American Journal of’ Cardiology
JANUARY 1, 1992, VOL. 69, NO. 1
Assessment of Global and Regional Left Ventricular Performance at Rest and During Exercise After Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction: Results of the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) II Study Barry L. Zaret, MD, Frans J. Th. Wackers, MD, Michael L. Terrin, MD, Richard Ross, MSC, Melvin Weiss, MD, James Slater, MD, John Morrison, MD, Robert C. Bourge, MD, Eugene Passamani, MD, Genell Knatterud, PhD, and EugeneBraunwald, MD, for the TIMI Investigators*
Global and regional left ventricular performances were evaluated with equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography in patients in the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) II trial at the time of hospital discharge. Studies at rest were available in 1,162 (69%) of the invasive and 1,150 (69%) of the conservative strategy patients, and exercise studies in 1,133 (67%) of the invasive and 1,145 (69%) of the conservative patients. Repeat studies were performed at the time of 6-week follow-up. Global and regional ejection fraction at rest were both comparable in patients asstgned to each of the treatment strategies. However, at the time of hospital discharge patients in the invasive strategy had normal exercise responses more frequently (29.7 VI 25.6% p = O.Ol), greater peak exercise LV ejection fraction (64.8 f 13.8% vs 53.1 f 14.1%, p = 0.004), greater exercise - rest change in LV ejection fraction (3.7 f 6.7% vs 2.7 f 7.296, p
work loads, similar differences in hospital discharge exercise performance between invasive vs conservative strategy patients were observed. Thus, there is a small transient difference in exercise global and regional LV performance associated with an invaslve as opposed to conservative strategy after thrombolytic therapy. These differences are noted at the time of hospital discharge but not at 6 weeks, and are unlikely to confer clinical benefit. (Am J Cardiol 199&69:1-g)
ntravenouslyadministeredthrombolytic therapy currently is an establishedtherapy for acute myocardial infarction. Such therapy has been associatedwith decreasedmortality, presumably as a result of recanalization of the occluded infarct-related artery and reduction in infarct size.1-9The additional effectsof mechanical revascularization, with either angioplasty or bypass surgery, on left ventricular (LV) function has been controversial.lOJ1Recently it has been suggestedthat discrepanciesmay exist betweentherapeutic effectson survival and LV performance.12v13 In the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) II trial, patients presentingwith ST-segmentelevation recruited within 4 hours of the onset of chest pain were treated with intravenous recombinant tissuetype plasminogen activator @t-PA), followed by intravenousheparin and aspirin and then randomly assigned to either an invasive or conservative treatment strategy.lo The invasivestrategy involved coronary arteriography within 18 to 48 hours of thrombolytic therapy, folVENTRICULAR FUNCTION AFTER THROMBOLYSIS
lowed by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty if anatomically suitable. In a substudy (TIM1 IIA) previously reported, immediate angioplasty did not confer an advantageover either the delayed invasive or conservativestrategieswith respectto global or regional ventricular function. l l In addition, TIM1 II eligible patients were randomized to immediate intravenous /3blocker therapy or delayedtherapy. Global and regional ejection fraction at rest or exerciseat the time of hospital discharge and 6-week follow-up were comparablein the 2 groupsi The present report provides a detailed analysis of global and regional LV performance at rest and exercise,obtained by radionuclide ventriculography in the TIM1 II patients. MmHODS Patient popubtion: A total of 3,339 patients were entered into the study: 1,681 were randomly assignedto the (delayed) invasive and 1,658 to the conservative strategies.Interpretable radionuclide exercisedata were obtained at the time of hospital discharge in 1,133 (67%) of those assigned to the invasive strategy and 1,145 (69%) of those assignedto the conservativestrategy. For the 6-week study, interpretable rest and exercise data were available in 1,089 (65%) invasive and 1,077 (65%) conservativestrategy patients. The protocol hospital discharge study was obtained a mean of 9.3 days after randomization (range 2 to 38 days), whereasthe follow-up “6-week” study was obtained 53.5 days after study entry (range 21 to 177). Rnyonudida vantrkuklvclphy: Patients underwent equilibrium radionuclide ventriculographic study after modified in vivo red blood cell labeling according to To assureuniform methodology and quality, certification of all clinical siteswas carried out before study inception. A detailed manual of operations outlined the method of data acquisition and transmittal to the core laboratory. Each clinical site submitted sample radionuclide studies to the core laboratory. Before clinical participation in the trial began, each site was certified by the core laboratory basedon criteria for acceptable study quality. All radionuclide data were acquired in an electrocardiographic-synchro-
FIGURE 1. baunlltk e.ef glendleflwnMaduejecUenfmctlen.Nele~60°plelnvohrlnqIhavdveplumlhetafeexchddtrorn~. AS=@al~BS=besdraphl;IA=~ r=ldededlPB=w.
