Author index, volume 149

Author index, volume 149

AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 149 Abaci IF, 409 Abecassls M, 783 Ackerman NB, 244 Ackroyd F. 516 Adson MA, 113 AJalat G, 75 t Al--Khuwatter S, 691 Air B, 405 A...

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AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 149 Abaci IF, 409 Abecassls M, 783 Ackerman NB, 244 Ackroyd F. 516 Adson MA, 113 AJalat G, 75 t Al--Khuwatter S, 691 Air B, 405 Arnarat JF, 551 Anderer FA, 198 Anderson MC, 306 Aretz PIT, 508 Argents LC, 299 Arlyan S, 459 Ashley SW, 53 Aszodi A, 102 Atk)nsOn KG, 615 Aubrey DA, 327 Aufses AH Jr, 780 Azizkhan RG, 210 Baer JW, 802 Baker CC, 453 Baue AE, 420, 453 Bauer J, 780 Beart RW Jr, 31 Beaufoy A, 615 Benjamin IS, 140 Bercl G, 703 Bemardinl AP, 739 Besson A, 656 Bismuth H, 676 Blomqulst P, 330. 712 Blumgart LH, 140 Bodily KC, 580 Bondoc C, 516 Boobls AR, 140 Bordan D, 474 Borzotta AP, 157 Bothe A Jr, 546 Bower RH, 106, 266 Bradley EL Ill, 197 Braghetto I, 765 Brandsborg O, 317 Brooks JR, 771 Broome AEA, 378 Brotschl E, 301 Brown JJ, 306 Bucknam CA, 449 Bullrrmster JR, 339 Buls JG, 390 Burchard KW, 495 Burhenne HJ. 692 Burke J. 518 Burns J, 362 Bush I ~ Jr, 477 Busuttll RW, 751 Buttorff JD, 580

Cady B, 312 Cahlll JL, 629 Callow AD, 481 Cairo F, 765 Ccmeron JL, 187 Cerldl J, 73 Carpenter PC, 276 Can" H, 163 Carr-t.ocke DL, 668

Volume 14g, June le8S

Castalng D, 676 Chabot JA, 133 Chalkof EL, 534 Chance WT, 739 C,havers BM, 343 Cheung LY, 53 Chino ES, 292 Christie DL, 629 Chung RS, 683 Coetho JCU. 228 Cohen I31, 126 Colacchto TA, 133 Conte CC, 449 Coon WW, 272 Costanza MC, 502 Coultish I, 730 Cox KL, 163 Cramer AR, 167 Cranford CA Jr, 167 Crtchton EP, 615 Csendes A, 765 CuadrI A, 248 Cummings BJ, 695 Cummings D, 623 Curcl MR, 528 Curt GR, 477 Daggett WM, 508 Dandapat MC, 686 Dapens M, 248 Deckers PJ, 323 DeCosse JJ, 95 De Gtrolaml P, 668 Degutis LC, 453 De La Cuadra R, 765 Demetrlous AA, 91 DeMeules JE, 502 Denegri JF, 587 Dennis DL, 644 DeSanlts J, 453 Deterllng RA, 481 Devereux OF, 323 Devltt JE, 789 Dlbblns AW, 528 Dledertch P, 317 Donovan TJ, 435 Dozols RR, 31 Drucker WR, 3t5 Dueben W, 375 Durktn MA, 445

Eesley K. 23 Edllch RF, 295, 799 Eddngton RD. 722 Effier DB, 793 Egglnk WF, 371 Eiefterlades JA, 441 Emas S, 236 Enqulst IF, 409 Farmer RG, 23 Fazlo VW. 23 Fellce PR, 466 Ferguson RM, 756 Fernstrom M, 236 Ferrara JJ, 466 Ferruccl JT Jr, 65

Fielding LP, 474 Finley RK Jr, 339 Fischer JE. 106, 266, 739 Fischer R, 198 Flelsher AG, 726 Flicklnger EG, 151 Florence L, 591 Foster EA, 540 Foster RS Jr, 502 Fowler R, 602 Freeman JB, 730 Frelschlag JA, 751 Frist W, 516 Fujlmura M, 120

Galambos JT, 167 Garcla-Ssncho L 248 Clardtner LJ, 459 Gauderer MWL, 102 C-iavettWJ, 315 Gaz RD, 522 Geelhoed GW, 258 Geha AS, 441, .445 Geiss AC, 395 Geternt I, 780 Get R, 733 Germann E, 615 GerUer JP, 441 Gerzof SG, 487 Gibbons G, 620 Gibson JH, 151 Glrottl M, 46 Glass NR, 405 Glenn WWL, 426 Goldberg SM, 390 Gomez G, 232 Gonzalez Z, 310 Gottrup F. 317 Gowen GF, 252 Grafton C, 599 Grant CS, 276 Greeley GH Jr, 40, 120 Greenall MJ, 95 Greene FL, 306 Greensteln AJ, 780 Gregg JA, 668 Gregg RO, 397 Grtllo HC, 283 Groff DB, 419 Gross GF, 627 Grossman L, 587 Guelrud M, 232 Guess CW, '363 Gullmo A, 378 Guyton RA, 167 ~ GS, 508 Hablb N, 676 Haddad W, 665 Haines PC, 295 Hamilton SR, 187 Hammad A. 709 Hammond GL, 441.445 Haneltn L. 177 Harley J, 623 Had MJ, 640 Ha.shim GW, 44i Hashlm SW. 445

Hastings PR, 672 Hawkins iF Jr, 73 Hayes JF, 627 Hedberg SE, 65 He~)HA, 3"71 Henderson JM, 167 Herlln PM, 739 Herman CM, 623 Herrera L, 205 Heymann H, 375 Hill LD, 177 Hlnsdale JG, 334 Holmvang AM, 599 Hoover EL, 334 Hornung A, 198 Howard RJ, 73 Plume AL, 445 Hyman NH, 502

I~hsra T, 651 tnnes JT, 756 Ivey TD, 648 IwahashlJ-Iosoda C, 163 lyer HV, 409

Jackson SM, 610 Jaffe BM, 60, 334 Jagelrnan DG, 23 Jaln KM, 368 James JH, 739 Jamieson WRE, 602 Jed EH, 495 Jenkins N, 327 Jex RK, 276 JlbcRxtH, 330, 712 Joffe SN, 106 Johansen K, 591,620 Johnson G, 722 Johnson LP, 595 Johnson WC, 487 Jones 8A, 46 Jones JW, 809 Jones LM, 339 Jones RF, 613 Jordan PH Jr, 2 Kagorn~ PK, 91 Kaiser S. 91 Kanashln~ R. 223 Karakousls CP, 215 Kasdon E, 745 Katllc MR. 283 Keegy BA, 722 Kenney JG, 799 Kern KA. 266 Kern S. 387 Kerr JC, 368 Kestenbaum DJ, 665 Ketcham AS, 288, 797 Khalll 1", 120 KIx~send J, 215 Ktenlnger G. 198 KIm B. 474 Kimmelstiel FM, 726 Knecht B, 620 Knight CD Jr, 113 Kop! GL, 445

Kopf GS, 441 Kreel 1, 780 Kudlow JE, 783 Kunsfllnger F, 676

Lafrenlere R, 288, 797 I.anger B, 46, 763 Larrleu AJ, 602 Lattes CG, 726 t.avery IC, 23 Lazo M, 765 Ledwoch J, 375 Lee D, 606 Lekven J, 351 Leriche J, 602 Levenson SM, 91 Levine BA, 35 Levy IE, 793 Lewis P, 327 LI YF, 228 Llndsy DE. 583 Ltpkowitz GS, 334 Lowe R. 435 Luna G, 591 Luorna A, 610

Mackey W, 461 Mahon PA, 716 Mandl MAJ. 587 Marmon L, 182 Marrone GC, 187, 745 Martin LF, 157 Mate L, 40 Mauer SM, 343 McAtilster WR, 644 McAuley CE, 412 McCabe CJ, 534 McCrann OJ Jr, 528 McDermott WV Jr, 546 McFadden D, 60 McFadden PM, 809 McGovern PJ Jr, 368 McGregor GI, 610 McLoughltn MJ, 783 McPherson GAD, 140 McSherry CK, 126 Meltvedt R Jr, 620 Mentourt B. 709 Me,'cer CD, 177 Merrell RC, 816 Miasowsky B, 375 Michael AF, 343 Miller RE. 726, 802 Miller SF, 339 Millikan WJ Jr, 167 MIsbach GA, 648 Mittelman A, 205 Moe RE, 613 Mohapatro SK, 666 Moneta GL, 648 Montefusco PP. 395 Moody FG, 228 Moran JM, 248 Morgan RF. 799 Morgan WP0 327 Morgenstem L, 697 Mosbach EH, 126 Moyer MP. 35


Author Index

Mueller PE. 65 Muggia-Sullam M. 106 Mukherjee D. 651 Murphy RF. 106 Murray N. 602 Nabseth DC. 477. 487 Nagasue N. 223 Nagorney DM. 113 Na|arian JS. 343 Nambtsan RN. 205 Neff R. 623 Nelerns JMB. 602 Nelp W. 613 Nielsen SV. 317 Niu XT. 91 Nivatvongs S, 390 Nizin JS. 802 Nee JM. 301 Noguerales F, 248 Norton LW,MS, 347357 Nussbaum Oakley JR. 23 Oakley WC, 636 Obertop H, 371 Ochsner JL, 809 O'Donnel! TJ, 481 O'Hara ET. 477 Ornshoft J. 317 OverhoR RH, 558 Oxley K. 730 Panton ONM. 615 Park HK. 151 Parks SE. 672 Pascal RR. 802 Passero E Jr. 144 Patro SK. 686 Pearce RSC. 295 Pemberton JH. 31 Petrelli NJ, 205 Pezzella AT, 793

