Bibliography of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B generated from the Current Awareness in Biological Sciences database

Bibliography of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B generated from the Current Awareness in Biological Sciences database

Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 115B, No. 3, pp. I-XII, 1996 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Inc. 1SSN 0305-0491/96/$15.00 ELSEVIER Bibliography of ...

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Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 115B, No. 3, pp. I-XII, 1996 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.

1SSN 0305-0491/96/$15.00


Bibliography of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B generated from the Current Awareness in Biological Sciences database Effectiveness of antioxidants (vitamin V and E) with and without sunscreensas topical photoprotectants Dart D;Dunston S;Faust H;Pinneli SActa Dermato-Venereologica, 76(4), 264-268 Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea stimulates vitamin D~ metabolism [3] Kragballe K;Avrach WW;Politi Y;Landau M;Brenner SActa l)ermat¢JVenereologiea, 76(4), 324-325 let,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 stimulated alkaline phosphatase activity in cultured pig kidney epithelial LLC-PKI cells Do Thanh X;Massicot F;Do B;Breget R;Nivet V;Durand D;Warnet JM;Claude JR;Clot JP Acta Physiolngica Scandinavica, 158(1), 107-111 Vitamins and analgesics in the prevention of collagen ageing Mallk NS;Meek KM Age and Ageing, 25(4), 279-284 Altered bowelfunction and duodenal bacterial overgrowth in patients treated with omeprazoleLewis SJ;Franco S;Young G;O'Keefe SJD Alimentary_ Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 10(4). 557-561 Essential fatty acid supplementation in chronic hepatitis B Jenkins AP;Green AT;Thompson RPH Alimentary Pharmacol~g'yand Therapeutics, 10(4), 665-668 Changes in macronutrient balance during over- and underfeeding assessed by 12-d continuous whole-body calorimetry Jebb SA;Prentice AM; Goldberg GR;Murgatroyd PR;Black AE;Coward WA American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 259-266 Adolescent growth and maturation in zinc-deprived rhesus monkeysGolub MS;Keen CL;Gershwin ME;Styne DM;Takenchi PT;OnteU IF;Walter RM;Hendriekx AG American )ournal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 274-282 Palm olein in infant formula: Absorption of fat and minerals by normal infants Nelson SE;Rogers RR;IFrantz JA;Ziegler EE American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 291-296 n-3 fatty acids induce oxidative modifications in human erythrocytes depending on dose and duration of dietary supplementation Palozza P;Sgadata E;Luberto C;Piccioni E;Anti M;Marra G;Amaelao F;FrancescheUi P;Bartofi GM Ameru:an Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 297 304 Protein absorption depends on load-dependent inhibition of intestinal transit in dogs Zhao X-T;Miller RH;McCamish MA;Wang L;Lin HC American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 319-323 Digestion, excretion, and energy value of fructooligosaccharides in healthy humans Molls C;Flourie B;Ouarne IF;Galling M.IF;Lartigue S;Guibert A;Bornet IF;Galmlche J.P American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 324-328 Plasma et-tocopherolconcentrations after supplementationwith water- and fat-solublevitamin E Dimitrov NV;Meyer-Leece C;McMillan J;Gilliland D;Pedoff M;Malone W American Journal of Clinical Numtion, 64(3), 329-335 Effects of erythorbic acid on vitamin C metabolism in young women Sauberlleh HE;Tamura T;Craig CB;Freeberg LE;Liu T American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 336-346 Effect of dietary cholesterol on postprandial lipoproteins in three phenotypic groups Clifton PM;Nestel PJ American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 361-367 Erratum: Relation between dietary vitamin intake and resistance to insulin-mediated glucose disposal in healthy volunteers (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1996) 63 (946-949)) IFacehini IF;Coulston