Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research No~h”~olland
Beam interactions with Materials 6kAtoms
Author index of volumes B42-B50 Abdul-Retha, K., see Yeo, Y.H. ........................................................ Abel, F., G. Amsel, E. d’Artemare, C. Ortega, J. Siejka and G. Vizkelethy, Use of the ‘60(3He, a)‘50 reaction for studying o~gen-containing thin films ......................................... Abonneau, E., see McHargue, C.J. ...................................................... Abonneau, E., G. Fuchs, M. Treilleux and A. Perez, Enhancement of copper-sapphire adhesion induced by jonbeamm~ng ................................................................. Abril, I., see Peinador, J.A. ........................................................... Abriola, D., see Ferrer-o, A.M.J. ........................................................ Abriola, D., see Garcia Bermhdez, G. .................................................... Abromeit, C., see Naundo~, V. ........................................................ Ackermans, P.A.J., G.C.R. Krutzen and H.H. Brongersma, The use of a calibration in low-energy ion scattering: preferential sputtering and S segregation in Cued alloys ............................ Adachi, H., see Tachibana, M. ......................................................... Adishchev, Yu.N., V.A. Verzilov, A.P. Potylitsyn, S.R. Uglov and S.A. Vorobyev, Measurement of spectral and polarization characteristics of parametric X-rays in a Si crystal ................................ Agawa, Y., T. Uchiyama, A. Hoshino, H. Tsuboi, R. Fukui, K. Takagi, H. Yamakawa, T. Matsuo, M. Takai and S. Namba, A 500 keV ion beam accelerator for microbeam formation ....................... Agullb-tipez, F., see Rebouta, L. ...................................................... Agullo-Lopez, F., see Rebouta, L. ...................................................... Aharonyan, A.V., see Avakyan, R.O. .................................................... Ahmad, I., see Kutschera, W. .......................................................... Abmad, N., see Matiuliah ............................................................ Aizawa,T.,seeSouda,R. ............................................................ Aizawa,T.,seeSouda,R. ............................................................ Al Ghamdi, A. and P.D. Townsend, Ion beam excited luminescence of sapphire ...................... Albert, A., see Rothard, H. ........................................................... Alberts, H.W., see Friedland, E. ........................................................ Alberts, H.W. and R. Cilliers Laser annealing of radiation damage in Be-implanted InSb single crystals ..... Al-Beteri, A.A. and D.E. Raeside, An improved electron brem~trahlung cross-section formula for Monte Carlo transport simulation ......................................................... Alexander, TK, see Forster, J.S. ....................................................... Alexander, T.K., see Ball, G.C. ......................................................... Alexander, T.K., see Forster, J.S. ....................................................... ~ford,T.L.,see~rgesen,P. .......................................................... Alimova, L.Ya., see Radjabov, T.D. ..................................................... Al-Juwair, H.A., M.M. Al-Kofahi, A.B. Hallak and M. Rajeh, A 3 MV Tandetron facility at KFLJPM ...... Alkemade, P.F.A., see Tong, S.Y. ....................................................... Alkemade, P.F.A., see Tong, S.Y. ....................................................... Alkemade, P.F.A., see Mitchell, I.V. ..................................................... Alkemade, P.F.A., F.H.P.M. Habraken and W.F. Van der Weg, On the ambigui~ in the analysis of Rutherford backscattering spectra .................................................... Alkemade, P.F.A., see Wong, L. ........................................................ Alkemade, P.F.A., L. Wong, W.N. Lennard and I.V. Mitchell Auger electron emission from a single crystal by impact of channeled ions .......................................................... Alkins, R., see Williams, E.T. .......................................................... Al-Kofahi, M.M., see Al-Juwair, H.A. .................................................... Allen, A.M.T. and J.D. Comins, Defect aggregation in gamma-irradiate RbI using optical techniques ..... ~len,W.R.,see~wis,M.B. .......................................................... Almeida,D.P.,see Rosner, B. ......................................................... ~oupogiannis, P., G. Weber, J.P. Quisefit, J.M. Delbrouck, I. Roeiandts, M.C. Rouelle and G. Robaye, A new method (method of alpha parameters) for correcting PIXE measurements for matrix effects in infinitely thick samples ............................................................ 0168-583X/93/$~.~
0 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved
B49 (19901430 B45 (19901 100 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 589 B42 ( 19891389 B47 (1990) 439 B43 (1989) 513 B45 (1990) 384 B49 (1990) 15 B44 (1989) 130 B45 (19901.540 B45 (1990) 495 B.50(1990) 428 B48 (1990) 266 842 (1989) 101 B43 (1989) 581 B45 (1990) 364 845 (1990) 369 B46 (1990) 133 B48 (1990) 616 B45 (1990) 492 B48 (19901464 B44 (1989) 149 B44 (1989) 195 B48 (1990) 125 B48 (1990) 489 B43 (1989) 165 B43 (1989) 176 B50 (1990) 474 B45 (1990) 30 B45 (1990) 91 B4S (1990) 107 B45 (1990) 139 B4S (1990) 637 B48 (19901604 B45 (1990) 356 B.50(1990) 474 B46 (1990) 240 B43 (19891243 B42 (1989) 325
B42 (1989) 359
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Aloupogiannis, P., J.P. Toutain, G. Robaye, I. Roelandts, J.P. Quisefit and G. Weber, Analysis of volcanic samples by CLparameter method established for correcting PIXE measurements .................. Al-Saleh, K.A., see Saleh, N.S. ......................................................... Alston, S., Faddeev approach to electron capture ............................................ Alurralde, M., see Garcia BermGdez, G. .................................................. Alvarez, M., see Bermejo, F.J. ......................................................... Amaral,L.,seeBehar,M. ............................................................ AmaraI,L.,seeBehar,M. ............................................................ Arnoddeo,A.,seeJiang,S.L. .......................................................... ~oddeo,~,seeBonanno,A. ........................................................ Amsel, G., see Vickridge, I. ........................................................... Amsel, G. and I. Vickridge, Analytic calculation for some useful depth profiles of the linear expansion coefficients used in SPACES ........................................................ Amsel, G., see Vickridge, I. ........................................................... Amsel,G.,seeAbel,F. .............................................................. Amsel, G., M. Menu, J. Moufin and J. Salomon, The 2 MV tandem Pelletron accelerator of the Louvre museum ...................................................................... Amsel,G.,seeMenu,M. ............................................................. Andersen, H.H. Book reuiew: Ion implantation, by H. Ryssel and I. Ruge) .......................... Andersen, H.H., (Book review: Calculated effective stopping powers and projected ranges for H, He, C, N and 0 projectiles (0.05-500 keV) in some elements and materials of dosimetric interest, ed. by I.A.M. Al-Affan) ..................................................................... Andersen, H.H., (Book reuiew: Frontiers of particle beams (Proceedings of a topical course held by the Joint US-CERN School on particle accelerators, South Padre Island, Texas, October 23-29, 19861, edited by M. Month and S. Turner) ............................................................. Andersen, J.U. and A. Uguzzoni A restricted equilibrium in phase space for axial channeling ............ Andersen, J.U., see Hau, L.V. ......................................................... Andersen, N., (Book review: Atomic and molecular beam methods, vol. 1, edited by G. Stoles) ........... Anderson, A.J., see MacArthur, J.D. .................................................... Anderson, H., (Book review: Plasma diagnostics, Vol. 2: surface analysis and interactions, ed. by 0. Auciello andD.L.Flamm) ................................................................ Andersson, L., see Schuch, R. ......................................................... Andersson, M., A.-K. Ekholm and E. Sevelius, Trace element analysis by PIXE in liver samples from dogs with chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis ........................................... Andrg, H.J., Electronic interaction of multicharged ions with metal surfaces at low velocities ............ Andrade,F.,seeArtaxo,P. ........................................................... Andreadis, T.D., see Hubler, G.K. ...................................................... Andrews, H.R., see Ball, G.C. ......................................................... Andriamonje, S., see L’Hoir, A. ........................................................ Angell, D., B.B. Marsh, N. Cue and Miao Jing-Wei, Charge collection ion microscopy: imaging of defects in semiconductors with a positive ion microbeam ........................................... Anne, R., see Gauvin, H. ............................................................. Anne,R.,seeL’Hoir,A. ............................................................. Annegarn, H.J., see Lipworth, A.D. ..................................................... Annegarn, H.J., see Johnson, J.E. ....................................................... Annegarn, H.J. and S. Bauman, Geological and mineralogical applications of PIXE: a review ............ Annegarn, H.J., A. Zucchiatti, E. Cereda and G.M. Braga-Marcazzan, Source profiles by unique ratios (SPUR) analysis: interpretation of time-sequence PIXE aerosol data ........................... Anthony, J.M., see Matteson, S. ........................................................ Anthony, J.M., S.E. Matteson, D.K. Marble, J.L. Duggan, F.C. McDaniel and D.J. Donahue, Applications of accelerator mass spectrometry to electronic materials ...................................... Antipenko, A.P., G.L. Bochek, S.V. Blazhevich, V.I. Kulibaba, N.I. Maslov, V.I. Truten’, B.I. Shramenko and N.F. Shul’ga The influence of crystal thickness on scattering and radiation of high-energy electrons in oriented crystals ................................................................ Antolak, A.J., see Bauer, G.H. ......................................................... Antolak, A.J., see Pontau, A.E. ........................................................ Antonov, S.L., I.N. Ivanov, A.A. Orlikovskiy, V.Yu. Vasil’chenko and V.E. Yurasova Sputtering of Ni,Mo single crystals: computer simulation and experiment ....................................... Aoki,A.,seeHaruyama,Y. ........................................................... Aoki,S.,seeHayakawa, S. ............................................................ Aono, K., M. Iwaki and S. Namba, Luminescence during Eu, Fe and Cr implantation into CaF2 ..........
B49 (1990) 277 I347 (1990) 263 I343 (1989) 19 B47 (1990) 439 B42 (1989) 281 846 (1990) 313 B46 (1990) 350 B4.5(1990) 646 B46 (1990) 456 B45 (1990) 6 B45 (1990) 12 B45 (1990) 16 B45 (19901100 845 (1990) 296 B45 (1990) 610 B42 (1989) 402
B44 (1989) 122
B47 (1990) 205 B48 (1990) 181 B48 (1990) 244 B47 (1990) 206 B45 (1990) 322 B44 (1989) 120 842 (1989) 566 B49 (1990) 198 B43 (1989) 306 B49 (1990) 383 846 (1990) 384 B48 (1990) 125 B48 (1990) 145 B44 (1989) 172 B47 (1990) 339 B48 (1990) 145 B49 (1990) 173 B49 (1990) 179 B49 (1990) 264 B49 (1990) 372 B45 (1990) 575 B50 (1990) 262
848 (1990) 291 B43 (1989) 497 B45 (1990) 503 B48 (1990) 553 B48 (1990) 130 B49 (1990) 555 B46 (1990) 220
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Aono, M., see Kobayashi, T. ................................................... .. Aono, M., see Katayama, M. .................................................. . Aono, M., see Kobayashi, T. ................................................... .. Apell, S.P. and R. Monreal, The influence of the multiply charged ion velocity on electron emission . Apostolakis, D., see Georgiadis, A.P. ............................................ Arafah, D.E., see Meyer, J.D. ................................................. .. Arai,E.,seeQiu,Q. ........................................................ . Arai,E.,seeQiu,Q. ........................................................ .. Arai, E., Y. Oguri and M. Ogawa, IBA using a small tandem and a single-ended Van de Graaff . .. Arakawa, E.T., see Kamada, M. ................................................ Aratani,M.,seeQiu,Q. ............................................................. Aratari, R. and W. Eckstein, Backscattering of atomic and molecular hydrogen from nickel and carbon ..... Ardell,A.J.,seeCheng,J. ............................................................ Ariyasinghe, W.M., R.D. McElroy Jr and D. Powers, Fragmentation of frozen C,H,, C,H, and CO, and search for carbon Auger electron production under 1 MeV He+ ion bombardment ................. Armbruster, P., see Schwab, Th. ........................................................ Armour, D.G., see Orrman-Rossiter, K.G. ................................................ Arnau, A. and P.M. Echenique, Stopping power of an electron gas for partially stripped ions ............ Arnau,A.,seeNagy,I. .............................................................. Arnau,A.,seePefialba,M. ........................................................... Arnold, G.W. and R.R. Rye, Ion beam analysis of the effects of radiation on the chemical etching of poly(tetrafluorethyIene) ........................................................... Arnold,W.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Arora,B.M.,seeBanerjee,S. .......................................................... Arrale, A.M., see Matteson, S. ......................................................... Artaxo, P. and W. Maenhaut, Trace element concentrations and size distribution of biogenic aerosols for the Amazon Basin during the wet season .................................................. Artaxo, P., F. andrade and W. Maenhaut, Trace elements and receptor modelling of aerosols in the Antarctic Peninsula ..................................................................... Artemare,E.d’,seeAbel,F. .......................................................... Artru, X. A simulation code for channeling radiation by ultrarelativistic electrons or positrons ........... Artukh, A.G., see Lukyanov, S.M. ...................................................... Asaturyan, R.A., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Ashbaugh, M.D., see Leavitt, J.A. ....................................................... Asomoza, R., see Zironi, E.P. .......................................................... Aune, B., see El Bouanani, M. ......................................................... Avakov, A.S., V.A. Pazdzersky and B.A. Tsipinyuk A mechanism for sputtered atomic- and cluster-ion production .................................................................... Avakyan, R.O., A.E. Avetissyan, A.V. Aharonyan, R.A. Asaturyan, R.B. Bakhshetsyan, E.M. Boyakhchyan, R.P. Vartapetyan, R.G. Gabrielyan, V.G. Gavalyan, R.A. Gasparyan, A.E. Grigoryan, V.A. Gyurdzhyan, K.R. Dallakyan, H.S. Kizogyan, L.A. Kocharyan, E.M. Matevossyan, R.M. Mirzoyan, A.G. Mkrtchyan, A.R. Mkrtchyan, A.Kh. Mkhitaryan, R.Ts. Sarkissyan, Yu.Z. Sukiassyan, S.P. Taroyan, O.A. Unanyan and G.M. Elbakyan Radiation from 4.5 GeV electrons in piezoelectric crystals ....................... Avaldi, L., S. Bassi, M. Milazzo and M. Silari , Intense sources of monochromatic X-rays for XRF analysis from cyclotron beams ............................................................. Avery, A.J., D.J. Diskett, D.W. Lane, J. Giess and S.J.C. Irvine, The use of helium ion RBS for profiling . epttaroal layers of Cd,Hg,_,Te ...................................................... Avetissyan, A.E., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Avila, O., G. Murillo and S.E. Darden, Effect of beam energy resolution on resonance widths obtained from phase shift analyses .............................................................. Awaya, Y., see Kawatsura, K. .......................................................... Azuma, Y., see Dunford, R.W. .........................................................
B45 (1990) 208 B45 (1990) 408 B45 (1990) 480 B42 (1989) 171 B50 (1990) 321 B50 (1990) 109 B44 (1989) 179 B45 (1990) 186 B45 (1990) 234 B43 (1989) 525 B44 (1989) 179 B42 (1989) 11 B44 (1990) 336
Baba, Y., see Sagara, A. .............................................................. Babb,J.F.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Babenkov, M.I., see Ryzhykh, V.Yu. ..................................................... BabiC-Zivko, J., see TadiE, T. .......................................................... Bachmann, T., K. Gartner and E. Wendler, Surface composition of GaAs determined by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry ........................................................ Bachmann, T. and H. Bar&h, The microstructure of short-time-annealed Se+-implanted GaAs ..........
B44 (1990) 373 B43 (1989) 390 B47 (1990) 470 B49 (1990) 211
B44 (1989) 61 B48 (1990) 69 B42 (1989) 334 B42 (1989) 165 B48 (1990) 54 B48 (1990) 138 B46 (1990) 330 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 570 B45 (1990) 575 B49 (1990) 366 B49 (1990) 383 B45 (1990) 100 B48 (1990) 278 B47 (1990) 102 B48 (1990) 266 B44 (1990) 260 B45 (1990) 115 B45 (1990) 651 B48 (19901562
B48 (1990) 266 B49 (1990) 24 B45 (1990) 181 B48 (1990) 266 B43 (1989) 131 B48 (1990) 103 B43 (1989) 459
B43 (1989) 193 B43 (1989) 529
Author index of volumes 842 - 850
............................................................ Back,J.M.,seeChen,J.R. Badnell,N.R., see Pindzola, M.S. ....................................................... Bai Rongsheng, see Luo Zhengming ..................................................... Bajt, S., see Przybylowicz, W. .......................................................... Bajt, S., see Przybyiowicz, W. .......................................................... Bakhru, H., see Benenson, R.E. ........................................................ Bakhshe~yan, R.B., see Avakyan, R.O. ................................................... Bakos, J.S., see Kocsis, G. ............................................................ Bakos, J.S., see Kedves, M.A. .......................................................... Bakraji, E.H., A. Giovagnoli, G. Blondiaux and J.-L. Debrun, Charged-particle activation methods for the analysis of carbon and oxygen in high-purity gallium ....................................... Balagari, P.K.J. and A.P. Pathak Axial-channeling radiation from MeV electrons in various crystal targets ... Balaji, V., D.E. David, T.F. Magnera, J. Michl and H.M. Urbassek, Sputtering yields of condensed rare gases Balanzat, E., see Fina, A. ............................................................. Balanzat, E., see Toulemonde, M. ...................................................... Balashova, L.L., V.N. Kondratyev and N.M. Kabachnik The impact-parameter dependence of antiproton .._ .................. energyloss.. .............................................. Balashova, L.L., T.V. Grankina, N.M. Kabachnik and G.P. Pokhil Low-energy antiproton channeling ...... .... Baldini, A., F. Del Giallo, F. Pieralli and G. Spina, Analysis of velocity noise in Mossbauer experiments Baldo,P.M.,~eRehn,L.E. ........................................................... Baliga,B.B.,seeDe,T.K. ............................................................ Ball, G.C., T.K. Alexander, H.R. andrews, W.G. Davies and J.S. Forster Charge-state measurements for 63Cu, ......................... *Zr, ‘07& “%, tz71 and iq7Au in carbon for energies below 1 MeV/u Ballaux, C., see Denecke, B. ........................................................... Bambynek, W., see Denecke, B. ........................................................ Banejee, S., B.M. Arora, M.B. Kurup and K.G. Prasad, Channeling and photoluminescence studies of heat-treated InP single crystals ...................................................... Bange, IS., see Rauch, F. ............................................................. ............................................................ Bange,K.,seeWagner,W. Baraldi, D., see Bizzarri, U. ........................................................... Barany, A., see Schuch, R. ............................................................ ........................................................ Barbosa,M.,seeDaSilva,R.C. Barbot, J.F., see Blanchard, C. ......................................................... Bardsley, J.N., see Levine, M .A. ........................................................ Barfoot, K.M., T. Laursen, J.L. Whitton, B.L. Weiss and R.P. Webb, In situ channeIling analysis during thermal annealing of 4He’-implanted LiNbO, ........................................... Barranco, F., see Respaldiza, M.A. ...................................................... Barraud, J.Y., see Barthe, M.F. ........................................................ ............................................ Barrett, J.H., Methods of channeling simulation Barrett, J.H., see Van Ijzendoorn, L.J. ................................................... Barros Leite, C.V., see Stedile, F.C. ..................................................... Barthe, M.F., A. Giovagnoli, G. Blondiaux, J.L. Debrun, Y. Tregoat and J.Y. Barraud, Fast analysis of oxygen in fluoride glasses (ZBLAN) by charged-particle activation [‘%(d, n)‘7Fl ........................ Barthe, M.F., see Gelin, P. ............................................................ Bar&h, H., see Bachmann, T. ......................................................... Baryshevsky, V.G., Spin rotation and depolarization of relativistic particles traveling through a crystal ...... Bassel, R.H., see Hubier, G.K. ......................................................... Bassi,S.,seeAvaldi,L. .............................................................. Bastasz, R.J., see Schmieder, R.W. ...................................................... Bastin, G., see Gauvin, H. ............................................................ Basu, B., see Bhattacharyya, D.P. ....................................................... Basu, D., see Bhattacharyya, S.R. ....................................................... Bauer, E., see Mahavadi, P. ........................................................... Bauer, G.H., A.J. Antolak, A.E. Pontau, D.H. Morse, D.W. Heikkinen and I.D. Proctor, Proton energy straggling measurements in aluminium, titanium, silver and tungsten foils ........................ .......................................................... Bauer,P.,seeSteinbauer,E. ..................................... Bauer,P.,Stoppingpoweroflightionsnearthemaximum Bauer, P., see Mitterschiffthaler, C. ..................................................... Bauer, W., J. Briggmann, H.-D. Carstanjen, S. Connell, W. Decker, J. Diehl, K. Maier, J. Major, H.-E. Schaefer, A. Seeger, H. Stoll and E. Widmann, The Stuttgart positron beam, its performance and recent experiments ....................................................................
B49 (1990) 533 B43 (1989) 279 B48 (1990) 435 B49 (1990) 509 BSO(1990) 231 B45 (1990) 519 B48 (1990) 266 B43 (1989) 215 B47 (1990) 296 B.50(1990) 6.5 B48 (1990) 252 B46 (1990) 435 B42 (1989) 69 B46 (1990) 64 B48 (1990) 18 B48 (1990) 156 B42 (1989) 393 B48 (1990) 200 B42 (1989) 138 B48 (1990) 125 B49 (1990) 152 B49 (1990) 152 B43 (1989) 570 B42 (1989) 264 BSO(1990) 27 B50 (1990) 331 B43 (1989) 411 B.50 (1990) 423 B47 (1990) 15 B43 (1989) 431 B44 (1989) 141 B.50(1990) 226 B45 (1990) 105 B44 (1990) 367 B50 (1990) 127 B45 (1990) 627 B45 (1990) 105 B45 (1990) 580 B43 (1989) 529 B44 (1990) 266 B46 (1990) 384 B49 (1990) 24 B43 (1989) 318 B47 (1990) 339 B47 (1990) 466 B47 (1990) 253 B48 (1990) 311 B43 (1989) 497 B45 (1990) 171 B4.5(1990) 673 B48 (1990) 58
B50 (1990) 300
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Bauman, S., see Lipworth, A.D. ........................................................ Bauman, S., see Johnson, J.E. ......................................................... Bauman, S., see Annegam, H.J. ........................................................ Bauman, SE., see Winchester, J.W. ..................................................... Baumann,H.,seeKuhn,D. ........................................................... Baumann, H., see Roland, G. .......................................................... Baumann, H., see Stanescu, T.M. ....................................................... Baumann, H., see Frohlich, 0. ......................................................... Baumann,H.,seeHofmann,D. ........................................................ Baumann, SM., see Odom, R.W. ....................................................... Baumann, SM., C.C. Martner, D.W. Martin, R.J. Blattner and A.J. Braundmeier Jr, A study of electron beam evaporated SiO,, TiO,, and AlaO, films using RBS, HFS, and SIMS ........................... Baumann,W.,seeHabs,D. ........................................................... Baumgartner, M., U. Emmerling, W. Ernst, E. Finckh, G. Fuchs, F. Gumbmann, M. Haller, R. Hiipfl, R. Karschnick, W. Kretschmer, A. Rauscher, M. Schleicher and W. Schuster, A new AMS beam line at the Erlangen tandem accelerator facility .................................................. Baumvol, I.J.R., see Stedile, F.C. ....................................................... Bazhin, AL, M. Suchanska and S.V. Teplov Model of continuum optical radiation induced by ion bombardmentofmetals .................................................................. Beardwood, R., see O’Connor, D.J. ..................................................... Beth Nielsen, B., see Smulders, P.J.M. ................................................... Beck, S.E., R.J. Jaccodine, A.J. Filo, F.A. Stevie, R.B. Irwin and P.M. Kahora, Ion beam characterization of the ion implanted arsenic tail in silicon ................................................ Becker, R., Easy boundary definition for EGUN ............................................ Becker, R., INTMAG: a program for the calculation of magnetic fields by integration ................. Beckett, A.G., see Holland, D.M.P. ..................................................... Bedrossian, P., K. Mortensen, D.M. Chen and J.A. Golovchenko Probing atomically inhomogeneous surfaces with tunneling microscopy .......................................................... Begemann, F., see Michel, R. .......................................................... Beguin, Y., V. Bours, J.-M. Delbrouck, G. Robaye, I. Roelandts, G. Fillet and G. Weber, Use of PIXE to measure serum copper, zinc, selenium, and bromine in patients with hematologic malignancies ........ Behar, M., see Grande, P.L. ........................................................... Behar, M., L. Amaral, J. Kaschny, F.C. Zawislak, R.B. Guimaries and D. Fink, Radiation induced diffusion of Xe implanted into the AZ1350 polymer ................................................ Behar,M.,seeFink,D. .............................................................. Behar, M., L. Amaral, F.C. Zawislak, R.B. Guimaraes and D. Fink, Thermal stability and diffusion studies in the Au and Bi implanted AZ1350 photoresist ............................................ Behr, K.H., see Steinhof, A. ........................................................... Behrisch, R., see Wang Wen Min ....................................................... Behrisch, R., see Reichle, R. .......................................................... Beier,T.,seeWeber,J. .............................................................. Beiersdorfer, P., S. Von Goeler, M. Bitter and K.W. Hill, Atomic physics studies of highly charged ions on tokamaks using X-ray spectroscopy ................................................... Beiersdorfer, P., see Levine, M.A. ...................................................... Btlanger, P., see Houdayer, A.J. ........................................................ Belanger, P., see Brissaud, I. .......................................................... Belhadfa, A., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ...................................................... Belkacem, A. and P. Sigmund Stopping power and energy loss spectrum of a dense medium of bound electrons ...................................................................... Beloshitsky, V.V., A.H. Hokonov and M.H. Hokonov Asymmetric angular-momentum distribution of electrons in axial channeling in bicrystals ...................................................... Belozerskii, G.N. and A.A. Dozorov, Milne’s problem in backscattering Mossbauer spectroscopy ......... Belyaev, A.D., Z.S. Bikbova, V.L. Gaishan, T.L. Gurvich, V.I. Kogan, V.P. Pikul and A.M. Usmandiyarov, Some peculiarities in ionic charge distributions of Z41Pu(n,,,, f&fission products ................... Benazeth, C., see Hou, M. ............................................................ Benazeth, N., see Hou, M. ............................................................ Benenson, R.E., Analysis of proton channeling by lead fluoride ................................. Benenson, R.E., P. Berning and H. Bakhru, Ion-beam mixing in micro-size widths .................... B&nit, J. and W.L. Brown, Electronic sputtering of oxygen and water molecules from thin films of water ice bombarded by MeV Nef ions ....................................................... Benka, O., see Koyama, A. ............................................................
B49 (1990) 173 B49 (1990) 179 B49 (1990) 264 B49 (1990) 351 B45 (1990) 252 B50 (1990) 145 B50 (1990) 167 B50 (1990) 436 B50 (1990) 478 B44 (1990) 465 B45 (1990) 664 B43 (1989) 390
B50 (1990) 286 B45 (1990) 627 B48 (19901639 B48 (1990) 358 B45 (1990) 438 B47 (1990) 29 B42 (1989) 162 B42 (1989) 303 B44 (1989) 233 B48 (1990) 296 B42 (1989) 76 B49 (1990) 202 B45 (1990) 689 B46 (1990) 313 B46 (1990) 342 B46 (1990) 350 B43 (1989) 73 B42 (1989) 29 B50 (1990) 68 B50 (1990) 221 B43 (1989) 347 B43 (1989) 431 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B45 (1990) 532 B48 (1990) 29 B48 (1990) 263 B44 (1989) 211 B43 (1989) 5 B48 (1990) 625 B48 (1990) 625 B45 (1990) 499 B45 (1990) 519 B46 (1990) 448 B48 (1990) 608
Author index of volumes B42 - 850
Benmansour, M., see Fallavier, M. ...................................................... Bennett, C.L., see Levine, M.A. ........................................................ Bentourkia, M., see Gujrathi, S.C. ...................................................... Bergnyi, D., see KG&r, A. ............................................................ B&es, Cs., A. Fenyvesi, P. Jakucs, 1. Mahunka, 2. Kov&s, T. MoinLr, L. Szabd and F. D&r&, Application of an MGC-20 cyclotron and methods of radioecology in solution of problems of forestry and the wood industry ....................................................................... Berger,J.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Ber8meister, F.-J., see Osipowicz, T. ..................................................... Bergsaker, H., see Rubel, M. .......................................................... Berkovits, D., see Boaretto, E. ......................................................... Bermejo, F.J., J. Santoro and M. Alvarez, A procedure for the choice of prior estimates of pair correlation functions for maximum entropy inversion of neutron diffraction structure factors in disordered systems . . Bernard, M., E. Rzepka and S. L&rant, Electronic defects induced by X-rays in powders of alkaline iodides . Bernas, H., see Cottereau, E. .......................................................... Bernas, H., J. Lesueur, P. Ngdellec, M.O. Ruault, L. Dumoulin and J.P. Burger, Ion beam irradiation studies of high temperature superconductors .................................................. Berning, P., see Benenson, R.E. ........................................................ Bernstein, E.M., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................ Bernstein, E.M., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................ Berry,H.G.,seeDunford,R.W. ........................................................ Bertault, D., see Llabador, Y. .......................................................... Bertrand, P., see Pierson, E. ........................................................... Besenbacher, F., see Jensen, F. ........................................................ Betbge,K.,seeKGhl,F. .............................................................. Bethge,K.,seeMader,A. ............................................................ Bethge, K., see Roland, G. ............................................................ Bethge, K., see Stanescu, T.M. ......................................................... Bethge, K., see Friihlich, 0. ........................................................... .......................................................... Bethge,K.,seeKofmann,D. Betts, R.R., Anomalous positrons from heavy ion collisions: past results and future plans ............... Betz, G., J. Sarnthein, P. Wurz and W. Husinsky Energy thresholds and delayed emission for electron-stimu............... lated desorption of neutral ground- and excited-state Li atoms from lithium fluoride Beuken, J.-M., see Pierson, E. ......................................................... Bex,L.,seeLukyanov,S.M. ........................................................... ~zuidenhout, D,, see Pretorius, R. ..................................................... Bhatia, R.K., R.C. Singh and H.S. Virk, Anomalous behaviour of environment affected CR-39 at elevated ................................................................... temperatures Bhattacha~ee, B.B., see Chowdhusy, D.P. ................................................. Bhattacharyya, D.P., B. Basu, P. Pal, S.C. Mukherjee, A.K. Ganguly and I. Hunyady, Charge resolution of a Hungarian brand CR-39(MA-ND) detector exposed to a %r beam energy 0.45A GeV .............. Bhattacharyya, S.R., D. Ghose and D. Basu, Mass and energy dependence of the sputtering yield of gallium ...................................................................... arsenide Bib%, N., see MilosavljeviE, M. ......................................................... ....................................................... Biedermann,C.,seeRothard,H. Bielikowski, A., J. Braziewicz, T. Czyiewski, L. Glowacka, M. Jask&, G. Lapicki and M. Pajek, M-shell X-ray pr~uction in heavy elements by low-energy protons ....................................... Biersack, J., see Steinbauer, E. ......................................................... Biersack, J.P.,see Grande, P.L. ........................................................ Biersack, J.P., see Cbadderton, L.T. ..................................................... Biersack, J.P. and R. Kallweit, Ion beam induced changes of the refractive index of PMMA ............. ............................................................ Biersack,J.P.,seeFink,D. Biersack, J.P., see Herteux, M. ......................................................... Bikbova, Z.S., see Belyaev, A.D. ........................................................ Billquist, P.J., see Kutschera, W. ....................................................... Bimbot, R., C. Cabot, D. Gardes, H. Gauvin, R. Hingmann, I. Orliange, L. De Reilhac and F. Hubert, Stopping power of gases for heavy ions: gas-solid effect. I. 2-13 MeV/u Ne and Ar projectiles ........ Bimbot, R., C. Cabot, D. Gardes, H. Gauvin, I. Orliange, L. De Reilhac, K. Subotic and F. Hubert, Stopping ............ power of gases for heavy ions: gas-solid effect. II. 2-6 MeV/u Cu, Kr and Ag projectiles Bimbot, R., see Gauvin, H. ........................................................... Birattari, C., M.C. Cantone, A. Ferrari and M. Silari, Residual radioactivi~ at the Milan AVF cyclotron ....
B45 (1990) 130 B43 (1989) 431 I345 (1990) 260 B42 (1989) 463
B43 (1989) 101 B43 (1989) 390 B50 (1990) 238 B47 (1990) 202 B50 (1990) 280 B42 (1989) 281 B46 (1990) 235 B45 (1990) 293 B46 (1990) 269 B45 (1990) 519 B42 (1989) 523 B43 (1989) 290 B43 (1989) 459 B49 (1990) 435 B4.5 (1990) 374 B48 (1990) 334 B50(1990) 19 B50 (1990) 35 B50 (1990) 145 B50 (1990) 167 B50 (1990) 436 B50 (1990) 478 B43 (1989) 294 B48 (1990) 593 B45 (1990) 374 B47 (1990) 102 B50 (1QQOI105 B46 (1990) 358 B42 (1989) 375 B47 (1990) 466 B47 (1990) 253 B50 (1990) 391 B48 (1990) 616 B49(1995) 19 B45 (1990) 171 I345 (1990) 689 B4609QO) 46 B46 (1990) 309 B46 (1990) 342 B48 (1990) 621 B43 (1989) 5 B42 (1989) 101 B44 (1989)
B44 (1989) 19 847 (1990) 339 B43 (1989) 119
Author in&x of uolmzes 842 - B.50 Bird, J.R., Total analysis by IBA ........................................................ Bisofft,G.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Biter&y, I.S., E.S. Parilis and I.A. Wojciechowski, Molecule dissociation via electron transition at grazing scattering on solid surfaces ......................................................... Bitter, M., see Beiersdorfer, P. ......................................................... Bittner, U., see Miiller, D. ............................................................ Bizzarri, U., G. Giubileo, G. Messina, L. Picardi, P. Raimondi, C. Ronsivalle, A. Vignati, D. Baraldi, A.M. Castagnola, S. Omarini, L. Fabiani and V. Leoni, Electron accelerators at the ENEA Center at Frascati: I_ ...... Development and application ............................................... Blain, M.G., see Schweikert, E.A. ....................................................... Blanchard, C., J.F. Barbot, M. Cahoreau, J.C. Desoyer, D. Le Scot11 and J.L. Dessus, Study of Al ion implantation in Hg,,Cd,,,Te ....................................................... BlHsser,S.,seeWinter,S. ............................................................. Blatt,P.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Blattner, R.J., see Baumann, SM. ...................................................... Bhzhevich, S.V., see Antipenko, A.P. .................................................... Blondiaux, G., see Barthe, M.F. ........................................................ Blondiaux, G., see Bakraji, E.H. ........................................................ .............................................................. Blum,M.,seeHabs,D. Boaretto, E., see Steinhof, A. .......................................................... Boaretto, E., D. Berkovits, G. Hollos and M. Paul, Measurements of natural concentrations of “‘1 in uranium ores by accelerator mass spectrometry ................................................. Boatner, L.A., see McCallum, J.C. ...................................................... Boatner, L.A., see Farlow, G.C. ........................................................ Bobykin, B.V., see Ryzhykh, V.Yu. ...................................................... Boehek, G.L., see Antipenko, A.P. ...................................................... Bodart, F., see Terwagne, G. .......................................................... ............................................................. BodartF.,seeLucas,S. Boebel, O., see Steiger, J. ............................................................ Boerma,D.O.,seeSmulders,P.J.M. ..................................................... Boerma, D.O., see Smulders, P.J.M. ..................................................... Boerma, D.O., Materials analysis using ion beam techniques ................................... Boerma, D.O., F. Labohm and J.A. Reinders, Design of a magnetic spectrograph for surface, interface and thin-layer analysis ................................................................ Bogdanov, Z., see NenadoviL, T. ........................................................ Boiteux, G., see Davenas, J. ........................................................... Bolse,W.,seeLieb,K.P. ............................................................. ............................................................. Bolse,W.,seeWeber,T. Bolse, W., T. Weber and W. Lohmann, Ion beam mixing of titanium films on stainless steel ............. .......................................................... ~mbe~a,E.,see~~en,U. Bonanno, A., A. Amoddeo and . Oliva, Kinetic threshold in ion-induced electron emission from polycrystallineW ...................................................................... Bonanno, A., F, Xu, M. Camarca, R. Sicilian0 and A. Oliva Directional ejection of fast excited Si atoms during f0 keV Ar+ ion bombardment ...................................................... Boni, C., A. Caridi, E. Cereda and G.M. Braga Marcazzan, PIXE-PIGE analysis of thin fly-ash samples .... Boni, C., A. Caridi, E. Cereda and G.M. Braga Marcazzan, A PIXE-PIGE setup for the analysis of thin samples ....................................................................... Boni, C., A. Caridi, E. Cereda, G.M. Braga Marcazzan and P. Redaelli, Simultaneous PIXE-PIGE analysis of thinandthicksamples ............................................................ Boni, C., A. Caridi, E. Cereda, G.M. Braga Marcazzan, F. Parmigiani and M. Scagliotti, Determination of the Li/Ni ratio in Li,Ni,_,O thin films by,PIXE-PIGE analysis ................................ BorbCly-Kiss, I., E. Koltay, Gy. Szabo, E. Pintye, E. Groska and A. Kiss, The effect of radiotherapeutic irradiation on the elemental concentration of iron in human erythrocytes and blood plasma .......... Borbely-Kiss, I., E. Koltay, Gy. Szab6, L. Bozci, E. Mesz&ros and A. Molnir , An evaluation of elemental ~ncentrations in atmospheric aerosols over Hungary: regional signatures and long-range transport modelling ..................................................................... Boreli, F., see Stojanovi~, MS. ......................................................... Borgesen, P., R.E. Wistrom, T.L. Alford, D.A. Lilienfeld and H.H. Johnson, Room temperature ion beam mixing of aluminum with titanium hydride .............................................. Bose,R.,seeMcKee,J.S.C. ........................................................... Bose, SK., see Jain, R.K. .............................................................
7 B45 (1990) 516 B43 (1989) 390 B47 (1990) 243 B43 (1989) 347 B50 (1990) 271
B50 (1990) 331 B50 (1990) 307 B47 (1990) 15 B48 (1990) 211 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 664 B48 (19901291 B45 (1990) 105 B50 (19901 65 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 73 BSO(1990) 280 B46 (1990) 98 B46 (1990) 422 B47 (19901470 B48 (1990) 291 B45 (1990) 9.5 B50 (1990) 401 BSO(1990) 31 B45 (1990) 438 B45 (1990) 450 B50 (1990) 77 B50 (1990) 291 B48 (1990) 538 B46 (1990) 317 B50 (1990) 10 B.50(1990) 95 B50 (1990) 416 B50 (1998) 172 B46 (1990) 456 B48 (1990) 371 B45 (1990) 352 B47 (1990) 133 B49 (1990) 106 B50 (1990) 243 B49 (1990) 254
B49 (1990) 388 B.50(1990) 102 B43 (1989) 165 B49 (1990) 225 B47 (1990) 48
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Botman, J.I.M., P.H.A. Mutsaers, H.L. Hagedoom and M.J.A. De Voigt, EUTERPE, a small electron storage ringforXRF ................................................................... Bottcher, C., see Pindzola, MS. ........................................................ Bottcher, C., see Rhoades-Brown, M.J. ................................................... Bouamoud, M., see Gayet, R. .......................................................... Bouffard, S., see Bourgault, D. ......................................................... Bouffard, S., see Toulemonde, M. ....................................................... Bourcier, R.J., SM. Myers and D.H. Polonis, The mechanical response of aluminum implanted with oxygen ions .......................................................................... Bourdelle, K.K., see Chechenin, N.G. .................................................... Bourdelle, K.K., see Chechenin, N.G. .................................................... Bourgarel, M.P., see Lukyanov, S.M. ..................................................... Bourgault, D., M. Hervieu, S. Bouffard, D. Groult and B. Raveau, 3.5 GeV xenon ion irradiation effects in the superconducting oxide YBa,Cu,O,_& Q 0.1): a HREM investigation ......................... Bours, V., see Beguin, Y. ............................................................. Bowen, D.K., see Van Langevelde, F. .................................................... Boyakhchyan, E.M., see Avakyan, R.O. ................................................... Boyer, K., see Luk, T.S. .............................................................. Boz6, L., see BorbCly-Kiss, I. .......................................................... Bradshaw, F.J., see Cohen, D.D. ....................................................... Bradshaw, SD., see Cohen, D.D. ....................................................... Braga Marcazzan, G.M., see Boni, C. .................................................... Braga Marcazzan, G.M., see Boni, C. .................................................... Braga Marcazzan, G.M., see Boni, C. .................................................... Braga-Marcazzan, G.M., see Annegarn, H.J. ............................................... Braga Marcazzan, G.M., see Cereda, E. .................................................. Braga Marcazzan, G.M., see Boni, C. .................................................... Brand& R., see Grabei, B. ............................................................ Braundmeier Jr, A.J., see Baumann, S.M. ................................................. Briiunig, D., see Briere, M.A. .......................................................... Braunlich, P., S.C. Jones, X.-A. Shen, R.T. Casper and P. Kelly, Laser-induced modifications and the mechanism of intrinsic damage in wide gap optical materials ................................. Braunlich, P., see Casper, R.T. ......................................................... Braziewicz, J., see Biehkowski, A. ....................................................... Breese, M.B.H., D.N. Jamieson and J.A. Cookson, Measurement and correction of parasitic sextupole components in magnetic quadrupole lenses ............................................. Breese, M.B.H., see Cookson, J.A. ...................................................... Brenier, R., see Romana, L. ........................................................... Brenten, H., K.-H. Knorr, D. Kruse, H. Mueller and V. Kempter Harpooning in collisions of Li+ ions with oxygenated partially cesiated W(110) surfaces ............................................ Breuer, K., see Rauschenbach, B. ....................................................... Brice, D.K., J.Y. Tsao and S.T. Picraux, Partitioning of ion-induced surface and bulk displacements ....... Brice, D.K., Evidence for a single shallow hydrogen trap in hydrogen implanted graphite ............... Brice, D.K. and B.L. Doyle, A curved detection slit to improve ERD energy and depth resolution ......... Brice, D.K., see Picraux, S.T. .......................................................... Bridwell, L.B., see Sugden,S. .......................................................... Briere, M., see Steiger, J. ............................................................. Briere, M.A., F. Wulf and D. Braunig, Measurements of the accumulation of hydrogen at the silicon-silicondioxide interface using nuclear reaction analysis .......................................... Briggmann, J., see Bauer, W. .......................................................... Briggs, J.S., see Thumm, U. ........................................................... Briggs, J.S., see Thumm, U. ........................................................... Brissaud, I., see Houdayer, A.J. ........................................................ Brissaud, I., P. Belanger, J.E. Crawford, H. Dautet, G. Gagnon, A. Houdayer, J.K.P. Lee, J. Obert, J. Pinard and K. Scholberg , An investigation of laser desorption by PIXE and RBS techniques ............... Brissaud, I., P. Chevallier, C. Dardenne, N. Deschamps, J.P. Frontier, K. Gruel, A. Taccoen, A. Tarrats and J.X. Wang, Analysis of Gaulish coins by proton induced X-ray emission, synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analysis ............................................. Brissaud, I., see Chevallier, P. ......................................................... Brizzolara, R.A. and C.B. Cooper, Measurements of energy distributions and yields of neutral Cu, and Cu, species sputtered from Cu by low energy Ar+ ions ........................................
