Author index (vol. 82)

Author index (vol. 82)

313 Journal of the NeurologicalSciences, 1987, 82:313-314 Elsevier Author Index (Vol. 82) Alexianu, M., see Voienlescu, V., 89 Aii Cherif, A., sew...

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Journal of the NeurologicalSciences, 1987, 82:313-314 Elsevier

Author Index (Vol. 82)

Alexianu, M., see Voienlescu, V., 89 Aii Cherif, A., sew.Milan~e, L., 291 Arata, L., see Leonardi, A., 281 Arnold, D.L., see iiayes, D.J., 27

Gertz, H.-J., see Cruz-Sanchez, F., 81 Gilois, " , see Jones, S.J., ':': Good, P.S., see Tandan, R., 205 Gruner, J.A., see Blight, A.R., 145

Blight, A.R. and Gruner, J.A., Ausmentation by 4-aminopyridine of vestibulospinal free fall responses in chronic spinal-injured cats, 145 Bolhuis, P.A., see De Jong, L., 271 Bonnefoi, B., see Milandre, L., 291 Bore, P.l., see Hayes, D.J., 27 Boudonresques, (3., see Milandre, L., 291 Bradley, W.G., se.e Tandan, It., 205 Brunsdon, C., see Comula, M., 229 Butler, P., see Schady, W., 193

Hartmann, A., see Tsuda, Y., 171 Hang, P.J., Kelly, T.M., Cannon, R.B. and Edwards, C.Q., A self-controlled study of the effects of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion on diabetic neuropathy, 123 Hayes, D.J., Taylor, D.J., Bore, P.J., HiltonJones, D., Amuld, D.L., Squier, M.V., Gent, A.E. and Radda, G.K., An unusual metabolic myopathy: a malate--aspartate shuttle defect, 27 I-lfllarius, S., see De Jong, L., 271 Hilton-Jones, D., see Hayes, D.J., 27 I-lirani, N., see Jones, S.J., 55 Hirano, A., see Mizusawa, H., 13 Howel, D., see Comola, M., 229

Cambridge, G., see Round, J.M., 1 Cannon, R.B., see Haug, P.J., 123 Cataland, S., see Warmolts, J.R., 161 Chang, V.K., see Valderrama, R., 133 Cocito, L., see Leonardi, A., 281 Comola, M., Johnson, M.A., Howcl, D. and Brunsdon, C., Spatial distribution of muscle necrosis in biopsies from patients with inflam. matory muscle disorders, 229 Cruz-Sanchez, F., Lafuante, J., Gertz, H.-J. and Stoltenburs-Didinger, G., Spongiform encephalopathy with extensive involvement ofwhite matter, 81 Cullen, M.J., see Watkins, S.C., 181 Da-Lin, Y., see Yamamura, 1"., 101 Dan, A., see Voicalescu, V., 89 De Jong, L., Woltennan, FLA., Elillarius, S. and Bolhuis, P.A., Collagen synthesis in cultured myoblasts and myotubes from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 271 Dierckx, R., see Vanderheyden, P., 257 Ebinger, G., see Vanderheyden, P., 257 Edwards., C.Q., see Haug, P.J., 123 Emery, E.S., see Tandan, R., 205 Esaki, K., see Woo, M., 111 Farinelli, M., see Leonardi, A., 281 Field, E.J. and Joyee, G., Duchenne muscular dystrophy: do both parents contribute genetically to the disease?, 245 Gent, A.E., see Hayes, D.J., 27

lshii, H., see Woo, M., 1 i I Johnson, M.A., see Comola, M., 229 Jones, D.A., see Round, J.M., 1 Jones, S.J., Yu, Y.L., Rudge, P., Kriss, A., Gilois, C., I-Ikani, N., Nijhawan, It., Norman, P. and Will, R., Central and peripheral SEP defects, in neurologically symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects with low vitamin BI2 levels, 55 Joyee, G., see Field, E.J., 245 Kaldany, R.-RJ., see Valdcrrama, R., 133 Kclly, T.M., see Hang, P.J., 123 Khalil, R., see Milandre, L., 291 Kriss, A., see Jones, S.J., 55 Lafuente, J., see (3mz-Sanchez, F., 81 Lake, B.D., Histochemical demonstration of cytosolic ~-~yeerophosphate dehydrogenase (EC and sm'tochondrial a-81ycerophospkate dehydmsenasc (EC !.i.99.5)(Short Conanmxication), 305 Lennardi, A., Arata, L., Farinelli, M., Cocito, L., Schenone, A., Tabaton, M. and Mancardi, G.L., Cerebrospinal fluid and neuropathological study in Devic's syndrome, 281 Little, B.W., see Tandan, P~, 205 Llena, J.F., see Mizusawa, H., 13

