of Histology.
College of 1)cntistry and the Ph.D., Departments of Histology. Rd. 2, St. Ilollis, (A~r:~du:~t(: S.~cl~oolof Arts and Science, New York I:niversiiy. The C. V. Rlosby Company! 1948. Price $3.50.
Outline first
of IIlistology, in
second edition, is :I very \vorth-while TTilS aplxnTlltl)written in XSJ)OllSe
book which t0
requests from teachers. The object of the book is to present a fundamental thesis on histology. The illustrations are well done and, although general histology is presented, the section on dental histology and embryology attract4 the attention of Ihc rcviowrr‘; in this section the following arc tlescrihetl : The development of the fact. The development of the tongue and palate. The early developincnt of the teeth. The development of dentin. The dcveloymcnt of enamel. Nature dentin. ~rature
The pulp. The tleveloplrlent, and structure of the I)cr*itlt~ntal Inetllbrane. Tllc alveolus. The gingivac. 111 rtlption ilnd shedding. The volume has been carefully planned, and ~11 deserves to be a standard text in the tcac*hing of histology. Thomas J. Cook. AI. LEICESTER,Ph.D., Professor of Biochemistry of the Teeth. By HEXRP Bioc~liemistry at the Scliool of Dentistry, College of Physicians and Surgeons of San I~‘rancisco. St. Louis, 1948, The C. T’. Mosby Company. 306 pages. Price $5.00. In this test Dr. Leicester integrates the basic science literature pertaining to teeth. The literature dealing with the chemistry and physiology of teeth has in Icchent years increased in volume part,ly because of the addition of basic scientists to dental school faculties and partly because of the attraction of dental graduates to fields of dental research. The journals in which progress reports of laboratory investigations and nonclinical st,udies appear are not, as a rllle, a part of the average dentist’s regular reading. I’ractically all the pertinent dental scientific literature covering the chemical composition and physical properties of teeth is summarized and abstracted with excellent references at the end of each chapter. The effect of vitamins on the developing t&h is well documented and clearlv explained, and the fundamental and secondary manifestations of individual vitamin deficiencies on the dental structures have been determined. An interesting chapter discussesthe reactions of teeth after formation and eruption, when theJ- are the least sensitive to metabolic changes of any body structures. The methods of experimental science have opened the way for a more logical attack on the caries problem, and the recent findings in regard to caries rrscarch arc briefly covered. The title of this book may sound austere, but its contents are written simply and clearI:- so that dental ,cllnicians not fundamentally trained in basic science may read It easily and with benefit. Here is an opportunity to understand the biochemical reactIons involved in tooth development and destruction and to keep pace with the scientific progress in dentistry. I). J. H.