Author Index—Volume 35

Author Index—Volume 35

AUTHOR INDEX—VOLUME 35 A Archer, Victor E. and Luell, Edith. Effect of selenium sulfide suspension on hair roots, 65 itching. Cutaneous reactions to...

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Archer, Victor E. and Luell, Edith. Effect of selenium sulfide suspension on hair roots, 65

itching. Cutaneous reactions to bradykinin and kallif rein, 21

Cromartie, William J. (See Hale, Cromartie and

Dobson, 293) Auerbach, Robert, Pearson, Roger W. and Crounse, Robert G. and Rothberg, Simon. The Lorincz, Allan L. Studies on the location of

the receptor sites in cutaneous axon reflexes, 343


Baker, Burton L. (See Montes, Baker and Curtis, 273)

Baker, Robert E. (See Goldzieher and Baker, 215)

Barkoff, Joel. (See Goldman, Barkoff, Blaney, Nakai and Suskind, 161)

Baskys, Bronius. (See Klein, Lever, Baskys and

distribution of arginase in human hair roots, 107

Crounse, Robert G. and Van Scott, Eugene J. Changes in scalp hair roots as a measure of toxicity from cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, 83

Cruickshank, C. N. D., Trotter, M. D. and Wood, S. R. Studies on tricophytin sensitivity, 219 Curtis, Arthur C. (See Montes, Baker and Curtis, 273)

Duckett, 255)

Beerman, Herman. (See Butterworth, Leoni, Beerman, Wood and Strean, 347)

Bergeron, Lester L. (See Imbrie, Bergeron and Fitzpatrick, 69) (See Daniels and Bergeron, 329) Bhat, Mrudula L. A. (See Desai and Bhat, 297) Bischitz, P. G. (See Snell and Bischitz, 73) Blaney, Donald. (See Goldman, Barkoff, Blaney, Nakai and Suskind, 161)

Bocobo, Florante C. (See Miedler, Bocobo and Wheeler, 269)

Boucek, Robert J. (See Weinstein and Boucek, 227)

Breathnach, Aodán S. Melanocytes in early re-


Daniels, Farrington, Jr. and Bergeron, Lester. Vasomotor studies in ultraviolet erythema, 329

Derbes, Vincent J. (See Friedman, Derbes, Hodges and Sinski, 3) Desai, Sharat C. and Bhat, Mrudula L. A. Studies

on experimental infections with T. Rubrum in humans and the mechanism of griseofulvin effect, 297

Dobson, Richard L. The effect of repeated epi-

sodes of profuse sweating on the human eccrine sweat glands, 195 (See Hale, Cromartie and Dobson, 293)

generated human epidermis, 245

Dougherty, John W. (See Cormia and Dougherty,

Experimental sebaceous gland suppression in the adult male mouse, 37

Duckett, Dewey M., Jr. (See Klein, Lever, Baskys and Duckett, 255)

Bullough, William S. and Laurence, Edna B.


Butterworth, Thomas, Leoni, Eugene P., Beerman, Herman, Wood, Margaret Gray and

DiRaimondo, Vincent. (See Epstein and DiRai-

C Charles, Arwyn. Electron microscopic observa-

Epstein, William L. and DiRaimondo, Vincent. Measurement of cutaneous anti-inflammatory activity of ACTH and corticosteroids in man,

mondo, 361)

Strean, Lyon P. Cheilitis of mongolism, 347

tions of the arrector pili muscle of the human scalp, 27

Charles, Arwyn. Electron microscopic observations of the human sebaceous gland, 31 Clendenning, William E. (See Stoughton, Clendenning and Kruse, 337)

Cohen, Alan S. and Hashimoto, Ken. Electron microscopic observations on the lesion of elastosis perforans serpiginosa, 15

Coon, William M. (See Herrmann, Scher, Coon and Mandol, 47)



Esoda, Elizabeth C. Jackson. (See Flesch and Esoda, 43)

F Farber, Eugene M. (See Peterson, Farber and Fulton, 57) Fekete, Zoltan. (See Kalz and Fekete, 135)

Feliman, J. H. (See Pathak, Fellman and Kaufman, 165)

Cormia, Frank E. and Dougherty, John W. Pro- Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. Presidential address. Albinism: some thoughts on the color problem teolytic activity in development of pain and vu



and integration of dermatology and medicine, 209

(See Imbrie, Bergeron and Fitzpatrick, 69)

