191 not a little celebrated for his supposed talent in this city, operated on a patient for I am well aware of all Tom Paine has stone in the bladder,...

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191 not a little celebrated for his supposed talent in this city, operated on a patient for I am well aware of all Tom Paine has stone in the bladder, i. e. attempted the written against the learned languages, and operation, when, after cutting and maiming, &c., am yet fully satisfied we cannot know too introducing his fingers and forceps, much of them, unless, indeed, we become all in vain, the patient was returned to bed, mere book worms, which there is little fear with the stone remaining in the bladder, after of in the present state of society and being on the table one hour and a quarter. The next morning the patient died;and, science. If the Apothecaries’ Company were to upon post-mortem examination, it was disabridge the term of apprenticeship, they covered the BLADDER HAD NOT BEEN CUT would, doubtless, do a great benefit to the INTO, all the poking and fumbling was rising generation of practitioners; and if among the soft parts; now I beg leave they enforced the law against chemist’s to ask. Sir, is such an individual worthy practising over the counter," (a subject to be ranked among Lecturers? Ought which would itself require a long letter to not such proceedings to be made known ? do justice to,) and under various pretences, 0 that walls could speak ! what butchery they would do good to the public and to would they relate ! But such is the link the profession, fully equal to the injury that in this city, which nearly all the mediwould be done to the established practi- cal men hold with this scientific surgeon, that every blaclc deed is withheld from light, tioner, by depriving him of part of tics’ time and fees. Not doing this is the and from the eyes of the medical world, only thing I can see wrong in the Apotbe. until an opposition spirit began to arise to caries’ Company. But I doubt not, from observe their foul deeds. What is here what they have done, that they will pursue stated, Sir, are FACTS ; and such trantheir course for the benefit of the profession sactions, I think, ought to be. made known and the public, without being swayed by to a deluded community. Your humble servant, their assailants; who, in fact, like the fable of the man and the ass, neutralize each VERITAS, Bath, Oct. 25, 1828. other, one complaining that the Examiners do too much, and another that they do too

the education of the


labourer’s geort,



little. It is said,

" lookers

on see

the best of the


game," but this rule is not without an exception. Lookers on know not the conflicting interests that governing bodies have









NIA !!

and conciliate ; every party thinks itself aggrieved, and demands exemption or redress ; and when due allowance is made for this fact, I doubt not the majority of practitioners will concur with me, in approbation of the Apothecaries’ Company, and their Court of Examiners. With much gratitude for the important services you have rendered, the profession and the public, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your constant reader and obedient servant, R. T. WEBB. Upper York Street, Oct. 25, 1828. to consult

To the Editor 0/’ THE LANCET. ON Thursday, a boy, between5 and 6 of age, was brought to the Infirmary with symptoms of strangulated hernia. On the right side of the scrotum there was an oblong tumour, rather smaller than a pigeon’s egg, tender to touch. Has had no stool for four days, and the abdomen is tender,




greatly enlarged, nor tympani-

He had constant nausea and retcliing and occasional vomiting ; but whéther the matter vomited was feculent or not, I had no opportunity of ascertaining. Tongue much furred, and thirst excessive ; pulse 130. He was ordered immediately i, of castor oil ; ij, of the ot. terebinth. which did not operate. The collective wisdom was forthwith summoned ; long they sat in great deBATH HOSPITAL.—LITHOTOMY ! bate, and whether the fear ofTnE LANCET, and the recollection of a pretty hernia job To the Editor of’THE LANCET. you lately exposed, swayed their enlarged SIR,—As the surgeons, belonging to our I intellects, we know not, for none, savethe Infirmary, intend delivering a course of " half score clerks," are admitted to the lectures on anatomy and surgery, com- conclave ; sure it is, however, we were mencing the 1st of November, I beg to told by a certain newly made, and operacommunicate to you the capability as re- tion-loving M.D., whose case it was, that gards the dexterity of one of these said " it was probably a hydrorele of the cord ; " and lecturers. Some httle time since a sw’. that "adelay was thought expedient !" The tic.