Volume 24, number 2
15 January 19’74
BOUNDS @OR TOTAL n-ELECTRON ENERGY Ivan GUTMAN Institute “Ruder Bofkovif *,P.O. B. IO1 6, Zagreb. 0oatia. Yugoslavia Received 15 October 1973
Upper and lower bounds for the tbtal x-electron energy of conjugated hydrocarbons in tbe Hrtckel appro:iimation are presented.
The dependence of the Hiickel total n-electron energy Q of conjugated hydrocarbons on the molecular structure has been investigated in a recent paper [I] where further references can be found. The notation of ref. [l] will be adopted here also. Thus, N and v are the numbers of carbon atoms and carbon-carbon bonds, respectively_ A is the adjacency matrix of the molecular graph [2] and Xi (i = 1,2, ._.,N) are its eigkvalues (= the spectrum of the graph). By convention x1 > x2 > ...a xN. Hence, E=2
1) (det A)*lN GE* < 3Nv _
g +=O,
(3) from (1) and (2) it follows
Using eq. (3) and the well known formula det A = lTy=,xi, it can be checked without difficulties that D/N is just the difference between the arithmetic and geometric mean of the numbers xf_ Therefore D >, 0. bi us denote 2& (l&i -l-$1)* by Q and con-.’ :
E=$ IXJ. i=l
sider the identity
In this work we would like to present some additional upper and lower bounds. For reasons which will be clear later, the inequalities (5) will be transformed to _-
D = 2~ - N(det A)2/N.
i=l ,$-x;
2v + N(N-
0 G 2Nu -E2 <(N-
N/2 C Xi i=2
The following estimates for E have been obtained by McClelland [3]:
Volume 24,number2
Table 1
and Y the value of E decreases with the increase of the width of the occupied (or cnoccupjed) rr-energy band. Let there be No zeros in she spectrum of the molecular graph. Then N
cx,'+Q', i=-1
where Q’ indicates the summation over pairs of nonzero eigenvahres. Since 9’2 0, from eqs. (3) and (8) it follows E2 G 2(N- N&J.
15 January 1974
which is a generahzation of McClelland’s upper bound. Note that simple graph-theoretical aJgorithms are avdable [4] for enumeration of No. It is evident from eq. (8) that in order to fmd bounds for E it is sufficient to determine inequalities for Q. Fortunately, there is a result of Kober [S] which can be used for this purpose. Let Ma and Mg
Lower bound
butadiene hexatriene cyclobutadiene benzene fulvene naphthalene azulene fulvalene pentalene heptalene
4.47 6.63 4.00 7.88
6.93 12.97 12.23 11.99 6.00 7.21
Exact E
4.47 7.21 4.00 8.19 7,75 14.39 14.23 14.17 10.39 16.12
4.47 6.99 4.00 8.00 7.47 13.68 13.36 12.80 10.46 15.62
completely analogous way of reasoning as in the
(8) it can be shown that
N/2 2NV-E2=4
and ifin eq. (1 I) Ii and PZare replaced by respectively,
be the arithmetic and geometric mean, respectively, for a set of non-negative numbers tj (i = 1.2, ....II).
and N/Z,
Then [S] 20<2Nu-Ez
a -M
end from (8) DC2Nv--E*Q;(N-1)D.
technique given in ref. (21. Because of (14) the rekftiod (16) is valid for even N only, but an analogous formula for odd N can be derived in a similar way. However, UrJsis not necessary because if the hydrocarbon poserses an odd number of carbon atoms the graph G’ can be considered instead of the molecular graph G.
(‘3) @
Thus, ordy the upper bound for E is better than in (6). A further hnprovemant of (6) can be gained if it is assumed that (14)
Eq. (14) holds exactfy for aJtemant hydrocarbons, but is a&o a sufHckntJy good approximation for most of the nonattemants (but see pentalene Jn table 1). UsJng
Numerical examples are given in table 1. The value of c”ludet A can be calculated by a simple graph-theoretical
RepJacJng fi and n by ~12andN, respectively, and using the notation of eq. (7) one obtains D
a0 G
Then N(Cr) = N(C) + J and, of course, E(G’) = E(G). Often is also det A(G) = det A(G’) = 0. For example
r\ U G
-0 G’
Volume24, number2
Formula (16) gives 81/* < E(G’) < 8v* and thus E(G) = 81j2. The total Irelectron energy is an important property of conjugated molecules and it is of general interest to recognize the structure factors determiniig its value. The McClelland-type formulae (6), (13) and (16) have one common feature - they emphasize the fact that a great part of E is determined solely by the number of atoms and bonds (i.e., by the empirical formula of the compound). For illustration compare columns 3 and 4 in table I since the upper bound of eq. (16) seems to be rather near the exact E value. The differences rarely exceed 5%. The role of det A is also interesting because there is a close relationship [2] between the number of Kekule structures (K) and det A. Thus, for benzenoid hydrocarbons det A = (-f12 K2. Since for N being large enough (det A)2/N
= 0;
it comes out that the number of RekuIb structures has
15 January 1974
only a small contribution to E. A more pronounced inon E has the presence (N,, > 0) or absence (ZVO= 0) of zeros in the spectrum of the molecular
graph (41. Finally, the effect of the ring size is completely neglected in the McClelland-type formulae. Although this may be a rdativeIy small contribution to E (say * 5%), it has a dominant influence on the chemical behaviout of hydrocarbons. Some results in this direction were given in a previous work [6].
References [l] I. Gutman and N. TrinajstiC, Chem. whys. Letters 17 (3972) 535. [7-l A. Graovac, I. Gutman, N. Trinajstid and T. %vkoviE, Theoret. C&n. Acta 26 (1972) 67. [3] B.J. McClelland. I. Chem. Pbys. 54 (1971) 640. 14) T. %vkovic’,Croat. Chem. Acta 44 (1972) 35 1; D. CvetkoviE. I. Gutman and N. Trinajstid, Croat. Cbem. Acta (1972) 36.5. [S] H. Kober, Proc. Am. Math. Sot. 9 (1958) 452. [61 I. Gutman and N. Trinajstif, Chem. Fhys. Letters 20 (I 973) 257.