ - see front matter PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 4 1 4 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 2 6 - 6
S.P. Lalley, T.M. Sellke / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 101 (2002) 163 – 183
proofs all rely on the isotropy of the processes. (The methods of Pemantle and Stacey extend to contact processes on certain inhomogeneous trees; however, it is necessary that the vertices of these trees be arranged in “levels” of descent from a root vertex in such a way that the infection rates remain invariant under automorphisms of the tree that permute the vertices within levels.) The purpose of this paper is to show that certain anisotropic contact processes on T also have weak survival phases. We shall only consider homogeneous contact processes on T. Such contact processes have infection rates that may be direction-dependent in the following sense: Each edge e of the tree is assigned a color (e) in such a way that the coloring of the tree is homogeneous, that is, for each color k, the number of edges of color k incident to vertex x is the same for all vertices x. The infection rate e = (e) across edge e is a function only of the color of e. (We shall henceforth assume, without further notice, that ¿ 0 for each color .) The contact process with infection rates e = (e) and recovery rate is a continuous-time Markov process whose state t at any time t ¿ 0 is a =nite set of vertices of T and whose evolution is governed by the following laws: (1) Infected sites (vertices included in t ) recover at rate ¿ 0 and upon recovery are removed from t . (2) A healthy site x (a vertex not included in t ) becomes infected at rate e∈It (x) e , where It (x) is the set of all edges incident to x and a vertex y ∈ t . The default initial state is 0 = {r}, where r is a distinguished vertex of T called the root. In general, the initial state A will be denoted by a superscript At , so that A0 = A. Versions of contact processes with all possible infection and recovery rates and initial states A may be constructed simultaneously on any probability space equipped with sequences of independent Poisson processes and random variables uniformly distributed on the unit interval using Harris’ graphical representation—see Liggett (1985) for details. For each color k denote by qk the number of edges of color k incident to a vertex x. (By the homogeneity of the coloring, this is the same for all vertices x.) Say that the contact process is weakly symmetric if there is a color k such that qk ¿ 2. Note that if the contact process is weakly symmetric then for any vertex x there is a nontrivial automorphism (in fact, in=nitely many) of T that =xes x and leaves the infection rates invariant. The main result of this paper is the following theorem: Theorem 1. Every weakly symmetric; homogeneous contact process on the tree T = Td of degree d ¿ 3 has a weak survival phase; that is; for each choice of infection rates satisfying the homogeneity and weak symmetry conditions speci7ed above; there exist critical values 0 ¡ u ¡ c ¡ ∞ such that (a) ¿ c ⇒ extinction; (b) ¡ u ⇒ strong survival; and (c) u 6 ¡ c ⇒ weak survival. We conjecture that the hypothesis of weak symmetry is extraneous, but have been unable to prove this. Note that the existence of a weak survival phase for anisotropic contact processes whose infection rates i are nearly equal follows by a trivial comparison argument from the corresponding fact for the isotropic contact process: By the
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results of Pemantle (1992), Liggett (1996), and Stacey (1996), there exist critical values 0 ¡ c ¡ u ¡ ∞ such that, for any ∈ (c ; u ], the isotropic contact process with infection rate and recovery rate 1 survives weakly. Consequently, any anisotropic contact process with infection rates e ∈ (c ; u ] and recovery rate 1 survives weakly. No such simple argument proves the existence of a weak survival phase when the infection rates are substantially diJerent, however. Although the hypothesis of weak symmetry may appear rather arti=cial, it holds in some interesting cases. For the isotropic contact process, Pemantle (1992) proved the existence of a weak survival phase for homogeneous trees of degree at least 4; the extension of his result to the homogeneous tree T3 of degree 3 was only accomplished with some di0culty by Liggett (1996). Theorem 1 shows that there is a weak survival phase for the weakly symmetric contact process on T3 with infection rates 1; 1; at each vertex, for any ¿ 0. As → 0, these processes converge weakly to the standard contact process on the integer lattice, which does not have a weak survival phase. Thus, Theorem 1 shows that only a minimal degree of nonamenability will force the existence of a weak survival phase. 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Edge-labelled trees Let T=Td be an in=nite, homogeneous tree of degree d with a distinguished vertex r, the root. An in=nite, self-avoiding path in T beginning at a vertex x is called a geodesic ray; a =nite segment of a geodesic ray is a geodesic segment. For any two vertices x; y of T there is a unique geodesic segment connecting x to y, whose length d(x; y) is de=ned to be the distance from x to y. For brevity, the distance from the root vertex r to x will be abbreviated as |x|. Assume that the edges e of T are assigned labels ‘(e) ∈ [d] := {1; 2; : : : ; d} in such a way that each vertex is incident to one edge of each label. Then there is a one-to-one correspondence between geodesic segments starting at r and =nite reduced words with letters from the alphabet [d] (A reduced word is a =nite string of letters in which no two consecutive letters are identical.) Denote by [d]n the set of all reduced words of length n, and by [d]∗ = n¿0 [d]n the set of all =nite reduced words. Since the geodesic segments starting at r are in one-to-one correspondence with the vertices of T, there is a bijection between [d]∗ and the vertex set of T. Henceforth, we shall not distinguish between a vertex x and the reduced word i1 i2 : : : i|x| that speci=es the geodesic segment from r to x. For any vertex x = r, de=ne the type of x to be the label of the last edge (the edge incident to x) of the geodesic segment from r to x. Removal of any vertex x disconnects the tree, leaving d nonoverlapping subtrees Tx;i rooted at the vertices neighboring x. These subtrees are indexed by the edge labels i ∈ [d] in the natural way: the subtree Tx;i is connected to the vertex x in T by an edge with label i. For any vertex x = r, de=ne Tx to be the subtree consisting of all vertices y such that the geodesic segment from r to y passes through x; thus, if
