

966 Autoimmunity Antigenic determinant expression on antigen-presenting Shlmmiya N, Kumai M, Marsh DC. Huang SK: Detection of Specific IgbSecreti...

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expression on antigen-presenting

Shlmmiya N, Kumai M, Marsh DC. Huang SK: Detection of Specific IgbSecreting Cells with an Enzyn~Linked hnmumspd Assay. / A//eqy C/in fmmunol 1993, 92479-467. Soparkar CR, Pate1 PC. Cockcroh DW: inhalant Atopic Semitivity to Grashoppzn in Research laboratories. /A//ergy C//n /mmuno/ 1993. 9261-65. Sorva R, Makinenkiljunen S, lunhmenbackman K: ktaLactogldwlin Secretion in Human Milk Varies Widely after Cow Milk ingestion in Mothers of tnfants with Cows Milk Allergy, / Akrgy C/in lmmunol 1994, 93:787-792. Stewart GE, Lcckey RF: Reduction of Side Effects of Spedic hnmunothcrapy - - Reply [Lelterl. / A//erfiy C/in /mmuno/ 1993,92:498. Sutton El, Could HI: The Human IgE Network. Nature 1993, 366:421-42&l. Takeda K, Shibasakt M, Taklta H: Relation Between Bronchial Responsiveness to Methachdinc and


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Tedexhi A, Arquati M, Palella M, Milazzo N, Miadunna A: Ionic Regulation of Human Basophil Releas&ility. 2. Non-Releasing Baophilr arc Converted into Releasing Baophik in a Low-Na+ Medium. C/in Fxp Allergy 1994, 246672. Thyphronitis G, Katona IM, Cause WC, Finkelman FD: Gentdim and Productive C-epsilon-Gene Expression During tnvivo tgE Responses. I lmmunol 1993, 151:4128-%136. Walsh GM: The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cetiririne. C/in Exp A//qy 1994. 24:81-85. Wantke F, Gotz M, Jansch R: Histamine-Free Diet Treatment ofChoice for Histamine-tnduced Food Intolerance and Supporting Treatment for Chronical Headaches. C/in Exp A//qy 1993, 23:982-985.


Warner JO: longitudinal Reactivity [Letter].

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the Risk from Systemic Reactions


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with Allergenic Extracts. /

Autoimmunity Antigenic determinant expression on antigen-presenting cells Related review: The expression of self antigenic determinants: implications for tolerance and autoimmunity (pp 8824386) Benichou C. Fedaeyeva E, Ok00 CA, Geysera HM, . McMillan M. Sercan EE: Dirrtmtim cd the Detennirunt Hierarchy on a &lf-MHC Peptide: Concondtant Tderanc~ Induction to the dominant Detmnilunt and P&da to the Cryptic Sdfdeterminant. /nf lmmund 1994, 6:131-138. [3]. Bhardwaj V, Kumar V, Grewal IS, Dao T, Lehmann PV. Gevsen Hhl. Sercarz EE: T Cell Detemdnant S&C& d My&n Basic Roteht in BlO.Pl, Sil/f, and Their F0)S. I lmmur~ol lPP4,151:3711-3719. Bcdmer l-l, Viville S, Benoirt C. Mathis D: Diversity . of Emdogemu Epitqes Bound to MHC Class It Mdeades Limited by Invariant Chain. Science 994, 263:1284-l 286. [331. DenR HK, Apple R, Claresalzler M, Trembleau 5, Mathis D, Adorini L, Sercarz E: Determinant Capture as t Possihk Mtchaokm of Rote&on Afforded bv Maia Hiioc-tibilitv Camdex Class-tt hide& in Autt&nwne iIIk&. I Exp Med 1993, 17&1675-1660. Fairchild PI, Wildgoose R, Arherton E, Webb 5, Wrath DC: An Autoantigedc T-Cell Epitopc Fomts Unstahk Cmpkxn with Class-II MHC _ a Novel Route for Ewape from Tdnancc htduction. Irrf /rnmuno/ 1993, 5:1151-115&I. Fatenejad S, Mamula MI, Craft I: Rok of tntermdecular/lntrastmctuml B-Cell and T-Cell Det~natts in the Diversif~ation of Autoantibodies to Ribottuckopmtcin Rrticles. Pra Nat/ Acad Sci U SA 1993,90:12010-12014. Cue Y, MenRchao W, Chen H, Wang X, Liu C, Li G, Ma ?? I, Man-Sun S: Effective Tumor Vrcin Generated by Flaion of Hepatonta Ceils with Activated B Cells. Science 1994, 263:518-520. [2B]. Hathack KS, Larzlo G, F’ucillo C, Linsley P, H&s RI: ?? Compatatiw An+& d B7-1 and 87.2 Costimulatory li@ Expmsion and Function. J Exp Med 1994, lBf~z631-640. [21]. Ho WH, Cooke MP, Goodnow CC, Davis MM: Resting and ?? F B Cells are pefective in CD2Bdependmt c&mda&n of Nave CD& T Cells. I Exp Med 1994, 17%1539-1549.1241. Katz IF, hnt Al: T Cell Receptw Recognition d MHC Class II Alkatigens is Highly Cell Type Dependent. I lmmund 1994,151:1629-1640. Kauhnan DL, Clar&alzier M, Tian 1, Forsthuber 1, Ting ?? * CR Robinson p, Atkinson MA, Sercarz EE, Tobin Al, Lehmann w: spmtuwour Larc d T-cell Tderance to Chttanic Acid tkcarboxvlac in h&wine Insulindqtmdmt Diabetes. Nat& 1993,36&69-72. IlOl. MamulaM:Tiwln&$itytOF+mce9saselfPeptide ?? Allow T Cclr to Escape Tdeattce. I Exp Med 1993. 17?567-571.[4]. McudRil KD, Sercarz EE: Dominant fktemtinants in t&n E@te lywzyme Cormpond to the Cryptic Deknninanb Within Its Self-Homdaeue. htauw @cayme - lnpliutions in Shaping or’& TCell Reputdrr and AutoimmunQ. I Exp h&d 1993, 178:2131-2138.


Moudgil KD, 5ercarz EE: Dominant Determinants in . Hen Eggwhite Lysozymc Correspond to the Cryptic Determinants Within 11sSelf-horndog, Mouse Lysoqme: hnpliutiom in the Shaping of the T Cell Repertoire and Autoimmunity. I Exp Med 1993, 17&2131-2138. [Z]. Myers LK, Rosloniec EF, Sever IM, Stuart IM, KanR AH: A Synthetic Pepthk k&guc ofa Determinant of TypeII Collagen prevents the Onset of Cdlagen-Induced Arthritis. I fmmuno/ 1993,150:4652-4658. Shlmizu 1, Kanagawa 0, Unanue ER: Presentation of Beta-Cell Antkens to CD4+ and CDB+ T-Cells d Non-Obese”Diabetic Mice. / lmmund 1993, 151:1723-1730. Watts C, Lanzavcchia A: Suppressive Effect of Antibody ?? * on Processing of T Cell Epitopcs. / Exp Med 1993, 178:1459-1463. 1161.