B49 (1990) 89 B43 (1989) 279 B43 (1989) 301 B42 (1989) 515 B42 (1989) 61 B46 (1990) 64 B44 (1990) 278 B48 (1990) 207 B48 (1990) 235 B47 (1990) 102 B42 (1989) 61 B49 (1990) 202 B49 (1990) 544 B48 (1990) 266 B43 (1989) 468 B49 (1990) 388 BSO(1990) 43 BSO(1990) 43 B45 (1990) 352 B47 (1990) 133 B49 (1990) 106 B49 (1990) 372 B50 (1990) 48 B50 (1990) 243 B42 (1989) 286 B45 (1990) 664 B45 (1990) 45 B46 (1990) 224 B46 (1990) 231 B49 (1990) 19 B47 (1990) 443 B50 (1990) 208 B46 (1990) 94 B48 (1990) 344 B47 (1990) 396 B44 (1989) 68 B44 (1990) 302 B45 (1990) 265 B48 (1990) 414 B48 (1990) 485 B50 (1990) 31 B45 (1990) 45 B50 (1990) 300 B43 (1989) 471 B47 (1990) 476 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94
B49 (1990) 305 B49 (1990) 551 B43 (1989) 136
Author index of uolumes 842 - B.50
Brongersma, H.H., see Ackermans, P.A.J. ................................................. Brongersma, H.H., see Van Leerdam, G.C. ................................................ Brongersma, H.H., see Scanlon, P.J. ..................................................... Brook,A.J.,seeWatt.F. ............................................................. Brook, A.J., F. Watt and G. Grime, A contribution to the study of biogeochemical cycling in an English lake by PIXE: the flux of barium and strontium in the phytoplankton .............................. Brown, LG., J.E. Galvin, R.A. MacGill and M.W. West, Multiply charged metal ion beams .............. Brown,W.L.,seeBBnit,J. ............................................................ Browning, J.S., Single-event correlation between heavy ions and 252Cf fission fragments ................ Bruley, J., P. Madakson and J.C. Liu, Characterization of CVD-hydrogenated diamondlike thin films on silicon by EELS, RBS/channeling and nuclear reaction analysis .............................. Brun, A., see Larsson, N.P.-0. ......................................................... B~nel,M.,seeGillcs,~. ............................................................. Brunel,M.,seeRom~a,L. ........................................................... Brunelle, A., S. Della-Negra, J. Depauw, H. Joret, Y. Le Beyec and . Wien, Equilibrium charge state of fast heavy ions in solids measurements of post-ionization effects .................................. Brunelle, A., S. Della-Negra, J. Depauw, H. Joret and Y. Le Beyec, A simple way to study secondary ion emission by heavy multicharged ions at medium energy (= 115 keV). Application to hydrogen ion emission (LettertotheEditor)
Briinle, A., see Steinhof, A. ........................................................... Bruynseraede, Y., see Wu, M.F. ........................................................ Buchal,C.,seeLubig,A. ............................................................. Buchgeister, M., see Hiller, W. ......................................................... Budinov, HI. and D.S. Karpuzov, Sputtering effects in high dose Bif implantation of GaAs ............. Budnar, M., qn,‘he precision and accuracy of thin target PIXE analysis ........................... Budnar, M., Z. Spit and P. Kump, Thick target yields for dete~~nation of thin target PIXE efficiency . __. . Budnar,M.,seeSm~,Z. ............................................................. Bugrov, V.N., see Karamyan, S.A. ...................................................... Buhl, R.A., see Lewis, M.B. ........................................................... Buller, D.L., see Doyle, B.L. .......................................................... Bultena,S.,seeOxorn, K. ............................................................ Burenkov,A.F.,seeKomarov,F.F. ...................................................... Burgdiirfer, J., The kicked Rydberg atom: regular and stochastic motion ......................... .. Biirger, G., see Kocsis, G. .......................................................... .. Burger, J.P., see Bernas, H. ......................................................... .. Burns,G.,seeWie,C.R. ........................................................... Buschhorn, G., E. Diedrich and W. Kufner Channeling radiation from 45 MeV electrons in lithium niobate . . Bushby, S.J., see Mitchell, I.V. ....................................................... .. Bussmann, U. and P.L.F. Hemment, Computer simulation of high dose oxygen profiles in silicon ....... Butler, J.W., Criteria for validity of Rutherford scatter analyses ............................... Buttrill Jr., SE., see Odom, R.W. .....................................................
Cabot,C.,seeBimbot.R. ............................................................. Cabot,C.,seeBimbot,R. ............................................................. Cabri, L.J., see Campbell, J.L. ......................................................... Cafmeyer,J.,seePinheiro,T. .......................................................... Cahill, T.A., Analysis of air pollutants by PIXE: the second decade ............................... Cahoreau, M., see Blanchard, C. ....................................................... Cai Xiaohong, see Liu Zhaoyuan ....................................................... Calcagno, L., S. Coffa, C. Spinella and E. Rimini, Ion channeling analysis of extended-defect annealing in silicon by rapid thermal processes .................................................... Calcagno, L., see Licciardello, A. ....................................................... Calligaro, T., see Menu, M. ........................................................... C~ligaro,T.,seeKusko,B.H. ......................................................... Camarca, M., see Bonanno, A. ......................................................... Campbell, J.L., W.J. Teesdale and J.A. Maxwell, Foil thickness measurement via the K/?/Ka! intensity ratio of proton-induced X-rays .......................................................... Campbell, J.L., see Maxwell, J.A. ....................................................... Campbell, J.L., J.-X. Wang and W.J. Teesdale, Compton-scattering contribution to response function of Si(Li) X-raydetectors .................................................................
B45 (1990) 384 B45 (1990) 390 B45 (1990) 615 B49 (1990) 465 B49 (1990) 481 B43 (1989) 455 B46 (1990) 448 B4.5(1990) 714 B4.5(1990) 618 B49 (19901472 B44 (1990) 331 B46 (19901 94 843 (1989) 484
B43 (1989) 586 B43 (1989) 73 B45 (1990) 6.58 B50 (1990) 114 B48 (1990) 508 B47 (1990) 33 B42 (19891122 B49 (1990) 138 849 (19901157 B43 (1989) 153 B43 (19891243 B42 (1989) 295 B45 (1990) 166 B48 (1990) 439 B42 (1989) 500 B43 (1989) 215 B46 (1990) 269 B43 (1989) 560 B48 (19901240 B45 (1990) 107 B4709901 22 B4.5(1990) 160 B44 (19901465
B44(1989) 1 B44 (1989) 19 B44 (1990) 347 B49 (1990) 191 B49 (1990) 345 B47 (1990) 15 B43 (1989) 162 B45 (1990) 442 B46 (1990) 338 B45 (1990) 610 B49 (1990) 288 B48 (19901371 B43 (1989) 197 B43 (1989) 218 B43 (1989) 490
Author index of volumes 84.2 - I350
Campbell, J.L., J.-X. Wang, J.A. Maxwell and W.J. Teesdale, An exact treatment of secondary and tertiary fluorescence enhancement in PIXE ................................................... Campbell, J.L., J.A. Maxwell, W.J. Teesdale, J.-X. Wang and L.J. Cabri, Micro-PIXE as a complement to electron probe microanalysis in mineralogy .............................................. Campbell, J.L., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ..................................................... Campbell, J.L., X-ray spectrometers for PIXE .............................................. Campbell, J.L., W.J. Teesdale and J.-X. Wang, Accuracy of thick-target micro-PIXE analysis ............ Camplan, J., see Cottereau, E. ......................................................... Cantone, M.C., see Birattari, C. ........................................................ Canut,B.,seeRomana,L. ............................................................ Canut, B., L. Romana, P. Thevenard and N. Moncoffre, Lattice disorder in a-Al,O, induced by niobium implantation ................................................................... Cao,D.X.,seeSood,D.K. ............................................................ Cardona, M.A., see Garcia Bermudez, G. ................................................. Caridi, A., see Boni, C. .............................................................. Caridi,A.,seeBoni,C. .. . ........................................................... Caridi,A.,seeBoni,C. .............................................................. Caridi, A., see Boni, C. .............................................................. Camera, A. and A.V. Drigo, High precision structural measurements on thin epitaxial layers by means of ion-channe~ng .................................................................. Carolissen, R., see Pillay, A.E. ......................................................... Carosella, C.A., see Hubler, G.K. ....................................................... Carrigan Jr, R.A., T.E. Toohig and E.N. Tsyganov Beam extraction from TeV accelerators using channeling in bentcrystals.. .................................................................. Carstanjen, H.-D., see Bauer, W. ....................................................... Carter, G., I.V. Katardjiev and M.J. Nobes, The deduction of spatially variable effective diffusivity from ballistic atomic mixing studies ....................................................... Carter, G., see Zeroual, B. ............................................................ Carter, G., see Clapham, L. ........................................................... Carter, G., I.V. Katardjiev, M.J. Nobes, L. TanoviC and N. Tanovic The influence of thermodynamic and kinematic processes on surface topography evolution ...................................... Cartz,L.,seeKarioris,F.G. ........................................................... Cartz,L.,seedzkan,H ............................................................... Cartz,L,see&kan,H. .............................................................. Casper, R.T., see Braunlich, P. ......................................................... Casper, R.T., SC. Jones, P. Braunlich and P. Kelly, F-center accumulation as a mechanism of multiple-pulse, laser-induced bulk damage in KBr and KI at 532 nm ....................................... Castagnola,A.M., see Bizzarri, U. ...................................................... Catlow, C.R.A., Defect structures in ionic materials .......................................... Cavaille, J.Y., see Macchi, F. .......................................................... Cecchi, R., M.G. Ferrari, G. Ghermandi and M. Rossi, SPECI’RE: a program for ultra trace PIXE analysis of thintargets .................................................................... Ceccbi, R., G. Ghermandi and R. Zonta, PIXE analysis to study metal diffusion and sedimentation phenomena in Venice Lagoon ....................................................... Cereda,E.,seeBoni,C. .............................................................. Cereda,E.,seeBoni,C. .............................................................. Cereda,E.,seeBoni,C. .............................................................. Cereda, E., see Annegarn, H.J. ......................................................... Cereda, E., GM. Braga Marcazzan, F. Parmigiani and M. Scagliotti, An RBS, NRA and SEM study of annealing effects on the microst~cture of palladium layers .................................. Cereda,E.,seeBoni,C. .............................................................. Cervellera, F., see Freire Jr., F.L. ....................................................... Chadderton, L.T., (Book review: Methods of surface analysis, edited by J.M. Walls) ................... Chadderton, L.T., S. Ghosh, A. Saxena, K.K. Dwivedi, J.P. Biersack and D.W. Fink, On the origin of anomalous ranges of 1.65 GeV t3’ Xe ions in muscovite mica ................................. Chakarvarti, S.K., SK. Mahna and L.V. Sud, On the possibility of using breakthrough time measurements in nuclear track filters for identification of heavy ions ........................................ Chandler, P.J., L. Zhang and P.D. Townsend, High temperature annealing of He’ ion-implanted quartz opticalwaveguides ............................................................... Chang,B.,seeMoran,M.J. ........................................................... Chang, C.S., see Cornelison, D.M. ......................................................
B43 (1989) 539 B44 (1990) 347 B4.5 (1990) 532 849 (1990) 115 B50 (1990) 189 B45 (19901293 B43 (1989) 119 B46(1990) 94 B46 (1990) 128 B46 (1990) 194 B47 (1990) 439 B45 (1990) 352 B47 (1990) 133 B49 (1990) 106 B50 (1990) 243 B44 (19901357 B45 (1990) 333 B46 (19901384 B48 (1990) 167 B50 (19901300 B43 (1989) 149 B44 (1990) 318 B48 (1990) 571 B48 (1990) 576 B46 (1990) 176 B46 (1990) 202 B46 (1990) 291 B46 (1990) 224 B46 (1990) 231 B50 (1990) 331 B46 (1990) 52 B46 (1990) 334 B49 (1990) 146 B49 (1990) 283 B45 (1990) 352 B47 (1990) 133 849 (1990) 106 B49 (19901372 B50 (1990) 48 BSO(1990) 243 B46 (1990) 152 B44 (1989) 245 B46 (1990) 46 B44 (1989) 242 B46(1990) 69 B48 (19901287 B45 (19901394
Author index of uolmes
342 - 350
Chantrenne, S., see Tanis, J.A. ......................................................... Chao, E.C.T., see Chen, J.R. .......................................................... ........... Chase, L.L., Laser-induced surface ablation as a probe of optical surface damage mechanisms Chason, E., see Picraux, S.T. .......................................................... Chater, R.J., J.A. Kilner, K.J. Reeson, A.K. Robinson and P.L.F. Hemment, “0 isotope studies on the redistribution of oxygen in noncontinuous buried layers formed by high-dose oxygen ion implantation .... ..................................................... Chaudhuri,J.,seeChowdhury,D.P. Chaumont, .I., see Cottereau, E. ........................................................ Chayahara, A., see Kinomura, A. ....................................................... Chayahara, A., see Kinomura, A. ....................................................... Cbechenin, N.G., K.K. Bourdelle, VA. Khodirev, V.V. Moshchalkov I.E. Polischuk and V.I. Voronkova Channeling in RBa,Cu,O,_, single crystals ............................................ Chechenin, N.G., K.K. Bourdelle and A.V. Suvorov A channeling study of ion-produced disorder in silicon carbide ....................................................................... Chen, D.M., see Bedrossian, P. ........................................................ Chen, J.R., E.C.T. Chao, J.A. Minkin, J.M. Back, K.W. Jones, M.L. Rivers and S.R. Sutton, The uses of synchrotron radiation sources for elemental and chemical microanalysis ......................... Chen, L.F., K.S. Song and C.H. Leung, The hopping motion of the off-center self-trapped excitons in alkali .................................................................. haldecrystals Chen, M.H., Relativity: X-ray and Auger transitions of highly charged ions ......................... Chen, M.H., see Levine, M.A. ......................................................... ........................................................... Chen,N.X.,seeWang,Z.L. Chen Yuanru, see Zhu Zhongsheng ..................................................... Cheng Huan-Sheng, Chui Zhi-Xiang, Xu Hong-Jie, Yao Xiao-Wei and Yang Fu-Jia, Studies of surface atomic structure of Al(100) by MeV ion scattering .............................................. Cheng Huansheng, see Wu Shiming ..................................................... Cheng, J. and A.J. Ardell, Proton-irradiation-induced crystalline to amorphous transition in a NiTi alloy .... Cheng, S., see Cocke, C.L. ............................................................ Cherniak, D.J., W.A. Lanford and F.J. Ryerson, The use of ion beam techniques to characterize lead diffusion .................................................................... inminerals Cherubim, R., see Waheed, A. ......................................................... Chevallier, M., see L’Hoir, A. .......................................................... Chevallier, P., see Brissaud, I. ......................................................... Chevallier, P., I. Brissaud and J.X. Wang, Quantitative analysis by synchrotron radiation induced X-ray fluorescence at LURE ............................................................ Chevarier, A., see El Bouanani, M. ...................................................... Chevarier, A., see El Bouanani, M. ...................................................... Chevarier, N., see El Bouanani, M. ...................................................... Chevarier, N., see El Bouanani, M. ...................................................... ... Chini, T.K. and I?. Ghose, On the interaction potential in low energy ion scattering (Letter to the Editor) Chistjakov, S.A., A.D. Pogrebnjak and G.E. Remnev, Dynamical processes and changes in metal structure induced by high power ion beams .................................................... ........................................................... Cholewa,M.,seeHuBei-lai Chou,N.,seeMad~on,P. ........................................................... Chou, NJ., T.H. Zabel, J. Kim and J.J. Ritsko, Residual carbon detection in ceramic substrates by a nuclear reaction technique ............................................................... Chou, S.P. and N.M. Ghoniem, On precipitate dissolution using the cascade slowing-down theory (Letter to the&&or)
Chowdhury, D.P., J. Chaudhuri, V.S. Raju, S.K. Das, B.B. Bhattacharjee and S. Gangadharan, Study of wear between piston ring and cylinder housing of an internal combustion engine by thin layer activation ..................................................................... technique ........ Chrisey, D.B. and G.P. Summers, Radiation effects in the high T, superconductor YBa,Cu,O,_G Chu, W.-K.,seeParkih,N.R. .......................................................... Chu, W.-K., seeHofsliss,H.C. ......................................................... .............................................................. Chu,W.-K.,seeLiu,B. Chui Zhi-Xiang, see Cheng Huan-Sheng .................................................. Chumanov, V.Ya., see Iferov, G.A. ...................................................... Chumanova, O.V., see Iferov, G.A. ...................................................... Church, D.A., J. Jin, SD. Kravis, S. Tu, Q. Wang and X.-T. Wang, Traps and rings: Is small beautiful? ..... Church, D.A., Research with multi-charged ions using synchrotron radiation and ion traps .............. Church, D.A., see Dunford, R.W. .......................................................
11 B43 (19893 290 I349 (1990) 533 B46 (1990) 252 B48 (1990) 414 B45 (19901110 B42 (1989) 375 B4.5 (1990) 293 B45 (1990) 523 B45 (1990) 536 B48 (199030) 207 B48 (1990) 235 B48 (1990) 296 B49 (1990) 533 B46 (1990) 216 B43 (19891366 B43 (1989) 431 B48 (1990) 474 B43 (1989) 92 B45 (1990) 424 B45 (1990) 227 B44 (1990) 336 B42 (1989) 545 B45 (1990) 230 B47 (1990) 320 848 (1990) 145 B49 (1990) 305 B49 (1990) 551 B45 (1990) 6.51 B.50(19901431 B45 (1990) 65 1 B50 (1990) 431 B42 0989) 293 B42 (1989) 342 B47 (1990) 97 B45 (1990) 216 B45 (1990) 86 B42 (1989) 145
B42 (1989) 375 B43 (1989) 50 B45 (1990) 70 B45 (19901151 845 (1990) 420 I345 (1990) 424 B48 (1990) 43 B48 (1990) 43 B42 (1989) 508 B43 (1989) 441 B43 (1989) 459
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
CiEek,J.,seeTadiE.T. ............................................................... Cichocki, T., see Rokita, E. ........................................................... Cichocki, T., see Rokita, E. ........................................................... Cilliers, R., see Albe@, H.W. ......................................................... .............................................................. Cindro,V.,seeSmit,Z. Clapham, L., J.L. Litton, A. Mashaye~i, G. Carter, I. Katardjiev and M.J. Nobes Effect of alloying on ..................... ion-~mbardment-induced surface topography on face-centred cubic metals Clark, A.H., see MacArthur, J.D. ....................................................... Clark, M.W., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................... Clark, M.W., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................... Clausnitzer, G., see Reiter, G. ......................................................... Clayton, E., see Ryan, C.G. ........................................................... Clayton, E. and C.G. Ryan, Weighting measures in fitting PIXE spectra ........................... Cliche, L., see Oxom, K. ............................................................. Cliche, L., SC. Gujrathi and L.A. Hamel, Pulse height defects for I60 35Cl and 81Br ions in silicon surface : ........................... barrier detectors .................................... Cliche, L., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ......................................................... Clocchiatti, R., see Mosbah, M. ........................................................ Cloth,P.,seeMichel,R. ............................................................. Clough, AS., see Payne, R.S. .......................................................... Cocke, C.L., E.Y. Kamber, S. Cheng and S.L. Varghese, Angular distributions of fast protons in ionizing collisions with He, D, and Ne targets .................................................. Coelho, L.F.S., see Rosner, B. ......................................................... Coffa, S., see Calcagno, L. ............................................................ Cohen, C., see L’Hoir, A. ............................................................. Cohen, D.D., K and L shell cross sections for use in PIXE analysis systems ......................... Cohen,D.D.,seeVanMoort,J.C. ...................................................... Cohen, D.D., S.D. Bradshaw, F.J. Bradshaw and A. Katsaros, Determination of ‘so concentrations in microsamples of biological fluids ..................................................... Cohen, J.S., Muon catalyzed fusion ...................................................... Comins, J.D., see Allen, A.M.T. ........................................................ ............................................................ Connell,S.,seeBauer,W. Conrad,J.R.,seeHan,S.H. ........................................................... Conrad, U. and H.M. Urbassek Statistical properties of collision cascades .......................... Conrad, U., see Moreno-Marin, J.C. ..................................................... .......................................................... Cook,S.W.,seeLewis,M.B.. Cookson, J.A., see Breese, M.B.H. ...................................................... .................... Cookson, J.A. and M.B.H. Breese, Materials applications of nuclear microprobes Cooper, C.B., see Brizzolara, R.A. ...................................................... Cooper, W.S., see Stearns, J.W. ........................................................ Corhay, J.L., see Weber, G. ........................................................... Cornelison, D.M., C.S. Chang and I.S.T. Tsong, Impact-collision ion-scattering spectrometry studies of the Si(lll)-(fi X fi)In surface ........................................................ Camille, P., W. Maenhaut and J.M. Pacyna, PIXE analysis of size-fractionated aerosol samples collected at Birkenes, Norway, during spring 1987 ................................................. .............................................................. Corts,T.,seeLieb,K.P. Corts, T., see Osipowicz, T. ........................................................... Costantini, J.M., see Tirira, 3. .......................................................... Cot~m,M.G.,see~gan,L.R, ......................................................... Cottereau, E., J. Camplan, J. Chaumont, R. Meunier and H. Bernas, ARAMIS: an ambidextrous 2 MV ............................................. accelerator for IBA and MeV implantation Cousens, D.R., see Sie, S.H. ........................................................... Cousons, D.R., see Sie, S.H. ........................................................... Cousens, D.R., see Ryan, C.G. ......................................................... Cousens, D.R., see Ryan, C.G. ......................................................... ....................................................... Cousens,D.R.,seeGriffin,W.L. Cowan, T., see Levine, M.A. .......................................................... Cox, R.J., P.J. Goodhew and J.H. Evans, The effect of ion-implanted impurities on inert gas bubble growth in aluminium ..................................................................... Craig, R., see Williams, E.T. .......................................................... Craig,S.,seeHare,G. ...............................................................
B49 (1990) 211 B49 (1990) 441 B.50 (1990) 217 848 (1990) 464 B49 (1990) 157 B48 (1990) 571 B4.5(1990) 322 B42 (1989) 523 B43 (1989) 290 B44 (1990) 399 B47 (1990) 5.5 B49 (19901161 B45 (1990) 166 B45 (1990) 270 B45 (1990) 275 B49 (1990) 340 B42 (1989) 76 B42 (1989) 130 B42 (1989) 545 B42 (1989) 325 B45 (1990) 442 B48 (1990) 14.5 B49 (1990) 1 B49 (1990) 323 B50 (1990) 43 B42 (1989) 419 B46 (1990) 240 B50 (1990) 300 B45 (1990) 701 B48 (1990) 399 B48 (1990) 404 B43 (1989) 243 B47 (1990) 443 B50 (1990) 208 B43 (1989) 136 B42 (1989) 479 B49 (1990) 250 B45 (1990) 394 B49 (1990) 376 B50 (19901 10 B50 (1990) 238 B50 (1990) 135 B48 (19901159 B45 (1990) 293 B45 (1990) 543 B45 (1990) 604 B47 (19901 55 B49 (1990) 271 B49 (1990) 318 B43 (1989) 431 B42 (1989) 224 B45 (1990) 356 B50 (1990) 470
Author index of ~0~~~~ B42 - B.50
Crandall, D.H., The scientific status of fusion ............................ Crawford, J.E., see Houdayer, A.J. .................................... Crawford, J.E., see Brissaud, I. ....................................... Crine, J.P., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ...................................... Crumpton, I)., see Sokhi, R.S. ....................................... Cua, F.T., PIXE-PIGE analysis of teeth from children with and without cystic fibrosis ............................................ Cue,N.,seeAngell,D. Cui Peng, see Meng Xianren ........................................ Cujec, B., see Dasmahapatra, B. ...................................... Czerbniak, J., see Moneta, M. ....................................... Czuba, P., see Szymonski, M. ........................................ Czyzewski, T., see Bienkowski, A. .....................................
B4’2(19891409 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B45 (1990) 532 B42 (1989) 456 849 (1990) 205 B44 (I 9891172 B44 (19901392 B47 (1990) 393 B48 (19901142 B48 (19901534 B49 (19901 19
DaSilva,M.F.,seeRebouta,L. ........................................................ Da Silva, M.F., see Paszti, F. .......................................................... DaSilva,M.F.,seeDaSilva,R.C. ...................................................... DaSilva,M.F.,seeRebouta,L. ........................................................ Da Silva, R.C., M.F. Da Silva, A.A. Melo, J.C. Soares, E. Leitao and M. Barbosa, Diffusion and corrosion behaviour of tungsten-implanted aluminium and the AltzW phase ............................. Da Silveira, E.F., see Schweikert, E.A. ................................................... Dacol,F.H.,seeWie,C.R. ............................................................ Daley, R.S. and R.S. Williams, Impact-collision ion scattering spectroscopy for direct surface structure analysis ....................................................................... Dallakyan, K.R., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Danared, H., see Schuch, R. .......................................................... Danilovich, J., see Glrtner, K. ......................................................... Dannecker, W., see Watjen, U. ........................................................ Darden, S.E., see Avila, 0. ........................................................... Dardenne, C., see Brissaud, I. ......................................................... Darnez, C., see Fina, A. .............................................................. Darquennes, D., Th. Delbar and P. Lipnik, A high temperature graphite target for the production of i3N ... D’Artemare, E., see Abel, F. .......................................................... Das, S.K., see Chowdhury, D.P. ........................................................ Dasmahapatra, B. and B. Cujec, How reliable are the calculated mean equilibrium charge values for use in nuclear cross section measurements? .................................................. Datz,S.,seeSchuch,R. .............................................................. Datz,S.,seeTanis,J.A. .............................................................. Datz, S., C.R. Vane, P.F. Dittner, J.P. Giese, J. Gomez de1 Campo N.L. Jones, H.F. Krause, P.D. Miller, M. Schulz, H. Schiine and T.M. Rosseel Dielectronic excitation and recombination in crystal channels ..... Daudin, B., M. Dubus and F. Viargues, Description of a sample holder for ion channeling near liquid-helium temperature .................................................................... Daudin, B., see Macchi, F. ............................................................ Daudin, B., see Macchi, F. ............................................................ Daum,M.,seeMarmy,P. ............................................................ Dautet, H., see Houdayer, A.J. ......................................................... Dautet, H., see Brissaud, I. ........................................................... Davenas, J., P. Thevenard, G. Boiteux, M. Fallavier and X.L. Lu, Hydrogenated carbon layers produced by ion beam irradiation of PMMA and polystyrene films ......................................... Davenas, J., P. Thevenard and C. Khodr, Ion beam production of Cermets for selective absorption of solar ....................................................................... energy David, D.E., see Balaji, V. ............................................................ Davies, J.A., see Forster, J.S. .......................................................... Davies, J.A., see Macaulay-New~mbe, R.G. ............................................... Davies, W.G., see Ball, G.C. ........................................................... Davis,A.,seeSokhi,R.S. ............................................................. Davis, C., see Williams, E.T. .......................................................... De, T.K., R.N. Mukherjee and B.B. Baliga, Solid state nuclear track detectors in scattering experiments .... De Castro Faria, N.V., M.J. Gaillard, J.C. Poizat and J. Remillieux, H- production from single collision of fast Hi ions in a gas target ......................................................... DeCastroFaria,N.V.,seeL’Hoir,A. ....................................................
B45 ( 1990) 495 B47 (1990) 187 B50 (1990) 423 B50 (19901428 B50 (1990) 423 B.50(1990) 307 B43 (1989) 560 B4.5(1990) 380 B48 (1990) 266 B43 (19891411 B46 ( 19901405 849 (1990) 360 B43 (19891131 B49 (19901305 B42 (1989) 69 B47 (19901311 B45 (1990) 100 B42 (1989) 375 B47 (1990) 393 B42 (1989) 566 B43 (19891290 B48 (19901 114 B45 (1990) 290 B46 (19901324 B46 (19901334 B47 (1990) 37 B4.5(1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B46 (1990) 317 B46 (1990) 417 B46 (19901435 B44 (1989) 195 B46 09901180 B48 (19901125 B49 (19901328 B45 (1990) 356 B42 (1989) 138 B43 (1989) 1 B48 (19901 145
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
De Ferrariis, L.F., see Sanchez, E.A. .................................................... De Falter, L.C., see Mutsaers, P.H.A. .................................................... DePinho,A.G.,seeRosner,B. ........................................................ De Reilhac, L., see Bimbot, R. ......................................................... DeReilhac,L.,seeBimbot,R. ......................................................... De Villeneuve, C.H., see Porte, L. ...................................................... De Voigt, M.J.A., see Mutsaers, P.H.A. .................................................. DeVoigt, M.J.A., see Botman, J.I.M. .................................................... Dearnaley, G., Ion beam modification of metals ............................................ Debiak,T.,seeHeuer,R. ............................................................ Debrun, J.L., see Barthe, M.F. ......................................................... Debrun, J.L., see Gelin, P. ............................................................ Debrun, J.-L., see Bakraji, E.H. ........................................................ Decker,W.,seeBauer,W. ............................................................ Deckers, S., F.H.P.M. Habraken, W.F. Van der Weg, A.W. Denier van der Gon, B. Pluis and J.F. Van der Veen, Segregation at the clean and oxidized PtO,,NiO,,(llll surface studied by medium-energy ion scattering ..................................................................... Deco, G.R., see Martinez,kE. ........................................................ Decroupet, D. and G. Demortier, PIXE microprobe studies of gold-cadmium alloys processed by local diffusion ...................................................................... Dekempeneer, E.H.A., PC Zalm, C.J. Vriezema, J. Politiek and H.J. L&hart, Tilted angle implantations of B,~andGainsinglec~stalIineSi ................................................... Dekempeneer, E.H.A., P.C. Zalm, G. Van Hoften and J. Politiek Light- and heavy-ion channeling profiles in silicon ....................................................................... Del Carmine, P., see MacArthur, J.D. .................................................... Del Carmine, P., F. Lucarelli, P.A. Mandb, G. Moscheni, A. Pecchioli and J.D. MacArthur, PIXE measurements of air particulate elemental composition in the urban area of Florence, Italy ................. Del Giallo, F., see Baldini, A. .......................................................... Delafond, J., see Jaouen, C. ........................................................... Delavignette, J.P., see Weber, G. ....................................................... Delbar, Th., see Darquennes, D. ....................................................... Delbrouck, J.M., see Aloupogiannis, P. ................................................... Delbrouck, J.-M., see Beguin, Y. ....................................................... DellaMea,G.,seeMatzke,Hj. ........................................................ Della Mea, G., see Mariotto, G. ........................................................ DellaMea,G.,seeFreireJr.,F.L. ...................................................... DellaMea,G.,seeMatzke,Hj. ........................................................ Della-Negra, 8, see Brunelle, A. ....................................................... Della-Negra, 8, see Brunelle, A. ....................................................... Demeter, I., see Quynh, L.H. .......................................................... Demortier, G., S. Mathot and B. Van Qystaeyen, Complementarity of RBS, PIGE and PIXE for the determination of surface layers of thicknesses up to 30 microns ............................... Demortier, G., see Meyer, M.-A. ....................................................... Demortier, G., see Decroupet, D. ....................................................... Demortier, G., see Mathot, S. ......................................................... Demortier, G., see Mathot, S. ......................................................... Denecke, B., W. Bambynek, G. Grosse, U. W%jen and C. Ballaux, A set of X-ray fluorescence reference sources for the intrinsic efficiency calibration of SKLil detectors down to 1 keV .................... Deng,J.G.,seeYu,Z.L. ............................................................. DeniervanderGon,A.W.,seeDeckers,S. ................................................ Deniervan der Gon, A.W., see Smith, R.J. ................................................ Denissen,C.J.M.,see Johansen, A. ...................................................... Depauw, J., see Brunelle, A. .......................................................... Depauw, J., see Brunelle, A. .......................................................... Derks, H., A. Narmann and W. Heiland, The scattering of He ions off Ni(ll0) at grazing incidence: surface channeling ..................................................................... Derks, H., W. Hetterich, E. Van de Riet, H. Niehus and W. Heiland Studies of the structure of fee (1101 surfaces of Ir, Pt, Au and Ni by low-energy ion scattering .................................. De&s, H.A., A. Nlrmann and W. Heiland, The scattering of He ions off Ni(ll0) at grazing incidence: surface channeling, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. I344 (1989) 12.5-129 Lthzfum) ............................. Derry,T.E.,seeLuyckx,S.B. ..........................................................
B43 (1989) 29 B45 (19901557 B42 (1989) 325 B44(19891 1 B44 (1989) 19 B44 (1989) 116 B45 (1990) 557 B49 (1990) 89 B50 (1990) 358 B42 (1989) 135 B45 (19901105 B45 (19901580 B50 (1990) 65 B50 (19901300
B45 (1990) 416 B43 (19891 24 B49 (1990) 501 B42 (1989) 155 B48 (19901224 B45 (19901315 B45 (1990) 341 B42 (1989) 393 B43 (19891 34 B49 (1990) 250 B47 (1990) 311 B42 (1989) 359 B49 (19901202 B45 (19901194 B46 (1990) 107 B46 (19901152 B46 (19901256 B43 (19891484 B43 (1989) 586 B49 (1990) 566 B49 (1990) 46 B49 (1990) 300 B49 (1990) 501 B49 (1990) 505 BSO(1990) 52 B49 (19901152 B44 (19901449 B45 (1990) 416 B45 (1990) 429 B50 (1990) 119 B43 (1989) 484 B43 (1989) 586 B44 (19891125 B48 (1990) 315 B47 (19901332 B46 (1990) 36
Deschamps, N., see Brissaud, I. ........................................................ Deslattes, R.D., Projectile spectroscopy in a cooler ring ....................................... Desoyer, J.C., see Blanchard, C. ........................................................ Dessus, J.L, see Blanchard, C. ......................................................... Devine, R.A.B., Radiation damage and the role of structure in amo~hous SiO, ..................... Devine, R.A.B., On the physical models of annealing of radiation induced defects in amorphous SiO, ...... Devoti,R.,seeTuniz,C. ............................................................. De~fouly-~omandy, B., see Leavitt, J.A. ................................................. D&i, I., see Vantomme, A. ........................................................... Dhaliwal, A.S., MS. Powar and M. Singh, External bremsstr~Iung spectra of Al, Cu, Sn and Pb targets excited by 13zPbetapa~icles.. ...................................................... DiTada,M.,seeFerrero,A.M.J. ....................................................... Dicello, J.F., M.E. Schillaci and L.-C. Liu, Cross sections for pion, proton, and heavy-ion production from 800 MeV protons incident upon aluminum and silicon ......................................... Dicelio, J.F., J.T. Lyman, J.C. McDonald and L.J. Verhey, A portable system for microdos~etric intercomparisons by task group #20 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) ............. Diedrich, E., see Buschhorn, G. ........................................................ Diiguez, E., see Rebouta, L. .......................................................... Dieguez, E., see Rebouta, L. .......................................................... Diehl,J.,seeBauer,W. .............................................................. Diehf,U.,seeWeber,J. .............................................................. Dietrich, D., see Levine, M.A. ......................................................... Dignard-Bailey, L., see Jackman, J.A. .................................................... DiCregorio, D.E., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ................................................... Dinneen, T.P., see Dunford, R.W. ...................................................... Diskett,D.J.,seeAve~,A.J. .......................................................... Ditr6i,F.,seeTak~cs,S. ............................................................. Ditriti,F.,seeBires,Cs. ............................................................. Ditr&,F.,seeTakacs,S. ............................................................. Ditrtii, F., S. Takks, I. Mahunka and Z. Gimesi, Trace-element study of glass samples by using activation methods ...................................................................... Dittner,P.F.,seeTanis, J.A. .......................................................... Dittner, P.F., see Datz, S. ............................................................ Divoux, S., see Rokita, E. ............................................................. Divoux, S., see Rokita, E. ............................................................. Dj~aletdinova, I.E., see Radjabov, T.D. ................................................. Djordjevic, Z., see Nenadovic, T. ....................................................... Diibefi, M., P.C. Haubert, R.P. Livi, S.J. Spickiemire, D.L. Weathers and T.A. Tombrelto, Heavy ion backscattering analysis with a time-of-bight detector ....................................... Dodonov, A.I., I.M. Fayazov, E.A. K&ova, ES. Mashkova, V.A. Molchanov and Yu.N. Zhukova Effect of irradiated-su~ace topography on spatial distributions of sputtered particles ...................... Dodson, B.W., Nonadiabatic bonding interactions in sub-keV ion-solid processes .................... Dohna~k,T.,seeS~ons~,M. ........................................................ Donahue, D.J., A.J.T. Jull and T.W. Linick, Some archaeologic applications of accelerator radiocarbon analysis ....................................................................... Donahue, D.J., see Anthony, J.M. ...................................................... Dong,X.Y.,seeMacek,J.H. .......................................................... Donnet, C., H. Jaffrezic, N. Moncoffre, J. Tousset and G. Fuchs, Characterization of polyc~staIline ru-AJ,O, zirconium implanted and annealed at various temperatures .................................. Donnet, C., H. Jaffrezic, G. Marest, N. Mon~ffre and J. Tousset, iron-implanted sintered alumina studied by RBS, CEMS and SEM techniques .................................................... Donovan, E.P., see Hubler, G.K. ....................................................... ~~hee,E.,seeJollet,F. ........................................................... ~re,J.C.,seeNorth,A.N. ........................................................... Dijrner, R., see Schmidt-eking, H. .................................................... Downey, SW., see Nogar, N.S. ......................................................... Downing, R.G., see Parkih, N.R. ....................................................... Doyle, B.L., J.A. Knapp and D.L. Buller, Heavy ion backscattering spectrometry (HUB) - An improved technique for trace element detection (Letter to the Editor) .................................. Doyle,B.L., see Watsh,D.S. ........................................................... Doyle,B.L.,see~app,J.A. ..........................................................
B49 (1990) 305 B43 (1989) 333 B47 (1990) 15 B47 (1990) 15 B46 (1990) 244 B46 (1990) 267 B50 (1990) 338 B44 (1990) 260 B48 (1990) 461 B47 (1990) 370 B42 (1989) 389 845 (1990) 135 B45 (1990) 724 B48 f1990) 240 B45 (1990) 495 BSO(1990) 428 B50 (1990) 300 B50 (1990) 221 B43 (1989) 431 B45 (1990) 592 B42 (1989) 389 B43 (1989) 459 B45 (1990) 181 B43 (1989) 99 B43 (1989) 101 B49 (1990) 195 B.50(1990) 62 B43 (1989) 290 B48 (1990) 114 B49 (19901441 B.50(1990) 217 B43 (1989) 176 B48 11990) 538 B4’7(1990) 148 B48 (1990) 566 B44 (1990) 273 B48 (1990) 534 845 (1990) 561 B50 (1990) 262 B42 (1989) 475 846 ( 1990) 89 B50 t19901410 B46 (1990) 384 B46 (1990) 125 B47 0990) 283 B43 (1989) 272 B44 (1990) 459 B45 (1990) 70 B42 (1989) 295 B45 (1990) 62 B45 (19901143
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Elliman, R.G., see Ridgway, M.C. ....................................................... Emmerling, U., see Baumgktner, M. .................................................... ........................................................... Emmoth,B.,seeRubel,M. Engelmann, C., see Trocellier, P. ....................................................... Engelmann, Ch., A complementary technique to PIXE: the nuclear interaction analysis method - advantages, ~ssibilities and typical application examples ............................................ Englert, P., see Michel, R. ............................................................ ............................................................. Enzi,G.,seeShao,H.R. Eppacher, Ch., see Semrad, D. ......................................................... Erck, R.A. and R. Paitich, Measurements of ion-beam dose rate with a calorimetric sensor .............. Eremenko, D.O., V.O. Kordyukevich, Yu.V. Melikov, S.Yu. Platonov A.F. Tulinov, O.V. Fotina and O.A. Yuminov Blocking study of the time characteristics of decay of excited heavy nuclei ................. Ericsson, ‘I., see Hjorvarsson, B. ........................................................ Eridon,J.,see&kan,H. ............................................................. Eridon,J.,see&kan,H. ............................................................. Ernst, W., see Baumgirtner, M. ........................................................ .............................................................. Ertel,J.,seeHietel,B.. ............................................................. Eryu,O.,seeMasuda,K. Esbensen, H., see Mikkelsen, H.H. ...................................................... Estler, R.C., see Nogar, N.S. .......................................................... Etchegoyen, A., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ..................................................... Etchegoyen, M.C., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ................................................... Evans,J.H.,seeCox,R.J. ............................................................. Evans, J.H., see Romani, S. ...........................................................
........................................................... Fabiani,L.,seeBizzarri,U. Faestermann, H., K. Kato, G. Korschinek, P. Krauthan, E. Nolte, W. Riihm and L. Zerle, Accelerator mass spectrometry with fully stripped 26Al, 36CI 41Ca and s9Ni ions .................................................................... Faestermann, T., see Miiller, D. .. .... .. .‘, .... ... ... Fainstein, P.D., see Martinez, A.E. ...................................................... Falcone, R.W., see Murnane, M.M. ..................................................... Fallavier, M., see Thomas, J.P. ......................................................... Fallavier, M., M. Benmansour and J.P. Thomas, IBA applied to adsorption and coadsorption studies of H, and C,H, on Ni(ll1) ............................................................. Fallavier, M., see Davenas, J. .......................................................... Fanzinie, S., see Tadi& T. ............................................................ Farizon-Mazuy, B., see L’Hoir, A. ...................................................... Farkas, D., see Rangaswamy, M. ....................................................... Fariow, G.C., see O’Hern, M.E. ........................................................ Farlow, G.C. and L.A. Boatner, Ion irradiation effects for MgFz films on LiF substrates ................ Farnham, D.L., see Moore, F.L. ........................................................ Fathauer, R.W., see Hashimoto, S. ...................................................... Faulstich, A., see Habs, D. ............................................................ ............................................................... Faust,W.,seeEbel,F. Fayazov, I.M., see Dodonov, AI. ....................................................... ............................................................. Fazini&S.,seeVajiC,M. Fearey, B.L., see Nogar, N.S. .......................................................... Fehn, U., P.W. Kubik, P. Sharma and R.T.D. Teng, Comment on “The composition of karnacite in iron meteorites investigated by accelerator mass spectrometry, neutron activation analysis and analytical ........................... electron microscopy” by K.L. Rasmussen et al. (Letter to the Editor) Feldman, L.C., see Savin, W. .......................................................... Feng Jiazhen, see Liu Zhaoyuan ........................................................ Fenter, P., see Gustafsson, T. .......................................................... Fenyvesi, A., see B&es, Cs. ........................................................... ......................................................... Ferguson,S.M.,seeTanis,J.A. Feme, J., see Lukyanov, S.M. ......................................................... Fernandes, R., see Pinheiro, T. ........................................................ Fernandez Niello, J.O., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ................................................ Ferrari, A., see Birattari, C. ........................................................... Ferrari, M.G., see Cecchi, R. ..........................................................
B48 (1990) 453 B50 (1990) 286 B47 (1990) 202 B50 (1990) 247 B49(1990) 33 B42 (1989) ‘76 B49 (1990) 238 B48 (1990) 79 B47 (1990) 462 848 (1990) 216 B42 (1989) 257 B46 (1990) 202 B46 (1990) 291 B50 (1990) 286 B49 (1990) 216 B46 (1990) 284 B48 (1990) 8 B44 (1990) 4.59 B42 ( 1989) 389 B42 (1989) 389 B42 (1989) 224 B44 (1990) 313
B50 (1990) 331 B50 (1990) 275 B50 (1990) 271 B43 (1989) 24 B43 (1989) 463 B42 (1989) 127 B4.5(1990) 130 B46 (1990) 317 B49 (19901211 B48 (1990) 14.5 B42 (1989) 212 B46 (1990) 171 B46 (1990) 422 B43 (1989) 425 B45 (1990) 434 B43 (1989) 390 B50 (1990) 328 B48 (1990) 566 B49 (1990) 336 B44 (1990) 459
B43 (1989) 254 B45 (1990) 417 B43 (1989) 162 B45 (1990) 398 B43 (1989) 101 B42 (1989) 523 B47 (1990) 102 B49 (1990) 191 B42 (1989) 389 B43 (1989) 119 B49 (1990) 146
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Ferrero, A.M.J., A. Garcia, S. Gil, A. Etchegoyen, M. Di Tada, A.J. Pacheco, D. Abriola, D.E. DiGregorio, M. Elgue, M.C. Etchegoyen, J.O. Fernandez Niello, A.O. Macchiavelli and J.E. Testoni, Improved beam-energy calibration technique for heavy-ion accelerators ................................ Filevich, A., see Garcia Bermudez, G. .................................................... Filges, D., see Michel, R. ............................................................. Fillet, G., see Beguin, Y. ............................................................. Filo,A.J.,seeBeck,S.E. ............................................................. Fina, A., A. Le Moel, J.P. Duraud, M.T. Valin, C. Le Gressus, E. Balanzat, J.M. Ramillon and C. Darnez, Surface processes occurring on PVDF under energetic ion irradiation .......................... Finckh, E., see Baumgartner, M. ....................................................... Findlay, D.J.S., Applications of photonuclear reactions ....................................... Fine, J., see Shapiro, M.H. ............................................................. Fink, D., see Steinhof, A. ............................................................. Fink, D., see Middleton, R. ........................................................... Fink,D.,seeBehar,M. .............................................................. Fink, D., K. Ibel, P. Goppelt, J.P. Biersack, L. Wang and M. Behar, Ion beam induced carbon clusters in polymers ...................................................................... Fink,D.,seeBehar,M. .............................................................. Fink, D., R. Middleton, J. Klein and P. Sharma, 4*Ca: measurement by accelerator mass spectrometry and applca~~ns .................................................................... Fink, D., see Middleton, R. ........................................................... Fink,D.,seeGebauer,B. ............................................................. Fink, D.W., see Chadderton, L.T. ....................................................... Fink, T., see Ravindra, N.M. .......................................................... Finn,R.,seeMeyerJr,W. ............................................................ Fischer, BE. and C. Miihlbauer, Microtomography by heavy ions ................................ Fischer, B.E., see Klein, S.S. .......................................................... Flagmeyer, R. and K. GIrtner, Analysis of lattice distortion in In,Ga,_,As crystals by dechanneling ....... Fleming, S.J., see Swann, C.P. ......................................................... Fleming, S.J., see Swann, C.P. ......................................................... Fleming, S.J., C.P. Swann, P.E. McGovern and L. Horne, Characterization of ancient materials using PIXE spectrometry ................................................................... Fletcher, M., see Friedland, E. ......................................................... Flores, F., see N&rnann, A. ........................................................... Foad,M.A.,seeGlavas,E. ............................................................ Fodor,P.,seeTakks,S. . ;. .......................................................... Fiildes, I.B., see Kedves, M.A. ......................................................... Folkmann, F. and F. Frederiksen, High-resolution X-ray spectrometer for PIXE work ................. Follstaedt, D.M., J.A. Knapp and L.E. Pope, Microstructure and composition of 304 stainless steel implanted withTiandC.. ................................................................. Fontijn, G.M., see Zalm, P.C. .......................................................... Forster, J.S., D. Phillips, J. Gulens, R.L. Tapping, T .K Alexander, J.R. Leslie and J.A. Davies, Anomalous penetration of Cs, Ba and Tl through thin Si films ......................................... Forster, J.S., J.R. Leslie and T. Laursen, Scattering recoil coincidence spectrometry: a new experimental technique for profiling hydrogen isotopes in low-Z thin films ................................. Forster, J.S., see Ball, G.C. ........................................................... Forster, J.S., D. Phillips, T.K. Alexander, R.L. Tapping, T. Laursen and J.R. Leslie The effect of anodic oxidation on near-surface deuterium in Zr-2.5 wt.% Nb .................................... Foster, CC., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................... Foti, A.M., F. Milan0 and L. Torrisi, Amino acid decomposition induced by keV ion irradiation .......... Foti, G. and R. Reitano, Structure and bonding in ion irradiated polystyrene ........................ Foti, G., see Licciardello, A. ........................................................... Fotina, O.V., see Eremenko, D.O. ...................................................... Frederiksen, F., see Folkmann, F. ....................................................... Freire Jr, F.L., see Matzke, Hj. ......................................................... Freire Jr, F.L., see Stedile, F.C. ........................................................ Freire Jr., F.L., see Mariotto, G. ........................................................ Freire Jr, F.L., G. Della Mea, G. Mariotto, A. Miotello and F. Cervellera, Hydrogen analysis in sodium p”-alumina implanted with argon ions ................................................. Freudenberger, C., see Hofmann, D. .................................................... Frey, E.C., see Parkih, N.R. ...........................................................