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x is of type i, then Tx = T \ Tx;i :
2.2. Symmetries of T The identi=cation of words and vertices exhibits T as the Cayley graph of the free product Fd of d copies of the two element group Z2 . Multiplication in this group is accomplished as follows: For any two words x; y, concatenate x and y and then successively eliminate all spurs (pairs of adjacent letters that are not distinct) to obtain xy. The multiplicative inverse of a word x is obtained by reversing its letters. The elements of the group Fd act as automorphisms of T under which the labelling of edges remains invariant. Since the group Fd acts transitively on the vertices of T, it follows that for any two vertices x; y of T there is a unique label-preserving automorphism ’x; y of T that maps x to y. Note that for each edge label i the automorphism ’x; y maps Tx;i bijectively onto Ty;i ; consequently, if x; y = r are vertices of the same type, then ’x; y also maps Tx bijectively onto Ty . The importance of label-preserving automorphisms resides in the fact that these are the automorphisms of T under which homogeneous contact processes are invariant: If At is a homogeneous contact process with infection rates ‘(e) , recovery rate , and initial state A0 = A, and if ’ ∈ Fd is a label-preserving automorphism of T, then ’(At ) is a version of the contact process with the same infection and recovery rates, and initial state ’(A). For any weakly symmetric contact process, there is a noninjective mapping that assigns a color to every label; the infection rate e across any edge is determined solely by its color (that is, the color assigned to its label). If all labels are mapped to the same color then the contact process is isotropic. The law of a weakly symmetric contact process is invariant by any color-preserving automorphism of T. Note that any label-preserving automorphism is a color-preserving automorphism, but that there are many more color-preserving than label-preserving automorphisms. 2.3. Nonamenability of T For any nonempty =nite set F of vertices, de=ne the outer boundary @F to be the set of all vertices y at distance 1 from F such that F intersects only one of the subtrees Ty;i . Equivalently, if G is the smallest subtree of T containing F then @F is the set of all vertices of T at distance 1 from G. Proposition 2.1. |@F| ¿ |F|:
Proof. It su0ces to prove that the inequality is true when F is the vertex set of a =nite subtree of T. This can be done by induction on the cardinality of F: If |F| = 1 then |@F| = d ¿ 1; so the inequality (2.2) holds in this case. Suppose that the inequality holds for all subtrees with fewer than n vertices; and let F be the vertex set of a
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subtree with |F| = n. The set F must have at least one vertex x with only one nearest neighbor in F. Deletion of x leaves a tree whose vertex set F − {x} has cardinality n − 1; and whose outer boundary coincides with that of F except that x is included and the d − 1 nearest neighbors of x not in F are excluded. Since the inequality (2.2) holds for F − {x}; and since d − 2 ¿ 1; it follows that the inequality (2.2) must hold also for F. 2.4. The Harris coupling Stochastic comparisons and continuity properties of various expectations in the recovery rate are most easily approached using the Harris coupling (also known as the graphical representation). The main features of this coupling are set forth in the following proposition: Proposition 2.2. Versions t (; ) of the contact process with common initial state 0 = A but di
and t (; ) = lim t (; ):
See Liggett (1985) for the construction. Corollary 2.3. Let t = At be a homogeneous contact process on T with infection rates e = ‘(e) and recovery rate ; started from the initial state 0 = A. Then for any bounded real-valued function f on the vertex set of T and any t ¡ ∞; the expectation Uf (t) := E f(x) x∈t
varies continuously with the recovery rate . Proof. In view of the Harris coupling; continuity of Uf (t) in follows from the dominated convergence theorem; provided it is shown that E|t | ¡ ∞ for every value of the recovery rate . But for any value of ; the random variable |t | is stochastically d dominated by Zt ; where {Zt }t¿0 is a binary =ssion process with =ssion rate i=1 i . Consequently; E|t | 6 exp t i ¡ ∞: (2.5) i
Expectations of functionals that depend on the entire history of the contact process, and not just its state at a =xed time, need not vary continuously. Of particular
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importance is the hitting probability functional, de=ned as follows: u(x) := P x ∈ t :