Autoimmune disorders of the nevous system Related review: Self-determinants in autoimmune demyelinating disease: changes in l-cell response specificity (pp 887-891) Amor S, Baker D, Croome N, Turk IL: tdentitication of a Major Enccphalitogenic Epitope of Rotcdipfd Protein (ftesiducs-56-70) for the Induction of Expedmmtal Alkr@c EnccpMomyelitis in BiouiM/H and Norwbesc Diabetic Mice. / /mmuno/l993. 150x566&5672. Beck RW: Corticosteroids, Optic Neuritis, and Multiple Sclerosis - Reply [Letter]. N Err/$ I Med 1994, 330:1239. Bhardwai V, Kurnar V, Gevsen HM, Sercarr EE: DeRmcrate Rec&iticm of a Diimilar Antignic Peptideiy lmdications Mvelin Basic Rotein-Reactive T-Cdk f& Thy&c and Autoinwnunity. j lmmunol 1993,151:500%5010. Bhardwaj V, Kumar V, Grewal IS. Dao T, Lehmann ?? * PV, Geysen HM, Sercarz EA: T Cdl Determinant Structwe of Myelin Basic R&in in BlO.Pl, SIL/I, and Their F,s. / /mrnuno/ 1992, 152:3711-3719. 1411. Bhardwaj V, Kumar V, Grewal IS, Dao T, Lehmann W, Geysen HM, Sercarz EE: T Cdl Detrrmirunt Stmctttm of Myelin Bask Rotein in BlO.Pl, Sjl/f, and Tkk F(lK. J /mmunollP94,152:3711-3719. Bourdette DN, Whitham RH, Char YK, Morrison WI, Atherton 1, Kenny C, Liefeld D, Hashim GA, Offner H, Vandenbark AA: knmwdty TCR pcplidn in MultipkSckrc&1.Swc&fuftmmuni&iid F’atii with Synthetic V Beta 5.2 and V beta 6.1 C&2 Peptidcr / hnmuno/lPP4,152:251~2519. Brocke 5, Gaur A, Piercy C, Gautam A, Gijbels K, Fathman CC, Steinman L: Inbdim of R&&g hralysis inExp&mmtalAntobmmlne Enceph&myditi by Backrid Supmantigm. Nature 1993, 365:642-643. Chou YK, Morrison WI, Weinbere AD, D&rick R, Whitham R, Bwrdette DN, &shim G, Offner H, Vandenbark AA bmwtity to TCR Peptides in MultiiSckm&2.TCellReco@iondVBeta 5.2 and V Beta 6.1 Cdr2 Peptikr. / lmmund 1994, 152:252&2529. Cratchfield IM, Racke MK, Zuniga-Pflucker IC, Cannella B. Raine CS, Goverman I, Lenardo MI: T Cdl Deletion




in High Antigen Dose Therapy of Autoimmune Encephalomyditis. Science 1994, 263:1139-l 142. Cross AH, Tuohy VK, Raine CS: Development of Reactivity ?? * to New Myelin Antigens During Chronic Relapsing Autdmmnw Ekmyclination. Cell fmmunol 1993, 146:261-269.1441. Derosbo NK, Mile R, Leer MB, Burger D, Bernard CCA, Bennun A: Reactivity to Myelin Antigens in Muhiic Sckrasis - Peripheral Blood lymphocytes Respond predominantly to Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoproteih I c/in /rIvesI 1993, 92:2602-26a. Ffrench-Constant C: P&ogenesis of Multiple Sclemsir. Lancet 1994, 342271-274. Franto A, Southwood 5, Arrhenius T, Kuchroo VK, Grey HM, Sew A, lshioka GY: T Cell Receptor Antagmkt peptides are Highly Effective Inhibitors of Experimental Aflergic Encephlomyelitk. Ew / lmmunollPP4,24:94&946. fredrikscm S, Sun JB, Huang WX, Li EL, Olsson T, link H: Cord Obod Containr High Numbers of Autoimmune TCdk Recogniziq Mdtiplc Myclin Pmtrinr and Acetyicbdim Receptor. I lmmund 1993, 151:2217-2224. Fntz RB, Zhao M-L: Enccphalitogenicity of Myelin Basic ?? * Rotein Exon-2 Peptide in Mice. J Neuroimmunol 1994,51:1-6. [la]. Hart RC: Corticmterdds, Optic Neuritis, and Multiple Sckrosis [Letter]. N Enp/ / Med 1994, 3303123ai239. Held W. Mevermann R. Oin Y. Mueller C: Perforin and Tut& &rxosis F&&ha in the Pltholenesis of Expetimental A&rrgic En&pbalamyelitis -&rnparison of Autoantigen Induced and Transferred Disease in Lewis Rats. /Aufoimmun 1993, 6:311-322. loner RE, Bourdette DN, Whitham RH, Offner H, Vardenbark AA: Induction of Experimental Aui&tmune Encenhalomvefitk in Severe Combined Immunodctiicnt &e R&mstituted with Allogeneic or Xmogenic Hematopoictic Cells. / /mmuno/ 1993, 150:4620-4629. Karussis DM, Lehmann D, Slavin 5, Vourkakarussis U, Mizrachikoll R, Ovadia H, Kalland T, Abramsky 0: Treatmeat of Chronic-R&p&g Erperimental Autoinnnc Encephdomyclitis with the Synthetic I&tor Linonridc Quinaline-3Cabmankk). F’mc Nat/ Acad SC; U 5 A 1993, 90:64w+l04. Karuss~s DM, Vourkakarusrrr U, Lehmann D, Ovadia H, Mizrachikdl R. Bennun A, Abramsky 0, Slavin S: l’revmtion and Reversal of Adoptivefy Tramferred, Chronic Relqsiq Expuimmtal Atttcdmmune Enc+hxnydftis with a Singk Hi Dose Cytweductin Treatment Fdkwed by Syngmeic Bone Marrow Transplantation. I C/in /west 1993, 92765-772. Kerlero De Rosbo N, Mile R, Lees MB, Burger D, Bernard ?? * CC, Ben-Nun A: Reactivity to My&n Antigens in Multi+ Sckrask. Peripheral Blood Lymphcqtes Resfxmd Redaminntly to My&n Oligadmdrocyic Glycopmtein. /c/in /nvey 1993, 92:2602-2608. [241. Kuchroo VK, Collins M, Alsabbagh A, Sdxl RA, Whitters Ml, Zamvil SS, Dorf ME, Ha/k% DA, Seidman IG, Weiner HL, Rimm II: T Cell Receptor (TCR) Usage Detcrminn Disease Susceptibility in Exfwimmtal Autoimmune Encephalamyelitk - Studies with TCR V Beta 8.2 Transgmic Mice. / Exp Med 1994, 179:1659-1664.

