Author index volume B301-B310 April 1988-December 1988

Author index volume B301-B310 April 1988-December 1988

AUTHOR INDEX Abdalla, E., M. Forger, M. Jacques, Higher conservation laws for ten-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories Abe, M., H. Kubota, ...

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Abdalla, E., M. Forger, M. Jacques, Higher conservation laws for ten-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories Abe, M., H. Kubota, N. Sakai, Loop corrections to the E8 × E s heterotic string effective lagrangian Adams, D., see De Lesquen Affieck, I., Critical behaviour of SU(n) quantum chains and topological non-linear o--models

Givernaud, A. Gonidec, H. Grassmanu, J, Gregory, W. Haynes, S.J. Haywood, D.J. Holthuizen, M. Ikeda, W. Jank, M. Jimack, G. Jorat, D. Joyce, P.I.P. Kalmus, V. Karim~iki, R. Keeler, I. Kenyon, A. Kernan, A. Khan, W. Kienzle, R. Kinnunen, M. Krammer, J. Kroll, D. Kryn, F. Lacava, M. Landon, J.P. Lees, R. Leuchs, S. Levegriin, S. Li, M. Lindgren, D. Linglin, P. Lipa, E. Locci, T. Markiewicz, C. Markou, M. Markytan, M.A. Marquina, G. Maurin, J.-P. Mendiburu, A. Meneguzzo, J.P. Merlo, T. Meyer, M.-N. Minard, M. Mobammadi, K. Morgan, M. Moricca, H.-G. Moser, A. Moulin, B. Mours, Th. Muller, L. Naumann, P. Nedelec, A. Nisati, A. Norton, G. Pancheri, F. Pauss, C. Perault, E. Petrolo, G. Piano Mortari, E. Pietarinen, C. Pigot, M. Pimi~i, A. Placci, J.-P. Porte, M. Preischl, E. Raderreacher, T. Redelberger, H. Reithler, J.-P. Revol, D. Robinson, T. Rodrigo, J. Rohlf, P. Rossi, C. Rubbia, G. Sajot, G. Salvini, J. Sass, D. Samyn, D. Schinzel, M. Schr6der, A. Schwartz, W. Scott, C. Seez, T.P. Shah, I. Sheer, I. Siotis, D. Smith, R. Sobie, P. Sphicas, J. Strauss, J. Streets, C. Stubenrauch, D. Summers, K. Sumorok, F. Szoncso, C. Tao, A. Taurok, I. ten Have, S. Tether, G. Thompson, E. Tscheslog, J. Tuominiemi, W. van de Guchte, A. van Dijk, B. van Eijk, J.P. Vialle,

B307 (1988) 198

B306 (1988) 405 B304 (1988) 673

B305 [FS23]

(1988) 582 Ahn, C., M.E. Peskin, B.W. Lynn, S. Selipsky, Delayed unitary cancellation and heavy particle effects in B309 (1988) 221 e + e - _ , W+W Albajar, C., M.G. Albrow, O.C. Allkofer, A. Astbury, B. Aubert, T. Axon, C. Bacci, T. Bacon, N. Bains, J.R. Batley, G. Bauer, S. Beingessner, A. Bettini, A. Bezaguet, R. Bonino, K. Bos, E. Buckley, G. Busetto, P. Catz, P. Cennini, S. Centro, R. Ceradini, D.G. Charlton, G. Ciapetti, S. Cittolin, D. Clarke, D. Cline, C. Cochet, J. Colas, P. Colas, M. Corden, J.A. Coughlan, G. Cox, D. Dau, J.P. Debrion, M. Degiorgi, M. Della Negra, M. Demoulin, D. Denegri, A. Diciaccio, F.J. Diez Hedo, L. Dobrzynski, J. Dorenbosch, J.D. Dowell, E. Duchovini, K. Eggert, E. Eisenhandler, N. Ellis, P. Erhard, H. Faissner, I.F. Fensome, A. Ferrando, M. Fincke-Keeler, P. Flynn, G. Fontaine, J. Garvey, D, Gee, S. Geer, A. Geiser, C. Ghesquiere, P. Ghez, C. Ghiglino, Y. Giraud-Heraud, A. 773

774 L. Villasenor, T.S. Virdee, W. von Schlippe, J. Vrana, V. Vuillemin, K. Wacker, G. Walzel, A. Wildish, S.J. Wimpenny, I. Wingerter, X. Wu, C.-E. Wulz, T. Wyatt, M. Yvert, C. Zaccardelli, I. Zacharov, N. Zaganidis, L. Zanello, P. Zotto, Production of low transverse energy clusters in ~p collisions at v~ss= 0.2-0.9 TeV and their interpretation in terms of QCD jets Albrow, M.G., see Albajar Aldazabal, G., M. Bonini, R. Iengo, C. Nfifiez, Superstring vertex operators and scattering amplitudes on arbitrary Riemann surfaces Alkofer, R., P.A. Amundsen, Chiral symmetry breaking in an instantaneous approximation to Coulomb gauge QCD Allasia, D., C. Angelini, A. Baldini, M. Baldo-Ceolin, L. Bertanza, A. Bigi, F. Bobisut, A. Borg, E. Calimani, P. Capiluppi, S. Ciampolillo, J. Derkaoui, M. FacciniTurluer, V. Flaminio, A.G. Frodesen, G. Giacomelli, B. Jongejans, C. Louedec, A. Margiotta-Neri, A. MarzariChiesa, R. Pazzi, L. Riccati, A. Romero, A. Rossi, A. Sconza, P. Serra-Lugaresi, A. Tenner, G.W. van Apeldoorn, P. van Dam, N. van Eijndhoven, D. Vignaud, Determination of the neutral current chiral coupling constants u~, u~, d~ and d~ from a neutrino and antineutrino deuterium experiment Allen, R.W., D.R.T. Jones, The N = 1 supersymmetric ~-model with torsion: The two-loop /3-functions Allkofer, O.C., see Albajar Altarelli, G., M. Diemoz, G. Martinelli, P. Nason, Total cross sections for heavy flavour production in hadronic collisions and QCD Alvarez, E., M.A.R. Osorio, Cosmological constant versus free energy for heterotic strings [Erratum: B309

Author Index B301-B310

B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405

B307 (1988) 291

B306 (1988) 305

B307 (1988)


B303 (1988) 271 B309 (1988) 405

B308 (1988) 724

(1988) 220] Alvarez, T., A. Leites, J. Terrdn, Top mass corrections to weak boson decays Alvarez Gaum& L., C. Gomez, G. Moore, C. Vafa, Strings in the operator formalism Ambjcrn, J., N.K. Nielsen, P. Olesen, Superconducting cosmic strings and W condensation Amundsen, P.A., see Alkofer AndS, K., see Yabu Andra~i, A., J.C. Taylor, The dependence of light-cone gauge amplitudes on a second light-like vector Andra~i, A., J.C. Taylor, Are axial gauges useful in perturbative QCD? Angelini, C., see Allasia Angelis, A.L.S., G. Basini, H.-J. Besch, R.E. Breedon, L. Camilleri, T.J. Chapin, R.L. Cool, P.T. Cox, C. yon Gagern, C. Grosso-Pilcher, D.S. Hanna, B.M. Humphries, J.T. Linnemann, C. Newman-Holmes, R.B. Nickerson, N. Phinney, B.G. Pope, S.H. Pordes, K.J. Powell, R.W. Rusack, C.W. Salgado, A.M. Segar, S.R. Stampke, M.J. Tannenbaum, J.M. Yelton, Three-jet events at the CERN intersecting storage rings Appell, D., G. Sterman, P. MacKenzie, Soft gluons and the normalization of the Drell-Yan cross section Aratyn, H., R. Ingermanson, A.J. Niemi, Constrained systems, OSP(1, ll2) and string theory Aref'eva, l.Ya., P.B. Medvedev, Field theory of interacting open superstrings in fermionic ghost representation Asselin, X., G. Girardi, P. Salati, A. Blanchard, Hotwarm unstable supersymmetric dark matter and galaxy formation Astbury, A., see Albajar Aston, D., N. Awaji, T. Bienz, F. Bird, J. D'Amore, W. Dunwoodie, R. Endorf, K. Fujii, H. Hayashii, S. Iwata, W.B. Johnson, R. Kajikawa,

B304 (1988) 327 B301 (1988)


B303 (1988) 455

B310 (1988) 625 B306 (1988) 305 B301 (1988) 601

B302 (1988) 123 B310 (1988) 222 B307 (1988) 1

B303 (1988) 569

B309 (1988) 259

B307 (1988) 157

B310 (1988) 101

B310 (1988) 669 B309 (1988) 405

Author Index B301-B31O

P. Kunz, D.W.G.S. Leith, L. Levinson, T. Matsui, B.T. Meadows, A. Miyamoto, M. Nussbaum, H. Ozaki, C.O. Pak, B.N. Ratcliff, D. Schultz, S. Shapiro, T. Shimomura, P.K. Sinervo, A. Sugiyama, S. Suzuki, G. Tarnopolsky, T. Tauchi, N. Toge, K. Ukai, A. Waite, S. Williams, A study of the 0 0 K~K~ system in the reaction K - p ~ K~KsA 0 0 at 11 GeV/c Atick, J.J., G. Moore, A. Sen, Catoptric tadpoles Atick, J.J., G. Moore, A. Sen, Some global issues in string perturbation theory Atick, J.J., E. Witten, The Hagedorn transition and the number of degrees of freedom of string theory Aubert, B., see Albajar Awaji, N., see Aston Axon, T., see Albajar Bacci, C., see Albajar Bach, P., see De Lesquen Bacon, T., see Albajar Bagger, J.A., A.S. Galperin, E.A. Ivanov, V.I. Ogievetsky, Gauging N = 2 sigma models in harmonic superspace Baler, R., C.B. Lang, H.-J. Reusch, The renormalization flow in the adjoint SU(2) lattice Higgs model Bains, N., see Albajar Bais, F.A., P. Bouwknegt, M. Surridge, K. Schoutens, Extensions of the Virasoro algebra constructed from Kac-Moody algebras using higher order Casimir invariants Bais, F.A., P. Bouwknegt, M. Surridge, K. Schoutens, Coset construction for extended Virasoro algebras Bais, F.A., R. Laterveer, Exact regular Z u monopole solutions in gauge theories with non-adjoint Higgs representations Bak, J.F., J.A. Ellison, B. Marsh, F.E. Meyer, O. Pedersen, J.B.B. Petersen, E.

