881227 Open-pit production scheduler: algorithm and implementation Gershon, M E Min Engng V30, N8, Aug 1987, P793.796 A new approach to tmprove the mme scheduhng procedure ts presented Following a desired mine slope, a computer program selects the most important blocks to be removed m any area at any trine, taking into account short term and long term conslderatmns It can be used to provide a complete mmmg schedule for a mine over a g~ven ttm¢ period, or used as an mteracUve mine planning tool
881228 Aseismic design of underground structures St John, C M, Zahrah, T F Tmudg Undergromut Space Technol V2, N2. 1987, P165-197 The basts for asetsmlc destgn of underground structures Is defined Setsmsc acttvtty, observed effects of setsmtc loading, models of setsmlc response, and setsmtc analysts of underground structures are examined Attention ts pard to the development of wtdely apphcable yet relattvely stmple mathemattcal models for asetsmtc structure destgn Appendtces examme the seismic environment, causes and charactensttcs of earthquakes, and theorettcal setsmtc responses of underground structures, both mcludmg and tgnonng ground structure interactton
881229 Modeling for finite-element soil-structure interaction analysis Hadjtan, A H, Lm, S T, Luco, J E Proc 3rd Conference on Dynamic Response of Structures, Los Angeles, March M-April 2, 1986 P716-723 Publ New York ASCE. 1986 Destgn ground motion ts usually specified at the free surface, but the questton of whether thts Is correct for embedded foundations remains Assuming ground motion charactensttcs are not dtsstmtlar m and out of large shallow depressmns, the following modellmg requirements for fimte element analysis usmg procedures stmllar to the FLUSH code are proposed (I) destgn ground motion spectfied at the free surface, (2) basemat rigidity mcluded m the model, and (3) the bottom of the sod model should be contoured to reflect the excavatton at the surface
881230 Boundary zone superposition method for linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis of infinite domain problems Nelson, R B, Muki, Y Proc 3rd Conference on Dynamic Response of Structures, Los Angeles, March M-April 2, 1986 P732-744 Pubi New York ASCE. 1986 The use of hmtted size finite element or fimte dtfference models to mvesttgate transtent dynamic response in structure-medea problems mtroduces arttfictal boundaries not present m the mfintte medmm, whtch leads to numerical errors caused by spurious reflectton or refractton of dynamtc stress waves Prehmmary work shows the boundary zone superposttton approach to be a promtsmg method for the development of sdent boundaries The teehmque can be easdy tmplemented m extstmg computer programs
881131 Optunum design of large open pit mines Caccetta, L, Glannmt. L M, Carras. S Proc Large Open Pit Mining Conference, Newman, October 1986 P195-200 Publ Parkvdle AusiMM. 1986 Optimum pet destgn, calculating volume extractmn for maxtmum profit wtthgn practical operating requtrements, has been corned out using mathematical techmques based on the block model smce the mtd 1960s Computmg problems arise for large orebodtes A strategy for overcommg these problems has been derived, based on the tmplementatton of bounding techtuques based on dynamic programming, to reduce the stze of the problem, the development of ettictent data structure and graph mampulation techmques, and the explottatton of the structure of the graph
881232 Multiple prediction of hearing capacity of large caverns in rock masses Fretberg, E A, Sapegm, D D Proc International Symposium on Large Rock Caverns, Helsinki, 25-28 August, 1986 V2. P1255-1265 Publ Oxford Pergamon Press. 1986 The destgn procedure described reqmres determmatton of the engmeenng geology, natural stress state and mechamcal properttes of the rock mass, combined wtth mathemattcal and phystcal modellmg of the excavatton The example tllustrated uses fimte element analysts to model the excavatton of a cavern m a heterogeneous block-jointed medmm The non-associated flow law of plasttc flow ts used to describe the elastoplasttc behavtour of the rock and the joint filhng matehal Large scale phystcal models tn eqmvalent materials were tested Results of analytical and experimental studtes are reported 881233 Influence of primary stresses and shear parameters on the design of caverns Pottier, R, John, M
Proc lnternatronal Symposium on Large Rock Caverns, Helsinki, 25-28 August, 1986 V2. P1411-1418 Publ Oxford Pergamon Press, 1986 Fmtte element analysts was corned out for the destgn of a large underground power statton m an area assumed to have htgh mtttal lateral stress The smgle cavtty solutton (SCS) and double cavtty solutton (DCS) were considered Due to uncertam geologtcal condtttons, elastic and vtscoplasttc analyses were used and mtttal lateral stress, fnctton angle and coheston were vaned The advantages of the SCS became more obvtous as mtttal lateral stress was increased and as shear parameters became less favourable 881234
Utilizationof the geologicaland geomechanical information in the underground mining of Czechoslovakia Szuttor, T, Balaz, J Proc 13th World Mining Congress, Improvement of Mine Productivity and Overall Economy by Modern Technology, Stockholm, June 1987 VI, P45-49 Publ Rotterdam A A Balkema, 1987 The use of mathematical modelhng m plannmg the explottatton of a poor quahty mmeral deposit m complex geologtcal condtttons ts descnbed The model can be used to opttmts¢ the areas to be extracted, the suRabthty of dtfferent extraction techmques, and the effecttveness of dtfferent support systems
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