Author index to volume 4

Author index to volume 4

Volume 4, number 6 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS Maich 1976 AUTHORIND Anderssen, KS. and A.J. Guttmann, A rationale for the numerical Uferentiatio...

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Volume 4, number 6


Maich 1976

AUTHORIND Anderssen, KS. and A.J. Guttmann, A rationale for the numerical Uferentiation of experimental data 4 (1975) 48 Ault, D.A., seeA.N.C. Kang 4 (1975) 18 Banerjee, J. and V. Rajaraman, A dual link data structure for random file organization 4(i975) 64 Barrow, H.G. and R.M. Burstall, Subgraph isomorphism, matching relational strur;tures and maximal cliques 4 (1975) 83 Bentley, J.L. and W.A. Burlchard, Heuristics for partial-mat& retrievai data base de&n 4 (1976) 132 Burkhard, &A., see J.L. Bentley 4 11976) 131 Burstall, R.M., sre H.G. Barrow 4 (1976) 83 Christensen, R., Crossvalidation: m’tnimizing the entropy of the future 4 (1975) 73 Chrobot, S., Layer - a language construction for co ncurrent structural program 4 (1976) 113 desisn Clark, D.W., A fast algorithm for copying binarytrees 4 (1975) 62 Cockayne, E., S. Goodman and S. Hedetniemi, A linear algotithm for the domination number of a tree 4 (1975) 41 Coy, W., The lo&al meanin of programs of a subrecursive language 4 (1976) 121 Cunni.~ham, R.J. and M.E.J. Gilford, A note on the semant& deftition of side effects 4 (1976) 118 De Mey, G., see S. De Wolf ’ 4 (1976) 136 De Wolf', S. and G. De Mey, Numerical solution of inte8ral equations for potential pro,*lems by a variational principle 4 (19%) 136 Dobkin, D. and J. Van Leeuwen, The complexity of vector-products 4 (1976) 149 Ducan, A.G. and L. Yelowitz, Loop unravt+ ling: a practical tool in proving program correctness 4 (1975) 70 Ehrich, H.-D. and W. Lipski Jr., On the storage space requirement of consecutive retrieval 4 (1976) 101 with redundancy E&f&t, J. and S. Skyum, Copy& 4 (1976) 157 theorems FemBndez, E.B., see T. Lang 4 (1976) 95 4 (1976) 105 Feyock, S., Noiselike transform of o-events Gal& Z., Two fast simulations which imply some fast string match@ and palindrome4 (1976) 85 recognition aborithms Germane, (3. and A. Ma@olo-Schettini, Sequence-to-sequence recursiveness 4 (1975) 1 Gilford, M.E.J., see R.J. C-ham 4 (1976) 118 Goodman, S., see E. Cockayne 4 (1975) 41 4 (1,975) 48 Guttmann, A.J., see R.S. Anderssen of the boundHa ocation of

Hedetniemi, S., SPRE. Coctiyne HYafll, L. and J.P. Van de Wiele, On rhc additive complexity of specific polynomiah Jarzabak, S. and T. Krawc;tyk, LL-regular pammars Johnson, D.B., Priority queues with update and finding minimum sganning trees Kang, A.N.C. and D.A. Ault, Some properties of a centroid of a free tree Krawczyk, T., see S. Janabek Krishnamur?hy, M.S. and H.R. Ramesh Chandra, A note on precedencr? functiuns Krzemieli, R. and A. t;lkasiewicz, Automatic generation of lexical analyzers in a compiler-compiler Lamport, L., Comment-s on “A synchronization anoma.iyn Lang, T. and E.B. Fer&ndez, Scheduling of unit-length mdependent tasks with exccution constmints Levy, M.R., Complete operator precedence Lipski, W., Jx., see K.-D. Ehrich $ukasiewicz, A., see R. Krzemiefi Ma&olo&hettini, A., set G. German0 M&a, J. and R.E. Tarjan, 0ptimal chain partitions of trees Nieminen, J., On homomorphic images of transition 8raphs Nieminen, J., Some observations on the determination of an upper bound for the clique Pearl, J., On the complexity of inexact computations Penttonen, M., ETOLgrammtus and Ngrammars Pritchard, P.A., A proof rule f 3r multiple corou tine systems Rajara-nan, ?I., see J. Banerjee Ramesna Chandra, H.R., see MS. Krishnamurthy Reusch, Pd.A., Generalized lattices applicable in retrieval models Rotem, D., OJI a correspondence between binary trees and a certain type of permuta tion Rowicki. A., A note on optimal scheduling for two-pr~ocessorsystems Rozenberg, G ,, On slicmg of K-iteration grammars ood, A note on KRozenberg, 6. and iteration grammars , Th..ree results CL-ompation Rraohonen, between E la

4 (1975)


4 (1975)


4 (1975)


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18 31

4 (1976)


4 (1976) 165 4 (1976)

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(1976) 95 (1975) 38 (1976) 101 (1976) 165 (1975) 1

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4 (1975)


4 (1975)


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4 (1976) 141 4 (1975) 64 4 (1976)


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4 (1976) 127 4 (1976) 162

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4 (1975)

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1. En@fdt

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(1976) 137 (1975) a4 (1975) 46 (1976) 149

sewh trees 4 (1976) 90 4 (1976) 162

March 1976

Yao, A.&C., Axr O(E bg log Frsalgortihm f’or * fmding minimum spannhg trees 4 (1973) 2t Yelowitz, L., see A.G. Duncan 4 (I!373 70 Yuva& G., An algorithm for finding all shorri.est paths using.@ 81 infinite-pvecision multipkations 4 (1976) 155