Applying knowledge engineering techniques in control engineering education

Applying knowledge engineering techniques in control engineering education

Copyright © IFAC Advances in Control Education Oulu. Finland. 2003 ELSEVIER IFAC PUBLICATIONS www.elsevier.comllocatelifac APPLYING KNOWLEDGE ENGIN...

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Copyright © IFAC Advances in Control Education Oulu. Finland. 2003


IFAC PUBLICATIONS www.elsevier.comllocatelifac


Angel Alonso, Isaias Garcia, Jose R. ViIIar, Carmen Benavides, and Francisco Rodriguez

{dieaaa, dieigr, diejvf. diecbc, diefrs} Systems Engineering and Control Group Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Lean Edificio Tecnolagico, Campus de Vegazana sin, 24071 Lean (SPAIN)

Abstract: The future of control engineering education will require the detailed and careful analysis of both the curricula and the methods involved in the learning process. This paper deals with the two key elements that are going to mean a revolution in the educational field: the computer and the Internet. Considering the education as a knowledge transfer process, the natural choice for formally studying the applications of computers to this process is the so-called knowledge engineering. If education is going to take advantage of the Internet, the necessity for constructing new, knowledgeintensive systems for collaborative work will also be shown. Copyright © 2003 IFAC Keywords: Control Education, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Computer-aided Instruction, Intelligent Knowledge-based Systems.



attention is paid to. The same situation is present in the case of technology transfer between university and industry, that could also be treated as a kind of educational communication.

This is an introductory paper that pursues to introduce a formal and engineering view on the field of control engineering education. So, no concept will be deeply treated with the aim of making a general picture of what the research efforts on this field should be. So far, no formal research has been done that covered these educational issues as a whole, and studies have been centred on the application of computer software to very concrete and restricted areas, like simulation systems, computer-based experiments, virtual laboratories, etc.

Another important aspect to have in mind is the presence of computers, that have being helping for a long time in the more mathematical, repetitive and time consuming calculations involved in the engineering disciplines, but have being less used for another tasks, such as teaching. Time has come to change this situation. This is more notorious since the coming up of the Internet.

The need for a new vision in the field of education has arisen in the last years and it is nowadays seemed as a necessity in almost every subject area. Education is seen as a continuous process that doesn't finish when the university curricula is completed, but goes beyond and lasts for the rest of the engineers' professional life. But this period in the education of an engineer, being the bigger, is also the one that less

The aim of this research group is finding a way in what computers could help on the improvement of teaching in the field of engineering subjects (more precisely, in the field of control engineering education). Teaching, in its usual meaning, is a knowledge transfer between two human beings, and could be extended to a broader concept if we substitute the term "human being" with "entity" or


concepts were present in the domain and what kind of particular procedures could be used to solve the problem. This way, the field of knowledge engineering was born.

"agent". This way, the term "agent" could stand for either a human being or a computer software application. The scientific study of these knowledge transfers from an engineering point of view leads to the socalled knowledge engineering, a discipline rooted in Artificial intelligence research.

Knowledge engineering had a very promising beginning, too. Some outstanding systems were built on the eighties, like MYCIN, a system to help in the diagnosis of infectious diseases or XCON, a system to help on the configuration of VAX computers. Those systems used the knowledge about the corresponding domain, previously extracted from a human who was considered to be an expert for that domain and implemented as a computer software application; because of this, those systems were called expert systems.

Knowledge engineering, when applied to education, results in a kind of knowledge-based systems called intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). This paper is organized as follows: In section 2, some basic concepts are introduced to help understand what knowledge engineering is about and why it is so important nowadays in almost every social areas. Section 3 introduces the way knowledge engineering can be applied to communication in the field of engineering. Section 4 depicts the relations between knowledge engineering and education, focusing in the particular aspects of control engineering education, and also introduces the concept of intelligent tutoring system. In section 5, the importance of the Internet in the learning process is shown, placing special emphasis on the need for integration of both the intelligent tutoring systems and the Internet technologies. Section 6 summarizes the outline of the complete system proposed for a better control engineering education process. Finally, section 7 gives some important conclusions and sketches the future directions of research in this area.