fer re-
nized frame mode in a 64 X 64 matrix. Data were acquired at 16 frames/RR interval. The unsmoothed studieswere stored on magnetic tape or floppy disk and mailed to the radionuclide core laboratory at Yale University for further analysis.Studies analyzed in the core laboratory were identified only by code name and number. In the core laboratory studieswere transcribed to a central computer for temporal and spatial filtering. After ventriculograms were recorded in multiple views at rest, the patient was prepared for the exercise study. Exercise was performed using a bicycle ergometer in the supine position. Repeat baseline measurements at rest were obtained with the patient’s feet attached to the pedalsof the ergometer. For electrocardiographic monitoring during exercise,radioluccnt electrodes were used for chest leads.The hospital discharge exercisetest was limited to a maximal heart rate of 120 beats/mm or a maximal work load of 67 W (400 kgf . m/min), and the developmentof angina or ST-segment depression,whichever came first. Global and regional ejection fraction was measuredat each work load. The 6-weekfollow-up study was performed to symptom limitation. Global LV ejection fraction was determined from the image recorded in the left anterior oblique position using previously validated and standardizedprograms.i6 The background-correctedvolume curve was filtered to 4 Fourier harmonics. LV ejection fraction was determined from the fitted curve in the usual manner: enddiastolic counts minus end-systolic counts divided by end-diastolic counts. The left anterior oblique LV end-diastolic region of interest was divided into 5 zones corresponding to the basal septal, apical septal, inferoapical, inferolateral and posterolateral regions. The area involving the valve planeswas excluded (Figure 1). Regional ejection fraction was calculated from maximal and minimal counts in each region according to standard techniques.15For infarct zoneregional ejection fraction, the electrocardiographic localization of infarction was related to the regions defined on the blood pool image, according to previously published techniques.i5Inferior wall regional infarct zone ejection fraction was defined by averaging ejection fraction in the inferoapical and inferolateral zones. Anterior wall infarct regional ejection fraction was obtained from the average of data from the basal and apical septal zones.Lateral infarct regional ejection fraction was obtained from the posterolateral zone. The noninfarct zone regional ejection fraction was obtained by averaging regional ejection fraction from the remaining zonesnot involved in the infarct. Protoeolr The details of the TIM1 II protocol have been describedpreviously.lo Briefly, the inclusion criteria were: age <76 years, chest discomfort suggestive of acute infarction lasting 230 minutes, ST-segment elevation >O.l mV in 2 contiguous electrocardiographic leads, feasibility of instituting thrombolytic therapy within 4 hours of the onset of chest pain and patient consent. The rt-PA used (ActivasO, Genentech) was produced by the suspensionculture method. Total dose in the first 520 patients was 150 mg administered over 6
JANUARY 1, 1992
hours. Because of an unexpected high incidence of intracranial hemorrhage,” this dosewas reduced to 100 mg in the remaining 2,819 patients. Patients assigned to the invasive strategy were scheduledfor coronary angiography, and angioplasty if suitable, within 18 to 48 hours after the initiation of rtPA infusion. Angioplasty was performed as part of the sameprocedure unless the vesselwas closed,the residual stenosiswas not critical (<60%), the lesion had anatomically unsuitable features, or if abrupt closure of the involved vesselwould cause catastrophic hemodynamic consequences.Bypass surgery was considered for patients with suitable indications. In patients assignedto the conservative strategy, cardiac catheterization and angioplasty were performed only if clinically evident ischemia occurred despite medical therapy during hospitalization, or if substantial ischemia was provoked during the predischarge exercise test. Coronary bypass surgery was performed in either group if there were appropriate clinical or protocol indications and coronary anatomy was unsuitable for angioplasty. The p-blocker randomization involved immediate versus delayed @-blockertherapy.i0J4 In those assigned to immediate intravenous /?-blocker therapy, 15 mg of metoprolol was given in three 5 mg intravenous injec tions at 2-minute intervals, followed by oral metoprolol (50 mg twice a day on the first day and 100 mg twice a day thereafter), if tolerated. Those assignedto deferred j3-blockertherapy begantherapy with 50 mg of oral metoprolol twice a day on day 6 and 100 mg twice a day thereafter. Thus most of the patients were receiving oral &blocker therapy at the time of initial and follow-up radionuclide evaluation. Patients already receiving a /3blocker, verapamil or diltiazem at the time of entry and those with relative contraindications to the use of B blockers were excluded from this portion of the trial.14 StaUs&al analysis: The p values for comparison of percentageswere calculated using standard z tests.18To adjust for multiple comparisons,p values between 0.01 and 0.001 for 2-sided tests have been specified as providing someevidenceof differencesand p values
tricular segmentsassociatedwith infarct locations or remote from infarct locations, a regression analysis was performed with the following model: regional ejection fraction = a constant intercept plus treatment effect plus infarct-related artery effect plus random error.15,2o Treatment effects analyzed in this model compared invasive and conservativestrategies.When comparing the invasive and conservative strategies, this adjusted regional ejection fraction reflects the infarct regional ejection fraction with allowance made for specific infarct location. All analyses were performed using the Statistical Analysis Systems(SAS) computer programs,21with an analysis file created in September 1990. RESULTS SMy population: Baseline and peak exercise LV function data at hospital discharge were available in 2,278 patients, whereas 6-week follow-up data were available in 2,166. Exercise studies were not performed at the time of hospital discharge in 372 patients and at 6-week follow-up in 417 patients assignedto the invasive strategy. In patients assigned to the conservative strategy, exercise studies were not done in 315 at the time of hospital discharge and 407 at 6 weeks.A comparison of the patients with LV function data analyzed for both hospital discharge and follow-up radionuclide studies with those not included in both analysesindicated that patients not undergoing radionuclide evaluations expectedly formed a higher risk group. Patients not included in both analyseswere older (58.2 vs 55.3 years, p ‘A lung field (5.5 vs 2.6%,p
ized to the invasive and conservative strategies. There were no significant differencesin the hospital discharge (50.8 f 12.7 vs 50.2 f 12.7) and 6-week (50.5 f 13.2 vs 50.4 f 12.8) data, respectively. Individual regional ejection fractions were similar in both strategiesat hospital discharge and at 6 weeks. When infarct zone regional ejection fraction was adjusted to account for the difference in distribution of locations of infarction in each group, the treatment difference was small at hospital discharge (49.6 f 28.6 vs 48.0 f 29.9, p = 0.01) and not significant at 6 weeks.
