GiBum RF. Heart rate of black and white youths aged 12-17 years: Assotiations with .blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors. J Nat Med Assoc 1988 Sep; 80(9)z%360. (Analysis of data derived from 5,735 white and 999 black youth in Cycle 3 of the National Health Examination
ZCi!!~~‘tch MJ Robin al e* al. Cardio-vascular disease risk r&ction fbr tenth &k&: A multiple-factor schoolbased approach. JAMA 1988 Sep; 260(12):1728-33. (Study of 1,447 students in four California schools noting effect of 20session intervention on cardiovascular knowledae, exerdse, and smoking.) Lauer RM, Lee J, Clarke WR. Factors affecting the relauonship between chiklhood and adult cholesterol levels: The Muscatine Studv. Pediatrics I988 Sea: 82(3):309-18. (Studv of 2.446 adults ag& 20-30 years origin&y &died at ages cl8 ye&.) Selbst SM, Ruddy RM, Clark BJ, et al. Pediatric chest pain: A prospective study. Pediatrics 1988 Sep; 82(3):319-23. (Study of 4tB patients ages 2-19 years seen in emergency room for chest pain.) coHIRAcEZTZoN DuRant RH, Sanders JM, Jay S, et al. Analysis of contraceptive behavior of sexually active female adolescents in the United States. J Pediatr 1988 Nov; 113(5):930-7. (Test of hypothesis using national random sample of 1,426 females ages 15-20 years from Cycle 3 of the NationaZ Survey of Family Growth.) Eichhorst BC. Contraception. primary Care 1988 Sep; 15(3):43759. (Review of method selection, basic facts about all methods.) . Potts M. Bii. control methods in thy*United States. Fam PZann Perspect 1988 NovZDec; 20(6)2?8-1’7. (Review of current status of all methods, including sa&ty, use, health implications, future Prospects.) Scott CS, Shifman L, Orr L, et al. Hispanic and black American adolescents’ beliefs relating to sexuality and contraception. Adolescence 1%8 Fall; XXBZ(91):667-88. (Study of 43 female and 44 male inner-city Miami youth.) Strassburg DL, Mahoney JM. Correlates of the contraceptive behavior of adolescents/young adults. J Sex Res 1988 Nov; 25(4):531-6. (Study of 147 sexually active’ single college students ages 18-19 years.) Wielandt H, Wermuth L, Pedemen MR. Contraceptive use in a sample of young Danish females. Acta Obstet Gynecol Stand 1988; 67(4):319-21. (Survey of 208 sexually active subjects ages
N-20 years.)
DEZMATOLtXY Abramovits W (editor). Cosmetic Dermatology. Uin Dermatd 1988 Jul-Sep; 6(3):1-121. (CoBected reviews of cosmetic use for dry skin, cleansing, coverups, sunscmen!3, imtiperspirants, and hair care.) Becker TM, Rodsi R, Bailey P, et al. Grappling with herpes: Herpes gkuliatorum. Am J Sports Med IS88 .Nov/Dec; 16(6):665-9. (Study of 48 college wrestlers and national survey __I___, __-t __,L- _iLL.&LA.-:&r- \ Joyner M. Hair care in the b&k patient. J Pediatr Health Care I988 Nov-I&; 2(6)28l-7. (Review of hair care practices and cuRuralbeliefs.)
R, Berry R, Jackson AW. Znstitutional s~eening for tit? fragile X syndrome. Am J Dis Child 1% Nov;
l42(11):121&21. (Identification of seven affected males among 448 patients; review of other studies.) Linden MG, Bender BG, Harmon RJ, et al. 47,xXx: What is the ‘prognosis? Pediatrics 1988 Ott; 82(4):61930. (Report of 11 fe males ages 15-22 years followed since’birth, with capsule de. scription of each patient.) &ax ‘FE. Psychological problems of disab!d adolescents and young adults. Pediatr Annals 1988 Dee; 17(12):756.&l. (Overview.) Vamhagen CR, Letin S, Das JP, et al. Neurofibromatosis and psychological processes. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1988 &t; q5kQ57-65. (Study of 16 patients ages 4-18 years and nine unaffected siblings.) ENDCKXZNOLOGY
Albertsson-Wikland K, Rosberg S. Analyses oi 24-hour growth hormone ptofileJ in children: Relation to growth. J CMn Endocrinol Metab 1988 Sep; 67(3):493-580. (Study of 88 prepubertal subjects ages 3-16 years and 39 pubertal subjects ages 10-16 years.) Brlimswig JH v Lengerke HJ, Schmidt H, et al. The results ~9 short-term (6 mouths) high-dose tcstcsterone treatment on bone age and adult height in boys of excessively tall stahre; Eur J Pediatr 1988 Nov; 148(2):X)4-6. (Study of 49boys age6 13-15 years.) Buchanan CR, Stanhope R, Adlard P, et al. Gonadotrophin, growth hormone and prolactin secretion in chikhen with pr+ mary hypothyroidism. Cl& End-01 1988 Ott; 29(4):427%. (Study of eight patients ages 6-14 years.) Chatelain P, Cunnarsson R (editors). Growth and Growth Disorders. Acta Paediatr Scand’1988; Suppl343. (Proceedings of a 1987 symposium inchniing many papers on growth hormone beaiment in Tumefs syndrome; uremia, and postimdiation.)