Corollary 2.4. For each vertex x; the hitting probability functional u(x) is rightcontinuous in the recovery rate parameter . Proof. Fix a vertex x; and let A(x; ) be the event that x ∈ t¿0 (t; ). Then by relations (2.3) and (2.4); A(x; ) is the increasing limit of the events A(x; ) as ↓ . Therefore; by the monotone convergence theorem; u(x) is right-continuous in . 2.5. Growth in subtrees For certain comparison arguments, the following simple proposition concerning the growth of a homogeneous contact process in subtrees of T will be essential. Proposition 2.5. For any homogeneous contact process on T with initial state t = {r}; there exists ¿ 0 such that for all t ¿ 0 and all edge labels i ∈ [d]; E|t+1 ∩ Ti | ¿ E|t |:
Similarly; there exists ¿ 0 such that for all t ¿ 0 and all pairs i; j ∈ [d]; E|t+1 ∩ Tj;i | ¿ E|t |:
The constants ; ¿ 0 may be chosen so as to vary continuously with the infection and recovery rates. Proof. Let A be the event that at time 1 all vertices at distance 2 from the root are infected. The probability of A is positive; and in fact is bounded below by a positive constant that varies continuously in the infection and recovery rates. The conditional distribution of |t+1 ∩ Ti |; given the event A; stochastically dominates the unconditional distribution of |t |; because each intersection t ∩Tj may be matched with an intersection t+1 ∩ Txj for some vertex x ∈ Ti at distance 2 from r. The inequality (2.7) now follows. The inequality (2.8) follows by a similar argument. 2.6. Growth of the critical contact process The existence of extinction and strong survival phases for anisotropic contact processes on the tree T may be established by simple comparison arguments, using the Harris coupling. A homogeneous, anisotropic contact process dominates an isotropic contact process; since isotropic contact processes survive strongly with positive probability when the recovery rate is su0ciently small, so must the anisotropic contact process. Similarly, any homogeneous, anisotropic contact process is dominated by an isotropic contact process; since the isotropic contact process dies out almost surely when the recovery rate is large, so must the anisotropic contact process. Thus, for
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any homogeneous contact process there is a critical value 0 ¡ c ¡ ∞ demarcating the boundary between the extinction phase ¿ c and the survival phase ¡ c . A homogeneous contact process run with recovery rate c will be called critical. Proposition 2.6. Let t be a critical homogeneous contact process on T with initial state 0 = {r}. Then for some constant C ¡ ∞ (depending on the infection rates ‘(e) but not on t) 1 6 E|t | 6 C
for all t ¿ 0:
The corresponding result for the critical isotropic contact process was proved by Morrrow et al. (1994), using an earlier result of Madras and Schinazi (1992). The proof is easily adapted to the anisotropic case; a sketch is provided in Appendix A below. By the same argument as used in Morrrow et al. (1994) in the isotropic case, one can infer the following: Corollary 2.7. Extinction occurs with probability one for the critical contact process. 3. Sparse subtrees A subtree S of T will be called k-sparse if for every vertex x of S the distance from x to the complement of S is no greater than k. Observe that any geodesic ray is 1-sparse, as is any geodesic segment. Proposition 3.1. Let t be a critical contact process on T. There exist constants Ck ¡ ∞; depending only on the infection rates of t ; such that for any k-sparse subtree S of T containing the root vertex r; EN (∞; S) 6 Ck ;
where N (∞; S) is de7ned to be the number of distinct vertices of S that are ever infected. Proof. For any vertex x ∈ T; de=ne 'x to be the =rst time t that x ∈ t (or ∞ if there is no such t); and for any set F of vertices and any t ¿ 0 de=ne N (t; F) to be the number of vertices x ∈ F such that 'x 6 t. Recall that for any subtree S of T; the outer boundary @S is the set of all vertices at distance 1 from S. If S is a k-sparse subtree of T; then each vertex x of S is within distance k of some vertex y ∈ @S of the outer boundary. Let (x; y) be any such pair; then by the strong Markov property; P('y 6 t + 1 | 'x 6 t) ¿ (k ; where (k is the minimum of P{z ∈ 1 } over all vertices z at distance no more than k from r. Since for any vertex y the number of vertices within distance k of y is
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d(d − 1)k−1 6 dk ; it follows that; for each t ¿ 0; EN (t + 1; @S) = P{'y 6 t + 1} y∈@S
¿ (k d−k
P{'x 6 t}
= (k d−k EN (t; S): Consequently; since EN (t; F) is increasing in t; to prove the Proposition it su0ces to show that there exists a =nite constant C ¡ ∞ such that for any k-sparse subtree S and all t ¿ 0; EN (t; @S) 6 C :
Let S be any subtree of T containing the root vertex r. Then for any x ∈ @S the subtree Tx is disjoint from S; and for any two distinct vertices x; y ∈ @S the trees Tx and Ty do not intersect. By Proposition 2.5, there exists ¿ 0 such that for each t ¿ 0 and any vertex x = r, E|xt+1 ∩ Tx | ¿ E|t | ¿ (that E|t | ¿ 1 follows from the =rst inequality of (2.9), since the contact process is critical). Thus, by the strong Markov property, for any x = r, E|t+1 ∩ Tx | ¿ P{'x 6 t}: Summing over the vertices x ∈ @S and using the pairwise disjointness of the subtrees Tx gives P{'x 6 t} 6 −1 E|t+1 | 6 −1 C; EN (t; @S) = x∈@S
where C is the constant in the second inequality in (2.9). Since by Corollary 2.7 the critical contact process satis=es t = ∅ eventually with probability one, Proposition 3.1 and the dominated convergence theorem imply the following: Corollary 3.2. Let t be a critical homogeneous contact process on T. Then for any k-sparse subtree S of T containing the root vertex; lim E|t ∩ S| = 0:
4. Weak survival Assume now that t is a weakly symmetric contact process on T. Recall that a homogeneous contact process is weakly symmetric if the edge labels i ∈ [d] may be assigned colors *(i) in such a way that (a) the infection rates depend only on edge colors; and (b) there is at least one color k (hereafter designated RED) such that at least two diJerent edge labels are assigned color k.
