Oceanographic Abstracts
HAIDER M. and D. B. LINDSLEY, 1964. Microvibrations in man and dolphin. Science, 146 (3648): 1181-1183. Microvibrations were recorded from the dorsal body surface of a bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truneatus) while it swam in water a n d while it lay on a foam rubber mattress in an air environment. Unlike poikilothermic water-living animals which do not manifest microvibrations, this homeothermic mammal has 13 c/s microvibrations similar to those of man and other homoeotherms. For comparative purposes, microvibrations of 11 c/s were recorded from the arm of a man while lying on the same mattress. The nature and origin of these microvibrations is discussed in relation to physiological tremors and shivering. HAMON B. V., 1963. Australian tide recorders. Aust., Comm. Sci. Ind. Res. Organ., Div. Fish. Ocean., Techn. Pap. No. 15:32 pp. Tide recorder stations within the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories are listed and brief details are given of each tide gauge and its datum.
HANKIMOJUHANI, 1964. Some computations of the energy exchange between the sea and the atmosphere in the Baltic area. llmatiet. Keskuslait. Toimituk. (Finnish Met. Off., Contrib.), No. 5 7 : 2 6 pp. In comparing the results obtained by Palm6n (1963) the author concludes that the evaporation values given by Privett's coefficient k = 0"114 in equation (I) were on the average satisfactory but perhaps somewhat too small. The water vapour pressure was measured at 2 m and the wind velocity at 10 m, but the same coefficient would obviously also have been valid, if both ea and Va had been measured at 6 m. The annual evaporation on the Bothnian Sea was estimated at 495 m m during the year in question. The mean annual value may be somewhat smaller, because at the end of the year the heat storage of the sea was smaller than at the beginning. The proportion of sensible heat was quite small in the energy exchange except in winter, when it was on the average 70-75 % of the flux of latent heat. Laevastu's (1960) formula for the total incoming radiation was found in this case to give values about 30% greater than the actual measurements. When the computed values of incoming radiation were replaced by actual measurements, the heat budget of the Bothnian Sea (equation 12) was found to be satisfactorily balanced. The total heat loss from the maximum to the minimum annual heat storage of the sea according to equation (12) was estimated at about 41,000 cal cm -z on ' Finngrundet.' For the Bothnian Sea as a whole the corresponding value is probably somewhat smaller. HANSAWA MASAO, 1964. A statistical relationship between sea surface temperature and geostrophic wind in the Kuroshio waters. Rec. Oceanogr. Wks., Japan, 7 (2): 1-9. The statistical relationship between the sea-surface temperatures and the geostrophic wind in the seas adjacent to Japan was studied. In a climatological sense the intensities of the geostrophic winds along the Kuroshio axis decreases as the sea surface temperature of the Kuroshio increases. Namely, a negative correlation seems to exist judging from records over a long period of years. HARMELIN J. G. et R. SCHLENZ, 1964. Contribution pr61iminaire A l'6tude des peuplements du sediment des herbiers de phan6rogames marines de la M6diterran6e. Rec. Tray. Sta. Mar. d'Endoume, Bull., 31 (47): 149-151. Les quelques r6sultats, qui seront compi6t6s par les donn6es d'autres stations, nous permettent d6s maintenant de distinguer dans rendofaune des fonds ~1Phan6rogames marines de M6diterran6e deux ensembles bioct~notiques totalement diff6rents : l'un groupe les fonds A Zostera nana et Cymodocea nodosa auxquels se rattacbent les fonds/t Upogebiapusilla, c'est/t dire la biocoenose des sables vaseux de mode calme; l'autre correspond aux s&liments des ' m a t t e s ' &lifi6es par les Posidonies, que celles-ci soient vivantes ou mortes. HARRISON J. C. and S. P. MATHUR, 1964. Gravity anomalies in Gulf of California. In: Marine geology of the Gulf of California, a symposium, Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol., Memoir (Edited by VAN ANDEL T. and GEORGE G. SHOR JR.), 3: 76-89. South of lat 28°N, the axis of the G u l f of California is associated with a gravity high of about 100 mgal Bouguer anomaly which falls off rapidly to about 0 mgal at the sides. This anomaly correlates closely with the deeper water a n d has been interpreted as a long, narrow strip of dense crust resembling an oceanic section, bordered on either side by a crust of continental type. North of lat 28°N, this dominant axial high is replaced by a patchwork pattern of anomalies whose magnitude rarely exceeds 4-20 regal. The most pronounced features are a number of relatively restricted areas of low negative anomaly located on both sides of the Gulf and elongated parallel to its general direction. These areas probably mark elongated basins of thicker-thannormal sediment associated with faults, although there is little corroboratory evidence for this interpretation. One of these features, on the mainland side of the Gulf near its head, could mark an extension of the San Jacinto fault.