Cot&B ‘AM, CowelI CT, Baxter RC, et al. Regulation of the gr6wth hormone-indepenilent growth factor-bindjng prutein in children. J Clin Endocrinol Met&b 1988 Nov; 67(5):882-7. (Study of 53 subjects ages 2-16 years.) Declue TJ, Malone JI, Root AW. Coronary artery disease in diabetic adolescents. Ciin PedZatr1988 Dee; 27(12):587-90. (Report of two patients ages 18 and 19 years with fatal myociirdial mfarctions.) HIndmarsh PC, Pringle PJ, Brook CGD. Cholinergic muscadnic
blockade produces short-term suppression of growth her-
mone secretion in children with tall stature. Clin End-1 1888 Sep; 29(3):298-%. (Study of 10 subjects ages 7-15 years treated with pirenzepine.) Lenko HL, S&@holm A, PerheentupaJ. Tumer syndrome: Effect of hormone therapies on height velocity and adult he@t. Acta Paedfatr Stand 1988 Sep; 77(5):699-704. (Study of 76 patients comparing those receiving estrogen atone with those receiving estrogeil .ancj androgen.) Seddon PC, Smith CS: Adolescent diabetic amyotrophy. Acta Paedis;tr scand~1988 Nov; 77(6):?37:40. (Case report: 86-yearcardiorespiratory arrest with severe keold male 6&g toahddsis followed by painful weakness and muscle was~g.) singer F, &rli& M, .Poretsky L. Recovery of beta-cell -uon postpartum in a patient with insulindependent diabete:. mel-
0 5octety for Adolescent Medicine, l?Xe __ _ . published by ElsevierSckrncePublishingCo., Inc., 655 Avenue of the ~mencas, New York,NY 10010
litus. NY State 1 wed 1988Sep; 86(9):496-S.(Case reportz17year-old female with temporary remission.) W&on SC, odkep RE, Scott JS. In-viva and in-vitro endocrine investigation of ‘pure gonadal dysgenesis. Clin Endocrinol 1938Nov: 29(5):465-94.(Case report: 18-year-oldfemale with streak gonads and normal karyotype.) GASTROENTE.ROLOGYlGENlTO~O~Y Drumm B, Rhoada JM,StringerDA, et al. Peptic ulcer disease in
chiklmn: EtUogy, dinical tindings, and clinical course. Pediatrics 1988 Sept; 82(3)Piirt2~410-4.(Retmspe+e chart review of 36 patients ages 3 m+ui @ 17 years.) Ellep ML, SchiblerK. Adolescent psychadaptation to inflanunat&y hod dis&se. J Pediatr Heatth Care 198s MarApr; 2(2):57-66.(Review of pathophyaiology, developmental impact, nur@ng diagnosis, and care plan.), Gruskin AB, Chang C-H. An adolescent with intermittent headache, trans@nt hemipar&is, and urinary abl*ormaUties.J Pediah 1986 oci; 113(4):76%76.(Case conference: 17-year-old female with rapidly progressive glomerulonq&&i end p3lyarteritisnodosa.) Hyams JS,Treem WR, Schwartz AN. Recurrent abdominal pain and a&es in ah adolescent. J Pediatr 1988 Sep; 113(3):56974. (Case retxxt: lsy%u-old male with eosinophilic gatrA2nteris.j
!&Cl&key JJ,-Lee EL, Perman JA, et al. Gynecomastia as a p&senting sign of Bbmlamellar carcinoma Of the liyer. Pediatrics 1988 Sep; 82(3)379-B2. (Case report: 13-year-old male with bmast enlargement prior to signs of puberty.) PineUro VM, Andres JM,Davis RH, et al. Abnormal gastroduodenal motility in chikjnzn and adolescents with recurrent functional abdominal pain. JPediatr1988Nov; 113(5):8205. (Study of eight patients and seven normal contmis ages 917 years.) Rees L, Greene SA, Adlard P, et al. Growth and endocrine function after renal transohntation. Arch Dis Child 1988 Nov: 63(11):132632. (%I& df 45 males and 3a females; detail4 study of 17 patients ages 11-18 years.) Steinberg J8, Tuggle DW, Post& RG. Adenocazinoma of the colon in adolescents. Am J Surg lw Dee; 156(6):460-2.(Retrospective study of nine patients, ages l&20 years; focus on clinicalpreseiltation and cotirse.) GYiVECOLOGY
Avant RF. Dysm.&&.es. z;dev&aioa
wm3?: 2x2 1998sep: 1s$3pa9-59 ma;rgement of primary and sec-
Blumenthal SJ,Na$son CC (editors).Mood Changes Associated With the Menstrual Cyde. J Clin Psychiatry 1988 Dee; 49(12):466-502.(Severalpapers on hormonal and psychosocial aspects of the premenstrual syndrome.) Campbell BF, JulianTM. Bilateralretmpetitoneal ovaries: A case report. J Reprod Med 1988Ott; 33(10):839&. (case: %-yearold postmena&al patient with large abdominopelvic maSri de to ectopic ovarian tissue.) Khoq FE. Adolescent dysmenorrhea. J PediatrHealth Care 198B Jan-Feb;2(1)~7. (Review of inddence, pathogenesis, evalualion, mpnasement, patient education.) ke JT, Burkman RT. Cervicovaginal fist& A case Med1988Ott; 33(fO):tI47-9(Case: 19-yearoki with complicationsofcervical rupture associated with midtrimester abortion.) Mahajan DK (editor). PoIycysticOvarian Disease. End& Metab Clin North Am 1988Dee; 17(4):621-813.(CoUe+d review papen, on dinical mmfestatio~~, endoai&ogi& abnod ities, ovulation induction, evaluation, and maqqement.) Shuhnan LP, Uias s. Developmental &momUlities of tti female reproductiw tract: Pathoepnesis and no&l-. Adolesc Pediatr Gynecol1988; l(4)=. (Review ofembryobgy dini~al aspectsdbmadqectrumofanatomicabnobnalities.)
