GRIGORIAN, AA USEPOV, AK Bearing capacity of pile clusters in settling groumd. In Russian. 2R. RUSSIA MINIST.VYSSH. SREDN. SPETSIAL. OBRAZ. IZVEST .VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED. STROITEL. AMKHIT~T, NT, 1974, P37-42 •
Slopes See also abstract:
FUGANTI, A SCHILIR% F An Analysis of the stability of the area in and arOumd Raddusa - Sicily. In Italian.30F,14T,45R. GEOLOGIA TECNICA, V21, 6, NOV.DEC. 1974, P211-234. A stability ar~lysis of this area was carried out by stt~lylng the stratlgra~hlc succession, the tectonic strUCture, the Im~incipal morphology, hydrology and the mechanical behaviour ef the soil. It was found that the me, t h e m slopes were subject to unstable conditions, and from the studies a means of improving the stability by regulating water flow on the northern slopes is suggested.
MCGOWN, A RAIY4AN,AM The l~esence and influence of fissures in the Boulder clays of West Central Scotla~i. 19F,1T,3OR. CAN.GEOTECH.J.V12,1,FEB 1975, P84-97. A rsamber of failures in deep trenches and slope excavations have occurred in west central Scotland, whose character appeared to be influenced by the presence of macrofabric features. A detailed field study has confirmed the presence of fissures and showed that they exhibit definite preferred orientation patterns. The influence of these fissure patterns on unirained shear strength and consolidation properties has been assessed by laboratory testing af smisotropic behaviour. Correlations between field behaviour and laboratory behaviour are suggested.
97 SAU~,K Urban fringe development and slope stability in SOuthern S~skatchewan. Technical note. 12F,1T,8R. CAN. GEOTECH.J, VI2, I,FEB. 1975, PI06-I18. A report of slope instability in two areas - the Regina area, and SOuth of Saskatoon - is presented. These sreas are very scenic and are being selected as sites of urban development whithout consideration of their instability. CRUDEN, DM UNIV. ALBERTA, EDMONTON, CDN Major rock slides in the Rockies. Conference. Preprint. 14F,13R. PROC. 27TH CANADIAN GEOTECHN CAL CONF. EDMONTON, NOV. 1974, P59-66. The Frank Slide and seven other slides are described. The geometry and kinematics, rupture surfaces, Joint sets and slide mechanisms are considered. The identification of these slides from aeriel photographs is discussed.
951 HARPER,TR The prediction of grourzlwater pressure variation for prediction of slope instability. 13F,21R. IMP.cOLL.ROCK MECH. RESEARCH REPORT 23,JAN,1973,SIP. Groundwater pressure variation commonly controls the stability of metastable structures. The factors causing pressure variation are discussed and the results of constant recording of groundwater pressume fQr more than 14 days, in conjunction with factors expected to influence this, are presented and discussed. The data is very limited but it seems probable that a contir~ous record of rainfall and groundwater pressure can, in some cases, allow very precise predictions of groundwater pressure rises. Current theories of infiltration in response to precipitation are presented, having relevance to the transience of slope pressures. Auth.
952 ROSS'BROWN, DM Design considerations for excavated mine slopes in hard rock. 8F,6T,12R. IMP.COLL.ROCK MECH.EESEARCH REPORT, N21,OCT.1972,32P. The paper discusses mining slope failures and the geotechnical approach to the design of pit slopes with special consideration of the different economic, operational and political factors involved. Emphasis is also placed upon the impertance of geological structure and the influence of the excavation technique.
953 GINZBURG, LK Calculation of landslide pressure allowi~g for the influence of seismic and hydrodyrmmic forces. In Russian. 4R. TRANSP. STROITEL, 9, SEPT. 1974 ,P38-40.
Harbours, canals and coast protection works 954 SHERMAN, WC ARMY WATER EXPT.STAT.VICKSBURG, MISS, USA The behavlot~r of lock walls supported on batter piles. Conference .Session three.TF, 4R. PROC.EIG}E~H INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG,MOSCOW, 1973, V2 .i, P219-222. Two monoliths at Columbia lock were instrumented (usIng strain gauges, earth pressure cells, piezometres and settlement plates) and monitored during and after construction to determine the distribution of applied loads on the piles for comparison with predicted values. Analysis of the results indicated that vertical drag forces developed as a result of settlement with the backfill, and these account, in part, for the observed distribution of pile loads.
Earth retaining structures 955
~9 LARICHBV, NN ~uatlng the nature of landslide movement. In Russian. 5R. PROIZVOD. NAUCH. IS~XD. INST. INZHEN. IZYSKAN. STROITEL. GOsSTROIA SSSR.TRUDY.TA 705 S65,VI6,1972,P94-99.
950 LARICHEV, NN Structure of the Ul-Ianovsk landslides in relation to the evaluation of general slope stability. In
PRICE, DY REINFORCED EARTH CO.LONDON, GB Reinforced earth. Review. 15F,11R. GROUND ENGNG, V8, 2,MAR. 1975, P19- 24. 956 CLOUGH, GW STANFORD UNIV. CALIF .USA TSUI, Y DUKE UNIV. DURKAM, N. C .USA Performance of tled-back walls in clay. llF,16R. J. GEOTECH. ENGNG DIV. AsCE, VlOO, GT12, DEC. 1974, P1259-1273. Parametric finite element studies are described that