B301 (1988) 525 B307 (1988) 221 B308 (1988)

B310 B309 B301 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)


291 405 525 405

B309 (1988) 405 B304 (1988) 673 B309 (1988) 405

B303 (1988) 522

B305 [FS23] (1988) 396 B309 (1988) 405

B304 (1988) 348

B304 (1988) 371

B307 (1988) 487

Uggerh0j, S.P. Moiler, A.H. Sorensen, M. Suffert, Channeling radiation from 2 to 20 G e V / c electrons and positrons (II). Axial case Bakas, I., Conformal invariance, the KdV equation and coadjoint orbits of the Virasoro algebra Baldini, A., see Allasia Baldo-Ceolin, M., see Allasia Ball, J., see De Lesquen Banks, T., Supersymmetry and the quark mass matrix Banks, T., L.J. Dixon, Constraints on string vacua with spacetime supersymmetry Banks, T., Prolegomena to a theory of bifurcating universes: A nonlocal solution to the cosmological constant problem; Little lambda goes back to the future Barbieri, R., G. Gamberini, G.F. Giudice, G. Ridolfi, Constraining supergravity models from gluino production Barbieri, R., G. Fiorentini, The solar neutrino puzzle and the ~I.---' un conversion hypothesis Barbieri, R., G.F. Giudice, Upper bounds on supersymmetric particle masses Barnett, R.M., H.E. Haber, D.E. Soper, Ultra-heavy particle production from heavy partons at hadron colliders Barrow, J.D., see Burd Barrow, J.D., String-driven inflationary and deflationary cosmological models Bars, I., First massive level and anomalies in the supermembrahe Basini, G., see Angelis Bassetto, A., KNO scaling in QCD jets and the negative binomial distribution Barley, J.R., see Albajar Bauer, G., see Albajar Baulieu, L., E. Bergshoeff, E. Sezgin, Open BRST algebras, ghosts unification and string field theory Baumann, B., B.A. Berg, G. Miinster, Nontrivial critical behaviour in lattice model of


B302 (1988) 525

B302 (1988) 189 B307 (1988) 1 B307 (1988) 1 B304 (1988) 673 B303 (1988) 172 B307 (1988) 93

B309 (1988) 493

B301 (1988) 15

B304 (1988) 909 B306 (1988) 63

B306 (1988) 697 B308 (1988) 929 B310 (1988) 743 B308 (1988) 462 B303 (1988) 569 B303 (1988) 703 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405

B307 (1988) 348

776 random surfaces Baur, U., J.J. van der Bij, Top quark production of H E R A Baur, U., D. Zeppenfeld, Probing the WWy vertex at future hadron colliders Becchi, C., On the covariant quantization of the free string: The conformal structure Beenakker, W., see B6hm Beingessner, S., see Albajar Bellucci, S., J. GonzSlez, Is anti-de Sitter supersymmetry radiatively broken'? Bellucci, S., R. Brooks, J. Sonnenschein, Supersymmetric chiral bosons Belyaev, V.M., B.L. Ioffe, Structure functions of deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering in QCD (I). Calculation method: Distributions of valence quarks Bengtsson, I., M. Cederwall, Particles, twistors and the division algebras Bengtsson, M., G. lngelman, T. Sj6strand, QCD effects on the event structure in leptoproduction Benhamou, M., G. Mahoux, Fluctuations and renormalization of a field on a boundary Berends, F.A., G.J.H. Burgers, C. Mana, M. Martinez, W.L. van Neerven, Radiative corrections to the process e ÷ e u~y Berends, F.A., see B6hm Berends, F.A., R. Kleiss, W. Hollik, Radiative corrections to Bhabha scattering at high energies (II). Hard photon corrections and Monte Carlo treatment Berends, F.A., W.T. Giele, Recursive calculations for processes with n gluons Berg, B.A., see Baumann Bergshoeff, E., A. Salam, E. Sezgin, Y. Tanii, N = 8 supersingleton quantum field theory Bergshoeff, E., see Baulieu

Author Index B301-B310

B305 [FS23] (1988) 199 B304 (1988) 451 B308 (1988) 127

B304 (1988) 513 B304 (1988)463 B309 (1988) 405 B302 (1988) 423 B304 (1988) 173

B310 (1988) 548 B302 (1988) 81

B301 (1988) 554

B305 [FS23] (1988)


B301 (1988) 583 B304 (1988) 463

B304 (1988) 712 B306 (1988) 759 B305 [FS23] (1988) 199

B305 [FS23] (1988) 497 B307 (1988) 348

Berkovits, N., Supersheet functional integration and the interacting NeveuSchwarz string Bernard, D., Z2-twisted fields and bosonization on Riemann surfaces Bernard, D., On the W e s s Zumino-Witten models on the torus Bernard, D., On the W e s s Zumino Witten models on Riemann surfaces Bernard, V., R.L. Jaffe, U.-G. Meissner, Strangeness mixing and quenching in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model Bershadsky, M., Super-Riemann surfaces, loop measure, etc. Bertanza, L., see Allasia Bertolini, S., A. Santamaria, The doublet majoron model and solar neutrino oscillations Besch, H.-J., see Angelis Bettini, A., see Albajar Bezaguet, A., see Albajar Bialas, A., R. Peschanski, Intermittency in multiparticle production at high energy Bienz, T., see Aston Bigi, A., see Allasia Bilal, A., J.-L Gervais, Exact quantum three-point function of Liouville highest weight states Bird, F., see Aston Blanchard, A., see Asselin Blau, S.K., M. Clements, S. Della Pietra, S. Carlip, V. Della Pietra, The string amplitude on surfaces with boundaries and crosscaps Blau, S.K., M. Visser, A. Wipt, Zeta functions and the Casimir energy Blencowe, M.P., M.J. Duff, Supermembranes and the signature of spacetime Blondel, A., B.W. Lynn, F.M. Renard, C. Verzegnassi, Precision measurements of final state weak coupling from polarized electronpositron annihilation Bloshenko, S.K., see Bolonkin Bluhm, R., L. Dolan, P, God-

B304 (1988) 537 B302 (1988) 251 B303 (1988) 77 B309 (1988) 145

B308 (1988) 753 B310 (1988) 79 B307 (1988) 1

B310 B303 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

714 569 405 405

B308 (1988) 857 B301 (1988) 525 B307 (1988) 1

B305 [FS23] (1988) 33 B301 (1988) 525 B310 (1988) 669

B301 (1988) 285 B310 (1988) 163 B310 (1988) 387

B304 (1988) 438 B309 (1988) 426


Author Index B301-B310

dard, Unitarity and modular invariance as constraints on four-dimensional superstrings Bobisut, F., see Allasia B6hm, M., A. Denner, T. Sack, W. Beenakker, F.A. Berends, H. Kuijf, Electroweak radiative corrections to e+e W+W B6hm, M., A. Denner, W. Hollik, Radiative corrections to Bhabha scattering at high energies (I). Virtual and soft photon corrections B6hm, M., H. Spiesberger, Radiative corrections to charged current deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at H E R A Bolonkin, B.V., S.K. Bloshenko, V.V. Vladimirsky, V.K. Grigor'ev, A.P. Grishin, I.A. Erofeev, O.N. Erofeeva, Yu.V. Katinov, I.Yu. Korol'kov, V.I. Lisin, V.N. Luzin, V.V. Miller, O.Ya. Moiseenko, V.N. Nosdratshev, V.V. Sokolovsky, A.I. Sutormin, G.D. Tikhomirov, Yu.P. Shkurenko, Yu.P. Gorin, 0(17011) arid ~f(2230) resonances in the ~r p K s0 K s0 n reaction at momentum 40 G e V / c Bonini, M., see Aldazabal Bonino, R., see Albajar Borg, A., see Allasia Bos, K., see Albajar Boukraa, S., The BRS algebra of a free minimal differential algebra Bouwknegt, P., see Bais Bouwknegt, P., see Bais Bowcock, P., P. Goddard, Coset constructions and extended conformal algebras

B309 (1988) 330

B307 (1988)


B304 (1988) 463

B304 (1988) 687

B304 (19881 749

B309 (19881 426 B307 (19881 291 B309 (1988) 405 B307 (19881 1 B309 (1988) 405 B303 (1988) 237 B304 (1988) 348 B304 (1988) 371 B305 [FS23]

(19881 685 Bowler, K.C., R.D. Kenway, D. Roweth, D.B. Stephenson, The chiral limit of quenched lattice QCD Brandenberger, R.H., A.C. Davis, A.M. Matheson, Callen-Rubakov effect for strings Breedon, R.E., see Angelis Brekke, L., P.G.O. Freund, M. Olson, E. Witten, Nonarchimedean string dynam-

B301 (1988) 304

B307 (1988) 909 B303 (1988) 569

ics Brooks, R., see Bellucci, S. Brout, R., From asymptotic freedom to quark confinement Brustein, R., D. Nemeschansky, S. Yankielowicz, Beta functions and S-matrix in string theory Buchbinder, 1.L., S.M. Kuzenko, Quantization of the classically equivalent theories in the superspace of simple supergravity and quantum equivalence Buchbinder, I.L., P.M. Lavrov, S.D. Odintsov, Unique effective action in Kaluza Klein quantum theories and spontaneous compactification Buckley, E., see Albajar Burd, A.B., J.D. Barrow, Inflationary models with exponential potentials Burgers, G., F. Karsch, A. Nakamura, I.O. Stamatescu, QCD on anisotropic lattices Burgers, G.J.H., see Berends Busetto, G., see Albajar Bystricky, J., see De Lesquen Cadoni, M., N = 1 supergravity models based on noncompact hermitian symmetric coset spaces Calimani, E., see Allasia Callan, C.G., C. Lovelace, C.R. Nappi, S.A. Yost, Loop corrections to superstring equations of motion Camilleri, L., see Angelis Campbell, N.A., A. Huntley, C. Michael, Heavy quark potentials and hybrid mesons from SU(3) lattice gauge theory Candelas, P., C,A. Liitken, R. Schimmrigk, Complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds (ll). Three generation manifolds Capiluppi, P., see Allasia Caracciolo, S., G. Curci, P. Menotti, A. Pelissetto, The energy-momentum tensor on the lattice: The scalar case Carlip, S., see Blau Carlson, E.D., S.L. Glashow,

B302 (1988) 365 B304 (1988) 173 B310 (1988) 127

B301 (1988) 224

B308 (19881 162

B308 (1988) 191

B309 (1988) 405 B308 (1988) 929

B304 B301 B309 B304

(1988) (1988) (19881 (1988)

587 583 405 673

B304 (19881 311 B307 (1988) 1

B308 (19881 221

B303 (1988) 569

B306 (1988) 51

B306 (1988) 113 B307 (1988) 1

B309 (19881 612

B301 09881 285

778 U. Sarid, Searching for a light Higgs boson Carow-Watamura, U., S. Watamura, Bosonization and BRST invariant three-superstring Caneschi-Schwimmer-Veneziano vertex Carow-Watamura, U., S. Watamura, N-string vertex, canonical forms and bosonization Carow-Watamura, U., S. Watamura, N-superstring vertex and the vertex operator for the emission of the superstring Casalbuoni, R., P. Chiappetta, D. Dominici, F. Feruglio, R. Gatto, High-energy tests for a possible strong sector in the standard model Catz, P., see Albajar Cecotti, S., S. Ferrara, M. Porrati, S. Sabharwal, New minimal higher derivative supergravity coupled to matter Cecotti, S., S. Ferrara, L. Girardello, Hidden non-compact symmetries in string theory Cederwall, M., see Bengtsson Cennini, P., see Albajar Centro, S., see Albajar Ceradini, R., see Albajar Chaichian, M., J. Fischer, Higher-dimensional spacetime and unitarity bound on the scattering amplitude Chamseddine, A.H., J.-P. Derendinger, Twisted superstrings in four dimensions Chang, Y.F., see Karliner Chapin, T.J., see Angelis Charlton, D.G., see Albajar Chaumette, P., see De Lesquen Chiappetta, P., see Casalbuoni Ciampolillo, S., see Allasia Ciapetti, G., see Albajar Cittolin, S., see Albajar Clarizia, A., F. Pezzella, BRST invariant mixed string vertex for the bosonic string Clark, T.E., S.T. Love, Supersymmetric chiral normal coordinates Clark, T.E., C.-H. Lee, S.T. Love, Anti-symmetric tensor gauge theories Clark, T.E., S.T. Love, Super-