Simmons PS. Common gynec&gic pmplems in adolescents. Primary Care 1938 Sei); 15(3):629-Q. (Review of general evaluation, adolescent menstrual’cydes and disorders, infectjons.) Sqdlo VL. Approaching an adolescent about a pelvic exam. Am J Nurs 1988Nov; 88(11):1502T6.(Discussion of counseling issues with three case examples.) Tridenti G, Armanetti M; F&i M, et aI. Uterus didelphys with an obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis @I t&nagers: A repoti Of three cases. A~I J Obstet Gynecol 1988Ott; 159(+):862-3.(Reportof rare anatomic abnormality in three patients ages 11, 12, and 13 years with dysmenorrhea 6nd cyclic abdominal pain following nom@ menarche.) rYordan EE, Yordan RA. Presentation and evaluation of h clmprolactiner&ain adolescence: Case reports and suggeste d”pe ical guidelines. Adolesc hdiatr Gynecol 198e; 1(4)262-6. (Reportof three female patients ages 15-16 years 4th amenorrhea and/or galactorrhea.) HE,NVl CAREc)EwvERY Appelbaum PS, Grisso T. Assessing patients’ capacities to consent to treatment. N Engl J Med 1988 Dee; 319(22):1635-B. (Review of concepts of competence, determination in dinical situations.) Chastain DO, Sanders JM, DuRant RH. Recommended changes iq pediatric education: The impact on pediatrician involve; ment in health catp delivery to adolescents. Pediatrics 1968 Sep; 82(3)PartZ-76. (Questionnaire survey of 558 randomly selected pediatricians and 385 members of the herican Academy of Pediahics Section on Ad&scent Health.) Brunswick AF, M~el CR. Health through three life stages: A longitudinal study of urbqn black adolescents. Sot Sci M@ 1936;27(11):12C&14.(Study of 426 young adults ages 26-31 years previously intexviewed at‘ags 12-17 and lB-23 years noting changes in perceived health status ‘and reported morbidity.) Grodin MA, Alpert JJ. Children as participa@s in medical research. PediatrCLinNorth Am 1988Dee; 35(6):1389-1401:(Review of historical and ethical aspects, curtent regulations, areas for future research.) Hinds PS,StokerHW. Adolescents’ preferences for a scaling forr;~t: A validity issue. J Pediatr Nurs 1988 JIec; 3(6)&X-11. [Comparison of preference and response patterns of 75 adolescents in visual analog and Likert scales; implications for qrz!!A*ynChPhaviaral row2&.) Joffe A, Radius S, &U-M: Health counseling Car adolescents: What they want, what they get, and who give% it. pediatrics 1988 Sep; 82(3)PartZ4BY-5. (Survey of 362 allege ttihmen comparing health counseling by internists, family practitioners, and pediatricians on 15 health to:: 3.) Klerman LV. School absenc+A health p v spective. PediatrClin North Am 1988Dee; 35(6):l253-69.(F:s*riavof epidemiology, risk factors,association of school absen e and other risk-taking behaviors, intervention strategies.) Litt IF.The ;&th of adolescent women k. the 1980s. West J Med 1938 Dee; 149(6):696-9.(Overview with emphasis on effects of physical and emotional stress, athletiq, gynecology, sub stance use, and the interaction of biologicaland psychosocial deveioFment.) Lovick SR:School-basedclinics:Meeting teens’ health care needs. J School’Hea!th 1988 Nov; 58(9):379-81.(Up&!e on rishodbased health services.) Mahon NE, Yax&ski A. Ethical concerns in reseaxh with adolescents. ! Pediati Nun 1988Oa; 3(5):341-4. (Discussion of ethical cofiside+ions and developmental implications in studying norma! development and in other research.) Mills RC, Dunham RG, Alpert GP. Workingwith high-risk youth in prevention and &jrly intervention programs: Toward a comprehensive wellness model. Adolescence 1986 Fall; XXIJI(91):~. (Discussion of theory of youth develop_
adolescent conco&m
uereux J. Adolescent
