AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 41 Apekis, L.. see C. Christodoulides
41 (1986) 35
Bailiie, C.F., A general FORTRAN to C translator Bargie~,M.. see J. Kitowski Bartschat. K. and P.G. Burke, RESFIT a multichannel resonance fitting program Birnboim, A., see R. Rankin Bonugli, Ri., see A.A. Mirin Bransden, B.H., Book review Brix, H., Formal specification and construction techniques for the development of programs with guaranteed properties Burke, P.G., see K. Bartschat
41 (1986) 409 41(1986) 419 41(1986) 75 41(1986) 21 41(1986) 85 41(1986)193
Campbell. J.A.. Knowledge-based computing systems and software engineering Capjack, C.E., see R. Rankin Christodoulides. C.. L. Apekis and P. Pissis, An algorithm for least-squares curve-fitting of TL and TSDC peaks Coghian, B., see L. Seijo
41(1986) 285 41(1986) 21
DieBi. D., see R.P. Wehrum Diôs, Z., K. Sepsy, I. Szabó and G. Székely, Design and implementation of a control system to a quadrupole mass spectrometer Dufour, P., see M. Dumont Dumont, M. and P. Dufour, Monte Carlo simulation of surface reactions
41(1986) 271
Fraga, S.. see L. Seijo
Hague, S.J., see R.M.J. lies Hanzáiek, P., J. H~ebI~ek and J. Ku~era,A conversational program system for mathematical optimization Hoyer, W., see R.P. Wehrum H~ebi~ek, J., see P. Hanzáiek
41(1986) 259
lies. R.M.J. and S.J. Hague. Toolpack: the first public release
41(1986) 259
James, F., Do physicists need software engineering? Jesshope. CR., Computational physics and the need for parallelism
41(1986) 205 41(1986) 363
Kawabata, S., A new Monte Carlo event generator for high energy physics Killeen, J.. see A.A. Mirin Kitowski. J. and M. Bargiel, Applications of fuzzy diagnostics to failure analysis of industrial complex plants Kolb, D., M. Sommer and M. Stadei, Programming environments
41(1986)127 41(1986) 85
41(1986) 245 41(1986) 75
41(1986) 35 41(1986)169
41(1986) 423 41(1986) 1 41(1986) 1
41(1986) 403 41(1986) 271 41(1986)403
41(1986) 419 41(1986) 227
Author ,nde.’ to volume 41
Král, J., Empirical laws of software development and their implications Ku~era,J., see P. Hanzâlek
41(1986) 385 41(1986) 403
Le Dourneuf, M., see L. Malegat
Malegat, L., M. le Dourneuf and Vo Ky Lan, Errors in the three CPC versions of the program to calculate the single centre expansion of the electron—diatomic-moiecuie static potential Manickam, J., Book review Marchand, R., see R. Rankin Mikuleck~’,P., On knowledge-based software tools Mirin, A.A., R.J. Bonugli, N.J. O’Neill and J. Killeen, ODRIC a one-dimensional linear resistive MHD code in cylindrical geometry
41(1986)179 41(1986)191 41(1986) 21 41(1986) 397
Nadrchal, J., Preface to the Proceedings of the 6th European Summer School on Computing Techniques on Physics: Software Engineering, Methods and Tools in Computational Physics, Nové Mésto na Moravé, Czechoslovakia, 16—27 September 1985 Nadrchal, J., Software engineering and computational physics Nair, K.P.R., A FORTRAN program for the calculation of hyperfine structure in the rotational transition of a 2~ diatomic molecule. II. Magnetic and electric quadrupole interaction from both nuclei
41(1986) v 41(1986)197
O’Neill, N.J., see A.A. Mirin
41(1986) 85
Philippot, G.P., The simula approach to living software Pissis, P., see C. Christodoulides Platz, J., Project management in the development of scientific software Popescu, 1.1., see F. Spineanu
41(1986) 291 41(1986) 35 41(1986) 217 41(1986)155
Rand, D.W., PASCAL programs for identification of Lie algebras. Part 1. RADICAL a program to calculate the radical and nil radical of parameter-free and parameter-dependent Lie algebras Rankin, R., A. Birnboim, R. Marchand and C.E. Capjack, Diffusion and equilibration in 2D fluid codes Richmond, A., Software design by object-oriented functional layering Russell, J.E., Implementing and using the database management system
41(1986) 85
41(1986) 59
Schoitsch, E., Software engineering aspects of real-time programming concepts Seijo, L., B. Coghlan and S. Fraga, Association of proteins: adaptation and coupling of two available programs Sepsy, K., see Z. Diôs Sommer, M., see D. Kolb Spineanu, F., M. Viad and 1.1. Popescu, STRIMP-program for studying the impurity evolution in tokamak plasma Stadel, M., see D. Kolb Szabó, I., see Z. Diós Székely, G., see Z. Diôs
41(1986)105 41(1986) 21 41(1986) 377 41(1986) 393 41(1986) 327 41(1986)169 41(1986) 423 41(1986) 227 41(1986)155 41(1986) 227 41(1986) 423 41 (1986) 423
.4 uthor index to volume 41
Tarutin, O.B., The programming of cross-assemblers on the ES-computer with the use of standard macroassembler Toisma, L.D., Recurrence relations for Coulomb excitation electric multipole radial matrix elements
41(1986) 415 41(1986) 41
Viad, M., see F. Spineanu Vo Ky Lan, see L. Malegat
41(1986)155 41(1986)179
Wehrum, R.P., W. Hoyer and D. DieBl, On some key features of Ada: language and programming environment Williams, DO., Software and languages for microprocessors
41(1986) 271 41(1986) 295