Author Index B301-B31O

B309 (1988) 597

B301 (1988) 132

B302 (1988) 149

B308 (1988) 149

B310 (1988) 181 B309 (1988) 405

B306 (1988) 160

B308 (1988) B302 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988)

436 81 405 405 405

B303 (1988) 557 B301 (1988) B302 (1988) B303 (1988) B309 (1988) B304 (1988) B310 (1988) B307 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988)

381 204 569 405 673 181 1 405 405

B301 (1988) 499 B301 (1988) 439 B308 (1988) 379

symmetric quantum electrodynamics and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking Clarke, D., see Albajar Clements, M., see Blau Cline, D., see Albajar Cochet, C., see Albajar Cohen, A.G., D.B. Kaplan, Spontaneous baryogenesis Cohn, J.D., Modular geometry of superconformal field theory Colas, J., see Albajar Colas, P., see Albajar Coldwell, R.L., see Huang Coleman, S., Black holes as red herrings: Topological fluctuations and the loss of quantum coherence Coleman, S., Why there is nothing rather than something: A theory of the cosmological constant Collins, J.C., Spin correlations in Monte Carlo event generators Collins, I.C., D.E. Soper, G. Sterman, Soft gluons and factorization Cool, R.U, see Angelis Copeland, E., D. Haws, M. Hindmarsh, N. Turok, Dynamics of and radiation from superconducting strings and springs Corden, M., see Albajar Corrigan, E., T.J. Hollowood, A bosonic representation of the twisted string emission vertex Corrigan, E., T.J. Hollowood, Comments on the algebra of straight, twisted and intertwining vertex operators Coughlan, G.D., see Del Aguila Coughlan, J.A., see Albajar Cox, G., see Albajar Cox, P.T., see Angelis Curci, G., see Caracciolo

B310 B309 B301 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

371 405 285 405 405

B308 (1988) 913 B306 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988)

239 405 405 733

B307 (1988) 867

B310 (1988) 643 B304 (1988) 794 B308 (1988) 833 B303 (1988) 569

B306 (1988) 908 B309 (1988) 405

B303 (1988) 135

B304 (1988) 77 B307 B309 B309 B303 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

633 405 405 569 612

Damgaard, P.H., U.M. Heller, Search for symmetry restoration in the fundamental B304 (1988) 63 SU(2) Higgs model Damgaard, P.H., U.M. Heller, The U(1) Higgs model in an external electromagnetic B309 (1988) 625 field B301 (1988) 525 D'Arnore, J., see Aston

Author Index B301-B310

Daniel, D., S.N. Sheard, Perturbative corrections to staggered-fermion lattice operators Dau, D., see Albajar Davis, A.C., E.M. Mayger, Non-perturbative effects in the CP N model Davis, A.C., see Brandenberger Dawson, S., see Nason De, A., J. Shigemitsu, Probing the SU(2) gauge-Higgs system with fermions De Alwis, S.P., M.T. Grisaru, L. Mezincescu, Quantization and unitarity in antisymmetric tensor gauge theories Debrion, J.P., see Albajar De Forcrand, P., 1.O. Stamatescu, QCD with Wilson fermions using a very fast local algorithm De Forcrand, P., V. Linke, I.D. Stamatescu, Heavy quark-antiquark potential from lattice QCD with light dynamical fermions Degiorgi, M., see Albajar Degrassi, G., K. Enqvist, A. Masiero, D.V. Nanopoulos, Massive Dirac neutrinos, radiative decays and nucleosynthesis Del Aguila, F., J.A. Gonz~_lez, M. Quir6s, Renormalization group analysis of extended electroweak models from the heterotic string Del Aguila, F., G.D. Coughlan, M. Quir6s, Gauge coupling renormalisation with several U(1) factors De la Incera, V., see Ferrer De Lesquen, A., F. Lehar, L. van Rossum, P. Chaumette, J. Der6gel, J. Fabre, J.M. Fontaine, F. Perrot, P. Bach, R. Hess, Ph. Sormani, J. Ball, C.D. Lac, D. Adams, J. Bystricky, V. Ghazikhanian, C.A. Whitten, Measurement of analyzing power and spin correlations in np elastic scattering at 0.744 and 0.794 GeV using a deuteron polarized beam Della Negra, M., see Albajar Della Pietra, D., see Blau Della Pietra, V., see Blau

B302 (1988) 471 B309 (1988) 405 B306 (1988) 199 B307 (1988) 909 B303 (1988) 607 B307 (1988) 376

B303 (1988) 57 B309 (1988) 405

B304 (1988) 628

B304 (1988) 645 B309 (1988) 405

B304 (1988) 850

B307 (1988) 57l

B307 (1988) 633 B309 (1988) 120

B304 B309 B301 B301

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

673 405 285 285

Demoulin, M., see Albajar Denegri, D., see Albajar Denner, A., see B6hm Denner, A., see B6hm Denner, A., T. Sack, Electroweak radiative corrections to e + e - ~ Z°Z ° Deo, N., Supersymmetric nonabelian effective action in (2 + 1) dimensions De Rafael, E., see Ecker Derdgel, J., see De Lesquen Derendinger, J.-P., see Chamseddine Derkaoui, J., see Allasia De Vega, H.J., N. Sfinchez, Quantum dynamics of strings in black hole space times De Vega, H.J., N. S~nchez, The scattering of strings by a black hole De Wit, B., J. Hoppe, H. Nicolai, On the quantum mechanics of supermembranes Diakonov, D.I., V.Yu. Petrov, P.V. Pobylitsa, A chiral theDry of nucleons Diciaccio, A., see Albajar Dickens, T.A., U.J. Lindqwister, W.R. Somsky, L.G. Yaffe, The coherent state variational algorithm (II). Implementation and testing Diemoz, M., see Altarelli Diez Hedo, F.J., see Albajar Dine, M., N. Seiberg, Microscopic knowledge from macroscopic physics in string theory Dine, M., N. Seiberg, Are (0,2) models string miracles? Distler, J., B. Greene, Aspects of (2,0) string compactifications Distler, J., B. Greene, Some exact results on the superpotential from Calabi-Yau compactifications Dixon, L., P. Ginsparg, J. Harvey, ~ = 1 superconformal field theory Dixon, L.J., see Banks Dobroliubov, M.I., A.Yu. Ignatiev, Neutral pion decays probe new physics beyond the standard model Dobrzynski, L., see Albajar

779 B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B304 (1988) B304 (1988)

405 405 463 687

B306 (1988) 221 B304 (1988) 525 B303 (1988) 665 B304 (1988) 673 B301 (1988) 381 B307 (1988) 1 B309 (1988) 552 B309 (1988) 577

B305 [FS23] (1988) 545 B306 (1988) 809 B309 (1988) 405

B309 (1988) 1 B308 (1988) 724 B 3 0 9(1988) 405

B301 (1988) 357 B306 (1988) 137 B304 (1988)


B309 (1988) 295 B306 (1988) 470 B307 (1988) 93

B309 (1988) 655 B309 (1988) 405

Author Index B301-B310

780 Dolan, L., see Bluhm Dolgov, A.D., I.B. Khriplovich, V.I. Zakharov, Macroscopic manifestations of the chiral anomaly in a gravitational field Dominici, D., see Casalbuoni Donnachie, A., P.V. Landshoff, Hard diffraction: Production of high PT jets, W or Z, and Drell-Yan pairs Dorenbosch, J., see Albajar Dowell, J.D., see Albajar Duchovini, E., see Albajar Duff, M.J., see Blencowe Duncan, M.J., G. Segr~, J,F. Wheater, Topological stability in higher dimensional theories Dunne, G.V., I.G. Halliday, Negative dimensional oscillators Dunwoodie, W., see Aston Ecker, G., A. Pich, E. de Rafael, Radiative kaon decays and CP violation in chiral perturbation theory Eggert, K., see Albajar Eichler, R.A., Z. Kunszt, Charm, bottom and top production in high energy electron-proton collisions Eisenberg, Y., S. Solomon, The twistor geometry of the covariantly quantized BrinkSchwarz superparticle Eisenhandler, E., see Albajar Ellis, J., L. Mizrachi, On a possible Wess-Zumino term in the heterotic string Ellis, J., P. Jetzer, L. Mizrachi, One-loop string corrections to the effective field theory Ellis, J., J.S. Hagelin, S. Rudaz, D.-D. Wu, Implications of recent measurements of B meson mixing and e ' / e K Ellis, J., K. Enqvist, S. Kalara, D.V. Nanopoulos, K.A. Olive, Phenomenological studies of rank-5 CalabiYau models Ellis, J., R.A. Flores, Realistic predictions for the detection of supersymmetric dark matter Ellis, N., see Albajar Ellis, R.K., see Nason Ellis, R.K., Z. Kunszt, Photo-

B309 (1988) 330

B309 (1988) 591 B310 (19881 181

B303 B309 B309 B309 B310

(1988) (1988) (1988) (19881 (19881

634 405 405 405 387

B308 (1988) 5{19

B308 (19881 589 B301 (19881 525

B303 (1988) 665 B309 (1988) 405

B308 (1988) 791

B309 (1988) 709 B309 (1988) 405 B302 (1988) 65 B303 (1988)


B304 (1988) 205

B306 (1988) 445

B307 (1988) 883 B309 (1988) 405 B303 (1988) 607

production and electroproduction of heavy flavours with gluon bremsstrahlung Ellison, J.A., see Bak Elze, H.-Th., K. Kajantie, J. Kapusta, Screening and plasmon in QCD on a finite lattice Endorf, R., see Aston Ennyu, D., see Nakazawa Enqvist, K., K.W. Ng, K.A. Olive, Scalar field fluctuations in the early universe Enqvist, K., see Degrassi Enqvist, K., see Ellis Erhard, P., see Albajar Erofeev, 1.A., see Bolonkin Erofeeva, O.N., see Bolonkin Evans, J.M., Light-cone auxiliary fields for ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills Fabbrichesi, M.E., Dynamical mass generation in BRS invariant theories Fabre, J., see De Lesquen Fabricius, K., The Langevin equation with Fourier acceleration and its equilibrium action Faccini-Turluer, M., see Allasia Fainberg, V.Ya., A.V. Marshakov, Local supersymmetry and Dirac particle propagator as a path integral Faissner, H., see Albajar Falkensteiner, P., H. Grosse, Fermions in interaction with time-dependent fields Fensome, I.F., see Albajar Ferrando, A., see Albajar Ferrara, S., C. Kounnas, M. Porrati, Superstring solutions with spontaneously broken four-dimensional symmetries Ferrara, S., see Cecotti Ferrara, S., see Cecotti Ferrer, E.J., V. de la Incera, A.E. Shabad, Phase transitions of the many-particle Weinberg-Salam system at finite temperature Feruglio, F., see Casalbuoni Fincke-Keeler, M., see AIbajar Fiorani, F., G. Marchesini, L.