B42 (1989) 389 B47 (1990) 439 B42 (19891 76 B49 (1990) 202 B47 (19901 29 B42 (1989) 69 BSO(1990) 286 B.50 (1990) 314 B44 (1989) 43 B43 (1989) 73 B43 (1989) 231 B46 (1990) 313 B46 (1990) 342 B46 (1990) 350 B47 (19901 79 B47 (19901409 BSO(19901159 B46 (1990) 46 B46 (1990) 409 B43 (1989) 112 B47 (1990) 271 B50 (19901 150 B47 (1990) 160 B45 (19901311 B49 (1990) 65 B49 (1990) 293 I345 (19901492 B48 (1990) 378 I346 (1990) 156 B49 (19901195 B47 (19901296 B49 (19901126 B42 (19891205 B42 (19891397 B44 (1989) 195 B45 (1990) 176 B48 (1990) 125 B48 (19901489 B43 (1989) 290 B46 (1990) 361 B46 (19901306 B46 (19901338 B48 (1990) 216 B49 (19901126 B4.5(1990) 194 B45 (19901627 B46 (19901107 B46 (1990) 152 BSO(1990) 478 B45(1990) 70
Author indexof uohnes B42 - 350
Friebele, E.J., see Tsai, T.E. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _. . . _. . . . Friedland, E., H.W. Alberts and M. Fletcher, Temperature dependence of damage ranges in some metals after argon implantation . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _. . . Friedrich, A., see Habs, D. _ . . . . . I . . . . . . . , . . ...... ............,...,,...... ..... Fritzsche, S., A.M.M. Mohammedein, G. Musiol, I. Reiche, F. Schubert and G. Zschornack, Atomic data for accelerator-based X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy . . , . . . . .. ................... ..... Froese Fischer, C., see Idrees, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .................... ... Friihlich, O., H. Baumann and K. Bethge, Angular dependence of the self-ion-sputtering yield of silicon at 30 keV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._..._............................._... ............................ Friihlingsdorf, J., see Lubig, A. ............................ Frontier, J.P., see Tirira, J. ... ............................ Frontier, J.P., see Tirira, J. ... Frontier, J.P., see Brissaud, I. . Frontier, J.P., see Tirira, J. ... Fuchs, G., see Donnet, C. ... Fuchs, G., see Abonneau, E. .......................................................... Fuchs, G., see Baumgartner, M. ........................................................ Fujihana, T., Y. Okabe, K. Takahashi and M. Iwaki, RBS, AES and XRD investigations of high-dose nitrogen-implanted Ti, Cr, Fe, Zr and Nb sheets .......................................... Fujihana, T., see Kobayashi, K. ........................................................ Fujii, Y., K. Sueoka, K. Kimura and M.-H. Mannami Charge state distribution of MeV He ions channeled through Au and SnTe crystals ....................................................... Fujimoto, F., A study of hydrogen atoms on solid surfaces by utilizing the Doppler broadening of the *H(t’N, a-r)‘? nuclear reaction ..................................................... Fujimoto, F., see Tanaka, M. .......................................................... Fujimoto, F., see Iwata, Y. ............................................................ Fujino,Y.,seeSato, K. .............................................................. Fujino, Y., see Morimoto, S. ........................................................... Fukuda, K., Y. Satoh, S. Okuda, R. Taniguchi, K. Okano and Y. Nakano, Effects of neutron and gamma-ray irradiation on the thermal properties of muscovite mica: implications for the defect structure .......... Fukui,R.,seeAgawa,Y. ............................................................. .., Fukuzawa, F., see Haruyama, Y. . Fuwa, K., see Tachibana, M. . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . ..*...*.......................
B46 (1990) 265
Gabrielyan, R.G., see Avakyan, R.O. .................................................... Gagnon, G,, see Houdayer, A.J. ........................................................ Gagnon, G., see Brissaud, I. ........................................................... Gaillard, M.J., see De Castro Faria, N.V. ................................................. Gaillard, M.J., see L'Hoir, A. .......................................................... Gain,L.,seeL&ser,R. .............................................................. Gaishan, V.L., see Belyaev, A.D. ....................................................... Galka, M., see Paluszkiewicz, C. ........................................................ Galassini, S., N.Q. Liu, G. Moschini, A. Tasca, G. Villi and V. Valkovic, Trace element variability in kidney stones ........................................................................ Galligan, E., see Madakson, P. ......................................................... Gallop, D., see McKee, J.S.C. ......................................................... Gallop, D., see McKee, J.S.C. ......................................................... Gallop, D., see Mirzai, A.A. ........................................................... Galop,D.,seeYeo,Y.H. ............................................................. Galuska, A.A., Ion-induced adhesion enhancement of Ni films on polyester: 28Si+ implantation .......... Gahtska, A.A., Ion-induced adhesion enhancement of Ni films on polyester: Si intermediate layer and %rf impIanta~on ................................................................... Galuska, A.A., Ion-induced adhesion enhancement of Ni fihns on polyester: %r+ implantation ......... Gai~n,J.E.,seeBro~,~.G. .......................................................... Gangadharan, S., see Chowdhury, D.P. ................................................... Ganguly, AK., see Bhattacharyya, D.P. ................................................... Ganter, C., see Stoquert, J.P. .......................................................... Garcia, A., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ........................................................ Garcia Bermudez, G., D. Abriola, M. Alurralde, M.A. Cardona, A. Filevich and H. Somacal, The Coulomb excitation backscattering spectrometry technique for the study of the surfaces of materials ............
B48 (1990) 266 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B43 (1989) 1 B48 t 1990) 145 B43 (1989) 67 B43 (1989) s B49 (1990) 234
B4S (1990) 492 B43 (1989) 390 BSO(1990) 353 B42 (1989) 552 BSO(1990) 436 BSO(19901114 B4S (1990) 147 B45 (1990) 203 B49 (1990) 305 BSO(1990) 135 B46 (1990) 89 B46 (1990) 111 BSO(1990) 286 B45 (1990) 669 B46 (1990) 60 B48 (1990) 121 84.5 (1990) 49 B4.5 (1990) 223 B48 0990) 163 B47 (1990) 421 B48 (19901478 B42 (1989) 233 B4S ( 1990) 540 B48 (1990) 130 B49 (1990) 15
B43 (1989) 556 B4.5 (1990) 216 B4S (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 225 B49 (1990) 313 B49 (1990) 430 B44 (1990) 418 B44 (1990) 428 B47(19901 7 B43 (1989) 455 B42 ( 19891375 B47 (1990) 466 844 (3989) 184 B42 (1989) 389 B47 (1990) 439
Author index of volumes 842 - BSO
Garcia de Abajo, F.J., P.M. Echenique and R.H. Ritchie Wake potential and wake binding energy for protons andantiprotons ................................................................. Gardes, D., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Gardes, D., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Gardiner, K., see Sokhi, R.S. .......................................................... Garrison, B.J., see Smith, R. .......................................................... Glrtner, K., see Bachmann, T. ......................................................... Gartner, K., see Wesch, W. ........................................................... GHrtner, K., G. G&z, B. Weber, J. Danilovich and A. Novikov, Formation of a silicon/nitride layer system by N+impIantation ................................................................ Gktner, K., see Flagmeyer, R. ......................................................... Giirtner, K., W. Wesch and G. G&z Temperature dependence of axial dechannehng by point defects ...... Giirtner, K., see G&z, G. ............................................................. Gaskin, I., see Williams, E.T. .......................................................... Gasparyan, R.A., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Gauvin, H., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Gauvin, H., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Gauvin, H., R. Bimbot, J. Hera&, B, Kubica, R. Anne, G. Bastin and F. Hubert, Stopping powers of solids for s4,86Kr, ‘ODMoand ’29s’32Xeions at intermediate energies (20-45 MeV,/u) and the charge state distributions at equilibrium .............................................................. Gavalyan, V.G., see Avakyan, R.O. ...................................................... Gavihet, D., see Marmy, P. ........................................................... Gawlik, G., see Jagielski, J. ........................................................... Gayet, R. and M. Bouamoud, Convergence of a variational theory of excitation in atomic collisions at intermediate impact velocities ....................................................... Gazecki,J.,seeTay,M. .............................................................. Gebauer, B., D. Fink, P. Goppelt, M. Wilpert and T.H. Wilpert, Multidimensional ERDA measurements and depth profiling of medium-heavy elements .............................................. Geerk,J.,seeMeyer,O. ............................................................. Geissel, H., see Schwab, Th. ........................................................... Gelin, P., M.F. Barthe, J.L. Debrun, 0. Gobert, T. Gibert, R.L. Inglebert and B. Dubreuil, Analysis of carbon at trace level by ion sputtering and laser resonant postionization .............................. Gemende, B., see Lii~k, H.B. .......................................................... Gemesi, ‘Z., see Ditroi, F. ............................................................. Genre,R.,seeL’Hoir,A. ............................................................. Genz,H.,seeLotz,W. ............................................................... Georgiadis, A.P., D. Apostolakis, M. Vourkas and A. Pape, Sensitivity of trace-element analysis by X-ray emission induced by 0.1-10 MeV electrons .............................................. Gerhard,M.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................ Gerlic, E., see El Bouanani, M. ........................................................ Gerlic, E., see El Bouanani, M. ........................................................ Gerritsen, E., see Johansen, A. ......................................................... Gem, Ch., D. Wilsdorf and G. Werth, A high precision Penning trap mass spectrometer ................ Geyer,C.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Ghermandi, G., see Cecchi, R. ......................................................... Ghermandi, G., see Cecchi, R. ......................................................... Ghoniem, N.M., see Chou, S.P. ........................................................ Ghose,D.,seeChini,T.K. ............................................................ Gho~,D.,~eBhatta~ha~a,S.R. ...................................................... .......... ................. Ghosh, S., see Chadderton, L.T. . .......... ................. Ghrayeb, R., see Mahavadi, P. . . ................. Gibbons, J., see Kiiver, A. . . . . . Gibert, T., see Gelin, P. . . . . . . . Gibson, G., see Luk, T.S. . . . . . . Gibson, W.M., see Hashimoto, S. Gibson, W.M., see Xiao, Q.F. . . . Gibson, W.M., see Luo, L. . . . . Giese, J.P., see Datz, S. . . . . . . Giess, J., see Avery, A.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gil, S., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ........................................................... Gilberd, P.W., see Sokhi, R.S. ......................................................... ..........
B48 (1990) 2.5 B44 (1989) 1 844 (1989) 19 B49 (1990) 414 B46 (1990) 1 B43 (1989) 193 B45 (1990) 446 B46 (1990) 405 B47 (1990) 160 B48 (1990) 192 B50 (1990) 131 B45 (1990) 356 B48 (1990) 266 B44 (1989) 1 B44 (1989) 19
B47 (1990) 339 B48 (19901266 847 0990) 37 B47 (1990) 474 B42 (1989) 515 B46 (1990) 379 B50 (1990) 159 B45 (1990) 483 B48 (1990) 69 B45 (1990) 580 B50 (1990) 395 BSO(1990) 62 B48 (1990) 145 B48 (1990) 256 B50 (1990) 321 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 651 B50 (1990) 431 B50 (1990) 119 B47 (1990) 453 B43 (1989) 390 B49 (1990) 146 B49 (1990) 283 B42 (1989) 145 842 (1989) 293 B47 (1990) 253 B46 (1990) 46 B48 (1990) 311 B42 (1989) 463 B45 (1990) 580 B43 (1989) 468 B45 (1990) 434 B45 (1990) 464 B45 (1990) 488 B48 (1990) 114 B45 (1990) 181 B42 (1989) 389 B50 (19901140
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50 Gilles, B. and M. Brunei, Study of self-implanted silicon amorphization with X-rays at grazing angles of incidence ...................................................................... Gillibert, A., see Schwab, Th. .......................................................... Gillitzer, A., see Miiller, D. ........................................................... Giovagnoli, A., see Barthe, M.F. ........................................................ Giovagnoli, A., see Bakraji, E.H. ....................................................... Giubileo, G., see Bizzarri, U. .......................................................... Glagola, B.G., see Kutschera, W. ....................................................... Glavas, E., P.D. Townsend and M.A. Foad, Refractive index changes in proton exchange LiNbO, by ion implantation ................................................................... Glozman, O.A., see Iskanderova, Z.A. ................................................... Gnaser, H. and H. Oechsner Isotopic mass effects in sputtering: dependence on fluence and emission angle . Gobert, O., see Gelin, P. ............................................................. Gohshi, Y., see Hayakawa, S. .......................................................... Goldberg, R., see Williams, J.S. ........................................................ Golovchenko, J.A., see Bedrossian, P. .................................................... GomezdelCampo,J.,seeDatz,S. ...................................................... Gomez-Camacho, J., see Respaldiza, M.A. ................................................ Gomez-Tub$, B.M., see Respaldiza, M.A. ................................................ Gonsior, B., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Gonsior, B., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Goodhew, P.J., see Cox, R.J. .......................................................... Goppelt, P., see Fink, D. ............................................................. Goppelt, P., see Gebauer, B. .......................................................... Gordon, B.M., A.L. Hanson, K.W. Jones, J.G. Pounds, M.L. Rivers, G. Schidlovsky, P. Spanne and S.R. Sutton, The application of synchrotron radiation to microprobe trace-element analysis of biological samples ....................................................................... Gosset, J., see Mosbah, M. .......................................................... Gosset, I., see Trocellier, P. ......................................................... GGtz,G.,seeWesch,W. ........................................................... G&z, G., see Miihle, R. ............................................................ . .. G&z, G., see GPrtner, K. ........................................................... G&z, G., see Gartner, K. ........................................................... . GBtz, G., K. Girtner and W. Wesch, Investigation of point defects by temperature-dependent dechanneling Goudeau, P., see Jaouen, C. ......................................................... Gouillaud, J.C., see Llabador, Y. ..................................................... .. Glowacka, L., see Bienkowski, A. ..................................................... . Grabei, B., P. Vater and R. Brand& A new method for identification of ions in a CR-39 detector ....... . Graham, W.G., see Tanis, J.A. ....................................................... Grambole, D., see Neelmeijer, C. ....................................................... Grand, P., C.L. Snead and T.E. Ward, The Brookhaven Radiation Effects Facility .................... Grande, P.L., M. Behar, J.P. Biersack and F.C. Zawislak, Range parameters of heavy ions implanted into Be films ......................................................................... Grankina, T.V., see Balashova, L.L. ..................................................... Gras-Marti, A., see Moreno-Marin, J.C. .................................................. Gras-Marti, A., see Peinador, J.A. ... ....................... Gray, C., see Sokhi, R.S. ....... . . ....................... Greegor, R.B., see Weber, W.J. .. .. ....................... Green, S., see Marmy, P. ....... .. Green, W.V., see Marmy, P. ..... .. ....................... Grieser, M., see Habs, D. ....... ....................... Grieser, R., see Habs, D. ............................................................. Griffin, D.C., see Pindzola, M.S. ........................................................ Griffin, W.L., see Sie, S.H. ............................................................ Griffin, W.L., see Ryan, C.G. .......................................................... Griffin, W.L., see Ryan, C.G. .......................................................... Griffin, W.L., C.G. Ryan, D.R. Cousens, S.H. Sie and G.F. Suter, Application of the proton microprobe to diamond exploration and genesis ..................................................... Griffiths, K., see Mitchell, I.V. ......................................................... Grigoryan,A.E., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Grime, G., see Reeson, K.J. ...........................................................
B44 B48 B50 B45 B50 B50 B42
(1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1989)
331 69 271 105 65 331 101
B46 B42 B48 B45 B49 B48 B48 B48 B50 B50 B49 B50 B42 B46 B50
(1990) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1990) (19901
156 193 544 580 555 431 296 114 226 226 441 217 224 342 159
B45 B49 B50 B45 B46 B46 B48 B50 B43 B49 B49 B42 B43 B50 B42
(1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1989)
527 340 247 446 347 405 192 131 34 435 19 286 290 439 277
B45 B48 B48 B48 B49 B46 B47 B47 B43 B43 B43 B45 B47 B49
(1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1990)
689 156 404 589 414 160 37 37 390 390 279 604 55 271
B49 B45 B48 B45
(1990) (1990) (1990) (1990)
318 107 266 327
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
Grime, G., see Brook, A.J. ............................................................ Grime, G.W., F. Watt and D.N. Jamieson, The influence of accelerator parameters on the performance of submicron quadrupole probe-forming systems ............................................ ........................................................... Grime,G.W.,seeVajiC,M. ............................................................ Grime,G.W.,seeWatt,F. Grime, G.W. and F. Watt, Nuclear microscopy - elemental mapping using high-energy ion beam techniques . Griscom, D.L., Growth and decay kinetics of defect centers in hip-Purim fused silicas irradiated at 77 K with X-rays or 6.4-eV laser light ......................................................... Griscom, D.L., see Tsai,T.E. .......................................................... Grob, J.J., see Stoquert, J.P. ........................................................... Grob, J.J., see Toulemonde, M. ........................................................ Groeneveld, K.O., see Kiiver, A. ........................................................ Groeneveld, K.-O., see Steinbeck, J. ..................................................... Groeneveld, K.-O., see Rothard, H. ..................................................... Groska, E., see Borbtly-Kiss, I. ........................................................ Grosse, G., see Denecke, B. ........................................................... Grossmann, D., J.P. Koopmann, M. Niecke, J. Schiittler and R. Khorasani, The Hamburg proton microprobe: application in environmental analysis .................................................. Groult, D., see Bourgault, D. .......................................................... G~ebler,W.,seeSin~,D. ........................................................... Gruel, K., see Brissaud, 1. ............................................................ ........................................................ G~ntman,M.A.,seeRubeI,M. Gualtieri, J,G.,see Ravindra,N.M. ...................................................... Guettinger, T.W. and D .L. Williamson, Quantitative Miissbauer spectroscopy of nonuniform absorbers: basic concepts ...................................................................... Guillaume, G., see Stoquert, J.P. ....................................................... Guimariies, R.B., see Behar, M. ........................................................ Guimarles, R.B., see Behar, M. ........................................................ Gujrathi, S.C., see Oxorn, K. .......................................................... Gujrathi, SC., D.W. Hetherington, P.F. Hinrichsen and M. Bentourkia, The detection of heavy ions with PIN diodes ........................................................................ Gujrathi, S.C., see Cliche, L. .......................................................... Gujrathi, S.C., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ...................................................... Gulens, J.,see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Gulyits,L.,seeK&&,A. ............................................................. Gumbmann, F., see Baumglrtner, M. .................................................... Giinzler, R., see Oberschachtsiek, P. ..................................................... Giinzler, R., see Maisch, T. ........................................................... Guo, X.S., W.A. Lanford and K.P. Rodbell, Ion beam analysis of edge effects in Al/M/Al stripes ........ Guo, X.S., W.A. Lanford and K.P. Rodbell, A 2-dimensional RBS simulation program for studying the edges of multilayer integrated cicuit components .............................................. Guo, X.S., The wake potential and dynamic screening in a hydrogen system ......................... Guo, X.S., Calculation of the stopping power changes due to the superconducting transition in high-T, YBa,Cu,O, superconductors ....................................................... Gurvich,T.L., see Belyaev, A.D. ........................................................ Gustafsson, T., P. Fenter and P. Haberle, Medium-energy ion scattering studies of the structure of some reconstructed metal surfaces ........................................................ Gvozdev, B.A., see Lukyanov, SM. ...................................................... William, R.M., see Stephens, K.G. ..................................................... Gyurdzhyan, V.A., see Avakyan, R.O. ....................................................
............................................................ Haba,M.,seeTanaka,M. Haberle, P., see Gustafsson, T. ......................................................... Habraken, F.H.P.M., see Alkemade, P.F.A. ................................................ Habraken, F.H.P.M., see Deckers, S. ....................................................
B49 (1990) 481 B45 (1990) 508 B49 (1990) 336 B49 (1990) 465 B50 (19901197 B46(1990) 12 I346 (1990) 265 B44 (1989) 184 I346 (1990) 64 B42 (1989) 463 B48 (1990) 51 B48 (1990) 616 B49 (1990) 254 B49 (1990) 152 B49 (1990) 495 B42 (19891 61 B47 (1990) 167 B49 (199OI 305 B47 (199OI202 B46 (19901409 B42 (1989) 268 B44 (1989) 184 B46 (1990) 313 B46 (19901350 B45 (1990) 166 B45 t 1990) 260 B4.5(1990) 270 B45 (1990) 275 B44 (1989) 195 B42 (1989) 463 B50 (1990) 286 B45 (1990) 20 BSO(1990) 1 B45 (1990) 123 B45 (1990) 157 B45 (1990) 693 B4.5(1990) 698 B43 (1989) 5 B45 (1990) 398 I347 (1990) 102 B50 (1990) 368 B48 (1990) 266
B45 (1990) 223 B45(1990) 398 B45 (1990) 139 B45 (1990) 416
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Habs, D., W. Baumann, J. Berger, P. Blat& A. Faulstich, P. Krause, G. Kilgus, R. Neumann, W. Petrich, R. Stokstad, D. Schwalm, E. Szmola, K. Welti, A. Wolf, S. Zwickler, E. Jaeschke, D. Kramer, G. Bisoffi, M. Blum, A. Friedrich, C. Geyer, M. Grieser, H.W. Heyng, B. Holzer, R. Ihde, M. Jung, K. Matl, W. Ott, B. Povh, R. Repnow, M. Steck, E. Steffens, D. Dutta, T. Kiihl, D. Marx, S. Schroder, M. Gerhard, R. Grieser, G. Huber, R. Klein, M. Krieg, N. Schmidt, R. Schuch, J.F. Babb, L. Spruch, W. Arnold and A. Noda, First experiments with the Heidelberg test storage ring TSR ..................................... Haftel, M.I. and M. Rosen, A heat deposition model of Josephson junction soft upset rates from alpha-particle irradiation ..................................................................... Hage-Ah, M., see Stoquert, J.P. ........................................................ Hage-Ah, M., see Toulemonde, M. ...................................................... Hage-Ah, M., see L’Hoir, A. .......................................................... Hagedoorn, H.L., see Botman, JIM. .................................................... Hahn,C.,seeEbel,F. ............................................................... Hahn, Y. and H. Ramadan, Analysis of transfer excitation collisions of S13+ with He .................. Hajdu, C., see Szilagyi, E. ............................................................ Hajdu, C., see Paszti, F. .............................................................. Hajsaleh, J.Y., see Matteson, S. ........................................................ Halden, N.M., see McKee, J.S.C. ....................................................... Hall, G.S., Sample preparation methods of tree-rings for PIXE-PIGE multielemental analysis ........... Hall, G.S. and M.L. Lee, Applications of PIXE-PIGE in philately ............................... Hallak, A.B., see Al-Juwair, H.A. ....................................................... Haller, M., see Baumgartner, M. ....................................................... Halpern, J.M., see Pinheiro, T. ......................................................... Hamanaka, H., M. Okane and Y. Yamamoto, Improvement of the energy resolution and the S/N ratio of a crystal spectrometer combined with a position-sensitive proportional counter for PIXE .............. Hamel, L.A., see Cliche, L. ........................................................... Han, S.H., G.L. Kulcinski and J.R. Conrad, Computer simulation of ion beam mixing .................. Hanawa, T., see Oura, K. ............................................................. Hanawa, T., see Nakahara, T. ......................................................... Hanawa, T., see Shoji, F. ............................................................. Hansen, P.G., (Book review: Gamma and X-ray spectrometry with semiconductor detectors, by K. Debertin andR.G.Helmer) ............................................................... Hanson,A.L., see Gordon, B.M. ....................................................... Hanson, A.L., see Kwiatek, W.M. ....................................................... Hanson, A.L., see Kwiatek, W.M. ....................................................... Hansson, H.-C., see Swietlicki, E. ....................................................... Hansteen, J.M., The SCA description of inner-shell Coulomb ionization and associated phenomena ....... Harder, R., R. Knauss, K. Kretzschmar, M. Lotter, H. Rauh, J. Wagner and H. Kuiper Absolute measurement of the Rydberg yield of beam-foil excited O’* ions ....................................... Hare, G., S. Craig, J.-P. Labrie, C.B. Lawrence, J. Ungrin and B. White, Energy control of the IMPELAm series of industrial accelerators ...................................................... Harmon,J.F.,seeKnox,J.M. .......................................................... Harries, J., see North, A.N. ........................................................... Harrison Jr., D.E., see Smith, R. ....................................................... Haruyama, Y., H. Ogawa, I. Katayama, T. Noro, H. Ikegami, F. Fukuzawa, K. Yoshida, M. Tosaki, A. Aoki and I. Sugai Electron-loss cross-section measurement of 3He ions by the attenuation method .......... Harvey, P.J., see MacArthur, J.D. ....................................................... Hasegawa, T., see Iwata, Y. ........................................................... Hashimoto, S., Q.F. Xiao, W.M. Gibson, C.W. Nieh and R.W. Fathauer, Ion channeling study of single-crystal columns of CoSi, embedded in epitaxial Si on Si(ll1) grown by MBE .......................... Hashimoto, S., see Xiao, Q.F. ......................................................... Hashimoto, S., see Luo, L. ............................................................ Hattori, T., see Iwata, Y. ............................................................. Hau, L.V., E. Laegsgaard and J.U. andersen Thermal vibrations in Si studied by channeling-radiation spectroscopy ................................................................... Haubert, P.C., see Diibeli, M. .......................................................... Hautala, M., see Koponen, I. .......................................................... Hautala, M. and I. Koponen Collisional mixing: a two-step computational approach ................... Havranek, V., V. Hnatowicz, J. Kvitek, J. Musil and V. Poulek, Determination of nitrogen content in thick TIN layers by proton backscattering ...................................................... Hay, H.J. and P.B. Treaty The populations of Rydberg states of ions emerging from solid surfaces ........
B43 (1989) 390 B43 (19891 55 B44 (19891184 B46 (1990) 64 B48 (1990) 145 B49 (19901 89 B50 (1990) 328 B43 (19891285 B43 (1989) 502 B47 (1990) 187 B45 (1990) 575 B45 (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 60 B49 (1990) 573 B50 (1990) 474 B50 (19901286 B49 (19901191 B45 (1990) 360 B45 (1990) 270 B45 (19901701 B45 (1990) 199 B45 (19901467 B47 (1990) 1 B44 (1989) 246 B45 (1990) 527 B49 (1990) 561 B50 (19901347 B49 (19901395 B42 (19891426 B48 (19901111 B50 (1990) 470 B44 (1989) 40 B47 (1990) 283 B46 (1990) 1 B48 (1990) 130 B49 (1990) 402 B48 (19901163 B45 (1990) 434 B45 (19901464 B45 (19901488 B48 (1990) 163 B48 (1990) 244 B47 (1990) 148 B47 (1990) 375 B48 (1990) 504 B47 (19901433 B48 (1990) 107
Author index of volumesB42 - B50
Hayakawa, S., Y. Gohshi, A. Iida, S. Aoki and M. Ishikawa, X-ray microanalysis with energy tunable synchrotron X-rays ............................................................... Hayashi, N., see Johansen, A. .......................................................... Hayashi, S., see Katayama, M. ......................................................... He,J.J.?seeYu,Z .L. ................................................................ Hecking,N.,seeSchSnborn,A. ........................................................ Hecquet,P.,seeHou,M. ............................................................. Hegedus,F.,seeMarmy,P. ........................................................... Heikkinen, D.W., see Bauer, G.H. ...................................................... Heil,O.,seeK&&,A. ............................................................... He& O., see Rothard, H. ............................................................. Heiland, W., see Derks, H. ............................................................ Heiland, W., see Derks, H.A. .......................................................... Heiland, W., see Niehof, A. ........................................................... Heiland, W., see Derks, H. ............................................................ Heiland, W., see NPrmann, A. ......................................................... Heimgartner, P., see Neumann, W. ...................................................... Heinrich, B., see Lick, H.B. ........................................................... Heiser, C., see Neelmeijer, C. .......................................................... Hellborg, R., see Tapper, U.A.S. ....................................................... Helming, K., see Rauschenbach, B. ...................................................... Hemment, P.L.F., see Chater, R.J. ...................................................... Hemment, P.L.F., see Bussmann, U. ..................................................... Hemment, P.L.F., see Zhang 3ingping .................................................... Hemment, P.L.F., see Stephens, KG. .................................................... Henderson, J.R., see Levine, M.A. ...................................................... Hensel, E., see Neelmeijer, C. ......................................................... Hentschel, E., R. Kotte, H.C. Ortlepp, F. Stary and D. Wohlfarth, Performance of a Bragg ionization chamber for depth profiling and surface analysis ................................................ Hera&, J., see Gauvin, H. ............................................................ Herrmann, F., see Neelmeijer, C. ....................................................... Herrmann, R., see Hofmann, D. ........................................................ Herteux, M., W. Hit&, J.P. Biersack and E. Schreck Low-energy ion-induced Auger electron spectra of solid Al and Si: angle-resolved spectra and Monte Carlo simulations ............................... Hervieu, M., see Bourgault, D. ......................................................... Hetberington, D.W., see Gujrathi, SC. ................................................... Hetherington, D.W., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ................................................. Hetterich, W., see Derks, H. .......................................................... Heuer, R., K. Saadatmand, L. Solensten, T. Debiak, J. Sredniawski and F. Kuehne, A new stand-alone beam emittance measurement system ...................................................... Heymann, D., see MakjaniC, J. ......................................................... Heyng,H.W.,seeHabs,D. ........................................................... Hibino, Y., see Tachibana, M. ......................................................... Hietel, B., J. Ertel and K. Wittmaack, Combined PIXE/RBS study on the incorporation and depth distribution of cesium in cuticles of pear leaves subject to cation exchange in a CsCl solution .......... Higashi, G.S., (Book ret&v: Laser microfabrication: thin film processes and lithography, edited by D.J. Ehrlich and J.Y. Tsao) ............................................................ Hill, I., see Lehockey, E.M. ........................................................... Hill, K.W., see Beiersdorfer, P. ......................................................... Hill,M.W.,seeJex,D.G. ............................................................. Hillairet, J., see Macchi, F. ............................................................ Hiller, W., M. Buchgeister, P. Eitner, K. Kopitzki, V. Lilienthal and G. Mertler Mixing of binary metal systems bynoble-gasionsofenergiesbetween30and4OOkeV ...................................... Hingmann, R., see Bimbot, R. ......................................................... Hink,W.,seeHerteux,M. ............................................................ Hino, K.-I., see Watanabe, T. .......................................................... Hinrichsen, P.F., see Gujrathi, S.C. ...................................................... Hinrichsen, P.F., D.W. Hetherington, SC. Gujrathi and L. Cliche, Heavy-ion energy resolution of SSB detectors ................ .._ ................................................... Hinrichsen, P.F., G. Kajrys, A. Houdayer, A. Jeremie, A. Belhadfa, J.P. Crine and J.L. Campbell, Micro-PIXE analysis of impurity distributions in “trees” grown in high-voltage cables .........................
B49 (1990) 555 B50 t19901119 B45 f19901408 B44 (19901449 B43 (1989) 170 B48 (19901625 B47 (1990) 37 B43 (19891497 B42 (19891463 B48 (19901616 B44 (1989) 125 B47 (19901332 B48 (1990) 306 B48 (1990) 315 848 (1990) 378 B50 (19901 57 BSO(19901395 B.50(1990) 439 B49 0990) 425 B42 (19891216 I345 (19901110 B47GQQOl 22 B47 0990) 1.55 B.50(19901368 B43 (1989) 431 B42 (19891369 B43 (1989) 82 B47 (1990) 339 BSO(1990) 439 B50 (19901478 B48 @?90) 621 842 (1989) 61 B45 (19901260 B45 (19901275 B48 (1990) 315 B42 (1989) 135 B49 (1990) 514 B43 (1989) 390 B49 (1990) 15 349 (1990) 216 B47 (19901207 B46 (19901364 B43 (19891347 849 t1990) 141 846 (19901334 B48 (19901508 B44 (19891 1 B48 (19901621 B42 (19891494 B45 (1990) 260 B45 (19901275 B45 f19901532
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Hjiirvarsson, B., J. Ryden, T. Ericsson and E. Karlsson, Hydrogenated tantalum: a convenient calibration substance for hydrogen profile analysis using nuclear resonance reactions ........................ Hjoivarsson, B. and J. Rydin, Off-resonance and straggling measurements using the iH(“N, uyltzC reaction Hnatowicz, V., see Havranek, V. ....................................................... Hodges, L.S., see Matteson, S. .......................................................... Hiifert, M., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Hofert, M., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Hoffmann,P.,seeLotz,W. ........................................................... Hofmann, D., H. Baumann, C. Freudenberger, R. Herrmann, A. Schempp, H. S~bmidt-B~c~ng, G. Zschornack, . Bethge, H. Klein, C. Lyneis and R. Stock, An ECR-RFQ ion beam facility for materials research with highly charged slow ions ....................................................... Hofsiss, H., see Winter, S. ............................................................ Hofsiss, H.C., see Parkih, N.R. ........................................................ Hofsiss, H.C., N.R. Parikh, M.L. Swanson and W.-K. Chu, Depth profiling of light elements using elastic recoil coincidence spectroscopy (ERCS) ................................................ Hohmuth, K. and B. Rauschenbach, Superconducting and structural properties of Y-Ba-Cu oxide thin films prepared by ion beam mixing ....................................................... Hokonov, A.H., see Beloshitsky, V.V. .................................................... Hokonov, M.H., see Beloshitsky, V.V. .................................................... Holland, D.M.P., J.B. West, A.A. MacDowell, I.H. Munro and A.G. Beckett, The performance of a 5 metre normal incidence monochromator at the Daresbury Laboratory Synchrotron Radiation Source ......... Hellos, G., see Steinhof, A. ........................................................... Hellos, G., see Boaretto, E. ........................................................... Holzer,B.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Hom,M.L.,seeMeijer,H.C. .......................................................... HGpfl, R., see Baumgartner, M. ........................................................ Horbatsch, M., see Ward, S.J. ......................................................... Horiuchi, N., see Karasawa, S. ......................................................... Horn, KM. and W.A. Lanford, Suppression of background radiation in BGO and NaI detectors used in nuclear reaction analysis ........................................................... Horn, KM., see Picraux, S.T. .......................................................... Home, L., see Fleming, S.J. ........................................................... Hoshino,A.,seeAgawa,Y. ........................................................... Hossain, T.Z., see Parkih, N.R. ........................................................ Hou, M., see Mahavadi, P. ............................................................ Hou, M., C. Benazeth, P. Hecquet and N. Benazeth Argon-induced Auger emission from amorphous and crystalline silicon: a comparison between experiment and simulation ........................... Houdayer, A., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ...................................................... Houdayer,A.,seeBrissaud,I. ......................................................... Houdayer, A.J., P. Belanger, I. Brissaud, J.E. Crawford, H. Dautet, G. Gagnon, J.&P. Lee, J. Obert, J. Pinard and K. Scholberg, An investigation of laser desorption of Au by PIXE and RBS techniques using a He beam ......................................................................... Howe,A.M.,seeNorth,A.N. .......................................................... Hu,C.D.,seeYu,Z.L.. .............................................................. Hu Bei-lai, M. Cholewa, M.L. Rivers, J.V. Smith and K.W. Jones, Determination of hydrogen content of phlogopite in garnet peridotites using elastic recoil detection ................................. HuaZhongyi,seeWuShiming ......................................................... Huang, C., see Wang, Z.L. ............................................................ HuazhongYang,seeZhengminLiu .. ..~ ................................................ Hubbard, K.M., see Weller, M.R. ....................................................... Huber,G.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Hube~,F.,seeBimbot,R. ............................................................ Hubert, F., see Bimbot, R. ............................................................ Hubert,F.,seeGauvin,H. ............................................................ Hubler, G.K., CA. Carosella, E.P. Donovan, D. Vanvechten, R.H. Bassel, T.D. andreadis, M. Rosen and G.P. Mueller, Physical aspects of ion beam assisted deposition ................................... Hult,M.,seePallon,J. .............................................................. Hult, M. and K. Themner, Quantitative microanalysis of matrix elements in biological samples by MeV proton scattering ..................................................................... Hult, M.B., see Tapper, U.A.S. ........................................................ Hunyady, I., see Bhattacharyya, D.P. ....................................................
B42 (1989) 257 B45 (19901 36 B47 (1990) 433 B45 (1990) 575 B49 (1990) 441 B50 (1990) 217 B48 (1990) 256
B50 (19901478 B48 (1990) 211 B45 (1990) 70 B45 (19901151 B46 (19901276 B48 (19901263 B48 (1990) 263 B44 (1989) 233 B43 (19891 73 B50 (19901280 B43 (1989) 390 B44 (1989) 159 B50 (19901286 B42 (19891472 B47 (1990) 404 B4.5 (19901256 B48 (19901414 B49 (1990) 293 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (19901 70 B48 (1990) 311 B48 (19901625 B45 @901532 B49 (1990) 94
B45 (1990) 632 B47 (19901283 B44 (19901449 B47 (19901 97 B45 (19901227 B48 (1990) 474 B44 (19901344 B42 (1989) 19 B43 (19891390 B440989) 1 B44 (1989) 19 B47 (1990) 339 B46 (1990) 384 B45 (1990) 548 B50 (1990) 154 B49 (1990) 425 B47 (1990) 466
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Husinsky,W.,seeBetz,G. ............................................................ Hyltin, G., see Palion, 1. .............................................................
B48 (1990) 593 B4.5(1990) 548
Ibel,K.,seeFink,D. ................................................................ Ichimori, T., see Park, J.S. ............................................................ Idrees, M. and C. Froese Fischer, Fine-structure splitting of some high-l Rydberg states of helium ........ Iferov, G.A., Yu.N. Zhukova, V.Ya. Chumanov, O.V. Chumanova and N.M. Kabachnik The angular dependenceoftheener~l~sofheliumionsinathinAufoi1 .................................... fgnacz,P.N.,seeKocsis,G. ........................................................... Ignacz, P.N., see Kedves, M.A. ......................................................... Ignatjev, S.V., see Muralev, V.A. ....................................................... Ihde,R.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Iida, A., see Hayakawa, S. ............................................................ Iitaka, T., see Miyamoto, T. ........................................................... Iitaka, T. and Y.H. Ohtsuki Formation of positronium at metai surfaces ........................... Ikegami, H., see Haruyama, Y. ......................................................... Ilkhamov, R.A., see Pajek, M. ......................................................... Ilkhamov, R.A., A.P. Kobzev and R. Sandrik, Determination of iron concentration profiles in Fe-Ni by the PIXEmethod .................................................................. Imke, U., see Rechtien, J.H. ........................................................... Imura,R.,seeQiu,Q. ............................................................... Inamura, T., see Katsuragawa, H. ....................................................... Ingemarsson, P.A., Adhesion enhancement by MeV ion irradiation ............................... Inglebert, R.L., see Gelin, P. .......................................................... Inoue,K.,seeTakai,M. .............................................................. Irvine,S.J.C., seeAvery,A.J. .......................................................... Irwin, R.B., see Beck, S.E. ............................................................ Isabelle, D.B., see Zine, E. ............................................................ Ishibashi, K., see Takai, M. ........................................................... Ishii, T., see Ishikawa, M. ............................................................ Ishii, A. Theory of inverse positronium formation spectroscopy .................................. Ishikawa, H., see Koyama, A. .......................................................... Ishikawa, M. and K. Nakamura, Trace elements in tissues and organs of an antarctic icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari ....................................................................... Ishikawa, M., T. Ishii and . Kitao, PIXE scanning analysis across the scale of a sea-bass, 1ateolabra.x
B46 (1990) 342 B48 (1990) 635 842 (1989) 552
Ishikawa, M., see Hayakawa, S. ........................................................ Ishiwari, R., N. Shiomi-Tsuda, N. Sakamoto and H. Ogawa, Stopping powers of A-150 tissue equivalent plastic forprotonsfrom2.5to7.5MeV ..................................................... Ishiwari, R., see Shiomi-Tsuda, N. ...................................................... Ishiwari, R., N. Shiomi-Tsuda, N. Sakamoto and H. Ogawa Geometrical effect on the measurement of stopping power: angle-dependent energy loss of 5 MeV protons in Au .......................... Ishiwari, R., see Sakamoto, N. ......................................................... Ishizawa, Y., see Souda, R. ........................................................... Ishizawa, Y., see Souda, R. ........................................................... Iskanderova, Z.A., T.D. Radjabov, G.R. Rakhimova, F.K. Tukfatullin and 0-A. Glozman, Influence of some bulk and surface processes on strengthening and wear resistance under ion implantation ............. Itoh, N., see Matsunami, N. ........................................................... Itoh, N., see Tanimura, K. ............................................................ Ivanov, I.N., see Antonov, S.L. ......................................................... Ivanov, V.A., see Winchester, J.W. ...................................................... Iwaki, M., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................... Iwaki, M., Y. Okabe and K. Yabe, Comparison between oxygen depth profiles in oxygen-implanted titanium measured by RBS and XPS combined with argon sputtering ................................. Iwaki, M., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................... Iwaki,M.,seeFujihana,T. ............................................................ Iw~,M.,seeKobay~hi,K .......................................................... Iwaki,M.,seeAono, K. .............................................................. Iwaki,M.,seeSuzuki,Y. ............................................................. Iwaki, M., see Ohira, S. ..............................................................
B48(1990) 43 I343 (1989) 215 B47 (1990) 296 B48 (1990) 171 B43 (1989) 390 B49 (1990) 555 B48 (1990) 330 B48 (1990) 375 B48 (1990) 130 B42 (19891346 B47 (1990) 291 B48 (1990) 339 844 (1989) 179 B43 (1989) 259 B44 (1990) 437 B45 (1990) 580 B45 (1990) 553 B45 (1990) 181 B47 (1990) 29 B49 (1990) 446 B45 (1990) 553 B49 (1990) 485 B48 (1990) 386 B48 (1990) 608 B49 (1990) 220 B49 (1990) 485 B49 (1990) 555 B47 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 61 B48 (19901 65 B48 (1990) 75 B4.5 (199OJ364 B45 (1990) 369 B42 (1989) 193 B45 (1990) 412 B46 (1990) 207 B48 (1990) 553 B49 (1990) 351 845 (1990) 208 B4.5(1990) 212 B45 (1990) 480 B4.5(1990) 669 B46 (1990) 60 B46 (1990) 220 B46 (1990) 354 B46 (1990) 413
Author index of dumes
842 - BN
Iwasaki, H., see Mitamura, T. .......................................................... Iwata,Y.,seeTanaka,M. ............................................................ Iwata, Y., K. Komaki, Y. Yamazaki, M. Sekiguchi, T. Hattori, T. Hasegawa and F. Fujimoto K, X-ray emission from resonant coherently excited F s+ ions channeled along a Au (110) axis and their exit charge-state distribution ........................................................... Iyer, IS., see Southon, J.R. ........................................................... Izsak,K.,seeMaisch,T. .............................................................