Polk HC Jr. t57 Pollard M. 383 Potlock TW. 334 Ponsky JL. 102 Peele MA. 722 Porles Wj. 151 Porter JM. 644 Ports JR ~. 167 Pourdeyhimi B. 387 Pulllam CW. 416 Putzkt H. 375 Quan SHQ. 95 Raju CG. 219 Refiner DW. 745 Rave B. 733 Rehnke EC. 409 Reid DA. 583 Retnes HD, 416 Reinhold RB, 540 Requena F, 248 Rhoada JE, 15 Ricc| JL, 84 Richardson JD, 157 Rivkin SE, 595 Robbins AH, 487 Robins RE. 606 Rocko JM. 368 Rodeheaver GT, 295 ROOSH. 378 Rosenberg JM. 775 Rosenqulst GL. 163 Rothenberger DA. 390 Rublnstein P. 306 Rudick J. 232 Rue C. 177 Ryan JA Jr. 636 Saenz de Santamaria J. 248 Safalt H, 540

Sakamoto T. 40 Sakato K. 223 S~llcas A, 232 ~msoondar W. 730 Sandy JT. 599 Sanluen S. 248 Santlago-Delpln EA. 310 Saw MG. 187 Satlanl B. 362 Schaplro RH0 65 Schtdlow DV. 182 Schulzer M. 615 Schumen ES. 627 Schusterman MA. 357 Schutte H. 765 Scoll G. 481 Seashore JH. 459 Seif~er E. 91 Sepulveda A. 765 Sewatl CW. 167 Sharma HM, 756 Sheperd A, 481 Shreck R, 383 Shulman AG. 703 Stlen W, 301. 745 Sillin LF, 244, 683 Silloway KA. 799 Simeone J, 65 Simon C. 232 Sinar DR. 151 Stngha! AK. 126 Sirinek KR, 35 Skarsteln A. 351 Sladen JG. 587 Slater G. 780 Sloss RR. 151 Slotman GJ. 495 Slovttar HA. 84 Smalley SR. 113 Smedl~erg SGG. 378 Smith TJ. 540 Sothaug JH. 228 So,linger H. 405 Seminar BG, 756 Sommerhaug RG, 583

Sonnenschetn LA. 53 Soon-Shiong P. 163 Sorensen K, 317 Staab HJ. 198 Stabile BE. 144 Stahler C. 620 Steams MW. 95 Steed DL. 412 Stellato TA. 102 Stenger RJ. 126 Stojowskl A. 620 Stoller JL. 632 Stone MD. 546 Stumpf E. 198 Sugarbaker PH. 812 Suresh K. 244 Sutton JE Jr. 716 Swan KG. 368 Swaney R. 474 Taylor BR, 46 Taylor LM Jr, 644 Tegtmeyer CJ, 210 Thacker JG, 295 Than-Trong T, 816 Thayer JO Jr, 558 Thomas CG, 292 Thomas GI, 574 Thompson JC. 40. 120 Thompson WR. 551 Totedano A, 232 Tommey R. 383 Townsend CM Jr. 120 Towstey K. 383 Trowbridge PE. 466 Udelsman R. 812 Une M. 126 Urmacher C. 95 van Heerden JA. 276 Vasko JS, 362 Veen HF, 371

SUBJECT INDEX, VOLUME 149 Abdomen Cecoproctostomy, 636 Desmoid tumors and their management, 215 Does drainage of intr~bdomlnal pus reverse multiple organ failure? 347 Effects of sphincteroplasty and endoscopic sphincterotomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Extended Kocher incision for bilateral adrenalectomy, 292 Management of desmoid tumors {E), 312 Osseous and chondrel fixation of polypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Percutaneous drainage of abscesses in the postoperative abdomen that Is difficult to exploxe, 623 Postoperative enteral versus parentaral nutritional support ~n gastrointestina! surgery. A matched prospective study, 106


Velasco N. 765 Vtncour CD. 182 Vogel SB. 73 Voltman RW. 477 Voyles CR. 80

Prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies requiring surglcat correction. Implications for the future. 528 Recovery from multiple organ failure (E). 420 Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. The Tacoma experience. 580 Surgical aspects of the Tenckhoff peritoneal dialysis catheter. A 7 year experience. 339 Surgical complications of peritoneal dialysis catheters. 726 Abscess Does drainage of Intraabdominal pus reverse touR!pie Organ failure? 347 Intrahepatlc pyogentc abscesses: treatment by percutaneous drainage. 487 Percutaneous drainage of abscesses In the postoperative abdomen that is difficult to explore. 623

Wade JW. 705 Waiters R. 623 Wanebo HI. 210 Wang C. 283. 522 Wang HS. 665 Warren WD. 167 Warshaw AL. 65.508. 563 Weakley FL. 23 Webster MW. 412 Welland D. 343 Wetland LH. 113 Welntraub WH. 182 Welch JP. 775 Werth R. 383 White TT. 640 Whltehurst RM, 756 Winters V, 627 Woffe SF, 583 Wolff BG, 31 Wood CD, 383 Woods JE, 749 Wright HK, 474 Xlaoru S, 403 Yamamoto B. 602 Yen C. 771

Zambrano-Rincones V. 232 JL. 819 Zamora Zederteldt B. 330. 712 Zleglar MM. 84 Zinner MJ, 60 Ztnsmeister AR, 113

(CR = case report; E = editorial)

Acid Ingestion Late sequelae of gastric acid injury (CR), 412 Adenocarclnoma Barrett's esophagus: its prevalence and association with adenocarcinoma in patients with symptoms of gastroesophagealreflux. 187 Perlampullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Surgical management of gastric adenocardlnoma, 771 Adenocort!colropic hormone Ectoplc ACTH syndrome. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, 276 Adolescents Breast masses in adolescent patients in Trinidad, 219 Adrenaleofomy Extended Kocher incision for bilateral adrenalectomy, 292

The American Jeume! of Surgery

Subject Index

Aging Effect of aging on pancreatic secretlor, in rats, 120 Albumin Urinary albumin excretion in renal transplant donors, 343 Alcohol Acute pancreatltls in Algeria. Report of 221 cases, 709 Algeria Acute pancreatttis in Algorla. Report of 221 cases, 709 Amino acids Effects of jejunolloal bypass on food intake, amino acid levels, and Indotesmlne metabolism in rats, 739 Relative value of glucose and amino acids in preserving exerc=se capacity in the postoperative perldd, 383 Use of a branched chain amino acid enriched solution In patients under metabolic stress, 266 Amplclilln Prophylaxis with whole gut irrigation and antlmioroblals in colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double-blind clinical trial, 317 Amputation Bypass or amputation?, Concomitant review of bypass arterial grafting and major amputations, 397 AnestomoUc leakage Management of esophageal dehtscencos by an tntralumlnal bypass tube. An experimental study, 733 Aneurysms Postlntarctlon ventricuiar anaurysmectomy, 793 Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. The Tacoma experience, 580 Anorectoplasty Results after posterior saglttal anorectoplasty: a new approach to high imperforate anus, 629 Antigens Eighty-four potential second-look operations based on sequential carcinoembryonlc antigen determinations and clinical investigations in patients with recurrent gastrointestinal cancer, 198 Hepatocellular carcinoma. A 5 year institutional experience, 591 Antlmlcroblsls Prophylaxis with whole gut irrigation and antlmlcrobiais in colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double-blind clinical trial, 317 Antlpyrine Antipyrtne elimination In patients with obstructive jaundice: a predictor of outcome, 140 Anus Epldermoid Cancer of the anal margin. Pathologic features, treatment, and clinical results, 95 Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucose! proctactomy, 390 Results after posterior saglttal anorectoplasty: a new approach to high imperforate anus, 629 Aorta Improvements in the diagnosis and management of aortoenteric fistula, 481

Volume 149, June 1985

Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. The Tacoma experience, 580 Arteries Biologic fate of valves in reversed and nonreversed arterial vein grafts, 435 Bypass or amputation?. Concomitant review of bypass arterial grafting and major amputations, 397 Colonization of tntravascular catheters tn the intensive care unit, 730 Congenital duplication of the gallbladder associated with an anomalous right hepatic artery (CR), 812 Cyclosporlne-assoclated renal artertopathy resulting In loss of allograft function, 756 Ease of suturing surgical fabrics. A quantitative evaluation, 387 Fibroblast Inhibition: a new and treatable cause of prosthetic graft failure, 587 Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenographlc clue to mediastlnal vascular injury (CR), 809 Hemodynamtcs of an anastomotlc artertovenous fistula, 368 Improved stress test results after multiple coronary grafting, 583 Incidence of recurrent or residual stenosis after carotid endarterectomy, 722 Management of the tortuous Internal carotid artery., 651 Surgical end nonsurglcal treatment of total carotid artery occlusion, 362 Arteriosclerosis Hemodynamlcs of an anastomottc arteriovanous fistula, 368 Arthritis Felty's syndrome: when is spl(~nectomy indicated? 272 Ascltos Consequences of intraperitoneal bile: bile ascltas versus bile peritonitis, 244 Aspirin Focal gastric mucosal blood flow at the site of aspirin-induced ulceration, 53 Atresla Portoenterostomy diversion. Experimental study in antireflux techrdque, 248 Atrium Management of Hickrnan catheter sepsis, 627 Bacteria Colonization of lntravascular catheters in the intensive care unit, 730 Eftects of sphincteroptasty and endoscopic sphtncterotomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Treatment of necrotizing soft tissue infections: the noed fo~ a new approach, 751 Banding Experimental evaluation of gastric banding for treatment of morbid obesity In pigs, 228 Influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenactomy, 351 Barreff's esophagus Barrett's esophagus: its prevalence and assOciation with adenocarcinoma in patients with symptoms of gastroesop.hagea! reflux, 187 Baulnl's repair inguinal hernia in Saudi Arabia. A 10 year experience, 691