B303 (1988) 653 B302 (1988) 525

B304 (1988) 832 B301 (1988) 525 B305 [FS23] (1988) 516 B303 B304 B306 B309 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

713 850 445 405 426 426

B310 (1988) 44

B301 (1988) 93 B304 (1988) 673

B305 [FS23] (1988) 155

B307 (1988)


B306 (1988) 659 B309 (1988) 405 B305 [FS23] (1988) 126 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405

B304 (1988) 5{)0 B306 (1988) 160 B308 (1988) 436

B309 (1988) 120 B310 (1988) 181 B309 (1988) 405

Author Index B301 B310 Reina, Soft-gluon factorization and multi-gluon amplitude Fiorentini, G., see Barbieri Fischer, J., see Chaichian Fischler, W., I. Klebanov, k. Susskind, String loop divergences and effective lagrangians Flaminio, V., see Allasia Flores, R.A., see Ellis Flynn, P., see Albajar Foakes, A.P., N. Mohammedi, An explicit three-loop calculation for the purely metric two-dimensional non-linear sigma model Foakes, A.P., N. Mohammedi, D.A. Ross, Three-loop ,(3functkms for the superstring and heterotic string Font, A., L.E. Ibfifiez, H.-P. Nilles, F. Quevedo, Degenerate orbifolds [Erratum: B310 (1988) 764] Fontaine, G., see AIbajar Fontaine, J.M., see De Lesquen Forgfics, P., Z. L. Palla, P. Vecsernyds, Higher level K a c - M o o d y representations and rank reduction in string models Forger, M,, see Abdalla Forte, S., Spectral asymmetry and vacuum charge in threedimensional closed and open space Frankel, S., W. Frati, Predicting ultrarelativistic nuclear interactions from pp data Frappat, L., A. Sciarrino, P. Sorba, Fermionic constructkm of vertex operators for twisted affine algebras Frati, W., see Frankel Freedman, D.Z., J.I, Latorre, K. Pilch, Global aspects of the harmonic gauge in bosonic string theory Freund, P.G.O., see Brekke Friedman, J.L., N. Papastamatiou, L. Parker, H. Zhang, Non-orientable foam and an effective Planck mass for point-like fermions Frishman, Y., J. Sonnenschein, Gauging of chiral bosonized actions

B309 (1988) 439 B304 (1988) 909 B303 (1988) 557

B306 B307 B307 B309

(1988) 271 (1988) 1 (1988) 883 (1988) 4(}5

B306 (1988) 343

B310 (1988) 335

B307 (1988) 1119 B309 (1988) 4115 B304 11988) 673

B308 (1988) 477 B307 (1988) 198

B301 (1988)


B308 11988) 699

B305 [FS231 (1988) 164 B308 (1988) 699

B306 (1988) 77 B302 (1988) 365

B309 (1988) 533

B301 11988) 346


Frodesen, A.G., see Allasia Fujii, K., see Aston

B307 (1988) 1 B301 (1988) 525

Galperin, A.S., see Bagger Gamberini, G., see Barbieri Garreis, R., J. Louis, B.A. Ovrut, Topology and heterotic, gravitational, korentz and super-Weyl anomalies Garvey, J., see Albajar Gasser, J., H. Leutwyler, Spontaneously broken symmetries: Effective lagranglans at finite volume Gasser, J., M.E. Sainio, A. Svarc, Nucleons with chiral loops Gatto, R., see Casalbuoni Gavela, M.B., L. Maiani, S. Petrarca, F. Rapuano, G. Martinelli, O. Pene, C.T. Sachrajda, The kaon Bparameter and K-,n- and K - ~ v - transition amplitudes on the lattice Gee, D., see Albajar Geer, S., see Albajar Geiser, A., see Albajar Georgi, H., A technicolor model with softly broken flavor symmetry Gervais, J.-L., see Bilal

B303 11988) 522 B301 11988) 15

Ghazikhanian, V., see De Lesquen Ghesquiere, C., see Albajar Ghez, P., see Albajar Ghiglino, C., see Albajar Giacomelli, G., see Allasia Gibbons, G.W., Sobolev's inequality, Jensen's theorem and the mass and entropy of the universe Giddings, S.B., A. Strominger, Axion-induced topology change in q u a n t u m gravity and string theory Giddings, S.B., A. Strominger, Loss of incoherence and determination of coupling constants in q u a n t u m gravity Giele, W.T., see Berends Ginsparg, P., see Dixon Girardello, L., see Cecotti Girardi, G., see Asselin Giraud-Heraud, Y., see Albajar Giudice, G.F., see Barbieri Giudice, G.F., see Barbieri Givernaud, A., see Albajar

B306 (1988) 567 B309 (1988) 405

B307 (1988) 763

B307 (1988) 779 B310 11988) 181

B306 B309 B309 B309

11988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

677 4(}5 405 4115

B307 11988) 365 B305 [FS23] 11988) 33 B304 B309 B309 B309 B307

(1988) 11988) (1988) (1988) 11988)

673 4115 405 4(}5 1

B310 (1988) 636

B306 (1988) 890

B307 B306 B306 B308 B310

11988) 854 (1988) 759 11988) 470 (1988) 436 (19881) 669

B309 B301 B306 B309

(1988) 405 (1988) 15 (1988) 63 (1988) 405


Author Index B301-B310

Glashow, S.L., U. Sarid, Enlarged Peccei-Quinn symmetry and limits from the supernova B307 (1988) 476 B309 (1988) 597 Glashow, S.L., see Carlson Glover, E.W.N., J.J. van der Bij, Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion B309 (1988) 282 Goddard, P., see Bowcock B305 [FS23] (1988) 685 Goddard, P., see Bluhm B309 (1988) 330 Golterman, M,F.L., The effective action for w ---,3-n', ~o ~'y and p ~ ¢ry* B309 (1988) 188 Gomez, C., see Alvarez Gaum~ B303 (1988) 455 Gonidec, A., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Gonzfilez, J.A., see Bellucci B302 (1988) 423 Gonzalez, J.A., see Del Aguila B307 (1988) 571 Gorin, Yu.P., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 Grassmann, H., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Greene, B., see Distler B304 (1988) 1 Greene, B., see Distler B309 (1988) 295 Greensite, J., F.R. Klinkhamer, Superstring amplitudes and contact interactions B304 (1988) 108 Gregory, J., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Grignani, G., M. Mintchev, The effect of gauge and Lorentz anomalies on the beta functions of heterotic sigma models B302 (1988) 330 Grigor'ev, V.K., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 Grisaru, M.T., see De Alwis B303 (1988) 57 Grisaru, M.T., D. Zanon, The Green-Schwarz superstring or-model B310 (1988) 57 Grishin, A.P., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 Gross, D.J., P.F. Mende, String theory beyond the Planck scale B303 (1988) 407 Grosse, H., see Falkensteiner B305 [FS23] (1988) 126 Grosso-Pilcher, C., see Angelis B303 (1988) 569 Grundberg, J., R. Nakayama, Superconformal Ward identities and the supertorus B306 (1988) 497 Gunion, J.F., H.E. Haber, M. Sher, Charge/color breaking minima and A-parameter bounds in supersymmetric models B306 (1988) 1 Gunion, J.F., H.E. Haber, Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models (III). Decays into neutralinos and charginos B307 (1988) 445 Gustafson, G., U. Pettersson, Dipole formulation of QCD cascades B306 (1988) 746 Haber, H.E., see Gunion

B306 (1988)


Haber, H.E., see Barnett Haber, H.E., see Gunion Hagelin, J.S., see Ellis Halliday, I.G., see Dunne Hands, S., Abelian gauge glasses Hanna, D.S., see Angelis Harada, K., K. Shizuya, Supersymmetric axial anomalies and the Wess-Zumino action Harvey, J., G. Moore, C. Vafa, Quasicrystalline compactification Harvey, J., see Dixon Harvey, J.A., S.G. Naculich, Conformal field theory and genus-zero function fields

B306 (1988) B307 (1988) B304 (1988) B308 (1988)

697 445 205 589

B305 [FS23] (1988) 597 B303 (1988) 569

B301 (1988) 115 B304 (1988) 269 B306 (1988) 470 B305 [FS23] (1988) 417

Hatfield, B., S.-T. Yau, An exchange symmetry expansion for the 2-point correlation function of the nonlinear Schr6dinger model B305 [FS23] (1988) 16 Haws, D., see Copeland B306 (1988) 908 Hayashii, H., see Aston n301 (1988) 525 Haynes, W., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405 Haywood, S.J., see Albajar Heller, U.M,, see Damgaard B304 (1988) 63 Heller, U.M, see Damgaard B309 (1988) 625 Henneaux, M., BRST extensions of a Lie group B308 (1988) 619 Hess, R., see De Lesquen B304 (1988) 673 Hidaka, K., H. Komatsu, P. Ratcliffe, Search for sleptons at the Z ° peak in e - e + collider (1) B304 (1988) 417 Hindmarsh, M., see Copeland B306 (1988) 908 B304 (1988) 687 Hollik, W., see B6hm B304 (1988) 712 Hollik, W., see Berends Hollowood, T.J., see Corrigan B303 (1988) 135 Hollowood, T.J., see Corrigan B304 (1988) 77 B309 (1988) 405 Holthuizen, D.J., see Albajar B305 [FS23] Hoppe, J., see De Wit (1988) 545 Horvfith, Z., see Forgfics B308 (1988) 477 Hou, W.-S., QCD induced B308 (1988) 561 charmless B decays Huang, M.C., R.L. Coldwell, M.W. Katoot, A demonstration of the speed and accuracy of the biased-selection Monte Carlo methods in hamiltonian SU(2) lattice B309 (1988) 733 gauge theory Huang, S., J.W. Negele, J. Polonyi, Meson structure B307 (1988) 669 in QCD 2 Huggins, S.R., G. Kunstatter,

A u t h o r Index B 3 0 1 - B 3 1 0

H.P. Leivo, D,J. Toms, The Vilkovisky-DeWitt effective action for quantum gravity Hughes, J., J. Liu, /3-functions and the exact renormalization group Hull, C.M., P.K. Townsend, String effective actions from sigma-model conformal anomalies Humphries, B.M., see Angelis Huntley, A., see Campbell Ibfifiez, L.E., J. Mas, H.-P. Nilles, F. Quevedo, Heterotic strings in symmetric and asymmetric orbifold backgrounds Ibfifiez, L.E., see Font Iengo, R., see Aldazabal Ignatiev, A.Yu., see Dobroliubov lkeda, M., see Albajar Inami, T., H. Kanno, T. Kubota, Hexagon gauge anomaly and supermoduli in the path integral method of superstrings Ingelman, G., see Bengtsson Ingermanson, R., see Aratyn Ioffe, B.L., see Belyaev lshibashi, N., see Kitazawa Islet, K., C. Schmid, C.A. Trugenberger, Kinetic normal ordering and the 1 + 1 dimensional U(1) anomaly Itoh, K., M. Kato, H. Kunitotoo, M. Sakamoto, Vertex construction and zero modes of twisted strings on orbifolds Ivanov, E.A., see Bagger Ivanov, E.A., S.O. Krivonos, V.M. Leviant, A new class of superconformal sigma models with the WessZumino action Iwata, S., see Aston