AM;Reaven GM American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(3), 386 Randomized controlled trial of a low animal protein, high fiber diet in the prevention of recurrent calcium oxalate kidney stones Hiatt RA;Ettinger B;Caan B;Quesenberry CP Jr.;Duncan D;Citron JT American Journal of Epidemiolog'y, 144(1), 25~-33 Serum transferrin saturation, stroke incidence, and mortality in women and men: The NHANES I epidemiologic followupstudy Gillum RIF;Sempos CT;Makue DM;Looker AC;Chien C.Y;Ingram DD American Journal of Epidemio/ogy, 144(1), 59-68 Body weight and blood pressure. Effects of weight reduction on hypertensionJones DW American Journal of H:ypertension, 9(8 IlL 50S 54S Structure and function of the gastrointestinal tmct of the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris Reynolds JE lll;Rommel SA Anatomical Record, 245(3), 539-558 Histo-anatoray of the proximal femur in rats: Impact of ovariectomy on bone mass, structure, and stiffnessBagl CM;DeLeon E;Ammann P;Rizzoli R;MiUer SC Anatomical Record, 245(4), 633-644 Temperature and dietary factors affecting the nitrogen efflux rates of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) But'de LG;Ugiow RF;Cowx IG Aquaculture Research, 27(6), 391-397 Comparative effects of dietary Na+-lactate on Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus L, and Atlantic salmon. Salmo salar L Gislason G;Olsen RE;Ringo E Aquaculture Research, 27(6), 429-435 Interaction of ferric complexes with NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and cytochrome b5: Lipid peroxidation, H.~Oz generation, and ferric reduction Yang M,X;Cederbatma A! Archives of Biochem/stryand Biophysics, 331(1), 69-78 Effect of age and caloric intake on protein oxidation in different brain regions and on behavioral functions of the mouse Dubey A;Eorster MJ;Lal H;Sohal RS Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 333(1), 189-197 L-carnitine Walter JH Archives of Disease in Childhood, 74(6), 475-478




Osteocalcin, growth, and inhaled corticosteroids: A prospective study Doull l;Fn~ezer N;Holgate S Archives of Disease in Childlaxxi, 74(6), 497-501 Influence of obesity on cardiac mass and blood pressure in the elderly Vetta F;CRanni W;Ronzoni S;Rizzo V;Paileschi L;Cacciafesta M;Matigliano V Archives of Gerontology and Ger/atr/cs, 23/SUPPL 5, 149-155 Influence of diabetic treatment regimens on vitamin D metabolism in elderly patients Ragonesi PD;Taddei MT;Ragonesi G;Dantes M;Ronchi E Archi~s of Gerontology and Ger/a~s, 23/SUPPL 5, 271-274 A case report on the effect of training and low caloric diet in hypertension, obesity and hyperinsulinemia Palleschi L;Vetta F;De Gennaro E;De Vincenlls G;Scopinaro F;Ctcconetti P;Marigliano V Archives of Gerontology and Ger/arr/cs, 23/SUPPL 5, 535-538 Role of aging in malnutrition and in restitution of nutritional parameters by tube feeding Vetta F;Gianni W;Rom.oni S;Donini LM;Palleschi L; Peppe T;Lato PFA;Migliori M;Cacciafesta M;Mar~liano V Archives of Oerontolo~ and Ger/atr/cs, 23/SUPPL 5, 599-604 How safe are folic acid supplements? Campbell NRC Archivesof lnr.ernal Medicine, 156(15), 1638-1644 Sporadic corticosteroid pulses and osteoporosis in multiple sclerosis Schwid SR;Goodman AD;][Mzas JE;McDermott MP;Mattson DH Archives of Neurology, 53(8), 753-757 Suppression of atherosclerotic changes in cholesterol-fed rabbits treated with an oral inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 ( EC Kugiyama K;Sugiyama S;Matsumura T;Ohta Y;Do/H;Yasue H Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 16(8), 1080-1087 Quantitative assessment of aortic atherosclerosis in APOE'3 leiden transgenic mice and its relationship to serum cholesterol exposure Groot PHE; Van Vlijmen BJM;Benson GM;Ho/ker MH;SchiflFelers R;Vldgeon.Hart M;Havekes LM Arteriosc/erosis, Thrombosis,and Vascular Biology, 16(8), 926-933 Both lipolysis and hepatic uptake of VLDL are impaired in transgenic mice coexpressing human apolipoprotein E" 3Leiden and human apolipoprotein C1 Jong MC;Dahlmmna VEH;Van Gorp PJJ;Breuer ML;Mol MJTM;Van dee gee A;Frants RR;Hoiker MH;Havekes