Billary tract Acute pancreatttls In Algeria. Report of 221 cases. 709 Antlpyrine elimination in patients with obstructive jaundice: a predictor of outcome, 140 Cholanglography and small duct injury, 640 Consequ~encas of intraperltoneal bile: bile ascltes versus bile peritonitis, 244 Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, bitiary, and pancreatic duct drainage for pain from chronic pancreatttls, 563 Effects of sphincteroptasty and endoscopic sphlncterotomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Evaluation of percutaneous transhepatic balloon dilatation of benign blUary strictures tn high--risk patients, 73 Exoendoprosthesls in proximal bilioenterio anastomoses, 80 Gallbladder disease in the morbidly obese, 551 Intraoperatlve bitlary endoscopy (choiedochoscopy) in California hospitals (E), 703 Objective evaluation of ampullary stenosls with ultrasonography and pancreatic stimulation, 65 Portoenterostomy diversion. Experimental study in antirefiux technique, 248 'Timing of surgery for acute btliery pancreatitts, 371 Biopsy Accuracy and cost-effectiveness of fine needles aspiration biopsy, 540 New needle for biopsy of pleura, 403 Bladder Perlneal hernias after proctectomy. A new approach to repair (CR), 301 Bleeding Improvements in the diagnosis and management ot aortoanterlc fistula, 481 Portoazygous disconnection for bleeding esophageal varicas, 546 Risks of surgery for upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage: 1972 versus 1982, 474 Blood Colonization of Intravascular catheters in the intensive care unit, 730 Evidence of a noncholecystokinln stimulant of gallbladder contraction: comparison of fasting serum concentrations in healthy subjects and In patients with gallstones, 163 Thrombolytic therapy fol|owed by first rib resection for spontaneous ("effort") subclavian vein thrombosis, 644 Blood flow Focal gastric mucosal blood flow at the site of aspirin-induced ulceration, 53 Hypoparfuston as a possible faCtor in the development of gastrolntestlnal complications after cardiac surgery, 648 Influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenectomy, 351 Bone Osseous and chondral fixation of polypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Thrombolytlc therapy followed by first rib resection for spontaneous ("effort")


S u b j e c t Index

subclavian vein thrombosis. 644 Books Book reviews, 221,572, 699 Books received, 196. 314, 424, 570. 701, 826 area=t

Breast masses in adolescent patients tn Trinidad. 219 Carcinoma of the breast in women 80 years of age and older: still a lethal disease, 606 Management of nipple discharge by clinical findings, 789 Review of conservative surgery in early breast cancer. British Columbia experience, 599 Simulated metastatic carcinoma after breast reconstruction (CR), 299 Budd-Chled syndrome Appro~ch to the spectrum of Budd-Chlari syndrome: which patients require portal decompression? 167 Burns Long-term functional results of selective treatment of hand burns, 516 Bypa~ Acute panoreatltis after cardtopulmonary bypass, 508 Bypassed stomach, 151 Bypass or amputation?. Concomitant review of bypass arterial grafting and major amputations, 397 Effects of jejunottaal bypass on food intake, amino acid levetc, and tndolesmtne metabolism in rats, 739 Hemodynamics of an anastomotic arterlovenous fistula, 368 Improved stress test results after multiple coronary grafting, 583 In situ saphenous vein bypass grafts for limb sewage. A current fad or e viable alternative to reversed vein bypass grafts? 477 Management of esophageal dehiscences by an tntraluminal bypass tube. An experimental study, 733 Measurement of central sometosensory conduction time in patients undergoing cardioputmonary bypass: an index of neurologic function, 445 Portoenterostomy diversion. Experimental study in antire~lux technique, 248 Calculi Acute pancreatlfls in Algeria. Report of 221 cases, 709 Chotanglography and small duct injury, 640 Evidence of a noncholecystoklnln stimulant of gallbladder con~action: comparison of fasting serum concentrations In healthy subjects and tn patients with gallstones, 163 Gallbladder disease tn the morbidly obese, 551 Hyodeoxychollc acid: a new approach to gallstone prevention, 126 Minlcholecystostomy and radlologlc stone extraction In high-risk choleltthlasls patients. Preliminary experience, 632 Timing of surgery for acute blliary panoreatitis, 371 Cancer Accuracy and cost-effectiveness of fine needles aspiration biopsy. 540 Barretl's esophagus: its prevalence and association with adenocarclnoma In patients with symptoms of


gastroesophageal reflux, ;87 Bontgn and malignant gastrtnorrm, 144 Blood trsrmtuslons attd survival after tung canCer resection. 502 CarclnoId tumors of the colon. A study of 72 patients, 775 Carcinoma of the breast In women 80 years of age and older: stilt a lethal disease, 606 Carcinoma of the lung In patients under 40 years of age, 602 Contributions of pathologic margins end Dukes' stage to local recurrence In colorectalcarclnoma, 323 Desmeld tumors and theirmanagement, 215

Dts~bution of colorectal cancer in patients with and without ulcerative colitis, 780 Early colonic dysplasta: comparison of differential mucln statntng and tritlated thymJdine labeling, 133 Ectoplo ACTH syndrome. Diagnostic end therapeutic aspects, 276 Eighty-four potantial second-look operations based on sequential carclnoembryonlc antigen detarminatlons arpd clinical Investigations in patients with recurrent gastrointestinal cancer, 198 Epidermold cancer of the anal margin. Pathologic features, treatment, and clinical results, 95 Exoendoprosthesls in proximal btlioenterlc anastomoses, 80 H~patic resection for isolated metastasis from colorectal carcinoma, 205 Hepatocellular Carcinoma. A 5 year Institutional experience, 591 Implanted pump In metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit, 595 Lymph node metastases from welldifferentiated thyroid cancer. A clinical review, 610 Malignant rectal carclnold: a sequential multldisciplinary approach for successful treatment of hepatic metastases. 210 Management of desmotd tumors (E), 3 t 2 Management of nipple discharge by clinical findings, 789 Management of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon by extended right hemicoiectomy, 327 Metastatic melanoma to the lung: longterm results of surgical excision, 558 Natural history of parathyroid carcinoma. Diagnosis, treatment, and results, 522 Pentagastrin stimulates In vitro growth of norreal and malignant human colon epithelial coils, 35 Pedafnpullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Recurrent hyperparathyroldlsm due to Imptart=atlon.of parathyroid tissue, 745 Review of conservative surgery In early breast cancer. British Columbia experience, 599 Role of computerized tomography in assessment of ~ medt~stlnum In patients with iung carcinoma, 449 Simulated metastatic carcinoma after breast reconstruction (CR), 299 SurgiCal management of gastric adenoc~rdln~na, 771 Use of radlonucllde lymphograms to

determine lymphatic drainage of truncal melanomas, 613 Carckmma Blood transfusions and survival after lung cancer resection. 502 Cerclnold tumors of the colon. A study of 72 patients. 775 Carcinoma of the breast In women 80 years of age and older: still a lethal disease, 606 Carcinoma of the lung in patients under 40 years of age, 602 Contributions of pathologic margins and Dukes' stage to local recurrence In coIorectat carcinoma, 323 Distribution of colorectal cancer tn patients with and without ulcerative colltls, 780 Ectoplc ACTH syndrome. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, 276 Flbrolamallar hepatoma, 113 Hemorrhagic pancreatltis: a compllcatlo,i of transcethetar embollzatlon treated sucCessfully by total pancreatectomy (OR), 802 Hepatic resection for Isolated metastasis from colorectal carcinoma, 205 Hepatocellutar carcinoma. A 5 year Institutional experience, 591 Implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk vc~,sus benefit, 595 Lymph node metastases from well. differentiated thyroid cancer. A clinical review, 610 Management of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon by extended right hemlcoiectomy, 327 Natural history of parathyroid carcinoma. Diagnosis, treatment, and results, 522 Pentagastrin stimulates in vitro growth of normal and malignant human colon epithelial cells, 35 Partampullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Recurrent hyperparathyroldism due to Implantation of parathyroid tissue, 745 Review of conservative surgery In early breast cancer. British Columbia experience, 599 Role of computerized tqmography in assessment of the medlastlnum In patients with lung carc{noma, 449 Simulated metastatic carcinoma after breast reconstruction (CR), 299 Surgical management of gastric adenocardinoma, 771 Use of radionuclide lymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of truncal melanomas, 613 Cerdlopulmonary bypass Acute panoraatitls after cardtopulmonary bypass, 508 Measurement of central somatosensory conduction time in patients undergoing cardlopulmonary bypass: an index of neurologlc function, 445 Cerd|othoraclc surgery K. Alvin Merend|no: his contribution to surgery (E), 574 Cathetam Colonization cf Intravascular catheters in t~m intensive care unR. 730 Hemmrtmglc pancreatltls: a complication of transcatheter embollzatlon treated successfully by total penoreatectomy (CR), 802