Autoimmunity Kuchroo VK, Martin CA, Creer JM, Ju ST, 5obel RA, Dori Contribute ME: Cvlokines and Adhcrin Mdwda to the’Ability d Myelin Rotedipid Protein-Specifc T-Cdl Cl& to Mediate Erperi&ntai Ailer$c Enccph&myelitio. I /mmuno/ 1993, 151:4371-4382. Kumar V, Sercarz E: Holes in the T Cell Rcwrtoirr to Mydin Basic Protein Owing to the A&ence of the D Beta 2-j Beta 2 Gene Cluster Implications for T Cdl Receptor Recognition and Autoinwnunity. / Fxp Med1994, 179~1637-1643. Lehmann P V, Forslhuber T, Miller A, Sercarz EE: Spreading ?? * d T Cell Autdmmunitv to Crvotic Determinank of an Autoantigen. Nat& 1992,‘j5B:i 55-157. (401. Lehmann PV, Sercarr EE, Forsthuber T, Dayan CM, ?? Gammon C: Determinant Spreading and the Dywnia of tbe Autoimmune T-cell Repertoire. lmmunol Today 1993,11:203-208. (371. Lm RF, Lin TS, Tilton RC, Cross AH: Nitric Oxide Localized to Spinal Cords of Mice with Experimental Allergic Encephdomyelitis - an Electron Paramagnetic Re&nce S&y. I E&I Med 1993, 17Bx643-648: Linineton C. Bemer T. Pew L. Weerth 5. HinzeSelch ?? * Y;‘Lu HC, Lassmann H, Wekerle H: T Cdk Specific for the Myelin OliRodendrocyic Cly~qmtein Mediate &I l/tn.&l Autdn&me InflamutowResmmeintheCentralNervow System. Eur j /mn;“no/ 1993, 2X1364-1372.1271. Manfredi AA, Yuen Ml-l, M&la 1, Protti MP, Contilronconl BM: Human Acetvlchdine Recmtor F’mentation in Myasthmia CR& - Dr Restrict& d Autoimmune T Epitopes and Binding d Synthetic Receptor Efi!a;,D; M0lecdes. I /Inmono/ 1994.


6, Zha&


Malhisen PM, Pease 5, Carvey I, Hood L, Readhead C: Identification cd an Embwonic kdorm of Mvelin Batic Ratein that k Exp&ed Widely in & Mane Embryo. Ptuc Nad Acad SC; U S A 1993, 90:10125-10129. Meinl E, WeIxr F, Drexler K, MorelIe C, 011 M, bruhandireskeneli C, Goebels N, Ertl B, Jechart G, Giwerich G. Schonbeck 5. Bannwarth W, Wekerle H, l%hlfeld R: My&n Bask Protein S&ific T-Lynphoeyte R&lo&e in Multiple &msir . Complexity d the Response and Dominance of Nested Epitopes Due to Recruitment of Multiple TCdl fltntes. I C/in lnvesll993,92:2633-2643. Miller A, Lider 0, Abmmaky 0, Weiner HL: Orally Acbnidstered Myelii Basic Protein in Neonates RknnfO?lmnuKR~ndEnhme¶ Exwrhnend Autdmmtme Encedulamvelitk in Adult Ahmak. Eurl lmmund 1994,2;:102~1032. Mar F, Cohen TR: Shifts in the Epitopn of Mydin Basic Rotein Recogttized by Lewis Rat TCdk Before, thuiw and after the induction of Erperimmtal Autdmrun Encephal~elitis. /C/in lnvesf 1993, 922199-2206. Murphy W, Mann R, Mcgrath BP, Bell C: Newonal Antibodin and Autonomic F&we [letis]. Lawet 1993, 342:563. Mustafa M, Vin+o C, Olsson T, Ljungdahl A, Hojelxrg B, Holmdahl R: The Major Histocxmpatibility Complex lnfhtences Mydin Bait Rat&~ 63-88Induced TCell Cytdrine Profile and Experimental Autabnmtme Enqbdomyelitk. Fur / lmmund 1993, 23:3089-3095. JP, Ron y: lnvfvo Antigen Myen Kl, Dou&ny m bv Both Brain Parenchvmal Celk ad Htrmtopo’icEiully Derived Cell; During the tttdwtkm d Expe?imental Mabmnune Encephalm@itk I lmmund 1993, 151:2252-2260. Olek MI. Khan OA: Ca&odaoib, Optic Neuritk, and Multiple Sclemsk Iletter]. N Ens/ I Med 1994, 330~1238. Pelfrey CM, Trotter IL, Tranquil1 LR. McFarland HF: ?? . Itkntifi&omdaNovefTCelfEpi(opcdHwnan Rotedipid Protein kcsidN¶ 4o-k) itecognlzed bv Pmlifemtive and Cvidvlic CM + T Celk from tipk Sdnoak R&t; 1 Neuroimmuno/ 1993, 46:3342. 1171. Plddlesden 0. Starch MK, Hibbs M, Freeman AM, Lassmann ti. Morgan BP: Sdubk Recombinant Clx+nmtllmporllnhibiklnRnnulianaml Demyelii in Antib&y-tw&ted Demydbuting Expnimnlll Alkrgic Encepb&myditk. 1 lmmunol 1994,152:5477-54B4. Prlbyl TM, Campagnoni CW, Kamp/ K, Kashima T, Handkv VW. h4cmahon I. Camwmcmi AT: The Human’Myeiin Basic tiein G;ney k included Wltbin a 179-Kibbase Tramcriptian Unit -Expression intluktmnutendCwtralNervaus5~enw.Pmc Nafl Awd Sci U S A 1993,9Oz10695-10699. RX&I E, Rumbach L, Bataillard M, C&niche 1, Henhn IL. T~ttmann M. Herve P. Wiidenes I: Twatment d Multiple Sc&sk witit An&CD4Monocl0cul Antibody-aF’tdinimuyRepwttmCF5in21 Patients. I Auroimmun 1993,6:771-786.