After these first promising years, the use and implementation of expert systems partially merged into the field of software engineering, and the research efforts became more theoretical. There was a great concern about the formal aspects of these systems and the problems of implementing them into computers. Then, a lot of research work aimed at clearing those concerns about concepts like tractability (the possibility for a computer to make the calculations and present the results in a finite amount of time) or expressiveness (the amount of information -or knowledge- the system was able to represent by using a concrete formalism). This research studied expert systems from a broader view, making less restrictions about the domain of the knowledge and trying to find some general methods to represent and reason with this knowledge. The systems studied under this point of view were called knowledge based systems (KBS).


Knowledge engineering is a discipline dealing with the ways human knowledge can be represented, stored and used into computer systems. It is a research field included within Artificial intelligence, with several decades of study and research.

As usual, the need for a solution to a real problem has brought to the knowledge engineering research field back to the practice. This problem is the socalled information burden generated with the advent of the Internet. Knowledge engineering is currently extensively applied to build what has been called "Semantic Web", a new idea about how the organization of knowledge in the World Wide Web should be done (see http://www.w3 .org/200I/sw/ or for details).

In its origins, Artificial intelligence had an ambitious goal: to produce machines that could completely replicate the mental processes of the human being. The first attempts were very promising. There were built general problem solvers, based on predicate logic, that could resolve problems dealing with some kind of automatic inferences. But it soon was clear that for real life problems, such general logic based mechanisms were not successful, even when they were used in very limited domains.

But it must not be blamed it only to the Internet. Nowadays, society is a very complex system, modem enterprises have to manage huge amounts of information from very different sources to be able to take some strategic action, even just to keep alive in the competitive market.

The attempts to build such general problem solvers were abandoned and the research focused its efforts in producing machines or systems which could solve some kind of problem in a very restricted domain. It was soon shown the lacks that techniques used so far when building general problem solvers had. One of the first results was the agreement that, if the system was going to be able to resolve some kind of real problem, it needed to "know" about what objects or

A new term, knowledge management, has been coined, meaning all the processes involved in the gathering, storing, analyzing and retrieving of such knowledge, implemented in the corporate computers. This term is included in a broader one which all we have heard of: Information Technology (IT).


will be seen in section 4, can be directly applied to engineering education as well as to many other fields.

Some of the outcomes of the research on knowledge engineering is transmitted to the enterprises and there it is built into software systems that are becoming the most valuable piece in the whole enterprise. Today, the industrial manufacturing processes are optimized (near) to their maximum. The difference, the real advantage of one enterprise over the rest, is the knowledge management it is able to implement and maintain.


The communication processes between two agents (in the broader sense of the term we have seen) involves the use of expressions and concepts with a shared meaning which both the communicating agents commit to. But this commitment must be formally stated when the communicating agents are not aware of each other. This is true even when both agents are human beings. One can see, as an example, the list of keywords used by Elsevier Publishing when dealing with papers related to automatic control. This is a way to lightly formalize the terms that can be used as keywords in a technical paper with the aim of restricting the amount of different terms that can appear, facilitating the sharing of knowledge and the classification and grouping of such papers. Another interesting effort in this same direction is the thesaurus (a glossary of terms with specialization and generalization relations) built by IEEE society for the indexing of its documents.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new term for the control engineer. In fact, its techniques have been used for a long time for several different purposes. But so far, AI techniques had been exclusively used for "doing" control, that is, to improve or replace some ofthe traditional methods used to control some kind of physical system. Systems based on the use of neural nets, expert systems or fuzzy logic are some examples of the successful application of AI theories to control engineering.