Exereiaafunction (Tabkr II and III): At hospital discharge, there was a significant difference in the diitribution of exercise responsesbetween patients assigned to invasive and conservativestrategies(Table II). When all patients were accountedfor, including thosein whom studieswere not obtained, those who were deceasedand those whosestudieswere not interpretable, 29.7%of patients in the invasive strategy had a normal global ejection fraction response (an increase in global ejection fraction of 25%) compared with 25.8% of patients in the conservativestrategy (p = 0.01). A smaller percent-
TABLE I Resting Global and Regional Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction at Hospital Discharge and Six-Week Follow-Up of Invasive and Conservative Strategies Hospital Discharge
Global LVEF Regional LVEF Basal septal Apical septal lnferoapical lnferolateral Posterolateral Adjusted infarct zone Regional LVEF*
Six Weeks
Invasive (n = 1,681)
Conservative (n = 1,658)
p Value
Invasive (n = 1,681)
Conservative (n = 1,658)
p Value
50.8 k 12.7 (1,177)
50.2 k 12.7 (1,156)
50.5 + 13.2 (1,188)
50.4 -t 12.8 (1,157)
38.5 40.9 49.4 60.0 66.8
38.0 39.6 47.5 59.1 67.1
0.43 0.07 0.02 0.25 0.61
38.6 39.7 48.6 59.7 68.0
38.7 39.2 48.0 59.5 67.8
(1,146) (1,146) (1,146) (1,146) (1,146)
0.94 0.55 0.42 0.81 0.74
50.4 2 30.5 (1,146)
2 + -t k 2
16.3 17.6 19.1 17.7 16.4
(1,162) (1,162) (1,162) (1,162) (1,162)
49.6 2 28.6 (1,162)
+ 2 f + +
16.4 17.9 19.2 17.5 16.0
(1,150) (1,150) (1,150) (1,150) (1,150)
48.0 f 29.9 (1,150)
*Value adjusted for distribution of infarct artery in each treatment group ( ) = number denominators are due to differing numbers of interpretable studies (technical factors). LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction (mean 2 standard deviation).
+ + 2 + f
16.1 17.7 19.5 18.1 16.4
(1,180) (1,180) (1,180) (1,180) (1,180)
51.2 t 29.7 (1,180)
of patients
with studies obtained
at hospital
z 2 + k f
15.8 17.7 19.5 17.8 16.1
and at 6 weeks; differences
TABLE II Distribution of Peak Global Ejection Fraction Responses in All TIMI II Patients Hospital Discharge Invasive (n = 1,681) No. LVEF change Increase 2 5% No change Decrease z 5% Status of other patients Exercise test but no exercise LVEF Resting test but no exercise LVEF No resting test Dead (5 2 1 days for hospital discharge) (I 70 days for follow-up) Total
Six Weeks
Conservative (n = 1,658) %
25.8 33.8 9.5
452 469 168
26.9 27.9 10.0
409 480 188
24.7 29.0 11.3
176 177 113 82
10.5 10.5 6.7 4.9
198 137 112 66
11.9 8.3 6.8 4.0
175 54 272 91
10.4 3.2 16.2 5.4
174 60 263 84
10.5 3.6 15.9 5.1
Data at Hospital
and Six-Week
Six Weeks
Conservative (n = 1,145)
p Value
Invasive (n = 1,089)
Conservative (n = 1,077)
51.0 54.8 3.7 53.2
50.4 53.1 2.7 50.3
NS 0.004
50.9 53.8 2.9 51.1
50.4 52.6 2.2 49.5
12.2 13.8 6.7 31.1
*Adjusted for distribution of infarct artery in each treatment group. Values are expressed as mean + standard deviation. ex. = exercise; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NS = not significant;
+ -c IT -c
12.5 14.1 7.2 33.0
A = mean change.
p = 0.01 at hospital discharge and p = 0.14 at 6 weeks.