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Voskuhl RR, McFarlin DE, Tranauill LR, Deibler G, Stone ?? * R, Maloni H, McFarland Hi: A Novel Candidate Autcavtken in a Mdtidex Fanilv with Mdtide Sckm&F%?vtie oi T-lymph&es Sped& for an MBP E+pe Unique to Myelination. / Neumimmunol 1993,46:137-144.1311. W&en MHM, loosten I, 5chlief A, Vanderzee R, Bcog CJP, Vaneden W: Inhibition d Expe+entd Mdnmnune Enccphlmyclitk tiy MHC Class llBbtdingcampetilwPeptidesL&pentkonthe Relatin MHC Binding Affinity d tbe DkeacIntbtdng F’eptii. I lmmund 1994,152:4211-4220. Wauben MHM. Kozhich A. loosten I. Schlief A. Ba CIP. Van&n &: Inhibit& br Entire’ Myelin B&k Proteinimbtced Expcriarnw Aurohmnc Emeph&nyelitk in Lewk Rats by Majav Hktocw&bRity Conplcx cla Ii-binding competitor Peptaes. Fur / lmmuno/ 1994,21:105)_1txO. Weinberg AD, Wallin II, Iones RE, Sullivan T], Bwrdette DN, V&e&ark AA, Offner H: Target &.gs rxegdatim d MRC 01-40 Mwker hodurtion of Thl L)m@&ine Mrna by Encepbalii T Helper Cdk k&ted fmm the SpindCwddRakwitbE+r&ntdAutoimmune Enceph&my&tii I lmmuno/ 1994, 152:4712-4721


T-cell tolerance and autoimmunity

Wucherpfennig KW. Zhang IW, Wltek C. Matwi M, Modabber Y, Ota K, Hafler DA: Clonal Expami,,n and F’e&tcncc of Human T Celk Specific for an tnmnodmwnurt Mydin Basic Protein Peptide. / lmmund 1994, lSZ:SSBl-5592. Zhang IW, tirkovicplese S, Lacet B, Raus I, Weiner HL, Ha&r DA: Increased Frequency of Interleukin Z-Respcdvc T Celk SpecifK for Myelin Basic Protein and Pmtedipid Protein in Peripheral Blood and Cerebms@nai Fluid of Patimk with Multiple Sckrosk. 1 EXD h4ed 1994. 179:973-984. Zhang IW, Med.& R, Srinisren P. Hafler D, Raus /: MHC. Re&ctcd DepktMn of Human hiyelin ~asii Protein Reactive TCelk by T-Ceil Vaccination. Science 26131451-1454. Zhang Y, Buwr D. Saruhan C, Jeannet M, St& Al: The ?? * TJyn&cyle Response Against My&n-associated Glvconrotein and Mvelin Basic Protein in Pat&k wih &tide Scler&. Neurdo~v 1993, 43:403-t07. I191. Lhou SR, Han Q, Laganke CC, Whitaker IN: Comparison of Roarties of Mwinc Monoclonal Anti-ldiotvdc Antib&lks Generated with Idiotypc-Bearing ” Mamockmd Antibodies to Myelin Basii Protein Patides or Their Comdemen~ Pentides. C/tin 76:25i-259.

I 993,

Ik~nof fmmunopath~ll994,

T-cell tolerance and autoimmunity Related review: T-cell tolerance and autoimmunity in transgenic models of central and peripheral tolerance (DD 892-899) Aichele P, Kybun D, Ohashi P5, Odermatt 8, Zinkernagel . RM, Hengartner H, Pircher H: Peptide-induced Tcdl Tderance to Prevent Autoimnwne Diabetes in a Tramgenic Mouse Model. Proc Nat/ Acad SC; USA 1994, 91:444-448. 1351. Ashton-Ricbrdt PC, Bandeira A, Delaney JR, Van Kaer L, ?? * Pircher H-P, Zinkemagel RM, Tonegawa S: Evidence for a LXtierential Avidity Model of T Cell Selection in the Thhyna. Cell 1994, 76:651-663. [61. Bellarau D, Redd IM, Sellins KS: Peculiar T-Cell Simalinn -LIaes not F’reclude Positive Selection in the D&bet&Prone BB Rat. Diabetes 1994. 43~47-52. Boncmo A, Kehn PI, Shevach EM:Pr-twe Escape of Doubt*tiitive Thymocylcr to the Periphery of Young Mice -Possible Role in Autoimmunity. / lmmuno/ 1994,1.52:1509-1514. Campbell IL, Abraham CR, Masliah E, Kemper P, lnglis ID, Oldstone MBA, Mucke L: Newdogic Dkease Induced in Tnmgmic Mice by Cerebral Overexpression of Pnx Nad Acad SC; U 5 A 1993, Interleuki~L 90:1006-10065. Critchfield JM, Racke MK, oga-acker /C, Cannella 8, ?? a Raine CS, Coverman 1, Lenardo MI: T Cdl Deletion in High Antigen Dose Therapy of Autdmrmme Encedulomvelitk. Science 1994, 263:1139-l 143. 1361.’ Guerder 5, Meyerhdf I, Flavell R: The Role of the 7 ?? * Cell C&imdatcw 87-l in Autoimnnmitv and the Inbrtion and Maintenance d Td&e to Peripheral Antigen. /mmunity 1994, 1:155-166. 1391. Harlan DM, Henwrtnet H, HuanR ML, Kant. YH, Abe R. Moreadith Rk, Pircher H, Gray GS, Ot&hi P5, freeman Cl. Nadler LM. lune CH. Aichele P: Mice Eqwesing -&h 87.1 116 Viral Giycapmtein on Paweatk Beta&lb A& with ClycopmteinSpecific Tramgenk T-Celk Develop Dfahe4es Due to a Breaklown of T-Lvmdwvte Unresmmsiveness. PmcNat/AcadSc/U~A‘199i,91:313;-3141. Heath WR, Miller IFAP: Expression of Two aChaim on the ?? 5wface of T Celk in TCR Tmnscenic Mice. I FXD M&i 1993,171:1807-lB11.[131. ” HoRquist KA, lameson SC, Heath WR, Howard IL, Bevan ?? * Ml, Carbone FR: T Cell Receptor Antagonkt Peptides Induce Ptitive Selection. Cell 1994, 76317-27. ISI. Homer RI, Mamalaki C, Kioussis D, Flavell RA: T Cell . UnrmpnntiCorrdatn with Quantitative TCR Lcveb in a Tramgenie Modei. Infern lmmund 1993, 5:1495-1500.1141. Katz ID, Wang B, Haskins K, Ben&t C, Mathir D: ?? 0 Fdlowii a Diabetcmenic T Cell from Genesis Thrat~h~&Rene&~ Cd/ 1993, 74:1089-1100. 1691. Kumar V, 5ercarz EE: The lnvokement d T Cdl Receptor ?? * Ptiide-secifii Reodatow CD4 + T Celk in Re&ery’fran An&n-i&cd Autdmnune Diiase. / Exp Med 1993. 17&909-916. [431. Latalle IL, Nagashima K, Katsuki M, Tonegawa S: High ?? * Incidence d Spontanews Encephalamyetitio in Immwu&ficient Antimyelin Basic Rotein T Cell