comphance wit& dietary guidelines: Health and education imphcati~ns. Adolescence 1988 Faik XXIR(91):§67-75.(C&stionnaire SLIIV~T of 3% students ages 14-18 years.) , Lehman TG, BoileauRA, et al. Skinfoldequations slaughter for estimation of body fatness in chihlren and youth. Hum gii 1988act; 60(5):769-23.(Study of 66 prepubescent, 59 pubescent, and 1~7p0stpubescentsubjects ages 8-29 years using three diffemnt approaches to predict b0dy fatness.) st0ry M, Har* Lj. Food preferences, beliefs, and practices of Southeast Asian mfugee adolescenk. J school Health 1988 &p; 5f$oQ73+. (Survey of 207 high school s&tents residing in the United States for less than five years.) EatingDisan&B E, Benson N. Eating attitudes as related and personality characteiistics:A high school Dee; 33(9):834-7.(Survey of 577 Corn& GD. Rating disorders in adolescents. Pediatr Rev 1988 Au& 10(2):37-47. (Review of clinical manifestations, pr0gnoais, management, with detailed case illustrations.) ring CG, Niziolek C. Eating disorders: Pmmoting continuity of care. J Psychiatr Nurs MHS 1988 Nov; 26(11):6-15.(Dessriptionof inpatient and outpatient treatment, emphsstdng role of nurse.) Drewnowski A, Hopkins SA, Kessler RC. The prevalence of buhmia nerv0sa in the United States college student population. Am JPublicHealth 1988Ott; 78(10):1322-5.(Telephonesurvey of I,SO7students from 53 educational institutions.) Moore DC. R0dy image and eating behavior in adolescent girls. Am J Dis Child 1988Ott; 142(10):1114-8.(Anonymous questiorpnaiiesurveyof854femalesages12-23yearsseenina military ad0kscent outpatient clinic.) Mus& MR.Effective nursing strategies for adolescenk with anorexianervosa and bulimia nenxrsa. Pediatr Nurs 1988NovDee; 14(6):475-82.(Overview of physiological and behavioral manifestations, education for pauenk and families.) VW N, MF, et al. Changes in body c0mof patients witb anorexia nervosa. pitiOil J Pediatr 925-9. (Study of 13 female patients ages 12-16 years.) Vatsman N, R0asiMF,GoldbergE, et al. Energy expendihw? and body comp0sition in patients with anorexia n sa. J Pediatr 1988NOV;113(5):919-24.(Studyof 25 patients 12-17years during inpatient therapy.) yager J. The treatment of eating disorders. J Cfin Psychiatry 1988 Sap; 49(9)Suppl:l8-25. (Review of the0ries of etiology and path0genesis, treatment methuds.) ORTtiOpEDlCSRXAU&!? Asher MA. Sc0R0sisevahration.Orthop Clin North Am 1988Cc:;. 19(4):895-14.(Reriew Ofoffice appr0ach to assessment.) Ausenhus MK. Osk0p0r0sis prevention during the adolescent and young adult years. Nuts Pratt 1988Sep; 13(9):42-8.(Discwsmn of risk factors, prevention measures, educational approaches.) s. JAMA1938Nov; chines which
PREGNANCWPAKENTHCQD FOX RA, et al. T-n pregnancy servioe: gh two years of age. J PediatrNurs 1988 act; 3(5):329-39. @ehu+chve data regarding % mothem’ deliveries and 88 infants’ outromes, inclu&ng appoinhent
Vol. IO,No. 4
compliance, fee&g,
Balassone ML. MuLtipIepregnancies among adolescents: Incadence and correlates. Health Sot Work 1988 Fall; 13(4k26676. (Literature review of statistics regarding repeated’pregnandes during adolescence; discussion of imphcations for servicg.) ~a& RP,Claycomb M, Loomis A. Services to adolescent fathers. Health Sot Work 1988Fall; 13(4):277-87.(Description of Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Project in San Francisco and experience attempting to serve males.) Campbell NR, Franc0 K, Jurs S. Abortion in adolescence. Adolescence 1988 Winter; XXIR(92):813-23.(Comparison of 35 women who had abortions as teenagers with 36 women who had abortions after age 2Q.) Davis RA. Adolescent pregnancy and infant mortality: Isolating the effects of race. Adolescence 1988 Winter; II(92):899908. (Analysis of North Carolina data indicating potierty, not race, as the major factor.) F&Jar§A, Lum g, Sprik MG, et al. A small group can go a Long way. IWItChild Nurs 1938NovlDec; 13(6):4M-8.