The .,~Prlcan Journal of S¢~rgery

S u b j e c t Index

Management of Hickman catheter sepsL% 627 Placement of an Implantable percutaneous permanent triple-lumen catheter, 395 Subclavian vein catheterization (CR), 416 St=rgtcal aspects c,t the Ter',ckho~ peritoneal dialysis catheter. A 7 year experience, 339 Surgical complications of peritoneal dialysis catheters, 726

Cecum Cecoproctostomy, 636 Neutropenic enterocolitts tn adults. Review of the literature and assessment of surgical Intervenhon (CR), 405

Ceils Pentagastrln stimulates In vitro growth of normal and malignant human colon epithelial cells, 35

Chemotherapy Malignant rectal carctnoid: a sequential multldtsclplinary approach for successful treatment of hepatic metastases, 210

Children Gastroesophageal reflux in the infant with cystic fibrosis, 182 Management of giant cystic hygromas in infants, 459 Prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies requiring surgical correction. Implications for the future, 528 Results after posterior sagtttal anorectoplasty: a new approach to high imperforate anus, 629

Cholanglocarclnoma Exoendoprosthesls in proximal bilioenterlc anastomoses, 80

Cholangltls Effects of sphlncteroplasty and endoscopic sphlncterotomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bite duct, 668 Portoenterostomy diversion. Experimental study tn antireflux technique, 248

Cholecystttls Evolving changes in the pathogenesls and treatment of the perforated gallbladder. A combined hospital study, 466

Cholecysteklnln Effect of aging on pancreatic secretion in rats, 120 Evidence of a noncholecystoktntn stimulant of gallbladder cont~ dction: comparison of fasting serum concentrations in healthy subjects and in patients with gallstones, 163

ChotecyslOstomy MIn|cholecystostomy and radlo~ogic stone extraction in high-risk cholellthlasls patients. Preliminary experience, 632

Choledochocele Choledochocele and recurrent pancreatitfs. Diagnosis and Surgical management {CR), 306

Cholelithlasis Mlnlcholacystostomy and radlologic stone extraction in high-risk cholelithiasts patients. Preliminary experience, 632 Cholesterol Hyodeoxycholic acid: a new approach to gallstone prevention, 126

Clmetldlna Effect of clmat~d~ne on healing and surgical treatment of gastric ulcers, 665

Vc~'.Jme149, June 1985

CoitUs Complications and quality of life attar fleorectal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis, 23 Distribution of colorectal cancer in patients with and without ulcerative colitis, 780

Collagen Effect of diverting colostomy on breaking strang~'~ of anastomoses after resection of the left side of the colon. Studies in the rat, 712 Effect of diverting cotostomy on collagen metabolism In the colonic wall. Studies in the rat, 330 Effect of diverting colostomy on collagen metabolism in the colonic wall (El, 419

Colon Anastomotic healing after colorectal irradiation (El, 697 Carclnofd tumors of the colon. A study of 72 patients, 775 Cecoprocfostomy, 636 Colonic pseudo-obstruction in surgical patients, 258 Complications and quality of life after tleorectal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis, 23 Complications of colostomy closure, 672 Contributions of pathologic margins and Dukes' stage to local recurrence in colorectal carcinoma, 323 Distribution of colorectal cancer In patients with and without ulcerative colitis, 780 Early colonic dysplasia: comparison of differential mucin staining and tritiated thymidine labeling, 133 Effect of diverting colostomy on breaking strength of anastomoses after resection of the left side of the colon. Studies tn the rat, 712 Effect of diverting ~;~iostorny on collagen metabolism i~ the colonic wall. Studies In the rat, 330 Effect of diverting colostomy on collagen metabolism In the colonic wall (El, 419 Effect of preoperative irradiation on the healing of colorectal anastomoses (El, 695 Hepatic resection for isolated metastasis from colorectat carcinoma, 205 Implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit, 595 Is r~asogastrtc suction necessary after elective colon resection? 620 Management of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon by extended right hemlcolactomy, 327 Mechanical preparation of the large bowel for elective surgery. Comparison of whole*gut lavage with the conventional enema and purgative technique, 615 Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 Penrose drain: a safe. atraumatic colostomy bridge, 288 Pentagastrln stimulates in vitro growth of normal and malignant human colon epithelial cells, 35 Prophylaxis with whole gut irrigation a¢~:l eontlmlcrobtals tn colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double-blind clinical trial, 317

Secretory effects of intravenous serotontn on the proximal jejunum of the awake dog, 60 Side-to-side and and-to-side anastomosis in partial gastrectomy and hemicolectomy using the EEA stapler, 683 Computerized tomography Does drainage of Intraabdomtnat pus reverse multiple organ failure? 347 Role of computerized tomography In assessment of the medtastlnum in patients with lung carcinoma, 449 Serendipitous adrenal masses: prevalence, significance, and management, 783

Congenital abnormalities Congenital duplicatfen of the gallbladder associated with an anomalous right hepatic artery (CR), 812 Prenatal diagnosis of Congenital anomalies requiring surgical correction. Implications for the future, 528 Continuing medical education CME test, 194. 271,422, 569,696,824 Cost-effectiveness Accuracy and cost-effectiveness of fine needles aspiration biopsy, 540

Cushing's syndrome Ectoptc ACTH syndrome. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, 276 Cyclosporine Cyclosporlne-associated renal artertopathy resulting in loss of allograft function, 756 Cystic fibrosis Gastroesophageal reflux in the infant with cystic fibrosis, 182

Cysts Choledochocele and recurrent pancreatttls. Diagnosis and surglcal management (CR), 306 Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Evolution of a concept (El, 819 Don't fix nothin that ain't broke (El, 197 Management of giant cystic hygromas in infants, 459 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic psaudocysts. Are we making progress? 705

Decompression Approach to the Spectrum of Budd-43htarl syndrome: which patients require portal decompression? 167 Endoscopic decompression In partial small bowel obstruction, 252

Dialysis Surgical aspects of the Tenckhoff peritoneal dialysis catheter. A 7 year experience, 339 Surgical complications of peritoneal dialysis catheters, 726 Dilatation Evaluation of percutaneous transhepattc balloon dilatation of benign biliary strictures In high-risk patients, 73

DImsfhyihydrazlne Early colonic dysplssla: comparison of differential mucln Staining and trltiated thymidtne labeling, 133 Dimethyl sulfoxlde Effect of dtmethyi suifoxlde and glycerol on acute bowel Isohemia in the rat, 91


Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, b!llary, and pancreatic duct drainage for pain from


Subject Index

chronic parmreatitis, 563 Does drainage of Intraabdomlnal pus reverse multiple organ fa~.ure? 347 Don't fix nothln that ain't broke (El, 197 Evaluation of a new, improved surgical dratP~ge system, 295 Intrahepatic pyogenic abscesses: treatment by percutaneous drainage, 487 Penrosa drain: a safe. atraumatic colostomy bridge, 288 Percutaneous drainage of abscesses in tim postoperative abdomen that is difficult to explore, 623 Recovery from multiple organ failure (El, 420 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic pssudocysts. Are we making prOgress? 705 Use of radlonucllde lymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of truncal melanornas, 613

Ducts Cholangtography and small duct Iniury, 640 Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, btttary, and pancreatic duct drait~age for pain from chronic pancreatitis. 563 Effects of sphincteroplasty and endoscopic sphincterctomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Intraoperative bi{tary endoscopy (cl~oledochoscopy) in California hospitals (El, 703 Management of nipple discharge by clinical findings, 789 Mtnk;holecystostomy and radtologic stone extraction in high-risk cholelithtasis patients. Preliminary experience, 632

Dukes' classification Contributions of pathologic rn~rgins and Dukes' stage to local recurrence tn colorectal carcinoma, 323

Duodenum Duodenal ulcers and their surgical treatment: where did they come from?

(El, 2

Hemorrhagic pancreatltis: z complication of transcatheter embolization treated successfully by total pancreatectomy (CR), 802 Management of giant duodenal ulcer 357 Prospective, randomized trial of selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty and selective proximal vagotomy with and without pyloroplasty in the treatment of duedenal, pyloric, and prepytoric ulcers, 236

Duplex scanning Incidence of recurrent or residual stenosis after carotid endarterectomy, 722

DySphagia Dysphagta and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastric vagotomy, 232

Dysplasla Early colonic dysplasia: comparison of differential mucin staining and tritiated thymidine labeling, 133

Economics Cost containment and survival of the teaching hospital (El, 315

Editorials Anastomotic healing after colorecta!