Invasive (n = 1,133) lr + r f
427 561 157
Hospital Discharge
29.7 32.0 5.7
and Global Left Ventricular
Baseline LVEF Peak exercise LVEF A LVEF (peak-baseline) (Adjusted)* peak ex. infarct zone regional LVEF
Conservative (n = 1,658)
500 537 96
When the proportion of patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction increase a 5% were compared, LVEF = leftventricularejectionfraction; TIMI = Thrombolysis in Myocardiai Infarction trial.
Invasive (n = 1,681)
JANUARY 1. 1992
2 2 + 2
12.5 14.9 8.0 32.2
k f -t +
12.2 14.2 7.9 33.4
p Value NS 0.06 0.03 0.04
TABLE IV Regional and Global Lefl Ventricular Ejection Fraction Exercise Data at Hospital Discharge and Six-Week Follow-Up Obtained at Comparable Work Loads Hospital Discharge Invasive (n = 796) Baseline LVEF Peak exercise A LVEF(peak ex.) Peak exercise infarct zone regional LVEF*
51.3 55.2 4.0 53.2
Conservative (n = 778)
2 12.0 + 13.4 + 6.6 -c 30.4
*Adjusted for distribution of infarct artery in each treatment Abbreviations as in Table Ill.
50.5 53.4 2.9 50.2
+ 12.1 -c 13.7 2 7.1 k 31.5
Six Weeks Invasive (n = 796)
p Value NS
Conservative (n = 778)
51.4 k 12.2 54.3 k 13.9 2.9 + 7.1
51.6 2 30.5
50.4 52.6 2.2 50.2
p Value
2 12.0
t 13.5 L 6.6 2 31.5
0.02 0.04 NS
age of patients in the invasive strategy (5.7%) than in the conservativestrategy (9.5%) demonstrateda significant decreasein LV ejection fraction of 25%. In contrast, at 6 weeksthese differences were no longer noted (26.9 vs 24.7% for an increase in ejection fraction and 10.0 vs 11.3% for a decreasein ejection fraction between invasive and conservative groups, respectively). When thesedistributions were evaluatedin only those in whom exercisedata were available at hospital discharge or at 6 weeks,the sameobservation was evident at hospital discharge (i.e., more patients in the invasive group had a normal exerciseLV functional response),but was still absent at 6 weeks. For patients assignedto either strategy, the predominant responseto exercise was no major change (increase or decrease)in ejection fraction on hospital discharge and 6-week studies. At the time of hospital discharge there was a small but significant increase in global ejection fraction with exercisein patients assignedto the invasive comparedto the conservative strategy, whereas there was no difference in ejection fraction at rest (Table III). Similar differenceswere noted for the change in ejection fraction from rest to exercise,and infarct zone regional ejection fraction during exercise. At 6-weeks,these differences had largely disappeared. ClinkaI exercise MUI& Of the 2,652 patients who performed hospital discharge exercise studies (2,502 within 14 days of study entry), 2,140 (2,026 within 14 days of study entry) had both nuclear and electrocardiographic data interpreted centrally, whereas 138 (125 within 14 days) had central interpretations of LV function but not the electrocardiogram, 351 (329 within 14 days) had interpretation of the electrocardiogram but not the radionuclide angiocardiogram and 23 (22 within 14 days) had neither. Of the 1,063 invasive strategy patients with both sets of data interpreted centrally, 112 (10.5%) had ischemic ST-segment responsescompared with 162 (15.0%) of the 1,077 conservativestrategy patients (p = 0.002). Among the 1,309 invasive strategy patients with exercise studies, 57 (4.4%) had ischemic pain, and 76 (5.7%) of the 1,343 conservativestrategy patients had ischemic pain on exercise(p = 0.12). Analysesof the hospital discharge data were similar whether restricted to patients who exercised within 14 days of study entry or inclusive of later studies. Of the 995 invasive strategy patients with both 6-week radionuclide angiocardiograms and electrocardiograms centrally in-
terpreted, 141 (14.2%) had ischemic ST-segment responses;164 (16.8%) of the 977 conservative strategy (p = 0.11) had such ST-segmentresponses.Among the 1,263 invasive strategy patients with 6-week exercise studies, 75 (5.9%) had ischemic pain, and 95 (7.6%) of the 1,251 conservativestrategy patients had pain (p = 0.10). Exercise at comparable work loads: One possible explanation for different results at hospital discharge and at 6 weeksis the different work loads in the 2 studies. Becausedata were obtained at each work load of the graded supine exercisestudy, it was possibleto evaluate a subgroup of patients in whom both exercisestudies were performed and in whom LV performancecould be compared at similar work loads. This was done in a subgroup of 796 patients in the invasive and 778 patients in the conservativestrategies (Table IV). At hospital discharge,there was no difference in baselineejection fraction betweenthe 2 groups. However, there were small but significant differencesin the absolute exercise ejection fraction, increasein global ejection fraction and exerciseregional infarct zone ejection fraction between patients assignedto the invasive versusthe conservative strategies.When the samepatients were evaluated at 6 weeksat the samework load, these differenceswere diminished and no longer significant. Absdute
six-week st&Iesr The differencesbetweenthe 2 strategies noted over the time interval between hospital disTABLE V Absolute Changes in Global and Regional Exercise Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction from Hospital Discharge to Six-Week Follow-Up in Patients with Both Studies at Comparable Work Loads Comparable ExerciseWork Loads at Discharge and Six Weeks Global LVEF Adj.