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4.1. The zigzag norm Recall that geodesic segments in T with initial vertex r are uniquely speci=ed by reduced words x = i1 i2 : : : in in the edge labels. For any such word x, de=ne *(x) = (*(i1 ); *(i2 ); : : : ; *(in )) to be the chromatic signature of x. Observe that chromatic signatures need not be reduced words in the diJerent colors, because the assignment * of colors to labels is not injective. If two vertices x and y of T correspond to reduced words in [d]∗ of the same chromatic signature, then there is a color-preserving automorphism of T that =xes r and maps x to y. Consequently, for any two such vertices, u(x) = u(y)
and u(t; x) = u(t; y) where
u(x) := P
for all t ¿ 0;
u(t; x) := P{x ∈ t }:
Let x be a vertex of T with chromatic signature *(x). De=ne x to be the number of RED blocks in the word *(x), equivalently, the number of RED entries not preceded by RED entries. (Thus, for example, if *(x) = BYRRYRRGR then x = 3, and if *(y) = RRGRBRRR then y = 3.) Henceforth we shall refer to · as the zigzag norm (despite the fact that it is not a norm). For distinct vertices x; y of T, de=ne the zigzag distance dzz (x; y) = x−1 y. Observe that the zigzag distance between distinct vertices may be zero. Lemma 4.1. For any vertex x of T; the number of vertices y of the same chromatic signature is at least 2x . Proof. Let = k1 k2 : : : km be the chromatic signature of x. The number of vertices y with chromatic signature is the number of distinct reduced words , = i1 i2 : : : im in the edge labels that are mapped to by *. For any admissible assignment ij of edge labels to the indices j corresponding to the non-RED entries of ; there are at least 2x admissible ways to assign labels to the RED blocks in ; since there are at least two distinct labels assigned to the color RED. Lemma 4.2. For any vertex x; de7ne -(x) to be the number of vertices y of T with the same chromatic signature as x. Let x; y; z be any three vertices of T such that z lies on the geodesic segment from x to y. Then -(x−1 z)-(z −1 y) 6 d-(x−1 y):
Proof. The chromatic signature a of x−1 y is the concatenation of the chromatic signatures b and c of x−1 z and z −1 y. The number -(x−1 y) (respectively; -(x−1 z) and
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-(z −1 y)) of reduced words in [d]∗ that are mapped by * to a (respectively; b and c) is the number of ways of assigning edge types to monochromatic blocks of a (respectively; b and c) in such a way that each block of a given color k is assigned an edge type i of color *(i) = k. Thus; -(x−1 y) would be the product of -(x−1 z) with -(z −1 y) but for the fact that if the monochromatic blocks at the end of b and the beginning of c have the same color; then in the assignment of edge types to monochromatic blocks of a the edge type for the =rst block of c is forced to agree with that of the last block of b. This reduces the number of choices by at most a factor of d; since there are only d edge types. Lemma 4.3. For any integer k ¿ 0; de7ne Sk to be the set of all vertices x such that x 6 k. If there are at least two di
x Here · is the zigzag norm. The functional → plays the role of a x∈ a Lyapunov function. The main result of this section will be an estimate that implies that its expectation decays to zero exponentially as t → ∞. Lemma 4.4. Assume that the contact process t is critical; that is; that = c . If a ¡ 1 then lim Ua (t) = 0:
Proof. By Lemma 4.3; each of the subtrees Sk is sparse. Hence; by Corollary 3.2; limt→∞ E|t ∩ Sk | = 0 for every k = 1; 2; : : : . But by Proposition 2.6; Ua (t) 6 E|t ∩ Sk | + ak E|t ∩ Skc | 6 E|t ∩ Sk | + ak E|t | 6 E|t ∩ Sk | + Cak : The relation (4.5) now follows easily.
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√ Proposition 4.5. For 1= 2 ¡ a ¡ 1; all s; t ¿ 1; and all ; Ua (s + t) 6 KUa (s)Ua (t);
where K=
d : a(1 − 1=2a2 )
Proof. Each vertex y included in t+s is an “oJspring” of at least one vertex x in t ; that is; there is an infection trail from (x; t) to (y; t + s). For each x ∈ t ; denote by t+s (x) the set of all oJspring of x in t+s . Note that for diJerent vertices x; x the sets t+s (x) and t+s (x ) may overlap. Since t+s is contained in the union of the sets t+s (x); where x ∈ t ; it follows that Ua (s + t) 6 E ax ay−x x∈t y∈t+s (x)
ax ax
y y−x−x−1 y
x∈t y∈t+s (x)
u(t; x)ax
u(s; x−1 y)ax
y y−x−x−1 y
For any two vertices x; y; let x ∧y be the last common vertex on the geodesic segments from r to x and from r to y; then x−1 y − y + x 6 2dzz (x; x ∧ y) + 1: Consequently; by (4.8); −1 Ua (s + t) 6 u(t; x)ax u(s; x−1 y)ax y a−2dzz (x; x∧y)−1 : x
To estimate the quantity on the right side of (4.9), we shall group the terms of the inner sum according to the chromatic signature 3=*(x−1 y) and the value k =dzz (x; x ∧ y). Recall that, by Eq. (4.2), u(s; x−1 y) has the same value for all vertices x−1 y with chromatic signature 3: denote this common value by u(s; 3). Similarly, x−1 y depends only on the chromatic signature *(x−1 y)=3: denote this value by F(3). Then inequality (4.9) may be rewritten as Ua (s + t) 6 u(t; x)ax Nx (3; k)u(s; 3)aF(3) a−2k−1 ; (4.10) x
where Nx (3; k) denotes the number of vertices y such that *(x−1 y ) = 3 and k = dzz (x; x ∧y ). For any two such vertices y; y , it must be the case that x ∧y =x ∧y := z, that is, the geodesic segments from r to y and y must both diverge from the geodesic segment leading from r to x at the same vertex z. Thus, the words x−1 y and x−1 y share the common pre=x x−1 z; since these words have the same chromatic signature, it
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must be that the words z −1 y and z −1 y also have a common chromatic signature. By Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2, the number -(z −1 y) of vertices y such that *(z −1 y ) = *(z −1 y) satis=es -(z −1 y) 6 d-(x−1 y)=-(x−1 z) 6 d-(x−1 y)=2dzz (x; z) : Consequently, Nx (3; k) 6 d-(x−1 y)=2k = d-(3)=2k ;
where -(3) is the number of words with chromatic signature 3. Substituting this bound for Nx (3; k) in the inequality (4.10) yields Ua (s + t) 6
u(t; x)ax
∞ 3
d-(3)2−k u(s; 3)aF(3) a−2k−1
= da−1 (1 − a−2 =2)Ua (t)
-(3)u(s; 3)aF(3)
= da−1 (1 − a−2 =2)Ua (t)Ua (s):
4.3. Weak survival near c Proposition 4.6. For a weakly symmetric contact process on T; the weak survival phase is an interval of positive length; that is
u ¡ c :
