It is quite a mistake to suppose that free accommodation for women is not required. There may not be quite so great a need as in the case of men, but far more accommodation than at present must be provided before it can be said that the needs of women in this respect have been adequately catered for. A TUBERCULIN DISPENSARY SHEFFIELD.
D O U G L A S V I C K E R S , of the firm of MR.Vickers, Limited, has offered to provide the Sheffield Corporation with ~5oo a year for two years for the purpose of bringing the Tuberculin treatment within the reach of the Sheffield Consumptives. Dr. John E. Chapman, who has gained his experience of Tuberculosis at the Sheffield Royal Infirmary and Sanatoria of Mundesley, Banchory, Clacton-on-Sea and Ochil Hills, has been appointed to carry out the duties of the new post at a salary of ~4oo per annum. Dr. Chapman is not to engage in medical practice, but is to devote the whole of his time to the work, with the exception of one day a week allowed to him for purposes of research work. The duties of the tuberculosis expert, who will practically be the medical officer of a Municipal Dispensary (to be run under the general supervision of the medical officer of health), of which tuberculin treatment is to be an important feature, will be something as follows : - (a) To treat with tuberculin all patients suitable for such treatment ; to treat patients while at Commonside and Crimicar Lane Hospitals, and continue their treatment as out-patient after leaving the hospitals ; to treat any suitable patients as outpatients entirely. (b) To do such bacteriological work as may be required to determine the suitability of patients for tuberculin treatment. (c) To visit homes of notified consumptives to look for "contacts." (d) To test " contacts" with tuberculin. (e) To give required instructions to the tuberculosis inspectors and to the Queen Victoria nurses engaged in visiting the consumptives. (f) To obtain the co-operation of the Guild of Help, Guardians, etc., when necessary, on behalf of patients. CONTEST follows efforts made to conduct the affairs of life with honest purpose and intention. Life becomes regulated, and habits formed which are good as examples to those around, improve the environment, and lead to a desire for healthy conditions of mind, body, estate, and soul.--A¢¢nual Report, Weste~ ~ Australia, 191 o.
HOUSE RENT AND WAGES. B~' H. HANSLOW BRIND, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. D.P.H., Medical Officer of Health, Chertsey. question of house rent is one of T H Eimportance to tile labouring man and
vital with the increase in the requirements of modern sanitation there has been of recent years a steady increase in the amount of the weekly house rent without a. corresponding increase in the weekly wages of the unskilled labourer. In discussing the subject of the wages of labour Adam Smith writes in " T h e W e a l t h of Nations," that " A man must always live by his work, and his wages must at least be sufficient to maintain him. They must even upon most occasionsbe somewhat more; otherwise it would be impossible for him to bring up a family," and later he says " No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe, and lodge tile whole body of the people should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well-fed, clothed and lodged." The book from which I have quoted was first published in 1776 , but these words are as applicable now when the labourer's wage is from I5S. to i8s. as they were then, when the price of labour in London and its neighbourhood was eighteenpence a day. How can a labourer of the present day with his wife and young family be tolerably well fed and clothed when he has to pay out such a large proportion of his wages in house rent ? Twelve shillings a week often has to provide for the bare necessaries of life for the working man and his growing family, and the mystery to me. is as to how they really subsist. Life must be for them at times but a vary bare existence, and it seems to me that unless living becomes cheaper this condition can only be remedied by either a reduction in the amount of house rent or an increase to the present rate of wage.
APPOINTMENTS. D. MORLEY MATHIESON, M.D. (Edin.), M.A., M.13., Ch.B., D.P.H. (deputy medical officer of health of Norwich), has been appointed medical officer of health and medical superintendent of the Infectious Diseases Hospital of the County Borough of South Shields. 13. C. STEVENS, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S. (Eng.), D.P.H., has been appointed medical officer of health and school medical officer of the Borough of Hartlepool.