Irradiation, 697 Benjamin Franklin: physician and philosopher, 426 Cost containment and survival of the teaching hospital, 315 Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Evolution of a concept. 819 Don't fix nothin that ain't broke, 197 Duodenal ulcers and their surgical treatment: where did they come from? 2 Effect of diverting colostomy on collagen metabolism in the colonic wall, 419 Effect of preoperative Irradiation on the healing of colorectal anastomoses, 695 Gastlointestinal surgery: then and now, 15 Intraoperatlve btliary endoscopy (choledochoscopy) in California hospitals, 703 K. Alvin Merendlno: his contribution to surgery, 574 Management of desmetd tumors, 312 Recovery from multiple orgar" failure. 420 Roux-Y loop in modern digestive tract surgery, 656

Elderly patients Carcinoma of the breast in women 80 years of age and older: still a lethal disease, 606 Mtnlcholecystostomy and radlologtc stone extraction in high.risk choleltthtasls patients. Preliminary experience, 632

Elephantiasis Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review Of 350 cases, 686

Emboilzatton Hemorrhagic pancreatitls: a complication of transcatheter embolizatlon treated successfully by total pancreatectomy (CR), 802

Endarlerectomy Incidence of recurrent or residual stanosls after carotid endarterectomy, 722 Management of the tortuous internal carotid artery, 651

Endoscopy Bypassed stomach, 151 Colonic pseudo-obstruction In surgical patients, 258 Don't fix nothtn that ain't broke (El, 197 Effects of sphincteroplasty and endoscopic sphinctarotomy on the bacte,iolaglc characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Endoscopic decompression in partial small bowel obstruction, 252 lntraoperative biltary endoscopy (choledochoscopy) in California hospitals (El, 703 Peroutaneous approaches to enteral allrnentation, 1(}2

Enteroco~ltls Nautropenic enterocolltis in adults. Review of the literature and assessment of surgical intervention (CR), 405

Enterostomy Prolonged enteral nutrition In malnourished patients with nonelemental feeding. Reappraisal of surgical technique, safety, and costs, 334

Epldermoid cancer Epldermold cancer of the anal margin. Pathologic features, treatment, and clinical results, 95

Esophagus Barrett's esophagus: its prevalence and association with adenocarcl~on't8 in patients with symptoms of g~troesophageat reflux, 187 Dysphagta and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastric vagotomy, 232 Effect or obesity on esophageal transit, 177 Gastroesophageal reflux In the Infant with cystic fibrosis. 182 Management of esophageal dehtscences by an intralumlnal bypass tube. An experimental study, 733 Portoazygous disconnection for bleeding esophageal vartces, 546 Unifying concepts In treatment of esophageal leaks, 157

Excretion Urinary albumin excretion in renal transplant donors, 343

Exercise Relative value of glucose and amino acids In presarvtng 9x_~rcise capacity in the postoperative period. 383 Faclttls Treatment of necrottzlng soft tissue infections: the need for a new approach. 751

Fairy's syndrome Felty's syndrome: when ts splenectomy indicated? 272

Fetoproteln Hepatocellular carcinoma. A 5 year Institutional experience, 591

Ftbroadenoma Breast masses in adolescent patients in Trinidad, 219

Flbroblasts Flbroblast inhibition: a new and treatable cause of prosthetic graft failure, 587 FIbrolamellar hepatoms Ftbrolamellar hepatoma, 113

Fibrosis C~stroesophagaal reflux in the infant with cystic fibrosis, 182

Fistulas Hemodynamics of an anastomotic arteriovenous fistula, 368 Improvements in the diagnosis and management of aortoenteric fistula, 481 Fluid replacement Subclavian vein catheterization (CR), 416

ForcepS Innovations in skin suture removal, 799

Foreign bodies Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenographic clue to medlastinal vascular injury (CR), 809

Franklin, Benjamin Benjamin Franklin: physician and philosopher (El, 426

Gallbladder Congenital d~lpllc~tlon of the gallbladder associated with an anomalous right hepatic artery (CR), 812 Evidence of a noncholeoystoklnin stimulant of gallbladder contraction: comparison of fasting serum concentrations fn healthy subjects and in patients with gallstones, 163 Evolving changes in the pathogenests and treatment of the perforated gallbladder. A combined hospital study, 466

Tho American Journal of Surgery

S u b l e c t index

Gallbladder disease in the morbidly obese, 551 Hyodeoxychotic acid: a new approach to gallstone prevention, 126 Mlnichotacystostomy and radiologic stone extraction in high-risk cholelithiasis patients. Preliminary experience, 632 Gangrene Treatment of necrotizing soft tissue Inteclions: the ne~'~dfor a new approach, 75 t Gustrectomy Side*to-side and end-to-side ecastomosts In parttal gastrectomy end hemicotectomy using the EEA stapler, 683 Surgical management of gastric adenocerdlnoma, 771 Surgical treatment of high gastric ulcer, 765 Gastric acid Late sequelae of gastric acid Injury (CR), 412 Regulation of gastric acid secretion by secretln and serotonln, 40 Gasfroenlerostomy Roux-Y loop in modern digestive tract surgery (El, 656 Side-to-side and end-to-side anastomosis tn partlal gaslrectomy and bemicolectorny using the EEA stapler, 683 Gastrointestinal tract ~enlgn and malignant gastrinoma, 144 Effect of clmetldlne on heating and surgical treatment of gastric ulcers, 665 Eighty-four potentia~ second-look operations based on sequential carcinoembryontc antigen determinations and clinical investigations tn patlents with recurrent gastrointestinal cancer, 198 Focal gastric mucose,I blood flow at the site of aspirin.induced ulceration, 53 Gastreesophageal reflux in the infant with cystic fibrosis, 182 Gastrointestinal surgery: then and now (El, 15 Hypeperfuslon as a possible factor in the development of gastrointestinal complications after cardiac surgery, 648 Improvements in the diagnosis and management of aortoenteric fistula, 481 Management of giant duodenal ulcer, 357 Neutropenlc enterocoiitis in adults. Review of the literature and assessment of surgical intervention (CR), 405 Parcutaneous approaches to enteral alimentatlon, 102 Postoperative enteral versus parentaral nutritional support in gastrointestinal surgery. A matched prospective study, 106 Prolonged enteral nutrtt(on in malnourished patients with nonetemental feeding. Reappraisal of surgical technique, safety, and costs, 334 Risks of surgery for upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage: 1972 versus 1982, 474 Roux-Y loop tn modern digestive tract surgery (El, 656

Volume 149, June 1985

Glands Chotedochocele and recurrent pancreetitis. Diagnosis and surgical management (CR), 306 Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, bl!iary, and pancreatic duct drainage for pain from chronic pencreatitts, 563 Effect of aging on pancreatic secretion in rats, 120 Extended Kochar incision for bilateral adrenalectomy, 292 Management of niDple discharge by clinical findings, 789 Natural history el parathyroid carcinoma. Diagnosis, treatment, and results, 522 Parotidectomy versus limited resection for benign parotld masses, 749 Recurrent hyperparathyrotdism due to implantation of parathyroid tissue, 745 Serendipitous adrenal masses: prevalence, significance, and management, 783 Substernal goiter. Analysis of 80 patients from Massachusetts General Hospital, 283 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic pseudocysts. Are we making progress? 705 Glucose Relative value of glucose and amino acids in preserving exercise capacity in the postc~e~-a~ive perled, 383 Glycerol Effect of dirnethyl sulfoxide and glycerol on acute bowel Ischemia in the rat, 91 Goiter Substemal goiter. Analysis of 80 patients from Massachusetts General Hospital, 283 Grafts Biologic fate of valves in reversed and nonreversed arterial vein grafts, 435 Bypass or amputation?. Concomitant review of bypass arterial grafting and major amputations, 397 Cyclosporine-associated renal arteriopathy resulting in loss of attograft function, 756 Ease of suturing surgical fabrics. A quantitative evaluation, 387 Ftbroblast inhibition: a new and treatable cause of prosthetic graft failure, 587 improved stress test results after multiple coronary grafting, 583 Improvements in the diagnosis and management of aortoentarlc fistula, 481 In sltu saphenous vein bypass grafts for limb salvage. A current fad or a viable alternative to reversed vein bypass grafts? 477 Management of esophageal dehiscences by an intrelumlnal bypass tube. An experimental study, 733 Osseous and chondrai fixation of polypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Successful renal vein reconstruction with a polytotrefluoreethylene vascular graft In kidney transplantation (CR), 310 Groin E~ephar~tiasls of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases, 686 Hernlography In athletes with groin pain, 378 Inguinal hemta in Saudl Arabia. A 10 year

experience, 6.91 Hands Long-term functional results of select|ve treatment of hand burns. 516 Heart Acute pancreatttls after cardiopuImonaty bypass, 508 Hypopertuston as e possible factor in the development of gastrointestinal complications after cardiac surgery, 649 Improved stress test results after multiple coronary grafting, 5B3 K. Alvin Merendtno: his contribution to surgery (El, 574 Management of Hickm~n catheter sepsis, 627 Measurement of central somatosensory conduction time in patients undergoing cardioputmonary bypass: an index of neurologtc function, 445 Postlnfarction ventrlcular aneurysmectomy, 793 Predictors of outcome in early revascularlzatlon attar acute myocardial infarction, 441 Hemlcolectomy Management of obstru(;tlng carcinoma of the left colon by extended right hemicolectomy, 327 Hemorrhage Hemorrhagic pancreatitls: a complication of transcatheter embolization treated successfully by total pancreatectomy (CR), 802 Improvements in the aiagaosts and management of aortoentarlc fistula, 481 Management of giant duodenal ulcer, 357 Nonoperatlve management of adult splenic injury due to blunt trauma: a waming, 716 Risks of surgery for upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage: 1972 versus 1982, 474 Hernia Herniography in athletes with groin pain, 378 Inguinal hernia in Saudi Arabia. A 10 year experience, 691 Osseous and chondral fixation of potypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Perineal hernias after proctectomy. A new approach to repair (CR), 301 History of surgery Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Evoiuti,on at a concept (El, 819 Roux-Y loop in modem digestive tract Surgery (El, 656 Hormones Effect of aging on pancreatic secretion in rats, 120 Pe~tagastrtn stimulates in vitro growth of ~ormal and malignant human colon epithelial ceils, 35 Hyodeoxyohollc acid Hyodeoxycholic acid: a ~ew approach to gallstone prevention, 126