(Description of self-caregroups for pregnant adolescents.) Hendricks LE. Outreach with teenage fathers: A report on ethnic groups. Adolescence XXRI(91):711-20. (Datafrom cross-sectionalstudy 14 black, and 31 Hispanic unwed teenage fathers.) Lee K, Corpus M. Teenage pregnancy: Trend and impact on rates of low birth weight and fetal, maternal, and neonatal mortality in the United States. Chn Perinatol 1988 Dee; 15(4):929-Z ons and issues for pregnant adolescents. Mat Child Nurs 1988 NovlDec; 13(6):427.(Overview of legal aspeck of adolescent pregnancy and parenthoodi.) Trussell J. Teenage pregnancy in the United States. Fam Phm Peqect 1988 Nov/Dec; 20(6):262-72. (Excellent review of scope of problem, trends in United States and other countries, determinank, infhrence of sex education, consequences of early childbearing, possible sohnions.) Tuttle JL Adolescent pregnancy: Factoring in the father of the baby. J Pediatr Health Care lY83 Sep-Ott; 2(5):240-A. (Literature review onadolescent and adult fathers involved in teenage pregnancies.) Young M. Parenting during mid-adolescence: A review of developmentaL theories and parenting behaviors. Mat Child Nurs J 1988Spring; 17(1):1-12.(Review of the developmental literatureon pregnancy in tho& ages ls-17 years.) PSYamlTRY
Angold A. Childh0od and adolescert depression. IL Researchin &nice1 popukttons. Rr J Zsychiatry 1988 Ott; 153(4):476-92. (Criticalreview of clinical Literature,discussing methodological and theoretical problems r&ted to definition, diaunosis, ” pqnosis.) Remporad JR. Psychodynamic treatmsnt of depressed adolescenk. J Clin Psychiatry 1988 Sep; l af0)§uppl:26-31. (Review focused on types of depression.) _Egan J. Treatment of borderline conditions in adolescents. J Clin Psychiatry 1988 Sep; 49(9)Suppl:32-5. (Review of Pathogenesis, psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy.) Hament MF, Whikker A. Rapoport JL, et al. Obsessive compuisive disorder in adolescence: An epidemiological study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1988 Nov; 27(6):764-n. (Interview survey of 3% non&eked studenk in grades 9 to 12.) Gold PW, Goodwin FK, Chnxrsos GP. Clinical and biochemical manifestations of depression. Relation to the neaobiology of stress. part 2. N Engl J Med 1988Aug; 319(7):413-20.(Review of neurohormonal and circadiin rhythm hypotheses.) HillardJR,Slomowitz M, Deddens J.~te~~nts for e psychiatric admission for adolescents and adulk. Am J psychiatry 1988Nov; 145(P1):141&9.(Comparixm of 199patienk
of pro
27~6~:7~.~~~. (Assessment
patients.) e angry adolescent. J Bsychiatr Nws Pond 26(12):15-7. (Overview of use of ~e~o~ep~~
suicides after tek& sideration. Am 1 R
Lester D. Yottth suicide: A ctxm+cd cence 1988Winter;XXlH(92):955-&(Analysis of World Health 1980.) tion data for 1970 Range LM, Goggin WC, Steeds KK. Pe contagion of adolescent suicide. Suit L 1. (Study of 142 c&ege students respondWinter; I$@):3 ing to vignette of distressed high school student.) Rotheram-5orus MJ, Trautman PD. Hopelessness, depression, and suicidal intent among adolesznt kicide at!emptks. JAm Acad Child Adoksc Psvchiatrv 19i.3Now 27t6k of 44 minority female ~dolssc&t ~oi&de’attk&ptersag& 12: 18 ye= compared with 35 psychiahicauy disturbed nonattempters.) Shaffer D. The epidemiology of teen suicide: An examination of
escents. Fam Proc 19 &p/G .;; 14(5;:375-$. ( ess and
pian stemme dehy ube_ti developrrient in Chiuese gii4.s.Ann ov-ikc; 15(6):421-9.(Study of 170 kx&F my , et al. Serum inmmconughout normal male and female centrations rise 1 Clin Endocrinol Metab 1 -&ales and 102 females ages 6-17 years CU&&I~ ~UUU iw hibin levels with circulating gona steroids.) The ettect ot testos.. .
