N. RIMS (Ed.) 12”.15: Ncxton & Co.. NW. York, N1: 1992, $85.00 This i> the sixth volume of an annual series of 0 c*omprehvnsi\~~~ up-to-date presentations of \.arious \ubjects of interest for the practicing urologist. The hook consists of 365 pages and includes 16 of the most reel-nt ad\,ances in urologic surgery. The first t\vo chapters deal \vith an issue of interest to all urolcqists-the nonsurgical management of benign prost atic hyperplasia. ~5.g.. pliarmacoloqic managemcnt. halloon clivulsion of prostates. and hyperthermia. The next six chapters are de\-oted to prostate cancer. The chapter on the management of mctastatic prostate cancer I found particularly interesting. The follo\\ing chapter is a comprehensive discussion about pitfalls and complications of testis tumors. ‘I%? book also includes an up-to-dattx discus\ion of 1he role of biologic response modifiers in mctastatic renal cell carcinoma. The chapter on the radiologic workup of an indeterminate renal mass is \‘ery interesting and offers a \.cr!. practical approach for the clinical urologist. The bt)ok is jvell lvritten and the editor has made c\.cr!- effort to recruit well-recognized experts in each field. Each chapter has a more than adequate reference section. I enjoyed reviewing this book. and I think t hc, practicing urologist lvill find some of the controversies presented interesting and challenging. JMH-C: Aspiration Cancer:
Cytology Clinical.
in the Staging Pathological
of Urological Radiological
Bases by L. Lllciani and F. Piscioli (Eds.) Springer-Verlag. London and New, York, $103.00
although ctxcellcnt for Radiologic imaging. diagnosis of primary- genitourinar!. cancers. has significant limitations in the accurate staging of these tumors. Histopathologic staging by aspiration cytology is more precise than either clinical or radiologic staging. and it pc’rmits better selection of patients for curative. radical sllrgerb: This book is a practical test that meets a long-felt need of urologists. c!.topathologists. and radiologists. The tc:xt is divided into organ cancer sections. sections addressing general principles. and a section on miscellaneorls applications. The estensil-r, experience of the international group of authors is reflected in thc,ir detailed. well-referenced. and critical contributions. .Although the same topics arc
addressed by different authors, their treatment is practical and reflect the particular peryctives and experiences of the author5 rather than being repetitious. This multi-author format adds to thcs utilit!. and strength of the hook and al1oM.s the reader to gain a broad consensus and understanding of the total dimensions of aspiration qrtology Thcb book is profusel\. illustrated \vith high-qualit!, radiographs and photomicrographs. Each chapter is aclecluatel!. referenced \vith well-selected. current citations. All the newer developments in the field of aspiration qtology are included. and the test is detailed and critical. This book ih an up-to-date compendium of the practice. techniques, advantages. and limitations of aspiration c!.tolon in urologic oncology: It should become a standard text that is readil!. :a11c1easil! available to urologists and surgical pathologists. This hook is highly recommended and a vrwth!. ad(:RS dition to the uro-oncology literatruxb.
Atlas of the Kidney
b!. John Williams.
J. B. Lippincott
William Asscher. and David hloffat Co.. Philadelphia. PA. 1001. $19.5.00
This Clini~l/ /Was 0.f 111~ Kidwy is based on a pwvious hvork. Xqd~rology Illustrutcd, 1~ tjlished b! Crower in 1982. The Atlas provides a yxopsis of current information and includes a numlt,vr of algorithms and tables that present a large, amount of information in easily digestible form. ‘I’hc~Afln,v is divided into 14 chapters for a total of 3.52 l)ages and 729 illustrations. The chapters on normal wnal anatomy and function. and awtc and chronic renal failure arc qeciall>. \vell done. The chaptt~r OII tllmors is short hut provides some basic facts. In summary. this is a bcaautiful compcbndium Lvhich offers good summarized tables and illustrations and \vould be a useful rcxfercnce text for riled-cal students, urolog!. residents. and staff rncw~hr~rs in urolok? and nephrology xvho avant to re\-iew renal JMH-C: medicirw.
of Nephrology,
by Shaul Williams
A. Massry and Richard J. Clas:iock & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1989. $143.95
(Vols. 1 and 2)
In the second edition of the Textbook oj NephrolA. Massry and Richard J. Glassock have succeeded together with 284 contributors to present the vast spectrum of modern nephrology in a broad,