In this paper, the techniques of Artificial intelligence applied to the control engineering field have a different approach and purpose. As was mentioned earlier, this approach is based on the use of knowledge engineering techniques. The benefits of applying knowledge engineering techniques to the field of control engineering should be evident. There are several reasons for this assertion, but the very first question one could be asked is "What can knowledge engineering do for control engineering?".


Control engineering education, from the standpoint of the education research field, is an activity where the constructivist view of the learning process is crearly present. As Dormido says in (Dormido, 2002), "learning by doing" is a valid expression to reflect the importance of the interactivity nature present in the learning processes in the field of control engineering (the constructivist approach can be actually extended to every education subject area). Having this premise in mind, new tools for control education are being researched and developed (Johansson et al., 1998), (Dormido et al., 2002). These tools offer a richer experience to the student than that of the traditional environments like MATLAB.

As Gruber stated early in (Gruber, 1990), the unique contribution of AI to science is knowledge representation, "that is, techniques for stating human knowledge in a formal, explicit, and operational manner". In this paper, Gruber pointed to the fact that knowledge engineering could help on the representational issues that engineering sciences don't implement, that is, "the human knowledge with which devices are designed, manufactured, tested, operated, diagnosed and repaired". It was also pointed out there that such a representation of engineering stuff could be used "as aides for memory and communication, where written and spoken natural language is used today". All this was said when Internet was only a network of computers devoted to scientific research. The World Wide Web, as today we know it, was only a dream.

The approach proposed in this paper shares the point of view above mentioned, but tries to find the way of applying well-known artificial intelligence techniques to this field . As it was seen, knowledge based systems are used to store data (i.e, representing knowledge) about a domain and solve some problems or deal with some tasks. They are used also to facilitate the communication with other systems or agents. The application of such systems to education is immediate. In fact, these systems had been studied for some years under the name of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) (Urban-Lurain) and some systems have been built, like the one described in (Gertner and VanLehn, 2000).

Today, the explosive growing of computers and the Internet has led to a situation where a great amount of the communication processes is held between computers or between human beings and computers. It is easy to realize how important could be today a formal representation of engineering fields to help on these communication processes. This techniques, as

Intelligent tutoring systems go beyond the traditional approaches like Computer Based Training (CBT) or Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), that only use the


The domain model is the base in top of which all the system is built. It consists of the concepts and relations involved in the subject at hand (control engineering). This model should not only be useful for the intelligent tutoring system, but for every kind of communication where concepts related to that subject is present. In this sense, this knowledge would be highly reusable.

computer as a medium for implementing the same curricula material. If one want to use the computer to really take advantage of the possibilities it offers, one should take a look at the ideas underlying intelligent tutoring systems. As it was shown, an ITS is a knowledge based system and so, it is composed of:

The key concept to build any of these systems is the formalization of the knowledge of the domain in order to build a computer system which is able to handle it.

A formal representation of the knowledge of the domain. A formal representation of the tasks and methods used to solve problems on this domain.

It is assumed in knowledge engineering that the knowledge about a given domain can be stated and studied independently of its implementation in a computer. The representation of the knowledge of a domain comprises the description of the concepts, relations and processes that occur within a given domain and is called a conceptualization; this conceptualization, when explicitly stated, is called an ontology (Gruber, 1993).

In the case of an intelligent tutoring system, the represented or formalized knowledge usually is divided into a number of different models (as shown in figure I): A student model (knowledge of the learner), that stores information about the learner. As an example, this model must be able to represent and handle the performing of a student on the material he/she is being taught. A pedagogical model, that is, knowledge about teaching and learning strategies. A domain model, which consists of the knowledge about the material being taught.

