(M 1) It should be noted that the CD-ROM only stores data and does not contain ‘active’ software. (M 2) The CD-ROM is organised into two main folders, one for each of the two reference phantoms (AM: adult male, AF: adult female). Each folder contains the following files: The array of organ ID numbers (in ASCII format); the file names are: AM.dat AF.dat A list of individually segmented structures, their identification numbers, and assigned media (Annex A); the file names are: AM_organs.dat AF_organs.dat A list of the media, their elemental compositions, and densities (Annex B); the file names are: AM_media.dat AF_media.dat The mass ratios of bone constituents (trabecular bone, red and yellow bone marrow) in the spongiosa regions; the file names are: AM_spongiosa.dat AF_spongiosa.dat The mass ratios of blood in various body tissues; the file names are: AM_blood.dat AF_blood.dat (M 3) In the organ ID arrays, the organ IDs are listed slice by slice; within each slice, row by row; and within each row, column by column. That means, the column index changes fastest, then the row index, then the slice index. The numbers of columns, rows, and slices (i.e. the array dimensions) of both phantoms are given in Table 5.1 together with the voxel dimensions. (M 4) The organ ID numbers are stored in groups of 16, but the number of columns is not a multiple of 16. Therefore, appropriate care has to be applied for reading the data. As an example, Fig. M.1 presents a FORTRAN programme reading the data of the female reference computational phantom and storing them into a 299 · 137 · 348 array. (M 5) Slice numbers increase from the toes up to the vertex of the body, row numbers increase from front to back, and column numbers increase from right to left. 163
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Fig. M.1. FORTRAN programme reading the data of the female reference computational phantom and storing them into a 299 · 137 · 348 array. Please note that for the male phantom, the numbers ncol, nrow, and nsli are different (see Table 5.1).
(M 6) There is skin with a different organ ID number at the top and bottom of the model (first and last slice). Thus, it can either be used or neglected (by assigning air or vacuum as medium) depending on the situation considered. If skin is assigned as the medium, it increases the body height as well as the total body mass.