√ Proof. Fix a ∈ (1= 2; 1). By Lemma 4.4; at = c the expectation Ua; (t) converges to zero as t → ∞; and by Proposition 2.3; Ua; (t) varies continuously with for each t ¡ ∞. Hence; for some t ¡ ∞ and all ¡ c su0ciently close to c ; Ua; (t) 6
where K ¡ 1;
where K is de=ned by (4.7).) It therefore follows from Proposition 4.5 that Ua; (nt) converges to zero exponentially fast as n → ∞; and from this it is easily deduced that Ua; (s) converges to zero exponentially fast as s → ∞. Since Ua; (s) is no smaller than P{r ∈ s }; this implies that eventually r ∈ s ; with probability one. 5. Weak survival at the upper critical point 5.1. Hitting probabilities Recall that, for any vertex x, the hitting probability u(x) is de=ned to be the probability that x is ever infected by the contact process with initial state 0 = {r},
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that is
u(x) := P
For an isotropic contact process, u(x) depends only on the distance |x| from the root, but for anisotropic contact processes this is not generally true: the function u is invariant under automorphisms of T that =x the root vertex r and leave the infection rate structure invariant, but u is not necessarily invariant under other automorphisms. However, as in the isotropic case u is supermultiplicative: Lemma 5.1. For any two vertices x; y of T = Fd ; u(xy) ¿ u(x)u(y):
Proof. Let '(x) denote the =rst hitting time of vertex x; that is; the smallest t such that x ∈ t ; or ∞ if there is no such t. By the Strong Markov Property; the additivity of the contact process; and invariance by the automorphism ’e; x ; t u(xy) ¿ P xy ∈ t¿'(x)
= EP xy ∈
t | '(x) 1{'(x) ¡ ∞}
¿ P xy ∈ xt u(x) = u(y)u(x): t¿'(x)
Recall that the vertices of T are identi=ed with =nite reduced words from the alphabet [d], and that the identi=cation is a bijection. Denote by 4 the set of in7nite reduced words x = x1 x2 : : : ; that is, the set of all in=nite sequences with entries in [d] in which no letter appears twice in succession. Note that if x1 x2 : : : is an element of 4 then for every integer n ¿ 1 the word x1 x2 : : : x n is reduced, and consequently is the address of a vertex in T. Corollary 5.2. Let 5 be an ergodic; shift-invariant probability measure on 4; and let X1 ; X2 ; : : : be the coordinate random variables on 4. Then there exists a constant 0 ¡ 7(5) 6 1 such that lim u(X1 X2 : : : Xn )1=n = 7(5)
almost surely 5:
Furthermore; for every integer n ¿ 1; E5 log u(X1 X2 : : : Xn ) 6 n log 7(5):
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Proof. In view of the supermultiplicativity of the function u; this follows directly from Kingman’s subadditive ergodic theorem. The hitting probability u(x) is never smaller than the probability that t survives strongly, since on the event of strong survival every vertex is eventually infected. Consequently, in the strong survival phase 7(5) = 1
for every ergodic, shift-invariant probability measure on 4. The main result of this section is that, in the weak survival phase, 7(5) ¡ 1 for every reversible ergodic probability measure 5 with positive entropy. (A probability measure 5 on 4 is said to be reversible if for every n ¿ 1 the joint distribution of the coordinate random variables Xn ; Xn−1 ; : : : ; X1 is the same as that of X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn .) Proposition 5.3. Let 5 be a reversible; ergodic; shift-invariant probability measure on 4 with entropy h(5). If the probability of strong survival is zero; then 2 log 7(5) + h(5) 6 0:
For isotropic contact processes this result follows from the main result of Lalley and Sellke (1998), since in the isotropic case h(5) 6 log(d − 1) and 7(5) = 7 is the same for all 5. The proof is very similar to the proof of Theorem 1 in Lalley and Sellke (1998), and so we will only provide a brief sketch in Section 5.3 below. 5.2. Proposition 5.3 implies weak survival at c Before discussing the proof of Proposition 5.3 we shall show how the result implies that the contact process survives only weakly at the upper critical point = u . Let 5 be the Shannon (maximal entropy) measure on 4, that is, the unique invariant probability measure on 4 under which the coordinate variables X1 ; X2 ; : : : comprise a Markov chain with transition probabilities p(i; j) = 1=(d − 1) for i = j and p(i; i) = 0. The entropy of this measure is h := h(5) = log(d − 1) ¿ 0 and so by Proposition 5.3, 7 := 7(5) 6 exp{−h=2} ¡ 1 at any value of where the probability of strong survival is zero. Consequently, by inequality (5.3), for any ¿ u , E5 log u(X1 X2 : : : Xn ) 6 − nh=2: By the the the
Corollary 2.4, the hitting probability function u(x) is right-continuous in , and by Harris coupling it is monotone. Since u(X1 X2 : : : Xn ) ¿ n , where = ∗ =(∗ + ), bounded convergence theorem implies that (5.6) holds at = u . This implies that event of strong survival has probability zero at = u , because for any vertex x, u(x) ¿ P{strong survival}:
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5.3. The entropy inequality We shall discuss the proof of Proposition 5.3 only in the special case where 5 is the Shannon measure, since only this special case is needed for the proof of weak survival at the upper critical point. The proof in the general case is similar, but requires an additional argument based on the Shannon–MacMillan–Breiman theorem—see Lalley and Sellke (2000) for a similar argument involving the use of this theorem. The strategy of the proof is the same as used in Lalley and Sellke (1998) to prove the analogous theorem for the isotropic contact process. It entails showing that, if the inequality (5.5) is violated, then with positive probability there exist infection trails extending from the root r to vertices at arbitrarily large distances from r and then back to r. On this event, the contact process must survive strongly, because the event implies that in=nitely many vertices are infected before the last time that r is infected. Suppose, then, that the inequality (5.5) is false. Denote by Sn the set of all vertices at distance n from r, and let Nn be the number of vertices x ∈ Sn such that there is an infection trail that begins at r at time 0, passes through x, and returns to r. We shall argue that inf P{Nn ¿ 1} ¿ 0; (5.7) this implies that P( n¿1 {Nn ¿ 1}) ¿ 0, and therefore that the contact process survives strongly with positive probability. Observe that the events {Nn ¿ 1} are nonincreasing in n, so the probabilities in (5.7) are nonincreasing. Exponential growth of ENn : That (5.7) should be expected when inequality (5.5) is false may be seen by a crude estimation of the expectation of Nn . Fix ¿ 0, and consider a vertex x ∈ Sn such that n¿1
