Colloids and Surfaces, 10 (1984) 375 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands
Announcements CATALYSIS
A one-day symposium of the Eastern Electron Spectroscopy Society devoted to the subject of catalysis as studied by Electron Spectroscopy will be held on 26 October 1984. Registration deadline is 12 October 1984. For further details contact: Dr. William Catus, Texaco, Inc., P.O. Box 509, Beacon, NY 12508, U.S.A., Tel. (914) 831-3400, Ext. 583. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGMUIR-BLODGETT Schenectady, NY, U.S.A., l-4 July 1985
Papers concerned with the physics and chemistry of monolayers on water and built-up molecular films, their ch~acterization or technological application, will be welcome. (For the Proceedings of the First Conference, see Thin Solid Films, Volume 99 (1983).) Deadlines: Submission of abstracts - February 1, 1985; Final program available - March 30, 1985; Conference registration - May 10, 1985; Full papers required - June 7, 1985 (for publication in a special issue of Thin Solid Films). For further information contact: Dr G.L. Gaines, Jr, General Electric R & D Center, P.O. Box 8, Schenectady, NY 12301, U.S.A. BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY II - MEMBRANE PHENOMENA International School of Biophysics, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 5-15 November 1984 Fifteen internationalfy known lecturers will cover topics as structure and stability of membranes, active and passive transport, energy transduction, electrical properties and excitation. There will also be discussions on the effects of electric fields on cell fusion, modulation of cell growth, etc. For further information contact: Prof. G. Milazzo, Piazza G. Verdi, 9, 00198 Roma, Italy. Prof. M. Blank, Department of Physiology, Columbia University, 630 W. 16% St., New York, NY 10032, U.S.A.