B301 (1988) 627 B307 (1988) 183

B301 (1988) 197 B303 (1988) 569 B306 (1988) 51

B301 (1988) 157 B307 (1988) 109 B307 (1988) 291 B309 (1988) 655 B309 (1988) 405

B308 B301 B307 B310 B306

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

203 554 157 548 425

B301 (1988) 327

B306 (1988) 362 B303 (1988) 522

B304 (1988) 601 B301 (1988) 525

Jack, I., D.R.T. Jones, o--model /3-functions and ghost-free string effective actions B303 (1988) 260 Jack, I., D.R.T. Jones, D.A. Ross, On the relationship between string low-ener~ effective actions and O(a'-) ~r-model /3-functions B307 (1988) 130 Jack, I., D.R.T. Jones, D.A. Ross, The four-loop dilaton /3-function B307 (1988) 531 Jacob, M., T.-T. Wu, Quan-


turn calculation of beamstrahlung: The spinless case B303 (1988) 373 Jacob, M., T.-T. Wu, Quantum calculation of beamstrahlung: The Dirac case B303 (1988) 389 Jacques, M., see Abdalla B307 (1988) 198 Jaffe, R.L., see Bernard B308 (1988) 753 Jain, P.L., K. Sengupta, G. Singh, Hadron production by 150 GeV muons in nuclear emulsion B301 (1988) 517 Jank, W., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Jetzer, P., see Ellis B303 (1988) 1 Jimack, M., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Johnson, W.B., see Aston B301 (1988) 525 Jones, D.R.T., see Jack B303 (1988) 260 Jones, D.R.T., see Allen B303 (1988) 271 Jones, D.R.T., see Jack B307 (1988) 130 Jones, D.R.T., see Jack B307 (1988) 531 Jongejans, B., see Allasia B307 (1988) 1 Jorat, G., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Jorysz, I.H., C. Michael, The field configurations of a static adjoint source in SU(2) lattice gauge theory B302 (1988) 448 Joyce, D., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Kajantie, K., see Elze Kajikawa, R., see Aston Kalara, S., see Ellis Kalmus, P.I.P., see Albajar Kanno, H., see Inami Kaplan, D.B., A. Manohar, Anomalous vortices and electromagnetism Kaplan, D.B., see Cohen Kaplan, D.B., A. Manohar, Strange matrix elements in proton from neutral-current experiments Kaplunovsky, V.S., One-loop threshold effects in string unification Kapusta, J., see Elze Karim~iki, V., see Albajar Karliner, M., S.R. Sharpe, Y.F. Chang, Zeroing in on SU(3) Karsch, F., see Burgers Katinov, Yu.V., see Bolonkin Kato, A., see Kitazawa Kato, M., see Itoh Katoot, M.W., see Huang Kawasaki, M., see Terasawa Kazakov, D.I., A.B. Kotikov, Total a s correction to the deep-inelastic scattering cross-section ratio R= O'L/O"T in QCD Keeler, R., see Albajar Kehl, F., H, Satz, B. Waltl, Critical exponents of Z 2

B304 (1988) B301 (1988) B306 (1989) B309 (1988) B308 (1988)

832 525 445 405 203

B302 (1988) 280 B308 (1988) 913

B310 (1988) 527 B307 (1988) 145 B304 (1988) 832 B309 (1988) 405 B302 (1988) B304 (1988) B309 (1988) B306 (1988) B306 (1988) B309 (1988) B302 (1988)

204 587 426 425 362 733 697

B307 (1988) 72l B309 (1988) 405

784 gauge theory in (3 + 1) dimensions Kent, A., M. Mattis, H. Riggs, Highest weight representations of the N = 3 superconformal algebras and their determinant formulae Kenway, R.D., see Bowler Kenyon, I., see Albajar Kernan, A., see Albajar Khan, A., see Albajar Khlebnikov, S.Yu., M.E. Shaposhnikov, The statistical theory of anomalous fermion number non-conservation Khriplovich, I.B., see Dolgov Kienzle, W., see Albajar Kinnunen, R., see Albajar Kitazawa, Y., N. Ishibashi, A. Kato, K, Kobayashi, Y. Matsuo, S. Odake, Operator product expansion coefficients in N = 1 superconforreal theory and slightly relevant perturbation Klebanov, I., see Fischler Klebanov, 1., L. Susskind, Continuum strings from discrete field theories Kleiss, R., see Berends Klinkhamer, F.R., see Greensite Knowles, I.G., Angular correlations in QCD Knowles, I.G., Spin correlations in parton-parton scattering Kobayashi, K., see Kitazawa Kobayashi, K., K.-H. Lee, T, Uematsu, Effective lagrangian for spontaneously broken N = 2 superconformal symmetry Koller, J., P. van Baal, A non-perturbative analysis in finite volume gauge theory Komatsu, H., see Hidaka Konishi, K., N. Magnoli, H. Panagopoulos, Spontaneous breaking of local supersymmetry by gravitational instantons Korol'kov, 1.Yu., see Bolonkin Kotcheff, A.C.W., G.M. Shore, Complex symmetries, the SQCD vacuum, and supersymmetric vacuum alignment Kotikov, A.B., see Kazakov

Author Index B301-B310

B305 [FS23] (1988) 324

B301 B301 B309 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

426 304 405 405 405

B308 B309 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

885 591 405 405

Kounnas, C., M. Quir6s, F. Zwirner, A custodial symmetry for the cosmological constant in the effective theories of four-dimensional superstrings Kounnas, C., see Ferrara Kounnas, C., M. Porrati, Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in string theory Kowalski-Glikman, J., see Van Holten Krammer, M., see Albajar Krawczyk, P., D. London, R.D. Peccei, H. Steger, Predictions of the CKM model for CP asymmetries in B decay Kremer, M., A.S. Kronfeld, M.L. Laursen, G. Schierholz, C. Schleiermacher, U.-J. Wiese, Scaling behavior and volume dependence of the SU(2) topological susceptibility

B306 (1988) 425 B306 (1988) 271

Krivonos, S.O., see lvanov Kroll, J., see Albajar Kronfeld, A,S., see Kremer

B309 (1988) 175 B304 (1988) 712

Kronfeld, A.S., M.L. Laursen, G. Schierholz, C. Schleiermacher, U.-J. Wiese, The 0-vacuum in SU(2) lattice gauge theory

B304 (1988) 108 B304 (1988) 767 B310 (1988) 571 B306 (1988) 425

B309 (1988) 669 B302 (1988) 1 B304 (1988) 417

B309 (1988) 201 B309 (1988) 426

B301 (1988) 267 B307 (1988) 721

Kryn, D., see Albajar Kubota, H., see Abe Kubota, T., see lnami Kuijf, H., see B6hm Kunitomo, H., see Itoh Kunstatter, G., see Huggins Kunszt, Z., see Ellis Kunszt, Z., see Eichler Kunz, P., see Aston Kutasov, D., Modular invariance, chiral anomalies and contact terms Kuzenko, S.M., see Buchbinder Labastida, J.M.F., M, Pernici, Lagrangians for chiral bosons and the heterotic string Labastida, J.M.F., M. Pernici, E. Witten, Topological gravity in two dimensions Lac, C.D., see De Lesquen Lacava, F., see Albajar Landon, M., see Albajar Landshoff, P.V., see Don-

B302 (1988) 403 B304 (1988)500 B310 (1988) 355 B309 (1988) 680 B309 (1988) 405

B307 (1988)


B305 [FS23] (1988) 109 B304 (1988) 601 B309 ([988) 4(15 B305 [FS231 (1988) 109

B305 [FS23] (1988) 661 B309 (1988) 405 B306 (1988) 405 B308 (1988) 203 B304 (1988) 463 B306 (1988) 362 B301 (1988) 627 B303 (1988) 653 B308 (1988) 791 B301 (t988) 525 B307 (1988) 417 B308 (1988) 162

B306 (1988)516 B310 B304 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

611 673 405 405

Author Index B301-B310

nachie Lang, C.B., see Baler Laterveer, R., see Bais Latorre, J.l., see Freedman Lauer, J., D. Liist, S. Theisen, Four-dimensional supergravity from four-dimensional strings Lauer, J., D. LiJst, S. Theisen, Supersymmetric string theories, superconformal algebras and exceptkmal groups Laursen, M.L., see Kremer Laursen, M.L., see Kronfeld Lavrov, P.M., see Buchbinder Lawrie, I.D., Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the present and early universe Lazarides, G., C. Panagiotakopoulos, Q. Shaft, Baryogenesis in superstring-motivated models Lazarides, G., Q. Shaft, Matter parities in three-generation superstring models Lebedev, D., A. Morozov, Statistical sums of strings on hyperelliptic surfaces Lechtenfeld, O., S. Samuel, Covariant off-shell string amplitudes with auxiliary fields Lechtenfeld, O., Three-loop vanishing of the superstring cosmological constant Lechtenfeld, O., S. Samuel. Off-shell contbrmal methods for the superstring LeClair, A., An operator formulation of the superstring Lee, C.-H., see Clark Lee, I.-H., R.E. Shrock, Chiral symmetry properties of U(I) lattice gauge theory with scalar and fermion fields Lee, I.-H., R.E. Shrock, The chiral transition in an SU(2) gauge-Higgs-fermion theory with Yukawa couplings Lee, K.-H., see Kobayashi Lees, J.P., see Albajar Lehar, F., see De Lesquen Leibbrandt, G., A general prescription for the three prominent noncovariant gauges

B303 (19881 634 B305 [FS23] (19881 396 B307 (1988) 487 B306 (19881 77

B304 (1988) 236

B309 (1988) 771 B305 [FS23] (1988) 109 B305 1FS231 (19881 661 B308 (19881 19l B301 (1988) 685

B307 (1988) 937 B308 (19881 451 B302 (19881 163

B308 (19881 361 B309 (1988) 361 B310 (1988) 254 B303 (19881 189 B308 (19881 379

B305 [FS23] (1988) 286

B305 [FS231 (1988) 305 B309 (1988) 669 B309 (1988) 405 B304 (19881 673 B310 (1988) 405

Leites, A., see Alvarez Leith, D.W.G.S., see Aston Leivo, H.P., see Huggins Lerche, W., Elliptic index and superstring effective actions Leuchs, R., see Albajar Leutwyler, H., see Gasser Levegriin, S., see Albajar Leviant, V.M., see Ivanov Levin, E.M., M.G. Ryskin, The hadron-nucleus interaction in QCD at high energy Levinson, L., see Aston Li, S., see Albajar Lindgren, M., see AIbajar Lindqwister, U.J., see Dickens Linglin, D., see Albajar Linke, V.. see De Forcrand Linke, V.. see Seller Linnemann, J.T.. see Angelis Lipa, P., see Albajar Lipatov, L.N., Massless particle bremsstrahlung theorems for high-energy hadron interactions Lipatov, L.N., Quark scattering amplitudes with quasielastic unitarity Lisin, V.I., see Bolonkin Liu, J., see Hughes Locci, E., see Albajar London, D., see Krawczyk Louedec, C., see Allasia Louis, J., see Garreis Love, S.T., see Clark Love, S.T., see Clark Love, S.T., see Clark Lovelace, C., see Callan Liist, D., S. Theisen, Fourdimensional heterotic strings - orbifolds and covariant lattices Liist, D., see Lauer Lfist, D., see Lauer Lfitken, C.A., see Candelas Luzin, V.N., see Bolonkin Lynn, B.W., see Blondel Lynn, B.W., see Ahn Lynn, B.W., F.M. Renard, C. Verzegnassi, Identification of E~-generated Z' from combined charm II, LEP 1, SLC high-precision measurements MacKenzie, P., see Appell MacKenzie, R., Topological structures on domain walls Maeno, M., S. Sawada, String

