Journal of Virological Methods Journal of Virological Methods 56 (1996) 242-244
Author index Volume 56 (1996)
Accotto, G.P., see Vaira, A.M. 56, 209 Ambrosova, S., see Sukhacheva, E. 56, 199 Anderson, J., see Thevasagayam, J.A. 56, 49 Bacon, T.H., see Standring-Cox, R. 56, 3 Bailey, AS., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Barker, I., see Canning, E.S.G. 56, 191 Booth, J.C., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Boriskin, Y.S., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Burroughs, J.N., see Thevasagayam, J.A. 56, 49 Butcher, P.D., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Canning, E.S.G., M.J. Penrose, I. Barker, D. Coates, Improved detection of barley yellow dwarf virus in single aphids using RT-PCR 56, 191 Chalmers, M.L., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Chevallier, M., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Christiansen, E., see Westh, H. 56, 13 Christiansen, K.J., see Leahy, B.J. 56, 85 Cleator, G.M., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Clement, J.M., see Staropoli, I. 56, 179 Coates, D., see Canning, E.S.G. 56, 191 Collins, P., see Leahy, B.J. 56, 85 Cooper, R.J., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Cotte, L., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Da&s, J.A., see Navarro, B. 56, 59 Dawson, G.J., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 de Miranda, J.R., A.M. Espinozd, R. Hull, Rapid, small scale purification of rice hoja blanca and Echinochloa hoja blanca tenuivirus ribonucleoprotein 56, 109 Desai, S.M., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Deubel, V., see Staropoli, 1. 56, 179 Dewey, R.A., L.C. Semorile, 0. Grau, Detection of Tospouirus species by RT-PCR of the N-gene and restriction enzyme digestions of the products 56, 19 Dion, L.D., J. Fang, R.I. Garver Jr, Erratum to “Detection of human coronavirus 229E-specific antibodies using re
combinant fusion proteins” [J. Virol. Methods 55 (1995) 1751 56, 123 Dion, L.D., J. Fang, RI. Garver Jr, Supematant rescue assay vs. polymerase chain reaction for detection of wild type adenovirus-contaminating recombinant adenovirus stocks 56, 99 Drouet, E., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Erker, J.C., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Eron, J.J., see Vernazza, P.L. 56, 33 Espinoza, A.M., see de Miranda, J.R.
56, 109
Fang, J., see Dion, L.D. 56, 123 Fang, J., see Dion, L.D. 56, 99 Fiscus, S.A., see Vernazza, P.L. 56, 33 Flares, R., see Navarro, B. 56, 59 Frenkiel, M.P., see Staropoli, I. 56, 179 Garver Jr, RI., see Dion, L.D. 56, 123 Garver Jr, RI., see Dion, L.D. 56, 99 Grau, O., see Dewey, R.A. 56, 19 Greene, J., see McCluskey, R. 56, 115 Grimaud, J.-A., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Halbur, P.G., see Sirinarumitr, T. 56, 149 Herlocher, M.L., see Sakamoto, S. 56, 161 Hofnung, M., see Staropoli, I. 56, 179 Howard, B.A., see Standring-Cox, R. 56, 3 Hoffmann, S., see Westh, H. 56, 13 Hull, R., see de Miranda, J.R. 56, 109 Ito, M., M. Watanabe, H. Kamiya, M. Sakurai, Non-radioactive assay of natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity against cytomegalovirus-infected fibroblasts by DNA fragmentation ELISA 56, 77 Jackson, R., D.J. Morris, R.J. Cooper, AS. Bailey, P.E. Klapper, G.M. Cleator, A.B. Tullo, Multiplex polymerase chain reaction for adenovirus and herpes simplex virus in eye swabs 56, 41
Author index vol. 56 (1996) Jones, M.K., see Mackenzie, J.M.
56, 67
Kamiya, H., see Ito, M. 56, 77 Kino, Y.. see Sakamoto, S. 56, 161 Klapper, P.E., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Kluge, J.P., see Sirinarumitr, T. 56, 149
Poljak, M., K. Seme, Rapid detection and typing of human papillomaviruses by consensus polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 56, 231 Powell, L., see Zuckerman, J.N. 56, 27 Powles, R.L., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Rawal, B.K., see Nelson, P.N.
