2. Identify the three key components for documentation of E&M services provided during an initial patient eneounter.
Coordinator: Frank Morello, MD
3. Understand the appropriate methods used when billing Medicare for E&M services provided by non-physician practitioners, Le., nurse praetitioners, clinical nurse specialists, physician assistants, etc.
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Test clinical knowledge base against a panel of experts by participating in a series of interactive c1inical vignettes. 2. Discuss the ability of IR to provide eomprehensive care in and outside of the proeedure suite. 3. Demonstrate better understanding of the clinieal management of: renal protective agents; IR related pain; hematology lab values and transfllsion reqllirements; specifJc antibiotic regimens, anticoaglllation medication; and liver disease implieations in IR procedures.
CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT): INTRO (WK 07) Course code: 507 Coordinator: Catherine Tllite, MD
Objectives: Upon eompletion of the workshop, the attendee ShOllld be able to: 1. Assimilate the nomenclatllre and concepts fllndamental to interventional radiology coding. 2. Develop a framework for improving a praetice's coding and billing operations.
CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT): ADVANCED (WK 08) Course codes: 108-408-708-908 Coordinator: Catherine Tllite, MD
Objectives: Upon eompletion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Implement new CPT codes into your praetiee's billing operations. 2. List new reeommendations regarding existing CPT eodes. 3. Identify areas of eontroversy and eonfllsion in interventional radiology CPT eoding.
CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY (CPT): E&M (WK 09) Course codes: 209-609-°1009 Coordinator:]ames L. Swisehllk, MD
Objectives: Upon eompletion of the workshop, the attendee ShOllld be able to: 1. Identify appropriate docllmentation required to bill Medicare for aU evalllation and management services.
4. List the additional documentation requirements when providing E&M services as a consultant.
CONSCIOUS SEDATlON/PAIN MANAGEMENT (WK 10) Course codes: 510-610 Coordinator: David M. Hovsepian, MD
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Deseribe the eriteria used in the selection of patients for eonseious sedation and the essential elements for monitoring patients dllring and after the procedure. 2. List the common medications used for sedation and pain management, including strategies to minimize their adverse effects. 3. Olltline the use of intravenous patient-controUed analgesic pumps, continuous epidurał infusion, and regional anesthesia for pain control during and after interventional procedures. 4. Beeome familiar with sedation techniques for the pediatrie patient. 5. Identify thejCAHO requirements regarding conscious sedation and advice on their implementation in the interventional suite.
ARTERIAL EMBOLOTHERAPY (WK 11) Course codes: 211-511-1011 Coordinator: Riad Salem, MD, MBA
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Describe principles of arterial embolotherapy inclllding choice of embolie agents, level and site of embolie materiał delivery, and means of deploying the selected embolic agent. 2. Describe the composition and mechanism of action of various embolie agents. 3. DisCllSS utility and applications of embolotherapy in various c1inical scenarios including gastrointestinal hemorrhage (both upper and lower Gl bleeding), hemoptysis, trauma CespeciaUy pe1vic), solid organ bleeding due to tumor or trauma, obstetrical and gynecologieal hemorrhage and tumor devascularization. 4. Describe "post-embolization syndrome" and its treatment.
5. List possible complications of embolotherapy and means to minimize these complications.
VENOUS EMBOlOTHERAPY (WK 12) Course codes: 212-512-812
agement of patients after the uterine fibroid embolization procedure. 4. Recognize the complications potentially associated with the uterine fibroid embolization procedure and the steps taken to manage patients experiencing these complications.
Coordinator: Robert]. Rosen, MD
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Describe current and promising future interventional radiology techniques and devices and anticipated outcomes for treatment of venous disorders; discuss the underlying anatomie, physiologic, and pathophysiologic substrates influencing application of these techniques. 2. Become familiar with basic techniques, indications and contraindications for embolotherapy as applied to venous abnormalities.
GASTROINTESTINAl IR: TECHNIOUES AND MANAGEMENT (WK 13) Course codes: 213-513-1013 Coordinator: Peter N. Waybill, MD
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Describe the indications and contraindications, preprocedural evaluation, and pre-procedura! preparation for percutaneous gastrostomy (G) and gastrojejunostomy (GJ) tube placement.
HEMODlAlYSIS ACCESS (WK 15) Course codes: 415- 615-1115-1215 Coordinator: Kenneth D. Murphy, MD
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Identify the DOQI guidelines as they apply to technique and management issues regarding hemodialysis access sites. 2. Describe the CUITent percutaneous techniques and approaches for managing autologous fistula. 3. Discuss the role and techniques of dialysis access screening and maintenance with balloon angioplasty. 4. List the available methods for percutaneously declotting dialysis grafts and autologous fistuła. 5. Describe the current role and limitations of stent placement for hemodialysis access management.
6. Discuss the diagnosis, prevention and management of hemodialysis-related central venous access. 7. Discuss the appropriate anatomic, hemodynarrtic, and clinical endpoints to determine immediate procedural success after endoluminal procedures.
2. Describe the techniques used for percutaneous G and GJ tube placement. 3. List the various G and G] tubes available for placement and replacement.
4. Describe appropriate post-G or -G]-tube-placement device and patient management.
Coordinat01-: Keith Horton, MD
5. Discuss the current status of other gastrointestinal interventions such as cecostomy tube placement.
GYNECOlOGlC INTERVENTIONS (WK 14) Course codes: 214-614-814-1114-1214 Coordinator: Gary P. Siskin, MD
Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Compare the indications and contraindications for fallopian tube recanalization, ovarian vein embolization, and uterine fibroid embolization procedures. 2. Describe the standard techniques applied during fallopian tube recanalization, ovarian vein embolization, and uterine fibroid embolization procedures and when variations in technique are required. 3. Identify the different strategies applied to the man-
Course codes: 216-516-1016 Objectives: Upon completion of the workshop, the attendee should be able to: 1. Recognize the value of a relational database for interventional radiology procedures with the ability to correlate physician, procedural and material management data. 2. lnitialize the HI-IQ® database, entering site specific information and preferences to customize the database for their own unique applications. 3. Describe the process of data entry into HI-IQ® including the importance of consistent rigorous data entry. 4. Be familiar with the lnventOly/Materials Management functions of HI-IQ®, understancling the value of correlating physicians, procedures and inventory in a single database. 5. Participate in the SIR National Database by contributing information in a secure, anonymous environment.