Gen Pharmac Vol 23, No 6, pp 1227-1232, 1992
Pergamon Press Ltd Prmted m Great Britain
Ulcer Disease; lnvestigaaon and Basis for Therapy--Edited by E A Swabb and S Szabo 527 pp 1991 Marcel Dekker, New York $150 (U S A & Canada), $172 50 (elsewhere)
and ~on channels in Xenopus oocytes, structure and funcUon of the GABA-A receptors, m sttu hybnd~zation wath synthetic DNA probes
The hnmg of the gastro-intestmal (GI) tract Is very dynamic wath its ceils hawng a h~gh turnover For th~s reason tt Is very suscepUble to breakdown so causing ulcers These have a multffactorlal etiology and this and Its treatment are discussed in the present volume The chapters deal wath pathophysiology of peptic ulcers, epldemlology of peptic ulcer d~sease, GI biological rhythms and their implication for peptic ulcer &sease, ulcer disease, hemorrhage, antacid therapies, H2 receptor antagonism, omeprazole an antacid pump inlubltor, prostaglandms as GI secretion regulators, sucralfate, colloidal b~smuth citrate, sulfhydryl and nonsulfhydryl anttox~dants, endoscopic therapy, surgacal treatment, statistical methods m trials of ant~-ulcer drugs, recta-analysis of ulcer disease, role of independent chmcal research organizaUons in developing new drugs, pharmaceutacal industry perspectwe, practices m Japan, cost effectiveness of treatment of peptic ulcer d~sease It ~s estimated that about 10% of the populaUon wdl develop peptic ulcer d~sease dunng their hfetlme at a cost of bdhons of dollars, not to mention the pmn and misery Apphcat~on of reformation from this book should help cure the disease
Cellular Neurobiology, a Practical Approack--E&ted by J Chad and H Wheal 287 pp 1991 IRL Press/Oxford University Press, Oxford $73
Electrophysiology and Pharmacology of the Heart, a Clinical Guide---Edited by K H Dangman and D S Mmra 756 pp 1991 Marcel Dekker, New York $175 (U S A & Canada), $201 25 (elsewhere) The topics cover both scientific and chnlcal aspects of cardiology They are techniques for studying cardmc electrophystology (extracellular recording, standard and Ion selectwe nucroelectrodes, multlcellular cardiac voltage clamp, single channel recording), anatomy, electrophyslology and pathophyslology (sinus node and pnmary cardiac pacemaker, atnal myocardium, AV node, Purklnje fiber, ventncular muscle) models and mechamsms of cardmc arrhythnuas (recntrant excitation of the atnum, c~rcus movement reentry, d~g~tahs toxicity, myocardml post-mfarctaon, proarrhythmic effects of antiarrhythnuc drugs, ammal models of natural arrhythmms), cardtotomc and antlarrhythmlc drugs (alpha adrenerglc receptor effector couphng, positive lonotoptc drugs, local anaesthetic action, qmmdlne, procamamlde, dmopyramlde, hdocalne, mexdefine and tocamlde, propafenone, ctbenzohne, amlodarone, monclzane, class II drugs, class III drugs, class IV drugs, antlfibnllatory drugs) A useful survey and summary of present-day knowledge Molecular Neurobiology; a Practical Approach---Edited by J Chad and H Wheal 236 pp 1991 IRL Press/Oxford Umvermty Press, Oxford $56 This volume gwes practical details for the study of iomc channel recordings, d~stingmslung between mulUple calcmm channel types, physiological approaches to the study of glutamate receptors, Identifying and characterizing stretchactivated tonic channels, ident~ficatlon of G-protein me&areal processes, modification to phosphoinositlde signalling, exogenous lanases and phosphatases as probes of intracellular modulaUons, expression of neurotransmltters receptors
This volume gives practical details for the study of culture of adult mammalian peripheral neurons, dissocmted neurons from adult rat tuppocampus, productaon of organotypic shce cultures of neural tassue using the roller tube techmque, chemical synapses in cell culture, NG 108-15 neuroblastoma x ghoma hybnd cell hne as a model neuronal system, Isolation of potassium currents, perfuslon of nerve cells and separation of sodium and potassium currents, whole cell voltage clamp techniques apphed to the study of synaptic function in tuppocampal slices, photolabile calcium buffers to selectavely actwate calcium dependent processes, caged molecules acuvated by hght, opUcal techniques and calcmm lmagang, three-dimensional reconstruction and analysis of the cable properties of neurons, modehng the non-linear conductances of excitable membranes This and the volume on Molecular Neurobwlogy provide an excellent account of the practical techmques used and some of the results obtained m modern neuroblology These two volumes wall be essentml purchases m all neuroscience laboratones Biochemical Messengers; Hormones, Neurotransnutters and Growth Factors---D G Har&e 311 pp 1991 Chapman& Hall London U S A $75, paperback $35 Canada $93 95 and $43 95 Three mechamsms of intercellularsignallingare descnbed cytoplasnuc bridges, secreted extracellularmessengers and anchored cxtracellularmessengers Thls book deals wath first messengers (hormones, neurotransmltters and local mediators), structure and biosynthesis of firstmessengers, ionic homeostasis and nerve conduction, cellbiology of first messengers, synthesis and secretion,cell surface receptors, analysls and Identification,slgnaltransducUon, second messengers, protein phosphorylatlon and other mtracellular events, regulation of cell prohferataon and cancer, signal transductton by nuclear messengers The book prowdes a useful synthem, hnkmg together firstand second messengers and the wade range of biologlcalsystems where they are revolved Molecular Mechanisms in Cellular Growth and Dllferenttation---Edlted by A R Bellve and H J Vogel 365 pp 1991 Academic Press, San Diego $95 This book contains 25 reviews dual binding site hypothem of type I insulm-hke growth factor receptor, Insulin acUon on membrane protein recycling, growth factor and oncogene mediated $6 phosphorylation dunng the rmtogemc response, phosphorylatlon of pp60, G protems as polymeric protems--chsaggregatlon theory of hormone action, pleiotroplc functaon of the lnsulm receptor, cooperaUve regnlatlon of gene expression in hver cells, receptor hgand mteractious m cancer invasion and metastasm, control of cell prohferalaon by transforming growth factors, the EGF receptor protooncogene, v-erbA oncogene in transform-