Poster A. Clinical
Posters A. Clinical
Bone mineral density in patients with eating disorders. could psychopharmacology prevent bone loss?
Th.-A. Abatzi”, H. Borghs”, J. Joly”, J. Nijs”, W. Vandereyckenb, J. Peuskens”, J. Dequeker”. “Dept. of Rheumatology, University Hospital K.U. Leuven, Pellenberg bPsychiatric Clinic Brothers Alexianen, Tienen ‘University Psychiatric Center, Kortenberg, Belgium. Background. Eating disorders usually start at puberty. These disorders may be associated with premature bone loss, and the patients may not have the opportunity to reach their peak bone mass. However, little is known of factors contributing to bone loss. Aim. To study bone mineral density (BMD) in different groups of patients with eating disorders in comparison to healthy age-matched volunteers. Methods. BMD was measured by the dual energy x-ray absorptiometry technique: on lumbar spine, femoral neck and whole body. In 68 female in-patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) [50 restricting (ANr) and 18 binge-purging (ANb)] and 24 with bulimia nervosa (BN), according to the criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders, 4th ed. All values were transformed to z-scores. Results. Significant differences were only observed for lumbar spine BMD (L2-L4). BMD was decreased in AN (-1.30t0.16, P
A-2 El
Psychotherapy and psychopharmacoterapy in structure of complex treatment of ulcer patients with suicidal, neurotic and psychogenous reactions
A.G. Ambrumova, VA. Ruzhenkov. Research Institute of Psychiatry RF Health Ministry. 3, Poteshnaya street, Moscow, Russia
The paper seeks to study clinical peculiarities of ulcer patients with suicidal behaviour and develop effective medical and preventive methods. 1844 ulcer patients were examined; 271 (14,7%) revealed suicidal behaviour (internal and external forms); neurotic (NR) (140/56%) and psychogenous (PR) (110/44%) reactions were diagnosed in the overwhelming majority of them -250 (92,3%), being the subject of research. The research method were clinical, psychopathological, psychological, cathamnestic and statistical. It has been ascertained the degree of suicidal risk at PR is 26 times as high as the one at NR (07, pcO.01) level of reactive anxiety at PR, blocking the intellectual control over behaviour and preventing the constructive planning of the way out of the crisis situation. The most significant suicidogenous factors are as follows: individual and personality (sintonic person (40%) and person with disposition accentuation by psychasthenic and cycloid type prevailed at PR; disposition accentuations of psychasthenic, excitable and cycloid - at NR), clinical (peculiarities of UD, degree of algetic syndrome (rl=O.61; r2=0.68) and the presence of psychopathological symptoms of senestopathy (r=0.72)) and social environmental (family, production, intim and personal conflicts).
The differential psychotherapy, devised by us on the basis of hypnotic techniques, epistemological metbaphore, neurolinguistic programming, was applied in basic therapy and realised in 3 stages: diagnostic, crisis (settlement or reaction to mental shocks, conflicts which had created the suicidal predisposition) and etiopathogenetic, different in essence at NR and PR. In the first case the objective of psychotherapy was settlement of the past mental shocks which had been etiological for NR, in the second one - change of the patient’s attitude to the mental shock, development and introduction of constractive behaviour stereotypes in the crisis situation. In cases when one psychotherapy was insufficient, psychopharmacotherapy was prescribed in addition (antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers and stimulating drugs). As the result, suicidal risk was lowered, at the expense of desactualization of suicidogenal mental shocks psychopathological symptoms were reduced and in more than 90% cases healing of the ulcer defect was fastened and remissions were prolonged. It gives every reasons to believe that psychotherapy for the said contingent of patients is not only a remedy, but also preventive. Psychopharmacotherapy is less differentiated conformahly to NR and PR and it primarily serves as an additional remedy at long and polymorphous psychopathological disorders.
Clinical correlates and personality characteristics in impulsive drinkers
M. Bastan, G. Stefos, M. Couturier, F. Macian, L. Staner. Dept. of Psychiatry, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Brugmunn, 4 Place Van Gehuchten, 1020 Brussels, Belgium An association between alcoholism and certain personality factors mainly those related to antisocial personality disorder has been frequently reported as well as a relation between impulsive behaviour and alcohol consumption in some violent offenders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between impulsive behaviour and alcohol consumption in a group of impulsive patients compared to a group of healthy controls. Subjects were selected among a group of consecutive inpatients if they present any out of 13 overt impulsive behaviour tendencies. Impulsive drug-takers were first excluded from the analyses. The remaining sample was further divided between two subgroups according to whether impulsive drinking was present or not. Assessments were made using the Barratt Impulsive Scale, the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory, the Social Dysfunction and Aggression Scale and the Temperament and Character Inventory (T.C.I.). The preliminary results of this study suggest that, in our sample, impulsive drinking is more prevalent among male subjects with an antisocial personality disorder and low scores on the T.C.I. dimension of cooperativeness. Although impulsive patients as a group scored higher on novelty seeking, only impulsive drinkers, in contrast with non-drinkers, were significantly differentiated from controls on this particular variable.
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Raven’s coloured matrices score and verbal memory in alcoholics undergoing medical detoxification
M. Chiavarini, M. Meme, N. Belardinelli, R. Cocchi. Neuropsychological Service, Alcohol Unit, Casa di Cura “Villa Silviu”, Via Garibaldi 64 6W19 Senigallia (AN), Italy. Aim: To evaluate if Raven’s Coloured Matrices (RCM) score could be related to short-term memory and to verbal fluency in alcoholic patients undergoing medical, detoxification. Subjects materials and methods: Forty-eight inpatients affected by alcohol dependence (DSM-IV: F10.2) whose scores at RCM were below 21 (subgroup 1: 24 Ss; 5F, 19M; mean age 49.4k11.4 yrs; mean schooling: 612.4 yrs) or above 25 (subgroup 2: 24 Ss; 2F, 22M; mean