Autoimmunity Diabetes Receptor Transgenic Mice. Cell 1994, 78:399-408. [441. Mamalaki C, Tanak Y, Corbella P, Chandler P. Sampson t, . Kiwssir D: T Cell Deletion Follows Chronic Antigen Specific T Cell Activation in tivo. Inrem lmmunol 1993, 5:1285-l 292. [27l. Mermo R, lwamoto M, Fossati L, Muniera P, Arakl K, Takahashi S, Huarte I, Yamamura KI, Vasralli ID, IZUI S: Prevention of Systemic Lupus Erythematows in Autoimmune BXSB Mice by a Tramgene Encoding I-E-alpba-Cbain./ExpMed1993.178:1189-1197. Moskophidis D, Lechner F, Percher H, Zinkernagel . RM: Virus Persistence in Acutely Infected lmmunocompetent Mice by Exhaustion of Antiviral Cvtotoxic Effector T cdk. Nature 1993, 362:75a761. [j31. Parish NM, Chandler P, Quarteypapafio R, Simpson E, Cooke A: The Effect d Bone Marrow and Thvmus Chhnerkm Betwtm Non-Obese Diabetic (NbD) and NOD-E Tram&C Mice, on the Expression and Rrvention of~Diabetes. Euur/ fmmunol 1993. 2312667-2675. Penninger IM, Neu N, Timms E, Wallace VA, Koh DR. Kishihrra K, Pummerer C, Mak TW: Induction of Expe+mental Autoi-e Myocarditk in Mice Lackirq CD3 or CDB Molecules. / Exp Med 1993, 178:1837-1842. Qin 5, Cobbold SP, Pope H. Elliott 1, Kmussis D, Dawes I, ?? * Waldmann ti: ‘Infecticus’ Transplantation Tolerance. Science 1993, 259:974-977. 1461. Racke MK, Qwgley L, Cannella B, Raine CS, M&din DE, Scott DE: Sqwrantigen Modulation of Experimental Allcndc Enceahalomvelitk - Activation or Aneiy DeteAines &come. / lmmunoll994, 152:2051-2059. Sebzda E, Wallace VA, Mayer 1, Yeung RSM, Mak TW, ?? Ohashi PS: Positiw and Negative Selection Induced by Different Concentrations of a Single Peptide. Science 1994, 263:1615-l 618. 171, 51nger SM, Tisch R, Yang XD, Mcdevin HO: An Ah(d) Tramgene Prevenb Diabetes in Nanobese Diabetic Mice by Inducing Re&itory TCelk. Proc Nat/ Acad Sci U S A 1993,90:9566-9570. Stewan TA, Hultgren B, Huang X, Pins-Meek 5, Hully 1, Maclachlan NJ: ln&ction of Type I Diibetes by Interferon-aldu in Transcenic Mice. Science 1993, 260:1942-1545. ” van Herrath MC, Dockter 1, Oldstone MAB: How Virus . tnduccr a Raoid or slow Onset tnwlin-deoendent Diibeta Meilitu. in a Transgenic Model. hnuniry 1994, 1:231-242. [161.

Diabetes Related review: Genetic and pathogenic basis of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice (pp 900-906) Aguilardmsdado M, Parkinson D, CO&H IA, Kwon G, Marshall CA, Gingeroch RL, Santiago IV, Mcdamel ML: Potmtid Autoantigens in tDDM - Expression of CarboxypqtidawH aad tnulin But not Glutamate Decarbory+ase m the Beta-Cell Surface. Diaberes 1994, 4341 B-425. Atkmwn MA, Maclaren NK: lrlet Cdl Autoantigens in h&in-wt Diabetes. / C/in /west 92:16Oa1616. Eansal AS, Wilson PB, Pumphrey RSH, 8oulton AIM. Mahk RA: C&far and Humoral hnmunitv in Patients with InuJin-Deae&nt o*aco Iletteri. Lancec 1993. 342~246. . Baron IL, Reich EF’, Visintin I, Janeway CA: Tbe Patof Adwtive Murinc Autoimmune Diab& Rquirrr & Interaction Between Alpha 4. Integrbn and Vrculr Cell Adhuioa Mdecuk-1. ! C/in Inca 1994, 93:1700-l 708. Baxter AC, Cooke A: Campfawnt Lylic Activity Has no Dii in RdeintbePat&n&sdAutobmnme NOD Mice. D/at&es 1993, 41:1574-1578. Bellgrau D, Redd l&t, Sellins KS: Pea&r T-Cell Signaling DoasmtPrecbdeP&tiveSdectirmintheDiabetesProw BB Rat. Dia6ef.s 1994,4x47-52. Bendelac A: T-Cell Receptor Specificity and Diitn in Nowbase Diabetk Mke. science 1993. 262:1582-l 583. Bergman B, Harkins K: Islet-Specifk T-Ceff Clones tiom the Nod Mouoc Respmd to Beta-Gr~e Antigen. Diabetes 1994, 43:197-203. Benrand 5, Vigeant C, Yak IF: F+re&tive V&w of 1yll+CyttAn(ibodinftWtbtAppe-tUf Diabeta in BB k Diabetes 1994,43:137-142. Bjork E, Velloso IA. Kampe 0. Karlsron FA: GAD A&un&&J in IDDM, Stiff-Mn syndmme, and Moinnnc Pdyendo~rinc Syndrome Type


