Are angiotensin receptors in vascular smooth muscles a homogeneous population?
EJP 20086 Erratum R. Tabrizchi and C.C.Y. Pang, Are angiotensin receptors in vascular smooth muscles a homogeneous population?, European J. Pharm...
EJP 20086 Erratum R. Tabrizchi and C.C.Y. Pang, Are angiotensin receptors in vascular smooth muscles a homogeneous population?, European J. Pharmacoi. 142 (1987) 359-366. Title etc. should read: EJP 00966
Are angiotensin receptors in vascular smooth muscles a homogeneous population? Reza Tabrizchi and Catherine C.Y. Pang * Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, The University of British Columbia, 2176 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1 W5 Canada Received 14 May 1987, revised MS received 21 July 1987, accepted 28 July 1987
Contents, 142/3 p. 4 cover, should read: Are angiotensin receptors in vascular smooth muscles a homogeneous population? (EJP 0O966) R. Tabrizchi and C.C.Y. Pang