785 B301 (1988) 1 B301 (1988) 525 B301 (1988) 627 B308 B309 B307 B309 B304

(1988)102 (1988) 405 (1988) 763 (1988) 405 (1988) 601

B304 B301 B309 B309 B309 B309 B304 B305

(1988) 805 (1988) 525 (1988) 405 (1988) 405 (19881 1 (1988) 405 (19881 645 [FS23] (19881 623 B303 (19881 569 B309 (1988) 405

B307 (19881 7(15 B309 B309 B307 B309 B307 B307 B306 B301 B308 B310 B308

(19881 (19881 (19881 (19881 (19881 (19881 (19881 (1988) (19881 (19881 (19881

379 426 183 405 19 1 567 439 379 371 221

B302 B304 B309 B306 B309 B304 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (19881 (1988) (1988) (19881

499 236 771 113 426 438 221

B310 (1988) 237 B309 (1988) 259 B303 (1988) 149

786 field theory in curved space: A non-linear ~r-model analysis Magnoli, N., see Konishi Mahoux, G., see Benhamou Maiani, L., see Gavela Mana, C., see Berends Mafies, J.L., An anomalous transformation in string field theory Mangano, M., The color structure of gluon emission Mann, R.B., Regularization dependence of the superstring anomaly graph Manohar, A., see Kaplan Manohar, A., see Kaplan Mansfield, P., Bosonic ghosts and Witten's non-commutative geometry Marchesini, G., see Fiorani Marchesini, G., B.R. Webber, Monte Carlo simulation of general hard processes with coherent QCD radiation Margiotta-Neri, A., see Allasia Markiewicz, T., see Albajar Markou, C., see Albajar Markytan, M., see Albajar Marquina, M.A., see Albajar Marsh, B., see Bak Marshakov, A.V., see Fainberg Martin, S.P., Conformal field theory representation and background-independent action for superstring field theory Martinelli, G., see Gavela Martinelli, G., C.T. Sachrajda, A lattice calculation of the pion's form factor and structure function Martinelli, G., see Altarelli Martinez, M., see Berends Marzari-Chiesa, A., see Allasia Mas, J., see Ib~fiez Masiero, A., see Degrassi Matheson, A.M., see Brandenberger Mathur, S.D., S. Mukhi, The N = 2 fermionic string: path integral, spin structures and supermoduli on the torus Mathur, S.D., S. Mukhi, A. Sen, Correlators of primary fields in the SU(2) WZW theory on Riemann surfaces Matsui, T., see Aston

Author Index B301-B310

B306 (1988) 603 B309 (1988) 201 B305 [FS23] (1988) 1 B306 (1988) 677 B3Ol (1988) 583 B303 (1988) 305 B309 (1988) 461 B303 (1988) 99 B302 (1988) 280 B31O (1988) 527 B306 (1988) 630 B309 (1988) 439

B310 (1988) B307 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B302 (1988) B306 (1988)

461 1 405 405 405 405 525 659

B310 (1988) 428 B306 (1988) 677

B306 (1988) 865 B308 (1988) 724 B301 (1988) 583 B307 (1988) 1 B301 (1988) 157 B304 (1988) 850 B307 (1988) 909

B302 (1988) 130

B305 [FS23] (1988) 219 B301 (1988) 525

Matsuo, Y., see Kitazawa Mattis, M., see Kent Maurin, G., see Albajar Mayger, E.M., see Davis Meadows, B.T., see Aston Medvedev, P.B., see Arefeva Meissner, U.-G., see Bernard Mende, P.F., see Gross Mendiburu, J.-P., see Albajar Meneguzzo, A., see Albajar Menotti, P., see Caracciolo Merlo, J.P., see Albajar Meyer, F.E., see Bak Meyer, T., see Albajar Mezincescu, L., see De Alwis Mezincescu, L., R.I. Nepomechie, P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Do supermembranes contain massless particles? Michael, C., see Jorysz Michael, C., M. Teper, Universality and scaling in SU(2) lattice gauge theory

B306 (1988) B3Ol (1988) B309 (1988) B306 (1988) B301 (1988) B310 (1988) B308 (1988) B303 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B302 (1988) B309 (1988) B303 (1988)

425 426 4O5 199 525 101 753 407 405 405 612 405 525 405 57

B309 (1988) 317 B302 (1988) 448 B305 [FS23] (1988) 453 B306 (1988) 51 B309 (1988) 426 B309 (1988) 4O5 B302 (1988) 330 B301 (1988) 525 B302 (1988) 65 B303 (1988) 1 B309 (1988) 405 B306(1988) 343 B310 (1988) 335

Michael, C., see Campbell Miller, V.V., see Bolonkin Minard, M.-N., see Albajar Mintchev, M., see Grignani Miyamoto, A., see Aston Mizrachi, L., see Ellis Mizrachi, L., see Ellis Mohammadi, M., see Albajar Mohammedi, N., see Foakes Mohammedi, N., see Foakes Moiseenko, O.Ya., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 M¢ller, S.P., see Bak B302 (1988) 525 Montvay, I., G. Miinster, U. Wolff, Percolation cluster algorithm and scaling behaviour in the 4-dimensional Ising model B305 [FS231 (1988) 143 Montvay, I., The sigma-model with Wilson lattice fermions B307 (1988) 389 Moore, G., see Alvarez Gaum6 B303 (1988) 455 Moore, G., see Harvey B304 (1988) 269 Moore, G., A. Morozov, Some remarks on two-loop superstring calculations B306 (1988) 387 Moore, G., see Atick B307 (1988) 221 Moore, G., see Atick B308 (1988) 1 Morgan, K., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Moricca, M., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Morozov, A., see Lebedev B302 (1988) 163 Morozov, A., Two-loop statsum of superstrings B303 (1988) 343 Morozov, A., see Moore B306 (1988) 387 Morozov, A.Yu., M.A. Olshanetsky, M.A. Shifman,

Author Index B301-B310

Gluino condensate in supersymmetric gluodynamics (II) B304 (1988) 291 Moser, H.-G., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Moulin, A., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Mours, B., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Mueller, A.H., Virtual pair creation in a strong bremsstrahlung field: A QED model for parton saturation B307 (1988) 34 B302 (1988) 130 Mukhi, S., see Mathur Mukhi, S., see Mathur B305 [FS23] (1988) 219 Muller, Th., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Mfinster, G., see Montvay B305 [FS23] (1988) 143 Miinster, G., see Baumann B305 [FS23] (1988) 199 Mussardo, G., G. Sotkov, M. Stanishkov, Fine structure of the supersymmetric operator product expansion algebras B305 [FS23] (1988) 69 Myers, R.C., S. Penati, M. Pernici, A. Strominger, Soft dilaton theorem in covariant B310 (1988) 25 string field theory Naculich, S.G., see Harvey Nakamura, A., see Burgers Nakao, K., see Sasaki Nakayama, R., see Grundberg Nakazawa, N., D. Ennyu, Background field method for nonlinear o--model in stochastic quantization Nambu, Y., see Sasaki Nanopoulos, D.V., see Degrassi Nanopoulos, D.V., see Ellis Nappi, C.R., see Callan Nason, P., S. Dawson, R.K. Ellis, The total cross section for the production of heavy quarks in hadronic collisions Nason, P., see Altarelli Naumann, L., see Albajar Nedelec, P., see Albajar Negele, J.W., see Huang Nemeschansky, D., see Brustein Nepomechie, R.I., see Mezincescu Newman-Holmes, C., see Angelis Ng, K.W., see Enqvist Nickerson, R.B., see Angelis Nicolai, H., E. Sezgin, Y. Tanii, Conformally invariant super-

B305 [FS231 (1988) 417 B304 (1988) 587 B308 (1988) 868 B306 (1988) 497

B305 [FS23] (1988) 516 B308 (1988) 868 B304 (1988) 850 B306 (1988) 445 B308 (1988) 221

B303 B308 B309 B309 B307

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

607 724 405 405 669

B301 (1988) 224 B309 (1988) 317 B303 (1988) 569 B303 (1988) 713 B303 (1988) 569

symmetric field theories on S p × S I and super p-branes Nicolai, H., see De Wit

787 B305 [FS231 (1988) 483 B305 [FS23] (1988) 545 B310 (1988) 625 B307 (1988) 157 B301 (1988) 157 B307 (1988) 109

Nielsen, N.K., see Ambj0rn Niemi, A.J., see Aratyn Nilles, H.-P., see IbS_fiez Nilles, H.-P., see Font Nir, Y., An analysis of quark mass matrices and B-B mixing B306 (1988) 14 Nisati, A., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Nishikawa, T., I. Tsutsui, Consistent and covariant commutator anomalies in gauge theories B308 (1988) 544 Norton, A., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Nosdratshev, V.N., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 N6tzold, D., G. Raffelt, Neutrino dispersion at finite temperature and density B307 (1988) 924 Nfifiez, C., see Aldazabal B307 (1988) 291 Nussbaum, M., see Aston B301 (1988) 525 Odake, S., see Kitazawa Odintsov, S.D., see Buchbinder Ogievetsky, V.I., see Bagger Ohrndorf, T., From conformal quantum mechanics on bordered Riemann surfaces to covariant string field theory Ohrndorf, T., String couplings from meromorphic differentials Olesen, P., see Ambj0rn Olive, K.A., see Enqvist Olive, K,A., see Ellis Olive, K,A., see Srednicki Olness, F.I., W.-K. Tung, When is a heavy quark not a parton? Charged Higgs production and heavy quark mass effects in the QCDbased parton model Olshanetsky, M.A., see Morozov Olson, M., see Brekke Ord, G., J.K. Percus, M.Q. Zhang, Energetics of a discrete interface

B306 (1988) 425 B308 (1988) 191 B303 (1988) 522

B301 (1988) 460 B310 (1988) B310 (1988) B303 (1988) B306 (1989) B310 (1988)

141 625 713 445 693

B308 (1988) 813 B304 (1988) 291 B302 (1988) 365 B305 [FS23] (1988) 271

Osborn, H., String theory effective actions from bosonic o- models B308 (1988) 629 Oset, E., Meson exchange currents in the p decay in nuclei B304 (1988) 820


Author Index B301-B310

Osorio, M.A.R., see Alvarez Ovrut, B.A., see Garreis Ozaki, H., see Aston

B304 (1988) 327 B306 (1989) 567 B301 (1988) 525

Pak, C.O., see Aston Palla, L., see Forg~ics Panagiotakopoulos, C., see Lazarides Panagopoulos, H., see Konishi Pancheri, G., see Albajar Papanicolaou, N., Unusual phases in quantum spin-1 systems