Leahy, B.J., K.J. Christiansen, P. Collins, A blinded comparison of two methods of viral susceptibility testing: plaque reduction assay versus microplate in situ ELISA 56, 85 Leafy, T.P., A.S. Muerhoff, J.N. Simons, T.J. Pilot-Matias, J.C. Erker, M.L. Chalmers, G.G. Schlauder, G.J. Dawson. S.M. Desai, Lequin, R.M., see Zuckerman, J.N. 56, 27 Maassab, H.F., see Sakamoto, S. 56, 161 MacFarlane, S.A.,Rapid cloning of uncharacterised tobacco rattle virus isolates using long template (LT) PCR 56, 91 Mackenzie, J.M., M.K. Jones, P.R. Young, Improved membrane preservation of flavivirus-infected cells with cryosectioning 56, 67 Masenga, V., see Vaira, A.M. 56, 209 Mathers, K.E., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 McCluskey, R., R. Sandin, J. Greene, Detection of airborne cytomegalovirus in hospital rooms of immuncompromised patients 56, 115 Mertens, P.P.C., see Thevasagayam, J.A. 56, 49 Morris, D.J., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Muerhoff, AS., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Mushahwar, I.K., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Musso, O., P. Sommer, E. Drouet, L. Cotte, M. Neyra, J.-A. Grimaud, M. Chevallier, In situ detection of human cytomegalovirus DNA in gastrointestinal biopsies from AIDS patients by means of various PCR-derived methods 56, 125 Navarro, B., J.A. Dar&, R. Flores, A general strategy for cloning viroids and other small circular RNAs that uses minimal amounts of template and does not require prior knowledge of its sequence 56, 59 Nelson, P.N., B.K. Rawal, Y.S. Boriskin, K.E. Mathers, R.L. Powles, H.M. Steel, Y.S. Tryhorn, P.D. Butcher, J.C. Booth, Neyra, M., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Nielsen, L., B.F. Vestergaard, Competitive ELISA for detection of HHV-6 antibody: seroprevalence in a Danish population 56, 221 Novikov, V., see Sukhacheva, E. 56, 199 Oka, T., see Sakamoto, S.
56, 161
Paul, P.S., see Sirinarumitr, T. 56, 149 Pavlova, I., see Sukhacheva, E. 56, 199 Penrose, M.J., see Canning, E.S.G. 56, 191 Pilot-Matias, T.J., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Plaksin, D., see Sukhacheva, E. 56, 199
56, 139
Sakamoto, S., Y. Kino, T. Oka, M.L. Herlocher, H.F. Maassab, Gene analysis of reassortant influenza virus by RT-PCR followed by restriction enzyme digestion 56, 161 Sakurai, M., see Ito, M. 56, 77 Sandin, R., see McCluskey, R. 56, 115 Schlauder, G.G., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Seme, K., see Poljak, M. 56, 231 Semorile, L.C., see Dewey, R.A. 56, 19 Simons, J.N., see Leary, T.P. 56, 119 Sirinarumitr, T., P.S. Paul, J.P. Kluge, P.G. Halbur, In situ hybridization technique for the detection of swine enteric and respiratory coronaviruses, transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV), in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues 56, 149 Sommer, P., see Musso, 0. 56, 125 Standring-Cox, R., T.H. Bacon, B.A. Howard, Comparison of a DNA probe assay with the plaque reduction assay for measuring the sensitivity of herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus to penciclovir and acyclovir 56, 3 Staropoli, I., J.M. Cltment, M.P. Frenkiel, M. Hofnung, V. Deubel, Dengue virus envelope glycoprotein can be secreted from insect cells as a fusion with the maltose-binding protein 56, 179 Steel, H.M., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Sukhacheva, E., V. Novikov, D. Plaksin, 1. Pavlova, S. Ambrosova, Highly sensitive immunoassays for detection of barley stripe mosaic virus and beet necrotic yellow vein virus 56, 199 Thevasagayam, J.A., M.P. Wellby, P.P.C. Mertens, J.N. Burroughs, J. Anderson, Detection and differentiation of epizootic haemorrhagic disease of deer and bluetongue viruses by serogroup-specific sandwich ELISA 56, 49 Tryhorn, Y.S., see Nelson, P.N. 56, 139 Tulle, A.B., see Jackson, R. 56, 41 Vaira, A.M., M. Vecchiati, V. Masenga, G.P. Accotto, A polyclonal antiserum against a recombinant viral protein combines specificity with versatility 56, 209 Vecchiati, M., see Vaira, A.M. 56, 209 Vernazza, P.L., J.J. Eron, S.A. Fiscus, Sensitive method for the detection of infectious HIV in semen of seropositive individuals 56, 33 Vestergaard, B.F., see Nielsen, L. 56, 221 Villarreal, L.P., see You, Z. 56, 173 Watanabe, M., see Ito, M. 56, 77 Wellby, M.P., see Thevasagayam, J.A.
56, 49
index vol. 56 (1996)
Westh, H., S. Hoffmann, E. Christiansen, A.-M. Worm, Hepatitis B core antibody screening in a high prevalence group: comparison of three enzyme immunoassays using receiver operating characteristic analysis 56, 13 Worm, A.-M., see Westh, H. 56, 13 You, Z., L.P. Villarreal, Mapping of polyomavirus
replicative intermediates by two-dimensional using chemiluminescent detection 56, 173 Young, P.R., see Mackenzie, J.M. 56, 67
gel analysis
Zuckerman, A.J., see Zuckerman, J.N. 56, 27 Zuckerman, J.N., L. Powell, R.M. Lequin, A.J. Zuckerman, Determination of hepatitis A antibody response to vaccination by an enzyme immunoassay 56, 27