89A w~thin the aquifers
853195 How the Austrians cracked the hard American nut with NATM Martin, D Tunn TunMg II16, N12, Dec 1984, P23-26 The New Austnan Tunnelhng Method ~s currently m operation for the Washington DC metro, USA, with construction of 2500m of twin running tunnels and twin 210m long station tunnels The main difference was that cross-sections had to be based on a circle to suit the NATM rather than parallel sided horsehoe profile. A fully welded pvc plastic liner is included to solve water problems
853196 What is the NATM? Tunn Tunnlg VI6, N12, Dee 1984, P29 Extract from the original patent of the New Austrian Tunnelhng Method, g~vIng the basic pnnciples
853197 Urban tunneling in Japan Paulson, B C Underground Space V8, N3, 1984, P185-190 The use of precast concrete liners, slurry shield, tunnelling, earth pressure balance shield tunnelling, and cut and cover tunnelhng methods are discussed with particular reference to soft ground conditions dunng the constructmn phase
853198 TBM study at the Carhuaqnero Hydroelectric Project Bjorklln, 0 Swedish Detonic Research Foundation report DS 1983 14, 8 Dec 1983, 44P Investlgatmn into the fragmentation of rock by the disc-cuttmg tunnel bormg machine, and the correlation between different rock properUes and the penetration capacity of th~s type of TBM Geological mapping was earned out and core samples taken from the headrace tunnel excavated at the Carhuaquero Hydroelectric Project, Peru. The evaluaUon of rock properties and a theoretical study of rock fragmentation based on Bousslnesq's theory show that compressive and splitting strength of the rock mass are correlated to the penetratmn of disc-cutting TBMs However, in rock masses wath joint distances less than three to s~x times the distance between cutters, the penetratmn ~s not correlated to strength properties
Avail: The Foundation, Box 32058, S-126 11 Stockholm, Sweden
853200 Unlined high pressure tunnels in areas of complex topography Broch, E lnt Water Power Dam Constr V36, Nil, Nor 1984, P21-23 Descrlptmn showmg how comphcated and ~rregular topography should be rexased on the drawing board when the design criteria for unhned pressure tunnels or shafts are being apphed An example indicates how over-esumatlon of the rock mass overburden may lead to leakage
853201 Borehole to climb down into (In Norwegian) Lien, R, Loset, F Norw Geotech lust Publ NI50, 1984. P3 The construction of a surge shaft, rather than an air cushmn surge chamber, at the Ulla-Forre hydroelectnc plant has enabled direct visual mspecUon to be used, along wah core drilling, to examine geological structures
853202 Spiral tunnel runs rings around arctic circle dam site Martin, D Tunn Tunnig V16, Nil, Nov 1984, P15-17 Progress on the Alta Hydroelectnc ProJect is reviewed Enwronmental considerations are paramount and the dam is designed to function without disturbing local fishmg or spoiling scenery A 1.2km spiral tunnel has been constructed to allow access to different areas of the dam works Brief constructional details are gwen
853203 India's efforts rewarded on Loktak hydro project Madan, M M Tunn Tunnlg V16, Nil, Nov 1984, P27-30 The 9 year project to construct the Loktak tunnel is described Geological problems and the techmques used to overcome them are ~temised
853204 Japan puts hydro scheme under a national park Martin, D Tunn Tunnlg V16, Nil, Nov 1984, P33-35 Construction of a pumped storage hydroelectric scheme, underground the Nikko national park, is described The New Austrian Tunnelling Method is being used Stress strain measurements are being taken throughout the project Details of equipment used is gwen
In-situ stresses and stress around underground openings
P o w e r plants See also 853050 853199 Long-term prestress in conerete-fined pressure tunnels Gonano, L P lnt Water Power Dam Coustr 1"36, Nil, Nov 1984, P28-33 The apphcatIon of prestressing to extend the internal pressure range of concrete hned pressure tunnels ~s limited by the difficulty oflncorporatlng rationally into the design process, a sufficaently accurate representation of the creep of the concrete and rock A method for obtaining reliable creep parameters and application to a design using a structural creep method is presented.
853205 Strains and stresses in the rock around an unlined hot water cavern
Rehblnder, G Rock Mech V17, N3, July-Sept 1984, P129-145 A large rock cavern holding water warmed by waste heat acts as an energy buffer for the district heating system for Avesta, Sweden The cavern has been instrumented with shdlng micrometers and rock pressure cells. Water ~s stored at temperatures 40-95 deg C and rock heating causes stratus and stresses Measurements show that the state of stress in the rock mainly responds to average temperature, not to fluctuations Maximum thermal stress is 9MPa and heave of the ground less than 5mm. The development of stress and strata wdl continue until