LM Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 16(8), 934-940 Intmcellular ionized calcium ([Ca + +]i) mobilization in platelets fcom rats receiving atherogenic lipids. Modulation by nifedipine Saladlno CF; Warmhold AD;Vicente L.,Jonas EA After, 22(2), 80-92 Murine thymocyte proliferation, maturation and emigration in response to selenium Stoffei B;Kramer K;Beuth J Arzneimittel.Forschung/Drug Research, 46(8), 829-831 Enhanced capacity of n-3 fatty acid-enriched macrophages to oxidize low density lipoprotein mechanisms and effects of antioxidant vitamins Sugukawa M;Abbey M;Clifmn P;Nestel PJ Atherosclerosis, 124(2), 157-169 PSK protects macrophages from Iipoperoxide accumulation and foam cell formation caused by oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein Yuan C; Mei Z;Shang~ L;Yi L Ath~osclerosis, 124(2), 171-181 Apolipoprotein El-Hammersmith (Lys146 --~ Asn;Arg147 --~ Trp), due to a dinucleotide substitution, is associated with early manifestation of dominant type III hyperlipoproteinaemia Holler MJV;Niththyananthan S;Naomnova RP;Kibirige MS;Frants RR;Havekes LM;Thompson GR Arbx.rosc/erosis,124(2), 183-189 A comparison of the quantitation of macrophage foam cell populations and the extent of apoolipoprotein E deposition in developing atherosclerotic lesions in young people: High and low serum thiocyanate groups as an indication of smoking Botti TP;Amin H;Hiltscher L;Wissler RW Atherosclerosis, 124(2), 191-202 Effect of dietary vitamin E supplements on cholesteryl ester transfer activity in hamster adipose tissue Shen GX;Novak C;Angel A Atherosclerosis, 124(2), 211-219 Abnormal postprandial apolipoprotein B-48 and triglyceride responses in normolipidemic women with greater than 70% stenotic coronary artery disease: A case-control study Meyer E;Wes~erveld HT;Do Ruyter.Meijstek FC;Van Greevenbroek MMJ;Rienks R;Van Rijn HJM;Erkelens DW; De Bruin T W A Atherosclerosis, 124(2), 221-235 Influence of plasma lipid and LDL-subfraction profile on the interaction between low density lipoprotein with human arterial wall proteoglycans Anber V;Griffin BA;McConnell M;Packard CJ;Shepherd J Ad~rosclerosis, 124(2), 261-271 Trans unsaturated fatty acids in plasma phospholipids and coronary heart disease: A case-conrtol study Van de Vijver LPL;Van Poppel G;Van Houwelingen A;Kruyssen DACM;Homstra G Atherosclerosis, 126(1), 155-161 Effects of vitamin E on endothelium-dependent coronary flow in hypercholesterolemic dogs Jo~ge PAR;Osaki MR;De Almeida E;Neto LC;Metze K Atherosc/eros/s, 126(1), 43-51 Changing perceptions of the effect of plant phenolics on nutrient supply in the ruminant Lowry JB;McSweeney CS;Palraer B Australian Journal of Agriculture Research, 47(6), 829-842 Vitamin E treatment of weaner sheep. 1 The effect of vitamin E supplements on plasma a-trocopherol concentrations, liveweight, and wool production in penned or grazing sheep Fry JM;McGrath MC;Harvey M;Sunderman F;Smith GM;Speljers EJ Australian Journal of Agriculture Research, 47(6), 853-867 Vitamin E treatment of weaner sheep. I1 The effect of vitamin E responsive subclinical myopathy on liveweight and wool production Fry JM;McGrath MC;Harvey M;Speljers EJ Australian Journal of Agriculture Research, 47(6), 869-876 Voltage-dependent potassium channels in white adipocytes Ramirez-Ponce MP;Mateo6 JC;Carrion N;Bellido JA Biochemical and Biophysical Research Commun/c~ons, 223(2), 250-256 Retinyl methyl ether: Binding to transport proteins and effect on transcriptional regulation Sani BP;Zhang X.K;HiU DL;Shealy YF Biochemical and Biophssicul Research Communications, 223(2), 293-298 AII-trans retinoic acid increases peptidylarginine deiminases in a newborn rat keratinocyte cell line Ishigami A;Ohsawa T;Watanabe K;Senahu T Biochemical and Biopkysicul Research Ccrmmunica~ns, 223(2), 299-303



