Asthma therapy with iminol

Asthma therapy with iminol

epartment of Review Selected Abstracts Asthma 1352, in Belation 1931. to Age and Sex. Baagoe, Ii. H.: Xlin. Wchnschr. 10; h study was made...

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epartment of Review Selected Abstracts Asthma 1352,

in Belation 1931.











h study was made of 311 cases of asthma. it was fount1 that the ineidenco ol the disease was greater among males than among females, particularly in those cases where asthma had had its inception somewhere in the first five years of life or after forty years. Statistics showed, however, that there is no one particular ago that is exceptionally favorable to the development of asthma. The reactivity of the skin to scratch test is discussed in relation to age and sex. Positive reactions were found most freyuently in those patients between the ages of ten and thirty years. A higher percentage of positil:e react.ions was obtained from women than from men. This held true for all ages. Asthma











Iminol, a compound of theophylline, caffeine, papaverine and agarieine, wo,s used by the writer with great success in the treatment of a stubborn case or” asthma. The outstanding factor in its favor was its continued cffiicacp over an extended period of time, in contrast to other drugs which gave relief for a short time, gradually diminishing in usefulness unti1 they had to be discarded. A

New Test and Giroud,

of I’.:

Anaphylaxis Compt.

in rend.

Man. Vallery-&dot, Sot. de biol. 107:

I’.: Laurie, 6217. 1931.




Rabbits were sensitized with various proteins respectively: horse dander, sac dander, cow dander, wheat, etc. After an incubation period of from sixteen to forty-live days, each rabbit was injected with the serum from a man sensitized The arterial pressure of the rabbit was then to the corresponding protein. recorded on a kymograph. Sixteen subjects were used; six positive results were obtained. Controls were run upon both rabbits and human beings. It was necessary to use an extract of good antigenic properties for the scnsitization of the rabbits. Injection was subcutaneous. Injection of the shocking dose of serum from man was intravenous. The rabbit was the animal of preference: no shock having been obtained when guinea pigs were used. Horse danctel was the most satisfactory antigen. Studies in Beings.

the Transmission Bell, 8. D., and

of Sensitization From Eriksson, Z.: J. Immunol.

Mother to Child 20: 147. 1931.



It was considered possible that the mother during gestation might transfer skin sensitizing antibodies to the offspring and that such passive transfer of sensitivity might be temporary as in the passage of antitoxins and isoagglutinins. The reactions in mother and offspring were studied in five cases of hay fever The ability of the mother’s strum while she was and five cases of asthma. carrying the child, to give local passive transfer to a normal individual was demonstrated in each instance. 321