a permanent program. Since the implementation, the Physicians Regulatory Issues Team (PRIT) has heard from some physicians having problems with the RAC. Problems have ranged from requests for patient records that were more than four-years old (a system fix was required), to requests for an impractical number of records. The PRIT has worked with the RACs to address the complaints and have found them to be proactive once they learned of a complaint. The CMS staff managing the RAC contracts has been helpful in resolving physician issues and the complaints have helped them write an RFP for the RAC expansion to ensure that the new RACs will be more ‘‘physician friendly.’’ CMS is aware of potential problems in this process and will work to ensure that their audits are reasonable and their decisions are well informed. If you are having problems with a RAC contractor, please contact CMS at
[email protected].
GYN Cancers Brochure Updated ASTRO has just updated the patient brochure Radiation Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers to educate patients on how external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy work to treat these cancers. It can be downloaded free from or 50 hard copies can be purchased by members for $25 and by nonmembers for $30 at Stark Phase III Released: CMS Clarifies Physician Self-Referral Regulations In response to public comments on the Phase II interim final rule (March 26, 2004), CMS recently released the Phase III Final Rule which prohibits physicians from referring Medicare patients for certain items, services and tests provided by businesses that they or an immediate family member has a financial interest in. This final rule covers the enhancement of flexibility in structuring non-abusive compensation arrangements, providing relief for inadvertent violations of the self-referral prohibition, reduction in the regulatory burden for compliance with certain exceptions and clarification of the agency’s interpretation of existing regulations. The new rules, which take effect on December 4, 2007, contain many significant changes that could cause many healthcare organizations and physicians to reevaluate their relationships. This final rule does not reflect changes based on the comments the agency received recently on the proposed 2008 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule request for comments in this area. While not making any specific changes to the ‘‘in-office ancillary exception’’ at this time, the final rule has cautionary references regarding the potential for abuse in per-use fee arrangements, shared staff and space arrangements. CMS also indicated that they are considering further future rulemaking based on issues raised by stakeholders. We will continue to monitor developments in this area closely and will take advantage of opportunities to further ASTRO’s position that radiation therapy services are not in-office ancillary services. To see ASTRO’s recent comments on this topic, please go to PublicPolicy/CommentLettersTestimonyAndReports/.
ASTRO History Committee Asking for Stories, Photos and Memorabilia ASTRO’s History Committee needs your help in telling the ASTRO story from beginning to present. In preparation for the 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Boston in 2008, the committee is asking you to send stories, photos and memorabilia for ASTRO to feature at the meeting. Send your inquiries and submissions to
[email protected] Radiation Therapy Presentations Available ASTRO has created two PowerPoint presentations complete with text and photographs to help explain radiation therapy to the general public and other healthcare professionals. Members can download the files and then modify them in PowerPoint to suit their audience. The presentations can be found in the Member’s Media Corner at http://www.astro. org/Membership/MembersOnly/MembersMediaCenter/. You will need your username and password to access the files. Maintenance of Certification: Self Assessment Modules Available at ASRO A gynecological cancer SAM course is now available at the ASTRO School of Radiation Oncology (ASRO) site. To view and register for this and the other SAM courses that are available, log on to LifelongLearningSAM/Offerings/. Don’t wait until the last minute to meet your recertification requirements. Continuing education and lifelong learning are important elements of your recertification requirements.
Recovery Audit Contractor Update In December 2006, Congress passed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, which expanded the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program to include all 50 states and made it
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