Conservative (n = 1,658)
Invasive (n = 1,681)
Mean Mean No. Change* pValue No. Change* pValue 796
779 768
-0.71 0.80
0.02 0.08
zone LVEF. 779 Adj. regional noninfarct zone LVEF
*Mean of (6-w&hospital discharge) data. Adj. = adjusted for distribution of infarct artery in each treatment ventricular ejection fraction.
group. LVEF = left
charge and 6 weeks could be due to improvement in patients assignedto the conservativestrategy or worsening in patients assignedto the invasive strategy, or both, or comparable directional changes of different magnitude. To evaluate these possibilities, invasive and conservative strategy patients’ absolute values of global, regional infarct zone and regional noninfarct zoneejection fractions were compared at hospital discharge and at 6 weeks.Thii was done for all patients with both studies as well as those with data available at comparablework loads in the 2 studies (Table V). In patients assignedto the invasive strategy, at comparable work loads, there was a significant decrement in global ejection fraction as well as a lesser decrement in regional infarct and noninfarct zone ejection fractions between hospital discharge and 6 weeks.This pattern was much lessdistinct in patients assignedto the conservativestrategy. lntenal evesstsrThe occurrence and potential impact on exerciseLV function of interval eventsbetween studies (such as myocardial infarction, angioplasty or bypasssurgery) in patients in both invasive and conservative strategiesalso were examined. In the interval be tween the hospital discharge and 6-week studies, 94 patients assigned to the conservative and 20 assignedto the invasive strategy underwent angioplasty, 48 conservative and 27 invasive strategy patients underwent bypasssurgery, and 18 conservativeand 10 invasive strategy patients had myocardial infarction. None of the interval events occurred with sufficient frequency to be important in the analysis. S&group analyses: Although all major analyses were basedon treatment strategy randomization, several post hoc subgroup analyseswere undertaken. With respectto a history of prior myocardial infarction, those patients with prior infarction were associatedwith a lower global and regional infarct zone ejection fraction at hospital discharge and a low regional infarct zone ejection fraction at peak exerciseat 6 weeks.However, conclusions regarding therapeutic strategy effects were the same whether or not prior infarction had occurred. Likewise, with respectto site of infarction, patients with anterior wall infarcts not surprisingly demonstratedsignificantly lower global and infarct zone regional ejec tion fraction at rest and peak exercise at both hospital discharge and at 6 weeks.Once again, conclusionsconcerning therapeutic strategy effects were the same in patients with and without anterior wall infarction. In patients in the invasive strategy undergoing protocol catheterization, LV function was related to TIM1 perfusion ‘grade immediately after protocol angioplasty (n = 1,184 patients). At hospital discharge those with TIM1 grade 3 perfusion had higher resting global LV ‘ejection fraction (52.2 f 12.4 vs 46.4 f 13.2,p
infarct zone ejection fraction (55.1 f 29.8 vs 46.2 f 21.7, p
The present study demonstratesthat there are no differences in global and regional LV function at rest betweenpatients receiving thrombolysis assignedto conservativeor invasive strategies,either at the time of hospital discharge or at 6-week follow-up. Hospital discharge evaluation during exercise revealed small but statistically significant differences in both regional and global LV ejection fraction in patients assignedto the invasive strategy compared with those assignedto the conservativestrategy. Although these changesare statistically significant, they are modest in magnitude and would be expectedto have relatively limited clinical or pathophysiologic impact. Furthermore, differences observed at the time of hospital discharge between patients in the 2 treatment strategies were no longer ap parent at the time of follow-up evaluation at 6 weeks. Why the small advantagein exerciseresponseasso ciated with the invasive strategy was transient bearsfurther consideration.The reduction in differencesdoesnot appear attributable to the greater work load, and hence increasedphysical stresson the maximal symptom-limited exercisestudy at 6-week follow-up (Table IV). The occurrenceof myocardial infarction or revascularization betweenhospital discharge and 6-week studies were too infrequent to be important factors. Between hospital discharge and 6 weeks,there was a significant decrease in global ejection fraction and noninfarct zone regional exerciseejection fraction in patients assignedto the invasive strategy (Table V). In patients in the conservative strategy there was a trend in a similar direction, but of lesser magnitude. This suggeststhat the difference noted over time betweenthe 2 strategiesresults at least in part from a greater decrementin regional and global function in patients in the invasive strategy. Observations at hospital discharge may be the result of nonspecific factors such as enhanced catecholamine effects, which may be transiently more marked in those assigned to the invasive strategy. Alternatively, mechanical revascularization may result in an augmentation of blood flow that may transiently benefit regional and global LV function. These effects may have a lesserimpact over time when there has been further healing or ventricular remodeling.22 The predominant exerciseresponsein TIM1 II was one of no change in either global or regional LV ejection fraction at both hospital discharge and 6-week follow-up. This is in contrast to observations on exercise LV function obtained in the prethrombolytic era, when a decreasein exercise ejection fraction was a much more common phenomenon.23-30Guerci et a131also studied patients treated with rt-PA in a placebo-controlled trial. They noted significantly higher ejection fraction at rest in patients randomized to thrombolytic therapy as opposedto placebo.A secondrandomization involved angioplasty on the third hospital day. Angioplasty improved exercise LV ejection fraction response
