

Auoelatlons 005A Balkind, Aubrey. pprt charting the annual report. PRJ, 31'9, Sept 1975. 27-9. A comprphensive planning tool for avoiding costly last-...

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Auoelatlons 005A Balkind, Aubrey. pprt charting the annual report. PRJ, 31'9, Sept 1975. 27-9. A comprphensive planning tool for avoiding costly last-minute changes. 0059 nenjamin, James J. and strawser, Robert H. A changp in the content of annual reports. ~anager1al Plahning, 23, Mar/Apr 197'1, (,-11+. The reporting of forecasted financial data. 0060 Bennett, K~ith W. Don't hide company profits from employees. Iron Age, 215'22, June 2 1975, 28-30. Brunswick Corp. is fin1ing that a separate annual report, written intelliqibly and tailored to the workforce, pays h1qh di vidends. 0061 Bernstein, Leopold A. Understanding corporate reports. Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones-Irwin, Inc., 1974. 0062 Bishop. S~mupl A. What investors think of innual reports. PRJ, 31.'9, Sept 1975, J6-7. Results of a nationwide survey of potential investors in six companies. 0063 Block, Max. Reporting to many publics. CPA J, ~5'12, Vec 1975, 49-52. Rev1ews and defines the differing needs of users of financial reports, and suggests h o s the reports may be designed to sprve all users. 0064 Graves, Josepb J., Jr. Conducting the postmortem. PRJ, ]1.9, Sept 1975, 32-]. Don't relax too soon -- the job isn't over until you evaluate the impact. 0065 Kahn, Hobert. What should a good annual report covpr? Bsos £; Soc R, 1~, sue ae r 1975, 50-4. Presents s e vm points that an annual report should include. 0066 Le Febre, Charles N. and Barnes, Donill A. A look dt annual reports of emploype benefit plans. M'jt Acct (:iAA), ~7t6, Dec 197'1, 51-5]. Authors stress the fact that reports must he comprehensive, but understandavle. 0067 Lustig. rheodorp. Seems to me I'vp ueard that thcm~ ~efore. PRJ, 31'9, Sept 1975, 30-31. Cliche-riddeh annual reFort themes. 00~8 Selame, Elinor. The annual report and corporate identity. PRJ, 3119, Sept 1975. 16-8. Thp report dot'S more to c r e a t e corporate identity than anything else. 0069 Smedley, Alfred B. Is the annual rpport a corporate dinosaur? PRJ, ]119, Sept 1975, 21-]. The ne~d to apply cost effectiveness to annual reports. ALSO SEE ENTRII::S: 0129, 013Q. 0139, 0711, 071'1, 1517 ARCHITECTURE

0070 Cluff, Pamela J. an~ Campbell, willi~m H. The social corridor: an environmental and behavioral evaluation. Gerontologist, 15*0, Dec 1975, 510-2]. Depenjent behavior in a instituti~n can be avoided by modifying architectural concepts. ALSO SEE ENTRIES: 0073, 0493 ASSOCUTIONS 0011 Jerome h. The nell pressure for associations to act in tbe public interest. Assn ~gt, 27, Feb 1975, 28-31. 0012 Kanaging a succesful community associat1on. Washington. D.C.: Orban Land Institute, 1974. 0073 Parsons, Edgar. Audio-visual communications for associations. Washington, D. C.: Chamber of Commerce, Association Department, 1974. Concentrates on the technlcal aspect of audio-visual communications. 0014 PrOfessional PB skills: bow to hacness them for your