Flesch, Peter and Esoda, Elizabeth C. Jackson. Mucopolysaccharides in human epidermis, 43 Friedman, Lorraine, Derbes, Vincent J., Hodges, Elizabeth P. and Sinski, James T. The isolation of dermatophytes from the air, 3

Fulton, George P. (See Peterson, Farber and Fulton, 57)

Fusaro, Ramon M. and Goltz, Robert W. A com-

parative study of the periodic acid-schiff and alcian blue stains, 305


Gaul, L. Edward. Paraphenylenediamine sensitivity. Comparative patch test reactiveness of the ortho, meta and para isomers, 231

Goldman, Leon, Barkoff, Joel, Blaney, Donald,

strating an increased erythemal threshold following oral methoxsalen, 69 Ivens, M. Sue (See Kaplan and Ivens, 151)

K Kalz, Frederick and Fekete, Zoltan. Studies on the mechanism of the white response and of the delayed blanch phenomenon in atopic subjects by means of Coomassie Blue, 135

Kaplan, William and Ivens, M. Sue. Fluorescent antibody staining of Sporotrichum schenckii in cultures and clinical materials, 151 Kaufman, K. D. (See Pathak, Fellman and Kaufman, 165)

Klein, Edmund, Lever, Walter F., Baskys, Bronius and Duckett, Dewey M., Jr. Inhibition of

the in vitro clearing activity of pancreatic lipase by hyperlipemic and hypercholesteremic serum and by tissue extracts, 255

Nakai, Taksashi and Suskind, Raymond. Knox, John M. (See Montgomery, Suhrland and Investigative studies with the skin coloring Knox, 95) agents dihydroxyacetone and glyoxal, 161 Goldzieher, Joseph W. and Baker, Robert E. The percutaneous absorption of estradiol-17B and progesterone, 215 Goltz, Robert W. (See Fusaro and Goltz, 305) Goode, Claire S. (See Newton, Shaw, Goode and

(See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 125) (See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 239) (See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 319)

Kruse, Doris. (See Stoughton, Clendenning and Kruse, 337)


Riggall, 123)

Griffin, A. Clark (See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 125)

(See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 239) (See Ogura, Knox and Griffin, 319)

Laurence, Edna B. (See Bullough and Laurence, 37)

Leoni, Eugene P. (See Butterworth, Leoni, Beerman, Wood and Strean, 347)


Lever, Walter F. (See Klein, Lever, Baskys and

Hale, Dean M., Cromartie, William J. and Dobson, Richard L. Luxol fast blue as a selective stain for dermal collagen, 293

Lorincz, Allan L. (See Auerbach, Pearson and

Hartmann, J. Francis. (See Zelickson and Hart-

Lynfield, Yelva L. Effect of pregnancy on the

mann, 315)

Hashim, Sami A. and Van Itallie, Theodore B. Use of bile acid sequestrant in treatment of pruritus associated with biliary cirrhosis, 253

Hashimoto, Ken and Hill, William R. Elastosis

Duckett, 255) Lorincz, 343)

Luell, Edith. (See Archer and Luell, 65) human hair cycle, 323

M Mandol, Leona. (See Herrmann, Scher, Coon and and Mandol, 47)

perforans serpiginosa. A case report with Miedler, Leo J., Bocobo, Florante C. and Wheeler,

histochemical and enzyme digestion studies, 7 (See Cohen and Hashimoto, 15)

Herrmann, Franz, Scher, Richard, Coon, William M. and Mandol, Leona. The acid number of the lipids on the intact and the stripped skin surface in psoriatics, 47 Hill, William R. (See Hashimoto and Hill, 7)

Hodges, Elizabeth P. (See Friedman, Derbes, Hodges and Siuski, 3)

I Imbrie, J. Donald, Bergeron, Lester L. and Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. Further studies demon-

Albert H. Anailora—a new anionic detergent. Clinical and laboratory study of its effect on epidermal fungi and bacteria, 269

Miller, Rolf F. and Stoughton, Richard B. Enzymatic vesication in vivo. 1. Effects of papain in human skin, 141 Moller, Halvor and Rorsman, Hans. Testing of the

permeability increasing activity of human serum preparations in the guinea-pig and in man, 235

Montes, Leopoldo F., Baker, Burton L. and Curtis, Arthur C. The cytology of the large axillary sweat glands in man, 273