min(u(x); u(x−1 )) ¿ (7 − )n :
For any such vertex x, the probability that there is an infection trail leading from r to x and then back to r is at least u(x)u(x−1 ) ¿ (7 − )2n . Since under the Shannon measure the random vector (X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn ) is uniformly distributed on the set of all d(d − 1)n−1 reduced words of length n, the ergodic theorem (5.2) for u implies that for any ¿ 0 and all su0ciently large n, the number of vertices x ∈ Sn satisfying (5.8) is at least enh−n , and consequently ENn ¿ exp{n(h − )}(7 − )2n :
If inequality (5.5) is false, then (5.9) implies that for su0ciently small ¿ 0 the exponential rate of growth of ENn is positive. Therefore, one should expect that for large n there will be large numbers of vertices in Sn included in “infection loops” beginning and ending at the root. Directed infection trails: Let x; y be two distinct vertices of T at distance n ¿ 1. A directed infection trail from a vertex x to a vertex y is an infection trail that (a) lies entirely in the subtree Tx;i containing y; (b) =rst exits the ball Bn−1 (x) of radius n − 1 centered at x at vertex y; and (c) terminates upon reaching y. For any vertex x = r, de=ne u∗ (x) = P{∃ directed infection trail from r to x}:
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(More precisely, u∗ (x) is the probability that there is a directed infection trail beginning at the root at time t = 0 that ends at x.) Lemma 5.4. Fix ¿ 0 and an edge label i ∈ [d]; and de7ne Gn = Gn (; i) to be the set of all vertices x of type i at distance n from the root such that min(u∗ (x); u∗ (x−1 )) ¿ (7 − )n :
For all suAciently large n; |Gn | ¿ enh−n :
Proof. The argument is similar to that used in Section 3 of Lalley and Sellke (1998). For any integer K ¿ 0 and any vertex x de=ne uK (x) to be the probability that there is an infection trail from r to x that remains within distance K of the geodesic segment from r to x. By the monotone convergence theorem; limK→∞ uK (x) = u(x) for each vertex x. Since for large n the set of vertices x ∈ Sn that satisfy (5.8) has cardinality in excess of enh−n ; there exist integers K ¿ m ¿ 1 and edge labels i = i such that |GmK (; i; i )| ¿ emh−m ; where
GmK (; i; i )
is de=ned to be the set of vertices x ∈ Sm such that
(a) min(uK (x); uK (x−1 )) ¿ (7 − )m ; (b) x is of type i; and (c) x−1 is of type i . Consider any sequence w1 ; w2 ; : : : ; wn of elements of GmK . Since each element of GmK begins with the letter i and ends with the letter i = i , the product y = w1 w2 : : : wn is a word of length nm. Because successive n infection trails can be concatenated, the probability uK (y) cannot be less than j=1 uK (wj ), nor can uK (y−1 ) be less than n −1 j=1 uK (wj ); hence min(uK (y); uK (y−1 )) ¿ (7 − )nm : Now let z and z be words of length K + 1 such that z and z are of type i and z −1 and (z )−1 are of type i . Then for any product y = w1 w2 : : : wn of elements in GmK , the concatenation zyz will be a word of length nm + 2K + 2; furthermore, there will be a directed infection trail from r to zyz if there is a directed infection trail from r to z, followed by an infection trail from z to zy that stays within distance K of the geodesic segment from z to zy, followed by a directed infection trail from zy to zyz . Consequently, u∗ (zyz ) ¿ (7 − )nm and u∗ ((zyz )−1 ) ¿ (7 − )nm ; where ¿ 0 is a lower bound for the probability that there are directed infection trails from r to the vertices z; z . Thus, for all su0ciently large n, the set Gnm+2K+2 (2; i)
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has cardinality at least that of (GmK )n , and therefore at least enmh−nm . The lemma now follows routinely. Embedded branching processes: Fix an edge label i ∈ [d]. For each integer n ¿ 1, de=ne An = An (; i) to be set of all vertices x ∈ Gn (; i) ∩ Tic of type i such that there exists a directed infection trail leading from the root at time zero to x. Here Gn (; i) is, as in Lemma 5.4, the set of vertices x ∈ Sn such that both u∗ (x) and u∗ (x−1 ) exceed (7 − )n . Lemma 5.5. If h + log 7 ¿ 0 then the probability that the contact process t survives is positive; and for any ¿ 0; lim sup P{|An (; i)| ¿ enh−2n (7 − )n } ¿ 0: n→∞
Proof. Lemma 5.4 implies that; for all su0ciently large n; the number of vertices x of type i at distance n from the root that satisfy inequality (5.11) is at least enh−n . Hence; the expected number of such vertices that are reached by directed infection trails from the root is at least enh−n (7 − )n . Under the hypothesis that h + log 7 ¿ 0; this expectation is strictly greater than 1; provided ¿ 0 is su0ciently small. We now construct a supercritical Galton–Watson process inductively as follows: (i) Run a restricted contact process in Tr;i ∩ Bm (r), and mark all vertices x ∈ Gm of type i that are infected: these vertices constitute the =rst generation of the Galton–Watson process. (ii) From each vertex in the =rst generation, run a restricted contact process in Tx ∩ Bm (x), beginning at the time 'x when x is =rst infected, and mark all infected vertices y of type i at distance m from x such that x−1 y ∈ Gm ; these vertices form the second generation. (iii) Continue this process inde=nitely. That the process so de=ned is in fact a Galton–Watson process follows because the restricted contact processes in successive generations are run in nonoverlapping regions of the tree, and therefore are independent. By the preceding paragraph, the mean oJspring number is at least emh−m (7 − )m , provided m is su0ciently large, and so the process is supercritical. Moreover, on the event of survival, the exponential growth rate of the process is at least emh−m (7−)m , by the Kesten–Stigum theorem. Since the size of the nth generation is dominated by |Anm |, the result follows. Proof of (5.7). The proof uses the same strategy as was used in Section 5 of Lalley and Sellke (1998) for the isotropic case. Assume that the inequality (5.5) is false. Fix ¿ 0; and set h∗ =h−2 and 7∗ =7−. If ¿ 0 is small; then eh∗ 7∗2 ¿ 1. Consequently; by Lemma 5.5; there exist 0 ¡ ( ¡ 1; an integer m ¿ 1; and an edge label i ∈ [d] such that P{|Am (i)| ¿ emh∗ 7∗m } ¿ 2( and m
(1 − (7∗m )exp{mh∗ }7∗ ¡ 12 : We shall prove that the in=mum in (5.7) is at least (7∗m .