I348 (1990) 470 B45 (1990) 223
Jaccodine, R.J., see Beck, SE. ......................................................... Jackman, J.A., L. Dignard-Bailey, R.S. Storey, C. MacPhemon, S. Rolfe, L. Van der Zwan and T.E. Jackman, Matrix effects in SIMS depth profiles of SiGe superlattices .................................. Jackman, T.E., see Jackman, J.A. ....................................................... Jacobs, W.W., sesTanis, J.A. .......................................................... Jacobson, L., see Peisach, M. .......................................................... Jacobson, L., see Pineda, C.A. ......................................................... Jaegers, P. and S. Landsberger, SELFABS: A PC computer code for the determination of the self-absorption fractions of gamma-rays for neutron activation analysis ..................................... Jaeschke, E., see Habs, D. ............................................................ Jaffrezic, H., see Moncoffre, N. ........................................................ Jaffrezic, II., see Donnet, C. ........................................................... Jaffrezic, H., see El Khakani, M.A. ...................................................... Jaffrezic, I-i., see Donnet, C. ........................................................... Jaffrezic, H., see El Bouanani, M. ....................................................... Jafri, Z.H., C. Jeynes, R.P. Webb and I.H. Wilson Mass transport of silicon during argon irradiation employing a double-marker system ........................................................... Jagielski, J., G. Gawlik, A. Podgorski, A. Turos and N. Madi, Direction of nitrogen migration in iron (Letter fo &?E&orI ..................................................................... Jahn,S.,seeWinter,S. .............................................................. Jain, R.K., J. Ramarao, SK. Bose and K.K. Dwivedi, On the response of Triafol-TN and Makrofol-N plastic track detectors to different energy usU ions ............................................. Jaklic, M., M. VajiC and V. Valkovic, Applications of the concentration depth profiling with PIXE ........ Jak%, M., see Tadic, T. .............................................................. Jak%,M.,seeVajic,M. ............................................................. Jakucs, P., see B&es, Cs. ............................................................. Jamieson, D.N. and U.A.S. Tapper, Grid shadow pattern analysis of achromatic quadrupole lenses ........ Jamieson, D.N., see Grime, G.W. ....................................................... Jamieson, D.N., see Breese, M.B.H. ..................................................... Janev, R.K., see MiSkovic, Z.L. ......................................................... Jans,S.,seeMaisch,T. .............................................................. Janssen, K.T.F., see Zalm, P.C. ........................................................ Jaouen, C., J. Delafond, N. Junqua and P. Goudeau, Ion-beam mixing and phase formation in the immiscible Fe-Mgsystem .................................................................. Jaracz, P. and S. Mirowski, Beam distribution in the skew profile geometry for PIXE setup with a diffuser foil Jarczyk, L., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Jarczyk, L., see Rokita, E. ............................................................ Jaskola, M., see Biehkowski, A. ........................................................ Jensen, F., I. Stensgaard, F. Besenbacher and K. Mortensen Applications of transmission channeling for adatom location on metal surfaces .................................................... Jensen, I-I., see Terwagne, G. .......................................................... Jeremie, A., see Hinrichsen, P.F. ....................................................... Jesus, A.P. and J.P. Ribeiro L, subshell alignment of U by light-ion impact ......................... Jex, D.G., M.W. Hi11 and N.F. Mangelson, Proton induced X-ray emission of spherical particles: corrections forX-rayattenua~on ............................................................. Jeynes, C., see Reeson, K.J. ........................................................... .Jeynes,C.,seeJafri,Z.H. ............................................................. Jiang, S.L., A. Oliva, A. Amoddeo and R. Kelly, Composition profiles due to bombardment-induced segregation in Cu-Ni samples as deduced by Auger spectroscopy .............................. Jiang Weilin, see Lu Xiting ........................................................... Jianjun Dong, see Zhengming Liu ...................................................... Jimenez-Rodriguez, J.J., see Peinador, J.A. ................................................
B47 (1990) 29
B48 (1990) 163 B47 (1990) 299 B50 (1990) 1
345 (1990) 592 B45 (1990) 592 B43 0.989) 290 B49 (1990) 309 849 (1990) 332 B44 (1990) 479 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 81 B46 (1990) 89 BSO(1990) 406 B50 (1990) 410 BSO(1990) 431 B48 (1990) 4.57 B47 (1990) 474 B48 (1990f 211 B47 (1990) 48 B49 (1990) 111 B49 (1990) 211 B49 (1990) 336 B43 (1989) 101 B44 (1989) 227 B4.5(1990) 508 B47 (1990) 443 B48 (1990) 367 B50(19~) 1 B42 (1989) 397 B43 (1989) 34 B43 (1989) 210 B49 (1990) 441 B.50 (1990) 217 B49 (1990) 19 848 (1990) 334 B45 (19901 9.5 B4.5(19901.532 B48 ( 1990) 93 849 (1990) 141 B45 (1990) 327 B48 (1990) 457 84.5 (1990) 646 B43 (1989) 565 B44 (1990) 445 B48 (1990) 589
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Jin, J., see Church, D.A. ............................................................. Jin Zuqin, see Zhu Zhongsheng ........................................................ Johansen, A., E. Johnson, L. Sarholt-Kristensen, S. Steenstrup, E. Gerritsen, C.J.M. Denissen, H. Keetels, J. Politiek, N. Hayashi and I. Sakamoto, Depth distribution of martensite in xenon-impianted stainless steels Johansson, E.-M., see Liivestam, N.E.G. .................................................. Johansson, S.A.E., see Pallon, J. ........................................................ Johansson, S.A.E., see Lovestam, N.E.G. ................................................. Johansson, S.A.E., Conference summary .................................................. Johnson, E. Book review: Cohesion in metals (Cohesion and structure, vol. 11, by F.R. De Boer, R. Boom, W.C.M. Mattens, A.R. Miedema and A.K. Niessen) ....................................... Johnson, E., (Book review: Particle accelerators, applications in technology and research, by W. Scharf) ..... Johnson, E., see Johansen, A. .......................................................... Johnson, H.H., see Borgesen, P. ........................................................ Johnson, J.E., R.H. Leonard, S. Bauman, H.J. Annegarn and J.W. Nelson, Automation in PIXE data acquisition .................................................................... Johnson, ST., see Sengupta, D. ........................................................ Jollet, F., J.P. Duraud, C. Noguera, E. Dooryhee and Y. Langevin, Surface modifications of crystalline SiOz and AizO, induced by energetic heavy ions ............................................. Jones, K.W., see Gordon, B.M. ......................................................... Jones,~W.,s~HuBei-lai ........................................................... Jones, K.W., see Themner, K. ......................................................... Jones,K.W.,seeChen,J.R. ........................................................... Jones, K.W., see Kwiatek, W.M. ........................................................ Jones, K.W., see Kwiatek, W.M. ........................................................ Jones,N.L.,seeDatz,S. ............................................................. Jones, SC., see Braunlich, P. .......................................................... Jones, SC., see Casper, R.T. .......................................................... Jonk, P., B. Schmiedeskamp, H.E. Roosendaal and H.O. Lutz, Long-range shadowing and focusing effects of planar quasichanneled He+ ions in GaP ............................................... Jonsson, B., see Pernestil, K. .......................................................... Jordanov, A., see Wesch, W. .......................................................... Joret, H., see Brunelle, A. ............................................................ Joret, H., see Brunelle, A. ............................................................ Jo&n, D.L., see McHargue,C.J. ........................................................ Jozefowski, L., see Szymonski, M. ....................................................... J&l, A.J.T., see Donahue, D.J. ......................................................... Jung,M.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Junqua, N., see Jaouen, C. ............................................................
B42 (1989) 508 B43 (1989) 92
Kabachnik, N.M., see Balashova, L.L. .................................................... Kabachnik, N.M., see Iferov, G.A. ...................................................... Kabachnik, N.M., see Balashova, L.L. .................................................... Kachurin, G.A., I.E. Tyschenko, A.P. Mazhirin and E. Wieser, High-temperature phosphorus ion doping of silicon ........................................................................ Kahn, A.D.F., see O’Connor, D.J. ...................................................... Kahora,P.M.,seeBeck,S.E. .......................................................... Kajrys, G., see Hinri~hsen, P.F. ........................................................ Kakoschke, R., see Saler, S. ........................................................... Kalbitzer, S., see Oberschachtsiek, P. .................................................... Kalbitzer, S., see Maisch, T. ........................................................... Kallweit, R., see Biersack, J.P. ......................................................... Kamada, K., see Sagara, A. ........................................................... Kamada, M. and E.T. Arakawa, Electron-excited optical emission from Hz0 adsorbed on potassium halides at lowtemperatures ................................................................ Kambara, T., see Kawatsura, K. ........................................................ Kamber, E.Y., see Cocke, C.L. ......................................................... Kanai, Y., see Kawatsura, K. ........................................................... Kanasaki, J.-I., see Matsunami, N. ...................................................... Kaneko, T. Energy loss and straggling of heavy ions in matter ................................... Kankeleit, E., see Miiller, G. ..........................................................
B48 (1990) 18 B48 (1990) 43 B48 (1990) 156
B50 (1990) 119 B49 (1990) 490 B45 (1990) 548 B49 (19901490 B49 (1990) 577 B42 (1989) 403 B47 (1990) 209 BSO(1990) 119 B43 (1989) 165 B49 (1990) 179 B42 (1989) 328 B46 (1990) 125 B45 (1990) 527 B47 (1998) 97 B49(1990) 52 B49 (19901533 B49 (1990) 561 BSO(1990) 347 B48 (1990) 114 B46 (1990) 224 B46 (1990) 231 B43 (1989) 9 B49 (1990) 261 B45 (1990) 446 B43 (1989) 484 B43 (1989) 586 B46 (1990) 185 B48 (1990) 534 B45 (199OI561 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 34
B43 (1989) 535 B48 (1990) 35.5 B47 (1990) 29 B4.5 (1990) 532 B44 (1990) 4.53 B45 (1990) 20 BSO(1990) 1 B46 (1990) 309 B44 (1990) 373 B43 (1989) 525 B48 (1990) 103 B42 (1989) 545 B48 (1990) 103 B4.5(1990) 412 B48 (1990) 83 B50 (1990) 384
Author index of volumes B42 - B.50
..................................................... Karamyan, S.A., Yu.Ts. Oganessian and V.N. Bugrov, The effect of high-energy ions heavier than argon on a germanium single crystal and a new mechanism for autorecrystallization ......................... Karasawa, S., N. Horiuehi and T. Takada, Radiation-induced defects by secondary ionizing irradiation in S&type optical fibres .............................................................. Karawajczyk, A., see S~monski, M. ..................................................... ............ Karioris, F.G., H. Gzkan, S.B. Luyckx and L. Cartz, The stability of WC to ion bombardment Karioris,F.G., see &kan,H. .......................................................... Karioris, F.G., see Gzkan, H. .......................................................... Karlsson, E., see Hjorvarsson, B. ....................................................... Karpovich, V.V., see Komarov, F.F. ..................................................... Karpuzov, D.S., see Budinov, HI. ....................................................... Karschnick, R., see Baumgartner, M. .................................................... ............................................................ Kaschny,J.,seeBehar,M. Kashihara, K., see Shoji, F. ........................................................... Kassing, R., see Saler, S. ............................................................. Katardjiev, I., see Clapham, L. ......................................................... Katardjiev, I.V., see Carter, G. ......................................................... Katardjiev, I.V., see Carter, G. ......................................................... Katayama, I., see Harnyama, Y. ........................................................ Katayama, M., E. Nomura, H. Soejima, S. Hayashi and M. Aono, Real-time monitoring of molecular-beam epitaxy processes with coaxial impact-collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS) ............... Kato, K., see Faestermann, H. ......................................................... Kato, M., K.J. Snowdon, D.J. O’Connor and R.J. MacDonald Theory of the momentum distribution of swift ............................................ ions and its application to surface scattering ........................................................... Kato,M.,seeSnowdon,K.J. Katsanos, A., see Tsartsarakos, C. ...................................................... Katsaros, A., see Van Moort, J.C. ....................................................... Katsaros,A.,seeCohen,D.D. ......................................................... Katsuragawa, H., T. Minowa and T. Inamura, High density atomic beam source by a laser ablation method (LettertotheEditor)
Kauer, Th., see Trautmann, D. ......................................................... Kaufman,J.J.,seeLi,J. .............................................................. ............................................................ Kawata,Y.,seeTakai,M. Kawatsura, K., M. Sataka, Y. Yamazaki, K. Komaki, Y. Kanai, H. Naramoto, K. Kuroki, T. Kambara, Y. Awaya, Y. Nakai and N. Stolterfoht ~gular-momentum distribution of autoionizing Rydberg states of 64 MeV S ions produced by collisions with He and C foils ..................................... Kawatsura, K., see Mitamura, T. ....................................................... Kazumata, Y., see Nagata, S. .......................................................... Kedves, M.A., J.S. Bakos, I.B. Fiildes, P.N. Ignricz and G. Kocsis, Analysis of tokamak collector probes by resonance ionization spectroscopy .................................................... Keetels, H., see Johansen, A. .......................................................... Keinonen, J. and J. RiiisHnen, Analysis of Cu and 0 in high-T, superconductors by 7-9 MeV protons . . _. . _ Keller, N., see Rothard, H. ........................................................... Kelly, J.C., see Zhang, Q-C. ........................................................... Kelly, P., see Braunlich, P. ............................................................ Kelly, P., see Casper, R.T. ............................................................. Kelly,R.,seeJiang,S.L. ............................................................. Kelly, R., Thermal sputtering as a gas-~namic process ....................................... ...................... Kemmer, J., Advanced concepts for semiconductor nuclear radiation detectors Kemmler, J., see Steinbeck, J. ......................................................... Kemmler, J. Heavy-ion convoy-electron production and transport in solids .......................... Kemmler, J.,seeRothard,H. .......................................................... Kempter, V., see Brenten, H. .......................................................... .......................................................... Kenny,M.J.,seeZhang,Q-C. Khan,H.A.,seeWaheed, A. .......................................................... Khodirev, V.A., see Chechenin, N.G. .................................................... Khodr, C., see Davenas, J. ............................................................ Khorasani, R., see Grossmann, D. ...................................................... Khusmurodov, S.H., see Pajek, M. ......................................................
B43 (19891463 843 (1989) 153 I347 (1990) 404 B48 (1990) 534 B46 (19901176 846 (1990) 202 B46 (19901291 B42 (19891257 B48 (19901439 B47 (19901 33 B50 (1990) 286 B46 (1990) 313 B47 (1990) 1 B44 (1990) 453 B48 (1990) 571 B43 (1989) 149 B48 (1990) 576 B48 (1990) 130 B45 09901408 BSO(19901275 B48 (19901319 B48 (1990) 327 B4S (19901 33 B49 (1990) 323 B50 (1990) 43 B43 (1989) 259 B42 (19891449 B46 (19901287 B45 (19901553
B48 (1990) 103 B48 (1990) 470 B48 (19901231 B47 (19901296 B.50(1990) 119 B50 (19901 39 B48 (19901616 B47 (19901257 B46 (1990) 224 B46 (19901231 B45 (I 9901646 B46 (19901441 B4.5(19901247 B48 (19901 51 B48 (19901612 B48 (1990) 616 B48 (1990) 344 B47 (19901257 B47 (19901320 B48 (19901207 B46 (1990) 417 B49 (1990) 495 B42 (19891346
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
Kieser, W.E., L.R. Kilius, M.-J. Nadeau, J. Perez and A.E. Litherland, Tandetron accelerators as AMS instruments .................................................................... .............................................................. Kilgus,G.,seeHabs,D. Kilius, L.R., see Rucklidge, J.C. ........................................................ Kilius, L.R., see Kieser, W.E. .......................................................... Kilner, J.A.,seeChater,R.J. .......................................................... .............................................................. ~m,J.,~eChou,N.J. Kimura, K., see Fujii, Y. ............................................................. Kimura, K. and M. Mannami Dechanneling of electrons at dislocations ............................ Kimura, K., see Susuki, Y. ............................................................ Kinomura, A., M. Takai, S. Namba, M. Satou and A. Chayahara, RBS tomography of SOI structures using a MeV ion microprobe ............................................................. Kinomura, A., M. Takai, S. Namba, M. Satou and A. Chayahara, Characterization of masklessly deposited metal lines by a micro-RBS probe .................................................... Kinomura,A.,seeTakai,M. .......................................................... Kirsch,R.,seeL’Hoir,A. ............................................................. Kiss, A., see Borbily-Kiss, I. ............................................................ Kitao, K., see Ishikawa, M. ............................................................ Kitoh, K., see Yamamura, Y. .......................................................... Kitoh, K., see Ma~un~i, N. .......................................................... Kizogyan, H.S., see Avakyan, R.O. ...................................................... ........................................................... ~ein,H.,seeHo~ann,D. Klein, J., see Middleton, R. ........................................................... ............................................................... K.lein,J.,seeFink,D. Klein, J., see Middleton, R. ........................................................... Klein,R.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Klein, S.S., see Mutsaers, P.H.A. ....................................................... Klein, S.S., P.H.A. Mutsaers and B.E. Fischer, Mass selection and depth profiling by coincident recoil detection for nuclei in the middle mass region ........................................... Kleyn, A.W., see Rechtien, J.H. ........................................................ Klingelhofer, G., see Miiller, G. ........................................................ Klislj, V., The irradiation laboratory at &D Semiconductors Praha ............................. Knapp, D.A., see Levine, M.A. ......................................................... Knapp, J.A., see Follstaedt, D.M. ....................................................... ~app,J.A.,seeDoyle,B.L. .......................................................... Knapp, J.A. and B.L. Doyle, Heavy-ion backscattering spectrometry fHIBS1 for high-sensitivity surface impurity detection ............................................................... Knauss,R.,seeHarder,R. ............................................................ Kniest, N., see Reiter, G. ............................................................. Knorr, K.-H., see Brenten, H. .......................................................... ......................................................... Knothe,P.,seeNeelmeijer,C. Knox, J.M. and J.F. Harmon, Non-Rutherford elastic scattering in fluorine ......................... Knox, J.M., R.J. McLeod, D.R. Mayo and X. Qian, Fits of non-Rutherford cross sections and their inclusion in the RUMP simulator ............................................................. Knox,J.M.,seeWalsh,D.S. ........................................................... Knudsen, H., Antiparticle-atom collisions ................................................. ............................................................ ~pfer,W.,see~tz,W. .......................................................... Kobayashi,H.,seePark,J.S. Kobayashi, K., see Tanaka, M. ......................................................... Kobayashi, K., S. Namba, T. Fujihana, . Yabe and M. Iwaki, Relation betJveen composition and structure of ............................................................... N-implantedAlN, Kobayashi, T., 0. Mishima, M. Iwaki, H. Sakairi and M. Aono, Crystallographic polarity of idemorphic faces ......... on a cubic boron nitride single crystal determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy Kobayashi, T., S. Takekawa, K. Shigematsu, T. Takahashi, M. Iwaki, H. Sakairi, H. Takahara and M. Aono, Ion irradiation effect in a Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 oxide superconductor ............................. Kobzev, A.P., see Pajek, M. ........................................................... ....................................................... Kobzev,A.P.,seeIlkhamov,R.A. Kobzev,A.P.,seePajek,M. ........................................................... ..................................................... Kocharyan,L.A.,seeAvakyan,R.O. Kocsis, G., J.S. Bakos, G. Burger and P.N. Ignacz, Electron density measurement on the MT-1 tokamak by means of combined resonance-fluorescence and laser blow-off ................................
B45 (1990) 570 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 565 B45 (1990) 570 B45 (19901110 84.5 (1990) 86 B48 (1990) 121 B48 (1990) 197 B48 (1990) 347 B45 (1990) 523 B45 (1990) 536 B45 (1990) 553 B48 (19901145 B49 (1990) 254 B49 (1990148.5 B45 (1990) 403 I345 (19901412 B48 (19901266 B50 (19901478 B43 (19891231 B47 11990) 79 B47 (19901409 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 557 BSO(1990) 150 B48 (1990) 339 B50 (19901384 B50 (1990) 420 B43 (1989) 431 B42 (19891205 B42 (19891295 B45 (1990) 143 B48 (1990) 111 B44 (19901399 B48 (1990) 344 B42 (19891369 B44 (1989) 40 B45 (19901 26 B45 (19901 62 B42 (1989) 536 B48 f19901256 I348 (19901635 B45 (19901223 B46 (1990) 60 B45 (1990) 208 B45 (1990) 480 B42 (1989) 346 B47 (1990) 291 B48 (1990) 87 B48 (1990) 266 I343 11989) 215
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Kocsis, G., see Kedves, M.A. .......................................................... Kogan,V.I.,see Belyaev,A.D. ......................................................... Kohl, F., J. Krauskopf, P. Misaehdes, R. Michelmann, G. Wolf and K. Bethge, Determination of nitrogen in semiconductor materials using the 14N(p, a)‘% and t4N(d, #O nuclear reactions ................ ............................................................... Kohl,H.,seeLotz,W. Kojima, S., see Zinkle, S.J. ............................................................ ........................................................ KoI~iej,J.,seeS~ons~,M. Kohay, E., see BorbCly-Kiss, I. ......................................................... Kohay, E., see Borbily-Kiss, I. ......................................................... Komaki, K., see Tanaka, M. ........................................................... Komaki,K.,seeKawatsura,K. ......................................................... Komaki, K., see Iwata, Y. ............................................................. Komarov, F.F., A.F. Burenkov, G.G. Konoplyanik, VS. Varichenko A.M. Zaitsev, N.M. Kozyuchits and V.V. Karpovich Interaction of high-energy ion beams with crystals ................................. Kondratyev, V.N., see Balashova, L.L. ................................................... Kononets, Yu.V. and V.A. Ryabov A modified dechanneling theory .............................. Kononets, Yu.V. and V.A. Ryabov Cascade processes in radiation by high-energy electrons in crystals: the .................................................................. radiatonpeak Kononets, Yu.V. and V.A. Ryabov Radiative-cooling and multiple-scattering effects in the deceleration kinetics of superrelativistic channeled electrons .......................................... .. Konoplev, V.M., Monte Carlo simulation of intermixed layer formation during ion plating of Cu on A&O, KonopIev, V.M., Influence of dose effects on depth distribution of implanted particles ................. Konoplyanik, G.G., see Komarov, F.F. ................................................... Koopmann, J.P., see Grossmann, D. ..................................................... Kopitzki, K., see Hiller, W. ........................................................... Koponen, I. and M. Hautala, Calculation of collisional mixing .................................. Koponen, I., see Hautala, M. .......................................................... Koptelov, E.A., S.G. Lebedev and V.N. Panchenko, Radiation stability of carbon foil microstructure ....... Kordyukevich, V.O., see Eremenko, D.O. ................................................. Korschinek, G., see Miller, D. ......................................................... Korschinek, G., see Faestermann, H. .................................................... Kotai, E., see Szil&yi, E. ............................................................. Koterazawa, K., see Mitamura, T. ....................................................... Kotte, R., see Hentschel, E. ........................................................... ............................................................ Kov&s,Z.,seeB&es,Cs. K&&r, A., L. Sarkadi, J. Pfilinkas, L. Guiyas, Gy. Szab& T. Vajnai, D. Berenyi, 0. Heil, K.O. Groeneveld, J. Gibbons and I.A. Sellin, ECC and ELC contributions to the “cusp” and its shape at the impact of light ions with accompanying electron&) ................................................... Koyama, A., H. Ishikawa, K. Maeda, Y. Sasa, 0. Benka and M. Uda Incident-angle dependence of peak energies of AI and Si LW Auger electrons for Art*+ ion impact .............................. Kozlov, NJ., see Muralev, V.A. ........................................................ Kozyuchits, N.M., see Komarov, F.F. .................................................... Kramer,D.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. ............................................................ Krause,H.F.,seeDatz,S. ............................................................. Krause,P.,seeHabs,D. Krauskopf, J., see Kohl, F. ............................................................ Krauthan, P., see Faestermann, H. ...................................................... Kravis, SD., see Church, D.A. ......................................................... Kretschmer, W., see Baumg~~ner, M. .................................................... Kretzschmar, K., see Harder, R. ........................................................ .............................................................. K.rieg,M.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................ Kriews,M.,seeWatjen,U. Kristiansson, P., see Pallon, J. ......................................................... Kristiansson, P., see Pallon, J. ......................................................... Kristiansson, P. and E. Swietlicki, A new technique for quantifying light elements in thin samples ......... Kroneberger, K., see Rothard, H. ....................................................... ............................................................ Kruse,D.,seeBrenten,H. Krutzen, G.C.R., see Ackermans, P.A.J. .................................................. Krylova, E.A., see Dodonov, AI. ....................................................... Kubica,B.,seeGauvin,H. ............................................................ ............................................................ Kubik,P.W~seeFehn,U.
31 B47 (1990) 296 B43 (1989) 5 B50 (1990) 19 B48 (1990) 2.56 B46 (1990) 165 B48 (1990) 534 B49 (1990) 254 B49 (1990) 388 B45 (1990) 223 B48 (1990) 103 B48 (1990) 163 B48 (1990) 439 B48 (1990) 18 B48 (1990) 187 B48 (1990) 269 B48 (19901274 B42 (1989) 229 B43 (1989) 159 B48 (1990) 439 B49 (1990) 495 B48 (1990) 508 B47 (1990) 375 B48 (1990) 504 B42 (1989) 239 B48 (1990) 216 B50 (1990) 271 BSO(1990) 275 B43 (1989) 502 B48 (1990) 470 B43 (1989) 82 B43 (1989) 101
B42 (1989) 463 B48 (1990) 608 B48 (1990) 171 B48 (1990) 439 B43 (1989) 390 B48 (1990) 114 B43 (1989) 390 B50 (1990) 19 BSO(1990) 275 B42 (1989) 508 B50 (1990) 286 B48 (1990) 111 B43 (1989) 390 B49 (1990) 360 B45 (1990) 548 B49 (19901 70 B49 (1990) 98 B48 (1990) 616 B48 (1990) 344 B45 (1990) 384 B48 (1990) 566 B47 (1990) 339 B43 (1989) 254
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Kubozoe, T., see Watanabe, Y. ......................................................... Kucha, H., see Przybyiowicz, W. ........................................................ Kuehne,F.,seeHeuer,R. ............................................................ Kufner,W.,seeBuschhom,G. ......................................................... K~hl,T.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Kuhn, D., F. Rauch and H. Baumann, A low-background detection system using a BGO detector for sensitive hydrogen analysis with the ‘H(“N, ay)“C reaction ....................................... Kuiper, A.E.T., see Willemsen, M.F.C. ................................................... Kuiper, H., see Harder, R. ............................................................ Kulcinski, G.L., see Han, S.H. ......................................................... Kulibaba, V.I., see Antipenko, A.P. ..................................................... Kumakhov, M.A. Channeling of photons and new X-ray optics .................................. Kump,P.,seeBudna;,M. ............................................................ Kump,P.,seeSmit,Z. ............................................................... Kunshen Yang, see Zhengmin Liu ...................................................... Kurimoto,K.,seeQiu,Q. ............................................................ Kuroki, K., see Kawatsura,K. .......................................................... Kurup, MB., see Banerjee, S. ......................................................... Kusakabe,M.,seeS~uki,Y. .......................................................... Kusko, B.H., M. Menu, T. Calligaro and J. Salomon, PIXE at the Louvre Museum .................... Kusuyama, H., see Maeda, K. .......................................................... Kutner, V.B., see Lukyanov, S.M. ....................................................... Kutschera, W., I. Ahmad, P.J. Billquist, B.C. Glagola, R.C. Pardo, M. Paul, K.E. Rehm and J.L. Yntema, Accelerator mass spe~tromet~ at ATLAS .............................................. Kutschera, W., see Steinhof, A. ........................................................ Kutschera, W., Accelerator mass spectrometry: A versatile tool for research ........................ Kvitek, J., see Havranek, V. ........................................................... Kwiatek, W.M., see Paluszkiewicz, C. .................................................... Kwiatek, W.M., G.J. Long, J.G. Pounds, K.R. Reuhl, A.L. Hanson and K.W. Jones, Trace element distribution in the rat cerebellum ............................................................. Kwiatek, W.M., A.L. Hanson and K.W. Jones, Selection of the e~erimental conditions for white-light SRIXE measurements .................................................................. Kwietniak, M.S., see Wiehmski, L.S. ..................................................... Kwietniak, MS., see Wielunski, L.S. .....................................................
B44 (1989) 35 B50 (1990) 231 B42 (1989) 135 B48 t199oI240 B43 (1989) 390
~bohm,F.,seeBoe~a,D.O. ......................................................... Labrie, J.-P., A standing-wave structure for a synchrotron ring injector ............................ Labrie, J.-P., see Hare, G. ............................................................. Laegsgaard, E., see Hau, L.V. ......................................................... Lakatos, T., Adaptive digital signal processing for X-ray spectrometry ............................. Lakits, G. and H. Winter Electron emission from metal surfaces bombarded by slow neutral and ionized particles ...................................................................... Lam, N.Q., see Yacout, A.M. .......................................................... Lamb, D.J., see Mac~thur, J.D. ....................................................... Lambrecht, D., see Weber, J. .......................................................... Laming, J.M., Interpretation of nonstatisticai fine structure intensity ratios in hydrogenic beam-foil spectra . . Land, D.J., Application of a time-dependent, distorted initial-state wave function in calculations of K-shell ionization ..................................................................... Landsberger, S., see Jaegers, P. ........................................................ Lane,D.W.,seeAvery,A.J. ........................................................... Lanford,W.A.,seeGuo,X.S. .......................................................... Lanford, W.A., see Guo, X.S. .......................................................... Lanford, W.A., see Cherniak, D.J. ...................................................... Lanford, W.A., see Horn, K.M. ........................................................ Langevin,Y.,seeJollet,F. ............................................................ Langouche,G.,seeWu,M.F. .......................................................... Langouche, G., see Vantomme, A. ...................................................... Lapicki, G., see McDaniel, F.D. ........................................................ ~picki,G.,seePajek,M. ............................................................ Lapicki, G., see Biedkowski, A. ........................................................
B.50 (1990) 291 B50 (1990) 465 B.50(1990) 470 B48 (1990) 244 B47 (1990) 307
B45 (1990) 252 B45 (1990) 242 B48 (1990) 111 B45 (1990) 701 B48 (1990) 292 B48 (1990) 283 B49 (1990) 138 B49 (1990) 157 B44 ( 1990) 344 B45 (19901186 B48 (1990) 103 B43 (1989) 570 B46 (19901354 B49 (1990) 288 B49 (1990) 228 B47 (1990) 102 B42 (1989) 101 B43 (19891 73 B50 (1990) 252 B47 (19901433 B49 (1990) 234 B49 (1990) 561 BSO(1990) 347 B45 t 19901455 845 (IQ901 459
848 (1990) 597 B42 (1989) 49 B49 (19901402 B50 (1990) 221 B43 (1989) 359 B42 (19891436 B44 (1990) 479 B45 (1990) 181 B45 (1990) 123 B45 (19901157 B45 (1990) 230 B4.5 (1990) 256 B46 (1990) 125 B45 (1990) 658 B48 (1990) 461 B42 (1989) 485 B48 (1990) 87 F&49(19901 19
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Lareau, R.T., see Ravindra, N.M. ....................................................... Larson, T.J., see Nindi, M.M. .......................................................... Larsson, N.P.-O., U.A.S. Tapper and B.G. Martinsson, Characterization of the response function of a Si(Li) detector using an absorber technique .................................................. Larsson, N.P.-O., see Tapper, U.A.S. .................................................... Larsson, N.P.-O., U.A.S. Tapper, K. Sturesson, R. Odsetius and A. Brun, Technical aspects of nuclear microprobe analysis of senile plaques from AIzheimer patients ............................... Larsson, P., see Pallon, J. ............................................................. Larzilliere, M., see Nahon, L. .......................................................... Laskin, N.V., see Shul’ga, N.F. ......................................................... L;isser, R., L. Gain and H. Trinkaus, Gamma diffractometry of tantalum and niobium tritides ............ Laursen, T., see Barfoot, K.M. ......................................................... Laursen, T. and G.K. Wolf, Deuterium distributions in cathodically charged type-304 stainless steel measured by the dc3He, p)o nuclear reaction ................................................... Laursen, T., see Forster, J.S. .......................................................... Laursen, T., see Forster, J.S. .......................................................... Lauzier, J., see Macchi, F. ............................................................ Lawrence,C.B.,seeHare,G. .......................................................... LeBeyec,Y.,seeBrunelle, A. ......................................................... ......................................................... ~~eye~,Y.,seeBrunelle,A. Le Gressus, C., see Fina, A. ........................................................... ............................................................. LeMoel,A.,seeFina,A. ........................................................ LeScouI,D.,seeBIanchard,C. Leavitt, J.A., L.C. McIntyre Jr, M.D. Ashbaugh, J.G. Oder, Z. Lin and B. Dezfouly-Arjomandy, Cross sections ............ for 170.5” backscattering of 4He from oxygen for 4He energies between 1.8 and 5.0 MeV Lebedev, SC., see Koptelov, E.A. ...................................................... Leblanc, L., see Ross, G.G. ........................................................... L&air, J., see Mertens, P.W. .......................................................... Ledyankin, D.V., I.F. Urazgil’din and V.E. Yurasova Spatial distribution of secondary Si and Al ions in their excited and ground states .......................................................... Lee, J.K.P.,seeHoudayer,A.J. ........................................................ Lee, J.K.P., see Brissaud, I. ........................................................... Lee, J.W., see Pfandzelter, R. ......................................................... Lee,M.L.,seeHalI,G.S. ............................................................. Lee, S.R., D.S. Walsh and B.L. Doyle, Characterization of external 3He ion beams used for ex-vacua m&ear reaction analysis of deuterium ....................................................... Lee, T.-S., J.S. Zabinski and B.J. Tatarchuk, Angular and energy distributions of low energy electrons in backscattered-Mossbauer spectroscopy ................................................ Lefrant, S., see Bernard, M. ........................................................... Legge, G.J.F. and A. Saint, Microprobe techniques and instrumentation ........................... Legrand, J.F., see Macchi, F. .......................................................... Legrand, J.F., see Macchi, F. .......................................................... Lehockey, E.M., I. Reid and I. Hill, Physical and chemical aspects of PMMA vapour development ........ Lei Zi-ming, Yang Feng, Liu Jia-rui, Pan Guang-yan, Yu De-hong and Sun Shiang, He”’ collisions with Ne and Ar atoms into excited states ..................................................... .......................................................... Leitlo,E.,seeDaSilva,R.C. Lekala,L.M.,seeLuyckx S.B. ......................................................... ~mbo,L.,seeWaheed,A. ........................................................... Lennard, W.N., S.Y. Tong, I.V. Mitchell and G.R. Massoumi, An alternative technique for oxygen surface coverage measurements ........................................................... ......................................................... Lennard,W.N.,seeTong,S.Y. Lennard, W.N., see Tong, S.Y. ......................................................... Lennard, W.N., see Mitchell, I.V. ....................................................... Lennard, W.N., S.Y. Tong, G.R. Massoumi and L. Wong, On the calibration of low-energy ion accelerators . . Lennard, W.N., see Wang, L. .......................................................... Lennard, W.N. and G.R. Massoumi Anomalous pulse heights in silicon detectors ..................... Lennard, W.N., see Alkemade, P.F.A. ................................................... Lenssen, K.-M.H., see Van Leerdam, G.C. ................................................ Leonard, R.H.,see Johnson, J.E. ....................................................... Leonhardt, G., see Rauschenbach, B. .................................................... Leoni,V.,seeBizzarri,U. ............................................................
B46 (19901409 B44 (1989) 79 B43 (1989) 574 B49 (1990) 425 B49 (1990) 472 B45 (1990) 548 B47 (1990) 72 B48 (1990) 174 B43 (1989) 67 B44 (1989) 141 B4S (1990) 66 B45 (1990) 176 B48 (1990) 489 B46 (1990) 334 B50 (1990) 470 B43 (1989) 484 B43 11989) 586 B42 (1989) 69 B42 (1989) 69 B47 (1990) 15 B44 (1990) 260 B42 (1989) 239 B48 (1990) 134 B45 (lY90) 586 B48 (1990) 58.5 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B45 (1990) 641 B49 t1990) 573 B45 (1990) 28.5 B44 (19891107 B46 (1990) 235 B49 (1990) 418 B46 (1990) 324 B46 (1990) 334 B46 (1990) 364 B42 (1989) 38 B50 (19901423 B46 (1990) 36 B47 (1990) 320 B43 (1989) 187 B45 (1990) 30 B45 (1990) 91 B45 (1990) 107 B45 (1990) 281 B45 (1990) 637 B48 (1990) 47 B48 (1990) 604 B45 (1990) 390 B49 (1990) 179 B47 (1990) 396 BSO(1990) 331
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Leslie, J.R., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Leslie, J.R., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Leslie, J.R., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Lesniak, R., see Szymonski, M. ......................................................... .......................................................... ~sueur,D.,seeDunlop,A.. Lesueur, D., see Dunlop, A. ........................................................... ............................................................ Lesueur,J.,seeBernas,H. ........................................................... Leung,C.H.,seeChen,L.F. Levine, M.A., R.E. Mans, J.N. Bardsley, P. Beiersdorfer, CL. Bennett, M.H. Chen, T. Cowan, D. Dietrich, J.R. Henderson, D.A. Knapp, A. Osterheld, B.M. Penetrante, M.B. Schneider and J.H. Scofield, The use of an electron beam ion trap in the study of highly charged ions ............................... Lewis, M.B., W.R. Allen, R.A. Buhl, N.H. Packan, SW. Cook and L.K. Mansur, Triple ion beam irradiation facility ........................................................................ Lewis, R.R., Symmetry tests with highly charged ions ......................................... L’Hoir, A., S. andriamonje, R. Anne, N.V. De Castro Faria, M. Chevallier, C. Cohen, J. Dural, M.J. Gaillard, R. Genre, M. Hage-Ah R. Kirsch, B. Farizon-Mazuy, J. Mary, J. Moulin, J.C. Poizat, Y. Quere, J. Remillieux, D. Schmaus and M. Toulemonde Impact parameter dependence of energy loss and target-electron-induced ionization for 27 MeV/u Xe35+ incident ions transmitted in [llO] Si channels ........... Li, H.-K., A PIXE system for commercial applications ........................................ Li,H.-K.,seePemestil,K. ............................................................ Li, J., LJ. Matienzo, P. Revesz, Gy. Vizkelethy, S.Q. Wang, J.J. Kaufman and J.W. Mayer, Gxygen depth profiling study of copper oxide films on silicon (100) substrates by ‘%&Y, all60 resonance ........... ................................................................ Li,Q.,seeMeyer,G. .............................................................. Li,Q.,seeZhang,B.-X. Li Sujie, see Lu Zhiheng ............................................................. Liao Chenggeng, see Wang Yongqiang ................................................... Licciardello, A., 0. Puglisi, L. Calcagno and G. Foti, Crosslinking yield in particle beam irradiated polystyrene .................................................................... ............................................................. Lieb,K.P.,seeWeber,T. Lieb, K.P., W. Bolse, T. Carts, W. Miiller, T. Osipowicz and T. Weber, Depth profiling of heavy-ion-mixed TiNfilms ...................................................................... L~eb,K.P.,seeWeber,T. ............................................................. Lieb, K.-P., see Osipowicz, T. .......................................................... Liechtenstein, V.K., see Rubel, M. ...................................................... Liefting, J.R., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ................................................... Liefting, J.R., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ................................................... Lifshitz, Y., see Mezentzeff, P. ......................................................... Lifshitz, Y., see Mezentzeff, P. ......................................................... Ligthart, H.J., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. .................................................. Lilienfeld, D.A., see Borgesen, P. ....................................................... Lilienthal, V., see Hiller, W. ........................................................... Lin Mingzhu, see Meng Xianren ........................................................ Lin,Z.,seeLeavitt,J.A. ............................................................. Lindelof, P.E., see Taboryski, R. ........................................................ ................................ Lindh, U., Micron and submi~ron nuclear probes in biomedicine Lindner, G., see Winter, S. ............................................................ Linick,T.W.,seeDonahue,D.J. ........................................................ Linker, G., see Meyer, 0. ............................................................. ........................................................... Linker,G.,seeMatzke,Hj. Lipnik, P., see Darquennes, D. ......................................................... Lipworth, A.D., H.J. Annegam, S. Bauman, T. Molokomme and A.J. Walker, WITS-HEX: a renovated code for analysis of PIXE X-ray spectra .................................................... Litherland, A.E., see Kieser, W.E. ...................................................... Liu, B., G.S. Sandhu, N.R. Parikh, M.L. Swanson and W.-K. Chu, Regrowth of radiation-damaged layers in ................................................................. naturaldiamond Liu, C.J., see Dunford, R.W. .......................................................... .............................................................. Liu,J.C.,seeBruley,J. ........................................................... LiuJiarui,seeTanChunyu Liu Jia-rui, see Lei Zi-ming ........................................................... ............................................................. LiuJia~i,seeLuX~ing ........................................................... LiuJihu,see~uZhao~an
B44 (1989) 195 B45 (1990) 176 B48 (1990) 489 B48 (1990) 534 B42 (19891182 848 (1990) 419 B46 (1990) 269 B46 (1990) 216
B43 (1989) 43 1 B43 (1989) 243 B43 (1989) 378
B48 (1990) 145 B49 (1990) 85 B49 (1990) 261 B46 (1990) 287 B45 (1990) 483 B48 (1990) 425 B43 (1989) 46 B47 (1990) 427 B46 (1990) 338 B44 (1989) 54 B50 (1990) 10 BSO(1990) 95 BSO(1990) 238 B47 (19901202 B47 (1990) 329 B48 (1990) 448 B44 (19901289 B44 (1990) 296 B42 (1989) 155 B43 (1989) 165 B48 (1990) 508 B44 (1990) 392 B44 (1990) 260 B48 (1990) 482 849 (1990) 451 B48 (1990) 211 B4.5(1990) 561 B4.50990) 483 B46 (1990) 256 B47 fl9901311 B49 (1990) 173 B4.5 (1990) 570 B4.S(1990) 420 B43 (1989) 459 B45 (1990) 618 B42 0989) 1 B42 (1989) 38 B43 (1989) 565 B43 (1989) 162
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Liu Ji-Tian, see Wang Ke-Ming ........................................................ Liu,J.Z.,seeRehn,L.E. ............................................................. Liu, L.-C., see Dicello, J.F. ............................................................ Liu,N.Q.,seeGalassini,S. ............................................................ J&I Qixin, Zhong Ming, Zhang Xiaofeng, Yan Lingnuo, Xu Yongling and Ye Simao, PJXE analysis of elements in gastric cancer and adjacent mucosa .......................................... Liu,Q.X.,seeShao,H.R. ............................................................ Liu Shaoxiang, see Liu Zhaoyuan ....................................................... Liu Xiang-Dong, see Wang Ke-Ming .................................................... Liu Zhaoyuan, Cai Xiaohong, Ma Shuxun, Liu Jihu, Feng Jiazhen, Liu Shaoxiang and Zheng Zhihao, L-subshell ionization of Dy and Ho by 0.4-3.0 MeV protons ................................. Livi,R.P.,seeDtibeli,M. ............................................................. Llabador, Y., D. Bertault, J.C. Gouillaud and Ph. Moretto, Advantages of high speed scanning for microprobe analysis of biological samples ....................................................... Loepfe, R., see Schaelin, A. ........................................................... Logan, L.R., M.G. Cottam and P.J. Schultz Quantum-mechanical methods in positron channeling theory .... J.ohmann,W.,seeBoise,W. .......................................................... Long, G.J., see Kwiatek, W.M. ......................................................... Lorenzen, P., see Rothard, H. ......................................................... Los,G.,seeMutsaers,P.H.A. ......................................................... Lotter,M.,seeHarder,R. ............................................................ L&z, W., H. Germ, P. Hoffmann, Is. Nething, A, Richter, A. Weickenmeier, II. Kohl, W. Kniipfer and J.P.F. Sellschop Axial-channeling radiation from MeV electrons in diamond and silicon .................. Louwerix, E.,seeWHtjen,U. .......................................................... Lovestam, N.E.G. and E. Swietlicki, An external beam setup for the Lund proton microprobe ............ Lovestam, NEG. and E. Swietlicki, PIXE analysis and imaging of papyrus documents ................. tivestam, N.E.G., see Pallon, J. ........................................................ Liivestam, NEG., see Swietlicki, E. ..................................................... Lovestam, NEG., see Tapper, U.A.S. ................................................... L&vestam, N.E.G., E.-M. Johansson, S.A.E. Johansson and J. Pallon, Scanning proton microprobe analysis applied to wood and bark samples .................................................... Lu, W.X., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ...................................................... Lu,W.X.,seeSchreutelkamp,R.J. ...................................................... Lu,X.L.,seeDavenas,J. ............................................................. Lu Xiting, Xie Yuan, Zheng Zhongshuang, Jiang Weilin and Lilt Jiarui, A new method for profiling boron . . Lu Zhiheng, Zhang Chaoming, Li Sujie, Luo Yan and Zhang Huixing, Shallow junction formation with boron fluoride and low energy boron ion implantation into silicon .................................. Lubig, A., C. Buchal, J. Frohlingsdorf, W. Zander and B. Stritzker, RBS investigations of buffer layers between YBa&rsO,_, and silicon ................................................... Lucarelli, F., see MacArthur, J.D. ...................................................... Lucarelli,F.,seeDelCarmine,P. ....................................................... Lucas,M.W.,seeSteinbeck,J. ......................................................... Lucas, S., see Tenvagne, G. ........................................................... Lucas, S., G, Terwagne and F. Bodart, Temperature and dose dependences of nitrogen implantation into aluminium ..................................................................... Liick, H.B., H. Matthes, B. Gemende, B. Heinrich, W. Pfestorf, W. Seidel and S. Turuc, Production of particle-track membranes by means of a 5 MV tandem accelerator ............................. Luk, T.S., A. McPherson, G. Gibson, . Boyer and C.K. Rhodes, Ion production and molecular excitation occurring in multiphoton processes ................................................... Lukyanov, S.M., A.G. Artukh, B.A. Gvozdev, V.B. Kutner, Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, L. Bex, M.P. Bourgarel and J. Ferme, Production and acceleration of %a-beams with the ECR source in the JINR-GANIL experiment ......................................................................... Luo, L., G.A. Smith, S. Hashimoto and W.M. Gibson, Room-temperature deposition and initial stages of cobalt silicide interface formation on a Si(ll1) fi x fi surface ............................... LuoYan,seeLuZhiheng ............................................................ Luo Zhengming, Bai Rongsheng and Wang Shiming PANDA-P, a new microcomputer program for ion transport in solids ................................................................ Luo Zhengming, A new parameter for describing the reflection coefficient of light ions: scaled transport cross section ....................................................................... Luthjens, LX., see Meijer, H.C. ........................................................ Lutz,H.O.,seeJonk,P. ..............................................................