JANUARY 1. 1992
and also reduced the incidence of clinical ischemia, but had no effect on LV ejection fraction at rest. The protocol design in Guerci’s study is different from TIM1 II in that it was placebo-controlled. Although the increasein ejection fraction from rest to exercisein the angioplasty group appears larger than noted in TIM1 II, the level of statistical significance is comparable. In addition, Guerci et al evaluated relatively small numbers of patients (34 and 35 patients in the angioplasty and conservative groups, respectively). Their observations also were made at hospital discharge and no statementscan be made concerning the persistenceof the differences observed. Most of the TIM1 II patients were receiving oral /3 blockers at the time of exercisetesting. This may have blunted ventricular responsesto exercise.It is also possible that other measures,such as ventricular volumes or ventricular shapeanalysis, might have demonstratedintergroup differences relating to architectural remodeling. However, such more complex and sophisticated analyseswere beyond the scopeof this large multicenter trial. Subgroup analysesprovided expectedresults with respect to history of prior infarction and infarct site. The influence of TIM1 grade 3 perfusion was associated with substantial sustained improvement in global and regional LV function at rest and during exercise.This is similar to previous investigations.32 APPENDIX Study Chainnan: Eugene Braunwald, MD, Harvard University, Boston, MA. Coordinating Center: Maryland Medical Research Institute, Baltimore, MD. Principal Investigator: G.L.
Knatterud, PhD; Co-investigators: M.L. Terrin, MD, MPH, S. Forman, MA, D.T. Harris, R. Ross, MSc, P.C. Wilkins, BS, M. Bryant, PhD, P.L. Canner, PhD, M. Carroll, J. Depkin, BS, J. Dotson, C. Fiery, M. Johnson, C. Kelly, P. Noble, BS, B. Thompson, PhD, W.R. Bell, MD, L. Scherlis, MD. Radiographic Core LaborUniversity of Washgton, Seattle, WA. Principal Investigator: Harold T.
Dodge, MD; Co-investigators: B.G. Brown, MD, PhD, J.W. Kennedy, MD, F.H. Sheehan, MD, B. Bisson, E. Bolson. Radii
Core Laboratory:
Yale University,
New Haven, CT. Principal Investigator: B. Zaret, MD, Co-investigators: F. Wackers, MD, D.S. Kayden, MD, K. Davis, TTNM, R. Green, RTNM. Coa@atiom Core Laboratory: University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. Principal Investigator: K. Mann,
PhD; Co-investigators: D. Stump, MD, D. Collen, MD, E. Bovill, MD, R. Tracy, PhD. Ekaoeadiaphii core Laboratory for Qualifying Ektrocardiograms: George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Principal Investigator: A.M. Ross,
MD; Co-investigators: G.B. Bren, MD, A.G. Wasserman, MD. Ektrocardhbgraphk Ekxtrocardiograms:
Core Laboratory
far Exercise
St. Louis University, St. Louis,
MO. Principal Investigator: B.R. Chaitman, MD; Co-
investigators: R.D. Wiens, MD, L. Shaw, MS, M. Haueisen, BS, L.T. Younis, MD, PhD. National
Heart, Lung, and Blood htitute
office: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Principal Investigator: E.R. Passamani,MD; Co-investigators: T.L. Robertson, MD, G. Lan, PhD, R. Solomon, MHS, G. Sopko, MD. Pathology Care Laboratory: National Institutes of Health, the Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD. Principal Investigator: W.C. Roberts, MD, Co-investigator: J. Kalan, MD. Percutansous
Quality-Control Laboratory: Brown University, Providence, RI. Principal Investigator: D.O. Williams, MD;
Coinvestigators: R. Riley, MD, H. White, MD, B. Sharaf, MD, F. Fedele,MD, E. Thomas, MD, T. Drew, MD, J. Joelson, MD, D. Hardink, RN. Drug Distribution Center: Cooperative Studies Program Veterans Administration Medical Research Service, Albuquerque, NM. Principal Investigator: C. Coll-
ing, RPh, MS; Coinvestigators: C. Haakenson, RPh, MS, M. Sather, RPh, MS. Clinical Centen: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montejiore Medical Center, New York, NY. Principal Investigator: H.S. Mueller, MD; Co-investigators: M.A. Greenberg,MD, R. Grose,MD, G. Gordon, MD, J.D. Goldfischer, MD, M. Bensman, MD, J. Cooper, MD, B. Ventura, RN, K. Hemingway, RN, M. Stein, RN, P. Michaud-Edelstein, RN, L. Henson, RN, J. Durkin, RN, P. Murphy, RN. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. Principal Investigator: R. Roberts, MD; Co-investigators:P. Nelson, RN, S. Minor, MD, C. Pratt, MD, A. Raizner, MD, W.L. Winters, MD, M.S. Verani, MD, J.M. Lewis, MD, J. Heibig, MD, N. Kleiman, MD, M.K. VanderMolen, RN. Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA. Principal Investigator: M.J. Schweiger,MD; Co-investigators: R.E. Gianelly, MD, T. Marantz, MD, M. Porway, MD, E. Brickman, RN, F. Blank, RN, J. Mitchell, RN. Boston University
Center, Boston, MA.