Sh dy of 253 Spkito A, Overholser J. Ashworth A, et al. Evakationaof a suicide awarerwss cxxzkulw for high school students. J Am Acad
Rio1 1989 m; 6&(5):759-70.(Cl’OSPHOd Study of 2,217 maJes and 2,172 females ages l-16 years and 8,297 femalas ages 18-74 years.) Padmanabhan V, Kekh RP, Sonstein J, et al. Bioactive foIli& stimulatinu hormone responses to intravenous gonadotroping&&q 6&monein bt+ With idiop~thk hypogonadism. J Ckn Rnd&&%ietab 1 800. (Report of four boys ages 13-16 with ~i&man RA, Kirsch LR. Testostemne tmatment in adolescent boys with c~nstituticmal delay in growth and development. N Rngl J Mad 1988 Dee; 319(24):1563-7. (Study of 15 patients ages 13-15 years followed during and after treatment.) Sharma K, Talwar I, Sharma N. Age ;atmanarche in relation to adult body t&e and physique. Ann Hum Bhl1988 NW-lkc; 15(6):4X-4. (Study of 147 Indian young adults cvxaparing those with early and * with lata menarche.) Shu S, Redmond GP. Growth and pubertal development in children with congenital and acquired hypothalamic-pituitary abnormalities. Adolesc PediatrGynecoll9SS; 1(4):244-7. (Report of XI patience with optic nerve dysplasia and 14 patients with intracnmiaJ/orbital tumors, ages 11-22 years.) Stanhope R, Brook CGD. The e&xt of gmadotropin releasing hormone analogue on h deficiency and normal 148(3):290-2. (Rapcut of ________.---- --.._ ages 12-13 years.)’ Stanhope R, Praece MA. Managemcmt of constitutional delay of Sep; 63(9):110&10. growth and puberty. Arch Dis Child d treatment of pu(Review of normal puberty, diagnoS bertal delay, psychological squellae.) Wennink JMR, DaIemarra-van deWaal HA, van Ressel H, et d. d at the onset inumanoradiov; 67(5):924amm4Toiw DlSEASE Alexander JS, Younger RR, Cohen RM, et al. Effectiveness of a nursemanaged pmgram for children with chronic asthma. J Pediatr Nurs 1938 O& 3(5):312-7. (Study of 21 children ages 15 months to 13 years.) Blue CL. Rxercise-mduced asthma: The “silent asthma.” J Pediah Health Care 1933 Jul-Aug; 2(4):167-74. (Review of cbara&rment.) U, Rergrnann H, et al. Right venpulmonary haemodynamica in adts with cystic fibrusis. Eur J Pediatr . (Study of 16 patients ages 13-30 , Barbem GJ, Wiiey DE, et al. Fsychologimf concomitants of cyst% fibrusis in children and adolescents. Adokscance 1988 Winter; xxfR(92k1873-90. (Ca%xontroRed survevI of 30 patiants ak 7-17‘ye&s and th& parents.) Strunk RC, Ruti D, Kelly L, et al. Determ&tiun of fitness in childmnwithasthma. Useof standivdizedtestsforfunctional endurance, body fat composftfon, Bexibilfty, and abdominal snength. Am J Dis Child 1938 Sap; 142(9):9&I-4.(Study of 76 patients ages 9-17 yeam.) Traver GA, Martinez hi. Asthma update. Part 1. Mechanisms, pathophysioJ~, and diagnosis. Part 2. Treatment. J Pediatr 2(5):221-6,227-33. (Review, emSEXl,MlJTY RJ. The gay and lesbian teem A caea of denied adolescence. J Pediatr Health Care 1948 Jan-Feb; 2(l)%& (Review of incident, developmental aspacts, adaptations, approaches with homosexual ad&ace& and their parents.) Cate RM. Premarftaf sexual involvement: A
July 1989
bulatory patient. Primary Care 1988 Sep; 15(3):489-515. (Review of gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, chlamydia.) O’Brien SF, Bell TA, Farrow JA. Use of a leukocyte e&erase dipstick to detect Udmnydia trucJmmutis and Neisscrrirgorwrrhoeae urethritis in asymptomatic adolescent male detainees. Am J public Health 1988 Dee; 78(12):1583-4. (Study of 91 sexually active juvenile detainees ages 14-18 years.) Rahm V-A, Gnarpe H, Odlind V. Chhmydia tnxkmmtis amtmg sexually active teenage girls. Lack of correlation between chlamydiai infection, histcny of the patient and clinical signs of infection. Br J Obstet Gynaecol1988 Sep; 95(9):916-9. (Stucly of 1,012 patients ages 13-19 years seen in a Swedish adolescent clinic.) SPORTS MEDICINE Baker E, Demers L. Menstrual status in female athletes: Corelation with reproductive hormones and bone density. Obstet Gynecol1988 Nov; 72(5):683-7. (Comparison of 10 eumen JTrheic athletes, six oiigomenorrheic athletes, and 12 sedent uy controls ages 19 years.) Barrett GR, Shelton WR, Miles JW. First rib fractures in foc’.bail players. A case report and literature review. Am J Sports tied 1988 NovlDec; 16(6):674-6. (Brief report of two patients age 18 and 17 years with fracture of the first rib.) Buckley WE, Yesaiis CE, Fried1 KE, et al. Estimated prerak nce of anabolic steroid use among male high school senior j. JA MA 1988 Dee; 260(23)&41-5. (National survey of 3,40? stud~rnts in 46 public and private high schools.) Dennisop BA, Straus w, &Bits ED, et al. Chiidhocd physical fitness tests: Predictor of adult physical activity levels? &diatrics 1988 Sep; 82(3):324-30. (Study of 453 r.cen ages 23-25 years comparing current activity levels to their scores on phpwical fitness testing at ages 10-11 years and at ;.ges 15-18 years.) Lloyd T, Myers C, Buchanan JR, et al. Collegiate women acnletes with irmguku menses during adolescence hare decreased bone density. Obstet Gynecoll988 Ott; 72(4):639-42. (Comparison of six eumenorrheic and 13 oiigomenorrhtic athletes.) Paisley JE, Meilion MB. Exercise duing pregnancy. Am Earn Phy sician 1988 Nov; 38(5):143-58. ;Review of American Coiiege of 0t+.