B47 (1990) 351 B48 ( 1990) 200 B45 (1990) 135 843 (1989) 556 B49 (19901231 B49 (19901238 B43 (1989) 162 847 (1990) 351 B43 (1989) 162 B47 (1990) 148 B49 (1990) 435 BSO(1990) 379 B48 (1990) 1.59 BSO(19901416 B49 (1990~561 B48 (1990) 616 B45 (1990) 557 B48 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 256 B49 (19901 78 B43 (1989) 104 B45 (1990) 307 B4.S(1990) 548 B49 (1990) 395 B49 (1990) 425 B49 (19901490 847 f1990) 329 B48 (19901448 B46 (1990) 317 B43 (1989) 565 B43 (1989) 46 B50 (1990) 114 B45 (1990) 31.5 B45 (1990) 341 B48 (1990) 51 B4.5 (1990) 95 8.50 (1990) 401 BSO(1990) 395 B43 (1989) 468
B47 (1990) 102 B45 (1990) 488 B43 (1989) 46 B48 (1990) 435 B48 (19901444 B44 (1989) 159 843 (1989) 9
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Lux, R., see Ravindra, N.M. ..................................................... Luyckx, S.B., L.M. Lekala and T.E. Derry, On the calculation of stresses induced by ion implantation Luyckx, S.B., see Karioris, F.G. .................................................. Lyaruu,D.M.,seeTros,G.H.J. ................................................... Lyman, J.T., see Dicello, J.F. .................................................... Lyneis, C., see Hofmann, D. ..................................................... Lysenko, VS., see Valakh, M.Ya. .................................................
B46 (1990) 409 B46 (1990) 36 I346 (1990) 176 B49 (1990) 476 B45 (1990) 724 BSO(1990) 478 B44 (1989) 146
Ma, X.-P., see MacArthur, J.D. ........................................................ Ma, X.-P., see MacArthur, J.D. ........................................................ Ma Shuxun, see Liu Zhaoyuan ......................................................... MacArthur, J.D., P. Del Carmine, F. Lucarelli and P.A. Mando, Identification of pigments in some colours on miniatures from the Medieval Age and early Renaissance ................................... MacArthur, J.D., X.-P. Ma, G.R. Palmer, A.J. anderson and A.H. Clark, Below-surface analysis of inclusions W~hPIXEandPlGE ............................................................. Mac~thur, J.D., see Palmer, G.R. ...................................................... MacArthur, J.D., see Del Carmine, P. .................................................... MacArthur, J.D., P.J. Harvey, D.J. Lamb, X.-P. Ma and G.R. Palmer, Source identification of a pollution incident by high time resolution measurements of air particulates .............................. Macaulay-Newcombe, R.G., D.A. Thompson, J.A. Davies and D.V. Stevanovic, Ion-beam damage to quartz crystals ....................................................................... Macchi, F., B. Daudin and J.F. Legrand, Electron irradiation induced structural modifications in ferroeletric P(~F-TrFE)~o~l~e~ ......................................................... Macchi, F., B. Daudin, J. Hillairet, J. Lauzier, J.B. N’Goma, J.Y. Cavaille and J.F. Legrand, Micromechanical properties of electron irradiated PVDF-TrFE copolymers .................................. Macchiavelli, A.O., see Ferrero, A.M.J. .................................................. MacDonald, R.J., see Kato, M. ......................................................... MacDonald, R.J., see Snowdon, K.J. ..................................................... Ma~Dowell, A.A., see Holland, D.M.P. ................................................... Macek, J.H. and X.Y. Dong, The Landau-Zener model for electron capture by highly charged ions in collisions with atomic hydrogen ...................................................... MacGill, R.A., see Brown, LG. ......................................................... Macht, M.-P., R. Willecke and V. Naundorf, Limits of depth resolution for sputter sectioning: a secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of 63Ni in nickel ......................................... Mackie, A.R., see North, A.N. ......................................................... MacPherson, C., see Jackman, J.A. ...................................................... Madakson, P., S. Nunes, E. Galligan, R. McGouey and N. Chou, RBS analysis of Si diffusion in photoresist duringsilylation ................................................................. Madakson, P., see Bruley, J. ........................................................... Mader, A., J.D. Meyer, P. Thee and K. Bethge, Investigations of lattice location and mobility of carbon in GaAs using the channeling technique ................................................. Madi, N., see Jagielski, J. ............................................................. Maeda,K.,seeKoyama,A. ........................................................... Maeda, K., Y. Sass, H. Kusuyama, K. Yoshida and M. Uda, PIXE analysis of human spermatozoa isolated fromseminalplasma .............................................................. Maeda, K., see Sasa, Y. .............................................................. Maenhaut, W., see Pinheiro, T. ........................................................ Maenhaut, W., see Artaxo, P. .......................................................... Maenhaut, W., see Cornille, P. ......................................................... Maenhaut, W., see Artaxo, P. .......................................................... Maenhaut, W., L. Thiessen and G. Verduyn, Study of respirable immission levels for a cyclist in Brussels’ traffic using PIXE as analytical technique .............................................. Maenhaut, W., Recent advances in nuclear and atomic spectrometric techniques for trace element analysis. A new look at the position of PIXE ..................................................... Maex,K.,seeWu,M.F. .............................................................. Magne,J.C.,seeElBouanani,M. ....................................................... Magnera,T.F.,seeB~aji,V. .......................................................... Mahavadi, P., E. Bauer, R. Ghrayeb and M. Hou The characterization of the Te(4 X 2) overlayer on a MoUlO) surface ....................................................................... Mahna, SK., see Chakarvarti, S.K. ......................................................
B45 (1990) 322 B49 (1990) 402 B43 (1989) 162 845 (1990) 315 I345 (1990) 322 B45 (1990) 337 B45 (1990) 341 B49 (1990) 402 B46 (1990) 180 B46 (1990) 324 B46 (1990) 334 B42 (1989) 389 B48 (1990) 319 B48 (1990) 327 B44 (1989) 233 B42 (1989) 47.5 B43 (1989) 455 B43 (1989) 507 B47 (1990) 283 B45 (1990) 592 B45 (1990) 216 B45 (1990) 618 B50 (1990) 35 B47 (19901474 B48 (1990) 608 B49 (1990) 228 B49 (1990) 569 B49 (1990) 191 B49 (1990) 366 B49 (1990) 376 B49 (1990) 383 B49 (1990) 406 B49 (1990) 518 B45 (1990) 658 B45 (1990) 651 B46 (19901435 B48 (1990) 311 B44 (1989) 242
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Mahunka, I., see Takacs, S. ........................................................... Mahunka, I., see B&es, Cs. ........................................................... Mahunka, I., see Ditroi, F. ............................................................ Maier,K.,seeBauer,W. ............................................................. Maier, R., see Rothard, H. ............................................................ Mair, G.L.R., On the onset voltage of liquid metal ion sources .................................. Mair, C.L.R., On the onset voltage of liquid metal ion sources, Nucl. fnstr. and Meth. B43 (1989) 240-242 (Erratum)
Maisch, T., V. Schiile, R. Giinzler, P. Oberschachtsiek, M. Weiser, S. Jam, K. Izsak and S. Kaibitzer, Trace-impurity detection by Rutherford backscattering and nuclear resonance reactions ............. ............................................................... Major,J.,seeBauer,W Makjanik, J., see OrliC, I. ............................................................. Makjanib, J., D. Heymann and R.D. Vis, Measurement of carbon in ordinary chondrites with a nuclear microprobe .................................................................... Maldonado, A., see Zironi, E.P. ........................................................ Malmqvist, K.G., see Pallon, J. ......................................................... Malmqvist, K.G., Quantitative PIXE analysis of biomedical material - Sample preparation, irradiation and .................................................................. qualitycontrol Malmqvist, KG., see Tapper, U.A.S. .................................................... Mandb, P.A., see Ma~~hur, J.D. ...................................................... Mandb, P.A., see Del Carmine, P. ...................................................... Mangelson,N.F.,see Jex,D.G. ......................................................... Mannami,M.,seeKimura,K. ......................................................... .......................................................... Mannami,M.,seeSusuki,Y. Mannami, M.-H., see Fujii, Y. ......................................................... Mannervik, S., see Schuch, R. ......................................................... Mansour, N.B., see Dunford, R.W. ...................................................... Mansur, L.K., see Lewis, M.B. ......................................................... Manuaba, A., see Szilrigyi, E. .......................................................... Manuaba, A., see Paszti, F. ........................................................... Manzoor, S., see Waheed, A. .......................................................... Marble, D.K., see Matteson, S. ......................................................... Marble, D.K., see Anthony, J.M. ....................................................... Marest, G., see McHargue, C.J. ........................................................ Marest, G., see McHargue, C.J. ........................................................ Marest, G., see El Khakani, M.A. ....................................................... Marest, G,, see Donnet, C. ............................................................ Mariotto, G., A. Miotello, G. Della Mea and F.L. Freire Jr, Sodium transport in /3”-alumina crystals under ........................................................... argonionbombardment Mariotto,G.,seeFreireJr.,F.L. ........................................................ Marletta, G., Chemical reactions and physical property modifications induced by keV ion beams in polymers , Marmy, P., M. Daum, D. Gavillet, S. Green, W.V. Green, F. Hegedus, S. Proennecke, U. Rohrer, U. Stiefel .......... and M. Victoria, PIREX II - A new irradiation facility for testing fusion first wall materials Marrs, R.E., see Levine, M.A. ......................................................... Marsh,B.B., seeAngell,D. ........................................................... Martin, D.W., see Baumann, S.M. ...................................................... Martinson, I., Spectroscopy of highly charged, many-electron atoms .............................. Martinsson, B.G., see Larsson, N.P.-0. ................................................... Martinsson, B.G. and K. Themner, Experimental cross sections for bremsstrahlung production by the impact of MeV protons on low-Z targets ..................................................... Martner, C.C., see Baumann, SM. ...................................................... Martinez, A.E., G.R. Deco, R.D. Rivarola and P.D. Fainstein, Electron capture and ionization in atomic collisions ...................................................................... Maruyama, X.K., see Moran, M.J. ...................................................... Marx, D., see Habs, D. .............................................................. Masahashi, N., see Tanaka, K. ......................................................... Mashayekbi, A., see Clapham, L. ....................................................... Mashkova, E.S., see Dodonov, AI. ...................................................... Maslov, N.I., see Antipenko, A.P. ....................................................... Massiot, P., see Mosbah, M. ........................................................... Massiot, P., see Tirira, J. .............................................................
B43 (1989) 99 B43 (1989) 101 B50 (1990) 62 B50 (1990) 300 B48 (1990) 616 343 (1989) 240 B47 (1990) 106 B50 (1990) 1 B.50(1990) 300 B49 (1990) 166 B49 (1990) 514 B45 (1990) 115 B45 (1990) 548 B49 (1990) 183 B49 (1990) 425 B45 (1990) 315 B4.5 (1990) 341 B49 (1990) 141 B48 (1990) 197 B48 (1990) 347 B48 (1990) 121 B43 (1989) 411 B43 (1989) 459 843 (1989) 243 B43 (1989) 502 B47 (1990) 187 B47 (1990) 320 B45 (1990) 575 B50 (1990) 262 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 144 BSO( 1990) 406 B50 (1990) 410 B46 (1990) 107 B46 (1990) 152 B46 (1990) 295 B47 (1990) 37 B43 (1989) 431 B44 (1989) 172 845 (1990) 664 B43 (1989) 323 B43 (1989) 574 B47 (1990) 361 B45 0990) 664 B43 (1989) 24 B48 (1990) 287 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (19901471 B48 (1990) 571 B48 (1990) 566 B48 (1990) 291 B49 (1990) 340 B50 (1990) 135
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
Massiot, P., see Trocellier, P. .......................................................... Massoumi, G.R., see Lennard, W.N. ..................................................... Massoumi, G.R., see Mitchell, I.V. ...................................................... Massoumi, G.R., see Lennard, W.N. ..................................................... Massoumi, G.R., see Lennard, W.N. ..................................................... Massouras, G., see Romana, L. ........................................................ Masuda, K., 0. Eryu, K. Murakami and K. Takita, Ion implantation effect in high T, oxide YtBa,Cu,O, .... Matevossyan, E.M., see Avakyan, R.O. ................................................... Mathot, S., see Demortier, G. ......................................................... Mathot, S. and G. Demortier, Diffusion of silicon in polycrystalline gold foils observed with a PIXE microprobe .................................................................... Mathot, S. and G. Demortier, Silicon diffusion in gold grain boundaries studied with a deuteron microbeam . Mathu, F., see Meijer,H.C. ........................................................... Mathur, M.S., see McKee, J.S.C. ....................................................... Mathur, MS., see McKee, J.S.C. ....................................................... Matienzo,L.J.,seeLi,J. ............................................................. Matiullah and N. Ahmad, The influence of a water/tissue phantom on the response of a CR-39-based thermal-neutron dosimeter ......................................................... Matl, K., see Habs, D. ............................................................... Matsunami, N., see Yamamura, Y. ...................................................... Matsunami, N., K. Kitoh, J.-I. Kanasaki and N. Itoh, High-resolution analysis of protons scattered from solid surfaces ....................................................................... Matsunami, N., The role of electronic excitation in ion-induced erosion of frozen gases ................ Matsuo,T.,seeAgawa,Y. ............................................................ Matsuo,T.,seeTakai,M. ............................................................ Matteson, S., D.K. Marble, L.S. Hodges, J.Y. Hajsaleh, A.M. Arrale, M.R. McNeir, J.L. Duggan, F.D. McDaniel and J.M. Anthony, Molecular-interference-free accelerator mass spectrometry ............ Matteson, S.E., see Anthony, J.M. ...................................................... Matthes,H.,seeLiick,H.B. ........................................................... Matzke, Hj., G. Della Mea, F.L. Freire Jr and V. Rigato, Determination of hydrogen in leached UO, and SYNROC ..................................................................... Matzke, Hj. and A. Turos, A channeling study of ion implantation damage in UO, and UN ............. Matzke, Hj., G. Della Mea, J.C. Dran, G. Linker and B. Tiveron, Radiation damage in nuclear waste glasses following ion implantation at different temperatures ....................................... Maxwell, J.A., see Campbell, J.L. ....................................................... Maxwell, J.A., J.L. Campbell and W.J. Teesdale, The Guelph PIXE software package ................. Maxwell, J.A., see Campbell, J.L. ....................................................... Maxwell, J.A., see Campbell, J.L. ....................................................... Mayer,J.W.,seeLi,J. ............................................................... Mayer, T.M., (Book review: Plasma etching, edited by D.M. Manos and D.L. Flamm) .................. Mayo,D.R.,seeKnox,J.M. ........................................................... Mazhirin, A.P., see Kachurin, G.A. ...................................................... Mazzone, A.M., Monte Carlo simulation of the dechannelling effects of dislocations in a silicon crystal ..... McCallum, J.C., see McHargue, C.J. ..................................................... McCallum, J.C., J. Rankin, C.W. White and L.A. Boatner, Time resolved reflectivity measurements in Pb-implanted SrTiO, ............................................................. McCallum, J.C., see Sklad, P.S. ........................................................ McCallum, J.C., C.W. White, P.S. Sklad and C.J. McHargue, Annealing envi~nment effects in solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of Fe-implanted A&O, .............................................. McCallum, J.C., see McHargue,C.J. ..................................................... McCubbery,M.D.,seeTay,M. ......................................................... McDaniel, F.C., see Anthony, J.M. ...................................................... McDaniel, F.D., J.L. Duggan, G. Lapicki and P.D. Miller, Charge state dependence of K X-ray production in thin targets by multicharged silicon ions ................................................ McDaniel, F.D., see Matteson, S. ....................................................... McDonald, J.C., see Dicello, J.F. ....................................................... McEachran, R.P., see Ward, S.J. ....................................................... McElroy Jr., R.D., see Ariyasinghe, W.M. ................................................. McGione, V.A., An explanation for the tilt-up in thick target profile curves generated with the 16.44 MeV *H(lgF, cyy)‘“O resonance (Letter to the &‘&or) .......................................... McGouey, R., see Madakson, P. ........................................................
B50 (1990) 247 B43 (1989) 187 B45 (1990) 107 B45 (1990) 281 B48 (1990) 47 B46(1990) 94 846 (1990) 284 B48 (1990) 266 B49 (1990) 46 B49 (1990) SOS BSO(1990) 52 B44 (19891159 B45 (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 225 B46 (1990) 287 B43 (1989) 581 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (19901403 B45 (1990) 412 B46 (1990) 452 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (1990) 553 B45 (1990) 575 B50 (19901262 B50 (1990) 395 B45 (1990) 194 B46 (1990) 117 B46 (1990) 256 B43 (1989) 197 B43 (1989) 218 B43 (19891539 B44 (1990) 347 B46 (1990) 287 B44 (19901484 B45 (1990) 26 B43 (1989) 535 B42 (1989) 317 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 98 B46 (1990) 102 B46 (19981137 B46 (1990) 144 B46 (19901379 B50 (1990) 262 B42 (1989) 485 B45 (1990) 575 B4S (1990) 724 B42 (1989) 472 B44 (1989) 61 B42 (1989) 143 B45 (19901216
McGovern, P.E., see Swarm, C.P. ....................................................... McGovern, P.E., see Fleming, S.J. ...................................................... McHargue, C.J. Book review: Proceedings of the symposium on surface m~ification technoio~, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and D.G. Bhat) ...................................................... McHargue, C.J., P.S. Sklad, J.C. McCallum, C.W. White, A. Perez, E. Abonneau and G. Marest, The residual charge state of tin implanted into sapphire .............................................. McHargue, C.J., P.S. Sklad and C.W. White, The structure of ion impIanted ceramics ................. McHargue, C.J., see Sklad, P.S. ........................................................ McHargue, C.J., see McCallum, J.C. ..................................................... McHargue, C.J., P.S. Sklad, J.C. Mc~allum, C.W. White, A. Perez and G. Marest, The structure of AlzO, implanted with iron at 77 K ......................................................... McHargue, C.J., D.L. Joslin and J.M. Williams, The hardness and elastic modulus of chromium-implanted s~i~nca~ide .................................................................. McHargue, C.J., see Pawel, J.E. ........................................................ McHargue,C.J.,see~Hem,M.E. ...................................................... McIntyre Jr., L.C., see Leavitt, J.A. ...................................................... McKee, J.S.C., J.J.G. Durocher, D. Gallop, N.M. Halden, M.S. Mathur, A. Mirzai, G.R. Smith and Y.H. Yeo, Micro- and milli-PIXE analysis at 40 MeV - why, how and when? ............................. McKee, J.S.C., D. Gallop, MS. Mathur, A.A. Mirzai, Y.H. Yeo, C. Pinsky and R. Bose, PIXE analysis of toxic mussels ....................................................................... McKee, J.S.C., see Mirzai, A.A. ........................................................ McKee,J.S.C.,seeYeo,Y.H. .......................................................... Mc~od,R.~,see~o~J.M. .......................................................... McNeir, M.R., see Matteson, S. ........................................................ McPherson, A., see Luk, T.S. .......................................................... Medved,J.,seeMirzai,A.A. .......................................................... Mei, Z. and J.W. Morris Jr, Mossbauer spectrum curve fitting with a personal computer ................ Meier, J.-H. and F.-W. Richter, A useful device for scanning the beam energy of a Van de Graaff accelerator Meijer, H.C., R.W. Willekers, F. Mathu, H. Postma, L.H. Luthjens and M.L. Horn, Good performance of two kinds of cryogenic film-type thermometers after exposure to lo7 Gy of ionizing radiation and in magnetic fieldsofupto7Tat4.ZK ......................................................... Melchior, H., see Schaelin, A. ......................................................... Melikov, Yu.V., see Eremenko, D.O. .................................................... Melo, A.A., see Paszti, F. ............................................................. Melo,A.A.,seeDaSilva,R.C. ......................................................... Mendenhall, M.H. and R .A. Weller, Pe~o~ance of a time-of-flight s~ctrometer for thin film analysis by medium energy ion scattering ....................................................... Meng Xianren, Ren Yanru, Cui Peng, Lin Min~hu and Sang Lihua, Ion beam mixing and super~nductivi~ of multilayered Nb/Al films (Letter to the E&or) ........................................ Menu,M.,seeWalter,P. ............................................................. Menu,M.,see~sei,G. ............................................................. Meou,M.,IBAinthemuseum:whyAG~ .............................................. Menu, M., T. Calhgaro, J. Salomon, G. Amsel and 3. Moulin, The dedicated accelerator-based IBA facility AG~atthe~u~e ............................................................ Menu, M., see Kusko, B.H. ........................................................... Menzel, N. and K Wittmaack, RBS study on bomb~dment-induced redistribution of copper impurities in silicon using neon, oxygen and nitrogen ion beams at different impact angles ..................... Mertens, P.W., W. Vandervorst and J. Leclair, Gxygen redistribution in silicon during zone melting recrystallization ....................................................................... Mertler, G., see Hiller, W. ............................................................ Messina, G., see Bizzarri, U. .......................................................... M&z&os, E., see Borb&ly-Kiss, I. ....................................................... Meunier, R., see Cottereau, E. ......................................................... Meyer, H.O., Preparations for research with the Indiana Cooler ................................. Meyer, J.D.,seeMader,A. ........................................................... Meyer, J.D. and D.E. Arafah, Influence of electronic charge com~nsatio~ on Rutherford back~attering spectra of biased insulators ......................................................... Meyer, J.D., see Stanescu, T.M. ........................................................ Meyer, M.-A. and G. Demortier, Nonvacuum analyses of silver coins (9th to 15th century A.D.) .......... Meyer, O., J. Geerk, Q. Li, G. Linker and X.X. Xi, Epitaxial growth analysis of YBaCuO thin films by ion backscattering and channeling spectrometry .............................................
B45 (1990) 311 349 (1990) 293 B42 (1989) 404 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 79 B46 t1990) 102 B46 (199(f) 137 B46 (1990) 144 846 (1990) 185 B46 (1990) 392 B46 (1990) 171 B44 (1990) 260 B45 (3990) 513 B49 (1QQO)225 B49 (1990) 313 B49 (1990) 430 B45 (1990) 26 B45 (1990) 575 B43 (1989) 468 349 (1QQO)313 B47 fIQ90) 181 347 (1990) 303
B44 (1989) 159 B50 (1990) 379 B48 (1990) 216 B47 (1990) 187 B50 (1990) 423 B47 (1990) 193 B44 (19901392 B45 (1990) 119 B45 (1990) 296 345 (1990) 597 B45 (1990) 610 B49 (1990) 288 B45 (1990) 219 B45 (1990) 586 B48 (1990) 508 B50 (1990) 331 B49 (1990) 388 B45 (1QQO)293 B43 (1989) 383 B50 (1990) 35 B50 (1990) 109 B50 (1990) 167 B49 (1990) 300 B45 (1990) 483
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
Meyer Jr, W., P. Plascjak, R. Finn, Y. Sheh, S. Regdos and A. Mignerey, A novel krypton gas target ....... Mezentzeff, P., Y. Lifshitz and J.W. Rabalais, BN formation from bombardment of boron with Nz ........ Mezentzeff, P., Y. Lifshitz and J.W. Rabalais, Compositional and chemical modifications of V,O, and NaVO, induced by Nz bombardment ....................................................... Miao Jing-Wei, see Angel& D. ......................................................... Michel, R., F. Peiffer, S. Theis, F. Begemann, H. Weber, P. Signer, R. Wieler, P. Cloth, P. Dragovitsch, D. Filges and P. Englert, Production of stable and radioactive nuclides in thick stony targets (R = 15 and 25 cm) isotropically irradiated with 600 MeV protons and simulation of the production of cosmogenic nuclides inmeteorites ................................................................... Michelmann, R., see Kohl, F. .......................................................... Michl, J.,seeBalaji,V. .............................................................. Middelhoek, J., seeVan Schie, E. ....................................................... Middleton, R., J. Klein and D. Fink, A CO, negative ion source for 14C dating ...................... Middleton,R.,seeFink,D. ........................................................... Middleton, R., J. Klein and D. Fink, Tritium measurements with a tandem accelerator ................. Mignerey,A.,seeMeyer Jr, W. ........................................................ Mikkelsen, HI-I., I-I. Esbensen and P. Sigmund The 2: contribution to the stopping power of protons and antiprotons in silicon: two theoretical predictions ......................................... Mikkelsen, H.H. and E.H. Mortensen The extended oscillator model of atomic stopping - Application to proton stopping in noble gases ...................................................... Milano,F.,seeFoti,A.M. ............................................................ Milazzo,M.,seeAvaldi, L. ............................................................ MiIiC, M., see Nenadovie, T. ........................................................... Milinko~~, L.S., see SubotiC, K.M. ...................................................... Millard, N., see Moncoffre, N. ......................................................... Miller, C.M.,see Nogar,N.S. .......................................................... Miller, P.A. (Book review: Electron and ion optics, by M. Szilagyil ............................... Miller, P.D., see McDaniel, F.D. ....................................................... Miller, P.D., see Dam, S. ............................................................. Millham, C.B.,see Nindi,M.M. ........................................................ Mills,P.J.,seePa~e,R.S. ............................................................ MiIosavljeviC, M., see StojanoviL, M.S. ................................................... Milosavljevi~, M., N. Bibi& D. Peru?& K.M. StojanoviC and I.H. Wilson, Analysis of annealing and ion implantation effects in TiJTiN contacts on silicon ......................................... Mincholi, J.L., J.M. Ugalde and P.M. Echenique Dynamic screening of swift hydrogenlike ions moving in condensedmatter.. .............................................................. Minkin, J.A., see Chen, J.R. ........................................................... Minowa, T., see Katsuragawa, H. .............. ......................................... Mioteho, A., see Mariotto, G. ......................................................... Miotello, A., see Freire Jr., F.L. ........................................................ Miranda, J., A. Oliver and E.C. Montenegro, A new method for thin-film thickness measurement using PIKE Mirowski, S., see Jaracz, P. ........................................................... Mirzai, A., see McKee, J.S.C. .......................................................... Mirzai, A.A., see McKee, J.S.C. ........................................................ Mirzai, A.A., J.S.C. McKee, Y.H. Yeo, D. Gallop and J. Medved, Leaf analysis as an exploratory tool in mineralo~ ..................................................................... Mi~oyan,R.M.,seeAva~an, R.O. ..................................................... Misaelides, P., see Tsartsarakos, C. ...................................................... Misaelides,P.,seeKiihl,F. ........................................................... Mishima, O., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................ Miskin,J.,s~eOxorn,K. ............................................................. MiBkovik, Z.L. and R.K. Janev Auger neutralization and electron emission during grazing scattering of fast ions from surfaces ............................................................... Mitamura, T., M. Terasawa, K. Koterazawa, H. Iwasaki, K. Kawatsura and Y. Nakai Radiation effect study of single-crystal austenitic stainless steel by ion channeling spectroscopy .......................... Mitchell, I.V., see Lennard, W.N. ....................................................... Mitchell,I.V.,seeTong,S.Y. .......................................................... Mitchell,I.V.,seeTong,S.Y. .......................................................... Mitchetl, I.V., G.R. Mas~~i, W.N. Lennard, S.Y. Tong, P.F.A. Alkemade, K. Griffiths, S.J. Bushby and P.R. Norton, The dete~ination of absolute oxygen coverage by nuclear reaction analysis ................ Mit~hell,I.V.,seeWong,L. ...........................................................
B43 (1989) 112 B44 (1990) 289 B44 (1990) 296 B44 (1989) I72
B42 (1989) 76 B50 (1990) 19 B46 (1990) 435 B42 (1989) 109 B43 (1989) 231 B47 (1990) 79 B47 (1990) 409 B43 (1989) 112 B48 09901
I348 (1990) 39 B46 (1990) 361 B49 (1990) 24 B48 (1990) 538 B50 (1990) 267 B45 (1990) 81 B44 (1990) 459 B43 (1989) 589 B42 (1989) 485 B48 (1990) 114 I344 (1989) 79 B42 (1989) 130 BSO(1990) 102 BSO(1990) 391 B48 (1990) 21 B49 (1990) 533 B43 (1989) 259 B46 (1990) 107 B46 (1990) 152 B43 (1989) 203 B43 (1989) 210 845 (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 225 B49 (1990) 313 B48 (1990) 266 B45 (19901 33 BSO(1990) 19 I345 (1990) 208 B45 (1990) 166 B48 (1990) 367 B48 (1990) 470 B43 (1989) 187 B45 (1990) 30 B45 (19901 91 I345 (19901107 B45 (3990) 637
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Mitchell, IV., see Alkemade, P.F.A. ..................................................... Mitchell, J.B.A., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................ Mitterschiffthaler, C. and P. Bauer Stopping cross section of water vapor for hydrogen ions ............. Mittig, W., see Schwab, Th. ........................................................... ....... Miyamoto, T., T. Iitaka and Y.H. Ghtsuki The effect of skipping motion on the angular distribution Mizuhara, Y., see Tanaka, K. .......................................................... Mkhit~an, A.Kh., see Avakyan, R.O. ................................................... Mkrtchyan, A.G., see Avakyan, R.O. .................................................... Mkrtchyan, AR., see Avakyan, R.O. ..................................................... Mohammedein, A.M.M., see Fritzsche, S. ................................................. Molchanov, V.A., see Dodonov,A.I. ..................................................... Moller, P.J. (Book review: Physics of solid surfaces 1987 (Proceedings 4th Symposium on Surface Physics, Bechyne Castle, Czechoslovakia, September 1987) edited by J. Koukal) ......................... Moller, S.P. Measurement of the Barkas effect using MeV antiprotons and protons and an active silicon target ........................................................................ Moller, W., see Scherzer, B.M.U. ....................................................... Mdller, W., see Wielunski, M. ......................................................... Molnar, A., see Borbely-Kiss, I. ........................................................ Molnir, T., see B&es, Cs. ............................................................ Molokomme, T., see Lipworth, A.D. ..................................................... .......................................................... Mommsen,H.,seeWeber,J. Moncoffre,N.,seePorte,L. ........................................................... Moncoffre, N., N. Millard, H. Jaffrezic and J, Tousset, Boron analysis of thin layers using prompt nuclear techniques ..................................................................... Moncoffre, N., see El Bouanani, M. ..................................................... Moncoffre, N., see Donnet, C. ......................................................... Moncoffre,N.,seeCanut,B. .......................................................... Moncoffre, N., see El Khakani, M.A. .................................................... Moncoffre, N., see Donnet, C. ......................................................... Moneta, M. and J. Czerbniak Influence of electron exchange on planar channeling of protons in diamond ... Monreal, R., see Apell, S.P. ........................................................... Monreal, R., see Nlrmann, A. ......................................................... Montagna, P., see Rotondi, A. ......................................................... Montenegro, E.C., see Rosner, B. ....................................................... Montenegro, EC., see Miranda, J. ...................................................... Moore, F.L., D.L. Farnham, P.B. Schwinberg and R.S. Van Dyck Jr, Physics accesible through ultrahigh resolution trapped ion mass spectroscopy ............................................... Moran, M.J., B. Chang, M.B. Schneider and X.K. Maruyama Grazing-incidence Cherenkov X-ray generation More, R.M., Semiclassical matrix-elements of high-charge ions .................................. Moreno-Marin, J.C., U. Conrad, H.M. Urbassek and A. Gras-Marti Fractal structure of collision cascades ... Moretto, Ph., see Llabador, Y. ......................................................... Mori,V.,seeTirira,J. ............................................................... Morillo, J., see Dunlop, A. ............................................................ Morimoto, S., S. Nagata, S. Yamaguchi and Y. Fujino Depth profiling of deuterium implanted in thin films by the elastic recoil detection technique of transmission geometry ............................... Morin,P.,seeNahon,L. ............................................................. MorrisJr.,J.W.,seeMei,Z. ........................................................... Morrison, J.C., Numerical Hartree-Fock and correlation cal~lations for molecules ................... Morse, D.H., see Bauer, G.H. ......................................................... Morse, DH., see Pontau, A.E. ......................................................... Mortensen, E.H., see Mikkelsen, H.H. ................................................... Mortensen, K., see Bedrossian, P. ....................................................... Mortensen, K., see Jensen, F. .......................................................... Mory, J.,seeL’Hoir,A. .............................................................. Mosbah, M., J. Tirira, R. Clocchiatti, J. Gosset and P. Massiot, Hydrogen microdetermination in geological materials using elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) .................................... Mosbah, M., see Trocellier, P. ......................................................... Mosca Jr,D.H.,seeStedile,F.C. ....................................................... Moscheni, G., see Del Carmine, P. ...................................................... Moschini, G., see Galassini, S. ......................................................... Moschini, G., see Waheed, A. .........................................................
B48 (1990) 604 B43 (1989) 290 B48 (1990) 58 B48 (1990) 69 B48 (1990) 330 B45 (1990) 471 B48 (1990) 266 B48 (1990) 266 B48 (1990) 266 B50 (1990) 3.53 B48 (19901566 843 (19891127 B48(1990) 1 B45 (1990) 54 B.50(1990) 23 B49 (1990) 388 B43 (1989) 101 B49 (1990) 173 B50 (19901221 B44 (1989) 116 B45 (19901 81 B4S (1990) 651 B46 (1990) 89 B46 (19901128 B.50 (19901406 B.50(3990) 410 B48 (1990) 142 B42 (1989) 171 B48 (19901378 B47 (1990) 215 B42 (1989) 325 B43 (1989) 203 B43 (1989) 425 B48 (1990) 287 B43 (1989) 372 B48 (19901404 B49 (1990) 435 B50 (1990) 135 B48 (1990) 419 B48 (19901478 B47 (1990) 72 B47 11990) 181 B42 (1989) 557 B43 (1989) 497 B4.5(1990) 503 B48 (19901 39 B48 (1990) 296 B48 (1990) 334 B48 (1990) 145 B49 (19901340 B50 (1990) 247 B45 (1990) 627 B45 (1990) 341 B43 (1989) 556 847 (1990) 320
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Moschini, G., see Shao, H.R. ....... ...................... Moseley, S.H., see Woiwod, S. ...... ...................... Moshch~kov, V.V., see Chechenin, N.G Moulin, J., see Amsel, G. .......... Moulin, J., see Menu, M. .......... ...................... Moulin, J., see L’Hoir, A. .......... ...................... Mowat, J.R., see Tanis, J.A. ........................................................... Mueller, D.W., Electron-ion collision cross sections ......................................... Mueller, G.P., see Hubler, G.K. ........................................................ Mueller, H., see Brenten, H. .......................................................... Mueller, R.M., see Woiwod, S. ......................................................... Miihlbauer, C., see Fischer, B.E. ....................................................... Miihle, R. and G. Gotz, Ion beam exposure characteristics of nitrocellulose ......................... Mukai,H.,seeSusuki,Y. .............................................................. Mukherjee, R.N., see De, T.K. ......................................................... Mukherjee, SC., see Bhattacharyya, D.P. ................................................. Mukoyama, T., see Watanabe, Y. ....................................................... Mukoyama, T., see Tachibana, M. ...................................................... Mulholland, W., seeYeo, Y.H. ......................................................... Miiller, D., T. Faestermann, A. Gillitzer, G. Korschinek, R. Scheuer and U. Bittner, Accelerator mass spectrometry with time-of-flight measurement ........................................... Miiller, G., G. Klingelhofer, P. Schwalbach and E. Kankeleit, High-dose iron implantation into silicon and metals ........................................................................ Miiller, M., Channeling investigations of i~adiation induced defects in a dilute Cr-Mn alloy ............ Miiller,W.,seeLieb,K.P. ............................................................ Munro, I.H., see Holland, D.M.P. ....................................................... Miinzenberg, G., see Schwab, Th. ....................................................... Miinzer, H., see Neelmeijer, C. ........................................................ Murakami,K.,seeMasuda,K. ......................................................... Muralev, V.A., The kinetic approach to the passage of high-energy particles through bent crystals ......... Muralev, V.A., N.I. Kozlov and S.V. Ignatjev Simulating the characteristics of propagation of charged particles through oriented crystals ........................................................... Muraoka, K., see Yamamura, Y. ........................................................ Murillo,G.,seeAvila,O. ............................................................. Murnane, M.M., H.C. Kapteyn and R.W. Falcone, Sub-picosecond laser produced plasmas ............. Murphy, M.J., see Wood, R.A. ......................................................... Murphy, P., see Payne, R.S. ........................................................... Murrell, M.P., see Sugden, S. .......................................................... Musil, J., see Havriinek, V. ............................................................ Musiol, G., see Fritzsche, S. ........................................................... Musket, R.G., C.W. Price and J.C. Norberg, Implanted standards for ion microanalysis of oxygen in beryllium Mussalo-Rauhamaa, H., see Tapper, U. .................................................. Mutsaers, P.H.A., G. Los, S.S. Klein, L.C. De Folter and M.J.A. De Voigt, The microprobe at the Eindhoven University of Technology .......................................................... Mutsaers, P.H.A., see Botman, J.I.M. .................................................... Mutsaers, P.H.A., see Klein, S.S. ....................................................... Myers, S.M., see Bourcier, R.J. .........................................................
B49 (1990) 238 B50 (1990) 91 B48 (1990) 207 845 (1990) 296 B45 (1990) 610 B48 (1990) 145 B43 (1989) 290 B42 (1989) 467 846 (1990) 384 B48 (1990) 344 B.50 (1990) 91 B47 (1990) 271 B46 (1990) 347 B48 (1990) 347 B42 (1989) 138 B47 (1990) 466 B44 (1989) 3.5 B49 (1990) 15 B49 (1990) 430
Nadeau, M.-J., see Kieser, W.E. ........................................................ Nagata, S., S. Yama~chi, H. Naramoto and Y. Kazumata Lattice location of deuterium implanted in Tic ... Nagata, S., see Morimoto, S. .......................................................... Nagy, I., A. Amau and P.M. Echenique Vicinage effect in slow-ion-dicluster stopping power ............ Nahon, L., J. Tremblay, M. Larzilliere, L. Duffy and P. Morin, Laser induced photodissociation of molecules probed by synchrotron radiation ..................................................... Nailand,P., see Watterson, J.I.W. ...................................................... Naitoh,M.,seeOura, K. ............................................................. Nakahara, T., S. Ohkura, F. Shoji, T. Hanawa and . Oura, RBS/channeling study on the annealing behavior of Cu thin films on Si(100) and (111) substrates ........................................... Nakai, Y., see Kawatsura, K. .......................................................... Nakai, Y., see Mitamura, T. ...........................................................
B45 (19901570 B48 (19901231 B48 (19901478 B48 (19901 54
B50 (1990) 271 B50 (1990) 384 B43 (1989) 181 BSO(1990) 10 B44 (1989) 233 B48 (1990) 69 B50 (1990) 439 846 (1990) 284 842 (1989) 46 B48 (1990) 171 B42 (1989) 175 B43 (1989) 131 B43 (1989) 463 B46 (1990) 189 B42 (1989) 130 B44 (1989) 137 B47 (1990) 433 B.50 (1990) 353 B42 (1989) 245 B49 (1990) 245 I345 (1990) 557 849 (19901 89 B50 (1990) 150 B44 (1990) 278
B47 (19901 72 B45 (1990) 75 B45 (1990) 199 B4S (1990) 467 B48 (19901103 B48 (19901470
Author index of volumes 842 - BSO
Nakajima, M., see Qiu, Q. ............................................................ Nakamura, K., see Ishikawa, M. ........................................................ Nakano,Y.,seeFukuda,K ........................................................... Nakhgaltsev, L.N., see Winchester, J.W. .................................................. Namba, S., see Kinomura, A. .......................................................... Namba, S., see Kinomura, A. . . . . .. ....................... Namba, S., see Agawa, Y. . . . . ... ....................... Namba, S., see Takai, M. . _. . . . . ... ....................... Namba, S., see Kobayashi, K. . f . . ... Namba, S., see Aono, K. . . . . . . . ... Namiki, A., see Rechtien, J.H. Naramoto, H., see Sato, K. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ........ .. .. ... .. ,. ...... .. Naramoto, H., see Kawatsura, K. . . . . . ........ ... .,......... . . .......... ... Naramoto, H., see Nagata, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Narmann, A., see Derks, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NIrmann, A., see Derks, H.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joann, A., K. Schmidt, W. Heiland, R. Monreal, F. Flores and P.M. Echenique Energy loss of light ions and neutrals from surface scattering .................................................. Nastasi, M., see Tesmer, J.R. .......................................................... Naundorf, V., see Macht, M.-P. ........................................................ Naundorf, V. and C. Abromeit, Limits of depth resolution for sputter sectioning: moments of tracer depth distribution .................................................................... Nazarov, A.N., see Valakh, M.Ya. ...................................................... Nedellec, P., see Bernas, H. ........................................................... Neelmeijer, C., E. Hensel, P. Knothe, M. Posselt and E. Richter, Study of carbon depth distributions in hard coatings produced by C+ implantation ................................................. Neelmeijer, C., B. Schmidt, W. Rudolph, H. Miinzer, D. Grambole, C. Heiser and F. Herrmann, PECVD Si nitride and Si oxide layers - hydrogen analysis and etching after ion implantation .................. Nelson, J.W., see Johnson, J.E. ........................................................ Nelson, J.W., see Winchester, J.W. ...................................................... Nenadovic, T., B. Perraillon, 2. Bogdanov, 2. Djordjevit and M. MiliE Sputtering and surface topography of oxides ............... ........................................................ Nething, U., see Lotz, W. .... Neumann,R.,seeHabs,D. ........................................................... Neumann, W. and C. Stalder, Thin-layer activation applied to erosive wear ......................... Neumann, W., W. Woelfli, P. Heimgartner and R.M. Streicher, Thin-layer activation of hip-joint prostheses for tribological tests .............................................................. WGoma, J.B., see Macchi, F. .......................................................... Niecke, M., see Grossmann, D. ........................................................ Nieh, C.W., see Hashimoto, S. ......................................................... Niehof, A. and W. Heiland Experimental realisation of low-energy surface channeling ................. Niehus, H., see Derks, H. ............................................................. Nielsen, B.R., see Tapper, U.A.S. ....................................................... Nielsen, H.L. Bctok review: Activation analysis with charged particles, by C. Vandecasteele) ............. Nienhaus, H., see Zimny, R. ........................................................... Nindi, M.M., D.C. Stulik, C.B. Millham and T.J. Larson, Three-dimensional computer simulation of shape and groove formation of a developing cone under energetic Xe atom particle bombardment .............. Nishimura, F., see Park, J.S. ........................................................... Nitta, H., M. Watanabe and Y.H. Ohtsuki Secondary electron emission from channeled MeV positrons and electrons ...................................................................... Nobes,M.J.,seeCarter,G. ........................................................... Nobes, M.J., see Clapham, L. .......................................................... Nobes,M.J.,seeCarter,G. ........................................................... Noda,A.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Nogar, N.S., R.C. Estler, B.L. Fearey, C.M. Miller and SW. Downey, Materials analysis by laser and ion beam sputtering with resonance ionization mass spectrometry .................................... Noguera, C., see Jollet, F. ............................................................ Ndte, E., see Faestermann, H. ......................................................... Nomura, E., see Katayama, M. ......................................................... Norberg, J.C., see Musket, R.G. ........................................................ Norman, E.B., The interplay of nuclear and atomic physics in the synthesis of the elements .............. .......................