One electron reduction of vanadate(V) to oxovanadium(IV) by low-molecular-weightbiocomponents like saccharides and ascothic acid: Effect of oxovanadium(IV) complexeson pUC18 DNA and on lipid peroxidation in isolated rat hepatocytes Sreedham A;Sum N;Patwat, dhan A;Rao CP Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communicat/om, 224(1), 115-120 Iron metabolism-related genes and mitochondrial genes are induced during involution of mouse mammary gland Lee M;Kim H'Jeon D;Hwang I; Chol B;Myung K;Kim H;Choi Y;Paik S;Baik M Biochem/caland B/ophys/calResearch Communications, 224(1), 164-168 Receptor pattern formation as a signal for the capture of lipoproteinsMa~Oliva J;Vehaw.o-Loyden G;I'laines TH Biochemical and Biophysical Research Commun/cations, 224(1), 212-218 The reaction between nitric oxide and a-tocopheuol: A reappraisal Hogg N;Singh RJ;Gosa SPA;Kalyanaraman B Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communicatums, 224(3), 696-702 Evidence for a 24R,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 receptor/binding protein in a membrane fraction isolated from a chick tibial fracture-healing callus Seo E-G; Kato A;Norman AW B/ochemicaland B/ophysicalResearchCommunicaaons, 225(1), 203-208 Pretreatment with 1715-estradiol attenuates basal- and PTH-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity in human SAOS-2 ceils Monroe JJ;Tathjian All Jr. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 225(1), 320-325 Peroxidase activity of liver microsomal vitamin D 25-hydroxylase and cytochrome P450 1A2 catalyzes 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D~ and oxidatkm of dopamine to aminochrnme Segura-Aguilar J Biochemical and Molecular Medicine, 58(1), 122-129 Analysis and biochemistryof blood folate Lucock MD;Daskalakis l;~:homh CJ;Levene Ml;Hardey R Biochemical and Molecular Medicine, 58(1), 93-112 Effect of dietary protein restriction on liver transcription factors Marten NW;Siadek FM;Straus DS Biochemical Journal, 317(2), 361-370 Measurement of the tumover of glycogen phosphorylaseby GC/MS using stable isotope derivatives of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Beynon RJ;Leyland DM;Evm~hed RP;Edwards RHT;Coburn SP Biochemical Journal, 317(2), 613-619 Induction of uncouplingprotein in brown adiposetissue. Synergybetween norepinephrine and pioglitazone, an insulin-sensitizingagent Foellmi-Adams LA;Wyse BM;Herron D;Nedetgaard J;Kletzien RF Biochemical Pharmacology, 52(5), 693-701 Structure and functional expressionof a complementary DNA for porcine parathyroid hormone/pamthyroid hormone-related peptide receptor Smith DP;Zhang X-Y;Frolik CA;Harvey A;Chandrasekhar S;Black EC;Hsiung I-LMBiochimica et Biophysica Acta--Gene Structure and Expression, 1307(3), 339-347 Pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 but not classical pancreatic lipase hydrolyzesgalactolipids Andersson L;Carriere F;Lowe ME;Nilsson A;Verger R Biochimica et Biopkysica Acta--Lipids and Lipid Metabo//sm, 1302(3), 236-240 Glucagon-like peptide-l(7-36) amide enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and decreases intracellular cAMP content in isolated rat adip~cytes Mild H;Namba M;NiJhimura T;Mineo l;Matsumura T;Miyagawa J.l;Nakajima H;Kuwajima M;Hanafusa T;Matsuzawa Y Biochimica et Bioph2~sicaActa--Molecu/ar Cell Research, 1312(2), 132-136 Effect of selenium on selenoprotein P expression in cultured liver cells Hill KE;Chittum HS;Reid Lyons P;Boeglin ME;Burk RF Biochimica et Biophysica Aeta--Molecular Cell Research, 1313(1), 29-34 Suppression of renal a-glutamylcysteine synthetase expression in dietary copper deficiency Kim S;Wilson JJ;Allen KGD;Clarke SD Bi.chimica et Biophysica Acta--Molecu/ar Cell Research, 1313(2), 89-94 AIlosteric regulation by Mgz+ of the vacuolar H +-PPase from Acer pseudoplatanus cells. Ca2+/Mg2+ interactions Fraichard A;Trossat C;Perotti E; Pugin A Biochimie, 78(4), 259-266 Accelerated expansion of extrathymic T cells in the liver and other atherosclerotic lesinns in mice fed with atherogenic diets Ohmura N;Fukuo Y; Akimoto T;Watanabe H;Abo T Biomedical Research, 17(3), 265-270 Histomorphometricanalysisof the effectsof standard heparin on trabecular bone in vivo Muir JM;Andrew M;Hirsh J;Weitz Jl;Young E;Desehamps P;Shaughnessy SG Blood, 88(4), 1314-1320 Use of calcitonin in sickle cell bone crisis I61 Quevedo SF Blood, 88(4), 1520 Effects of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone on the