Anxiolytics-hypnotics use in children and adolescents and their parents

Anxiolytics-hypnotics use in children and adolescents and their parents

965 1997;42; 15-2975 DA receptors concentration and tumover. Less Is known about age-related modifications of Intermediate-early gene induction by D...

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1997;42; 15-2975

DA receptors concentration and tumover. Less Is known about age-related modifications of Intermediate-early gene induction by DAergic drugs. In this study we investigated etos and cjun mRNAs expression after acute haloperidol (1 mgllcg b. w., 45 min survival time) In 3 and 24 month old, male, Sprague-Dawley rats. Methods: mRNAs expression was Investigated by in situ hybridization using 35S-dATP 3' end-labeled ollgoprobes In the basal ganglia and mesen· cephalon. Quantitative analysis was performed by densitometry on film and cell and grain counting on emulslon-dipped sections. Results: The results In the tabel are expressed as percentage changes In old vs young rats.


Vitamin C and vitamin E In schizophrenic patients

C.D. Miljevlc 1, A. Nikolic 2, A. Damjanovlc 3 , Z. Salcic 2, M.B. Spasic 2, V.R. Paunovlc 3 . 1Special Psychiatric hospital "dr L. Lszarevic~ Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 2/nstitute for BiologIcal Research "S. Stankovic', Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 3/nstitute for psychiatry, Belgrade Clinical Center. Belgrade, Yugoslavia COncentrations of vitamin C and vitamin E was registered in blood of twenty acutely III schizophrenic patients. Half of patients had predominant negative symptoms (Sch-) and the other half had predominant positive symptoms (Sch+). Those results are correlated (linear correlation) with PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) cluster and subcluster scores. The results of vitamin concentrations are compared with ten healthy controls. There were no difference in concentrations of either vitamin C or vitamin E conceming both patients' groups compared with control groowever, vitamin E concentration was significant decrease in Sch- group compared with Sch+ group (p < 0.05). These activities were not In correlation with any PANSS score In Sch+ group. In sch- group the concentration of vitamin C was positively correlated with cluster score of negative psychopathology of the PANSS. Moreover the concentration of vitamin E was positively correlated with cluster score of "thought disorder" and negatively correlated with cluster score of negative psychopathology of the PANSS. These results support involvement of free radicals In the pathogenic process underlying schizophrenia


The treatment of patients suffering from schizophrenia with combination of vitamin 812 and small Insulin doses

V.V. Skalny. International center for Biotic Medicine, Danilovskaja Nab•• 4A, korD.S, 113114 Moscow, Russia The therapeutic effect for schizophrenia treatment was studied by using of combination of vitamin B12 and small Insulin doses. For 8 years the treatment war carried out In the departments for women and men In the Volynsky's regional hospital (the Ukraine) on In-patlents who had recently fallen III. At the same time neuroleptics and Insulinocomatose therapy was applied for other group of the patients. The results of the examination showed direct correlation between "settlement decreasing" of chronic patients and the usage of both vitamin B12 and small Insulin doses In the treatment By the using of the other forms of therapy (e.g. neuroleptic and Insullnocomatose ones) a number of chronic schizophrenia patients has gone up by 12% per year. The number of chronic patients under vitamin B12 and small Insulin dose's treatment was not increasing and was stable. This therapy was especially affective for the remittent and relapsing patients and not to much effective for a steadily unfavourable course of Illness. On the results of the study, vitamin B12 with Insulin has a high oxidation-reduction potential and their combination Is quite effective for the treatment of certain types of schizophrenia


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Idiopathic normotensive hydrocephalus as a potentially reversible cause of dementlas In later life

P. Tariska', A.. Meszaros I, P. Barsll, K. Borbe1y2. 1National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Budapest, Hungary, 2 National Institute of Neurosurgery, Budapest, Hungary The literature records normotensive hydrocephalus characterized by de• mentia. gait disturbance, and urinary Incontinence, as a relatively common cause of reversible dementias. A distinction can be made between the form with a known cause and the so-called Idiopathic form. No case of the latter

form has yet been reported In Hungary. Cases admitted to the MerTlOIy Clinic of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology between 1992 and 1994 for progressive dementia were examined to select the data of cases where (1) one, or more of the characteristic three symptoms were present, (2) the neura-radiologlcal examinations (CT brain scan, radlo-nuclid clstemography) confirmed "normotensive" hydrocephalus, and (3) !hene was nothing in the case history Indicating any obvious prior cerebral disease. The detailed examination found cerebra-vascular or general circulatory dis• orders In all patients. Shunt surgery was per-formed on three out of eight patients and in one of these cases substantial improvement in the symptoms resulted. A detailed clinical and neuroradlological examination strategy can help In determining the indication for surgery. Early recognition can Increase the possibility of reversibility. Regarding the extreme-Iy high prevalence of cardlo-cerebrovascular diseases in Hungary, not infrequent OCCUrrence of this potentially reversible syndrome must be anticipated, in everyday practice.