@riii~n= and Gynecologrsts’ recommendatior s.) Pema J, Conway KE, Cotton EK. Bffects of exercise rt ii),? ahitude : on young males. J Fam Pratt 1988 Sep; 77!3) :279-&I. (Study of 28 male and 8 female participants in Out-war 1 Bound course ages 16-23 years.) Plowman A, Liu NY, Lohman TG, et al. Measured and predicted total body water in premenarcheal athletes and non-.tthletes. Hum Bioll988 Ott; 60(5):725-37. (Comparison of 75 athletes and 59 nonathietes ages 7-15 years.) Puffer JC, Zachazewski JE.‘Management of overuse injures. Am Fam Physician 1988 Sep; 38(3):225-32. (Review of )snerai principles.) Scott KA, Myers AM. Impact of fitness training on Native adolescents’ self+valuations and substmce use. Can J Pub?? Health 1988 Nov/Dec; 79(6)&-9. (Study of 76 Nahve American students ages 12-18 years.) Stanit& CL. Management of sports injm 2es in chidmn and adolescents. Orthop Ciin North Am 1988 Ott; 19(4):689-98. (Overview of many common sports-reiated problems.) Wetterhail SF, Waxweiier RJ. Injury surveiilance at the 1985 National Boy Scout Jamboree. Am J Sports Med 1988 SeplCct; 16(5):534-8. (Experience with 179 injuries in 24,885 scouts ages 12-18 yeam-diagnosis based on scout fiims?) SUBSTANCE ABUSE Adams T, West 8. The private sector: Taking a roie in the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse for young peopie. J i)rug Educ 1988; 18(3):185-99. (Overview of numerous projects sup. ported by private industry and work&e prevention strategies.) Councii on Scientific Affairs, AMA. Evahtation of the he&h haz-
ard of dove cigarettes. JAMA 1988 Dee; 260(24):36414. (Coun. d report on eugenol, the principal cwnponent of clove oil, and the effects on health of eugenol and dove cigarette smoke.) Faick R, Craig R. Ciassroomsriented, primary prevention pro. gmmming for drug abuse. J Psychoact Drugs 1988 act-Dee; 28(4):4Q3-8. (Overview of recent developments m theory and practice of school-based prevention programs.) 701~a, Forbing SE, Anderson PS. A comprehensive approach to drug-free schools and communiiies. J School Health 1988 Nov; 51y9)365-9. ‘(Description of needs assessment, program FllannirJg, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination.) Joshi Np, Scott M. Dmg use, depression, and adolescents. Pediatr clin North Am 1988 Dee; 35(6):1349&i. (Review of incidence, correlations, theories, empirical evidence, public heahh im. plications, clinkal assessment, and management.) Macdonald DI. Substance abuse. Pediatr Rev 1988 Sep; 10(3):8995. (Review of prevalence, stages of drug use, diagnosis, principles of treatment.) Marston AR, Jacobs DF, Singer, RD et al. Adolescents who ap parendy are invulnerable to drug, alcohol, and nicotine use. Adolescence 1988 Faii; XXIB(91):593-8. (Comparison of 77 students in grades 9 to 12 denying any drug use with 767 students admitting to suba~n~e use in anonymous survey.) O’Maiiv PM, Bachman JG, Johnston LD Period; age, and cohc I? effects on substance use among young Americans: A decade of change, l976-%. Am J Public Health 1988 Ott; 78(10):131521. (i>ata from the Monitoring the Future project involving young adults ages 18--Z! yeers each surveyed as high school seniors.) Paimer JH, Ringwait CL. Prevalence of alcohol and drug use among North Carolina public school students. J School Health 1988 Sep; !%(7):28&91. (Survey in 1987 of 10,257 students in grades 7 to 12.) Paso& PJ,Sylvester J. Trend analyses of four large-scale surveys of high school drug use 1977-1986. J Drug Educ 1988; 18(3):221-33. (Analysis of data collected at three-year intervals from four cohort samples of 11th grade students in Ohio.) Saxon AJ, Ca!syn DA, Haver VM, et al. Ciimcal evaluation and use of urine screening for drug abuse. West J Med 1988 Sep; 149(3):29&393. (Review of specimen collection, laboratory methods, ciinicdl’applications.) Alcohol Aitken PP, Eadie DR, Leather DS, et ai. Television advertisements for alcoholic drinks do reinforce under-age drinking. Br J Addictions 1988 Dee; 83(12):13X&1419. (Survey of 433 Glasgow youth ages 18-17 years.) De Foe JR, Breed W. Youth and alcohol in television stories, with suggestions to the industry for albative portrayals. Adolescence 1988 Fall; XXBI(91):533-50. (Analysis based on Sampies of eight primetime TV seasons.) Engs RC : Hanson DJ. University students’ drinking patterns and problems: Examining the eff&ts of raising the purchase age. k,+tic Health Rep 1988 Nov-Dee; X)3(6):667-73. (Literature rem’ew a,.,~ comparative data from 56 colleges and universities.) Holden MC, Browr SA. Mott MA. Sociai support network of adolescents. ?iri.ion to family alcohol abuse. Am J Drug Aic Abuse 1988 Dee; 14(4):487-98. (Study of 79 alcohol abusing and 108 nonabusing vouth ages,l2-19 years, COmparing within ea& pu those &h positive and negative histories for famiiy &oho Pabuse.) Johnsou EM, Amatetti S, Funkhouser JB, et ai. Theories and modeis supporting prevention approaches to alcohol prob. iems among youth. Public Health ReP 1988 Nov-Dee; 103(6):57&86. (Review sumn&zhcg many pxventkm modeLpsych&, cwr~~tlr&aii~i;s, public pokey.) wiikt~J, callan VJ. ho&&ions about appropriate drinking contexts: Comparisons of parents, adolescents, and best friends.
