CORRESPONDENCE after a journey to Alexandria, I looked so ill that Sir,—I was interested in Dr. Hutchinson's article two R.A.M.C. orderlies tried to t...

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CORRESPONDENCE after a journey to Alexandria, I looked so ill that Sir,—I was interested in Dr. Hutchinson's article two R.A.M.C. orderlies tried to transport me to on "Awareness during Surgery" in the September the mortuary I If the anaesthetist has survived the fall of issue (Brit. J. Anaesth., 33, 463) as I had a Tobruk, which occurred shortly after this, and similar experience myself. After being torpedoed in the Mediterranean in the hazards of the rest of the war, he may recogJanuary 1942, I was put ashore at Tobruk suf- nize and remember this incident from the above fering from oil burns. During anaesthesia for the description. All other reported cases of consciousness during cleaning and dressing of the burns, in addition to being aware that my nails were being pulled the course of anaesthesia have occurred since the upon, I also remember quite clearly waking up introduction of curare and its use in large doses and experiencing a sensation as though all my with nitrous oxide and oxygen only, or in comfingers were suspended at the tips by threads bination with minimal doses of narcotics. My case which all led to a common point. I was idly is unique also in that it is reported by the patient, swinging my wrists on these threads when I heard not the anaesthetist I W. M. BROWN a voice say, "Look at this". All conversation Belfast stopped and a girl laughed. A few seconds later I was unconscious again. While awake I realized I was still in the theatre, but assumed the operation was finished and was VACANCIES IN NEW ENGLAND in no way apprehensive. I had no pain or discomfort. I could not see, as I was blind from the Sir,—We have available openings for anaesthesia effects of the oil at this time. I presume I was residents at this institution. Appointments are having burn dressings done under thiopentone only made throughout the year. (my face was also burned) and, when the anaesThose interested may write directly to me for thetist's attention was called to my activities, he details. injected a few more ml of thiopentone. His BENJAMIN E. ETSTEN, caution in giving the thiopentone in such small Tufts University School of Medicine, increments is to be commended as, two days later, Boston 11, Massachusetts, U.S.A. AWARENESS DURING SURGERY

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