B301 (1988) 525 B308 (1988) 477

Papastamatiou, N., see Friedman Paranjape, M.B., Quantization of the anomalous, chiral, Schwinger model Parker, L., see Friedman Passarino, G., Gauge fields and linear potentials Patrascioiu, A., see Seiler Pauss, F., see Albajar Pazzi, R., see Allasia Peccei, R.D., see Krawczyk Pedersen, O., see Bak Pelissetto, A., see Caracciolo Penati, S., see Myers Pene, O., see Gavela Perault, C., see Albajar Percus, J.K., see Ord Periwal, V., Character twists Pernici, M., see Labastida Pernici, M., see Myers Pernici, M., see Labastida Perrot, F., see De Lesquen Peschanski, R., see Bialas Peskin, M.E., see Ahn Petcher, D.N., see Van Holten Petersen, J.B.B., see Bak Petersen, J.L., J.R. Sidenius, Covariant loop-calculus for the closed bosonic string Petrarca, S., see Gavela Petrolo, E., see Albajar Petrov, V.Yu., see Diakonov Pettersson, U., see Gustafson Pezzella, F., see Clarizia Phinney, N., see Angelis Piano Mortari, G., see Albajar Pich, A., see Ecker Pietarinen, E., see Albajar Pigot, C., see Albajar Pilch, K., see Freedman Pimi~i, M., see Albajar Pisarski, R.D., Computing finite-temperature loops with

B307 (19881 937 B309 (19881 201 B309 (19881 405 B305 [FS23] (1988) 367

B309 (1988) 533 B307 (1988) 649 B309 (1988) 533 B304 (1988) 557 B305 [FS23] (1988) 623 B309 (1988) 4(15 B307 (1988) 1 B307 (19881 19 B302 (1988) 525 B309 (19881 612 B310 (1988) 25 B306 (1988) 677 B309 (19881 405 B305 [FS23] (1988) 271 B303(19881 94 B306 (1988) 516 B310 (1988) 25 B310 (19881 611 B304 (19881 673 B308 (1988) 857 B309 (1988) 221 B309 (19881 680 B302 (1988) 525 B301 B306 B309 B306 B306 B301 B303 B309 B303 B309 B309 B306 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

247 677 405 809 746 499 569 405 665 405 405 77 405

ease B309 Placci, A., see Albajar B309 Pobylitsa, P.V., see Diakonov B306 Polchinski, J., Scale and conformal invariance in quantum field theory B303 Polchinski, J., Factorization of bosonic string amplitudes B307 Pollock, M.D., On the semiclassical approximation to the wave function of the universe and its stochastic interpretation B306 Pollock, M.D., On superexponential inflation in a higher-dimensional theory of gravity with higher-derivative terms B309 Pokmyi, J., see Huang B307 Pope, B.G., see Angelis B303 Pordes, S.H., see Angelis B303 Porrati, M., see Ferrara B304 Porrati, M., see Cecotti B306 Porrati, M., see Kounnas B310 Porte, J.-P., see Albajar B309 Powell, K.J., see Angelis B303 Preischl, M., see Albajar B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (19881

513 669 569 569 500 160 355 405 569 405

Quevedo, F., see Ibfifiez Quevedo, F., see Font Quir6s, M., see Kounnas Quir6s, M., see Del Aguila Quir6s, M., see Del Aguila

B301 B307 B302 B307 B307

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

157 109 403 571 633

Radermacher, E., see AIbajar Raffelt, G., see N6tzold Rapuano, F., see Gavela Ratcliff, B.N., see Aston Ratcliffe, P., see Hidaka Redelberger, T., see Albajar Redlich, A.N., Gauge fixing in string field theory using the Polyakov path integral Reina, L., see Fiorani Reithler, H., see Albajar Ren, H.-C., Matter fields in lattice gravity Renard, F.M., see Blondel Renard, F.M., see Lynn Reusch, H.-J., see Baier

B309 B307 B306 B301 B304 B309

(1988) (1988) (1989) (1988) (1988) (1988)

405 924 677 525 417 405

Reuter, M., C. Wetterich, Spectrum degeneracy and new symmetries for generalized Euler form actions Revol, J.-P., see Albajar Riccati, L., see Allasia Ridolfi, G., see Barbieri Riggs, H., see Kent Ritz, S., D. Seckel, Detailed

(1988) 476 (19881 405 (1988) 809 (1988) 226 (1988) 61

(19881 931

B304 (1988) 129 B309 (1988) 439 B309 (1988) 405 B301 B304 B310 B305

(19881 661 (1988) 438 (1988) 237 [FS23] (1988) 396

B304 B309 B307 B301 B301

(1988) 653 (1988) 405 (19881 1 (1988) 15 (1988) 426

Author Index B301-B310 neutrino spectra from cold dark-matter annihilations in the sun Robinson, D., see Albajar Rodrigo, T., see Albajar RohlL J., see Albajar Romero, A., see Allasia Ross, D.A., see Jack Ross, D.A., see Jack Ross, D.A., see Foakes Rossi, A., see Allasia Rossi, P., see Albajar Roweth, D., see Bowler Rubbia, C., see Albajar Rudaz, S., see Ellis Rusack, R.W., see Angelis Ryskin, M.G., see Levin Sabharwal, S., see Cecotti Sachrajda, C.T., see Gavela Sachrajda, C.T., see Martinelli Sack, T., see Bghm Sack, T., see D e n n e r Safian, A.M., Some more nonabelian Q-balls Sainio, M.E., see Gasser Sajot, G., see Albajar Sakai, N., see Abe Sakamoto, M., see Itoh Salam, A., see Bergshoeff Salati, P., see Asselin Salgado, C.W., see Angelis Salvini, G., see Albajar Samuel, S., Covariant off-shell string amplitudes Samuel, S., Off-shell string physics from conformal field theory Samuel, S., see Lechtenfeld Samuel, S., see Lechtenfeld Samyn, D., see Albajar S~nchez, N., see De Vega Sfinchez, N., see De Vega Santamaria, A., see Bertolini Sarid, U., see Glashow Sarid, U., see Carlson Sasaki, M., Y. Nambu, K. Nakao, Classical behavior of a scalar field in the inflationary universe Sass, J., see Albajar Sato, K., see Terasawa Satz, H., see Kehl Sawada, S., see Maeno Schellekens, A.N., N.P. Warner, Weyl groups, supercurrents and covariant lattices Schierholz, G., see Kremer

Schierholz, G., see Kronfeld B304 B309 B309 B309 B307 B307 B307 B310 B307 B309 B301 B309 B304 B303 B304

(1988) 877 (19881 405 (1988)405 (1988) 405 (1988) 1 (1988) 130 (1988) 531 (1988) 335 (1988) 1 (1988) 405 (1988) 304 (1988) 4115 (1988) 205 (19881 569 (1988) 805

B306 B306 B306 B304 B306

(19881 (19881 (1988) (19881 (1988)

160 677 865 463 221

B304 B307 B309 B306 B306 B305

(19881 392 (1988) 779 (1988) 405 (1988) 405 (19881 362 [FS23] (19881 497 B310 (1988) 669 B303 (1988)569 B309 (1988) 4115

Schimmrigk, R., see Candelas Schinzel, D., see Albajar Schleiermacher, C., see Kremer Schleiermacher, C., see Kronfeld Schmid, C., see Isler Schoutens, K., see Bais Schoutens, K., see Bais Schr6der, M., see Albajar Schultz, D., see Aston Schwartz, A., see Albajar Sciarrino, A., see Frappat Sconza, A., see Allasia Scott, W., see Albajar Seckel, D., see Ritz Seez, C., see Albajar Segar, A.M., see Angelis Segr~, G., see Duncan Seiberg, N., see Dine Seiberg, N., Observations on the moduli space of superconformal field theories Seiberg, N., see Dine Seller, E., I.O. Stamatescu, A. Patrascioiu, V. Linke, Critical behaviour, scaling and universality in some twodimensional spin models

B308 (1988) 285

B308 B308 B310 B309 B309 B309 B310 B307 B309

(1988) 317 (1988) 361 (1988) 254 (1988) 405 (19881 552 (1988)577 (1988) 714 (1988) 476 (1988)597

B308 B309 B302 B305

(1988) 868 (1988) 405 (1988) 697 [FS23] (1988) 324 B306 (1988) 603

B308 (1988) 397 B305 [FS23]

Selipsky, S., see A h n Sen, A., Mass renormalization and cancellation of B R S T anomaly in string theories Sen, A., see Mathur Sen, A., see Atick Sen, A., see Atick Senda, I., A. Sugamoto, Orbifold models and modular transformation Sengupta, K., see Jain Serra-Lugaresi, P., see Allasia Sevrin, A., see Spindel Sezgin, E., see Nicolai

789 (1988) 109 B305 [FS23] (1988) 661 B306 (19881 113 B309 (1988) 405 B305 [FS23] (1988) 109 B305 [FS23] (1988) 661 B301 (1988) 327 B304 (1988) 348 B304 (1988) 371 B309 (1988) 405 B301 (19881 525 B309 (19881 405 B305 [FS23] (1988) 164 B307 (19881 1 B309 (1988) 4/15 B304 (1988) 877 B309 (1988) 4(/5 B303 (1988) 569 B308 (1988)509 B301 (1988) 357

B303 (1988) 286 B306 (1988) 137

B305 [FS23] (19881 623 B309 (1988) 221 B304 (1988) 403 B305 [FS23] (19881 219 B307 (1988) 221 B308 (1988) 1

B302 B301 B307 B308 B305

Sezgin, E., see Bergshoeff


Sezgin, E., see Baulieu Shabad, A.E., see Ferrer Shaft, Q., see Lazarides Shaft, Q., see Lazarides Shah, T.P., see Albajar Shapiro, S., see Aston

B307 B309 B307 B308 B309 B301

(1988) 291 (1988) 517 (1988) 1 (1988) 662 [FS23] (1988) 483 [FS23] (1988) 497 (1988) 348 (1988) 120 (1988) 937 (1988) 451 (1988) 405 (1988) 525

790 Shaposhnikov, M.E., see Khlebnikov Sharpe, S.R., see Karliner Sheard, S.N., see Daniel Sheer, I., see Albajar Sher, M., see Gunion Shifman, M.A., see Morozov Shigemitsu, J., see De Shimomura, T., see Aston Shirai, I., S. Wada, Cosmological perturbations and quantum fields in curved space Shizuya, K., see Harada Shkurenko, Yu.P., see Bolonkin Shore, G.M., see Kotcheff Shrock, R.E., see Lee Shrock, R.E., see Lee Shuryak, E.V., Toward the quantitative theory of the instanton liquid (I). Phenomenology and the method of collective coordinates Shuryak, E.V., Toward the quantitative theory of the instanton liquid (II). The SU(2) gluodynamics Shuryak, E.V., Toward the quantitative theory of the instanton liquid (liD. Instantons and light fermions Shuryak, E.V., Toward the quantitative theory of the instanton liquid (IV). Tunneling in the double-well potential Sidenius, J.R., see Petersen Simonov, Yu.A., Vacuum background fields in QCD as a source of confinement Sin, S.-J., Lorentz invariance of lightcone string field theory (I), Bosonic closed string Sinervo, P.K., see Aston Singh, G., see Jain Siotis, I., see Albajar Sj6strand, T., see Bengtsson Sloan, J.H., The scattering amplitude for four off-shell tachyons from functional integrals Smit, J., J.C. Vink, Topological charge and fermions in the two-dimensional lattice U(1) model (I). Staggered fermions Smith, D., see Albajar Sobie, R., see Albajar

Author Index B301-B310

B308 (1988) B302 (1988) B302 (1988) B309 (1988) B306 (1988) B304 (1988) B307 (1988) B301 (1988)