Br J Addictions 1988 Sep; 83(9):1855-62. (Survey of 186 adomts, their parents, and a best friend.) W&de M. Children of alcoholics: Helping a vulnerable group. Pubk Health Rhp 1988’Nov-Dee; 183(6):643-8. (Literature IPview with recommendations for support.) ToQar, Ary DV, BigIan A. Longitudinal changes in adolescerct cigarette smoking behavior: Onset and cessation. J Behav Med 19B Aug; ll(4)%1_82. (On&year follow-up of 88l students in six middle and three high schools in Oregon.) Eauman KE, Brown JD, Bryan ES, et al. Three mass media rampaigns to prevent adolescent cigarette smoking. Rev Med 1988 Sep; 17(5):5l(Mo. (Discussion of the theory, content, and appjkation of television and radio advertising to make zigarette smoking less appeahng to youth.) B&wit2 NL. Phamwcdogic aspecis of cit+sette SElG!cilgand ni&tine’addiction. N Engl J Med 1988 Nov; 319(28):13l8-38. (Review of pharmacology of nicotine, medical and biological effects; metabolism, toxicology, relationship to disease, addiction.) Biglan A, James LE, LaChance P. Videotaped materials in a &ool-based smoking prevention program. Prev Med 1988 Sep; 17(5):559-84. (Description of pro am and of many videotapes specific for several grade leveffs.) Cohen SJ, Katz BP, Drook CA, et a). Overreporting of smokeless tobacco use by adolescent males. J Behav A@d 1988 Aug; 11(4):383-93. (Study of 168 rural students in grades 7 and 8 notingeffect of salivary cotinine determination prior to or after Self-repott.) Elder JP,Mo&ard CA, Gresham L. Predictors of chewing tobacco and cigarette use in a multiethnic public school population. Adolescence 1988 Fall; XXB1(91):689-782. (Study of 43.3 6th and 7th grade’ students.) Fielding fE, Phenow KJ. Health effects of involuntary smoking. N EngJ J Med 1988 Dee; 319(22):2452-68. (Review d effects on adults and children.) Hay BR, Brannon BR, Johnson CA. The Television School and Family Smoking Prevention and Cessation Project, 1. Theoretical b&k and progntm development. Prev MeU 1988 Sep; 17(5):585-687. (DescriFtion.)
HEALTH CARE Vol. 10, No. 4
Gerber RW, Newman IM, Martin CL. Applying the theory of reasoned action to early adolescent tobacco chewing. ] &hoot Health 1988 Dee; 58(10):4103. (Study of 1,138 students in grades 8 and 9.) Hall RL, Dexter D. Smokeless tobacco use and attitudes toward smokeless tobacco among Native Americans and other adoIescente in the Northwest. Am J Pubtic Health 1988 Dee; 7$!):1586-8. (Survey of 1,188 students in grades 6,9, and Murphy NT, P&e CJ. The influence of self-esteem, parental smoking, and living in a tobacco production region on adolescent smoking’ behaviors. J School Heal* 1988 Dee; 58(10):481-5. (Study of 1,513 eighth giadc students iri urban tobacco producing county.) Noland MP, Krysdo RJ, Riggs RS, et al. Saliva cotinine and thiocyanatez Clinical indications of smokeless tobacco and dgarette use in adolescents. J Behav Med. 1988 Ott; 11(5):423&I. (Study of 471 students in grades 7 through 11 in high tobacq~ production area.) Olds RS. Promoting child health in a smoke-free schook Suggestions for school health personnel. J School Health 1988 Sep; Se(7Q69-n. (Brief review of haqrds of environmental smoke, benefits of smoke-free schools, st.rate&s.) Olds KS. Patterns and prevalence of smokeless tobacco use by high school seniors in New York. J school Health 1988 Nov; 58(9)374-8. (Survey of 1838 students in % randomly selected pubfic and private schools.) Worden JK, Flynn BS, GeUet BM. Development of a smddng prevention mass media program using diagnostic and formative research. Prev Med 1988 Sep; 17(5):531-58. (Detailed description of television and radio &ti&r&ng cam&& Yourut RL, Elder JP. Green M. et al. Tobacco use zxevention and h&h -facilitator effectiveness. J School He&h 1988 .Nov; 58(9):370-3. (Description of use of coBege undergraduate students to intervene with middle school students.) This bibliography was prepared with tlu assistance of Barbara Adams, Martin‘ Fisher, John Foley, Walter Imai, John Kulig, Thomas Martinko, Reubeu Rohn, and Elisabeth Stafford, to whom the editors continu+ to express sincere ~+~titucie.