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For any vertex x = r, de=ne 'x to be the =rst time that x is infected by a directed infection trail beginning at the root at time 0 (or ∞ if there is no such directed infection trail). Clearly, 'x is a stopping time for the contact process. For any integer k ¿ 1, let Hk (x) be the event that 'x ¡ ∞ and that there is an infection trail that begins at x at time 'x , remains entirely in Tx , reaches a vertex at distance k from x, and then returns to x, where it terminates. Similarly, de=ne Hk (r; i) to be the event that there is an infection trail that begins at r at time 0, does not enter the subtree Ti , reaches a vertex in Sk and then returns to r, where it terminates. For any vertex x of type i, P(Hk (x) | 'x ¡ ∞) = P(Hk (r; i)) := p(k; i): We shall prove by induction on n that p(nm; i) ¿ (7∗m
for every n. Since P{Nn ¿ 1} ¿ P(Hn (r; i)), and since these probabilities are nonincreasing in n, this will imply (5.7). Consider =rst the case n = 1. On the event that |Am (; i)| ¿ 1, there is at least one vertex x ∈ Gm (; i) that is reached by an infection trail beginning at the root at time 0. Recall that u∗ (x−1 ) ¿ 7∗m for each x ∈ Gm (; i); thus, the conditional probability that the root is reinfected by the =rst vertex x ∈ Am (; i) (that is, the one for which 'x is smallest) is at least 7∗m . Thus p(m; i) ¿ 2(7∗m : Suppose now that inequality (5.15) is valid for all positive integers 6 n. Consider the event Hnm+m (r; i). This will occur if all three of the following events occur: (A) |Am (; i)| ¿ exp{mh∗ 7∗m }. (B) For at least one x ∈ Am (; i) the event Hnm (x) occurs. (C) For the =rst x ∈ Am (; i) such that Hnm (x) occurs, there is an infection trail leading from x back to the root. Given that (A) occurs, the probability that (B) occurs is at least p(nm; i), because event (B) involves a part of the tree disjoint from that which determines (A). Similarly, given that both (A) and (B) occur, the probability that (C) occurs is at least 7∗m , since u∗ (x−1 ) ¿ 7∗m for all vertices x ∈ Am (; i). Therefore, by the induction hypothesis m
P(Hnm+m (r; i)) ¿ 2((1 − p(nm; i))exp{mh∗ }7∗ 7∗m m
¿ 2((1 − (7∗m )exp{mh∗ }7∗ 7∗m ¿ (7∗m : 6. Appendix A: Proof of Proposition 6.1 Following is an extension to anisotropic contact processes of a result of Madras and Schinazi, which implies that for any contact process—critical, subcritical, or supercritical—the expected number of infected sites has sharp exponential growth in t:
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Proposition 6.1. There exist constants > and C; depending on the infection and recovery rates ‘(e) and ; such that exp{>t} 6 E|t | 6 C exp{>t}
for all t ¿ 0. Furthermore; the exponential rate > varies continuously with the infection and recovery parameters ‘(e) and . Proof. As in the isotropic case; the expectation E|t | is sub-multiplicative in t; and so by the subadditivity lemma; the limit > := limt→∞ t −1 log E|t | exists and E|t | ¿ e>t
for all t ¿ 0:
This proves the =rst inequality in (6.1). To prove the second; it su0ces to show that there exists a constant ¿ 0 such that E|t+s+1 | ¿ E|t |E|s | for all t; s ¿ 0;
because this implies that (E|t |)n 6 −n E|nt+n | for every n = 2; 3; : : : ; and letting n → ∞ then yields E|t | 6 −1 exp{>(t + 1)}. For the proof of inequality (6.2); the nonamenability of the tree; as encapsulated in Proposition 2.1; is essential. Proposition 2.1 implies that the cardinality of the outer boundary @t is at least the cardinality of t . For each vertex x ∈ @t ; at least one of the subtrees Tx;i does not intersect t . Moreover; for distinct vertices x; x ∈ @t these subtrees do not overlap; consequently; the cardinality of t+s+1 is no smaller than the sum of the cardinalities of its intersections with the subtrees Tx;i that do not overlap t ; where x ∈ @t . Proposition 2.5 below implies that there exists ¿ 0 such that for any pair of edge labels i; j ∈ [d] and any s ¿ 0; the expected cardinality of s+1 ∩ Tj;i is at least E|s |. Applying this for each x ∈ @t ; we conclude that inequality (6.2) must hold for all s; t ¿ 0. Continuity of the Malthusian parameter > in the infection and recovery rates is a consequence of the continuity of E|t | (Corollary 2.3 above) and the inequalities (6.1). Taking 1=tth roots of the three quantities in (6.1) and letting t → ∞ shows that e> is both an inf and a sup of continuous functions, which implies that it is continuous. Proof of Proposition 2.6. In view of Proposition 6.1; what must be proved is that for any critical contact process; > = 0. To show that > ¿ 0; it su0ces to show that E|t | ¿ 1 for every t ¿ 0. As was observed by Morrow et al. this is true for a critical homogeneous contact process on any homogeneous graph: Proof that E|t | ¿ 1 at criticality: For any contact process—not necessarily critical—and any t ¿ 0, the sequence {|nt |}n¿1 is dominated by a Galton–Watson process Zn whose oJspring distribution is the distribution of |t |. If E|t | ¡ 1, then the Galton–Watson process Zn is subcritical, and so, with probability one, nt = ∅ eventually. Thus, if E|t | ¡ 1 for some t, then the contact process cannot survive, either weakly or strongly, with positive probability. Now suppose that E|t | ¡ 1 for some value of t when the recovery rate is = c . Then by the continuity of E|t | in the infection and recovery rates (Proposition 2.3), there is some smaller value of the recovery rate ¡ c at which E|t | ¡ 1, and so for this value of the recovery rate the contact process is in the extinction phase. But
