Atresia of the Vulva of a Bitch

Atresia of the Vulva of a Bitch

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By F. MORTON WALLIS, M.R. C.V.S. H alstead, E ssex.

THE patient was a Scotch terrier, 7 or 8 years old, and had follicular mange of a very chronic character. It was admitted to hospital on January 14, 1909, and was under treatment here until February IS, then at home two or three times a week for two weeks. No further trouble has occurred since. The treatment adopted was as follows: The skin was shaved, and then well cleansed with soap and water and dried twice daily, and afterwards dressed with the following lotion : :8 Ac. sulphurosi jii Zinci chlor. ... gr. Ixxx Aqua:! ad. jviii When any of the pustules broke I inserted a solid stick of silver nitrate in the hole and applied it thoroughly. ATRESIA OF THE VULVA OF A BITCH. lly GEO. H. WOOLDRIDGE, F .R.C.V.S. Professor i1t the R oyal Veterillary College, L oudon.

ON February 12 a small nondescript terrier bitch, IS months old, was br,ought to me with a swelling in the perineum which had been noticed for several days. It was accompanied by a certain amount of straining. On examining the animal I found that the vulval orifice was represented by a very small puncture about one millimetre in diameter, and it was obvious that she had been accustomed to pass her urine into the vulvo-vaginal passage, from which it dribbled very slowly. The irritation thus set up was probably the original cause of the swelling and the straining, and was no doubt intensified by the fact that the bitch was in cestrum. A simple operation was decided upon and carried out after suitable preparation. The puncture was situated at what would represent the superior commissure of the vulva. Into this a fine grooved direct.or was inserted and the point turned downwards, in which direction it passed easily for the distance of about half an inch. An incision was then mad·e to that extent, revealing an apparently normal vulvo-vaginal cavity. To prevent the opening

Gersuny's Wax Operatzon for Prolapsed Rectum.


cicatrizing and again occluding the orifice, fine sutures were inserted securing contact and union between the skin and vulval mucous membrane of the respective sides. The patient made a rapid recovery. Such cases are extrem~ly rare and do not appear to present any serious difficulty in treatment. In this case, however, it is remarkable that the condition was not observed before the bitch attained the age of fifteen months, the explanation being that the atresia was not quite complete. COMPLETE TORSIO


By H. P. LEWIS, M.R.C.V. S. Chelmsford.

THE patient was an Irish terrier, aged about six years, apparently in good health the night before when the owner saw the animal. It was found dead in the kennel, and the body was sent to me for post-mortem examination, as p~ison was suspected. Upon opening the abdomen, the cause of death was obvious, as the small intestine was twisted several times upon itself. In fact, it was a complete tang le, and it was impossible to undo it without the use of the scalpel. Torsion of the intestine in the horse is a common occurrence. but the rarity of this condition being reported in canine patients makes the case of unusual interest. A CASE OF GERSU ry's WAX OPERATION PROLAPSED RECTUM.



ON February IS I was consulted by Mr. R. H . Stephenson, M.R.C.V.S., of Southsea, in reference to a well-bred bull bitch, 4 years old, whose rectum was persistently prolapsed. She had been taken to Mr. Stephenson on January 27, and at that time fully three inches was showing. After s-o me manipulation this was returned, the anus sutured, and the bitch kept quietly in a kennel. On January 28 the bowel again protruded, and was returned, and on this -o ccasion fre sh sutures were put across the anus. Between this date and February IS the bowel came out three times, and when she arrived at hospital in Kensington a suture was in situ. Two days later the suture