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314 Maccabee, P.J., see Valderrama, R., 133 Mancardi, G.L., see Leonardi, A., 281 Mendell, J.R., see Warmolts, J.R., 161 Metcalfe, R.A., see Schady, W., 193 Miike, T., Sugino, S., Ohtani, Y., Talm, K. and Yoshioka, K., Vascular endothelial cell injury and platelet embolism in Duehenne muscular dystrophy at the preclinical stage, 67 Milandre, L., Pellissier, J.F., Boedouresqnes, G., Bonnefoi, B., Ali Cherif, A. and Khalil, R., Non-hereditary multiple telangiectasias of the central nervous system. Report of two clinicopathological cases, 291 Mizusawa, H., Hirano, A. and Llena, J.F., Involvement of hippocampus in CrentzfeldtJacob disease, 13 Nijhawan, R., see Jones, S.J., 55 Nonaka, I., see Woo, M., ! 11 Norman, P., see Jones, S.J., 55 O'Dorisio, T.M., see Warmolts, J.R., 161 Ohtani, Y., see Miike, T., 67 Pastia, M., see Voiculescu, V., 89 Pellissier, J.F., see Milandre, L., 291 Pendiebury, W.W., see TandEm, R., 205 Petrovici, A., see Voiculescu, V., 89 Pollard, J.D., see Westland, K., 41 Popescu-Tismena, G., see Voiculescu, V., 89 Radda, G.K., see Hayes, D.J., 27 Round, J.M., Jones, D.A. and Cambridge, G., Cellular infiltrates in human skeletal muscle: exercise induced damage as a model for inflammatory muscle disease, 1 Rudge, P., see Jones, S.J., 55 Satoh, J.-i., see Yamamura, T., 101 Schady, W., Metcalfe, R.A. and Butler, P., The incidence of craniocervical bony anomalies in the adult Chiari malformation, 193 Sehenone, A., see Leonardi, A., 281 Solymosi, L., see Tsuda, Y., 171 Squier, M.V., see Hayes, D.J., 27 Stoltenburs-Didinger, G., see Crez-Sanchez, F., 81 Stracher, A., see Valderrama, R., 133 Sugino, S., see Mfike, T., 67 Tabaton, M., see Leonardi, A., 281 Tabira, T., see Yamamura, T., 101 Taku, K., see Miike, T., 67 Tanabe, Y., see Woo, M., 111

Tandan, R., Little, B.W., Emery, E.S., Good, P.S., Pendiebury, W.W. and Bradley, W.G., Childhood giant axonal neuropathy. Case report and review of the literature, 205 Taylor, D.J., see Hayes, D.J., 27 Tsuda, Y., Hartmann, A., Weiand, J. and Solymosi, L., Comparison of the effects of infusion with hydroxyethyl starch and low molecular weight dextran on cerebral blood flow and hemorheology in normal baboons, 171 Valderrama, R., Chang, V.K., Stracher, A., Maccabee, P.J. and Kaldany, R.-IL J., Treatment of experimental autoimmune myasthenia 8ravis in rabbits with Lenpeptin, a protease inhibitor, 133 Vanderheyden, P., Ebinger, G., Dierckx, R. and Vauquelin, G., Muscarim'c cholinergic receptor subtypes in normal haman brain and Alzheimer's presenile dementia, 257 Vauquelin, G., see Vanderheyden, P., 257 Voiculescu, V., Alexianu, M., Popescu-T'mmana, G., Pastia, M., Petrovici, A. and Dan, A., Polyneuropathy with lipid deposits in Schwann cells and axonal degeneration in ¢erebrotendinous xanthomatosis, 89 Warmolts, J.R., Mendell, J.R., O'Dorisio, T.M. and Cataland, S., Comparison oftbe effects of continuous subcutaneous infusion and splitmixed injection of insulin on nerve function in type I diabetes mellitus, 161 Watkins, S.C. and Cullen, M.J., A qualitative and quantitative study of the ultrastructure of regenerating muscle fibres in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and polymyositis, 181 Weiand, J., see Tsuda, Y., 171 Westland, K. and Pollard, J. D., Proteinase induced demyelination. An electrophysiological and histological study, 41 Will, R., see Jones, S.J., 55 Wolterman, R.A., see De Jong, L., 271 Woo, M., Tanabe, Y., lshii, H., Nonaka, I., Yokayama, M. and Esaki, K., Muscle fiber growth and necrosis in dystrophic muscles: a comparative study betweea dy and mdx mice, 111 Yamamura, T., Da-Lin, Y., Satoh, J.-i. and T abira, T., Suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by 15-deoxyspergualin, 101 Yokoyama, M., see Woo, M., Ill Yoshioka, K., see Miike, T., 67 Yu, Y.L., see Jones, S.J., 55