Volume 16/Number 12/December 1985
the passage of Hurricane Gloria on 27 September. This site is one of only six sites the US Environmental Protection Agency has declared 'clean'. It was the subject of a 9-month clean-up in 1982 under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the 'Superfund' Act. Some 150 000 gallons of hazardous waste, containing primarily bis-2-ethylhexylphthalate, were discharged into the River, but federal and state health authorities did not believe drinking water supplies were affected. An EPA spokeswoman states she was not sure how much hazardous waste remains at the site nor whether the site would be reinstated on the National Priorities List for sites requiring clean-up The incident has incited US Congressmen to press for stronger Superfund legislation that would require monitoring of rehabilitated sites until they could be demonstrated to be safe and would extend the liability of private parties until such time. This stronger legislation would also require contingency plans for stopping new leaks and for quick cleaning of a leaking site.
Water Supply Association in Rome the following November. All entry papers will be appraised by a committee of distinguished scientists from the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. They will be evaluating each paper to decide on its originality, practical application and potential for industrial use. By making this award the sponsor, Chemviron Carbon and its parent company Calgon Carbon Corporation USA, are anxious to encourage scientific work in the whole area of water treatment and purification. The Calgon Carbon Corporation (USA), and its European subsidiary Chemviron Carbon are the world's leading manufacturers of activated carbon; the key cornponent in modern water treatment. They first launched this award in 1976 out of a concern for environmental issues and have consistently attracted high level applications. Further information can be obtained from Professor B. Berbenni c/o Chemviron Carbons, Chaussee de Waterloo 1135, B 1180 Brussels, Belgium.
Incineration Vessels Expect
Antifouling Without Tears
Test Permits
A British company claims to have developed a nontoxic yet totally effective antifouling system. The product, 'Foul Free' works by generating a self-cleaning action of the vessel's hull as it moves through the water and is produced by the Synthetic Lubricant Company of St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, U.K. 'Foul Free' is available both as an aerosol and as a non-aerosol concentrate in a plastic pack. The spray makes application fast and simple--requiring no particular User skills and no special equipment. The concentate can be applied at sub-zero temperatures to either a wet or a dry vessel, and still afford total protection. Preparation for spraying is straight-forward. The hull needs to be washed down with cold water, from a hosepipe or pressure washer, to remove any residual barnacles or slime before spraying for the next season. Unlike some other anti-fouling paints which require two coats to give full protection, 'Foul Free' requires only one application to work effectively, a second application at the end of the season gives a protective coating for the whole of the lay-up period, whether in or out of
A spokesman for the US Environmental Protection Agency announced the agency soon expects to grant test burn permits to At-Sea Incineration Inc. and Chemical Waste Management Inc. The permits would allow both companies to load liquid polychlorinated biphenyl wastes onto their ships in Philadelphia and sail to an incineration site in the North Atlantic, 150-200 miles off the Jacksonville, Florida coast. Approximately 1 700 000 gallons of waste would be burned in these tests, and EPA would monitor the burns for any hazardous emissions and would test for adherence to performance specifications. Before the burns can occur, the American public will be asked to comment on the permits and opposition, including from US Congressmen, isexpected to bestrong,
Pan-European Award for Major Achievement in Water Treatment Nominations are invited for the 5th Chemviron Carbon Award in 1986. The Chemviron Carbon Award is presented every 2 years in recognition of an outstanding success in the area of physical chemical water treatment. Entries are expected from individuals and organizations, such as water authorities, universities and companies' research and development departments, currently working in the area of water treatment. Applications for this award have to be rceived by 1 April 1986, with the winner being presented with a commemorative trophy and US S10 000, at the 16th Congress of the International
the water. Synthetic Lubricants estimate that their refillable spray concentrate, sufficient to coat a 35-foot boat from one plastic dispenser, will cost under £20, thus making it a very attractive proposition for the small boat owner. As it is non-toxic, 'Foul Free' overcomes the pollution problem created by the use of TBT-based paints. Indeed, the product holds United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approval regarding accidental contact through ingestion or inhaling. At a time when so much interest is focused on the problem of finding an anti-fouling agent that will satisfy environmental demands for non-toxicity, the concentate offers a highly acceptable solutionto the problem. 463