Hypercatcemta Re(~urrent hyperparathyrotdtsm due to implantation of parathyroid tissue, 745 Hype='parethyroldtsm Natural history of parathyroid carcinoma. Diagnosis, treatment, and results, 522 ReGurrent hyperparethyrotdtsm due to Implantation of parathyroid tissue, 745


S u b j e c t Index

Hypoperfuslon Hypoperfuslon as a possible factor in the development of gastrointestinal complications after cardiac surgery, 648 Hypothermla Adverse effects of hypothermta in postoperative patients, 495 Ileocolostomy Side-to-side and end-to-side anastomosis in partial gastrectomy and hemtcolectomy using the EEA stapler, 683 Ileum Effects of jejunoileal bypass on food intake, amino acid levels, and tndolesmine metabolism in rats, 739 Neutropentc enterocolttis in adults. Review of the literature and assessment of surgical intervention (CR). 405 Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 116us Is nasogastric suction necessary after elective colon resection? 620 lilac crest Osseous and chondral fixation of polypropytane mesh (CR), 816 mum Osseous and chondral fixation of potypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Implantation Implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit. 595 Management of the tortuous internal carotid artery, 651 Recurrent hyporparathyroidism due to implantation of parathyroid tissue, 745 Incontinence Mechanisms of rectal continence. Lessons from the Ileoanal procedure. 31 India Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases, 686 Indoleamlne Effects of jejunoileal bypass on food intake, amino acid levels, and indolesmine metabolism tn rats, 739 Infants Gastroesophageal reflux in the infant with cystic fibrosis, 182 Management of giant cystic hygromas in infants, 459 Prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies requirirg surgical correction. Implications for the future, 528 Results after posterior sagittal anorectoplasty: a new approach to high imperforate anus, 629 Infarction Postinfarctton ventrlcutar aneurysmectomy, 793 Infection Accuracy and cost-effectiveness of fine needles aspiration biopsy, 540 Colonization of intravascular catheters in the intensive care unit, 730 Fatal overwhelming postsplenectomy Infection, 534 Recovery from multiple organ failure (E), 420 Treatment ofnecrotlzing soft tissue infections: the need for a new


approach, 751 Injuries Chotangtography and small duct injury, 640 Fatal overwhelming postsplenectomy infection, 534 Late sequelae of gastric acid injury (CR), 412 Long-term functional results of selective treatment of hand burns, 516 Measurement of central somatosensory conduction time In patients undergoing cardiopu|monary bypass: an index of neurologic function, 445 Intensive care unit Colonization of lntravascular catheters in the intensive care unit, 730 Impact of a trauma service on trauma care in a university hospital, 453 Intestines Complications of colostomy closure, 672 Eftect of dimethyi sulfoxide and glycerol on acute bowel ischemta in the rat, 91 Endoscopic decompression in partial small bowel obstruction, 252 Intestinal ischemta: reduction of mortality utilizing Intralumtnal perfluorochemical, 84 Intostlnat obstruction due to schistosomiasis (CR), 409 Mechanical preparation of the large bowel for elective surgery. Comparison of whole-gut lavage with the conventional enerr~ and purgative technique, 615 NonVaumatfc perforations of the small intestine, 375 Penrose drain: a safe, atraurnatic colostomy bridge, 288 Perineal hernias after pmctectomy. A new approach to repair (CR), 301 Prophylaxis with whole gut irrigation and antlmlcrobtals In colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double=blind clinical trial, 317 Rcux-Y loop in modern digestive tract surgery (E), 656 Secretory effects of intravenous serotonin on the proximal jejunum of the awake dog, 60 Single layer open anastomosis for all intestinal structures, 797 Irrigation Prophylaxis with whole gut Irrigation and antimicrobtals in colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double=bli~.d clinical trial, 317 Ischemla Effect of dimethyl sulfoxtde and glycerol on acute bowel Ischemia in the r~.t, 91 Hemodynamlcs of an ansstomotic artertovenous fistula, 368 Influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenectomy, 351 Intestinal Ischemla: reduction of mortality utilizing tntralumlnal perfluorochemical, 84 Surgical and nonsurgicai treatment of total carotid artery occlusion, 362 Jaundloe Antipyrine elimination in patients with obstructive jaundice: a predictor of outcome, 140 Je~unosl~y Percutaneous approaches to enteral allmentatlon, 102

Postoperative enteral versus parenteral nutritional support In gastrointestinal surgery. A matched prospective study, 106 Prolonged enteral nutrition In ma~nourished patients with nonelemental feeding. Reappraisal of surgical technique, safety, and costs, 334 Jejunum Effects of Jejunollea113ypass on food Intake, amino acid levels, and Indolesmlne metabolism In rats, 739 Portoenterostorny diversion. Experimental study in anttreflux technique, 248 Secretory effects of intravenous serotonin on the proximal Jejunum o! the awake dog, 60 Kidneys Cyclosporlne-associated renal arterlopathy resulting in loss of aitograft function, 756 Successful renal vein reconstruction with a polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft in kidney transplantation (CR), 310 Surgical aspects of the Tenckhoft peritoneal dialysis catheter. A 7 year experience, 339 Urinary albumin excretion in renal transplant donors, 343 Kochar incision Extended Kocher incision for bilateral adrenalectomy, 292 Lavage Mechanical preparation of the large bowel for elective surgery. Comparison of whota~ut lavage with the conventional enema and purgative technique, 615 Leaks Unifying concepts in treatment of esophageal leaks, 157 Legs in situ saphenous vein bypass grafts for limb salvage. A current fad or a viable alternative to reversed vein bypass grafts? 477 Liver Anttpyrine elimination in patients wtth obstructive jaundice: a predictor of outcome, 140 Approach to the spectrum of Budd--Chlari syndrome: which patients require portal decompression? 167 Benign and malignant gastrinoma, 144 Congenital duplication of the gallbladder associated with an anomalous right hepatic artery (CR), 812 Ftbrolamellar hepatoma, 113 Hepatic resection for isolated metastasis from colorectal carcinoma, 205 Hepatocelhdar carcinoma. A 5 year institutional experience, 591 Implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit, 595 Intrahepatic pyogenlc abscesses: treatment by percutaneous drainage, 487 Intraoperattve uttrasonographlc study of the liver. Methods and anatomic results, 676 Malignant rectal carclnold: a sequential multldlsclplinary approach for successful treatment of hepatic metastases, 210 Ranltldine as an inhibitor of liver

The American Journal of Surgery

S u b j e c t Index

regeneration, 223 Lungs Blood transfusions and survival after lung c,~ncer resection, 502 Carcinoma of the lung In patients under 40 years of age, 602 Metastatic melanoma to the lung: longterm results of surgical excision, 558 Role of computerized tomegraphy In assessment of the medlastlnum in patients with lung carcinoma, 449 Lymphanglome Management of giant cystic I~,gromas in infants, 459 Lymph nodes Lymph node metastases from welldifferentiated th~old Cancer. A clinical review, 610 Use of radlonuclide tymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of truncal melanomas, 613 Malnutrition Prolonged enteral nutrition In malnourished patients with nonelemental feeding. Reappraisal of surgical technique, safety, end costs, 334 Manometry Effect of obesity on esophageal transit, 177 Medlastlnum Role of computerized tomography in assessment of the medlastlnum In patients with lung carcinoma, 449 Melanoma Metastatic melanoma to the lung: longterm results of surgical excision, 558 Use of radionucltde lymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of trunc~l melanomas. 613 Merendlno, K. Alvin K. Alvin Merendino: his contribution to surgery (E), 574 Metabolism Adverse effects of hypothermla in postoperative patients, 495 Effect of diverting colostomy on collagen metabolism in the colonic wall. Studies In the rat, 330 Effect of diverting co(ostomy on collagen metabolism in the colonic walt (E), 419 Effects of jajunollsal bypass on food intake, amino acid levels, end Indolesmine metabolism in rats, 739 Use of a branched chain amino ac[d enriched solution in patients under metabolic stress, 266 Methyserglde Regulation of gastric acid secretion by secretln and serotonin, 40 Melronldazole Prophylaxis with whole gut Irrigation and antlmlcrobiala in colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double-blind ctlnlcal trial, 317 Muscles Parineal hernias after proctectomy. A new approach to repair (CR), 301 Myocardial infarctio~ Predictors of outcome In ee~rly revasculartzation after acute myocardial infarction, 441 N a ~ g a s l r l c sucffon Is nasogastrlc suction necesse~ after elective Colon resection? 620