I Recognize Different Epitopes. D&ees 1994, 43:161-165. Bollmeni IS, Reddi AS: Transforming Growth FactorEnhances Clomerular CdlaRen Synthesis in bet& Diabetic Rats. Diabetes 1993, 42:1673-1677. Burklv LC. lakubowski A. Han& M: Protection Aeainst &p&e Transfer d Autoimnune Diabetes &&ted Through Very Late Antigen-4 Integrin. Dia/xtes 1994, 43:529-534. Buschard K, Josehen K, Horn T, Fredman P: Sulphatide and Sdphatide Antibodies in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes-Mcllitus. lancer 1993, 342:840. Butler MH, Solimena M, Dtrkx R, Hayday A, Decdm~lli P: identification of P Dominant Edtcae of Clutamic Acid Dccarboxylase (GAD-65) R&g&d by Autoantibodies in Stiff-Man Syndrome. / kq Med 1993, 178:2097-2106. Castano L, Ziegler AC, Ziegler R, Shoekon S, Eisenbarth G5: Characterization d Insulin Autoantibodies in Relatives of Patients with Type-l Diabetes. Diabews 1993, 42:1202-1209. Chatenoud L, Thervet E, Prima I, Bach IF: Anti-CD3 Antibody Induces Long-Term Remission of Overt Autoimnunity in Nonobese Diabetic Mice. Proc Nat/ AcadSci USA 1994, 91:123-127. Chwers BM, Mauer SM. Ramsay RC, Steffes MW: Relation&o Between Retinal and Clwrular Lesions in tDDM titicnts. Diaheres 1994,43:441+46. Chrls~ianron SW. Shultr LD. Leiter EH: Adootive Transfer ?? of Diabetes’into lmmunodeficient Nob-scid/sc/d Mice: Relative Contributions of CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes from Diabetic Versus Prediabetic NOD.NONT’hv I A Donors. Diaberes 1993, 42:4.%55. 1541: Christie MR. Hollands IA, Brown Tl, Michelsen BK, Delovitch TL: Detection of Pancreatic Islet 64.OOLl MI Autoantigens in lnrulin-Dependent Diabetes distinct fran Glutamate Decarboxylase. I C/in lnvesl 1993, 92:240-248. Cirulli V, Halban PA, Rwiller DC: Tumor Necrosir Factoralpha Modifies Adhesion Properties of Rat klet BCdk. /C/in lnvesf 1993, 91:iB6blB76. Demaria R. Todaro M. Stassi C. Diblasi F. Ciordano M, C&zo A, &da&& Defective T Cell Rcceptor/CD3 Complex Signding in Human Type I Diabetes. Eur I lmmunol1994. 24:999-1002. Dozio N, Belloni C, Cirardi AM, Cenovese S, Sodoyez IC, Bottazzo CF, Pozza C, Bori E: Heterogeneous IgC Subclass Dktributii of Islet Cell Antibodies. / Aumimmun 1994, 7:45-53. Durant 5, Coulaud 1, Amrani A, Elhasnaoui A, Dardenne M, Homodelarche F: Effe& of Various Envircwnental Stress Paradigm3 and A&eaalectomy on the Expression of Autoimmm Type 1 Diibetes in the Non-Obese Diab?tic (Nod) Mouse. I Auloimmun 1993, 6:735-751. Editorial: Lack of Immunity to BSA in IDDM [Letter]. N En&?// Med 1994, 330:1616. f has D. Cohen IR: Peptide Therapy for Diibetes in Nod Mice. Lancer 1994, 343:704-706. Forquet F, Hadzija M. Semple IW, Speck E, Delovitch TL: Nahwally Processed Hetemdiic Dkulf&-Linked hmdin Peptkks Bind to Mjor Hktocompatibility Clam II &decdes MI ~bymic Epithdial Celk. P~K Nat/ Acad SC/ U S A 1994,91:3936-3940. Camhon HI, Luan II, Eloy L, Bedorsa P, Bach IF: Genetic Analysis of Immune Dyduxtiom in Non-Obese Diabetic (Nod) Mice - Map&g of 1 Susceptibility Loeur Close to tbe Bd-2 Gene Cwretates with Incre~ Resktance of Nod T Celk to Apoptosis In&&on. Fur/ lmmund 1994,24:36C-384. Cetfner ME, Bersch N, Bailey RC, Co& DW: Growth tiomwn! Induces Re&tance to tbe MitqTenic Action of lmdin Tbmugb Locd ffiF-1. Studin in l%mmal and Pygmy T-Cdl Lines. D/&e/es 1994, 43:6a72. Celber C, Paborsky L, Singer 5, Mcareer D, Tirch R, lolicoeur C, Buelow R, Mcdevitt H, Fathman CC: kdatfon of Nrmobese Dkbetic Mouse TCelk that Recog&e Novel Autwnt&?ns lnvdved in the Early Eveab of Df&etes. Diabefes 1994.43:33-39. Cerling IC, Friedman H, Greiner DL, S&z LD, Leiter EH: Muhip& LowDme shtporodn-tnduced in Nod-SClD/SClO Mfce in the Absmce of Functional Lyqbacyies. Diakes 1994,43:433-440. Cruden G, Cavallcperin P, Bazzan M, Stella S, Vu& A, Papano c: P&l ;nd Factor VII Activity are Hi in IDDM Patients with Micro&unbwii Diabeles 1994, 43z426-429. HaRer 1, Zouali H, Velho G, Fro~uel P: Imdin Reccptw uS&trate(lRS-l)GerwPdlrophinainF&h NIDDM Frnulcr Ilettcrl. Lancet 1993. 342:1430 Hanninen A, hlmi M,~SimeliO, Jalkanen i: Endothetial celf-Bblding Propert& of 1ylnphoqn hIfiltrated into Hunan Diabetic Pancreas - bnpticatiom