Principal Investigator: T.J. Ryan, MD; Co-investigators: C.S. Apstein, MD, J.B. Cadigan, III, MD, D.P. Faxon, MD, A.K. Jacobs,MD, M.A. Kellett, Jr., MD, B.J. Polansky, MD, N.A. Ruocco, MD, T.A. Sanbom, MD, T. Varricchione, RRT, D.A. Weiner, MD, N. Battinelli, RN, B. Hankin, RN. Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT. Principal Investigator: J.D. Babb, MD; Co-investigators:Z.A. Adefuin, MD, M. Driesman, MD, J. Meizlish, MD, D. Yasick, RN. Brown University, Providence, RZ. Principal Investigator: D.O. Williams, MD; Co-investigators: T.M. Drew, MD, R.S. Riley, MD, H.J. White, MD, D. Shefcyk, MD, J. Joelson,MD, E. Thomas, MD, B. Sharaf, MD, F. Fedele, MD, M. Nathanson, MD, G. McKendall, MD, D. Becker, MD, D.L. Hardink, RN, M. Macede, RN, G. Weeks, MD, R. Mich, MD, E. Berger, MD. Columbia University, New York, NY. Principal Investigator: E. Powers,MD; Co-investigators: A. Berke, VENTRICULAR FUNCTION AFTER THROMBOLYSIS
MD, L. Johnson,MD, A.B. Nichols, MD, D.S. Reison, MD, A. Schwartz, MD, R. Watson, MD, E. Escala, RN, H.S. Wasserman,MD, M. Apfelbaum, MD. Cornell Medical Center, New York, lVY. Principal Investigators: J.S. Borer, MD, T.L. Schreiber, MD, Coinvestigators: D.H. Miller, MD, J.W. Moses, MD, I. Tamari, MD, B. Charash, MD, B. Gerling, MD, D.A. Silvasi, RN, A. McNulty, RN. George Washington University,
Washington, D.C.
Principal Investigator: A.M. Ross, MD; Co-investigators: G.B. Brett, MD, R.I. Katz, MD, R.H. Leiboff, MD, P.J. Varghese, MD, A.G. Wasserman, MD, M. Magee, RN, G. Cavallo, RN, J. Mendelson, RN. Harvard University, Boston, MA. Principal Investigator: D.S. Bairn, MD; Co-investigators:D. Diver, MD, S. Herson, MD, J.E. Markis, MD, R.G. McKay, MD, B. Lorell, MD, C. (Brewer) Senerchia, RN, MS, G.A. Carey, RN, J. Schweiger, RN. Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME. Principal Investigator: C.T. Lambrew, MD; Co-investigators:W.D. Alpern, MD, R.A. Anderson, MD, D.J. Cutler, MD, J.P. Driscoll, MD, M. Kellett, MD, J.C. Love, MD, P.R. Minton, MD, R.L. Morse, MD, P.K. Shaw, MD, P.W. Sweeney,MD, S. Vermilya, RN, P. Birmingham, RN, N. McIntire, RN. Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN. Principal Investigator: J.H. Chesebro, MD, B.J. Gersh, MD, F.A. Miller, MD, M.B. Mock, MD, H.C. Smith, MD, R. Frye, MD, D.L. Hayes, MD, I. Clements, MD, W.K. Freeman, MD, J.A. Rumberger, MD, R. Gibbons, MD, R. Nishimura, MD, R. Rodeheffer, MD, R. Click, MD, J. Oh, MD, L. Sinak, MD, D. Klees, LPN, L. Meyers, LPN, R. Vlietstra, MD, J. Bresnahan,MD, D. Holmes, Jr., MD, G. Reeder, MD. New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY. Principal Investigator: M.V. Herman, MD, Co-investigators: M.B. Weiss, MD, M. Cohen, MD, J. Levy, MD, M. Feld, MD, R. Grief, MD, J.H. Stein, MD, R. Wallach, MD, A.M. Kanakaraj, RN, V. Rosal-Greif, RN, Y. Sait, PA. New York University, New York, NY. Principal Investigator: F. Feit, MD; Co-investigators: J.N. Slater, MD, A. Simon, RN, J. Breed, RN, M.S. Nachamie, MD, W.J. Cole, MD, I.C. Schulman, MD, M.J. Rey, MD, M. Attubato, MD, S. Shapiro, RN. North Shore University, Manhasset, NY Principal Investigator: J. Morrison, MD; Co-investigators:V. Padmanabhan, MD, P. Reiser, MD, L. Ong, MD, S. Green, MD, A. Tortolani, MD, M.L. Andresen, RN, T. In&of, RN, L. Genovese,RN, M. Ward, RN. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Principal Investigator: R. Davison, MD; Co-investigators:T. McDonough, MD, B. Kramer, MD, S. Meyers, MD, P. Niemyski, RN, M. Parker, RN, K. Kaplan, MD, D. Fintel, MD, M. Salinger, MD, D.C. Hueter, MD, G. Wilner, MD, C. Berkowitz, MD, K. Duun, RN. St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Principal Investigator: B.R. Chaitman, MD, Co-investigators: M.G. Vandormael, MD, M.J. Kern, MD, W.P. Hamilton, MD, J.G. Dwyer, MD, T. Thornton, RN, J. Anthony,