distribution of F-actin in the clear zone of osteoclasts in vivo Kuroda H;Nakamura M; Kamiyama K Bone, 19(2), 115-120 Vitamin Bi2 affects non-photic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity rhythms in mice Ebihara S;Mano N;Kurono N;Komuro G;Yoshimura T Brain Research, 727(l-2), 31-39 Nutritional deficiency and the skin in Shwachman syndrome [13] Rybojad M;Cambiaghi S;Vignon.Pennamen MD;Blanchet-Bardon C;Moraillon l;Morel P Brit/shJournal of Dermatology, 135(2), 340-342 Changes in bone density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pregnancy-ass~x:iatedosteoporosisKhastgir G;Studd JWW;King H;AbdaUa H'Jones J;Carter G;Alaghband-Zadeh J BritishJournal of. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 103(7), 716-718 Iron status following trauma, excluding bums Wahh DS;Pattanapanymt K;Lamchiagdhase P;Siritongtaworn P;Thavichaigam P'Jiarakul N; Chuntrasakul C;Komoltri C;Dheeradhada C;Pearce FC;Wieamann WP;Webster HK British Journal of Surgery., 83(7), 982-985 Technetium-99m sestamibiparathyroid localization is accurate enough for scan-directed unilateral neck exploration Bodey NR;Collina REC;O'Doh. erty M;Coaldey A British Journal of Surgery, 83(7), 989-991 Haem iron intake in young children [2] Walker ARP;Labadarlos D;Mira M;Karr M;Alperstein G British Medical Journal, 513(7051), 228 229 Magnesium deficiency and cerium promote fibrogenesisin rat heart Kumar BP;Shivakumar K;Kartha CC;Rathinam K Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 57(4), 517-524 Expressed cq.adrenoceptors in adult rat brown adipocytes are primarily of c~(1A) subtypeCostain WJ;Mainm R;Desautels M;Sulakhe PV Canadian Journal of Physiology and Phamuacology, 74(3), 234-240



Heart and red blood cell antioxidant status and plasma lipid levels in the spontaneouslyhypertensive and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rat Yuan YV; Kilts DD;Godin DV Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 74(3), 290-297 Effects of dietary ,8-carotene and selenium on initiation and promotion of pancreatic carcinogenesis in azaserine-treated rats Aplml MJ;Woutersen RA Carcinogenesis, 17(7), 1411-1416 Vitamin Dj-binding protein as a precursor for macrophage activating factor in the inflammation-primed macrophage activation cascade in rats Yamamoto N;Naralparaju VR Cellular Immunology, 170(2), 161-167 Retinoids as lg isotype-switchmodulators the role of retinoids in directing isotype switching to lgA and lgG1 (IgE) in association with IL-4 and IL-5 Tokuvama Y;Tokuyama H Cellular Immunology, 170(2), 230-234 Iron regulates microglial cell-mediated secretory and effector functions Saleppico S;Mazzola R;Boelaert JR;Puliti M;Barluzzi R;Bistoni F;Biasi E Cellular Immunology, 170(2), 251-259 Effects of pressure-induced stretch and convection on low-density lipoprotein and albumin uptake in the rabbit aortic wall Meyer G;Merval R; Tedgui A Circulation Research, 79(3), 532-540 Relationship between immunoinflammatoryproteins containing sialic acid and low-density lipoprotein serum concentrations 8arria A;Moreno LA; Mur M;Lazaro A;Lasierea MP;Roda L;Giner A;Larrad L;Bueno M Clinica Chimica Acta, 252(1), 21-31 Vitamin D3 analogs inhibit growth and induce differentiation in LA-N-5 human neuroblastomacells Moore TB;Koefller HP;Yamashiro JM;Wada RK Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, 14(3), 239-245 Molecular genetic aspects of hyperhomocysteinemiaand its relation to folic acid Rozen R Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 19(3), 171-178 Folic acid and prevention of neural tube defects: A study of Canadian mothers of infants with spina bifida Fomaan R;Singal N;Perehnan V;Chou S;Hofhnan L;Parkin P;Koren G Clinical and Invesagative Medicine, 19(3), 195-201 Folic acid to prevent neural tube defects: Time for food fortification Rosenblatt DS;Fraser FC;Roy DJ Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 19(3), 202-203 Lipid peroxidation and vitamin E supplementation in experimental hyperthyroidismSeven A;Seymen O;Hatemi S;Hatemi H;Yigit G;Candan G ClinicalChemisrry, 42(7), 1118-1119 Acute biochemical effects of growth hormone