for Pathogenesk of IDDM. Diabetes 1993, 42:1656-l 662. Hanninen A, Taylor C, Streeter PR, Stark L5. Sarte IM, Shizuru IA, Sirnell 0, Michie SA: Vascubr Ad&es&s are Induced on ldet Vessels During Ins&is in Nonobese Diabetic Mice and are Involved in Lympboid Cell Binding to Istet Endotbelium. I C/in /nvesr 1993,92:2509-2515. Hao W, Serreze DV, Mcculloch DK, Neiting IL, Palmer JP: Insulin (Auto)Antibodia from Human IDDM CrossReact with Rctroviral Antigen P73. I Auroimmun 1993, 6x787-798. Hawke 5, Harcouri C, Pantic N, Beeson D, Willcox N, Newsomdavir I: Cellular and Humoral lmmunitv in Patients with Inwlin-Dependent Diabetes [L&I. Lances 1993,342:246. Hayward AR, Shriber M, Cooke A, Waldrnann H: Prevention of Diabetes But not tnsutitis in NOD Mice tniccted with Antibody to CD4. I Auroimmun 1993,6:301-310. Holers VM, Hollir CF. Schwartz LID, Evans RI, Straursschoentxmer I, Care1 IC. Barnev DL. Li 8. Staffordhollis I, L&PE: h&ion of ~eri-&ulitir But not Diabetes in Islet Transplants Expressing a Single Foreign Antigen - a Multi-Stage Model of Dkease. / lmmund 1993, 151:504-5052. Hw 1, Sheikh 5, Martin DL, Chatter@ NK: Coxsackievirur-B4 Alters Rmreatic Glutamate Decarboxytac Exprusion in Mice Soon after Infection. / Aufoimmun 1993,6:529-542. lkematw H, lchiyoshi Y, Schettino EW, Nakamura M, Carali P: V(H) and V(kappa&gmeat Structure of Anti-Insulin IaC Autoantibodtes in Rtients with ImuliwDepe&ent Diabatn Mellihn Evidence for Somatic Selection. / lmmund 1994,152:1430-1441. lmura H, Nakao K, Shimatsu A, Ogawa Y, 5ando T, Fujiraw I, Yamabe H: Lympbocytic lnfwuJilwlomumhypophysitis a a Cause of Central Diabetes-lnsipidu. N Eng// Med 1993,329:683-689. lto Y, Nieda M, Uchigata Y, Nirhimura M, Tokunaga K, Kuwata 5, Obata F, Tadokom K, Hirata Y, Omori Y, luji T: Recognition of Human hwlin in the Context of HLA-DRBlYUB6 Producb bv T-Cells d lmulin Autoimmune Syndrome Patie& and Healthy Donors. I /mmuno/ 1993,151:5770-5776. ltoh N, Hanafura T, Miyazaki A, Miyagawa 1, Yamagata K, Yamamcio K, Waguri M, lmagawa A, Tamura 5, lnada M. Kawata S, Tarui 5, Kono N, Matsuzawa Y: ~onoauclear Cell Infiltration and lb Retation of Maior Hktocomnatibilitv to the Ewre&oa compkr’Anti~em and idbesion M&cd” in Paw& Bigly Specbnms from Newly Diagnosed hmdin-Deaendent Diies-Mdlitus Rtients. I C/in hv3d i99j. 922313-2322. Jackson DC, Capra ID: TAP1 Alleles in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes-Mellitw - a Newlv Defbwd Cmtmmeric Boundary of Dkease Sus&ibility. Proc Narl Acad SC; USA 1993,90:11079-110.93. Ilang Z, Makowiecki I, Mordes JP, Woda BA: Cyidysin Gene Expression in the kkts of Diabetic Biobweding/Worcester Rats. / /mmuno/ 1994, 152:322-329. Katz 1, Benoist C, Mathis D: Major Hktocampatibility Comdex Class-l Mdecuks are Rewired for the Dev&pmmt of tnrulitk in Non-Obese Dtabetic Mice. Eur / lmmund 1993,23:335a3360. Katz ID, WanR B, Haskinr K, Ben& C, Mathis D: Follmvi~ a Diabetogerdc T Cell fmm Gene& Thm& F’athqenesk. Cell 1993, 74:1089-1100. Kaufman DL, Claw-Salzler M, Tian 1, Forsthuber T, Ting ?? GSP, Robinson P, Atkinson MA, Sexarz EE, Tobin Al, Lehmann w: Spontaneous La of T-cell Tolerance to Clutrnic A&i Decarbmv*r in Murina Insulin. depmdent Diabetas. Nat& 1993, 366:69-72. [SBI. Kawasaki E, Takino H, Yano M, Uotani 5, Matsumoto K. T&o Y, Yamaguchi Y, Akazlawa 5, Nagataki S: Autoanttbodfa to Ctutwnic Acid Deurboxvtase in Patienb with IDW nd Autobnrnme Thyroid Dkease. Diabetes 1994,43:B&%. laufer TM, Vonherrath MC, Crusby Ml, Oldstone MBA, Glimcher LH: Autobnmww Db&tescanbe hducad in Tramgedc Major Hkt~ibility crmqlkx ctass-lt-Deficii Mice. / Exp Med 1993. 1711:589-596. Lee MS, Wogensen L, Shizuru I, O&tone MBA, Sawetnick N: Rnnulic t&t Pmductii d Muin InterkukinIO Da, sot hlbibit Inmuw-Mcd*tcd Tii De&wtkm. I c/ill /fwesI 1994,93:1332-1338. Lepault F, Faveeuw C, Luan II, Cagnerauk MC: Lyqb NodeTCdkdonotOptbwtlyTnmferDi&tesin Nod Mice. Diabetes 1993. 42:-1623-l 828. L5. Hawoian WA. Brashear HR. Daniels T, Lernmark A: idt&wtio. 2 Autd Epi@pes d Glutvnic Acid Decarboxytaie in stifi-Man Syndrome Patients. I lmnwnd 1994,152:930-934.



Autoimmunity Genes and molecular Lo D, Reilly CR, Scott B, Liblau R, Mcdevitt HO, Burkly LC: Antigen-Presenting Cells in Moptivdy Tramferred and Smmtaneous Autoimmunc Diabetes. Eurj lmmunoi 19i3,23:1693-1698. Lohma”” T, Leslie RD. Hawa M, Geysen M, Rodda 5, Londei M: Immunodominant E&tows of Glut&c Acid Decarboxylase 65 and 6i in insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Lancer 1994, 343:1607-1608. Loper EPA, Et Al: Exacerbation of Type 2 Diabetes Mettitus During Interferon Alfa Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B [Lettal. Lancer 1994,343:244. Marlignat L, Few B, Ouary M, Pqtu S, Charbamel 8. Sai P: T-Sdenocvles from Non-Obe$e Diabetic Mice Bin&g to’Xenogeneic Pancreatic Beta-Cells in Vitro - implication of tbe A&a/beta T-Cell receptor and of M&r Hktocompatibility Complex Class II Molecules firm Tamt Cdk. I Autoimmun 1993,6:753-769. Mcduffie M, Ostrowska A: Supemntigewlike Effects and incidence of Diabetes in NOD Mice. Diaberes 1993. 42:1094-1098 Nag& M, Santamaria P, Kawamura T, Utsugi T, Yom? JW: Evidence fw the Rdc of CdB+ Cvtotoxic T Cells in the Destruction of Pancreatic Bet&elk in Nonobese Diabetic Mice. / fmmu”o/l994,152:2042-2050. Pearce RB. Trider L. Svaasand EK. Peterson CM: Pdvmwphkm in Mouse Tap1 Gene. / fmmunoll993, lSi:533iJ-5347. 1271. Pennline KI. Rmueeaffnev E. Monahan M: Recombinant Human IL-i0 y&ve.b’tbe Onset of Diibeta in tbe Nonobese Diabetic Mouse. C/i” lmmonol lmmunopatholl994, 71:169-l 75. Petersen IS, Hejnaes KR, Moody A, K&e” AE, Marshall MO, Hoiermadsen M, Boel E, Michelren BK, Dy&rg T: Detection of CAD(65) Antibadks in Diabetes and Other Autoimmune DikeUsing a Simple Raddiynd Assay. Diabetes 1994,43:459-l67. Pietropaolo M, Casta”o L, Babe S, Buelow R, Kuo YLS, Martin 5, Martin A, Powers AC, Prochazb M, Naggert I, Leiter EH, Eisenbarth CS: klet Cell Autoantigen 69. kD (ICA69) -Mdecufar Cloniq and Chractnization of a Novel Diabetes-Associated Moantircn. / C/i” hwesf 1993,92:359-371. Pociot F. Wilson AC. Nemo I. Duff CW: No tndeandent Be&cm ; &nor Necrosk Fact&-alpha Promotor ttegton Pdynwpbkm awl InsulinMellitus. Eur / lmmund 1993, 23:3050-3053. Poddin PL, Pressey A, Delarato NH, Fischer PA, Pewson LB. Wicker LS: I-E+ Nonobese Diabetic Mice Develop I&litk and Diabetes. / Exp Med 1993, 178:793-803. Rabm DU, Pleasic SM. Shapiro’JA, Yoavarren H, Oler 1, Hicks j&l, Goldsrein DE, Rae PMM: Islet Cell Antigen 512 is a Dt&@fic lJ?t Autoantigei~ Related to Rotein Tymsinc phosphatases. I lmmunoll994, 1.52:3183-3188. Reich E-P, Von Crafenstein H, Barlow A, Swenson KE, ?? Williams K, laneway CA: Self Pef#tides kdated from MHC Civcwroteim of Non-abese Diabetic Mice. / fmmu"a19'94,151:2279-2288. ]17]. Richter W, Seirsler 1, Northernann W, Wdfahn 5, Meinck HM, Schwbaum WA: Cylaplamic Islet Cefl Antfbodicr Recognize Dtttnct l&t Antigens in IDDM But not in Stiff Man Syndmmc. Diabetes 1993, 42:1642-1648. Rtrch N, Chosh 5, Todd I: Statistical Evaluation of Multiple ?? Locus Linkage Data in Expetintentd Species and Relevance Studin: Appkcation to Mwin and Human IDDM. Am / Hum Genet 1993, 53:702-714. 1421. Roe” BO. Heidenthal E. De Vries RR. Kolb l-t. Martin S: ‘Sol&k Fomw of t&cellufu Adbeston Mdecdc-1 in Insulin-[kpndmt Dies Mellitus. Lancef 1994, 343:1590-l 592. Roll U, Christie MR. Stand1 E, Zienler AC: Associations of