MD, J.G. Dwyer, MD, T. Thornton, RN, J. Anthony, RN, K. Galan, RN, M. Major, RN, G. Huber, RN. University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL. Principal Investigator: W.J. Rogers, MD; Co-investigators: J.G. Arciniegas, MD, W.A. Baxley, MD, R.C. Bourge, MD, T.M. Bulle, MD, T.B. Cooper,MD, L.S. Dean, MD, R. Hess, DO, W.A.H. MacLean, MD, S.E. Papaietro, MD, C. Saenz,MD, A.W.H. Stanley, MD, M.T. Simp son, MD, K. Bynum, RN, T. Eubanks, RN, L. Maske, RN. University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA. Prmcipal Investigator: J. Gore, MD; Co-investigators: J.S. Alpert, MD, J.R. Benotti, MD, J. Leppo, MD, I.S. Ockene, MD, J.F. Rippe, MD, B.H. Weiner, MD, J. Dalen, MD, J.M.J. Gaca, MD, S.P. Ball, RN, J. Corrao, RN, C. Mahan, RN. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Principal Investigator: M. Hodges, MD; Co-investigators: W.T. Hession, MD, S.W. Sharkey, MD, D. Wysham, MD, I. Goldenberg,MD, A. Adicoff, MD, R. Brandenburg, Jr., MD, G.L. Gobel, MD, L. Nordstrom, MD, R. Van Tassel,MD, C. White, MD, R. Wilson, MD, A. Ettinger, RN, L. Palmquist, RN, C. Siebold, RN, N. Carruthers, RN, C. Farmer, RN. University of Texas, Dallas, TX. Principal Investigator: J. Willerson, MD, Co-investigators: L.D. Hilhi, MD, G.J. Dehmer, MD, D.L. Brown, MD, M. Winniford, MD, B.G. Firth, MD, M.M. Carry, MD, B. Toates, RN, S. Cochran, RN, P. Surratt, RN, J. Moore, RN, MSN. Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Principal Investigator: P.A. Ludbrook, MD; Co-investigators: A.J. Tiefenbrunn, MD, N.A. Riciotti, RN, MSN, A.S. Jaffe, MD, B.E. Sobel, MD. William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI. Principal Investigator: R. Ramos, MD; Co-investigators:G. Timmis, MD, V. Gangadharan, MD, S. Gordon, MD, C. Tollis, RN, E. Worden, RN. Yale University, New Haven, CT. Principal Investigator: L.S. Cohen, MD; Co-investigators:C.K. Francis, MD, J. Alexander, MD, D. Copen, MD, M. Cleman, MD, H. Cabin, MD, M. Remetz, MD, L. Decklebaum, MD, J. Gerard-Amatruda, RN, D. Penn, RN, A. Miller, RN, C. Piselli, RN. TIM1 Phase II Committees: Operations Committee:
Chairman: E. Braunwald, MD; Members: G. Knatterud, PhD, E. Passamani,MD, T. Robertson, MD, R. Solomon, MHS. Executive Committee: Chairman: E. Braunwald, MD; Members: B. Chaitman, MD, J. Chesebro, MD, H. Dodge, MD, G. Knatterud, PhD, K. Mann, PhD, H. Mueller, MD, E. Passamani,MD, R. Roberts, MD, W. Rogers, MD, B. Sobel, MD, D. Stump, MD, D. Williams, MD, B. &et, MD. Hemorrhagic Event Review Committee: Chairman: J. Chesebro,MD; Members: A. Berke, MD, E. Bovill, MD, F. Feit, MD, J. Gore, MD, L.D. Hillis, MD, C. Lambrew, MD, R. Leiboff, MD, J. Markis, MD, L. Offen, MD, C. Pratt, MD, S. Sharkey, MD, G. Sopko, MD, M. Terrin, MD.
JANUARY 1, 1992
Mortality and Morbidity Classification Committee: Chairman: M. Weisfeldt, MD; Members: W. Baker, MD, M. Cowley, MD, K. Kent, MD, E. Lichstein, MD, T. Robertson, MD, L. Scherlis, MD, M. Terrin, MD. Safety and Data Monitoring Committee: Chairman: F. Klocke, MD; Members: J. Bailar, MD, R. Conti, MD, D. DeMets, PhD, V. Fuster, MD, T. Killip, MD, H. Roberts, MD, L. Walters, PhD; Ex-Officio Members: E. Braunwald, MD, G. Knatterud, PhD, E. Passamani, MD, T. Robertson, MD. Steering Committee: The members of the Steering Committee are the Study Chairman and the Principal Investigators from the TIM1 Clinical Centers, Core Laboratories, Coordinating Center, and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Program Office.
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