(TSM) Analyse de ia satisfaction des touristes h partlr de trois techniques statistiques muitidimensionneiles. Par Maxime Crener, J6rbme Doutriaux, et Maurice Renoux. The Tourist Review (AIEST. Case Postale 2728, 3001 Berne, Switzerland), Vol. 32, No. 4, Oclober/December 1977, pp. 12-17. Les techniques statistiques h ia disposition des chercheurs sont fort nombreuses, et le choix de l'une d'entre elles pose toujours un probl~me d61icat. Les connaissances acquises, l'exp6rience accumul6e et bien shr la theorie viennent aider cependant l'analyste h proc6der au meilleur choix possible, I1 est cependant tentant pour le checheur d'utiliser plus d'une technique afin de tester diff~rentes hypotheses et d'obtenir ainsi autant d'information que possible h partir des donn~es collig~es. C~dant h certe tentation, Ics auteurs fixent comme objectif de comparer les r6sultants obtenus h partir de trois techniques statistiques dans le cadre d'une 6rude portant sur une caract6ristique de comportement: La satisfaction des touristes. Tables. (SSC) Annual Review of Anthropology (Volume 6, 1977). Bernard J. Siegel, Editor. Annual Reviews Inc. (4139 El Camino Way. Palo Alto, California 94306, USA), 1977, 604 pp. (hardcover), $17.00. This volume contains an overview and twenty other chapters. They cover a wide range of subjects, including applied anthropology, archaelogy, physical anthropology, ethnology, linguistics, and social anthropology. Of the total chapters, only four are devoted to specific subjects, while the others are broad surveys and exercises in theory. Each article ends with a bibliography. Author and subject index. .
(HSP) Applying the New-Jobs Credit to the Hospitality Industry. By Wayne Alan Cooper. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly (School of Hotel Administration. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14850, USA), August 1978, pp. 14-16. This article discusses some of the implications of The Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977 te the hospitality industry. (TSM) Australia: A Study of the International Travel Market. United States Travel Service (U.S. Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C. 20230, USA) February 1978, 73 pp. Free. This study provides an understanding of Australian travel habits, desires and expectations. The principal focus of the study is international travelers-Australiansvisiting the United States. This report consists of five sections. The first section describes the purpose and scope of the study, including a brief methodology and definitions used in the report. Second section presents highlights of the study's definition. Third section presents a more detailed discussion of the findings and supporting tables. Fourth section presents summary tables with detailed traveler and trip characteristics of various subgroups of Australian travelers to the States. The final section contains a detailed description of the methodology, the questionnaires used, and relevant field interviewing materials. Tables. (TSM) Belgium: A Study of the International Travel Market. United States Travel Service (U.S. Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C. 20230, USA), June 1978, 50 pp. Free. This survey was undertaken to better understand Belgian habits, desires, and expectations ~'or~cerning international travel. The principal focus of the study was ANN~.LS O ~" TOURISM RESEARCH Ju!vtSept 78