Volume 149, June 1985

Neck Lymph node metastases from welldifferentiated thyroid cancer. A clinical review, 610 Management of giant cystic hygrornas In infants, 459 Substernal goiter. Aru~tysts of 80 patients from Massachusetts General Hospital, 283 Needles New needle for biopsy of pleura, ,i03 Nephrectemy Urinary albumin excretion In renal transplant donors, 343 Nerve= Dysphagia and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastric vagctomy, 232 Measurement of central somatosansory conduction time in patients undergoing cardiopulrnonary bypass: an index of neurologtc function, 445 Parotldectomy versus limited resection for berdgn parotid masses, 749 Prospective, reundomized trial of selectlve vagotomy with pylcroplasty and sele~lve proximal vagotomy with and without pyioroplasty In the treatment of duodenal, pyiorlc, and prepyiorlc ulcers, 236 Neutropenla Fairy's syndrome: when is splenectomy indicated? 272 Neutropenlc enterocolltis In adults. Review of the literature and assessment of surgical intervention (CR), 405 Nitrogen Relative value of glucose and amino acids In preserving exercise capacity in the postoperative period, 383 Nosocomlal Infection Colonization of lntravascular catheters In the hztenstve care unit, 730 Nutrition Effects of jeJunoileol bypa,~s on food intake, amino acid levels, and |ndoiesmine metabolism in rats, 739 Parcutaneous approaches to enteral altmantatlon, 102 Placement of an Imptantable percutaneous permanent triple-lumen catheter, 395 Postoperative enteral versus parentaral nutritional support In gastrointestinal surgery. A matched prospective study, 106 Prolonged enteral nutrition in malnourished patients with nonelemental feeding. Reappraisal of surgical technique, safety, and costs, 334 Re|stirs value of glucose and amino acids in preserving exercise capacity in the postoperative period, 383 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic pseudocysts. Are we making progress? 705 Use of a branched chain amino acid enriched solution in patients under rnatabolic stress, 266 Obe~ty Bypassed stomach, 151 Effect of obesity on esophageal transit, 177 F..xpedrnental evaluation of gastric banding

for treatment of morbid obesity in pigs, 228 Gallbladder disease in the morbidly obese, 551 Influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenectomy, 351 Occlus,q)n Antlpyrlne elimination in patients with obstructive laundice: a predictor of outcome, 140 Colonic pseudo-obstruction in surgtcat patients, 258 Endoscopic decompression In partial small bowel obstruction, 252 Exoendoproslhesls In proximal bllloentertc anastomoses, 80 Intestinal obstruction due to schistosomiasis (CR), 409 Management of obstructing carctnon~ of the left colon by extended right hemlcolectomy, 327 Management of the tortuous internal carotid artery, 651 Surgical and nonsurgtcal t r e a t m e n t of total carotid artery occlusion, 362 Oculoptathysmogrephy Incidence of recurrent or residual stenosis after carotid endarterectomy0 722 Ogllvle's syndrome Colonic pseudo-obstruction tn surgical patients, 258 Ostomy Penrosa drain: a safe, atraumatlc colostomy bridge, 288 Pancreas Chotedochocele and recurrent pancreatltla. Diagnosis and surgical management (CR), 306 Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, blliary, and pancreatic duct drainage for pain from chronic panoreatttla, 563 Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Evolution of a concept (E). 819 Don't fix nothln that ain't broke (E), 197 Effect of aging on pancreatic secretion in rats, 120 Hemorrhagic pancreatttis: a complication of transcatheter embollzation treated successfully by total pancraatectomy (CR), S02 Objective evaluation of ampullary stenosls w l ~ ultrasonography and pancreatic stimulation, 65 Parcutaneous drainage of abscesses In the postoperative abdomen that Is difficult to explore, 623 Perlarnpullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic psaudocysts. Are we making progress? 705 Pancreatltts Acute pancreatltla after cardtopulmonary bypass, 508 Acute pancreaUtls in Algeria. Raper1 of 221 cases, 709 Choledochocele and recurrent pancreatltla. Diagnosis and surgical management (CR), 306 Conservation of pancreatic tissue by combined gastric, blllary, end pancreatic duct drainage for pain from chronic pancreatitls, 563 Timing of surgery for acute blllary


S u b j e c t Index

pancreatttis, 371 Parks S Ileal pouch Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 Parotldectomy Parotidectomy versus limited resection for benign parotid masses. 749 Penis Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases. 686 PenroSe drain Penrose drain: a safe, atraumatic colostomy bridge. 288 Pentagastrln Pentagastrtn stimulates in vitro growth of normal and malignant human colon epithelial coils, 35 Regulation of gastric acid secretion by secretin and serotonin. 40 Perfluorotrlbutylamlne Intestinal ischemia: reduction of mortality utilizing intraluminal perfluorochemical, 84 Perforation Evolving changes in the pathogenesls and treatment of the perforated gallbladder. A combined hospital study, 466 Nontraumatic perforations of the small intestine, 375 Unifying concepts in treatment of esophageal leaks, 157 Perlampullary tumors Periampullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Peritoneum Surgical aspects of the Tenckhotf peritoneal dlalysis catheter. A 7 year experience. 339 Surgical complications of peritoneal dialysis catheters. 726 Peritonitis Consequences of intraperltoneal bile: bile ascttes versus bile peritonitis, 244 Piasmapherasls Fibroblast inhibition: a new and treatable cause of prosthetic graft failure, 587 Pleura New needle for biopsy of pleura, 403 Polypropylene mesh Osseous and chondral fixation of polypropylene mesh (CR), 816


Successful renal vein reconstruction with a potytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft in kidney transplantation (CR). 310 Pouch Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 Proctectomy Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 Perineal hernias after proctectomy. A new approach to repair (CR), 301 Prostacyclln Cyclosportne-assoctated renal arterlopathy resulting in loss of allograft function, 756 Prostheses Exoendoprosthesis in proxlmal biltoenteric anastomoses, 80 Fibroblast inhibition: a new end treatable cause of prosthetic graft failure, 587


Protein sparing Relative value of glucose and amino acids in preserving exercise capacity in the postoperative period, 383 Pseudocysts Don't fix nothin that ain't broke (E), 197 Twenty-five year experience with pancreatic pseudocysts. Are we making progress? 705 Pumps implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit, 59.~ Pyloroplasty Prospective, randornized trial of selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty and selective proximal vagotomy with and without pyloroplasty in the treatment of duodenal, pyloric, and prepytoric ulcers, 236 Radlonuclide Imaging Use of radionucltde lymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of tr~Jncal melanomas, 613 Radiotherapy Review of consarvotive surgery in earty breast cancer. British Columbia experienco, 599 Ranltldlne Ranitldine as an inhibitor of liver regeneration, 223 Reconstruction Cecoproctostomy, 636 Simulated metastatic carcinoma after breast reconstruction (CR), 299 Successful renal vein reconstruction with a polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft tn kidney tcansplantation (CR), 310 Rectum Anastomotio healing after colorectal trradialton (E), 697 Complications and quality of life after ifeoractal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis, 23 ContrtbL;tlons of pathologic margins and Dukes' stage to local recurrence in colorectal carcinoma, 323 Distribution of colorectal cancer In patients with and without ulcerative colitis, 780 Effect of preoperative Irradiation on the healing of colorectal anastomoses (E), 695 Hepatic resection for isolated metastasis from coloracta! carcinoma, 205 Implanted pump in metastatic colorectal cancer of the liver. Risk versus benefit, 595 Malignant rectal carctnotd: a sequential multidisclpl~nary approach for successful treatment of hepatic metastases, 210 Mechanisms of rectal continence. Lessons from the tleoanal proc~-'dure, 31 Prophylaxis with whole gut irrigation and antimtcrobtals in colorectal surgery. A prospective, randomized double-blind clinical trial, 317 Results after posterior sagittal anorectoplasty: a new approach to high Imperforate anus, 629 Reflux Barrett's esophagus: its prevalence and association with adenocarclnoma In patients with symptoms of

gastroesophageal reflux, 187 Effect of obesity on esophageal transit, 177 GastrOesophageal reflux in the Infant with cystic fibrosis, 182 Portoenterostomydiversion. Experimental study in antlreflux technique, 248 Revascu|arlzatlon Predictors of outcome In early revascularizatlon after acute myocardial infarction, 441 Ribs Thrornbotytic therapy followed by first rib resection for spontaneous ("effort") subclavian vein thrombosis, 644 Roentgenography Anastomotlc healing after colorectal irradiation (E), 697 Cholangiography and small duct injury, 640 Effect o~ obesity on esophageal transit, 177 Effect of preoperative Irradiation on the healing of colorectal anastomoses (E), 695 Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenogrsphlc clue to mediasttnal vascular injury (CR), 809 Herniography In athletes with groin pain, 378 Use of radlonuclide lymphograms to determine lymphatic drainage of truncal melanomas, 613 ROux, C~ser Roux-Y loop in modern digestive tract surgery (E), 656 Roux-Y anastomosis Endoscopic decompression in partial small bowel obstruction, 252 Rupture Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. The Tacoma experience, 580 Saudt Arabia Inguinal hernia in Saudi Arabia. A 10 year experience, 691 Schistosomiasis Intestinal obstruction clue to schistosomiasis (CR), 409 Sclntlgraphy Effect of obesity on esophageal transit, 177 Scissors Innovations In skin suture removal, 799 Scrotum Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases, 686 Secretln Effect of aging on pancreatic secretion in rats, 120 Regulation of gastric acid secretion by secretin and serotonln, 40 Sepsis Colonization of tntravascular catheters in the Intensive care unit, 730 Impact of a trauma service on trauma care in a university hospital, 453 Management of Hickman catheter sepsis, 627 Serofonin Objective evaluation of ampt~:iary stenosis with ultrasonography and, pancreatic stimulation, 65 Regulation of gastric acid secretion by seoretin and serotonln, 40 Secretory effects of intravenous serotonin