Depdmt Diibeta

to Hmun

Anti-GAO Antibodk$



cell Antibadin and

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Genes and molecular interactions in autoimmunity Related reviews: TCR V gene usage in autoimmunity (pp 907-912); Regulation of autoimmune response (pp 94f3-955t) Abromson-Leeman S, Hayashi M, Martin C, sObe1 R, Alv !iabbagh A, Weiner H, Doff ME: T Cell Responses to Myelin Basic Protein in Experimental Autoimmune Encephaiomyeiitiwesistant BALE/c Mice. / Neuroimmund 1993, 45:89-101. [lit]. Alderuccio F, Toh BH, Tan 55, Gleeron PA, Vandriel IR: An Autoknmune Dkease with Multiple Mdecukr Targets Abrogated by the Transgenic Expression of a Single Autoantigen in the Thymw. / 1993, 178:419426. Allarallah KF, Buchanan WW, Sarfry A, Singal DP: ~~,v;$4ew$ioi~3rttis and HLA-Dr4. /


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Autoimmunity and apoptosis in MRL-/pr//pr mice Related review: Apoptosis, FAS and systemic autoimmunity: the MRL-/pr//lpr model (pp 913-920)



Auhm&iy &ek

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Rheumatolqical diseases Related reviews: How unique are pathogenic anti-DNA autoantibody V regions? (pp 921-925); Autoantibcdies in scleroderma and tightskin mice (pp 931-937t1 Abdelnour A, Bremell T, Holmdahl R. Tarkowski A:

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Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Related review: AutDimmune


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Autoimmunity Organ-specific


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Organ-specific autoimmune disorders Related review: Autoimmunity in the eye and its regulation (pp 938-945) Ansari AA, Neckelmann N, Wang YC, Gravanis MB, Sell KW. Herskowitz A: Immunologic Dialogue Betwm Cardiac Mvocvtes. Endotbelial Cells. and Monotwckar Cells. ‘C/d lr&unol Immu”opa;hol 1993,6&20b214. Antozzi C, EI All: Protein-A Imrmmoadsorption in Inwmmosuppression-Resistant Myasthenia Gravir [Letter]. lancer 1994, 343:124. Araga 5, Lebowf RD. Blalock IE: Prevention of Experbnental Autoimmune Myasthenia Cravir by hbnipdation of the Immune Network with 1 Canpknwntay Peptide for the Acctykhdine Receptor. Pmc Narl Acad 5X U 5 A 1993, 9w747-0751. Araga S, Letowf RD. Blalock IE: prevention of Exprimmtll Mdmnune Myastbenia Cravir by Madpdation of the lnmwne Network with a Canplenw”twy hptide for the Acc~lchdinc Receptor (Vd 90, pg 8747,1993). Proc Naf/ Acad 5citJSA1994,91:1598. Asher 0, Kues WA, Witzemann V, Tzanos SJ, Fuchs 5, Sourwjon MC: Iwe& Gene Expression of A~~tylchdine Receptor a”d Myogenic Factors in Pusivdy Tramferred Experbnentd Autoimnwne Myastbenia Cravk. / fmmund 1993,151:64426450. Beck RW: Cwticostemids, Optic Neuritis, and Multiple Sclerosis - Reply [Letter]. N Engl I Med 1994, 330:1239. Bwanani M. Dietrich G, Hurez V, Kaveri SV, Delrio M. Pau B, Kazatchkine MD: Age-Related Cbnges in Specificity d Hunun N&wal Montibodies to T-Ii”. / Aufoimmun 1993, 6:639-648. Braleyrwllen H, Sharp CC, Kyriakos M: Diirential Rquhmmt for Montibody-Reducing R-Cells for IMhlctio” of 1wndlocvtic vesws CR”dlJ”latous ExpclincnWA&in&& Thy&d&. 1 lmmunol 1994, 152:307-3 14. Broekhuyre RM, Kuhlmann ED, Winkens HI: Experimental ?? * Autotmmsme Atsterbr Uveitb (EMU). Ill. Induction by bmnmizatio” with Furif Uved ad Skin Mdanim. Exp Eye Res 1993, 5(:575-583.[22]. Caspi RR, Chan CC, Crubbr BC, Silver PB, Wigert 6, Parsa CF. Eahmanyar 5, Billiau A, Heremans H: E”dogemw Syttemic IFN-m Ha P Protective Rde &but Ocdu Autoimmmity in Mice. I fmmund 1994. 152:89m99. Chan CC, Hikita N, Dastgheib K, Whrtcup SM. ?? Cery I, Nussenblatt RE: Experimental Mclninprokin Induced UveRis in tbe Lewis Rat: Imtsw@ttologkJ Recesses. Ophhalmology 1994, 101:1275-1280. [231. Charteris DC, Lightman SL: In Viva Lympbokine ?? Roductkm in Expwime”tal Autdmnun Uvewetbtitii lmmtmdo~y 1993, 7&387-392.1331. Cunningham MW, Antone SM. Culizia IM, Mcmanus BA, Cauntt Cl: alpha-Helical coikd-Coil Mdecules - a RdeinA&dwm&ylbjnstthrHear~.C/i” lnvmmol lmmunopar/roll993,6&11&123. Dalakas MC, Et Al: A Corstmlkd Tti of H&&se lntmmaaLm*mClohrlinlnfudolra Dmcutanpdtk. ~E”gllMedl993. T-601 319:1993-2000. Dick AD, Cbmg YF, MEKinnon A, Liversidge I, Forrester . IV:NarlAdminirtntkmofReti~I&di~Suppress ttwI~ayRespawinExprin*ntllAlkrgic UwwUdth.Ap&nhwyReportdI”trarwxl lnawtbndTdcmrrwitbRc(kulAntiiBr/ +hfbafmd 1993, 77zl71-175.[621. Dwtrich C, Varela FJ, Hurez V, Bouanani hi, Kazatchkine MD:Sek&mdtbeExpwemedRCetlRgrt&eby lnfvdon d Namal hnmumt@din C in P Patient

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