B45 (1990) 186 B49 (1990) 220 B42 (1989) 233 B49 (1990) 351 B45 (1990) 523 B45 (1990) 536 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (1990) 553 B46 (1990) 60 B46 (1990) 220 B48 (1990) 339 B47 (1990) 421 B48 (1990) 103 B48 (1990) 231 B44 (1989) 125 B47 (1990) 332 B48 (1990) 378 B45 (1990) 476 B43 (1989) 507 B43 (1989) 513 B44 (1989) 146 B46 (1990) 269 B42 (1989) 369 B50 (1990) 439 B49 (1990) 179 B49 (1990) 351 B48 (1990) 538 B48 (1990) 256 B43 (1989) 390 B45 (1990) 126 B50 (1990) 57 B46 (1990) 334 B49 (1990) 495 B45 (1990) 434 B48 (1990) 306 B48 (1990) 315 B44 (1989) 219 B42 (1989) 298 B48 (1990) 361 B44 (1989) 79 B48 (1990) 635 B48 (1990) 260 B43 (1989) 149 B48 (19901571 B48 (1990) 576 B43 (1989) 390 B44 (1990) 459 B46 (1990) 125 B.50 (1990) 275 B45 (1990) 408 B42 (1989) 245 B43 (1989) 374
Author index of volumes B42 - BSO
Noro,T.,seeHaruyama,Y. ........................................................... North, A.N., J.C. Dore, A.R. Mackie, A.M. Howe and J. Harries, Ultrasmall-angle X-ray scattering studies of heterogeneous systems using synchrotron radiation techniques ................................ Norton, P.R., see Mitchell, IV. ........................................................ Novikov, A., see Glrtner, K. .......................................................... NovkoviC, D., see StojanoviC, MS. ...................................................... NovkoviC, D., see Subotic, K.M. ........................................................ Nozaki,T.,seeQiu,Q. .............................................................. Nunes, S., see Madakson, P. ...........................................................
Oberschachtsiek, P., V. Schiile, R. Giinzler, M. Weiser and S. Kalbitzer, Deep range profiling by Rutherford backscattering and nuclear reaction analysis ............................................. Oberschachtsiek, P., see Maisch, T. ..................................................... Obert, J., see Houdayer, A.J. .......................................................... Obert, J., see Brissaud, I. ............................................................. O’Connor,D.J.,seeXu,C. ........................................................... O’Connor,D.J.,seeKato,M. .......................................................... O’Connor, D.J. and A.D.F. Kahn Reionisation in low-energy He-Pb scattering ...................... O’Connor, D.J. and R. Beardwood Limits of quasi-resonance for He-Pb ........................... O’Connor,D.J.,seeSnowdon,K.J. ...................................................... Oda, N., see Park, J.S. ............................................................... Oddershede, J. and J.R. Sabin, Bragg rule additivity of bond stopping cross sections ................... Oddershede, J., see Sabin, J.R. ......................................................... Oddershede, J. and J.R. Sabin Mean excitation energies and moments of the dipole oscillator strength distribution of closed-shell aluminum ions .............................................. Oder, J.G., see Leavitt, J.A. ........................................................... Odom, R.W., M.D. Strathman, S.E. Buttrill Jr and S.M. Baumann, Nondestructive imaging detectors for energetic particle beams ........................................................... Odselius, R., see Larsson, N.P.-0. ...................................................... Oechsner, H., see Gnaser, H. .......................................................... Oganessian, Yu.Ts., see Karamyan, S.A. .................................................. Ogawa, H., see Ishiwari, R. ........................................................... Ogawa, H., see Shiomi-Tsuda, N. ....................................................... Ogawa, H., see Ishiwari, R. ........................................................... Ogawa, H., see Sakamoto, N. .......................................................... Ogawa, H., see Haruyama, Y. .......................................................... Ogawa,M.,seeQiu,Q. .............................................................. Ogawa,M.,seeArai,E. .............................................................. Oguri,Y.,seeArai,E. ............................................................... O’Hern, M.E., C.J. McHargue, C.W. White and G.C. Farlow, The effect of chromium implantation on the hardness, elastic modulus and residual stress of Al 20 3 ..................................... Ohira, S. and M. Iwaki, Oxygen irradiation effect in ion-beam-synthesized aluminium oxide layers ......... Ohji,Y.,seeQiu,Q. ................................................................ Ohkura, S., see Nakahara, T. .......................................................... Ohtsuki, Y.H., see Nitta, H. ........................................................... Ohtsuki, Y.H., see Miyamoto, T. ....................................................... Ohtsuki, Y.H., see Iitaka, T. ........................................................... Okabe, Y., see Iwaki, M. ............................................................. Okabe, Y., see Fujihana, T. ........................................................... Okane, M., see Hamanaka, H. ......................................................... Okano,K.,seeFukuda,K. ............................................................ Okuda,S.,seeFukuda,K. ............................................................ Okuyama, F., see Tanemura, M. ........................................................ Olabanji, SO., V.O. Olarewaju and 0. Onabajo, PIXE analysis of museum soapstone sculptures from Esie, South-West Nigeria .............................................................. Oladipo, A., see Thomas, J.P. .......................................................... Olarewaju, V.O., see Olabanji, S.O. ..................................................... Oliva,A.,seeJiang,S.L. ............................................................. Olva,A.,seeBonanno,A. ............................................................ Oliva,A.,seeBonanno,A. ............................................................
B48 (1990) 130 B47 (1990) 283 B45 (1990) 107 B46 (1990) 405 B50 (1990) 102 B50 (1990) 267 B44 (1989) 179 B45 (1990) 216
B45 (1990) 20 B50 (1990) 1 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (1990) 94 B42 (1989) 251 B48 (1990) 319 B48 (1990) 355 B48 (1990) 358 B48 (1990) 327 B48 (1990) 635 B42 (1989) 7 B44 (1990) 253 B48 (1990) 34 B44 (1990) 260 B44 (1990) 465 B49 (1990) 472 B48 (1990) 544 B43 (1989) 153 B47 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 61 B48 (1990) 65 B48 (1990) 75 B48 (1990) 130 B45 (1990) 186 B45 (1990) 234 B45 (1990) 234 B46 (1990) 171 B46 (1990) 413 B44 (1989) 179 B45 (1990) 467 B48 (1990) 260 B48 (19901330 B48 (1990) 375 B45 (1990) 212 B45 (1990) 669 B45 (1990) 360 B42 (1989) 233 B42 (1989) 233 B47 (1990) 126 B47 (1990) 415 B42 (1989) 127 B47 (1990) 415 B45 (1990) 646 B46 (1990) 456 B48 (1990) 371
Oliver, A., see Miranda, J. ............................................................ Olson, R.E.,see Stearns, J.W. ......................................................... Olson, R.E., see Schultz, D.R. ......................................................... Olson, R.E., see Schmidt-B&king, H. .................................................... Olson, R.E., see Schwab, Th. .......................................................... Omarini, S., see Bizzarri, U. ........................................................... Onabajo, O., see Olabanji, S.O. ........................................................ O’Reilly, P.J., see Eichinger, W.E. ...................................................... Orliange, I., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Orliange, I., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... Orlie, I., F. Van Langeveide and R.D. Vis , The influence of sample roughness on the quantification of ............................................................... micro-PIXEresuIts Orlic, I., J. Makjani~, G.H.J. Tros and R.D. Vis, ‘ITPIXAN - A package of computer programs for quantitative thick target PIXE analysis ................................................. Orlikovskiy, A.A., see Antonov, S.L. ..................................................... Orrman-Rossiter, KG. and D.G. Armour, Low energy chlorine-ion interaction on GaAs(OO1) ............ Ortega,C.,seeAbel,F. .............................................................. Ortega, C., J. Siejka and G. Vizkelethy, Characterization of porous silicon by NRA, RBS and channeling .... Ortlepp, H.G., see Hentschel, E. ....................................................... Oshima, C., see Souda, R. ............................................................ ............................................................ Oshima,C.,seeSouda,R. Osipowicz, T., see Lieb, K.P. .......................................................... Osipowicz, T., T. Corts, K.-...P. Lieb and F.-J. Bergmeister, PIXE measurements of Kr-sputtered TiN coatings ....................................................................... Osterheld, A., see Levine, M.A. ........................................................ ............................................................... Ott,W.,seeHabs,D. Ottermann, C., see Wagner, W. ........................................................ Otto,G..seeZschau,H.-E. ........................................................... Oura, IS., M. Naitoh, F. Shoji, J. Yamane, K. Umezawa and T. Hanawa, Elastic recoil detection analysis of hydrogen adsorbed on solid surfaces .................................................. Oura, K., see Nakahara, T. ........................................................... Oura, K., see Shoji, F. ............................................................... Oxorn, K., S.C. Gujrathi, S. Bultena, L. Cliche and J. Miskin, An iterative computer analysis package for elastic recoil detection (ERD) experiments .............................................. Ozawa, K., see Sato, K. .............................................................. dzkan, II., see Karioris, F.G. .......................................................... Gzkan, H., F.G. Karioris, J. Eridon and L. Cartz, Radiation damage of lithium ceramics by ion bombardment . _. . azkan, H., F.G. Karioris, E.R. Vance, J. Eridon and L. Cartz, Damage of YBa,C,O, by ion irradiation
B43 (1989) 203 B42 (1989) 479 B42 (1989) 527 B43 (1989) 272 B48 (1990) 69 B50 (1990) 331 B47 (1990) 415 B47 (1990) 355 B44 (1989) 1 B44 (1989) 19
Paatero, P., see Tapper, U. ........................................................... Pacheco, A.J., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ...................................................... Packan, N.H., see Lewis, M.B. ......................................................... Pacyna, J.M., see Cornille, P. .......................................................... Pain, G.N., see Wielunski, L.S. ......................................................... Pain, G.N., see Wielunski, L.S. ......................................................... Paitich, R., see Erck, R.A. ............................................................ Pajek, M., A.P. Kobzev, R. Sandrik, R.A. Ilkhamov and S.H. Khusmurodov, Accurate efficiency determination of a Si(Li) detector in the Si-K and Au-M absorption edge energy region ....................... Pajek, M., A.P. Kobzev and G. Lapicki M-shell ionization in gold by light ions ....................... Pajek, M., see Bienkowski, A. .......................................................... Pakarinen, P., A.-K. Ekholm and J. Pallon, PIXE analysis of preconcentrated body fhrids, especially urine ... Pal, P., see Bhattacharyya, D.P. ........................................................ PriIink&, J., see Kiivir, A. ............................................................ Pallon, J., A scanning proton microprobe data sorting and display system .......................... Pallon, J., S.A.E. Johansson, M. Hub, G. Hylttn, P. Kristiansson, P. Larsson, N.E.G. Lovestam, K.G. Malmqvist, U.A.S. Tapper and K. Themner, Recent advances in the nuclear microprobe at the Lund Institute of Technology ............................................................ Pallon, J., (Book review: Aspects of charged particle optics. Advances in electronics and electron physis, vol. 73, edited by P.W. Hawkes) ......................................................... Pallon, J. and P. Kristiansson, The ‘Li(p, Luj4He reaction for thin target monitoring ..................
B49 (1990) 132 842 (1989) 389 B43 (1989) 243 B49 (1990) 376 B45 (19901455 B45 (1990) 459 B47 (1990) 462
B49 (1990) 74 B49 (1990) 166 B48 (1990) 553 B42 (1989) 334 B45 (19901100 B45 (1990) 622 B43 (1989) 82 B45 (1990) 364 B45 (1990) 369 B.50(19901 10 B50 (1990) 238 B43 (1989) 431 B43 (1989) 390 B50 ( 1990) 27 850 ( 1990) 74 B45 (1990) 199 B45 (1990) 467 B47 (1990) 1 B45 (1990) 166 B47 (1990) 421 B46 (1990) 176 B46 (1990) 202 B46 (1990) 291
B42 (1989) 346 B48 (1990) 87 B49 (1990) 19 B49 (1990) 241 B47 ( 1990) 466 I342 (1989) 463 B44 (1990) 377
B45 (1990) 548 B47 (19901208 B49 (1990) 70
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Pallon, J., see Pakarinen, P. ........................................................... Pallon,J.,seeTapper,U.A.S. .......................................................... Pallon, J., see Lovestam, N.E.G. ........................................................ Palmer, G.R., see MacArthur, J.D. ................... _ .................................. Palmer, G.R., J.D. MacArthur and M.A. Singer, PIXE and PIGE studies of ion diffusion through phospholipid bilayers containing cholesterol ................................................... Palmer, G.R., see Mac~thur, J.D. ...................................................... Paluszkiewicz, C., W.M. Kwiatek and M. Galka, Trace element relations to renal stones phases .......... Pan Guang-yan, see Lei Zi-ming ........................................................ Panchenko, V.N., see Koptelov,E.A. .................................................... Pankotai, M., see Takks, S. ........................................................... Pantenburg, F.J., see Weber, J. ........................................................ Pape,A., see Georgiadis,A.P. ......................................................... Pardo, R.C., see Kutschera, W. ........................................................ Parikh, N.R., see Hofshs, H.C. ........................................................ Parikh,N.R.,seeLiu,B. ............................................................. Parilis, ES., see Bitensky, I.S. ......................................................... Park, J.S., F. Nishimura, T. Ichimori, H. Kobayashi and N. Oda Continuum optical radiation produced by 0.6-2.4 MeV Ht and He+ ion bombardments of thin carbon foils ............................ Park, M.A., see Schweikert, E.A. ....................................................... Parkih, N.R., E.C. Frey, H.C. Hofs%s, M.L. Swanson, R.G. Downing, T.Z. Hossain and W.-K. Chu, Neutron depth profiling by coincidence spectrometry ............................................. Parkin, D.M., The displacement cascade in ceramic oxides ..................................... Parmigiani, F., see Cereda, E. ......................................................... Parmigiani, F., see Boni, C. ........................................................... Pliszti, F., see SzilLgyi, E. ............................................................. Pgszti, F., A. Manuaba, C. Hajdu, A.A. Melo and M.F. Da Silva, Current measurement on MeV energy ion beams ........................................................................ Pathak, A.P. and S. Satpathy Planar channeling of electrons and positrons in crystals: local density calculation of continuum potential and channeling radiation spectrum .................................. Pathak, A.P., see Balagari, P.&J. ....................................................... Pattyn,H.,seeWu,M.F. ............................................................. Paul, II., A test of theoretical K-shell ionization cross sections for protons .......................... Paul, M., see Kutschera, W. ........................................................... Paul, M., see Steinhof, A. ............................................................ Paul,M.,seeBoaretto,E. ............................................................ Pawel, J.E., C.J. McHargue and J.J. Wert, The influence of ion bombardment on the adhesion of thin films to substrates ..................................................................... Payne, R.S., A.S. Clough, P. Murphy and P.J. Mills, Use of the D(‘He,prHe reaction to study polymer diffusion in polymer melts .......................................................... Pazdzersky, V.A., see Avakov, A.S. ............ i ......................................... Pearton,S.J.,seeXiao,Q.F. ........................................................... Pecchioli,A.,seeDelCarmine,P. ...................................................... Pedrys, R. Time-of-flight studies of linear and nonlinear effects in elastic sputtering of solid Xe .......... Peiffer, F., see Michel, R. ............................................................ Peinador, J.A., I. Abril, J.J. Jimenez-Rodriguez and A. Gras-Marti Collisional mixing in ion beam desorption of impurity monolayers ............................................................ Peisach, M., see Pillay, AE. ........................................................... Peisach, M. and C.A. Pineda, K X-ray production from rare earths by high energy protons .............. Peisach, M., CA. Pineda and L. Jacobson, Thick target PIXE analysis of coastal and inland Namibian pottery Peisach, M., see Pineda, C.A. .......................................................... Pells,G.P.,seeWood,R.A. ........................................................... Peiialba, M., A. Arnau and P.M. Echenique Target dependence of electron-capture and -loss cross sections of protonsinsolds ................................................................ Penetrante, B.M., see Levine, M.A. ..................................................... Penionzhkevich, Yu.E., see Lukyanov, S.M. ................................................ Perez,A.,seeMcHargue,C.J. ......................................................... Perez, A., see Abonneau, E. ........................................................... Perez,A.,seeMcHargue,C.J. ......................................................... Perez,J.,seeKieser,W.E. ............................................................ Pernestiil, K., H.-K Li and B. Jonsson, Analysis of trace element content in tree cores by PIXE ..........
B49 (1990) 241 B49 (1990) 425 B49 (1990) 490 845 (1990) 322 B45 (19901337 B49 (1990) 402 B49 (1990) 234 B42 (1989) 38 B42 (1989) 239 B49 (1990) 195 B.50(1990) 221 B50 (1990) 321 B42 (1989) 101 B45 (1990) 151 B45 (1990) 420 B47 (1990) 243 B48 (1990) 635 B50 (1990) 307 I345 (1990) 70 B46 (1990) 26 B50 (19901 48 B50 (1990) 243 B43 (1989) 502 B47 (1990) 187 B48 (1990) 248 B48 (1990) 252 B45 (1990) 658 B42 (19891443 B42 (1989) 101 B43 (1989) 73 B.50f1990) 280 B46 ( 1990) 392 B42 (1989) 130 B48 (1990) 562 B45 (1990) 464 B45 (1990) 341 B48 (1990) 525 B42 (1989) 76 B48 (1990) 589 B45 (1990) 333 B49 (1990) 10 B49 (1990) 309 B49 (1990) 332 B46 (1990) 189 B48 (1990) 138 B43 (1989) 431 B47 (1990) 102 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 111 B46 (1990) 144 B45 (1990) 570 B49 (19901261
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Perraillon, B., see Nenadovic, T. ........................................................ PeruIko, D., see Milosavljevic, M. ....................................................... Peterson, R.S.,see Rossee1,T.M. ....................................................... Petrich,W.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Pettit,G.D.,seeWie,C.R. ............................................................ Pfaff, E., see Reiter, G. .............................................................. Pfandzelter, R. and J.W. Lee, Surface analysis by spectroscopy of Auger electrons induced by fast protons at grazing incidence ................................................................ Pfandzelter, R. Auger electron and secondary electron yields induced by surface-channeled protons ....... Pfeffer, R.L., see Ravindra, N.M. ....................................................... Pfestorf, W., see Luck, H.B. ........................................................... Phaner,M.,seePorte,L. ............................................................. Phillips, D., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Phillips, D., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................... Picardi, L., see Bizzarri, U. ........................................................... Picraux, ST., see Brice, D.K. .......................................................... Picraux, ST., D.K. Brice, K.M. Horn, J.Y. Tsao and E. Chason Near-threshold energy dependence of Xe-induced displacements on Ge@Ol) ................................................. Pieralli, F., see Baldini, A. ............................................................ Pierson, E., J.-M. Beuken and P. Bertrand, Computer simulation of reionization in ISS ................ Piestrzynski, A., see P~byIowicz, W. .................................................... Piestrzynski, A., see PrzybyJowicz, W. .................................................... Pikul, V.P., see BeIyaev,A.D. .......................................................... Pillay, A.E., see Watterson, J.I.W. ...................................................... Pillay, A.E., M. Peisach, R. Carolissen and C.A. Pineda, PIXE determination of silicon/aluminium ratios in zeolites and geological materials ..................................................... Pinard, J., see Houdayer, A.J. ......................................................... Pinard, J., see Brissaud, I. ............................................................ Pindzola, MS., D.C. Griffin, C. Bottcher and N.R. Badnell, Electron-impact ionization and recombination in , ................................................ multiply charged atomic ions ....... Pineda, C.A., see Pillay, A.E. .......................................................... Pineda, C.A., see Peisach, M. .......................................................... Pineda, C.A., see Peisach, M. .......................................................... Pineda, C.A., M. Peisach, L. Jacobson and C.G. Sampson, Cation-ratio differences in rock patina on hornfels and chalcedony using thick target PIXE ................................................ Pinheiro, T., J.M. Halpern, R. Fernandes, S. Ramos, S. S&a, H. Dutlou, J. Cafmeyer and W. Maenhaut, Brain trace element alterations in atherosclerosis .............................................. Pinsky, C., see McKee, J.S.C. .......................................................... Pintye, E., see BorbCly-Kiss, I. ......................................................... .......................................................... Plascjak,P.,seeMeyerJr,W. Platonov, S.Yu., see Eremenko, D.O. .................................................... Plier, F., see Zschau, H.-E. ........................................................... Pluis, B., see Deckers, S. ............................................................. Podgcirski, A., see Jagielski, J. ......................................................... Pogany, A.P., see Sengupta, D. ......................................................... Pogrebnjak, A.D., see Chistjakov, S.A. ................................................... Pogrebnjak, A.D., G.E. Remnev and I.G. Romanov, Physical and mechanical changes in HPIB-irradiated steels .................................................................. Poizat, J.C., see De Castro Faria, N.V. ............................................ Poizat, J.C., see L’Hoir,A. ..................................................... Poizat, J.C., see Winter, H. .................................................... Poker, D.B., see Wittmaack, K. ................................................. Pokhil, G.P., see Balashova, L.L. ................................................ Polischuk, I.E., see Chechenin, N.G. .............................................. Politiek, J., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ............................................ Politiek, J., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ............................................ Politiek, J., see Johansen, A. ................................................... Polonis, D.H., see Bourcier, R.J. ................................................ Pontau, A.E., see Bauer, G.H. .................................................. Pontau, A.E., A.J. Antolak and D.H. Morse, Some practical consideratons for ion microtomography Pope, L.E., see Follstaedt, D.M. .................................................
B48 (1990) 538 B50 (1990) 391 B43 (1989) 14 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 560 B44 (1990) 399 B45 (1990) 641 848 (1990) 351 B46 (1990) 409 BSO(1990) 395 B44 (1989) 116 844 (1989) 195 B48 (1990) 489 B50 (1990) 331 B44 (1989) 68 B48 (1990) 414 B42 (1989) 393 B45 (1990) 374 B49 (1990) 509 B.50(1990) 231 B43 (1989) 5 B45 (1990) 75 B45 (1990) 333 B45 (1990) 632 B49 (19901 94 B43 (1989) 279 B45 (1990) 333 B49 (1990) 10 B49 (1990) 309 B49 (1990) 332 B49 (1990) 191 B49 ( 1990) 225 B49 (1990) 254 B43 (1989) 112 B48 (1990) 216 B50 (19901 74 B45 (1990) 416 B47 (1990) 474 B42 (1989) 328 B42 (1989) 342 B43 (1989) 41 B43 (19891 1 B48 (19901145 B48 (1990) 382 B47 (1990) 224 B48 (1990) 1.56 B48 (1990) 207 B42 (1989) 15.5 B48 (1990) 224 B50 (1990) 119 B44 (1990) 278 B43 (1989) 497 B45 (1990) 503 B42 (1989) 205
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Porte, L., M. Phaner, C.H. de Villeneuve, N. Moncoffre and J. Tousset, Scanning tunneling microscopy study of single-ion impacts on graphite surface (Letter to the Editor) ................................ Posselt, M., see Neelmeijer, C. ......................................................... Postawa, Z., see Szyrnonski, M. ........................................................ Postma, H., see Meijer, H.C. .......................................................... Potylitsyn, A.P., see Adishchev, Yu.N. ................................................... Poulek, V., see Havranek, V. .......................................................... Pounds, J.G., see Gordon, B.M. ........................................................ Pounds, J.G., see Kwiatek, W.M. ....................................................... Povh,B.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Powar, M.S., see Dhaliwal, AS. ........................................................ Powers, D., see Ariyasinghe, W.M. ...................................................... Prasad, K.G., see Banejee, S. ......................................................... Pretorius, R. and D. Bezuidenhout, Characterization of optical coatings by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and elastic recoil detection analysis ......................................... Price, C.W., see Musket, R.G. ......................................................... Pri~,R.N.,seeTanis, J.A. ........................................................... Prins,H.,seeWItjen,U. ............................................................. Prior, M.H., see Weathers, D.L. ........................................................ Prior, M.H.,see Tribble, R.E. ......................................................... Proctor, I.D., see Bauer, G.H. ......................................................... Proennecke, S., see Marmy, P. ......................................................... Prokofyev, M.A., see Winchester, J.W. ................................................... Przybyiowicz, W., A. Piestrzynski, K. Traxel and S. Bajt, Micro-PIXE analyses of carbonate minerals from the lower Zechstein Kupferschiefer Formation (Poland) ....................................... Przybylowicz, W., H. Kucha, A. Piestrzyfiski, K. Traxel and S. Bajt, Micro-PIXE analyses of trace elements in black shales from the lower Zechstein copper deposits, Poland ............................... Puglisi, O., see Licciardello, A. .........................................................
844 (1989) 116 B42 (1989) 369 B48 (1990) 534 B44 (1989) 159 B44 (1989) 130 B47 (1990) 433 B45 (1990) 527 B49 (1990) 561 B43 (1989) 390 B47 (1990) 370 B44 (1989) 61 B43 (1989) 570 B50 (1990) 105 B42 (19893 245 B42 (1989) 523 B49 (1990) 78 B42 (1989) 307 B44 (1990) 412 B43 (1989) 497 B47 (1990) 37 B49 (1990) 351 B49 (1990) 509 B50 (1990) 231 B46 (1990) 338
Qian,X.,seeKnox,J.M. . . . . . . . . . ..~........................~.~~....._._......~...... Qiu, Q., E. Arai, M. Aratani, M. Yanokura, T. Nozaki, Y. Ohji and R. Imura, A method for high sensitivity deuterium measurements by means of the Dt3He, p14He reaction and its applications . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Qiu, Q., K. Kurimoto, M. Nakajima, M. Ogawa and E. Arai, ERDA of hydrogen and helium using an 8 MeV 160beam ..................................................................... Quere,Y.,seeL’Hoir,A. .... ... . ..... , .. . ..... . ,.. .. .... ..... .... ...., .. ...... Quisefit, J.P., see Aloupogiannis, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . Quisefit, J.P., see ~oupogiannis, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . Quynh, L.H., I. Demeter and Z. Szokefalvi-Nagy, PIXE induced XRF analysis of trace amounts of iron in purecoppermatrix ...............................................................
I345 (1990) 26
Rabalais, J.W., see Mezentzeff, P. ...................................................... Rabalais, J.W., see Mezentzeff, P. ...................................................... Radermecker, M., see Weber, G. ....................................................... Radjabov, T.D., see Iskanderova, Z .A. ................................................... Radjabov, T.D., L.Ya. Alimova and I.E. Djamaletdinova, Modification of gas-selective properties of polymer membranes by thin film deposition and carbon ion implantation .............................. Raeside, D.E., see AI-Beteri, A.A. ...................................................... Raimondi, P., see Bizzarri, U. ......................................................... Rdisanen, J., Experimental arrangements for the simultaneous use of PIXE and complementary accelerator basedtechniques ................................................................ Riiisiinen, J., see Keinonen, J. ......................................................... Rajeh, M., see Al-Juwair, H.A. ......................................................... Raju,V.S., see Chowdhury, D.P. ....................................................... Rakhimova, G.R., see Iskanderova, Z.A. .................................................. Ramadan, H., see Hahn, Y. ........................................................... Ramarao, J., see Jam, R.K. ........................................................... Ramillon, J.M., see Fina, A. ........................................................... ........................................................ Ramola, R.C., see Sandhu,A.S. Ramos, S., see Pinheir?, T. ........................................................... ............................................................. Ramgak,V.,seeSmit,Z.
B44 (1990) 289 B44 (1990) 296 849 (1990) 250 B42 (1989) 193
B44 (1989) 179 B45 (1990) 186 848 (1990) 145 B42 (1989) 359 B49 11990) 277 B49 (1990) 566
B43 (1989) 176 B44 (1989) 149 BSO(1990) 331 B49 (1990) 39 B50(1~) 39 B50 (1990) 474 B42 (1989) 375 B42 (1989) 193 B43 (1989) 285 B47 (1990) 48 B42 (1989) 69 B46 (1990) 122 B49 (1990) 191 B49 (1990) 157
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Rancourt, D.G., Accurate site populations from Mijssbauer spectroscopy .......................... Randle, K., see Sokhi, R.S. ........................................................... Rangaswamy, M. and D. Farkas, On the influence of second phase precipitation on ion implantation profiles . Rankin, J., see McCallum, J.C. ......................................................... Rasmussen, K.L., Negative ion production efficiencies for the OSIRIS experiment on iron meteorites: a repty to Fehn et al. (Letter to ~~E~~o~~ ................................................... Rauch, F., W. Wagner and K. Bange, Nuclear reaction anafysis of hydrogen in optically active coatings on glass ......................................................................... .............................................................. Rauch,F.,seeKuhn,D. ........................................................... Rauch,F.,seeWagner,W.. Rauh, H., see Harder, R. ............................................................. Rauschenbach, B. and K. Helming, Implantation-induced texture ................................ Rauschenbach, B., see Hohmuth, K. ..................................................... Rauschenbach, B., K. Breuer and G. Leonhardt, Characterization of nitrogen-ion-implanted aluminium .... Rauscher, A., see Baumglrtner, M. ..................................................... Raveau, B., see Bourgault, D. .......................................................... Ravindra, N.M., T. Fink, W. Savin, T.P. Sjoreen, R.L. Pfeffer, LG. Yerke, R.T. Lareau, J.G. Gualtieri, R. Lux and C. Wrenn, Oxygen ion implanted germanium - structural properties ........................ Ravnikar,M.,seeSmit,i. ............................................................ Rebouta, L., J.C. Soares, M.F. Da Silva, J.A. Sam-Garcia, E. Diiguez and F. Agullo-tipez, Combined RBS/channeling and PAC studies of hafnium-doped LiNbO, ................................ Rebouta, L., J.C. Soares, M.F. Da Silva, J.A. Sanz-Garcia, E. Dieguez and F. Aguil&L.opez, Dete~ination of lattice sites for Eu, Hf and Nd in LiNbO, by RBS/channeIing experiments ...................... Rechtien, J.H., U. Imke, K.J. Snowdon, P.H.F. Reijnen, P.J. Van den Hoek, A.W. Kleyn and A. Namiki Investigation of the dynamics of the 02/Si(OOll adsorption system by small-angle ion-surface scattering . Recknagel, E., see Winter, S. .......................................................... Redaelli, P., see Boni, C. ............................................................. Reeson, K.J., see Chater, R.J. ......................................................... Reeson, K.J., C.J. Stanley, C. Jeynes, G. Grime and F. Watt, PIXE analysis to determine the trace-element concentrations in a series of galena (PbS) specimens from different localities ..................... Reeson, K.J., see Stephens, K.G. ....................................................... Regdos,S.,seeMeyerJr,W. .......................................................... Rehm, K.E., see Kutschera, W. ........................................................ Rehn, L.E., R.P. Sharma, P.M. Baldo and J.Z. Liu ~omalous ion-channeling behavior across the superconducting transition in high-ir, materials ................................................ Reiche,I.,seeFritzsche,S. ........................................................... Reichle, R., R. Behrisch and J. Roth, Depth-profiling of beryllium on graphite with ion beams ........... Reid, I., L.E. Seiberling and H.A. Van Rinsvelt, PIXE analysis of GaAs and ZnSe .................... Reid, I., see Lehockey, E.M. .......................................................... Reijnen, P.H.F., see Rechtien, J.H. ...................................................... Reinders, J.A., see Boerma, D.O. ....................................................... Reinhold, CO., see Schultz, D.R. ....................................................... Reitano,R.,seeFoti,G. ............................................................. Reiter, G., N. Kniest, E. Pfaff and G. Clausnitzer, Proton and helium stopping cross sections in Hz, He, N,, Oz,Ne,Ar,Kr,Xe,CH,andCO, ................................................... Remilheux, J., see De Castro Faria, N.V. ................................................. Remillieux, J., see L’Hoir, A. .......................................................... Remillieux, J., see Winter, H. .......................................................... Remnev, G.E., see Chistjakov, S.A. ...................................................... Remnev,G.E.,see Pogrebnjak,A.D. .................................................... RBmond,G.,seeZine,E. ............................................................. Ren Yanru, see Meng Xianren ......................................................... Ren Yu-hua, see Zhao Guo-qing ....................................................... Repnow,R.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................ Respaldiza, M.A., F. Barranco, J. Gomez-Camacho, B.M. Gomez-Tubio and M.M. Ruiz-Delgado, Combining PIXE and XRF with gamma-ray transmission to get accurate analysis of archaeological bronzes ........ Reuhl, K.R., see Kwiatek, W.M. ........................................................ ................................................................ Revesz,P.,seeLi,J. Rhoades-Brown, M.J., C. Bottcher and M.R. Strayer, Electromagnetic phenomena and collider performance at ultrarelativistic energies ......................................................... Rhodes,C.K.,seeLuk,T.S. ...........................................................
49 B44 (1989) 199 B49 (1990) 328 B42 (1989) 212 B46 (1990) 98 B43 (1989) 256 I342 (1989) 264 B45 (1990) 252 B.50(1990) 27 B48 (1990) 111 B42 (1989) 216 B46 (19901276 B47 (1990) 396 B50 (1990) 286 B42 (1989) 61 B46 (1990) 409 B49 (1990) 157 B4.5 ( 1990) 49.5 B50 (1990) 428 B48 (1990) 339 B48 (1990) 211 B49 (1990) 106 B45 (1990) 110 B45 (1990) 327 B50 (1990) 368 B43 (19891112 B42 (1989) 101 B48 (1990) 200 B50 (1990) 353 BSO(1990) 68 B45 (1990) 347 B46 (1990) 364 B48 (1990) 339 B50 (1990) 291 B42 (19891527 B46 (1990) 306 B44 (1990) 399 B43 (1989) 1 B48 (1990) 145 B48 (1990) 382 B42 (1989) 342 B43 (1989) 41 B49 (1990) 446 B44 (19901392 B48 (1990) 513 B43 (19891390 B50 (1990) 226 B49 (1990) 561 B46 (1990) 287 B43 (19891301 843 (1989) 468
Author index of volumes 842 - B.50
Ribeiro, J.P., see Jesus, A.P. .......................................................... Richter,A.,seeLotz, W. ............................................................. Richter, E., see Neelmeijer, C. ......................................................... Richter, F.-W., see Meier, J.-H. ........................................................ Rickards, J., see Zironi, E.P. .......................................................... Ridgway,M.C., see Scan1onP.J. ....................................................... Ridgway, M.C., see Williams, J.S. ....................................................... Ridgway, M.C., R.G. Elliman and J.S. Williams Low-temperature epitaxial crystallization of amorphous Ge,Si,_, and Nisi, layers on Si induced by ion irradiation .................................. Rietveld, P., see WItjen, U. ........................................................... Rigato, V., see Matzke, Hj. ........................................................... Riggi, F., Emission of hydrogen cluster from insulating films under fast heavy ion bombardment .......... Rimini, E., see Calcagno, L. ........................................................... Ritchie, R.H., see Garcia de Abajo, F.J. .................................................. Ritsko, J.J., see Chou, N.J. ............................................................ Rivarola, R.D., Contributions of different mechanisms for electron capture at relativistic impact energies ... Rivarola, R.D., see Martinez, A.E. ...................................................... Rivers, M.L., see Gordon, B.M. ........................................................ Rivers, M.L., see Hu Bei-lai ........................................................... Rivers, M.L., see Chen, J.R. ........................................................... Robaye, G., see Aloupogiannis, P. ...................................................... Robaye, G., see Beguin, Y. ........................................................... Robaye, G., see Aloupogiannis, P. ...................................................... Robinson, AK., see Chater, R.J. ....................................................... Robinson, A.L., see Schlachter, A.S. ..................................................... Robinson, M.T. The temporal development of collision cascades in the binary-collision approximation ...... Rodbell, K.P., see Guo, X.S. .......................................................... Rodbell, K.P., see Guo, X.S. .......................................................... Roeckl, E., see Steinhof, A. ........................................................... Roelandts, I., see Aloupogiannis, P. ..................................................... Roelandts, I., see Beguin, Y. .......................................................... Roelandts, I., see Weber, G. .......................................................... Roelandts, I., see Aloupogiannis, P. ..................................................... Rohrer, U., see Marmy, P. ............................................................ Rokita, E., T. Cichocki, S. Divoux, 8. Gonsior, M. Hofert, L. Jarczyk, A. Strzalkowski and M. Sych, Micro-PIXE quantification on histochemical reactions ..................................... Rokita, E., T. Cichocki, S. Divoux, B. Gonsior, M. Hiifert, L. Jarczyk, A. Strzalkowski and M. Sych, Proton microprobe studies of the mineralization process in selected organic matrices ..................... Roland, G., H. Baumann and K. Bethge, RBS analysis of GaAs and InP after electron beam annealing ..... Rolfe, S., see Jackman, J.A. ........................................................... Romana, L., P. Thevenard, B. Canut, G. Massouras, R. Brenier and M. Brunel, Phase formation study in a-Al,O, implanted with niobium ions ................................................. Romana,L.,seeCanut,B. ............................................................ Romani, S. and J.H. Evans, Platelet defects in hydrogen implanted silicon .......................... Romanov, LG., see Pogrebnjak, A.D. .................................................... Romo-Kriiger, C.M., Deuteron excitation as an alternative in PIXE analysis ........................ Ronsivalle, C., see Bizzarri, U. ......................................................... Roosendaal, H.E., see Jonk, P. ......................................................... Rosen, M., see Haftel, M.I. ........................................................... Rosen, M., see Hubler, G.K. .......................................................... Rosner, B., D.P. Almeida, L.F.S. Coelho, EC. Montenegro and A.G. De Pinho, Dependence of the energy signal of surface barrier detectors on the incident charge state of nitrogen projectiles ............... Ross, G.G. and 8. Terreault, ERD measurement of the mean ranges and variances of 0.75-2.0 keV deuterium ionsinBe,CandSi .............................................................. Ross, G.G. and L. Leblanc Charge fractions of deuterium scattered from 17 different materials at 50 to 340 keV .......................................................................... Rosseel, T.M., CR. Vane, J.P. Young, R.A. Zuhr and R.S. Peterson, High-resolution HIXSE studies of the chemical environment of sulfur implanted in quartz glass .................................... Rosseel, T.M., see Datz, S. ............................................................ Rossi,M.,seeCecchi,R. ............................................................. Rossman, G.R., Hydrogen in “anhydrous” minerals ..........................................
848 (1990) 93 I348 (1990) 256 B42 (1989) 369 El47(19901303 B45 (1990) 115 B4.5(1990) 615 B48 (1990) 431 B48 (1990) 453 BSO(1990) 172 I345 (19901194 B43 (1989) 520 B45 (1990) 442 B48 (1990) 25 B45 (1990) 86 B42 (1989) 491 B43 (1989) 24 B45 (1990) 527 B47 (1990) 97 849 (1990) 533 B42 (1989) 359 B49 (1990) 202 B49 (1990) 277 B4.5 (1990) 110 B43 (1989) 450 B48 (1990) 408 B45 (1990) 123 B45 (1990) 157 843 (19891 73 B42 (1989) 359 B49 (1990) 202 B49 (1990) 250 B49 (1990) 277 B47 (1990) 37 B49 (1990) 441 BSO(1990) 217 B50 (1990) 145 845 (1990) 592 846 (19901 94 B46 (1990) 128 B44 (1990) 313 B43 (1989) 41 B49 (1990) 29 B50 (19901331 B43 (1989) 9 B43 (1989) 55 B46 (1990) 384 B42 (1989) 325 845 (1990) 190 B48 (19901134 B43 (19891 14 B48 (1990) 114 B49 (1990) 146 B45 (1990) 41
Author index of volumes B42 - B-50
Rossouw,C.J., see Wielunski, L.S. ...................................................... Rossouw, C.J., see Wielunski, L.S. ...................................................... .......................................................... Roth,J.,seeWangWenMin Roth, J., see Santaniello, A. ........................................................... Roth,J.,seeReichle,R. ............................................................. Rothard, I-f., K. Kroneberger, M. Schosnig, P. Lorenzen, E. Veje, N. Keller, R. Maier, J. Kemmler, C. Biedermann, A. Albert, 0. Heil and K.-O. Groeneveld Seconda~-electron velocity spectra and angular distributions from ions penetrating thin solids ........................................... Rotondi, A. and P. Montagna, Fast calculation of Vavilov distribution ............................. Roueile, MC., see Aloupogiannis, P. .................................................... Ruault, M.O., see Bernas, H. .......................................................... Rubel, M., B. Emmoth, H. Bergsaker, M.A. Gruntman and V.K. Liechtenstein, Ion beam analysis of thin carbon foils for particle diagnostics in interplanetary space (Letter to the Editor) ................... Rubenstein, D., see Williams, E.T. ...................................................... Riickert,M.,seeEbel,F. ............................................................. Rucklidge, J.C., G.C. Wilson and L.R. Kilius, AMS advances in the geosciences and heavy-element analysis . . Rudko, G.Yu., see Valakh, M.Ya. ...................................................... Rudolph, W., see Neelmeijer, C. ........................................................ ........................................................ R~hm,W.,seeFaeste~ann,H. Ruiz-Delgado, M.M., see Respaldiza, M.A. ................................................ Russel, D.W., see Van Moor& J.C. ...................................................... Ruzic, D.N., The effects of surface roughness characterized by fractal geometry on sputtering ............ Ryabov, V.A., see Kononets, Yu.V. ..................................................... Ryabov, V.A., see Kononets, Yu.V. ..................................................... Ryabov, V.A., see Kononets, Yu.V. ..................................................... Ryan,C.G.,seeSie,S.H. ............................................................. ............................................................. Ryan,C.G.,seeSie,S.H. Ryan, C.G., D.R. Cousens, S.H. Sie, W.L. Griffin, G.F. Suter and E. Clayton, Quantitative PIXE microanalysis of geological material using the CSIRO proton microprobe ................................ Ryan, C.G., see Clayton, E. ........................................................... Ryan, C.G., D.R. Cousens, S.H. Sie and W.L. Griffin, Quantitative analysis of PIXE spectra in geoscience applications .................................................................... Ryan, C.G., see Griffin, W.L. .......................................................... Rydin, J., see Hjiirvarsson, B. ......................................................... Ryden, J., see Hj&varsson, B. ......................................................... Rye,R.R.,seeArnold,G.W. .......................................................... Ryerson, F.J., see Cherniak, D.J. ....................................................... Ryssel, H. Book reuiew: Ion implantation in semiconductors, edited by D. Stievenard and J.C. Bourgoin) __. . Ryzhykh, V.Yu., M.I. Babenkov, B.V. Bobykin, V.S. Zhdanov and A.K. Zhetbaev, Efficient depth selective .............. conversion electron Massbauer spectroscopy using a magnetic sector beta-spectrometer Rzepka, E., see Bernard, M. ..........................................................
Saadatmand,&,seeHeuer,R. ......................................................... Sabin, J.R., see Oddershede, J. ......................................................... Sabin, J.R. and J. Oddershede, A comment on the abstraction of mean excitation energies from experimental reduced stopping powers .......................................................... Sabin, J.R., see Oddershede, J. ......................................................... Sagara, A., K. Kamada, T.A. Sasaki and Y, Baba, Measurements of evaporation rate of lithium from AI-Li alloy by depth profiling with an ion beam ............................................... Saint,A.,seeL_egge,G.J.F. ........................................................... Sakairi, H., see Kobayashi, T. .......................................................... Sakairi, H., see Kobayashi, T. .......................................................... Sakamoto, I., see Johansen, A. ......................................................... Sakamoto, N., see Ishiwari, R. ......................................................... Sakamoto, N., see Shiomi-Tsuda, N. ..................................................... Sakamoto, N., see Ishiwari, R. ......................................................... Sakamoto, N., H. Ogawa, N. Shiomi-Tsuda and R. Ishiwari Stopping powers of gold for 11-26 MeV oxygen ions .......................................................................... Saieh,A.A.,seeSaleh,N.S. ........................................................... Saleh, N.S., K.A. Al-Saleh and A.A. Saleh, Ion beam mixing of nobfe metals-Ge bilayer thin films ........