The American Jouma! of Surgery

Subject Index

on the proximal jejunum of the awake dOg, 60 Skin Innovations in skin suture removal. 799 Long-term functional results of selective treatment of hand burns, 516 Sphincter Chofedochoce~e ~n¢, recurrent pancreatttts. Diagnosis and surgical management (CR), 306 Dysphagta and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastric vagotomy, 232 Effects of sphinctaroplasty and endoscopic sphlncterofomy on the bacteriologic characteristics of the common bile duct, 668 Objective evaluation of ampullary stenosis with ultrasonography and pancreatic stimulation, 65 Spleen Fatal overwhelming postsplc~nectomy infection. 534 Felty's syndrome: when is splenectomy indicated? 272 Influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenectomy, 351 Nonoperative management of adult splenic injury due to blunt trauma: a warning. 716 Stapling Side-to-side and end-to*side anastomosis in partial gastrectomy and hemtcolectorny using the EEA stapler, 683 Stenosls Effects of sphinctaroplasty and endoscopic sphtncterotomy on the bacteriologic characteristiCs of the common bile duct, 668 Incidence of recurrent or residual stenosis after carotid endarterectomy. 722 Objective evaluation of ampullary stanosts with uttrasonography and pancreatic stimulation. 65 Stomach Bypassed stomach, 151 Dysphagla and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastric vagotomy. 232 Effect of clmetldtne on healing and surgical treatment of gastric ulcers. 665 Experimental evaluation of gastric banding for treatment of morbid obesity in pigs, 228 Focal gastric mucosal blood flow at the site of aspirin-induced ulceration, 53 Gastrointestinal surgery: then and now (El, 15 influence of gastric banding on stomach blood supply with or without concurrent splenectomy, 351 Late sequelae of gastric acid injury (CR), 412 Regulation of gastric acid secretion by secretin and serotonin, 40 Roux-Y loop in modern digestive tract surgery (El, 656 Side-to-side and end-to-side anastomosis in partial gastrectomy and hemicolectomy using the EEA stapler, 683 Surgical management of gastdc adenocardinoma, 771

Volume 149, June 1985

Surgical treatment (~f high gastric ulcer, 765 Stress Improved stress test results after multiple coronary grafting. 583 Relative value of glucose and amino acids in preserving exercise capacity in the postoperative period, 383 Use of a branched chain amino acid enriched solution in patients under metabolic stress, 266 Slrlcture Evaluation of percutaneous transhepatlc balloon dilatation of benign biliary strictures in high-risk patients, 73 Stroke Surgical and nonsurgical treatment of total carotid artery occlusion, 362 Suction Evaluation of a new, improved surgical drainage system, 295 Sumps Evaluation of a new, improved surgical drainage system, 295 Sutures Ease of suturing surgical fabrics. A quantitative evaluation, 337 Innovations in skin suture removal, 799 Single layer open anastomosis for all intestinal structures, 797 Teachlng hospital Cost containment and survival of the teaching hospital {El, 315 Techniques Ease of suturing surgical fabrics. A quantitative evaluation, 387 Elephantiasis of the penis and scrotum. A review of 350 cases, 686 Extended Kocher incision for bilateral adrenatectomy, 292 Innovations in skin suture removal. 799 Intraoperatlve ultrasonographlc study of the liver. Methods and anatomic results, 676 Osseous and chondral fixation of polypropylene mesh (CR), 816 Parks S ileal pouch and anal anastomosis after colectomy and mucosal proctectomy, 390 Penrose drain: a safe, atraumatic colostomy bridge. 288 Placement of an implanteble percutaneous permanent triple-lumen catheter, 395 Postlnfarction ventricular aneurysmectomy, 793 Side-to-side and end-to-side anastomosis in partial gastrectomy and hemlcolectomy using the EEA stapler, 683 Single layer open anastomosis for all intestinal structures, 797 Thorax Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenographtc clue to mediastina! vascular injury (CR), 809 New needle for biopsy of pleura, 403 Thrombosis Approach to the spectrum of Budd-Ch~art syndrome: which patients require portal decompression? 167 Thrombolytic therapy followed by first rib resection for spontaneous ("effort") subclavian vein thrombosis, 644 Thyroid Lymph node metastases from well-

differentiated thyroid cancer. A ciinica! review, 610 Substernat goiter. Analysis of 80 patients from Massachusetts General Hospital. 283 Toxicity Ranttldlne as an inhibitor of liver regeneration, 223 Tracheoslomy Management of giant cystic hygromas in infants, 459 TransfusiOns BIDed transfusions and survival after lung cancer resection. 502 Transplantation Cyctosportne-associatad renal artertopathy resulting in loss of allograft function, 756 Does drainage of Intraabdominal pus reverse multiple organ failure? 347 Successful renal vein reconstruction with a polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft in kidney transplantation (CR). 310 Urinary albumin excretion in renal transplant donors, 343 Trauma Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenographic clue to mediastinal vascular iniury (CR), 809 Impact of a trauma service on trauma care in a university hospital, 453 Long-term functional results of selective treatment of t~and burns. 516 Nonoperattve management of adult splenic injury due to blunt trauma: a warning, 716 Unifying concepts in treatment of esophageal leaks, t57 Use of a branched chain amino acid enriched solution in patients under metabolic stress, 266 Trinidad Breast masses In adolescent patients in Trinidad, 219 Tumors Benign and malignant gastrlnoma, 144 Breast masses in adolescent patients in Trinidad, 219 Carcinold tumors of the colon. A study of 72 patients, 775 Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. Evolution of a concept (El, 819 Desmold tumors and their management, 215 Eptdermoid cancer of the anal margin. Pathologic features, treatment, and clinical results, 95 Fibrolameltar hepatoma. 113 Malignant rectal carclnoid: a sequential multidiscipllnary approach for successfut treatment of hepatic metastases, 2t0 Management of desmoid tumors (El, 312 Management of giant cystic hygromas in infants, 459 Parottdectomy versus limited resection for benign parotid masses, 749 Pertampullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Ulcer Distribution of colorectal cancer in patients with and without ulcerative colitis, 780 Duodenal ulcers and their surgical treatment: where did they come from? (El, 2


S u b j e c t Index

Effect of clmetldlne on healing and surgical treatment of gastric ulcers 665 Focal gastric mucosal blood flow at the site of aspirin-induced ulceration, 53 Management of giant duodenal ulcer, 357 Prospective, randomized trial of selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty and selective proximal vagotomy with and without pyioroplasty in the treatment of duodenal, pyiorlc, and prepyiorlc ulcers, 236 Surgical treatment of high gastric ulcer, 765 UilralmnOgTaphy Does drainage of intraabdomlnal pus reverse multiple organ failure? 347 Intraoperatlve ultrasonographtc study of the liver. Methods and anatomic results, 676 Mlntcholecystostorny and radloiogic stone extraction in high-risk cholellthlasis patients. Preliminary experience, 632 Objective evaluation of ampullary stenosts with ulirasonography end par creatio stimulation, 65 Urine

Urinary albumin excretion in renal


t~anepiaat donors. 343 Vagotomy ~ s p h a g l a and lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities after proximal gastTio vagotomy, 232 Prospeutlva. randomized trial of selective vagotomy wl!h pyloroplasty and selective proximal vagotomy with and without wloroplasty In the treatment of duodenal, pylorlc, and prepylorlc ulcers, 236 Veins

Approach to the spectrum of Budd-Chlart syndrorr~: which patients require portal decompression? 167 Blolog!c fate of valves in reversed and nonreversed arterial vein grafts, 435 Colonization of intravascular catheters in the Intensive care unit, 730 Ease of suturing surgical fabrics. A quantitative evaluation, 387 Fuzzy foreign body fragment: a subtle roentgenographio clue to medlastinal vascular Injury (CR), 809 Hemodynamics of an enastomotic artertovenous fistula, 368 In sltu saphenous vein bypass grafts for

limb salvage. A curren;, fad or a viable alternative to reversed vein bypass grafts? 477 Portoazygous disconnection for bleeding esophageal varlces, 546 Subclavian vein catheterization (CR), 416 Successful renal vein reconstruction with e polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft in kidney transplantation (CR), 310 Thrombolytlc therapy followed by flint rib resection for spontaneous ("effort") subclavian vein thrombosis. 644 Ventricles Postln farcUon ventrlcu:ar aneurysmectomy, 793 Whipple operation Perlampullary tumors: which ones should be resected? 46 Wounds

Complications of colostomy closure, 672 Effect of diverting colostomy on breaking strength of anastomoses after resection of ~ left side of the colon, Studies In the rat, 712 Evaluation of a new, improved surgical drainage system, 295 Zolllnger-EIIIson syndrome Benign and malignant gastrinoma, 144

The Amedcen Journal ot Surgery