Montgomery, C. Hunter, Suhrland, Sylvia and Knox, John M. Observations concerning

ix S

F. and Tas, J. Grenz ray treatment of fluorescent treponemal antibody test for Sagher, acne vulgaris, 103 syphilis, 95

Scher, Richard. (See Herrmann, Scher, Coon and N

Nakai, Takashi. (See Goldman, Barkoff, Blaney, Nakai and Suskind, 161)

Nathanson, Robert B. The fungistatic action of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids on trichophyton rubrum in vitro, 261 Newton, Arthur, Shaw, Eugene D., Goode, Claire

S. and Riggall, Frances 0. Further work on the rapid identification of candida albicans, 123

0 0 gura, Ryohei, Knox, John M. and Griffin, A. C. An evaluation of methods for determining the sulfhydryl and disulfide concentration in the stratum corneum, 125 Ogura, Ryohei, Knox, John M. and Griffin, A. Clark. Separation of epidermis for the study of epidermal sulfhydryl, 239

Ogura, Ryohei, Knox, John M. and Griffin, A.

Mandol, 47) Shaw, Eugene D. (See Newton, Shaw, Goode and Riggall, 123)

Siegel, Benjamin V. Electron microscopic studies of the virus of human warts, 91

Sinski, James T. The effectiveness of PaganoLevin medium for the detection and identification of Candida albicans in clinical specimens, 131

(See Friedman, Derbes, Hodges and Sinski, 3) Snell, R. S. and Bischitz, P. G. The effect of large doses of estrogen and estrogen and progesterone on melanin pigmentation, 73 Staricco, Renato G. The melanocytes and the hair follicle, 185

Steigleder, Gerd K. A method for evaluating the

protection afforded skin surfaces by ointments, 225 Stoughton, Richard B., Clendenning, William E. and Kruse, Doris. Percutaneous absorption of nicotinic acid and derivatives, 337 (See Miller and Stoughton, 141)

Clark. The application of an ultramicro Strean, Lyon P. (See Butterworth, Leoni, Beerman, Wood and Strean, 347) method for determining sulfhydryl compounds in the epidermis, 319


Suhrland, Sylvia. (See Montgomery, Suhrland and Knox, 95)

Suskind, Raymond. (See Goldman, Barkoff, Blaney, Nakai and Suskind, 161)

Pathak, M. A., Feilman, J. H. and Kaufman, K. T D. The effect of structural alterations on the erythenial activity of furocoumarins: psora- Tas, J. (See Sagher and Tas, 103) lens, 165 Trotter, M. D. (See Cruickshank, Trotter and Pearson, Roger W. (See Auerbach, Pearson and Wood, 219) Lorincz, 343)

Peterson, Joseph B., Farber, Eugene M. and Fulton, George P. Responses of the skin to


Van Itallie, Theodore B. (See Hashim and Van rubefacients, 57 Itallie, 253) Prince, Herbert N. Quantitative estimation of chitin in trichophyton mentagrophytes and Van Scott, Eugene J. (See Crounse and Van the in vitro effect of chitinase, 1

Scott, 83)

Prunieras, Michael. PAB: a valuable stain for


connective tissue, keratin and fungi, 309

Weinstein, Gerald D. and Boucek, Robert 3.

R Riggall, Frances 0. (See Newton, Shaw, Goode and Riggall, 123) Rorsman, Hans. (See MOller and Rorsman, 235)

Roth, Harry L. and Winkelmann, R. K. Histochemical technic for macroscopic study of of fungi, 353 Rothberg, Simon. (See Crounse and Rothberg, 107)

Collagen and elastin of human dermis, 227

Wheeler, Albert H. (See Miedler, Bocobo and Wheeler, 269)

Whyte, Henry 3. and Winkelmann, R. K. Elasto-

sis perforans (perforating elastosis). The association of congenital anomalies, salient

facts in the histology, studies of enzyme

digestion and a report of necropsy in a case, 113




Winkelmann, R. K. (See Whyte and Winkelmann, 113)

(See Roth and Winkelmann, 353)

Wood, Margaret Gray. (See Butterworth, Leoni, Beerman, Wood and Strean, 347) Wood, S. R. (See Cruickshank, Trotter and Wood, 219)

Zelickson, Alvin S. Ristocliemical localization of mitochondria in human skin, 265 Zelickson, Alvin S. and Hartmann, J. Francis. Vestopal W: a superior embedding medium

for an electron microscope study of human epidermis, 315



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