treatment compared with conventional treatment in familial hypophosphataemic rickets Patel L; Clayton PE;Brain C;Pelekouda E;Addison GM;Prlce DA;Mughal MZ Clinical Endocrinology, 44(6), 687-696 Accelerated bone loss in post-menopausal women with mild primary hyperparathyroidism Grey AB;Stapleton JP;Evans MC;Reid IR Clinical Endocrinology, 44(6), 697-702 Pre-clinical Cushing's syndrome: An unexpected frequent cause of poor glycaemic control in obese diabetic patients Leibowitz G;Tsur A;Chayen SD;Salameh M;Raz l;C,erasi E;Gross DJ Clinical Endocrinology, 44(6), 717-722 Calcium homeostasisin pregnancy Hosking DJ Clinical Endocrinology, 45(1), 1-6 What are the indications for 99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy in hyperparathyroidism [1] Takami H;Satake S;Nakamura K;Kubo A Clinical Endocr/nology, 45(1), 121-122 Added effect of progestogenson bone mineral density response to oesrtogen [31 Evans SF;Davie M Clinica/E~nology, 45(1), 123-124 Low dose recombinant human growth hormone normalizes bone metabolismand cortical bone density and improvestrabecular bone density in growth hormone deficient adults without causing adverse effects Amato G;lzzo G;La Montagna G;Bellastella A Clinical Endocrinology, 45(1), 27-32 Effects of iodine deficiency on insulin-like growth factor-l, insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 levels and height attainment in malnourished children Nazahnoon WMW;Osman A;Wu LL;Khalid BAK Clinical Endocrinology, 45(1), 79-83 Content of phylloquinone and menaquinone derivatives in the organs of pelagic and demersal fishes Udagawa M;Nakazo¢ J;Murai T ComparaZive Biochemistry and Physiology--C Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology, 113(3), 331-334 Glucose, insulin and renin activity after sodium loading and depletion in Vipera aspisMaslni MA;Uva BM Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology--C Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology, 113(3), 375-380 Mineral metabolism: New aspects and perspectives Drueke TB Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 5(4), 297-299 Receptors for parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone-related peptide: From molecular cloning to definition of diseasesJuppner H;Schipani E Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 5(4), 300-306 Physiological and pathological roles of parathyroid hormone-related peptide Guise TA;Mundy GR Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 5(4), 307-315 Regulation of renal phosphate handling: Recent findings Frledlander G Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertertsion, 5(4), 316-320 Effect of phosphate on the parathyroid gland: Direct and indirect? Rodriguez M;Almaden Y;Hernandez A;Torres A Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertens/on, 5(4), 321-328 Oral vitamin D or calcium carbonate in the prevention of renal bone disease? At'giles A;Mourad G;Mion C Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 5(4), 329-335 Is there still a role for a diet very low in protein, with or without supplements, in the management of patients with end-stage renal failure? Klahr S Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 5(4), 384-387 Absorption of the oral iron preparation ferrous acetyl transferrin in achlorhydric patients: A pilot study Mat4gnam M;Angelettl S;Antonelli G; Annilmle B;Delle Fave G Current Therapeutic Research--Clinical and Experimental, 57(7), 544- 551 External Mg2+ triggersoscillations and a subsequent sustained level of intracellular free Ca2+, correlated with changes in membrane conductance in the oocyte of the prawn Palaemon sermtus Goudeau M;Goudeau H Developmental Biology, 177(l), 178-189