The domain ontology is the most important element when building knowledge bases and knowledgebased systems, but besides the domain ontology, which constitutes the static knowledge of the system, it is also needed to build some kind of reasoning mechanisms that are able to implement the dynamic behaviour of the system (that is, the processes involved in the system that make it change over time). This is achieved by reusing some general reasoning strategies, called problem-solving methods. Domain ontologies and problem-solving methods are the building blocks of knowledge-based systems (Musen, 1998) and intelligent tutoring systems are nothing but a special kind of knowledgebased systems. One can realize the possibilities of a system like the one described above. But this system could no be built or used without the collaboration of every agent involved in the education process. And this fact leads to the next important issue that must be seemed as crucial for the future of education or even the human relations in a broader sense: the necessity of building collaborative systems for allowing groups of physically distant people work together with a common objective. This collaborative way of working, while not being a new necessity, has today the tool to implement it: the Internet.

Figure I. Intelligent Tutoring System.

The student model will help to individualize the learning processes by treating each student according to hislher progress and needs . If the computer has a formalized representation of the student's skills and evolution, it will be possible to automatically generate personalized curricula material, lab handouts, etc.

5. The pedagogical model could help, first, to clarify the important concepts involved in the education process of the control engineering field, as well as the relations among these concepts and the way these concepts may be taught.


Internet has been used for learning purposes since its very early stages. In fact, its very creation was due to the necessity of sharing knowledge among the research community.


One of the most common uses of the Internet in the education field is the possibility of offering remote access to laboratories, whether real or virtual, helping in the distance learning as well as in the scheduling problems of real laboratories. This is a great area of current research and some interesting outcomes are being obtained (Dormido et al., 2000).

To achieve these goals the current technologies must be improved. As an example, HTML documents must be substituted by semantically-enriched documents. These documents can be automatically produced by the system, dealing with such amount of information that a human being could never do. Traditional database systems must be substituted by knowledge bases and knowledge based systems.

Another use is the migration of the operation of the usual university educational structure to the Internet, building the so-called virtual campus. The material for some specific course is made available to students by accessing the web page for that course. The communications among students and teachers is implemented by forums or chat systems, including advisory boards, etc. Even administrative tasks, like matriculation or payments, are automated remotely through Internet.

Multimedia and virtual reality are some useful tools, but the great breakthrough will be the knowledgeintensive approach that has been shown.



The whole system to be built is summarized on figure 2. The core element is the knowledge base, a place where all the knowledge on the domain of control engineering can be stored in a formalized and flexible way.

The approach outlined in this paper goes far beyond those current uses of the Internet. As has been previously said, Internet is a revolution for human communications and it offers much more possibilities that the ones that have been exploited so far. The collaborative work is the key concept, but the work obtained (the knowledge obtained) with this collaboration must be properly stored and used. Here is where almost all of the existing systems fail. To be able to deal with this huge amounts of knowledge that will be got, some kind of platform or architecture is needed that has very little to do with the ones currently working (usually based on the use of a database with very little data processing effort).

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The proposed approach is again based on the knowledge engineering perspective. There is a claim for the need of building big knowledge repositores (it would be better to call them knowledge based systems) and use them to automatically infer new knowledge. As an example, the results obtained after the use of a traditional Internet-based education system for an academic year are absolutely wasted. But what if we could use all this knowledge to:

Figure 2. Web-based Tutoring System.

This knowledge base will go beyond the idea of a "centralized Internet repository" expressed on (Antsaklis et al., 1999) as a recommendation for improve the use of the Internet for control engineering education. The term "repository" is a very dangerous one if we think of it as a container for the educational materials. In this paper, the term knowledge base is used instead. As it can be seen in previous sections, a knowledge base provides a way to represent and relate all the stored information in a very flexible way.

Improve the pedagogical methods, allowing the individualization of the learning process? Clarify some curriculum part that has been found to be specially misunderstood? Find different ways to explain the same concept and gathering the results of each one according to the outcomes of the students? Offering statistical data or reports based on the intensive treatment of the knowledge to the potentially new students or to the society? Using the students' data to keep in touch with them, offering the possibility of continuous (and individualized!) education?