885 204 471 405 1 291 376 525

B303 (1988) 728 B301 (1988) 115 B309 (1988) 426 B301 (1988) 267 B305 [FS23] (1988) 286 B305 [FS23] (1988) 305

B302(1988) 559

B302 (1988) 574

B302 (1988) 599

B302 (1988) 621 B301 (1988) 247 B307 (1988) 512 B306 B301 B301 B309 B301

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

282 525 517 405 554

B302 (1988) 349

B303 (1988) 36 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405

Sokolovsky, V.V., see Bolonkin B309 (1988) 426 Solomon, S., see Eisenberg B309 (1988) 709 Sommer, R., Scaling of SU(2) flux distribution and potential B306 (1988) 181 Somsky, W.R., see Dickens B309 (1988) 1 Sonnenschein, J., see Frishman B301 (1988) 346 Sonnenschein, J., see Bellucci B304 (1988) 173 Sonnenschein, J., Chiral bosons B309 (1988) 752 Sonoda, H., Simple superconformal field theories in two dimensions B302 (1988) 104 Soper, D.E., see Barnett B306 (1988) 697 Soper, D.E., see Collins B308 (1988) 833 Sorba, P., see Frappat B305 [FS23] (1988) 164 S0rensen, A.H., see Bak B302 (1988) 525 Sormani, Ph., see De Lesquen B304 (1988) 673 Sotkov, G., see Mussardo B305 [FS23] (1988) 69 Sphicas, P., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Spiesberger, H., see B6hm B304 (1988) 749 Spindel, Ph., A. Sevrin, W. Troost, A. Van Proeyen, Extended supersymmetric ~rmodels on group manifolds (I). The complex structures B308 (1988) 662 Spiridonov, V.P., Sp(2)-covariant ghost fields in gauge theories B308 (1988) 527 Srednicki, M., R. Watkins, K.A. Olive, Calculations of relic densities in the early B310 (1988) 693 universe Stamatescu, I.O., see Burgers B304 (1988) 587 Stamatescu, I.O., see De Forcrand B304 (1988) 628 Stamatescu, I.O., see De ForB304 (1988) 645 crand Stamatescu, I.O., see Seller B305 [FS23] (1988) 623 B303 (1988) 569 Stampke, S.R., see Angelis Stanishkov, M., see Mussardo B305 [FS23] (1988) 69 Steger, H., see Krawczyk B307 (1988) 19 Stephenson, D.B., see Bowler B301 (1988) 304 Sterman, G., see Collins B308 (1988) 833 B309 (1988) 259 Sterman, G , see Appell Strauss, J., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Streets, J., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Strominger, A., see Giddings B306 (1988) 890 Strominger, A., see Giddings B307 (1988) 854 Strominger, A., see Myers B310 (1988) 25 Stubenrauch, C., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Suffert, M., see Bak B302 (1988) 525 B302 (1988) 291 Sugamoto, A., see Senda Sugiyama, A., see Aston B301 (1988) 525 Summers, D., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405

Author Index B301-B310

Sumorok, K., see Albajar Sundborg, B., High-energy asymptotics: The one-loop string amplitude and resummarion Surridge, M., see Bais Surridge, M., see Bais Susskind, L., see Fischler Susskind, L., see Klebanov Sutormin, A.I., see Bolonkin Suzuki, S., see Aston Svarc, A., see Gasser Szoncso, F., see Albajar

B309 (1988) 405

Tanii, Y., see Nicolai

B305 [FS23] (1988) 483 B305 1FS23] (1988) 497

Tanii, Y., see Bergshoeff Tannenbaum, M.J., see Angelis Tao, C., see Albajar Tarnopolsky, G., see Aston Tauchi, T., see Aston Taurok, A., see Albajar Taylor, J.C., see Andra~i Taylor, J.C., see Andra~i Taylor, T.R., Model building on asymmetric Z 3 orbifolds: Non-supersymmetric models Ten Have, I., see Albajar Tenner, A., see Allasia Teper, M., see Michael Terasawa, N., M. Kawasaki, K. Sato, Radiative decay of neutrino and primordial nucleosynthesis Terr6n, J., see Alvarez Tesima, K., Next-to-leading order corrections to multiplicities Tether, S., see Albajar Theisen, S., see Liist Theisen, S., see Lauer Theisen, S., see Lauer 't Hooft, G., On the factorization of universal poles in a theory of gravitating point particles Thompson, G., see Albajar Tikhomirov, G.D., see Bolonkin Toge, N., see Aston Toms, D.J., see Huggins Townsend, P.K., see Hull Troost, W., see Spindel Trugenberger, C.A., see Isler Tscheslog, E., see Albajar Tsutsui, I., see Nishikawa Tsvelick, A.M., The exact solu-

B306 (1988) B304(1988) B304 (1988) B306 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B301 (1988) B307 (1988) B309 (1988)

545 348 371 271 175 426 525 779 405

B303 B309 B301 B301 B309 B302 B310

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

569 405 525 525 405 123 222

B303 B309 B307 B305

(1988) 543 (1988) 405 (1988) 1 [FS23] (1988) 453

B302 (1988) 697 B301 (1988) 1 B306 B309 B302 B304 B309

(1989) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

849 405 499 236 771

B304 (1988) 867 B309 (1988) 405 B309 B301 B301 B301 B308 B301 B309 B308

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

426 525 627 197 662 327 405 544

tion of 2D Z N statistical models

791 invariant

Tung, W.-K., see Olness Tuominiemi, J., see Albajar Turok, N., see Copeland

B305 [FS23] (1988) 675 B308 (1988) 813 B309 (1988) 405 B306 (1988) 908

Uematsu, T., see Kobayashi Uggerhoj, E., see Bak Ukai, K., see Aston

B309 (1988) 669 B302 (1988) 525 B301 (1988) 525

Vafa, C., see Alvarez Gaum~ Vafa, C., see Harvey Van Apeldoorn, G.W., see AIlasia Van Baal, P., see Koller Van Baal, P., The smallvolume expansion of gauge theories coupled to massless fermions Van Dam, P., see Allasia Van de Guchte, W., see Albajar Van der Bij, J.J., s e e Baur Van der Bij, J.J., see Glover Van Dijk, A., see Albajar Van Eijk, B., see Albajar Van Eijndhoven, N., see Allasia Van Holten, J.W., J. KowalskiGlikman, D.N. Petcher, BRST invariance and gauge independence of string pathintegrals Van Neerven, W.L., see Berends Van Nieuwenhuizen, P,, see Mezincescu Van Proeyen, A., see Spindel Van Rossum, L., see De Lesquen Vasiliev, M.A., Free massless fermionic fields of arbitrary spin in d-dimensional antide Sitter space Vasiliev, M.A., Linearized curvatures for auxiliary fields in the de Sitter space Vecserny~s, P., see Forgfics Verzegnassi, C., see Blondel Verzegnassi, C., see Lynn Vialle, J.P., see Albajar Vignaud, D., see Allasia Villasenor, L., see Albajar Vink, J.C., see Smit Vink, J.C., Topological charge and fermions in the twodimensional lattice U(1) model (II). Wilson fermions Virdee, T.S., see Albajar

B303 (1988) 455 B304 (1988) 269 B307 (1988) B302 (1988)

1 1

B307 (1988) 274 B307 (1988) 1 B309 B304 B309 B309 B309

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

405 451 282 405 405

B307 (1988)


B309 (1988) 680 B301 (1988) 583 B309 (1988) 317 B308 (1988) 662 B304 (1988) 673

B301 (1988) 26 B307 B308 B304 B310 B309 B307 B309 B303

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

319 477 438 237 405 1 405 36

B307 (1988) 549 B309 (1988) 405


Author Index B301-B310

Visser, M., see Blau Vladimirsky, V.V., see Bolonkin Von Gagern, C., see Angelis Von Schlippe, W., see Albajar Vrana, J., see Albajar Vuillemin, V., see Albajar

B309 (1988) B 3 0 3(1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988) B309 (1988)

Wacker, K., see Albajar Wada, S., see Shirai Waite, A., see Aston Waltl, B., see Kehl

B309 B303 B301 B305

Walzel, G., see Albajar Warner, N.P., see Schellekens Watamura, S., see CarowWatamura Watamura, S., see CarowWatamura Watamura, S., see CarowWatamura Watkins, R., see Srednicki Webber, B.R., see Marchesini Weidenmiiller, H.A., M.R. Zirnbauer, Instanton approximation to the graded nonlinear sigma model for the integer quantum Hall effect Wetterich, C., Cosmologies with variable Newton's "constant" Wetterich, C., Cosmology and the fate of the dilatation symmetry Wetterich, C., see Reuter Wheater, J.F., see Duncan Wbitten, C.A., see De Lesquen Wiese, U.-J., see Kremer Wiese, U.-J., see Kronfeld

B310 (1988) 163 426 569 405 405 405

(1988) 405 (1988) 728 (1988) 525 [FS23] (1988) 324 B309 (1988) 405 B308 (1988) 397

Wingerter, I., see Albajar Wipt, A., see Blau Witten, E., see Brekke Witten, E., see Atick Witten, E., see Labastida Woit, P., Supersymmetric quantum mechanics, spinors and the standard model Wolff, U., see Montvay Wu, D.-D., see Ellis Wu, T.-T., see Jacob Wu, T.-T., see Jacob Wu, X., see Albajar Wulz, C.-E., see Albajar Wyatt, T., see Albajar

B309 B310 B302 B310 B310

(1988) (1988) (1988) (1988) (1988)

405 163 365 291 611

B303 (1988) 329 B305 [FS23] (1988) 143 B304 (1988) 205 B303 (1988) 373 B303 (1988) 389 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405

B301 (1988) 132 B302 (1988) 149 B308 (1988) 149 B310 (1988) 693 B310 (1988) 461

B305 [FS23] (1988) 339 B302 (1988) 645 B302 (1988) 668 B304 (1988) 653 B308 (1988) 509 B304 (1988) 673 B305 [FS23] (1988) 109 B305 [FS23] (1988) 661 B309 (1988) 405 B301 (1988) 525

Wildish, A., see Albajar Williams, S., see Aston Wilson, H.R., Lepton-proton event simulation using the parton shower formalism with coherence effects in all branchings B310 (1988) 589 Wimpenny, S.J., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405

Yabu, H., K. AndS, A new approach to the SU(3) Skyrme model: Exact treatment of the SU(3) symmetry breaking Yaffe, L.G., see Dickens Yankielowicz, S., see Brustein Yau, S.-T., see Hatfield

B301 (1988) 601 B309 (1988) 1 B301 (1988) 224 B305 [FS23] (1988) 16 B303 (1988) 569 B308 (1988) 221

Yelton, J.M., see Angelis Yost, S.A., see Callan Yuan, C.-P., Amplitudes and cross sections for WW --, L-L and heavy lepton production in the effective W approximation B310 (1988) 1 Yvert, M., see Albajar B309 (1988) 405 Zaccardelli, C., see Albajar Zacharov, I., see Albajar Zaganidis, N., see Albajar Zakharov, V.I., see Dolgov Zanello, L., see Albajar Zanon, D., see Grisaru Zeppenfeld, D., see Baur Zhang, H., see Friedman Zhang, M.Q., see Ord Zirnbauer, M.R., denmiiller

B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 405 B309 (1988) 591 B309 (1988) 405 B310 (1988) 57 B308 (1988) 127 B309 (1988) 533 B305 [FS23] (1988) 271

see Wei-

Zotto, P., see Albajar Zwirner, F., see Kounnas

B305 [FS23] (1988) 339 B309 (1988) 405 B302 (1988) 403