B45 (1990) 455 B45 (1990) 459 B42 (1989) 29 B48 (1990) 499 B50 (1990) 68
848 (1990) 616 B47 (1990) 215 B42 (1989) 359 B46 (1990) 269 B47 (1990) 202 B4.5 (1990) 356 BSO(1990) 328 B4.5 (1990) 565 B44 (1989) 146 B.50(1990) 439 B.50(1990) 275 BSO119901226 B49 (1990) 323 B47 (1990) 118 B48 (1990) 187 B48 (1990) 269 848 (1990) 274 B45 (1990) 543 B45 (1990) 604 B47 (1990) 55 B49 (1990) 161 B49 (1990) 271 B49 (1990) 318 B42 (1989) 257 B45 (1990) 36 B46 (1990) 330 B4.5(1990) 230 B42 (1989) 149 B47 (1990) 470 B46 (1990) 235
B42 (1989) 135 B42 (1989) 7 B44 (1990) 253 B~(l9~) 34 B44 (1990) 373 B49 (1990) 418 B45 (1990) 208 B45 (1990) 480 B50 (1990) I 19 B47 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 61 B48 (1990) 65 B48 (1990) 75 B47 (1990) 263 B47 11990) 263
Author index of ~o~~~es 342 - IS.50
Saler, S., R. Kassing and R. Kakoschke, Simulation of doping of deep trenches by ion implantation . . __. . _. Salomon,J.,seeAmsel, G. ............................................................ Salomon,J.,seeMenu,M. ............................................................ Salomon, J., see Kusko, B.H. .......................................................... Sampson, C.G., see Pineda, CA. ....................................................... SCnchez, E.A., L.F. De Ferrariis and S. Su&rez, envoy-elec~on-yield dependence on controlled surface properties by Na deposition ........................................................ Sandhu, AS., L. Singh, R.C. Ramola, S. Singh and H.S. Virk, Annealing kinetics of heavy ion radiation damage in crystalline minerals ....................................................... Sandhu, A.S., see Singh, L. ........................................................... Sandhu,G.S.,seeLiu,B. ............................................................. ............................................................ Sandrik,R.,seePajek,M. Sandrik, R., see Ilkhamov, R.A. ........................................................ Sang Lihua, see Meng Xianren ......................................................... Santaniello, A., J. Roth and F.E. Wagner Phase transition in Fe films on pyrolytic graphite during Df irradiation identified through Mossbauer spectroscopy ..................................... Santoro, G., see Tuniz, C. ............................................................ Santoro, J., see Bermejo, F.J. .......................................................... Sanz-Garcia, J.A., see Rebouta, L. ...................................................... Sanz-Garcia, J.A., see Rebouta, L. ...................................................... Sapirstein, J., Field theoretic effects in highly charged ions ..................................... Sarholt-Kristensen, L., see Johansen, A. .................................................. Saris, F.W., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ..................................................... Saris, F.W., see Zhang, B.-X. .......................................................... Saris, F.W., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ..................................................... Sarkadi, L., see K&t%, A. ............................................................ Sarkissyan, R.Ts., see Avakyan, R.O. .................................................... Sarnthein, J., see Betz, G. ............................................................ Sasa,Y.,seeKoyama,A. ............................................................. Sasa,Y.,seeTachibana,M. ........................................................... .............................................................. Sasa,Y.,seeMaeda,K. Sasa, Y., K. Maeda and M. Uda, Application of PIXE analysis to materials science ................... Sasaki, T.A., see Sagara, A. ........................................................... Sataka, M., see Kawatsura,K. ......................................................... Sato, K., Y. Fujino, S. Yamaguchi, H. Naramoto and . Ozawa, Ion channeling studies of C+ irradiated Tic singlecrystals ................................................................... ............................................................. Satoh,Y.,seeFukuda,K. Satou, M., see Kinomura, A. .......................................................... Satou, M., see Kinomura, A. .......................................................... Satpathy, S., see Pathak, AP. .......................................................... ................... Savin, W. and L.C. Feldman, Depth-dependent defect analysis in RBS/channeiing Savin, W.,seeRavindra,N.M. ......................................................... Sawicka, B.D., see Sawicki, J.A. ........................................................ Sawicki, J.A. and B.D. Sawicka, Properties of “Fe hot-implanted into diamond crystals studied by Mossbauer emission spectroscopy between 4 and 300 K ............................................. ....................................................... Saxena,A.,seeChadderton,L.T. Scagliotti, M., see Cereda, E. .......................................................... Scagliotti, M., see Boni, C. ............................................................ Scanlon, P.J., M.C. Ridgway and H.H. Brongersma, Detection of surface accumulation of dopants in rapid-thermally-annealed, shallow-implant silicon ......................................... Schaefer, H.-E., see Bauer, W. ......................................................... Schaelin, A., R. Loepfe, H. Melchior, M. Suter and W. Woelfli, Beryllium bombardment for In,,s,Ga,,As and InP photoconductors with picosecond response times ................................... Schempp, A., RFQ ion acclerators ...................................................... Schempp, A., RFQ accelerators for ion implantation ......................................... ......................................................... Schempp,A.,seeHofmann,D. Scherzer, B.M.U., J. Wang and W. MGller, Dynamic inventory of implanted deuterium in graphite at 216-223K ..................................................................... Schemer, B.M.U., Hydrogen in the first wall of nuclear fusion plasma devices ....................... Scheuer, R., see Miiller, D. ........................................................... Schidlovsky,G.,seeGordon,B.M. ......................................................
I344 (1990) 453 B45 (1990) 296 B45 (1990) 610 B49 (1990) 288 B49 (1990) 332 B43 (1989) 29 B46 (1990) 122 B46 (1990) 149 B45 (1990) 420 I342 (1989) 346 B47 (1990) 291 B44 (1990) 392 B48 (1990) 499 B50 (1990) 338 B42 (1989) 281 84.5 (1990) 495 B50 (1990) 428 B43 (1989) 338 B50 (1990) 119 B47 (1990) 329 B48 (1990) 425 B48 (1990) 448 B42 (1989) 463 I348 (1990) 266 B48 (lQQOl593 B48 (i990) 608 B49 (1990) 1.5 B49 (1990) 228 B49 (1990) 569 B44 (1990) 373 848 (1990) 103 B47 11990) 422 B42 (1989) 233 B45 (1990) 523 B45 (1990) 536 B48 (1990) 248 B45 (1990) 417 B46 (1990) 409 B46 (1990) 38 B46 (1990) 38 B46 (1990) 46 B.50(1990) 48 BSO(1990) 243 B45 (1990) 615 B.50(1990) 300 B50 (1990) 379 B45 (1990) 302 B50 (1990) 460 BSO(1990) 478 B4S (1990) 54 B45 (1990) 57 B50 (1990) 271 B45 (1990) 527
Author index of volumes B42 - B50 Schillaci, M.E., see Dicello, J.F. ........................................................ Schlachter, A.S., see Stearns, J.W. ...................................................... Schlachter, A.S., Multiple-electron processes in fast ion-atom collisions ........................... Schlachter, AS. and A.L. Robinson, Research opportunities in atomic physics at the advanced light source .. Schleicher, M., see Baumgartner, M. ..................................................... Schmaus, D., see L’Hoir, A. ........................................................... Schmelzbach, P.A., see Singy, D. ....................................................... Schmidt, B., see Neelmeijer, C. ........................................................ Schmidt, K., see Narmann, A. ......................................................... Schmidt, N., see Habs, D. ............................................................ Schmidt-Biicking, H., J. Ullrich, R. Schuch, R.E. Olson and R. Diirner, Electronic transitions in highly charged ion-atom collisions ........................................................ Schmidt-B&king, H., see Hofmann, D. ................................................... Schmieder, R.W. and R.J. Bastasz, Enhanced secondary ion yield from high charge state ions incident on a metalsurface ................................................................... .......................... Schmiedeskamp, B., see Jonk, P. Schneider, D., see Tanis, J.A. ... .......................... .......................... Schneider, H., see Ebel, F. ..... Schneider, M.B., see Levine, M.A. .......................... Schneider, M.B., see Moran, M.J. Schoene, H., see Schuch, R. .... Scholberg, K., see Houdayer, A.J. ....................................................... Scholberg, K., see Brissaud, I. ......................................................... Schonborn, A., N. Hecking and E.H. Te Kaat, Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation of high dose effects during ionbomhardment ................................................................ Schiine,H.,seeDatz,S. .............................................................. Schosnig, M., see Rothard, H. ......................................................... Schiittler, J., see Grossmann, D. ......................................................... Schou, J., see Stenum, B. ............................................................. Schreck, E., see Herteux, M. .......................................................... Schreiner, W.H., see Stedile, F.C. ....................................................... Schreutelkamp, R.J., J.R. Liefting, P.M. Zagwijn, W.X. Lu and F.W. Saris, Addendum to “Range straggling of MeV ions in amorphous silicon; discrepancies with TRIM” (Letter to the Editor) .................. Schreutelkamp, R.J., see Zbang, B.-X. ................................................... Schreutelkamp, R.J., J.R. Liefting, P.M. Zagwijn, W.X. Lu and F.W. Saris Range straggling of MeV ions in amorphous silicon: discrepancies with TRIM ............................................ Schriider, S., see Habs, D. ............................................................ Schroyen, D., see Watjen, U. .......................................................... Schubert, F., see Fritzsche, S. .......................................................... Schuch, R., L. Andersson, H. Schoene and S. Datz, A comparison of inelasticities for multiple ionization with an independent electron model and SCA probabilities ..................................... Schuch, R., see Schmidt-Backing, H. ..................................................... Schuch,R.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Schuch, R., A. Barany, H. Danared, N. Elander and S. Mannervik, Storage rings, a new tool for atomic physics ............................................................. Scbiile, V., see Oberschachtsiek, P. ............................................ Schiile, V., see Maisch, T. .................................................. Schultz, D.R., C.O. Reinhold and R.E. Olson, Dynamics of matter-, antimatter-atom collisions Schultz, P.J., see Logan, L.R. ................................................ Schulz, M., see Datz, S. .................................................... Schuster, W., see Baumgartner, M. ...................................................... Schwab, Th., H. Geissel, P. Armbruster, A. Gillibert, W. Mittig R.E. Olson, K.B. Winterbon, H. Wollnik and G. Miinzenberg Energy and angular distributions for Ar ions penetrating solids ................... Schwalbach, P., see Miiller, G. ......................................................... Schwalm, D., see Habs, D. ............................................................ Schweikert, E.A., M.G. Blain, M.A. Park and E.F. Da Silveira, Surface characterization with keV clusters and MeVions ..................................................................... Schwinberg, P.B., see Moore, F.L. ...................................................... Scofield, J.H., see Levine, M.A. ........................................................ Sealy, B.J., see Zhang Jingping ......................................................... Sealy, B.J., see Stephens, K.G. .........................................................
53 B45 (1990) 135 B42 (1989) 479 B43 (1989) 265 B43 (1989) 450 BSO (19901286 B48 (1990) 145 B47 (1990) 167 B50 (1990) 439 B48 (1990) 378 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 272 B50 (1990) 478 B43 B43 B43 B50 B43 B48 B42 B45 B49
(1989) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1990)
318 9 290 328 431 287 566 632 94
B43 B48 B48 B49 B48 B48 B45
(1989) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990)
170 114 616 495 530 621 627
B47 (1990) 329 B48 (1990) 425 B48 B43 B50 B50
(1990) (1989) (1990) (1990)
448 390 172 353
B42 (1989) 566 B43 (1989) 272 B43 (1989) 390 B43 B45 B50 B42 B48 B48 B50
(1989) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1990)
411 20 1 527 159 114 286
B48 (1990) 69 B50 (1990) 384 B43 (1989) 390 B50 B43 B43 B47 B50
(1990) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1990)
307 425 431 155 368
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Seeger,A.,seeBauer, W. ............................................................ Seiberling, L.E., see Reid, I. ........................................................... Seidel, W., see Luck, H.B. ............................................................ Sekiguchi, M., see Iwata, Y. ........................................................... Sellin, I.A., see K&&r, A. ............................................................. Sellschop, J.P.F., see Lotz, W. ......................................................... Semrad, D., Ch. Eppacher and R. Tober The stopping power of Ag and Au, with regard to higher-order Z,-effects ..................................................................... Sengupta, D., J.M. Zemanski, J.S. Williams, S.T. Johnson and A.P. Pogany, Ion-beam induced isolation of gallium arsenide layers ............................................................ Sergi, G., see Shao, H.R. ............................................................. Serruys, Y., Rational smoothing applied to Rutherford backscattering spectrometry ................... Sevelius, E., see Andersson, M. ........................................................ Shaanan, M., see Smulders, P.J.M. ...................................................... Shakhraychuk, N.I., see Valakh, M.Ya. ................................................... Shao, H.R., Q.X. Liu, G. Enzi, G. Moschini and G. Sergi, Evaluation of the extracellular water in human body by determination of Br concentration in blood plasma ...................................... Shao,Q.,seeZeng,X. ............................................................... Shapiro, M.H., Kinetic energy loss in sputtering (Letter to the Editor) ............................. Shapiro, M.H. and J. Fine, A molecular dynamics simulation of collisional excitation in sputtering from Al . . Shapiro, M.H. and T.A. Tombrello Molecular dynamics simulation of nonlinear effects in sputtering - Cu(100) targets ........................................................................ Sharma,P.,seeFehn,U. ............................................................. Sharma,P.,seeFink,D. ............................................................. Sharma, R.P., see Rehn, L.E. .......................................................... Sheh,Y.,seeMeyerJr,W. ............................................................ Shen, X.-A., see Braunlich, P. ......................................................... ShiBo-Rong,seeWangKe-Ming ....................................................... Shigematsu, K., see Kobayashi, T. ....................................................... Shindo, S. Asymmetry of self-energies of electrons and positrons in solids .......................... Shiomi-Tsuda, N., see Ishiwari, R. ...................................................... Shiomi-Tsuda, N., N. Sakamoto, H. Ogawa and R. Ishiwari Stopping powers of Ag for 3-20 MeV protons ... Shiomi-Tsuda, N., see Ishiwari, R. ...................................................... Shiomi-Tsuda, N., see Sakamoto, N. ..................................................... Shlikhta, A., see Winchester, J.W. ...................................................... Shoji, F., see Oura, K. ............................................................... Shoji, F., see Nakahara, T. ............................................................ Shoji, F., K. Kashihara, T. Hanawa and K. Oura, Neutralization and inelastic scattering energy loss of low energy He+ ions at InP(110) surfaces .................................................. Short, K.T., see Williams, J.S. .......................................................... Shramenko, B.I., see Antipenko, A.P. .................................................... Shul’ga, N.F., N.V. Laskin and V.I. Truten’ Dynamical chaos in the motion of fast charged particles in crystals ....................................................................... Shul’ga, N.F., see Antipenko, A.P. ...................................................... Shulga, V.I. and P. Sigmund, Penetration of slow gold clusters through silicon ....................... Siciliano, R., see Bonanno, A. ......................................................... Sic, S.H., C.G. Ryan, D.R. Cousens and G.F. Suter, A Tandetron-based microbeam system ............. Sie, S.H., C.G. Ryan, D.R. Cousons and W.L. Griffin, IBA in minerals research: progress and prospects .... Sie, S.H., see Ryan, C.G. ............................................................. Sie, S.H., see Ryan, C.G. ............................................................. Sie, S.H., see Griffin, W.L. ............................................................ Siejka, J.,seeAbel,F. ............................................................... Siejka, J.,seeOrtega,C. ............................................................. Siffert, P., see Stoquert, J.P. ........................................................... Sigmund, P., see Shulga, V.I. .......................................................... Sigmund, P., see Mikkelsen, H.H. ............................................. .. .. Sigmund, P., see Belkacem, A. ............................................... Signer, P., see Michel, R. ................................................... .. . Silari, M., see Birattari, C. .................................................. Silari, M., see Avaldi, L. ................................................... .. Silva, H., An analysis of the electron spectrum effect on LiF response to cobalt-60 gamma-rays .
B50 (1990) 300 B45 (1990) 347 B50 (1990) 395 B48 (1990) 163 B42 (1989) 463 B48 (1990) 256 B48 (1990) 79 B42 (1989) 328 B49 (1990) 238 B44 (1990) 473 B49 (1990) 198 B45 (1990) 450 B44 (1989) 146 B49 (1990) 238 B47 (1990) 143 B42 (1989) 290 B44 (1989) 43 B48 (1990) 557 B43 (1989) 254 B47 (1990) 79 B48 (1990) 200 B43 (1989) 112 B46 (1990) 224 B47 (1990) 351 B45 (1990) 480 B48 (1990) 14 B47 (1990) 111 B48 (1990) 61 B48 (1990) 65 B48 (1990) 75 B49 (1990) 351 B45 (1990) 199 B45 (1990) 467 B47 (1990) 1 B48 (1990) 431 B48 (1990) 291 B48 (1990) 174 B48 (1990) 291 B47 (1990) 236 B48 (1990) 371 B45 (1990) 543 B45 (1990) 604 B47 (1990) 55 B49 (1990) 271 B49 (1990) 318 B45 (1990) 100 B45 (1990) 622 B44 (1989) 184 B47 (1990) 236 B48 (1990) 8 B48 (1990) 29 B42 (1989) 76 B43 (1989) 119 B49 (1990) 24 B44 (1989) 166
Author index of volumes 842 - B50
Silva, S., see Pinheiro, T. ............................................................. Singe,A.,seeEbel,F. ............................................................... Singer,M.A., see Palmer, G.R. ......................................................... Singh, G. and H.S. Virk, Heavy ion radiation damage annealing in glass detectors .................... Singh, L. and S. Singh, Annealing kinetics of heavy ion produced defects in crystalline minerals .......... Singh, L., see Sandhu, AS. ........................................................... Singh, L., A.S. Sandhu, S. Singh and H.S. Virk, Etching and annealing kinetics of heavy ion tracks in quartz crystal ........................................................................ Singh, M., see Dhaliwal, A.S. .......................................................... Singh, R.C., see Bhatia, R.K. .......................................................... Singh, S., see Singh, L. ............................................................... Singh, S., see Sandhu, AS. ............................................................ Singh, S., see Singh, L. ............................................................... Singy, D., P.A. Schmelzbach, W. Griiebler and W.Z. Zhang, Study of the surface recombination in the production of a dense polarized hydrogen atomic beam at low temperature ...................... Sisterson, J.M., Overview of proton beam applications in therapy ................................ Sjoreen, T.P., see Ravindra,N.M. ....................................................... Sklad, P.S., see McHargue, C.J. ........................................................ Sklad, P.S., see McHargue, C.J. ........................................................ Sklad, P.S., J.C. McCallum, C.J. McHargue and C.W. White, The amorphous-to-gamma transformation in ion implantedAJz0, ................................................................ Sklad, P.S., see McCallum, J.C. ........................................................ Sklad, P.S., see McHargue, C.J. ........................................................ ~m~,~.,~eBudnar,M. ............................................................. Smit, Z., M. Budnar, V. Cindro, P. Kump, V. Ramgak and M. Ravnikar , Elemental concentrations from proton induced thick target X-ray yields ................................................ Smith, C.A., see Yeo, Y.H. ........................................................... Smith,G.A.,seeLuo,L. ............................................................. Smith, G.R., see McKee, J.S.C. ........................................................ Smith,G.R.,seeYeo,Y.H. ........................................................... Smith, J.V., see Hu Bei-lai ............................................................ Smith, R., D.E. Harrison Jr and B.J. Garrison, Simulation of keV particle bombardment of covalent materials: an investigation of the yield dependence on incidence angle .................................. Smith, R.J., A.W. Denier van der Gon and J.F. Van der Veen, Peak shape analysis for the determination of interface structure in reactive metallic bilayers: Pd on Al .................................... Smulders, P.J.M., D.O. Boerma, B. Beth Nielsen and M.L. Swanson, Lattice site location of clustered boron atomsins~i~n ................................................................. Smulders, P&M., D.O. Boerma and M. Shaanan, Lattice site location of Te in GaAs .................. Snead,C.L.,seeGrand,P. ............................................................ SneadJr,C.L.,seeVanier,P.E. ........................................................ Snowdon,K.J.,seeKato,M. ........................................................... Snowdon, K.J., D.L. O’Connor, M. Kato and R.J. MacDonald Skipping motion of low-velocity (u < t+.& ions on metal surfaces ............................................................ Snowdon, K.J., see Rechtien, J.H. ....................................................... Soares, J.C., see Rebouta, L. .......................................................... Soares,J.C.,seeDaSilva,R.C. ........................................................ Soares, J.C., see Rebouta, L. .......................................................... Soejima, H., see Katayama, M. ......................................................... Sofield, C.J., see Sugden, S. ........................................................... Sofield, C.J., Heavy-ion energy loss ...................................................... Sofield, C.J., see Sugden, S. ........................................................... Sokhi, R.S., D. Crumpton and D. Trautmann, Ionisation of L subshells of heavy atoms by deuteron collision . Sokhi, R.S., A. Davis, K. Randle, J.R. West and M.S. West, Elemental analysis of sediments from the Severn Estuary ....................................................................... Sokhi, R.S., C. Gray, K. Gardiner and L.G. Earwaker, PIXE analysis of carbon black for elemental impurities ..................................................................... Sokhi, R.S., P.W. Gilberd and L.G. Earwaker, Investigation of films of YBa,Cu,07 using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry ........................................................ Solensten, L., see Heuer, R. ........................................................... Somacal, H., see Garcia Bermudez, G. ................................................... Song, K.S., see Chen, L.F. ............................................................
B49 (1990) 191 BSO(1990) 328 B45 (1990) 337 B44 (1989) 103 B44 (1989) 90 B46 (1990) 122 B46 (1990) 149 B47 (1990) 370 B46 (1990) 3.58 B44 (1989) 90 B46 (1990) 122 B46 (1990) 149 B47 (1990) 167 B45 (1990) 718 B46 (1990) 409 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 79 B46 (1990) B46 (1990) B46 (1990) B49 (1990)
102 137 144 138
B49 (1990) 157 B49 (1990) 430 B45 (1990) 488 B45 (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 430 B47 (1990) 97 B46 (1990)
B45 (1990) 429 B4.5 (1990) 438 B45 (1990) 450 B42 (1989) 277 B43 (1989) 116 B48 (1990) 319 B48 (1990) 327 B48 (1990) 339 B45 (1990) 495 B50 (1990) 423 B50 (1990) 428 B45 (1990) 408 B44 (1989) 137 B45 (1990) 684 B48 (1990) 485 B42 (1989) 456 B49 (1990) 328 B49 (1990) 414 B50 (1990) 140 B42 (1989) 135 B47 (1990) 439 B46 (1990) 216
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Sood, D.K. and D.X. Cao, Annealing bebaviour of u-axis sapphire amorphized by high dose indium ion implantation ................................................................... Sorensen, G., see Terwagne, G. ........................................................ Sorensen, A.H. Barkas effect at low velocities .............................................. Sorensen, H., see Stenum, B. .......................................................... Sosnowski, M. and I. Yamada, Ionized cluster beam deposition and thin insulating films ................ Soszka, W. Ion-induced electron emission from cold metal targets covered by rare gases ................ Souda, R., T. Aizawa, C. Oshima and Y. Ishizawa, Electronic excitation and charge exchange in low-energy He+ scattering from solid surfaces .................................................... Souda, R., T. Aizawa, C. Oshima and Y. Ishizawa, Inelastic scattering of D, He, and Li ions from KI ....... Southon, J.R. and I.S. Iyer, A high-intensity multisample Cs sputter source ......................... Spanne, P., see Gordon, B.M. ......................................................... Spanne, P., see Themner, K. .......................................................... Spicklemire, S.J., see Ddbeli, M. ........................................................ Spina, G., see Baldini, A. ............................................................. Spinella, C., see Calcagno, L. .......................................................... Spohr, R., see Dunlop, A. ............................................................ Spruch, L., see Habs, D. ............................................................. Sredniawski, J., see Heuer, R. ......................................................... Stalder, C., see Neumann, W. .......................................................... Stanescu, T.M., J.D. Meyer, H. Baumann and K. Bethge, Time-of-flight spectrometty for materials analysis . Stanley, C.J., see Reeson, K.J. ......................................................... Stary, F., see Hentschel, E. ........................................................... Stauffer, A.D., see Ward, S.J. .......................................................... Stearns, J.W., A.S. Schlachter, W.S. Cooper and R.E. Olson, Penetration of an energetic Do beam into an ETRplasma ................................................................... Steck,M.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Stedile, F.C., D.H. Mosca Jr, C.V. Barros Leite, F.L. Freire Jr, W.H. Schreiner and I.J.R. Baumvol, The analysis of semiconductor thin films with complementary Mossbauer scattering-RBS, channeling and nuclearreaction ................................................................. Steenstrup, S., (Book reuiew: PET - Grundlage und Anwendung der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie, by K. Wienhard, R. Wagner and V.-D. Heiss) .............................................. Steenstrup, S., see Johansen, A. ........................................................ Steffens, E., see Habs, D. ............................................................. Steiger, J., 0. Boebel, M. Briere, A. Weidinger and P. Ziegler, Hydrogen profiling of Nb-Hf-Nb layers by the “Nmethod .................................................................... Steinbauer, E., P. Bauer and J. Biersack, Monte Carlo simulation of RBS spectra: comparison to experimental and empirical results ............................................................. Steinbeck, J., M.W. Lucas, J. Kemmler and K.-O. Groeneveld Stopping power ratios less than unity? ...... Steinhof, A., K.H. Behr, A. Briinle, E. Roe&l, E. Boaretto, M. Paul, D. Fink, G. Hollos and W. Kutschera, Electromagnetic isotope enrichment for accelerator mass spectrometry of 41Ca .................... Stensgaard, I., see Jensen, F. .......................................................... Stenum, B., 0. Ellegaard, J. Schou and H. Sorensen Thickness dependence of the sputtering yield from solid deuterium by light keV ions ........................................................ Stephens, K.G., K.J. Reeson, B.J. Sealy, R.M. Gwilliam and P.L.F. Hemment, The formation of compound layers in silicon by ion beam synthesis ................................................. Stern,M.,seeElBouanani,M. ......................................................... Stern, M., see El Bouanani, M. ......................................................... Stevanovic, D.V., see Macaulay-Newcombe, R.G. ........................................... Stevie,F.A.,seeBeck,S.E. ........................................................... Stiefel, U., see Marmy, P. ............................................................. Stock, R., see Hofmann, D. ........................................................... Stockli, M.P., see Tanis, J.A. .......................................................... StojanoviC, MS., M. Milosavljevic, K.M. SubotiC, F. Boreli, I.H. Wilson and D. Novkovic, RBS analysis of front contacts for surface-barrier detectors . ................ Stojanovic, M.S., see SubotiC, K.M. ......... ................ StojanoviC, M.S., see Milosavljevic, M. ...... ................ Stokstad, R., see Habs, D. ............... ................ ................ Stokstad, R.G., see Weathers, D.L. ......... Stokstad, R.G., see Tribble, R.E. .......... Stoll, H., see Bauer, W. .................
B46 (1990) 194 B45 (1990) 95 B48 (1990) 10 B48 (1990) 530 B46 (1990) 397 B48 (1990) 630 B45 (1990) 364 B45 (1990) 369 B47 (1990) 299 B45 (1990) 527 B49 (1990) 52 B47 (1990) 148 B42 (1989) 393 B45 (1990) 442 B48 (1990) 419 B43 (1989) 390 B42 (1989) 135 B45 (1990) 126 B50 (1990) 167 B45 (1990) 327 B43 (1989) 82 B42 (1989) 472 B42 (1989) 479 B43 (1989) 390
B45 (1990) 627 B44 (1989) 247 B50 (1990) 119 B43 (1989) 390 B50 (1990) 31 B45 (1990) 171 B48 (1990) 51 B43 (1989) 73 B48 (1990) 334 B48 (1990) 530 B50 (1990) 368 B45 (1990165 1 B50 (1990) 431 B46 (1990) 180 B47 (1990) 29 B47 (1990) 37 B50 (1990) 478 B43 (1989) 290 B50 (1990) 102 B50 (1990) 267 B50 (1990) 391 B43 (1989) 390 B42 (1989) 307 B44 (1990) 412 B50 (1990) 300
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Stolterfoht, N., see Kawatsura, K. ....................................................... Stoneham, A.M. Energy transfer between electrons and ions in collision cascades in solids .............. Stoquert, J.P., G. Guillaume, M. Hage-Ah, J.J. Grob, C. Ganter and P. Siffert, Determination of concentration profiles by elastic recoil detection with a A&E gas telescope and high energy incident heavy ions ... Stoquert, J.P., see Toulemonde, M. ...................................................... Storey, R.S., see Jackman, J.A. ......................................................... Strathman, M.D., see Odom, R.W. ...................................................... Strayer, M.R., see Rhoades-Brown, M.J. .................................................. Streicher, R.M., see Neumann, W. ...................................................... Stritzker, B., see Woiwod, S. .......................................................... Stritzker, B., see Lubig, A. ............................................................ Stroganov,D.M, see Winchester, J.W. ................................................... Strzalkowski, A., see Rokita, E. ........................................................ Strzalkowski, A., see Rokita, E. ........................................................ Stubbins, J.F., see Yacout, A.M. ........................................................ Stulik, D.C., see Nindi, M.M. .......................................................... Sturesson, K., see Larsson, N.P.-0. ...................................................... Su, C.-S., The enhancement of the alpha track revelation in Lexan and LR-115 by ultrasonic etching ....... SuLrez, S., see Sanchez, E.A. .......................................................... Subotic, K., see Bimbot, R. ........................................................... SubotiC, K.M., see Stojanovic, M.S. ...................................................... SubotiC, K.M., D. Novkovic, M.S. StojanoviC and L.S. Milinkovic, Superconducting minicyclotrons in AMS . . Suchanska, M., see Bazhin, A.I. ........................................................ Sud, L.V., see Chakarvarti, SK. ........................................................ Sueoka, K., see Fujii, Y. .............................................................. Sugai, I., see Haruyama, Y. ........................................................... Sugden, S., C.J. Sofield and M.P. Murrell, MeV ion enhanced adhesion in the gold on tantalum system ..... Sugden, S., C.J. Sofield and L.B. Bridwell Adhesive failure of gold films on tantalum pentoxide produced by MeV ion irradiation .............................................................. Sukiassyan, Yu.Z., see Avakyan, R.O. .................................................... Summers, G.P., see Chrisey, D.B. ....................................................... ........................................................... SunShiang,seeLeiZi-ming ......................................................... SunXiufang,seeTanChunyu Sundqvist, B.U.R. Sputtering of bio-organic samples ......................................... Susuki, Y., H. Mukai, K. Kimura and M. Mannami Dissociation of MeV H: and HeH+ ions at glancing-angle incidence on a clean crystal surface ................................................... Suter,G.F.,seeSie,S.H. ............................................................. Suter, G.F., see Ryan, C.G. ........................................................... Suter, G.F., see Griffin, W.L. .......................................................... Suter, M., see Schaelin, A. ............................................................ Sutton, S.R., see Gordon, B.M. ........................................................ Sutton, S.R., see Chen, J.R. ........................................................... Suvorov, A.V., see Chechenin, N.G. ..................................................... Suzuki, Y., C. Swapp, M. Kusakabe and M. Iwaki, Aging effects on wettability and structure of ion implanted silicone ....................................................................... Swann, C.P., P.E. McGovern and S.J. Fleming, Colorants used in ancient Egyptian glassmaking: specialized studies using PIXE spectrometry ..................................................... Swann, C.P. and S.J. Fleming, Selective filtering in PIXE spectrometry ............................ Swann, C.P., see Fleming, S.J. ......................................................... Swanson, M.L., see Parkih, N.R. ........................................................ Swanson, M.L., see Hofsass, H.C. ....................................................... Swanson,M.L.,seeLiu,B. ............................................................ Swanson, M.L., see Smulders, P.J.M. .................................................... Swapp, C., see Suzuki, Y. ............................................................. Swietlicki, E., see Lovestam, N.E.G. ..................................................... Swietlicki, E., see Liivestam, N.E.G. ..................................................... Swietlicki, E., see Kristiansson, P. ....................................................... Swietlicki, E., H.-C. Hansson and N.E.G. Liivestam, A new PIXE setup dedicated to the analysis of aerosol samples ....................................................................... Sych,M.,seeRokita,E. .............................................................. Sych,M.,seeRokita,E. ..............................................................
B48 (1990) 103 B48 (1990) 389 B44 (1989) 184 B46 (1990) 64 B45 (1990) 592 B44 (1990) 465 B43 (1989) 301 B50 (1990) 57 B50 (1990) 91 B50 (1990) 114 B49 (1990) 351 B49 (1990) 441 B50 (1990) 217 B42 (1989) 49 B44 (1989) 79 B49 (1990) 472 B44 (1989) 97 B43 (1989) 29 B44 (1989) 19 B50 (1990) 102 B50 (1990) 267 B48 (1990) 639 B44 (1989) 242 B48 (1990) 121 B48 (1990) 130 B44 (1989) 137 B48 (1990) 485 B48 (1990) 266 B43 (1989) 50 B42 (1989) 38 B42 (1989) 1 B48 (1990) 517 B48 (1990) 347 B45 (1990) 543 B47 (1990) 55 B49 (1990) 318 B50 (1990) 379 B45 (1990) 527 B49 (1990) 533 B48 (1990) 235 B46 (1990) 354 B45 (1990) 311 B49 (1990) 65 B49 (1990) 293 B45 (1990) 70 B45 (1990) 151 B45 (1990) 420 B45 (1990) 438 B46 (1990) 354 B43 (1989) 104 B45 (1990) 307 B49 (1990) 98 B49 (1990) 395 B49 (1990) 441 B50 (1990) 217
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Szabo, Gy., see Kiiver, A. ............................................................. Szabo, Gy., see Borbely-Kiss, I. ........................................................ Szabo, Gy., see Borbely-Kiss, I. ........................................................ Szabo, L., see B&es, Cs. ............................................................. Szilagyi, E., F. Paszti, A. Manuaba, C. Hajdu and E. Kotai, Cross section measurements of the ‘H(4He,4He)‘H elastic recoil reaction for ERD analysis .................................... Szmola,E.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................. Szokefalvi-Nagy, Z., see Quynh, L.H. .................................................... Szymonski, M., Current views on electronic and cascade sputtering of alkali halides ................... Szymonski, M., P. Czuba, T. Dohnalik, L. Jozefowski, A. Karawajczyk J. Kolodziej, R. Lesniak and Z. Postawa A comparison of ion- and electron-induced sputtering of single-crystal alkali halides ................
Taboryski, R., P.E. Lindelof and E. Veje Bombardment-induced modification of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures ......................................................................... Taccoen, A., see Brissaud, I. .......................................................... Tachibana, M., H. Adachi, T. Mukoyama, Y. Hibino, Y. Sasa, K. Fuwa and M. Uda , Intensity analysis of F Ka satellite spectra of NaF and KF ................................................... TadiC, T., M. JakSiC, J. Babic-Zivko, J. CiEek, S. Fanzinic and V. ValkoviC, Diffusion of metals from crown into teeth ......................................................................... Taklcs, S., F. Ditroi and I. Mahunka, Investigation of aluminium made by powder metallurgy by using the CPAAmethod .................................................................. Takacs, S., F. Ditroi, M. Pankotai and P. Fodor, Microelemental measurement of tomato plants by using PIXE andICPmethods ................................................................ Takacs, S., see Ditroi, F. ............................................................. Takada, T., see Karasawa, S. .......................................................... Takagi,K.,seeAgawa,Y. ............................................................ Takahara, H., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................ Takahari, T., see Tanaka, K. .......................................................... Takahashi, K., see Fujihana, T. ........................................................ Takahashi, T., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................ Takai, M., see Kinomura, A. .......................................................... Takai, M., see Kinomura, A. .......................................................... Takai,M.,seeAgawa,Y. ............................................................. Takai, M., T. Matsuo, A. Kinomura, S. Namba, K. Inoue, K. Ishibashi and Y. Kawata, A microbeam line for medium-energy ion beams .......................................................... Takekawa, S., see Kobayashi, T. ........................................................ Takita, K., see Masuda, K. ............................................................ Tan Chunyu, Xia Yueyuan, Yang Hong, Sun Xiufang, Liu Jiarui, Zheng Zongshuang and Zhu Peiran, Depth profiles of implanted t*F, 79Br, and 13*Xe in silicon in the energy range 85-600 keV ................ Tanaka, K., E. Yagi, N. Masahashi, Y. Mizuhara, . Tatsumi and T. Takahari, Lattice location of B atoms in Ni,,,Al,,,,Ti,,,, intermetallic compounds as observed by the channeling method .................. Tanaka, M., Y. Iwata, F. Fujimoto, K. Komaki, K. Kobayashi, H. Yamashita and M. Haba, Determination of the infrared proportionality coefficient of the CH, stretching mode for a-C : H and a-Sic : H films using ERDmethods .................................................................. Tanemura, M. and F. Okuyama, Topographical features of ion bombardment-induced microcones on Ag thin films ......................................................................... Tang Guo-hun, see Zhao Guo-qing ...................................................... Tang,J.,seeZeng,X. ............................................................... Tang, Y.S., see Zhang Jingping ......................................................... Tang Jia-yong, see Zhao Guo-qing ...................................................... Taniguchi, R., see Fukuda, K. ......................................................... Tanimura, K. and N. Itoh, The role of self-trapped excitons in radiation-damage processes in insulators .... Tanis, J.A., E.M. Bernstein, M.W. Clark, S.M. Ferguson, R.N. Price and W. Woodland, Transfer ionization in ion collisions with helium .......................................................... Tanis, J.A., E.M. Bernstein, S. Chantrenne, M.W. Clark, S. Datz, P.F. Dittner, CC. Foster, W.G. Graham, W.W. Jacobs, J.B.A. Mitchell, J.R. Mowat, D. Schneider and M.P. Stockli, Proposed measurements of dielectronic recombination using the Indiana Cooler Facility ................................. TanoviC, L., see Carter, G. ............................................................ Tanovic, N., see Carter, G. ............................................................ Tao,K.,seeZhang,J. ...............................................................
B42 (1989) 463 B49 (1990) 254 B49 (1990) 388 B43 (1989) 101 B43 (1989) 502 B43 (1989) 390 B49 (1990) 566 B46 (1990) 427 B48 (1990) 534
B48 (1990) 482 B49 (1990) 305 B49 (1990) 15 B49 (1990) 211 B43 (1989) 99 B49 (1990) 195 B50 (1990) 62 B47 ( 1990) 404 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (1990) 480 B45 (1990) 471 B45 (1990) 669 B45 (1990) 480 B45 (19901523 B45 (1990) 536 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (1990) 553 B45 (1990) 480 B46 (1990) 284 B42 (1989)
B45 (1990) 471
B45 (1990) 223 B47 (1990) 126 B48 (1990) 513 B47 (1990) 143 B47 (1990) 155 B48 (1990) 513 B42 (1989) 233 B46 (1990) 207 B42 (1989) 523
B43 (1989) 290 B48 (1990) 576 B48 (1990) 576 B45 (1990) 239
Author index of volumes 842 - 850 Tapper, U. and P. Paatero, Application of the EVE deconvolution method to the analysis of PIXE spectra Tapper, U., H. Vuorinen and H. Mussalo-Rauhamaa, Elemental analysis of long bones of infants from Ficana excavations ............................................. Tapper, U.A.S., see Larsson, N.P.-0. ............................. Tapper, U.A.S. and B.R. Nielsen, The design of an achromatic quadrupole triplet with symmetric demagnification ........................................................................ Tapper, U.A.S., see Jamieson, D.N. ..................................................... Tapper,U.A.S., see Pallon, J. .......................................................... Tapper, U.A.S., R. Hellborg, M.B. Huh, N.P.-0. Larsson, N.E.G. tivestam, K.G. Malmqvist, J. Pallon and K. Themner, The Lund nuclear microprobe: instrumentation, data collection and data evaluation ......... Tapper, U.A.S., see Larsson, N.P.-0. .................................................... ........................................................ Tapping, R.L., see Forster, J.S. ........................................................ Tapping, R.L., see Forster, J.S. Taratin, A.M. and S.A. Vorobiev, Quasi-synchrotron radiation of high-energy positrons channeled in bent crystals ....................................................................... Taratin, A.M. and S.A. Vorobiev, Planar dechanneling and volume capture of high-energy protons in a bent crystal ........................................................................ ....................................................... Taroyan, S.P., see Avakyan, R.O. Tarrats, A., see Brissaud, I. ........................................................... Tasca, A., see Galassini, S. ............................................................ Tatarchuk, B.J., see Zabinski, J.S. ....................................................... ......................................................... Tatarchuk, B.J., see Lee, T.-S. Tatsumi, K., see Tanaka, K. ........................................................... Tay, M., J. Gazecki, M.D. McCubbery and J.S. Williams, Influence of low energy electron irradiation on adhesion and electrical parameters of metal-insulator-GaAs interfaces ......................... Te Kaat, E.H., see Schonborn, A. ....................................................... ...................................................... Teesdale, W.J., see Campbell, J.L. Teesdale, W.J., see Maxwell, J.A. ....................................................... Teesdale, W.J., see Campbell, J.L. ...................................................... Teesdale, W.J., see Campbell, J.L. ...................................................... Teesdale, W.J., see Campbell, J.L. ...................................................... Teesdale, W.J., see Campbell, J.L. ...................................................... Teng,R.T.D.,seeFehn,U. ........................................................... Teplov, S.V., see Bazhin, A.I. .......................................................... Terasawa, M., see Mitamura, T. ........................................................ Terreault, B., see Ross, G.G. .......................................................... Terwagne, G., S. Lucas, F. Bodart, G. Sorensen and H. Jensen, Study of ionic movements during anodic oxidation of nitrogen-implanted aluminium ............................................. Terwagne, G., see Lucas, S. ........................................................... Tesmer, J.R. and M. Nastasi, Oxygen depth-profile channeling of radiation-damaged high-T, thin-film superconductors ................................................................. Testoni, J.E., see Ferrero, A.M.J. ....................................................... Thee,P.,seeMader,A. .............................................................. Theis, S., see Michel, R. ............................................................. .................................... Themner, K., see Pallon, J. Themner, K., see Martinsson, B.G. ............................... Themner, K., P. Spanne and K.W. Jones, Mass loss during X-ray microanalysis Themner, K., see Tapper, U.A.S. ................................ Themner,K.,seeHult,M. ..................................... Theunissen, A.M.L., see Van Ijzendoorn, L.J. ....................... Thevenard, P., see Romana, L. ......................................................... Thevenard, P., see Canut, B. .......................................................... Thevenard, P., see Davenas, J. ......................................................... Thevenard, P., see Davenas, J. ......................................................... Thiessen, L., see Maenhaut, W. ........................................................ Thomae, R.W., Recent developments in ion implantation accelerators ............................ Thomas, J.P., A. Oladipo and M. Fallavier, Surface profiling of insulating layers using desorption induced by monatomic or cluster ions of beam diameter in the 5-10 pm range ............................ Thomas, J.P., see Fallavier, M. ......................................................... Thompson, D.A., see Macaulay-Newcombe, R.G. ........................................... Thumm, U. and J.S. Briggs, Mechanisms of ion neutralization at surfaces in fast collisions ..............
B49 (1990) 132 B49 (1990) 245 B43 (1989) 574 B44 (1989) 219 B44 (1989) 227 B45 (1990) 548 B49 B49 B44 B48
(1990) (1990) (1989) (1990)
425 472 195 489
B42 (1989)
B47 B48 B49 B43 B42 B44 B45
(1990) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1989) (1989) (1990)
247 266 305 556 379 107 471
B46 B43 B43 B43 B43 B43 B44 B50 B43 B48 B48 B45
(1990) (1989) (1989) (1989) (1989) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1990)
379 170 197 218 490 539 347 189 254 639 470 190
B45 (1990) 95 B50 (1990) 401 B45 B42 B50 B42 B45 B47 B49 B49 B50 B50 B46 B46 B46 B46 B49 B50
(1990) (1989) (1990) (1989) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990) (1990)
476 389 35 76 548 361 52 425 154 127 94 128 317 417 406 444
B42 B45 B46 B43
(1989) (1990) (1990) (1989)
127 130 180 471
Au&w index of ~01~s
B42 - BSO
Thumm, U. and J.S. Briggs, Radiative electron capture from a metal surface, Nucl. In&r. and Meth. B40/41 (1989)161(Errutum) ............................................................. Tirira, J., P. Trocellier and J.P. Frontier, Analytical capabilities of ERDA in transmission geometry ....... Tirira, J., P. Trocellier, J.P. Frontier and P. Trouslard, Theoretical and experimental study of low-energy 4He-induced ‘H elastic recoil with application to hydrogen behavior in solids ..................... Tirira, J., see Mosbah, M. ............................................................ Tirira, J., P. Trocellier, J.P. Frontier, P. Massiot, J.M. Costantini and V. Mori, 3D hydrogen profiling by elastic recoil detection analysis in transmission geometry ......................................... Tirira, J., see Trocellier, P. ............................................................ Tiveron, B., see Matzke, Hj. ........................................................... Tkachenko, A.S., see Valakh, M.Ya. ..................................................... Tobehn,I.,seeEbel,F. .............................................................. Tober,R.,seeSemrad,D. ............................................................ Tombrello, T.A., see Weller, M.R. ...................................................... Tombrello, T.A., see Weathers, D.L. .................................................... Tombrello, T.A., see Dijbeli, M. ........................................................ Tombrello, T.A., see Shapiro, M.H. ..................................................... Tong, S.Y., see Lennard, W.N. ......................................................... Tong, S.Y., W.N. Lennard, P.F.A. Alkemade and I.V. Mitchell, Behaviour of the 12Cc4He, 4He)‘2C elastic scattering cross section at E, = 0.4-1.8 MeV ............................................ Tong, S.Y., W.N. Lennard, P.F.A. Alkemade and I.V. Mitchell, Absolute surface carbon coverage determination via the “CX3He, p)14N reaction .................................................. Tong, S.Y.,see Mitchel1,I.V. .......................................................... Tong, S.Y., see Lennard, W.N. ......................................................... Toohig,T.E., see Carrigan Jr., R.A. ..................................................... Torrisi, L., see Foti, A.M. ............................................................ Tosaki, M., see Haruyama, Y. ......................................................... Toulemonde, M., E. Balanzat, S. Bouffard, J.J. Grab, M. Hage-Ali and J.P. Stoquert, Damage induced by high electronic stopping power in SiO, quartz ............................................... Toulemonde, M., see L’Hoir, A. ........................................................ Toulhoat, N., see Trocellier, P. ......................................................... Tousset, J., see Porte, L. ............................................................. Tousset, J., see Moncoffre, N. ......................................................... Tousset, J., see Donnet, C. ............................................................ Tousset, J., see El Khakani, M.A. ....................................................... Tousset, J., see Donnet, C. ............................................................ Toutain, J.P., see Aloupogiannis, P. ..................................................... Townsend, P.D., An overview of ion-implanted optical waveguide profiles .......................... Townsend, P.D., see Chandler, P.J. ...................................................... Townsend, P.D., see Al Ghamdi, A. ..................................................... Townsend, P.D., see Glavas, E. ........................................................ Townsend, P.D., see Wood, R.A. ....................................................... Trlbert, E., Identification of intercombination lines in beam-foil spectra of highly ionized Ag ........... Trautmann, D. and Th. Kauer, On the SCA-description of the energy- and impact parameter dependence of K-shell ionization cross sections ...................................................... Trautmann, D., see Sokhi, R.S. ........................................................ Traxel, K., see Przybylowicz, W. ........................................................ Traxel, K., Nuclear microbeams: Realization and use as scientific tool ............................. Traxel, K., see Przybylowicz, W. ........................................................ Treaty, P.B., see Hay, H.J. ............................................................ Tregoat,Y., see Barthe, M.F. .......................................................... Treide,A.,seeZschau,H.-E. .......................................................... Treilleux, M., see Abonneau, E. ........................................................ Tremblay, J., see Nahon, L. ............ .............................................. Tribble, R.E., see Weathers, D.L. ........ Tribble, R.E., M.H. Prior and R.G. Stokstad, L.ight emission from Na atoms sputtered by muItiply-charged Ar ions .......................... .............................................. Trinkaus, H., see L&ser, R. ............ .... .......... Trocellier, P., see Tirira, J. ............. Trocellier, P., see Tirira, J. ............. Trocellier, P., see Tirira, J. ............. ..............................................