On top of the knowledge base, several knowledge based systems can be built, the particular case of an intelligent tutoring system is shown in the figure. A collaborative web based system must be built to put the intelligent tutoring system on the Internet. Tools like forums, chats, etc will be implemented, but also a new knowledge based system for dealing all the information obtained in the interaction among the users of the system.





In this paper, it had been shown the necessity for a change in the way computers are being used to help in teaching of control engineering. First, the field of knowledge engineering was introduced as the engineering discipline to be used in this task and the need to take a look at the achievements from the field of intelligent tutoring systems obtained so far.

Antsaklis, P.; T. Basar; R. DeCarlo; N. H. McClamroch; M. Spong; and S. Yurkovich. (1999). Report on the NSF/CSS Workshop on New Directions in Control Engineering Education. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 22,2, pp. 53-58. Dormido, S. (2002). Control Learning: Present and Future. In: Proceddings of the 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona (Spain).

Then it was exposed the view about what the Internet-based teaching should be, that is, focusing more on the collaborative opportunities than on the possibility of tele-operation (virtual laboratories) that, being important, are not the main advantage of the Internet.

Dormido, S.; F. Gordillo; S. Dormido-Canto; J. Aracil (2002). An interactive tool for introductory non linear control systems education. In: Proceddings of the 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona (Spain).

This research group is currently working on the construction of a knowledge base of control engineering stuff. The first work to deal with is the construction of a structure where all the concepts and relations among concepts of this field are formally stored. This structure is called an ontology and is the core of any knowledge base.

Dormido, S.; J. Sanchez; F. Morilla (2000). Laboratorios virtuales y remotos para la pnictica a distancia de la Automatica. XIX Jornadas de Automatica, Sevilla (Spain). Gertner, A. S. and K. VanLehn (2000) Andes: A Coached Problem Solving Environment for Physics. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference, ITS 2000, Montreal Canada, June 2000.

As it has to be a useful system, the construction of such ontology and knowledge base will require a lot of consensus among the researchers and people related to this engineering field . So, a collaborative Internet platform to be used for the work among the interested people is also in its developing process. This way, the general recommendation obtained from the 1998 NSF/CSS Workshop on New Directions in Control Engineering Education (Antsaklis et aI., 1999) is also achieved, that is: "It is recommended that interested organizations work to enhance cooperation among various control organizations and control disciplines throughout the world to give attention to control systems education issues and to increase the general awareness of the importance of control systems technology to society"

Gruber, T. (1990). The Use of Formally-Represented Engineering Knowledge to Support Human Communication and Memory. Presentation at a panel of the J990 AMI Spring Symposium workshop on Knowledge-Based HumanComputer Communication, Stanford, March 27-29, 1990. Paper available as technical report KSL 89-87. http://ksIweb.stanford.eduIKSL Abstracts/KSL-8987.html Gruber, T. (1993) A translation approach to portable ontology specifications. Knowledge Adquisition, S, pp. 199-220

In a first stage, a small system will be built where the functionality of the knowledge base can be validated. This system will be an intelligent tutoring system for helping on the learning of some simple concepts of control engineering.

Johansson, M.; M. Gafvert; K. 1. Astrom (1998). Interactive tools for education in automatic control, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 18, 3, pp. 33-40.

For the construction of the system it will be used open source software tools, and the system itself will also be open source. This is not a minor requisite for this research group, because the very knowledge based system has to be the result from a collaborative (and so opened to the community and the society) work.

Musen, M. A. (1998) Modem Architectures for Intelligent Systems: Reusable Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods. In C.G. Chute, Ed., AMIA Annual Symposium, Orlando, FL, pp. 46-52.

The development process, discussions and project advances and outcomes will be publicly accessible at the URL:

Urban-Lurain, M. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Historic Review in the Context of the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Educational Psychology, [onlineJ http://www.cse.msu.edul- urbanlITS.htm (checked on September, 4 1\ 2002)