Atlas of Human Anatomy

Atlas of Human Anatomy

444 BOOK REVIEWS Mayo Clin Proc, March 1990, Vol 65 of the literature, has taken a good editor's prerogative and has added his own comments after m...

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Mayo Clin Proc, March 1990, Vol 65

of the literature, has taken a good editor's prerogative and has added his own comments after many ofthe chapters written by other contributors. These commentaries strengthen the book significantly. Well bound, easily readable, and well illustrated, this book deserves a place in the library of every plastic surgeon who performs reduction mammaplasty. A personal word of caution to young plastic surgeons is warranted, however. The use of one or two of the procedures, learned and performed well, is more valuable than experimentation with the plethora of techniques currently available and presented in this text.

significantly to his success. Moreover, he has developed a distinctive artistic style that brings depth and vitality to his subjects, as evidenced in every plate in this atlas. He is also able to synthesize complex information into digestible schematics that readily convey essential concepts; most notable are his diagrams of autonomic innervation. The drawings are enhanced with labels that are artfully arranged in a radial fashion, and many plates refer the reader to additional plates that present other views ofthe area ofinterest. Essential anatomic information seems to leap from the page. I highly recommend this atlas to medical students and physicians-in-training. PractitioJohn E. Woods, M.D. ners will find it valuable not only as an enjoyable Section of Plastic and review of anatomy but also as an aid in illustratReconstructive Surgery ing anatomic points to patients. Atlas ofHuman Anatomy will become a classic. Frank Netter already is. Atlas ofHuman Anatomy, by FrankH. Netter, Stephen W. Carmichael, Ph.D. 576pp, withillus,$86.50, WestCaldwell,New Jersey, Ciba-Geigy, 1989 Department of Anatomy It is a genuine pleasure to review a book as well done as this text by Frank H. Netter, M.D. It is fair to say that Dr. Netter, who will be honored at the upcoming meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, is the premier medical illustrator of our day. He is best known to this audience as the illustrator of the clinical symposia series published by Ciba-Geigy and the Ciba Collection of Medical Illustrations. This atlas, however, is much more than a compilation of drawings of normal anatomy from these earlier sources. Dr. Netter, with the distinguished assistance of Dr. Sharon Colacino, revised many of the drawings and created new ones to fill in the gaps. Fortunately, the terminology used for labeling has been revised to conform to an anglicized version of Nomina Anatomica. Popular eponyms are included parenthetically (for example, tympanic nerve [of Jacobson]). The decreased emphasis on eponyms will further the incorporation of correct anatomic terminology for the next generation of physicians. The fact that Frank Netter was trained both as a physician and as an artist has contributed

Complications in Arthroscopy, edited by Norman F. Sprague III, 234 pp, with illus, $110, New York, Raven Press, 1989

This text provides an excellent overview of actual and potential complications of arthroscopy of the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, wrist, and hip. The importance of a thorough knowledge of anatomy and meticulous technique is emphasized. A valuable addition to the review is the section on general medical complications and their management, especially reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The detailed account of anesthetic complications-especially in regard to dosages and the adverse effects of local anesthetics-is essential reading for those who induce local or regional anesthesia in patients undergoing operations of the extremities. Five chapters are devoted to complications of commonly used procedures for the knee and new techniques in other joints. The complications specific to each procedure are emphasized, and means of avoiding these complications are ad-