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this contradicts the fact that c is the smallest value of the recovery rate at which the contact process becomes extinct almost surely. Proof that > 6 0 at criticality: To complete the proof, we must show that for a critical contact process, > 6 0. Suppose that > ¿ 0 at = c ; then since > is continuous in the recovery rate , for all ¿ c su0ciently near c it will also be the case that > ¿ 0. We shall argue that if > ¿ 0 then the contact process survives with positive probability. Since the probability of survival is zero for all ¿ c , this will imply that it is impossible for > ¿ 0 at = c . For any edge e of the tree T and any vertex x, de=ne the e-severed contact process ?te; x started at x to be the contact process with initial state {x} whose infection and recovery rates are the same as those of the homogeneous contact process xt except that the infection rate across edge e is set to 0. Lemma 6.2. If the Malthusian parameter > for the homogeneous contact process t is positive; then for each edge label i ∈ [d]; the corresponding contact process ?ti; r severed across the edge incident to r with label i satis7es lim sup E|?ti; r | = ∞:
Proof. The proof is virtually the same as that of the corresponding result for the isotropic contact process in Morrrow et al. (1994). Fix a vertex x ∈ T \ Tr;i and a time t ¿ 0. On the event that x ∈ t ; it must be the case that there is an “infection trail” leading from the root r to x at time t; this trail must eventually stay in T \ Tr;i ; after crossing the label-i edge incident to r a last time. As the process of infection arrows across this edge is Poisson with rate i ; it follows that P{x ∈ t } 6 i
P{x ∈ ?si; r } ds:
Summing over all vertices x ∈ T \ Tr;i and using inequality (2.7) of Proposition 2.5 gives E|t−1 | 6 i t sup E|?si; r | s6t
∀ t ¿ 1:
If the Malthusian parameter > for the contact process t is positive; then the left side of this inequality grows exponentially in t; and so (6.3) follows. The proof of Proposition 2.6 may now be completed. Suppose that > ¿ 0 at = c , and therefore also at some ¿ c . Then by Lemma 6.2, for each edge type i ∈ [d] the contact process ?i; r started at r and severed across the edge incident to r with label i satis=es (6.3). Thus, by Proposition 2.1, the expected number of vertices in the outer boundary of ?ti; r can be made arbitrarily large, and in particular, at least 1=, where ¿ 0 is a lower bound for the probability that 1 includes all vertices at distance 2
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from r. Consequently, for at least one of the edge types i, there exists t ¿ 0 such that E|@i ?ti; r | ¿ 1; @i ?ti; r
(6.4) ?ti; r
?tr; i
where denotes the set of all vertices x in of type i such that ⊆ Tx;i . But this implies that the sequence |nt | dominates a supercritical Galton–Watson process. This is built inductively as follows: First, sever across the edge incident to r with label i, then run until time t, then discard all vertices not in @i ?ti; r . Then for each of the nondiscarded vertices x, sever across the edge incident to x of type i and proceed as in the initial step. Continue in this manner to obtain generations n = 2; 3; : : : : Inequality (6.4) implies that the resulting Galton–Watson process is supercritical, and thus survives with positive probability. But then the contact process t must survive with positive probability, contradicting the hypothesis that ¿ c . 7. For further reading The following references are also of interest to the reader: Athreya and Ney, 1972; Harris, 1978. References Athreya, K., Ney, P., 1972. Branching Processes. Springer, Berlin. Harris, T.E., 1978. Additive set-valued Markov processes and percolation methods. Ann. Probab. 6, 355–378. Lalley, S., Sellke, T., 1998. Limit set of a weakly supercritical contact process on a homogeneous tree. Ann. Probab. 26, 644–657. Lalley, S., Sellke, T., 2000. An extension of Hawkes’ theorem on the HausdorJ dimension of a Galton– Watson tree. Probab. Theory Related Fields 116, 41–56. Liggett, T., 1985. Interacting Particle Systems. Springer, New York. Liggett, T., 1996. Multiple transition points for the contact process on the binary tree. Ann. Probab. 24, 1675–1710. Madras, N., Schinazi, R., 1992. Branching random walks on trees. Stochastic Process. Appl. 42, 255–267. Morrrow, G., Schinazi, R., Zhang, Y., 1994. The critical contact process on a homogeneous tree. J. Appl. Probab. 31, 250–255. Pemantle, R., 1992. The contact process on trees. Ann. Probab. 20, 2089–2116. Stacey, A.M., 1996. Existence of an intermediate phase for the contact process on trees. Ann. Probab. 24, 1711–1726.