B47 (1990) 476 B4.5 (1990) I47 B45 (1990) 203 B49 (1990) 340 B50 (1990) 135 B50 (1990) 247 B46 (1990) 256 B44 (1989) 146 B50 (1990) 328 B48 (1990) 79 B42 (1989) 19 B42 (1989) 307 B47 (1990) 148 B48 (1990) 557 B43 (1989) 187 B45 (1990) 30 B45 (1990) 91 B4.5(1990) 107 B45 (1990) 281 B48 (1990) 167 B46 (1990) 361 B48 (1990) 130 B46 (1990) 64 B48 (1990) 145 B50 (1990) 247 B44 (1989) 116 B45 (1990) 81 B46 (1990) 89 B50 (1990) 406 B50 (1990) 410 B49 (1990) 277 B46 (1990) 18 B46(1990) 69 B46 (1990) 133 B46 (1990) 1.56 B46 (1990) 189 B43 (1989) 362 342 (1989) 449 B42 (1989) 456 B49 (1990) 509 B50 (1990) 177 B50 (1990) 231 B48 (1990) 107 B45 (1990) 105 B50 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 111 B47 (1990) 72 B42 (1989) 307 B44 (1990) 412 B43 (1989) 67 B45 (1990) 147 B4.5 (1990) 203 B50 (1990) 135
Author index
of vohmes842 - ES0
Trocellier, P., M. Mosbah, N. Toulhoat, J. Titira, 5. Gosset, P. Massiot and C. Engehnann, Seven years of research using the &try&es Le Chltel microprobe facility: A review ........................... Tros,G.H.J.,seeOrli&I. ............................................................. Tros, G.H.J., D.M. Lyaruu and R.D. Vis, The effect of fluoride on mineralization during tooth germ development in neonatal hamsters .................................................... Tros, G.H.J., see Van Langevelde, F. .................................................... Tros, G.H.J., F. Van Langevelde and RD. Vis, On the analysis of neonatal hamster tooth germs with the photon microprobe at Daresbury, UK ................................................. Trouslard, P., see Tirira, J. ............................................................ Truten’, V.I., see Shuf’ga, N.F. ......................................................... Truten’, V.I., see Antipenko, A.P. ...................................................... Tsai, T.E., D.L. Griscom and E.J. Friebele, Si E’ centers and W-induced compaction in high purity silica ... Tsao, J.Y. Book reuiew: Ion beam assisted film growth. vol. 3: Beam modification of materials series, edited by T.&oh) ....................................................................... Tsao,J.Y.,seeBrice,D.K. ............................................................ Tsao, J.Y., see Picraux, ST. ........................................................... Tsartsarakos, C., P. Misaelides and A. Katsanos, Cross sections for the 32S(p, P’~)~‘S nuclear reaction used for the profiling of sulphur on materials surfaces ......................................... Tsipinyuk, B.A., see Avakov, A.S. ....................................................... Tsong, I.S.T., see Cornelison, D.M. ...................................................... Tsuboi,H.,seeAgawa,Y. ............................................................ Tsyganov, E.N., see Carrigan Jr., R.A. ................................................... Tu, S., see Church, D.A. ............................................................. Tukfatullin, F.K., see Iskanderova, ZA. .................................................. Tulinov, A.F., see Eremenko, D.O. ...................................................... Tuniz, C., R. Devoti, G. Santoro and F. Zanini, A synchrotron radiation microprobe for X-ray fluorescence and microtomography at ELETIRA .................................................. Turos,A..seeMatzke,Hj. ............................................................ Turos, A., see Jagielski, J. ............................................................ Turos,A.,seeDygo,A. .............................................................. Turuc,S.,seeI&k,H.B. ............................................................. Tyschenko, I.E., see Kachurin, G.A. ..................................................... Uchiyama, T., see Agawa, Y. ........................... Uda, M., see Koyama, A. .............................. Uda, M., see Tachibana, M. ............................ Uda, M., see Maeda, K. ............................... Uda,M.,seeSasa,Y. ........................... Ugalde, J.M., see MincholR J.L. .................... Uglov, S.R., see Adishchev, Yu.N. .................. Uguzzoni, A., see Andersen, J.U. ................... UHrich, J., see Schmidt-eking, H. ................. Umezawa,K,seeOura,K. ....................... Unanyan, O.A., see Avakyan, R.O. .................. Ungrin, J., see Hare, G. .......................... Urazgil’din, IF., see Ledyankin, D.V. ................ Urbassek, H.M., see Balaji, V. ..................... Urbassek, H.M., see Conrad, U. .................... Urbassek, H.M., see Moreno-Marin, J.C. ............. Urbassek, H.M., see Vicanek, M. ................... Usmandiyarov, A.M., see Belyaev, A.D. ..............
.. .. . *. I
.... .... .... .... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . *. . .... I
.. .. f. .. .. .. .* *. .. .f .. .. .. .. . I
Vajie,M.,seeJakSit,M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__... r VajiC, M., M. JakSit, S. FaziniC, V, Valkovie, G.W, Grime and F. Watt, Studies of trace element distribution at the coal-rock interface . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . =. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vajnai,T.,seeKov&,A ............................................................. Valakh, M.Ya., VS. Lysenko, A.N. Nazarov, G.Yu. Rudko, A.S. Tkachenko and N.I. Shakhray~huk, Enhanced activation of implanted phosphorus in silicon under rf plasma treatment . . . . .. Valin,M.T.,seeFina,A. .. ..... ............... , .. ... ...... ... .. Valkovic, V., see Galassini, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... .... ..
B50 (1990) 247 B49 (1990) 166 B49 (1990) 476 B49 (1990) 544 B50 (1990) 343 B45 ( 1990) 203 B48 ( 1990) 174 B48 (1990) 291 B46 (1990) 265 B42 (1989) 401 B44 (3989) 68 348 (1990) 414 B45 (1990) 33 B48 (1990) 562 B45 (1990) 394 B4.5(1990) 540 B48 (1990) 167 B42 (1989) 508 B42 (1989) 193 848 (1990) 216 B50 (1990) 338 B46 (1990) 117 B47 (1990) 474 B48 (1990) 219 B.50 ( 1990) 395 843 (1989) 535 B45 (1990) 540 B48 (1990) 608 B49 (1990) 15 B49 (1990) 228 B49 (1990) 569 B48 (1990) 21 B44 (1989) 130 B48 (19901181 843 (1989) 272 B45 (19901199 B48 (1990) 266 B50 (1990) 470 B48 (1990) 585 B46 (1990) 435 B48 (1990) 399 B48 (1990) 404 B48 (1990) 549 B43 (1989) 5 849 (1990~111 B49 (19911)336 842 (1989) 463 B44 (1989) 146 B42 (1989) 69 B43 (1989) 556
Author index of volumes 342 - BSO
VaIkovi& V., see Jak%, M. ........................................................... Vaikovif, V., see TadiC, T. ............................................................ Valkovi& V., see VajiC, M. ............................................................ VanBijlen,R.,seeWitjen,U. ......................................................... VandeRiet,E.,seeDerks,H. ......................................................... Van de Walle, G.F.A., see Van Ijzendoorn, L.J. ............................................ Van den Heuvel, R.A., see Van Ijzendoorn, L.J. ............................................ Van den Hoek, P.J., see Rechtien, J.H. ................................................... VanderVeen.J.F.,seeDeckers,S. ..................................................... VanderVeen,J.F.,seeSmith,R.J.. ..................................................... VanderWeg,W.F.,seeAIkemade,P.F.A. ................................................ VanderWeg,W.F.,seeDeckers,S. ..................................................... VanderZwan,L.,seeJackman,J.A. .................................................... Van~ckJr,R.S.,seeM~re,F.L. ...................................................... Van Gorkum,A.A, see Van Ijzendoorn, L.J. .............................................. Van Hoften, G., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ................................................ Van Ijzendoorn, L.J., G.F.A. Van de Walie, A.A. Van Gorkum, A.M.L. Theunissen, R.A. Van den Heuvel and J.H. Barrett, Diffusion and strain relaxation in Si/Si,_,Ge,/Si structures studied with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry ........................................................ Van Langevelde, F., see OrliC, I. ........................................................ Van Langevelde, F., G.H.J. Tros, D.K. Bowen and R.D. Vis, The synchrotron radiation microprobe at the SRS, Daresbury (UK) and its applications .............................................. Van Langevelde, F., see Tros, G.H.J. .................................................... Van Leerdam, G.C., K.-M.H. Lenssen and H.H. Brongersma, Charge exchange processes in low-energy He+ ion scattering from Si and PdzSi surfaces ............................................... Van Moor& J.C., D.D. Cohen, D.W. Russel and A. Katsaros, Correlations between chemical ambition as determined by PIXE and the paramagnetism of auriferous vein quartz .......................... Van Oosterhout, H.A.P., A new generation of single-ended Van de Graaff accelerators for ion implantation and ion beam analysis ............................................................. Van Oystaeyen, B., see Demortier, G. .................................................... Van Rinsvelt, H.A., see Reid, I. ........................................................ Van Schie, E., J. Middelhoek and P.C. Zalm, Determination of 2D implanted ion distributions using inverse radon transform methods .......................................................... Vanacken,J.,seeWu,M.F. ........................................................... Vance,E.R.,seeGzkan,H. ........................................................... Vandervorst, W., see Mertens, P.W. ..................................................... Vane, CR., see Rosseel, T.M. ......................................................... Vane,C.R.,seeDatz,S. ............................................................. Vanhellemont, J., see Wu, M.F. ........................................................ Vanier, P.E., MS. Zucker and CL. Snead Jr, X-ray emission yields from both surfaces of thin targets bombarded with a 200-MeV H- beam ................................................. Vantomme,A.,seeWu,M.F. .......................................................... Vantomme, A., 1. Dtzsi and G. Langouche Comparative study of s’Fe in Co.%, after direct ion implantation .......... and after ion implantation of a radioactive parent ... Vanvechten, D., see Hubler, G.K. .............. .. .......... Varghese, S.L., see Cocke, C.L. ............... ... Varichenko, VS., see Komarov, F.F. ............ .. . Vartapetyan, R.P., see Avakyan, R.O. ........... ... Vasil’chenko, V.Yu., see Antonov, S.L. .......... ... Vater, P., see Grabei, B. .................... ... Veje, E., see Taboryski, R. ................... Veje, E. Yields of sputtered excited atoms versus the projectile energy ............................ ............................................................. Veje,E.,seeRothard,H. Verduyn, G., see Maenhaut, W. ........................................................ Verhey, L.J., see Dicello, J.F. .......................................................... Verzilov, V.A., see Adishchev, Yu.N. .................................................... Vetter,J.,seeDunlop,k ............................................................ Viargues, F., see Daudin, B. ........................................................... Vicanek, M. and H.M. Urbassek Secondary-recoil contribution to low-energy light-ion sputtering ......... Vickridge, I. and G. Amsel, SPACES: a PC implementation to the stochastic theory of energy loss for narrow-resonance depth profiling .................................................... ..........
B49 (1990) 111 B49 (1990) 211 B49 (1990) 336 B49 (1990) 78 B48 (1990) 315 B50 (1990) 127 B50 (1990) 127 B48 (1990) 339 B45 (1990) 416 B45 (1990) 429 B45 (1990) 139 B45 (1990) 416 I345 (1990) 592 B43 (1989) 425 BSO(1990) 127 B48 (1990) 224
B.50(1990) 127 B49 (1990) 74 B49 (1990) 544 B50 (1990) 343 B45 (19901390 B49 (1990) 323 B50 (1990) 455 B49 (1990) 46 B45 (1990) 347 B42 (1989) 109 B45 (1990) 658 B46 (1990) 291 B45 (1990) 586 B43 (1989) 14 B48 (1990) 114 845 (1990) 6.58 B43 (1989) 116 B4.5(1990) 658 B48 (1990) 461 B46 (1990) 384 B42 (1989) 545 B48 (1990) 439 B48 (1990) 266 B48 (1990) 553 B42 (1989) 286 B48 (1990) 482 B48 (1990) 581 B48 (1990) 616 B49 (1990) 406 B45 (1990) 724 B44 (1989) 130 B48 (1990) 419 B45 (1990) 290 B48 (1990) 549 B45 (1990)
Author indew of udumesB42 - BSO
........................................................... Vick~dge,I.,see~el,G. Vickridge, I. and G. Amsel, ~lculation of energy loss spectra through very thin layers: appli~tion a~leratorg~st~p~~ ........................................................... ......................................................... Vickridge,I.C., see Walter,P. Victoria, M., see Marmy, P. ........................................................... Vignati, A., see Bizzarri, U. ........................................................... Villi, G., see Galassini, S. ............................................................. Virk, H.S., see Singh, G. ............................................................. Virk, H.S., see Sandhu,A.S. ........................................................... Virk,H.S.,seeSingh,~ .............................................................. Virk,H.S., see Bhatia, R.K. ........................................................... ............................................................... Vis,R.D.,seeOrliC,I. Vis,R.D.,seeQrlic,I. ............................................................... Vis,R.D.,seeTros,G.H.J, ............................................................ ............................................................ Vis,R.D.,seeM~ani~,J. Vis, R.D., see Van Langevelde, F. ...................................................... Vis,R.D.,seeTros,G.H.J, ............................................................ Vizkelethy, G., Simulation and evaluation of nuclear reaction spectra ............................. ........................................................... Vizkelethy,G.,seeAbel,F. Vizkelethy, G., see Ortega, C. ......................................................... Vizkelethy, Gy., see Li, J. ............................................................. Vloeberghs, II., see Wu, M.F. ......................................................... Von Goeler, S., see Beiersdorfer, P. ..................................................... Vorobiev, S.A., see Taratin, A.M. ....................................................... Vorobiev, S.A., see Taratin, A.M. ....................................................... Vorobyev, S.A., see Adishchev, Yu.N. .................................................... Voronkova, V.I., see Chechenin, N.G. .................................................... ...................................................... Vourkas, M., see Georgiadis,A.P. Vriezema, C.J., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ................................................ Vriezema, C.J., see Zalm, PC. ......................................................... Vuorinen, H., see Tapper, U. ..........................................................
63 B4.5(1990) 12 to tandem
Wagner, F.E., see Santaniello, A. ....................................................... Wagner, J., see Harder, R. ............................................................ ............................................................ Wagner,W.,seeRauch,F. Wagner, W., F. Rauch, C. Ottermann and K. Bange, Hydrogen dynamics in eIectr~hromic multilayer systems .................................................... investigated by the r5N technique Waheed, A., S. Manzoor, R. Cherubim, G. Moschini, L. Lembo and H.A. Khan, A more suitable etching condition to register low energy proton tracks in CR39 for neutron dosimetry ..................... ............................................................. Wahl,U.,seeWinter,S. Walker, A.J., see Lipworth, A.D. ...................................................... Walsh, D.S., J.M. Knox and B.L. Doyle, External ion beam analysis of the TFTR bumper limiters ........ Walsh, D.S., see Lee, S.R. ........................................................... Walter, P., M. Menu and I.C. Vickridge, Fluorine depth profiles as a relative dating method of chipped flints ....................................................... Wang, J., see Scherzer,B.M.U. Wang, J.-X., see Campbell, J.L. ....................................................... Wang, J.-X., see Campbell, J.L. ....................................................... Wang, J.-X., see Campbell, J.L. ........................................................ Wang, J.X., see Brissaud, 1. ........................................................... Wang, J.X., see Chevallier, P. .......................................................... Wang, J.-X., see Campbell, J.L. ........................................................ Wang Ke-Ming, Liu Ji-Tian, Shi Bo-Rong, Liu Xiang-Dong, Zhao Qing-Tai and Yao Ke-Jun, Range profiles ofxenoninPVA ................................................................ Wang,L.,seeFink,D. ............................................................... Wang,Q.,seeChurch.D.A. ........................................................... ..................................................... Wang Shiming, see Luo Zhengming Wang,S.Q.,seeLi.J. ............................................................... Wang Wen Min, J. Roth and R. Behrisch, Sputtering yields and angular distributions of the eroded atoms for deuterium irradiation of stainless steel 304 LN at temperatures between 300 and 1200 K ............. Wang, X.-T., see Church, D.A. .........................................................
345 (1990) 16 B4.5(1990) 119 B47 (1990) 37 B50 (1990) 331 B43 (1989) 556 B44 (1989) 103 846 (1990) 122 B46 (19901149 B46 (1990) 358 349 (1990) 74 B49 (1990) 166 849 (1990) 476 349 (1990) 514 B49 (19901544 BSO(1990) 343 B45 (19901 1 B45 (1990) 100 B45 (1990) 622 B46 (1990) 287 B45 (1990) 6.58 B43 (1989) 347 B42 (1989) 41 B47 (19901247 B44 (1989) 130 B48 (1990) 207 B50 (1990) 321 B42 (1989) 155 B42 (1989) 397 B49 (19901245
B48 (1990) 499 B48 (1990) 111 B42 (1989) 264 B-50(1990) 27 I347 (1990) 320 848 (1990) 211 B49 (1990) 173 I345 (1990) 62 B45 (1990) 285 1345(1990) 119 B4.5(1990) 54 B43 (1989) 490 B43 (1989) 539 B44 (1990) 347 B49 (1990) 305 B49 (1990) 5.51 I350 (1990) 189 B47 (1990) 351 B46 (1990) 342 I342 (1989) 508 848 (1990) 435 B46 (1990) 287 B42 (19891 29 B42 (1989) 508
Author index of volumes 842 - B5’0
Wang Yongqiang, Liao Changgeng, Yang Shengsheng and Zheng Zhihao, A convolution analysis method for hydrogen concentration profiles by elastic recoil detection ................................... Wang, Z.-L., see Zhang, B.-X. ......................................................... Wang, Z.-L., N.X. Chen and C. Huang Anomalous defects in buried oxide of SIMOX structure .......... Ward, S.J., M. Horbatsch, R.P. McEachran and A.D. Stauffer, Close-coupling calculations of low-energy ~sitron-alkali collisions ........................................................... Ward,T.~.,seeGrand,P. ............................................................ Watanabe, M., see Nitta, H. ........................................................... Watanabe, T. and K.-I. Hino, Theoretical study of radiative electron capture in ion-atom collisions ....... Watanabe, Y., T. Kubozoe and T. Mukoyama, Error estimation in fitting X-ray spectrum by nonlinear least-squaresmethod ............................................................. Watjen, U., H. Prins, R. Van Bijlen and E. Louwerix, A new PIXE chamber for highly reproducible and automatized operation ............................................................ WLtjen, U., see Denecke, B. ........................................................... Watjen, U., W. Dannecker and M. Kriews, On the status of preparing an aerosol filter reference material for elemental analysis ............................................................... Watjen, U., D. Schroyen, E. Bombelka and P. Rietveld, Thin reference layers available for calibration purposes in ion beam analysis ....................................................... Watt,F.,seeReeson,K.J. ............................................................ Watt,F.,seeG~me,G.W. ............................................................ Watt,F.,seeVajiC,M. ............................................................... Watt, F., A.J. Brook and G.W. Grime, Nuclear microscopy of the algae ~~~do~~ morum (mull.) boty ..... Watt, F., see Brook, A.J. ............................................................. Watt,F.,seeGrime,G.W. ............................................................ Watterson, J.I.W., A.E. Pillay and P. Nailand, Selective activation analysis with ion-beam-tailored neutron spectra - A comparison between the reactions 7Li(p, n)‘Be and ‘Be(p, n)9B ...................... Weathers,D.L.,see Weller,M.R. ....................................................... Weathers, D.L., T.A. Tombrello, M.H. Prior, R.G. Stokstad and R.E. Tribble, Sputtering of Au, CsI and LiNbO, by multiply charged Ar ions .................................................. Weathers, D.L., see Dtibeli, M. ........................................................ Webb, R.P., see Barfoot, K.M. ......................................................... Webb,R.P.,seeJafri,Z.H. ........................................................... Weber, B., see Gartner, K. ............................................................ Weber, G., see ~ou~giannis, P. ....................................................... Weber,G.,seeBeguin,Y. ............................................................ Weber, G., 1. Roelandts, J.L. Corhay, M. Radermecker and J.P. Delavignette, Trace elements in human alveolar macrophages studied by PIXE ................................................ Weber, G., see Aloupogiannis, P. ....................................................... Weber, H., see Michel, R. ............................................................ Weber, J., T. Beier, U. Diehl, D. Lambrecht, H. Mommsen and F.J. Pantenburg, A PIXE mini-beam setup at the Bonn cyclotron for archeometric metal analyses ....................................... Weber, T. and K.P. Lieb, High fluence xenon irradiation of aluminium: sputtering and saturation implantation ................................................................... Weber,T.,seeLieb,K.P. ............................................................. Weber, T., W. Bolse and K.P. Lieb, RBS analyses of xenon-irradiated Ti and TiN films ................ Weber,T.,seeBolse,W. ............................................................. Weber, W.J. and R.B. Greegor, Alpha irradiation effects in Ca*Nds(SiO~)~O~ ...................... Weickenmeier, A., see Lotz, W. ........................................................ Weidinger, A., see Steiger, J. .......................................................... Weiser, M., see Oberschachtsiek, P. ..................................................... Weiser, M., see Maisch, T. ............................................................ Weiss, B.L., see Barfoot, K.M. ......................................................... Weller, M.R., K.M. Hubbard, R.A. Weller, D.L. Weathers and T.A. Tombrello, Sticking probabilities for sputtered Ag and Au atoms incident on oxidized aluminum surfaces ........................... Weller, R.A., see Weller, M.R. ......................................................... Weller, R.A., see Mendenhall, M.H. ..................................................... Welti,K.,seeHabs,D. .............................................................. Wendler,E.,seeBachmann,T. ........................................................ Wert,J.J.,seePawel,J.E. ............................................................ Werth,G.,seeGerz.Ch. ............................................................. We&, W., K. Gartner, A, Jordanov and G. Giitz, Investigation of defects in GaAs by dechannefing .......
B47 (1990) 427 B48 (1990) 425 B48 (1990) 474 B42 (19891472 B42 (1989) 277 B48 (1990) 260 B42 (1989) 494 B44 (1989) 3.5 B49 (1990) 78 B49 (1990) 152 B49 (1990) 360 B50 (1990) 172 B45 (1990) 327 B45 (1990) 508 B49 (19901336 B49 (1990) 465 B49 (1990) 481 B50 (1990) 197 B4.5(1990) 75 842 (19891 19 B42 (19891307 B47 (1990) 148 B44 (1989) 141 B48 (1990) 457 B46 (19901405 B42 (1989) 359 B49 (1990) 202 B49 (1990) 250 B49 (1990) 277 B42 (1989) 76 B50 (1990) 221 B44 (1989) 54 B.50 (1990) 10 B50 (1990) 95 B50 (19901416 B46 (19901160 B48 (1990) 256 B50 (19901 31 B45 (1990) 20 B50 (19901 1 B44 (1989) 141 B42 (1989) 19 B42 (1989) 19 B47 (1990) 193 B43 (1989) 390 B43 (1989) 193 B46 ( 1990) 392 B47 (1990) 453 B45 (1990) 446
Author index of volumes B42 _ B50
Wesch, W., see Giirtner, K. ........................................................... Wesch,W.,seeGGtz,G. ............................................................. West, J.B., see Holland, D.M.P. ........................................................ ............................................................ West,J.R.,seeSokhi,R.S. ........................................................... West,M.S.,seeSokhi,R.S. West,M.W.,seeBrown,I.G. .......................................................... .............................................................. White,B.,seeHare,G. White, C.W., see McHargue, C.J. ....................................................... White, C.W., see McHargue, C.J. ....................................................... White, C.W., see McCallum, J.C. ....................................................... White, C.W., see Sklad, P.S. ........................................................... White, C.W., see McCallum, J.C. ....................................................... White, C.W., see McHargue, C.J. ....................................................... White, C.W., see O’Hern, M.E. ........................................................ Whitlow, H.J., (Book review: High energy ion beam analysis of solids, edited by G. GGtz and K. GLrtner) .... Whitton, J.L., see Barfoot, K.M. ........................................................ Whitton, J.L., see Clapham, L. ......................................................... Widmann, E., see Bauer, W. .......................................................... Wie, C.R., G. Burns, F.H. Dacol, G.D. Pettit and J.M. Woodall, X-ray and Raman studies of MeV ....................................................... ion-bombarded GaInAs/GaAs Wieler, R., see Michel, R. ............................................................ Wielunski, L.S., M.S. Kwietniak, G.N. Pain and C.J. Rossouw, Structural analysis of an epitaxial layer of CdTe on GaAs by the multidirectional channeling technique ..................................... Wielunski, L.S., M.S. Kwietniak, G.N. Pain and C.J. Rossouw, Polarity dete~ination of epitaxial structures of CdTe on GaAs by channeling techniques ............................................... Wielunski, M. and W. MGller, A simple coincidence method of deuterium profiling using the D(3He, o)H reaction ....................................................................... Wien, K., see Brunelle, A. ............................................................ Wieser, E., see Kachurin, G.A. ......................................................... Willecke, R., see Mach& M.-P. ......................................................... Wihekers, R.W., see Meijer, H.C. ....................................................... Willemsen, M.F.C. and A.E.T. Kuiper, LPCVD of tungsten studied with in-situ RBS .................. Williams, E.T., X. Wu, R. Alkins, R. Craig, C. Davis, I. Gaskin and D. Rubenstein, PIXE: a tool for research andeducation .................................................................. Williams, J.M., see McHargue, C.J. ...................................................... Williams, J.S., see Sengupta, D. ........................................................ Williams, J.S., see Tay, M. ............................................................ Williams, J.S., K.T. Short, R.G. Elliman, M.C. Ridgway and R. Goldberg Ion-beam-induced amo~hization ............................................. and dynamic annealing processes in silicon Williams, J.S., see Ridgway, MC. ....................................................... Williams, R.S., see Daley, R.S. ......................................................... Williamson, D.L., see Guettinger, T.W. ................................................... Wilpert, M., see Gebauer, B. .......................................................... Wilpert, T.H., see Gebauer, B. ......................................................... Wilsdorf, D., see Gerz, Ch. ........................................................... Wilson, G.C., see Rucklidge, J.C. ....................................................... ........................................................... Wilson,I.H.,see Jafri,Z.H. Wilson, I.H., see StojanoviC, MS. ....................................................... Wilson, I.H., see Milosavljevik, M. ...................................................... Winchester, J.W., V.A. Ivanov, M.A. Prokofyev, D.A. Zhukovski, A. Shlikhta, V.F. Zhvalev, A.N. Zhukovski, D.M. Stroganov, J.W. Nelson, S.E. Bauman and L.N. Nakhgaltsev, An inter~mparison of PIXE and XRF for statistically resolving aerosol components in Leningrad and environs ......................... Winkler, P., Resonant radiative recombination: a new atomic process in dense plasmas? ................ ............................................................ Winter,H.,seeZimny,R. Winter, H., J. Remillieux and J.C. Poizat Grazing scattering of fast protons at a clean W(100) surface ...... Winter,H.,seeLakits,G. ............................................................ Winter, S., S. Bllsser, H. Hofslss, S. Jahn, G. Lindner, U. Wahl and E. Recknagel Lattice location of ion-~planted radioactive dopants in compound semi~nductors .............................. Winterbon, K.B., Finite-angte multiple scattering revisited ..................................... Winterbon, K.B., see Schwab, Th. ....................................................... Wistrom, R.E., see Borgesen, P. ........................................................
848 (1990) 192 B50 (1990) 131 B44 (1989) 233 B49 (1990) 328 B49 (1990) 328 B43 (1989) 455 B50 (1990) 470 B46 (1990) 74 B46 (1990) 79 B46 (1990) 98 B46 (1990) 102 B46 (1990) 137 B46 (1990) 144 B46 (1990) 171 B47 (1990) 477 B44 (1989) 141 B48 (1990) 571 B50 (1990) 300 B43 (1989) 560 842 (1989) 76 B45 (1990) 455 B45 (1990) 459 B50 (1990) 23 B43 (1989) 484 B43 (1989) 535 B43 (1989) 507 B44 (1989) 159 B45 (1990) 242 B45 (1990) 356 B46 (1990) 185 B42 (1989) 328 B46 (1990) 379 B48 (1990) 431 B48 (1990) 453 B45 (1990) 380 B42 (1989) 268 B50 (1990) 159 B50 (1990) 159 B47 (1990) 453 B45 (1990) 565 B48 (1990) 457 B50 (1990) 102 B50 (1990) 391
B49 (1990) 351 B42 (1989) 563 B48 (1990) 361 B48 (1990) 382 B48 (1990) 597 B48 (1990) 211 B43 (1989) 146 B48 (1990) 69 B43 (1989) 165
Author index of volumes B42 - B.50
Wittmaack, K., see Menzel, N. ......................................................... Wittmaack, K. and D.B. Poker, Interface broadening in sputter depth profiling through alternating layers of isotopically purified silicon. I. Experimental results ........................................ Wittmaack, K., see Hietel, B. .......................................................... Woelfli, W., see Neumann, W. ......................................................... Woelfii, W., see Schaelin, A. .......................................................... WohIfa~h, D., see Hentschet, E. ....................................................... Woiwod, S., R.M. Mueller, B. Stritzker and S.H. Moseley, A low-temperature bolometer for particle detection in Rutherford backscattering analysis .................................................. Wojciechowski, LA., see Bitensky, I.S. ................................................... Wolf,A.,seeHabs,D. ............................................................... Wolf,G.,seeKiihl,F. ............................................................... Wolf, G.K., see Laursen, T. ........................................................... Wolf, G.K., Modification of chemical surface properties by ion beam assisted deposition ............... Wollenberger, H. Ion beam mixing and phase stability ........................................ Wollnik, H., see Schwab, Th. .......................................................... Wong, L., see Lennard, W.N. .......................................................... Wong, L., P.F.A. Alkemade, W.N. Lennard and I.V. Mitchell, Ion-induced Auger electron studies on Al(110) Wong, L., see Alkemade, P.F.A. ........................................................ Wood, R.A., P.D. Townsend, G.P. Pells and M.J. Mushy, “~omalous” fading in irradiated rw-AlaO, . _. . _ W~daIi,J.M.,seeWie,C.R. .......................................................... Woodland, W., see Tanis, J.A. ......................................................... Wrenn, C., see Ravindra, N.M. ......................................................... Wu, M.F., A. Vantomme, H. Pattyn, G. Langouche, . Maex, J. Vanhellemont, J. Vanacken, H. Vloeberghs and Y. Bruynseraede, Formation of buried and surface Co%, layers by ion implantation ............. Wu Shiming, Cheng Huansheng, Zhang Chengteng, Yao Xiaowei, Zhao Guoqing, Yang Fujia and Hua Zhongyi, Analysis of a high-T, superconductor by high-energy elastic backscattering ................ Wu,X.,seeWilliams,E.T. ............................................................ Wu,X.,seeZeng,X. ................................................................ Wulf, F., see Briere, M.A. ............................................................ Wurz,P.,seeBetz,G. ............................................................... Wyrwich, C., see Zschau, H.-E. ........................................................
B45 (1990) 219
Xi,X.X.,seeMeyer,O. .............................................................. XiaYue~an,seeTanChun~ ......................................................... Xiao, Q,F., see Hashimoto, S. ......................................................... Xiao, Q.F., S. Hashimoto, W.M. Gibson and S.J. Pearton, Channeling lattice location of Se implanted into InP byRBSandPIXE ............................................................... XieYuan,seeLuXiting ............................................................. Xu, C. and D.J. O’Connor, Application of out-of-plane MEIS to surface structure analysis .............. Xu,F.,seeBonanno,A. .............................................................. Xu Hong-Jie, see Cheng Huan-Sheng .................................................... Xu Yongling, see Liu Qixin ...........................................................
B45 (1990) 483 B42(1989) 1 B45 (1990) 434
Yabe,K,seeIwaki,M. .............................................................. Yabe, K., see Kobayashi, K. ........................................................... Yacout, A.M., N.Q. Lam and J.F. Stubbins, Near-surface com~sitional modifications of ternary alloys during sputtering at elevated temperatures ................................................... Yagi,E.,seeTanaka,K. ............................................................. Yamada, I., see Sosnowski, M. ......................................................... Yamaguchi, S., see Sato, K. ........................................................... Yamaguchi, S., see Nagata, S. .......................................................... Yamaguchi, S., see Morimoto, S. ....................................................... Yamakawa,H.,seeAgawa,Y. ......................................................... Yamamoto, Y., see Hamanaka, H. ...................................................... Yamamura, Y. and K. Muraoka, Over-cosine angular distributions of sputtered atoms at normal incidence . . Yamamura, Y., N. Matsunami and K. Kitoh, A computer study of the energy loss spectrum of 100 keV H+ at aW(lll)surface ................................................................ Yamamura, Y., Time-dependent angular distribution of sputtered particles from amorphous targets ....... Yamamura, Y., Computer simulation of ionized cluster beam bombardment on a carbon substrate ........
B45 (1990) 212 B46(1990) 60
B47 (1990) 224 B49 (1990) 216 B50 (1990) 57 B50 (1998) 379 B43 (1989) 82 B50 (1990) 91 B47 (1990) 243 B43 (1989) 390 B50 (1990) 19 B45 (1990) 66 B46 (1990) 369 B48 (1990) 493 B48 (1990) 69 B45 (1990) 281 845 (1990) 637 B48 (1990) 604 B46 (1990) 189 B43 (1989) 560 B42 (1989) 523 B46 ( 1990) 409 B45 (19901658 B45 (19901227 B45 (1990) 356 B47 (1990) 143 B45 (1990) 45 B48 (1990) 593 B.50(1990) 74
B45 (1990) 464 B43 (1989) 565 B42 (1989) 251 B48 (1990) 371 B45 (1990) 424 B49 (1990) 231
B42 (1989) 49 B45 (1990) 471 B46 (1990) 397 B47 (1990) 421 B48 (1990) 231 B48 (1990) 478 B45 (1990) 540 B45 (1990) 360 B42 (1989) 175 B45 (1990) 403 B45 (1990) 582 B45 11990) 707
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
................................. Yamane,J.,seeOura,K. . Yamashita, H., see Tanaka, M. ............................. .. .. Yamazaki, Y. Electron emission in charged-particle-solid interactions Yamazaki, Y., see Kawatsura, K. ........................... Yamazaki, Y., see Iwata, Y. ............................... Yan Lingnuo, see Liu Qixin ............................... . . ......................... Yan, X., see Zhang, J. ............. . . ......................... . Yang, F., see Zeng, X. ............. . . ......................... ... Yang Feng, see Lei Zi-ming ......... . . Yang Fujia, see Wu Shiming ........ . ... Yang Fu-Jia, see Cheng Huan-Sheng .... . . Yang Hong, see Tan Chunyu .. ... Yang Shengsheng, see Wang Yongqiang .. .. Yanokura, M., see Qiu, Q. . . . .... . ... Yao Ke-Jun, see Wang Ke-Ming .... Yao Xiaowei, see Wu Shiming . . . . . . Yao Xiao-Wei, see Cheng Huan-Sheng ............................................................. YeSimao,seeLiuQixin Yeo,Y.H.,seeMcKee,J.S.C. .... . ... . ... . ....... .. .... . .. . ...... Yeo,Y.H.,seeMcKee,J.S.C. .... ... . .... ....... .... .... ......... Yeo, Y.H., see Mirzai, A.A. . ... ...... . .... .... . .... .. ..... .... .. Yeo, Y.H., J.S.C. McKee, G.R. Smith, K. Abdul-Retha, J.J.G. Durocher, D. Galop, W. Mulholland and C.A. Smith, Commissioning and characterization of the Manitoba automated high energy proton microprobe . .......................... .. Yerke, L.G., see Ravindra, N.M. .... . .......................... Yntema, J.L., see Kutschera, W. ..... .......................... Yoshida, K., see Haruyama, Y. ...... .. Yoshida, K., see Maeda, K. ........ Young, J.P., see Rosseel, T.M. ...... Young, L., see Dunford, R.W. ......................................................... .......................................................... YuDe-hong,seeL.eiZi-ming Yu, Z.L., J.G. Deng, J.J. He, J. Zhou and C.D. Hu, TiN films produced by pulsed ion beam and vapour deposition ..................................................................... Yuminov, O.A., see Eremenko, D.O. .................................................... Yurasova, V.E., see Antonov, S.L. ...................................................... Yurasova, V.E., see Ledyankin, D.V. ....................................................
B45 (1990) 199 B45 (1990) 223 B48 (1990) 97 B48 (1990) 103 B48 (1990) 163 B49 (1990) 231 II45 (1990) 239 B47 (1990) 143 B42 (19891 38 B4.5(1990) 227 B45 (1990) 424 B42 (1989) 1 B47 (1990) 427 B44 (1989) 179 B47 (19901351 B45 (1990) 227 B45 (1990) 424 B49 (1990) 231 B45 (1990) 513 B49 (1990) 225 B49 (1990) 313
Zabel, T.H., see Chou, N.J. ........................................................... Zabinski, J.S. and B.J. Tatarchuk, Generation mechanisms for low energy electrons produced during ................................................................ relaxationof5’Fe Zabinski, J.S., see Lee,T.-S. ........................................................... Zabransky, B.J., see Dunford, R.W. ..................................................... Zagwijn, P.M., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ................................................... Zagwijn, P.M., see Schreutelkamp, R.J. ................................................... Zaitsev, A.M., see Komarov, F.F. ....................................................... Zalm, P.C., see Van Schie, E. .......................................................... Zalm, P.C., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ................................................... Zalm, P.C., G.M. Fontijn, K.T.F. Janssen and C.J. Vriezema, Isotopical ranges: “,‘rB ion implantation in Si
B45 (19901 86
Zalm, P.C., see Dekempeneer, E.H.A. ................................................... Zamani, M., An application of SSNT-detectors in intercalation studies ............................ ............................................................ Zander,W.,seeLubig,A. Zanini, F., see Tuniz, C. ............................................................. Zawislak, F.C., see Grande, P.L. ........................................................ Zawislak, F.C., see Behar, M. .......................................................... Zawislak, F.C., see Behar, M. .......................................................... Zemanski, J.M., see Sengupta, D. ....................................................... Zeng, X., X. Wu, Q. Shao, J. Tang and F. Yang, Radiation damage in PIXE analysis of museum paper-like objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Zerle, L., see Faestermann, H. . . . . . ..... ....... .......... .......... ... . .. Zeroual, B. and G. Carter, Low energy ion beam annealing of incompletely amorphised layers in Si ...
B49 (1990) 430 B46 (1990) 409 B42 (1989) 101 B48 (1990) 130 B49 (1990) 228 B43 (1989) 14 B43 (1989) 459 B42 (1989) 38 B44 (1990) 449 B48 (1990) 216 B48 (1990) 553 B48 (1990) 585
B42 (1989) 379 B44 (1989) 107 B43 (1989) 459 B47 (1990) 329 B48 (1990) 448 B48 (1990) 439 B42 (1989) 109 B42 (1989) 155 B42 (1989) 397 B48 (1990) 224 B44 (19891216 B50 (1990) 114 B50 (1990) 338 B45 (1990) 689 B46 (1990) 313 B46 (1990) 350 B42 (1989) 328 B47 (1990) 143 B50 (1990) 275 B44 (1990) 318
Author index of volumes B42 - B50
Zhang, B.-X., Z.-L. Wang, R.J. Schreutelkamp, F.W. Saris, A.-Y. Du and Q. Li Damage distribution and annealing behaviour of high-energy llsInf implanted into Si(100) ............................. Zhang Chaoming, see Lu Zhiheng ...................................................... Zhang Chengteng, see Wu Shiming ...................................................... Zhang Huixing, see Lu Zhiheng ........................................................ Zhang, J., K. Tao and X. Yan, Investigation of a molybdena crystal by RBS ......................... Zhang Jingping, Y.S. Tang, P.L.F. Hemment and B.J. Sealy, Rutherford backscattering and channelling studies of erbium implanted SIMOX structures .......................................... Zhang, L., see Chandler, P.J. .......................................................... Zhang, Q-C., J.C. Kelly and M.J. Kenny, Germanium implanted with high dose oxygen and its optical properties ..................................................................... Zhang Tonghe, A study on implanted impurity activation in silicon and in situ observation of residual defects inhighvoItageTEM .............................................................. Zhang, W.Z., see Singy, D. ............................................................ Zhang Xiaofeng, see Liu Qixin ......................................................... Zhao Guoqing, see Wu Shiming ........................................................ Zhao Guo-qing, Ren Yu-hua, Zhou Zhu-ying, Tang Guo-hun and Tang Jia-yong MeV ion beam mixing of Au/SiandAu/Gesystems ......................................................... Zhao Qing-Tai, see Wang Ke-Ming ..................................................... Zhdanov, VS., see Ryzhykh, V.Yu. ...................................................... Zheng Zhihao, see Liu Zhaoyuan ....................................................... Zheng Zhihao, see Wang Yongqiang ..................................................... ZhengZhongshuang,seeLuXiting ..................................................... ZhengZongshuang,seeTanChunyu .................................................... Zhengmin Liu, Kunshen Yang and Huazhong Yang, Low and high dose enhanced adhesion effects induced by fastheavyionbeamsforCufilmsonSi ................................................ Zhengming Liu and Jianjun Dong, Correlation between elasticity modulus of metallic films and threshold dose for MeV ion-induced adhesion ...................................................... Zhetbaev, A.K., see Ryzhykh, V.Yu. ..................................................... ZhongMing,seeLiuQixin ........................................................... Zhou,J.,seeYu,Z.L. ............................................................... Zhou Zhu-ying, see Zhao Guo-qing ..................................................... ZhuPeiran,seeTanChunyu .......................................................... Zhu Zhongsheng, Jin Zuqin and Chen Yuanru, Microstructure analyses at different depths of nitrogen-implanted layers formed on 40 Cr steel .................................................. Zhukova, Yu.N., see Iferov, G.A. ....................................................... Zhukova, Yu.N., see Dodonov, AI. ..................................................... Zhukovski, A.N., see Winchester, J.W. ................................................... Zhukovski, D.A., see Winchester, J.W. ................................................... Zhvalev, V.F., see Winchester, J.W. ..................................................... Ziegler, P., see Steiger, J. ............................................................. Zimny, R., H. Nienhaus and H. Winter Mg” and H- formation after grazing ion-surface scattering ....... Zine, E., D.B. Isabelle and G. Rtmond, A proton miniprobe for mineralogy ........................ Zinkle, S.J. and S. Kojima, Microstructural changes in MgAIzO, induced by ion irradiation ............. Zironi, E.P., J. Rickards, A. Maldonado and R. Asomoza, A study of fluorine in tin oxide films ........... Zonta, R., see Cecchi, R. ............................................................. Zschau, H.-E., F. Plier, G. Otto, C. Wyrwich and A. Treide, Fluorine profiling after application of various anti-caries gels . .... ......................... Zschornack, G., see Fritzsche, S. . ......................... Zschornack, G., see Hofmann, D. . ......................... Zucchiatti, A., see Annegarn, H.J. Zucker, M.S., see Vanier, P.E. . . . Zuhr, R.A., see Rosseel, T.M. . . . Zwickler, S., see Habs, D. . . . . . .
B48 (1990) 425 B43 (1989) 46 B45 (1990) 227 B43 (1989) 46 B45 (1990) 239 B47 (1990) 155 B46 (1990) 69 B47 (1990) 257 B44 (1990) 325 B47 (1990) 167 B49 (1990) 231 B45 (1990) 227 B48 (1990) 513 B47 (1990) 351 B47 (1990) 470 B43 (1989) 162 B47 (1990) 427 B43 (1989) 565 B42 (1989) 1 B44 (1990) 344 B44 (1990) 445 B47 (1990) 470 B49 (1990) 231 B44 (1990) 449 B48 (1990) 513 B42 (1989) 1 B43 (1989) 92 B48 (1990) 43 B48 (1990) 566 B49 (1990) 351 B49 (1990) 351 B49 (1990) 351 B50 (1990) 31 B48 (1990) 361 B49 (1990) 446 B46 (1990) 165 B45 (1990) 115 B49 (1990) 283 B50 (1990) 74 B50 (1990) 353 B50 (1990) 478 B49 (1990) 372 B43 (1989) 116 B43 (1989) 14 B43 (1989) 390