I psychovegetatlve Psychotropic drugs In the treatment of disorders In children

A.A. Sevemy, I. Kireeva, V. Brutman, Yu. Belosiorov, M. Shkolnikova. Mental Health Research Centre of the RAMS, Moscow, Russia Psychlalr1c Investigation of 166 children and adolescents with auricular paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystolla revealed mental disorders (mono• and bipolar affective syndromes, chronic hypomanlas, neurotic. neurosis• like, psychopathic-like, epyleptlform states, border-line personal disorders) In more than 80% of cases. We noted a distinct relation between the veg• etative (functional cardiac) and psychopathological disorders connected In the psychovegetatlve syndrome. Efficiency of psychotropic therapy Is 75%. Nco-traps antiarrhythmic effect is strengthened If their psychotropic P8CU• Iiarities are taken Into account: nootropyJ is more prescribed In conditions of asthe-nic range, encephabol Is effective In subdepressive states, phenibu• tum and pantohamum are advisable to be prescribed In anxlety-disthymic. phobic, hypomaniac disorders. The use of psychotropic drugs accore:ling to the peculiarities mental disorders leads quite often towards considerable improvement manifesting In cessation or obvious relief and scarcity of the attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia with normalisation of mental conclition (the most effective here are normothymlcs, such as carbamazepin. Iithii carbonas, sonapax and also antidepressants). On the other hand the Intrin• sic vegetotroplc effect of psychopharmaceuticals If insutliclently consider8d can level the psychotropic action and hinder the recovery. The principle of minimal sufficiency used by us during psychotropic therapy of psychovege• tative disorders helps to avoid to a certain extent negative consequences of treatment.


I adolescents Anxlolytlcs-hypnotlcs use In children and and their parents

A. Pelissolo, M. Bouvard, J.C. Bisserl:>e, J.P. Lepine, M.C. Mouren-Sim8onl.. Department of Psychiatry, Femand-Widal and Robert-Debra Hospitals, Paris, France Drug consumption, especially anxlolytics and hypnotics, is known to be partiCUlarly high in France, and psycho-sociologic factors are frequently proposed as crucial. This study aimed to explore the association between parents' lifetime benzodiazepines use and the anxiolytics and hypnotics consumption of their children. Methods: 221 patients (157 males and 64 females) of a child and adolescent psychiatry department, 6-16 years of age (mean. 9.7). W&ne screened at the time of admission by trained psychiatrists with a stnK:tured Interview on lifetime psychotropic drugs use. Parents were asked about their own consumption, as well as about the child's drug use. Children of 13 years of age or more were also interviewed directly. The Children Behavior Check Ust (CBCL) was completed by parents. Results: The most frequently observed conditions In children were Ieam• Ing disorders (33%) and disruptive behavior disorders (320/0). 21.7% of the patients (22.4% of males and 20.3"10 of females) had once or more anxl• olyticlhypnotic use In lifetime, this consumption rate being 28.7% In parents (41.2% In mothers and 16.3% In fathers). A significant association was observed between children and parents drugs use: 30.3% of children had a lifetime consumption when their mother or their father had themselves a lifetime consumption, versus only 6.7% In the opposite case (odds ratio. 6.1). The most significant association was found between girls drugs use an mothers use (OR _12.5).

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Conclusion: These data are In favour of the existence of a familial pattem of drug consumption, especially in females. Psychopathological factors In children will be discussed through CBCL results.

139-421 The treatment of endogenous somatlzed depressions In children A.A. Gerlsh. Russian State Medical University. Moscow, Russia The objection of research was the development of differentiated methods of treatment endogenous somatized depressions. On the basis of clinlca-psychopathologlcal Investigation of 100 somatized depressions in 59 children (aged 7 to 12) suffering from cyclothymia or schizophrenia It was formulated the types of somatic 'masks'. It has been found that somatized depressions cannot claim being a separate typological variant because the prevalent somatovegetative component 'masks' on or another clinical variant of depressions: anxious, sad, adinamic, disphoric or Unlust-depression. Therefore by choosing the therapy It was found that it was necessary to take Into account a psychopathological structure rather than a somatic depression manifestation. The effect of psychopharmacological 'demasking' somatized depressions was achieved by using relatively smali doses of antidepressants. By revealing the depressive nature of suffering the therapeutic effect was obtained by using the higher doses of antidepressants In combination with tranquilisers, nootropes and small doses of neuroleptics.

139-43 1 Psychopharmacology aspects In pediatrics V. ShapovaJova, V. Kutko, V. Zsbolotny. Pharmaceutical Academy. Kharkov, UkraIne The aim of this abstract is Introduction of a combined analgetic, containing acetylsalicylic acaid 0.1 gr, phenobarbital 0.02 gr and coffein 0.015 gr in phannacotherapy of children's distonil. Methods: 2n clinical trials 150 children at the age of 1~14 were Involved. These children had changes in vegetative status, lowered arterial pressure to 90-80/45-40; complaints of headaches and general weakness. Results: Combined preparation had more obvious analgetic effect than sodium metamizol or paracetamol. Effectiveness of a new drug action was obtained In 91 % of cases. It was weli·tolerated with no side-effects defectes.

BIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1991;42:1S-297S


139-451 Childhood psychosis associated with organIc pathology: Results of a study about 144 cases J.G. Rohmer, C. Bursztejn, P. Nobells. Department of Psychiatry UnIt 2. C.H.R.U. 67091 Strasbourg, France The records of 144 patients of Child Psychiatry Units of Alsace (France), with childhood psychosis (CP) or pervasive developmental disorders (POD) have been systematically screened for previous or associated pathological events. Half of the children studied have been or are stili affected by severe somatic disorders, but none of the diagnostic subcategories (referring to OSM III or CFTMEA) appeared significantly more frequently affected. In our population, the severity of organic disorders was positively correlated with: (a) the age of the mother: more severe cases were reported when the mother was younger than 20 or older than 40 at the moment of childbirth; (b) pathological events during pregnancy; (c) early mother-child separation during the first year of life. The most frequent associated disorders however (neonatal pathology 45% of the cases, epilepsy 17% of the cases, neurological or neurosensorial pathology 15% to of the cases) were associated neither with a specific diagnostic nor with a clinical and social specific pattem. The only statistically significant correlation was found between neurological pathology and a relatively low level of cognitive and social functioning. All these results were confirmed by multivariate statistical analysis. A main component analysis Integrating all quantified data concemlng organic pathology was performed: It emphasizes the Independence of the different pathological events reported. The factorial analysis Including the clinical, diagnostical and somatic event-related datas failed to show any statistical profile associating functional features of the children with any particular previous or existing somatic disorders. Our results suggest that a history of organic pathological events Is frequent not only In autistic disorders but In any kind of POD or early CP - associated with moderate to severe mental retardation, in most cases of our study. However, this does not demonstrate that this type of pathological events constitute the direct and unique cause of POD and CP: the concept of the aetiology of these severe diseases must take account of other factors - such as relational disruption - also frequently seen In these children.

139-461 Physical development of schoolboys treated In Tartu psychiatric hospital In 1994-1995

39-441 1,

Assessment of the spontaneously hypertensive rat as an animal model of Impulsive decision making In attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ACHC) using a fixed consecutive number schedule

John Evenden. Astra Arr;us Preclinical Research and Development, Dept of B6hBv1ouraJ Pharmacology. 5·15185 S6dertAlje. Sweden In addition to the weli·known hypertension, the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) shows a range of deficits in behaviour, Including Impairments In "self-control" which may reflect some of the symptoms of AOHO. This specific deficit was assessed In the present study using a Fixed Consecutive Number (FCN) schedule of reinforcement. In this procedure the rats were trained to press a fixed minimum number of times on one lever (complete • chain) before it was valid to press a second lever to obtain a food peliet. Presses' on the second lever before the chain was completed resulted In • brief time out. and the rat had to start a new chain. A brief pause was Introduced between each lever press by withdrawing the lever from the test chamber (paced FCN procedure). SHR and Wlstar Kyoto rats were stabilised at FCN 6 and then treated with a series of drug chalienges. Once trained there were small differences between the rat strains on the baseline which did not reach statistical significance. d-Amphetamine (0.8 mglkg) and the 5-HTz agonist, 001 (1.0 mglk?) dis~~ted responding by red~lng the average chain length (Increased ImpUlsIVIty). SHR rats were sl~mficantly less sensitive to these two drugs than WKY rats. There were no differences In sensitivity to Imipramine (10.0 mglkg) and 8-QH-DPAT (0.1 mglkg), both 01 which increased chain length (reduced ImpulsiVity). With the proviso that small differences in baseline might influence the drug effects, these resul!s suggest that d-amphetamlne and 001 share a final common pathway in thiS procedure that Is less sensitive to disruption In the SHR rat.

M. Untsl, J. UivamAgi, A. Aluoja University of Tartu, Department of Psychiatry. Tartu, EstonIa The purpose of this study was to Investigate the state of physical develop• ment of schoolboys treated In Tartu University Psychiatric Hospital in years 1994-1995. Methods. Anthropological Investigation was made according to the rules of Martin (1957). The height and weight assessment were carried out by J. Aul's (1978) height and weight assessment scales for Estonian schoolchildren. The arm clrr:umference and the triceps skinfold were assessed by A.A. Frisancho's standards (1981) for the white subjects. All these boys had nonpsychotic disorders according to ICD-l0 version. Results. Mean age of the investigated boys (n = 143) was 11.41 ± 2.39 years (minimum 7 and maximum 17 years). By the height 30.8 percent of boys were too small and very small. Vice versa very tall and too tall were 6.3 percent of boys. By the weight 21.7 percent of boys were too light and very light and vice versa only 7 percent of boys were too heavy and very heavy. The triceps sklnfold assessment showed 28 percent of the lowest ten percentile values and only 4.9 percent of highest percentile value. According to the arm circumference assessment the lowest ten percentile values were 33.8 percent and the highest ten percent value were only 3.5 perr;ent of boys. Conclusion. By our investigation the physical development of schoolboys treated in Tartu has been frequently disturbed and more often there occurred retardation of physical development.