IIR n e w s
Nouvelles de/'/IF A S T M Thermal I nsulation C o n f e r e n c e
Oak Ridge, TN, 37830 or R.P. Tyne, Dynatech R/D Co., 99 Erie Street, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA.
ASTM Committee Cl 6 on Thermal Confdrence de rASTM and Cryogenic Insulations is sur /'isolation thermique holding a Thermal Insulation Conference on 23-25 October in Le Comite C 16 de/'isolation 1978 in Tampa, Florida, USA. thermique et de/'isolation cryogenique de I'ASTM tiendra une The subject of the Conference will conference sur I'isolation be all aspects of thermal insulathermique du 23 au 25 octobre tion performance and its critical 1978 a Tampa, Floride, Etats-Unis. role in energy conservation. The general format will include sessions devoted to formal papers supplemented with panel and Le sujet de cette conference round-table discussions. There will portera sur tousles aspects de la be a number of invited papers performance de/'isolation from noted international workers thermique et sur son r61e essentiel in the field covering topics in the dans la conservation de I'~nergie. general areas of materials and Le schema g~neral comprendra des systems, applications and use, seances consacrees a des rapports testing and evaluation, officiels completes par des implementation, present probdiscussions par groupes ou en lems and future research needs. table ronde. II y aura un certain nombre de rapports invit#s prdsentds par des Additional papers are invited on, chercheurs de notoriet~ but are not limited to, the internationale dans /es domaines following individual topics in the suivants: sujets generaux above areas : building and concernant /es mat~riaux et /es industrial materials and systems; systemes, applications et thermal and overall performance I"utilisation, essais et 6valuation, including analysis and raise en oeuvre, problemes actuels measurement; laboratory, real life et besoins de recherche pour and predicted performance values; I"avenir. high and low temperatures; applications in buildings, appliances and for industrial D'autres rapports seront so/licites purposes; factors which influence sur les domaines suivants, sans de performance including moisture, /imiter ~ ceux-ci : materiaux et air flow and installation effects; systemes de construction et test methodology and developmateriaux et systemes industriels; ment; the impact of laboratory performance thermique et accreditation, federal performance g~n~rale comprenant specifications, codes, consumer I'analyse et la mesure; and legal requirements; economic performances en /aboratoire, dans restraints including raw materials, les conditions reelles et prevues, supply and demand factors; temperatures elevees et basses; current research directions at application aux bbtiments, aux international, national industrial appareils e t a rindustrie, facteurs and commercial organizations. ayant une influence sur la performance, y compris les effets Further details may be obtained de I'humidit& de I'ecoulement d'air from D.L. McEIroy, Oak Ridge et de I'installation; methodologie National Laboratory, PO Box X,
Volume 1 Number 1 May 1 9 7 8
et mise au point des essais; impact de I'agrement des laboratoires, des normes et codes federaux, des exigences des consommateurs et de la legislation; limites #conomiques, comprenant les matieres premieres, les facteurs de/'offre et de la demande; directions actuelles de la recherche dans les organisations internationales et les organisations nationales, industrielles et commerciales. Pour obtenir des details supplementaires, s'adresser a D.L. McEIroy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box X, Oak Ridge, Tn 37830 ou a R.P. Tye, Dynatech R i D Co., 99 Erie Street, Cambridge, /VIA. 02139, Etats-Unis.
Meetings of the Management Committee and Executive Committee of the IIR, Paris (France), December 8 - 9, 1 9 7 7 The Management Committee of the IIR met in Paris on December 8, 1977 under the presidency of Mr G. de Bakker (The Netherlands) who was assisted by Mr Anquez, Director. Members participating at this meeting were Messrs A. Gac (France), H. Glaser (Federal Republic of Germany). G.G. Haselden (United Kingdom). G. Lorentzen (Norway), A. Mun6zDelgado (Spain), Ch. Trepp (Switzerland) and Mr L. Mattarolo (Italy). President of the Scientific Council. The Committee approved the updated budget for 1977 and the draft primary budget for 978 in readiness for submission to the Executive Committee. It also examined candidatures for Associate Members : at the close of this meeting the number of Associate Members of the IIR now stands at 16 Benefactor Members, 400 Collective Members and 497 Private Members,