668 6. What quantities of the following pre4. How may the chemical equivalent of aL substance be determined? parations contain respectively one grain of 5. What advantage is there in stating the! opium ? Confectio opii, pilula saponis comproportions of the ingredients of compound positœ, pulvis cretœ, compositus cum ohio, bodies in equivalents over a statement of thetinctura opii, tinctura camphorœ composita, and pulvis ipecacuanhœ compositœ. same proportions per cent. ? 6. What do the following symbols repreBOTANY. sent : Examiner, Professor HENSLOW. SOg, NH3, HO = SO,, NH4? and what is the theory to which the equation 1. Distinguish between prickles, thorns, refers ? and bristles. 7. What general principle do we avail 2. Explain the structure of a cremocarourselves of for the measurement of tempera- pium. ture, and how is it applied ? 3. Compare the principal structural dif8. Describe the construction and explain ferences in the flowers and fruit of clematis, the action of the electrophorus. anemone, ranunculus, helleborus, and paeoiua, What are the which be 9. forces de- upon which five subordinate groups or tribes may veloped by a voltaic current ? Briefly ex- of ranunculaceæ depend. emplify each when called into action. 4. What is the chief characteristic difference in the structure of the flowers of plants Afternoon, 3 to 6. grouped under the tribes alsineæ and MATERIA MEDICA AND PHAR- sileneae ? MACY. 5. How are the leaves disposed in cheno. podiaceæ, and have they stipules or not? Examiner, Dr. PEREIRA. 6. How is the origin of the vesicles of the 1. Describe the mode of preparing tartaric cellular tissue explained? acid according tothe London Pharmacopoeia. 7. Explain the general process of fertilisaExplain the chemical changes which occur tion, and describe its peculiar modifications in the process. State the atomic constitution in orchidaceæ. Describe the specimens of the acid in both the dry and crystallised marked, states. Give the tests by which the acid may be distinguished from other vegetable acids, and by which the absence of the bi10. tartrate of potash in its powder may be ascertained. Lastly, state what are the quantities of carbonate of potash (the granulated UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. salt of the shops), bicarbonate of potash (crystallised), carbonate of soda (crystalLicnit, semperque ricebit lised), sodœ sesquicarbonus, Ph. Lond., and Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis. ammoniœ sesquicarlonas, Ph. Lond., which .
8. 9.
respectively required to saturate one TO THE DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE. scruple of the crystallised acid. 2. You are requested to give a botanical SIR,—The present manner of giving and certificates is a great and someof receiving description hyoscyamus nig-e2, ;describing successively the root, stem, leaves, flowers, times insufferable nuisance ; if the examinafruit, and seeds ; stating its duration, and its tions at the various boards were more severe, position in both the sexual system of Linnaeus more practical, and more calculated to test a and the natural system of De Candolle. person’s amount of good and useful knowMention the principal symptoms which cha- ledge, what can it matter how he has obracterise its operation on the system in both tained the same; the real question with the medicinal and poisonous doses. State in public ought to be as to the amount. If the what cases its use is preferable to that of lecturers were good, and had the talent to opium, and in what doses you would admi-’ communicate easily, what they too frequently nister the tincture and extract. only profess, the student would very natu3. Briefly state the circumstances which rally select and attend the same ; but, Sir, favour the view that the absorption of a me- to be forced to attend some professors !is a dicine is necessary to the production of its waste of money, waste of time, waste of remote effects. energy ; and as a specimen (notwithstanding 4. In what cases are ferruginous tonics to our motto, which can be regarded as extendbe preferred to the bitter vegetable tonics ? ing only to the private and not to the public 5. What is the specific gravity of spiritus capacity of the professors) let us again bring rectificatus, Ph. Lond., and of spiritus te- forward Dr. Home! Your university renuiol’? What are the relative proportions, by quires attendance upon lectures on the pracvolume, of rectified spirit and water which are tice of medicine, the lectures must be given required to constitute proof spirit ? By what in an university ; consequently, what altertests is the presence of oil of corn spirit in native has an Edinburgh student but to take out his ticket; if the student does attend (as rectified spirit to be detected ? are