BOOK REVIEWS Control of Major Livestock Diseases in Asia . Office International des bpizooties Proceedings of a symposium held jointly by the OIE AND FAVA. Paris: Office of International des $pizooties . 1991 . 191 pp . FrF 200/US$35 Although titled Major Livestock Diseases in Asia, this collection of papers given at a symposium in Thailand last year concerns only classical swine fever (CSF), Aujeszky's disease and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) . It was not the intention of the organizers to include poultry diseases, bacterial and parasitic diseases in this 2-day symposium appended onto the end of a meeting of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations, but to concentrate on those viral diseases of major economic importance to Asia for which control programmes have been successfully applied in other areas of the world . Pigs, in particular, are a significant source of protein in Asia and while many of the production units remain small and rear indigenous breeds, larger units and imported breeds are becoming more common . Export of pig meat to the more industrialized Asian countries is also of growing importance, and diseases such as FMD are a serious constraint to this trade . The papers describe recent advances in laboratory diagnostic techniques, vaccines and vaccination protocols . However, there are also practical descriptions of control programmes such as that by Terpstra and Wensvoort on the elimination of CSF from the Netherlands where pig densities are up to 3000 pigs per km 2 . An equally valuable paper was given by Terpstra on the different programmes used by EEC countries to control Aujeszky's disease . The contrast between a statutory control programme as applied to CSF and a voluntary programme as applied by the majority of EEC countries to An jeszky's disease emphasized the value of government involvement in effective disease control . Also of interest was the identification of the previously underestimated importance of humans as mechanical vectors of CSF and circumstantial evidence for the aerosol transmission of Aujeszky's disease from very large pig units . Foot-and-mouth disease remains endemic in most of Asia, but considerable resources are now being applied to reduce the affected areas . Malaysia and Indonesia have suc-
cessfully eradicated FMD and Thailand, with Australian help, is attempting to control the disease, but, as emphasized in the paper by Forman, reliance cannot be placed on vaccination alone . As with the other two diseases, movement controls and therefore ultimately the cooperation of the farming community is essential for any successful programmes . Which comes to the main objective of the symposium and the publication of the papers . Only by disseminating information and sharing experiences can progress be made . This is a useful publication, bringing together experts from the laboratory and the field to describe and discuss the two main components of disease eradication, diagnosis and control . R . P . K111 tliNG
Avian Incubation : Poultry Science Symposium 22 S. G . Tullett Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann . 1991 . 335 pp . £60 .00 (hard) This book contains the proceedings, both invited papers and posters, of the 22nd Poultry Science Symposium held in Ayr in September, 1989 . These symposia have earned a well deserved reputation for authoritative reviews and well balanced scientific content. This is no exception . There is sufficiently detailed information to satisfy pure scientists interested in subjects such as embryo development in birds and reptiles, embryo physiology, water and gas exchange across the shell and the energy requirements of the embryo . The section on embryo culture in vitro explores the possibility of injecting DNA or retroviral constituents into the very earliest stages of the developing embryo, with the ultimate aim of improving lines by genetic engineering . The culture of primordial germ cells for this purpose is covered in detail . The theoretical and practical aspects of incubation are covered and there is a section on incubator design from an engineering viewpoint. For the practical hatcheryman and poultry manager, the importance of egg hygiene and handling in relation to hatchability is well covered . Bacterial contamination of egg contents relates more to cuticle deposition than just porosity and this
is correlated with hatchability, hence the increase in bacterial contamination as breeder flock age increases. Management of the breeder diet is described and its importance in achieving optimum hatchability from the breeder hen is emphasized . Finally, examples of egg born infection (Salmonella) and vertically transmitted infection (Mycoplasma iowae) are described . There were many poster papers, but two of particular interest contained information on the damage caused to respiratory epithelium of chicks where formaldehyde is used in hatchers (an almost universal practice) and the production of transgenic chicks . This will be a valuable reference both for scientists pursuing a research interest and for incubation, hatchery and breeder specialists in the poultry industry . M . PATnsoN
The Merck Veterinary Manual, 7th edn
Edited by Clarence M . Fraser London : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/ Rahway, NJ . : Merck & Co ., Inc . 1991 . 1832 pp . £16.95 (hard) This is the latest edition of this useful series of handbooks for veterinarians . The first Veterinary Manual was published in 1955, in the style of the other professional Merck handbooks, and has been regularly revised since then . On this occasion there has been substantial updating since the last edition 5 years ago . The purpose of the Veterinary Manual is to provide a quick source of information and reference on diagnosis, therapy and preventive medicine . The editor, Dr C . M . Fraser, and his three associate editors have assembled contributions from a total of 501 different authors . It is a credit to them, and their Editorial Board, that the format and style is so consistent over 1700 plus pages of text . It is impossible to satisfactorily or comprehensively review a textbook that covers such an enormous range of topics, conditions and treatment regimens . My reading of the text did not highlight any serious omissions, deficiencies or editorial errors . The text is presented in a very readable, succinct and informative format. The information is well
up to date and is not encumbered with references, making it more readable . There is exhaustive use of abbreviations and symbols which are clearly annotated . Both scientific and lay synonyms for conditions are widely used to assist readers . The Manual is arranged into anatomical systems and specific conditions are located in the system that is primarily affected . Conditions that may affect different or multiple systems are considered in a category of Generalised Conditions . There are 14 sections from Blood, Lymphatic & Cardiovascular Systems to Zoonoses . Each is laid out well with a contents page at the start and there is also an extensive index at the back of the Manual. The text includes valuable and extensive tables on diets and nutritional requirements of animals, as well as comprehensive data on therapeutics . Toxicity, poisoning and zoonoses are very adequately covered in addition to the more conventional chapters dealing with diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention . Non-proprietary names are used because of the difficulties of listing all the different proprietary names of drugs on the international market . Overall it is hard to fault this new edition of The Merck Veterinary Manual. It will undoubtedly provide veterinarians, students, scientists and the public with a very valuable quick and easy reference on a vast range of conditions . These handbooks do, of course, go out of date all too soon, but readers will be pleased to hear that the next edition is already being organized-albeit without Dr Fraser's leadership, as after seven editions lie is taking a well earned retirement . L. B . Jrrr(OTr
Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Systems
Edited by T . C . Jones, U . Mohr & R . D . Hunt Berlin : Springer Verlag . 1991 . 312 pp . £150 (hard) This hook, the ninth monograph in a series sponsored by the International Lite Sciences Institute, is an international, multiauthor work and consists of chapters written by workers with expertise with particular pathological conditions in the affected species . The entities described are either