Modular drafting system
Artwork generator
Sonic digitizer
The Xynetics Series 2000 automated drafting system uses a linear m o t o r for driving the drafting head. Designed for accepting many different work attachments, such as wet ink, ballpoint pens, scribing and cutting tools, the system provides a wide range of graphic applications and production techniques. The linear motor drive support can carry heavy tools with high accuracy over broad spans.
The AG 2420 precision artwork generator incorporates a light-head which eliminates the error attributed to the indexing tolerance of the aperture selection carrier. No mechanical gearing or indexing is involved in the lighthead, obviating the necessity for adjustments and recalibration and at the same time improving the aperture selection time.
A version of the Graf/Pen sonic digitizer has been produced for input of graphic information into the Hewlett-Packard Series 9800 pr,ogrammable calculators. In the Graf/Pen system hypersonic signals are generated by an energy source at the point of a ballpoint pen or a steel stylus. Sensors along two adjacent sides of a display surface ~ a flat glass tablet, a projection screen, the face of a c.: .I. tube, a blackboard --measure the time between the initiation of the energy pulse and arrival of the sound at each of the sensors. The time recorded depends on the distancc of the stylus from the sensor. The Graf/Pen sensors are said to be more versatile than systems in which an inductiw' or ;csistive tablet plays an active role. "I'hi~is because they can be attached along the edges of almost any flat surface. In addition, because the sensors can l,e obtained in lengths up to 72 in, graphic representations up to 6 ft square can be diginzed directly. Several operating modes are available: 1. Free run; m which co-ordinate pans are continually generated at a selected rate. 2. Single-shot; m which one co-ordinate pair is generated each time the stylus touches the display surface. 3. Pen-control; in which co-ordinate pairs are generated at a selected rate as the stylus is drawn over' the display surface. 4. Remote-control; in which co-ordinate pairs are generated in response to external commands from the calculator, As the Graf/Pen stylus incorporates a ballpoint pen, a copy can be generated at the same time as digitizing i s taking place (Sintrom Electronics Ltd,
The Series 2000 system offers several table sizes starting at 72 in x 120 in. All tables accommodate a full range of cut sheet and roll type drafting media with material thicknesses up to 0.0625 in. Table controls include automatic or manual mode selection, manual pen controls and joystick control of the drafting head. Vacuum hold-down in standard. The table has a resolution of +0.001 in and an accuracy, over the total drawing area, of +0.005. These figures, together with a repeatability of -+0.001 over the total area and a maximum speed of 40 in/s make the system very competitive. The high speed and accuracy of the system are functions of the patented Xynetics/ Sawyer Principle linear m o t o r drive, based on the concept of two-axis motion, controlled by interacting magnetic forces. The drafting head rides on a frictionless air cushion. There is thus no wear to affect system reliability or performance accuracy. Magnetic tape and paper tape offline controllers are available for the drafting system. There are several interface modules for machines such as the Nova series, PDP-11 and HP-2100. There are two hardware slope generators for drawing line segments at any angle from any point of origin. (Xynetics SA, 384
The plotter table is accurately traversed with respect to the patented SC2 fixed light-head assembly by means of precision stepping motors that drive ball-nut lead screws directly. Track width inconsistencies caused by vibration are avoided by sturdy construction of the mechanical structure. A fixed program processor allows the co-ordinate and function data to be loaded directly into the artwork generator. The processor then organizes the various machine commands which control the acceleration and deceleration co-ordinates, shutter control and mask selection without software processing. There is therefore a saving in computer processing time, expenditure on a small computer or bureau delays. The AG 2420 is organized to produce precision artwork on a standard 0.050 in grid. ttowever, the resolution of the movement is 0.001 in. Thus, it is possible, with options to the fixed program processor, to produce artwork on virtually any grid size. The design area is 24 in x 20 in and the overall plan dimensions of the generator are 6.5 ft x 5 ft. Plotting speeds up to 4 in/sec are attainable and an aperture selection time of 175 ms. The digital data can be prepared from the engineer or draftsman's rough grid design layouts by using the LTW Digimat 4840 digitizer. (LTW Elec-
Avenue Louise, 1050 Bruxelles, tronics Ltd, Stafford St., Stone, Staffs., Belgium. Tel (02) 49.98.83-49.98.82. Also, Intertrade Scientific Inc., England.) England. Tel: 0785 833541.)
The Series 2000 automated drafting system uses a linear motor.
The AG 2420 Plotter uses precision stepping motors in the light-head.
2 Arkwright Rd, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0LS, England. Tel: Reading (0734) 85464).
The sonic digitizer using hypersonic signals for digitizing.