Association between the PON1-55 and PON1-192 polymorphisms at the paraoxonase 1 gene (PON1) and plasma lipid concentrations in a healthy spanish population. Influence of tobacco smoking

Association between the PON1-55 and PON1-192 polymorphisms at the paraoxonase 1 gene (PON1) and plasma lipid concentrations in a healthy spanish population. Influence of tobacco smoking


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XVII S.I.S.A. National Congress ASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE PON1-55 AND PONl-192 POLYMORPHISMS AT THE PARAOXONASE I GENE ( P O N 1 ) AND PLASMA L I P I D CONCENTRATIONS I N A HEALTHY SPANISH POPULATION. INFLUENCE OF TOBACCO SMOKING Franc&s F, Portol&s O, Sebater A, S i i z C, Campos C, Cerrasco P, Gimenez F, Corel|a D Preventive Medicine Department. University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain The human paraoxonase 1 gene (PON1), a protein with antioxidants properties, has been implicated in cardiovascular diseases. Two common polymorphisms at codon 55 (L>M) and 192 (Q>R) in PON1 have been shown to be associated with a increased risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the association of these polymorphisms with plasma lipids has been more controversial. Some investigations have shown than tobacco smoking could be an important factor in modulating these associations. Our objective was to study the association between the PON1-55 and PONl-192 polymorphisms and plasma lipid concentrations in healthy subjects after considering the influence of tobacco smoking. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a healthy Mediterranean population from Spain consisting of 222 men and 577 women (aged 18-65 years). Prevalence of the genotypes for the PON1-55 were: 37% LL, 47% ML and 16% MM. PON1-192 genotypes were: 46% QQ, 44% RQ and 10% RR. The 55L>M polymorphism was associated with plasma concentration of triglycerides with LL subjects having the lowest levels (p<0.01). Conversely, higher LDL-C concentrations (p=0.02) were observed in LL subjects. For the 192 Q>R polymorphism a statistically significant association with HDL-C concentration in men was observed, with carriers of the R allele having the lowest concentrations. Moreover a statistically significant interaction between the 192Q>R polymorphism and tobacco smoking in determining HDL-C in men was found (p=0.038). Thus, in smokers, the lowering effect of the P, allele on HDL-C concentrations was increased as compared with non-smokers, contributing to the cardiovascular risk. For LDL-C and triglycerides, the gene-environment interaction between each one of the PON1 gene variants and smoke was not statistically significant.

PLASMA REMNANTS AND I N T I M A - M E D I A THICKNESS I N A FREELIVING I T A L I A N POPULATION Grigore L~, Maggi F M t,~, Raselli S 1, Fentappi& S ;, Redaelli L ~, Pissarelli A; and Catalano AL. ;'~ 1Center for the Study of Atherosclerosis, ~Bassini Hospital Cinisello Balsamo, Milan A cohort of 2143 subjects were recruited for the PLIC study (Presence and progression of Lesions In Carotid arteries). Aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between IMT (a surrogate index of atherosclerosis) and major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) such as plasma lipids, lifestyle habits, blood pressure and other new markers for atherosclerosis like plasma RLPs (remnant-like lipoproteins). Methods and results: 1563 subjects were eligible for the study (no vascular diseases or other major pathologies, no use of hypolipemic or antihypertensive drugs). Biochemical analysis and demographic variables were assessed. IMT was obtained in both carotid arteries in the first segment of the common carotid, proximal to the bulb dilatation. Whereas data of IMT and LDL-C were normally distributed, TG and RLP-cholesterol values showed a skewed distribution, therefore these values were transformed in log-key. In the whole population, as expected, there was a strong correlation between fasting TG and IMT (P,=0.148, p<0.0001) with a linear relationship. We also found a strong correlation between fasting RLPs-C and IMT (P,=0.224, p<0.0001) in a randomly selected subgroup of subjects (n=383). Conclusions: the continuous, constant increase in IMT from the lower to upper quintile of RLPs-C, demonstrates that the effect of these lipoprotoins on the IM'i- is dose-dependent. RLPs may constitute a new target for hypolipidemic therapies.

323 TRIGLYCERIDES CHANGES RELATED TO B M I M O D I F I C A T I O N OVER TIME I N A POPULATION BASED COHORT STUDY (PROGETTO ATENA) M Gentile, F Rubba, A MatUello, E Celentano, R Galesso, AV Ciardullo, M Santucci de Magistris, M Del Pezzo, P Rubba, S Panico Dip. Scienze Mediche Preventive, Dip. Medicina Clinica Sperimentale, Federico I I University, Naples, Italy Changes in blood lipids profile over time has been evaluated in a population based cohort study in women, aged 30-69, living in the metropolitan area of Naples, Southern Italy (Progetto ATENA). Serum CHOL, HDL, LDL and TG have been measured both baseline and about 7 years later in 344 women, as a part of 5062 participants. Crude descriptive data indicate that BMI has increased significantly HDL, LDL and CHOL have decreased significantly, whereas no changes have been detected for TG. By examining the tertiles (T1-T3) of change in BMI (BMI at second observation minus BMI at first observation) the results adjusted for age are as follows: TG are significantly increased in women who increased BMI from 1.1 to 5.74 (T3) (2nd observation vs. baseline) (mean 4- SE), p<0.001. These women have a significant decrease in LDL, HDL and CHOL. Adjusted for age multivariate analysis have detected a significant association between TG and BMI changes. We conclude that this group of Mediterranean women became fatter over time. Those who gain at least 1.1 of BMI increase their TG levels, while those who loose weight and belong to the 1st tertile of BMI changes have significantly lower TG. This observation may be of interest as to the potential influence on cardiovascular risk due to weight modifications.

ALIMENTARY INVESTIGATION, B M I AND CHOLESTEROLAEMIA I N SCHOOL-CHILDREN FROM 6 TO 13 I N THE T O W N OF VOLLA (NAPOLI, ITALY) V Mastrilli, F Poggiante*, D Russo, G De Cicco, M Arute, T Borrelli, G DeSimone, M Iossa Centro Diabetologico distr. 75-ASL NA4, * Europa Life, AIM: Immediate check on the nutritional assessment; pointing out of the alimentary habits: consumption of fats and fibres, of 1488 children living in the town of Volla; comparison among BMI, alimentary habits and cholesterolaemia values in a sub-group of 307 children. METHODS: All children: n=1488, age 6-13 attending the primary and the secondary schools. All the children attending the 3rd year of the primary school and the 1st year of the secondary one, engaged for the drawing of cholesterol. To value their nutritional assessment: anthropometrical parameters. Their alimentary habits: 24 hours recall. Blood drawing: by capillary procurement and cholesterolaemia is tested by blood glucose meter. RESULTS: The 38% :n=565 BMI: from 20 to 25:in the norm; the 42%: n= 625 between 16 and 19:lower but still in the norm; the 11%: n=164 lower than 16: too thin and the 9%: n=134 higher than 25:obese. Children engaged to test cholesterolaemia were 307: 6%:n=18 chol: higher than 200; the 9%: n=28 from 180 to 200; the 85%:n=161 lower than 180.OUTCOME: In general, on the sample: the 11% of children has got a BMI lower than 16 and that the 19% higher than 2 5 . 2 4 hours recall show that the 65.3% of children eat food rich in fats once or twice for day. The consumption of vegetables and pulses is not enough. On the sample of hypercholesterolaemic children there is no correlation between cholesterol values and BMI. Consumptions of food rich in fibre weigh on cholesterolaemia values, if there is association with reduction of consumptions of food containing fats.