Activation of/33 adrenergic receptors suppresses leptin expression and mediates a leptin-independent inhibition of food intake in mice Mantzoros CS;Qu D;Frederich RC;Susulic VS;Lowell BB;Maratos- Flier E;FUer JS Diabetes, 45/3 SUPPL, 909-914 Adipose tissue leptin production and plasma leptin kinetics in humans Klein S;Coppack SW;Mohaumed-Ali V;Landt M D/abetes, 45/3 SUPPL, 984-987 Relationship between insulin sensitivity and plasma leptin concentration in lean and obese men Segal KR;Landt M;Klein S Diabetes, 45/3 SUPPL, 988- 991 Changes in autonomic nervous system activity and consecutive hyperinsulinaemia: Respective roles in the development of obesity in rodents Penicaud L;Cousin B;Leloup C;Atef N;Casteilla L;Ktorza A Diabetes and Metabolism, 22( 15, 15-24 Minimally oxidised LDL as estimated by a new method increase in plasma of type 2 diabetic patients with atherosclerosis or nephropathy Picard S; Talussot C;Serusclat A;Ambrosio N;Berthezene F Diabetes and Metabolism, 22(15, 25-30 Genes and obesity: ob gene product and/83-adrenergic receptor Ferre P Diabetes and Metabolism, 22(1), 77-79 Studies on the impact of dietary fat composition on proteinuria in diabetic rats Logan JL Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 33 ( 1), 21- 29 Adipocyte lipolysis in normal weight subjects with obesity among first-degree relatives Hellstrom L;Langin D;Reynisdotfir S;Dauzats M;Arnee P Diabetolog~a, 39(8), 921-928 The effect of acute hyperglycaemia on small intestinal motility in normal subjects Russo A;Fraser R;Horowitz M Diabetobg/a, 39(8), 984-989 Comparisnn of the effects of ascorbyl a-linolenic acid and a-linolenic acid in the correction of neurovascular deficits in diabetic rats Cameron NE; Cotter M A Diabetologia, 39(9), 1047-1054 Regulatory role of eicosanoids in extracellular matrix overproduction induced by long-term exposure to high glucose in cultured vat mesangial cells Pricci F;Pugliese G;Mene P;Romeo G;Romano G;Galli G;Casini A;Rotella CM;Di Mario U;Pugllese F Diabetobg~a, 39(9), 1055-1062 Effects of insulin and lipid emulsion on renal haemodynamics and renal sodium handling in IDDM patients Pelikanova T;Smrckova l;Krizova J; Stribrna J;Lanska V Diabetologia, 39(95, 1074-1082 Effect ot vitamin E and selenium on hypothermic restraint stress and chemically-induced ulcers AI.Moutairy AR;Tariq M Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 41(65, 1165-1171 Crohn's disease and vitamin BL2metabolism Lambert D;Benhayoun S;Adjalla C;Gelot M.A;Renkes P;Felden F;Gerard P;BeneviUe F;Gaucher P;Gueant J-L;Nicolas J-P Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 41(75, 1417-1422 Enhanced absorption of macromolecules. A secondary factor in Crohn's disease Malin M;lsolauri E;Pikkarainen P;Karikoski R;Isolauri J Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 41(75, 1423-1428 Analysis of structural and biochemical events occurring in the small intestine after dietary polyamine ingestion in suckling rats Kaouaas M;Deioyer P;Wery l;Dandrifoase G Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 41(7), 1434-1444 Retmol (Vitamin A5 supplements in the elderly Ward BJ Drugs and Aging, 9(15, 48-59 Iron-regulated DNA binding by the AFT1 protein controls the iron regulon in yeast Yamaguchi.Iwai Y;Stearman R;Daneia A;Klausner RD EMBOJournal, 15(t3), 3377-3384 t|ypokalemia decreases testosterone production in male mice by altering luteinizing hormone secretion Sanchez-Capelo A;Castells MT;Cremades A;Penafiel R End~'rinology, 137(9), 3738-3743 Parathyroid hormone rapidly stimulates phosphate transport in perfused duodenal loops of chicks: Lack of modulation by vitamin D metabolites Nemere 1 En&~:rinolog'y, 137(9), 3750-3755 Pre- and postnatal low protein diet affect pancreatic islet blood flow and insulin release in adult rats lglesias-Barrelra V;Ahn M-T;Reu~ns B; Dahri S;Hoet l-l;Remacle C En&)crinology, 137(9), 3797-3801 Expression of a calcium-sensing receptor in a human medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line and its contribution to calcitonin secretion Freichel M; Zink-Lorenz A;Holloschi A;Hafiaer M;Flockerzl V;Raue F Endocr/n0/ogy, t37(9), 3842-3848 Dietary fiber modulates intestinal proglucagon messenger ribonucleic acid and postprandial secretion of glueagon-like peptide-1 and insulin in rats Reimer RA;McBuroey MI End~nology, 137(95, 3948-3956 Is maternal obesity a risk Factor for anencephaly and spina bifida? Watkins ML;Scanlon KS;Mulinare J;Khoury ~

Epidemiology, 7(5), 507-512

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