573 in this Congress than in any one preceding. He thanked the members of Congress for the courtesy shown in sustaining him in the discharge of his duties. "Life with me," he said, "wil! not be long, but if it is spared with sufficient health I shall feel great satisfaction in meeting my friend Dr. Martin and all his comrades in Berlin in 1890." The Niagara excursion proved an unqualified success. Two special trains, with sleeping cars, left Washington on
Cheshunt is of somewhat long standing, and at present the issue of the mandamus which was obtained against that Board is still deferred, because the authority have acquired a loan of 15,000 for the compulsory purchase of land for their sewerage works. The other cases mainly bid fair to come to a satisfactory solution, although in some instances difficulties have to be contended with. Near Canterbury the city wells are apparently open to pollution by reason of at certain cesspools just outside the city boundary. The rural en route Watkins’Glen, Saturday evening. They stopped a wild, rocky mountain gorge, which was rendered additionsanitary authority appeared ready to remedy the mischief ally interesting by numerous torrents and cascades. The by draining into the city sewers, but the Town Council have scene altogether was weird and beautiful in the extreme. refused the necessary permission. In the meantime, such Niagara was reached on Sunday night. The visit to the risk as exists must remain. A large number of port sanitary authorities which heretorapids was made on Monday, when all the several spots from which a view of the falls from both sides could be fore were only appointed temporarily have now been placed obtained were visited. To the foreign members hotel on a permanent footing, an arrangement which must expenses, railway fares, drives, and everything were free. necessarily promote our organisation for the improvement An impromptu meeting was got up at Niagara, Dr. Pavy in of the sanitary state of vessels and crews, and for preventthe chair. A resolution was proposed by Dr. Coghill (Ventnor), ing the importation of disease from abroad. This work of seconded by Surgeon-General Rayer (Russia), and supported permanent port constitution is still in progress, and expenby Surgeon Langridge and others, acknowledging the mag- diture is going on around our coasts as to port officers. nificient hospitality shown to the foreign visitors by their hospitals, &c. American entertainers. A vote of thanks was also passed to Under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, we find that the organising committee with much applause. during the past year one sample was analysed for every It is understood that the next Congress, to be held at 1181 persons, and that, in London, St. Mary (Newington) Berlin in 1890, will be presided over by Professor Virchow. stands alone in sending in an absolutely nil return. This ERRATUM.-In our last issue, page 540, first column, the local inaction has been marked ever since the commencement of the Acts, and a dairyman in the adjoining parish, name of the author of the paper on Sunstroke was wrongly and who was fined, somewhat naturally complained that he printed " Langridge," instead of Anderson. only watered his milk to the same extent as a neighbour and rival, who was allowed to adopt this form of competition because he happened to live on the other side of the way. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LOCAL GOVERN- There were also three counties and sixty-six boroughs in MENT BOARD. which no single sample was submitted for analysis during the year. Of samples analysed, the highest percentages of ON January 1st, 1887, there was a total of 822,215 paupers adulterations were - spirits 17’8, butter 17 3, coffee 15’1, in England and Wales, and, compared with the correspond- pepper and milk each 13’0, mustard 12-7, and drugs 10 8; the total proportion of adulterations being 11’9 per cent. of ing date in the previous year, this exhibited an increase of articles analysed, as opposed to 13’2 last year-indeed, it is 2116 in-door and 7144 out-door paupers. The increase the smallest proportion as yet reached. As regards milk, ranged from 3’8 per cent. in the north midland division to the report expresses a fear that some of the apparent 0’6 in the south midland division, the largest numerical gain is attributable to the lowering of the analyst’s increase being that of 3575 in the metropolis. In referring standard, and not to an improvement in the milk; and it refers to the difficulty of deciding between a milk to the causes of this increase, it is stated that it has to some that has been fraudulently watered and a genuine sample extent been brought about by the increaeed number of sick from a badly fed cow; indeed, it is well known that many in the Poor-law infirmaries, where improved treatment and dairymen adopt the practice of watering rich milk down to care has led to an undoubted lengthening in the lives of the a limit which will pass the test. The analyst for the city to a real difficulty when he states that sick, and into which the poor, who have a great reluctance of London pointshave come to the conclusion that as yet public analysts to the workhouse as such, have no objection to enter. As . none of the processes of analysis in general use ensure regards the expenditure on poor relief, it appears that in the uniformity of results." With respect to butter, there is last financial year there was, as. compared with the previous evidently a steady increase in the sale of so-called butterine, one, an increase in 13 unions, amounting in all to .E36.520, mostly manufactured in Holland. The worst feature of this the largest being an increase of 6’9 per cent. in the York sale is that the butterine is bought by butter manufacturers union ; and a decrease in 31 unions, amounting in all to and mixed with butter, to the sole advantage of those guilty 231,890, the largest decrease being one of 6’6 per cent. in of the fraud. Butterine, or rather, to give it the legal name, the metropolis. The cost per head on the mean number of "margarine," itself is usually a wholesome article of diet. The vaccination returns show clearly where failure to paupers of all classes was ;E10 12s. 6d. for England and Wales and .E22 5s. 2. for the metropolis. comply with the law in this respect mainly lies. In the In the Local Government and Public Health Department provinces a somewhat steady increase in default is going of the Board returns have been issued showing that since on, the births not finally accounted for in this respect being the constitution of the Board in 1871 sanction has been given 53 per cent. in 1884; but the evil is principally located in to the borrowing of ae36,722,067, and this mainly for sanitary the following unions, where the percentages are excessive : improvements. Of this sum, ;E31.249,949 has gone to urban Keighley, 71’7 per cent.; Leicester, 47’9; Dewsbury, 37’6; districts, and .62,378,331 to rural districts. During the same Derby, 29’4; Henley, 19’2; Oldham, 17’2 ; Barrow-on-Soar, period power has been given by means of local Acts for 152 ; and Eastbourne, 15’2. It will need a " day of reckoning" raising .E43,7a9,711. The principle of repayment of a moiety to convince these people that their children have a right to of salaries for medical officers of health and inspectors of the possession of the same protection against small-pox as nuisances seems to be increasing, and at present such repay- they themselves have. The calf-lymph station may fairly ment is made as regards 1163 of the former and 1067 of the be regarded as meeting the case of such objectors as can latter officers. In certain instances this repayment is with- assign a reasonable ground of objection; and we are glad to drawn, and such was the case in a certain number of learn that during the year 5329 persons resorted to it. A instances in which the Board refused to sanction proposed large amount of animal lymph was also distributed from it. reductions in salaries ; indeed, the report before us makes Reference is made in the report to a number of other subspecial reference to the inadequacy of the salaries frequently jects. These include a summary of the medical work, but proposed by sanitary authorities, and it is pointed out that as to this a separate report is annually issued by the medical one of the objects of the grant is to secure the appointment officer to the Board. of efficient officers, and the proper discharge of their duties. Such repayment is now also extended to increases of salaries THE Chelsea Board of Guardians, on the recommengranted to medical officers of health and inspectors of nuisances to whom duties under the Dairies, Cowsheds, and dation of a committee appointed to examine into the condition of the post-mortem room of the parish, have decided to pull Mflkshops Order, 1885, are delegated. With reference to defaulting authorities, the case of down the present structure and erect a new one.