Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon. Diagnosis and treatment

Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon. Diagnosis and treatment

/BOOK REVIEW% ANUS, RECTUM, SIGMOID COLON. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. By Harry EIIiott Bacon, B.S., M.D.,F.A.c.s., F.A.P.S. Introduction by W. Wayne B...

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ANUS, RECTUM, SIGMOID COLON. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. By Harry EIIiott Bacon, B.S., M.D.,F.A.c.s., F.A.P.S. Introduction by W. Wayne Babcock, M.D. Foreword by J. P. Lockhart-Mummery, F.R.C.S. PhiIadeIphia, rg38. J. B. Lippincott Company. Price $8.50. The diseases of this portion of the intestina1 cana have come to occupy an important part of medicine. The science and art of proctoIogy have made such giant strides during recent years that a textbook which offers in systematic form this science and art has a definite place in our literature. The author in his preface says, in part, “It is feIt the resuIting voIume, which has consumed over seven years of constant notation, eIimination and construction based on private practice, cIinica1 experience in two of the Iargest proctologic departments in the city, and post-graduate studies abroad . . . is suffrcientIy detaiIed to serve as a text for the student and a reference book for the genera1 practitioner . . . For the genera1 surgeon it is informative on surgica1 procedures appIicabIe to proctoIogic syndromes. . . . ” Which, after aI1, is a book review, and inasmuch as we concur in the above statements, IittIe more is Ieft to be said. NaturaIIy, the heId is covered most thoroughIy. The text is we11 written. The iIIustrations are exceIIent. An extensive bibIiography is incIuded at the end of each chapter. AIso, there are indices to authors and subjects covered. The book is 855 pages Iong and is to be recommended most highIy. SPINAL ANESTHESIA. By Louis H. Maxson, M.D.,with a foreword by W. Wayne Babcock, M.D. PhiIadeIphia, 1938. J. B. Lippincott Company. Since spina anesthesia is now universaIIy used, since tragic deaths sometimes occur shortIy after the anesthetizing agent has been introduced, and since various postanesthetic complications are encountered, Dr. Maxson’s book is IikeIy to prove of great vaIue to those who empIoy this method of anesthesia. Dr. Babcock in the Foreword says, “The dangers of spina anesthesia Iie with the user

more than the drug. Thus, we would insist that the user be skiIIed and we11 trained, that he wear steriIe groves and be as meticuIous in aspesis as though he were operating upon a joint or the spina cord itseIf. . . . If the contents of the dura are not wounded, if impure soIutions are not used, then the great majority of postanesthetic complications attributed to spina anesthesia are absent; most deaths from spina anesthesia couId have been prevented. . . . EarIy, before we Iearned ,how to seIect patients, to watch them after the injection and especiaIIy how to accompIish resuscitation, one patient in 600 died on the operating tabIe. Now with a we11 trained attentive personne1 and resuscitative appIiances instantIy avaiIabIe, we estimate the mortaIity as Iess than I to 10,000. . . " These figures are impressive. The book is conservative, sane, and we11 written, and it thoroughIy covers the subject. There is a bibIiography, a Iist of authorities, and a subject index. Surgeons, and especiaIIy anesthetists connected with hospitaIs, wouId do we11to own the book and reread parts of it many times. UROLOGY.


M.D. and Harry



C. RoInick,

Edition. PhiIadeIphia, cott Company. Price


Eisendrath, M.D. Fourth J. B. Lippin-


In a new format, and thoroughIy revised and reset, this work comes to us in its fourth edition, attesting to its popuIarity and worth. The authors’ first sentence, in their Preface, reads, “Our aim in this book has been to simphfy the subject of uroIogy for teaching purposes. ” And they have Iived up to this aim to the Ietter. It is not necessary to recite in detai1 the many changes made in this edition. Suffice it to say that this work is distinctly up to date, sane, and, whiIe easiIy read, is scientific throughout. We wouId especiahy draw attention to the chapters on anomalies of the urinary organs and on seminaI-vesicuIitis. This is a big book of 1,061 pages, beautifuIIy made, with iIIustrations we11above the average (750 bIack and white and tweIve in coIor). The index is compIete. The authors and pubIishers deserve to be compIimented for making a work of this type avaiIabIe to the profession.