Vacuum News
22nd National Vacuum Symposium The American Vacuum Society will hold its Annual Symposium at the Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, Pa from 28 to 31 October 1975. Sessions on surface science, thin films, vacuum metallurgy and vacuum science and technology will be held. Particular sessions include the following : electrical, chemical and structural properties of interfaces, thin films in tribology, films, thin films related to solar energy, new thin film processes, vacuum microbalance techniques, ion beam-material interactions, leak detection, depth profiling, chemical bonding to surfaces, surface structure and topography, adsorbate structure and topography, electronic properties of surfaces, chemical reactions at surfaces, vacuum metallurgy. Abstract deadline for the technical sessions is 6 June 1975. The meetings will be held from Tuesday morning through Friday noon, and will run in a maximum of three simultaneous sessions. A vacuum equipment exhibit will be held concurrently from noon, Tuesday through noon Friday. Short courses in vacuum will be offered from Tuesday to Friday and include general vacuum science and technology, surface analytical techniques, partial pressures analysis, freeze drying, sputter deposition, leak detection, evaporative deposition, optical coatings, microcircuit thin film, vacuum microbalance techniques. The M W Welch Award will be presented at the Symposium Luncheon. An extensive ladies programme is being planned to take advantage of the many attractions in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Further information on the technical program may be obtained from R Rosenberg, IBM SPD E Fishkill Facility, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533. Potential exhibitors wishing space should contact: Ed Greeley, 335 East 45th Street. New York, NY 10017. Vacuum course curricula and instructor information is available from : R L Long, Hughes Aircraft, M S D-162, Culver City, Calif 90230. American Vacuum Society
European Conference on the present trends of vacuum metallurgy To be held in Lille, from 7 to 9 October 1975. Organised by La Socidtd Fran~aise du Vide (Paris) and La Soci~td Beige de Vacuologie et de Vacuotechnique (Brussels) in conjunction with La Soci~t~ Francaise de Metallurgie (Paris) and La Socidtd Beneluxienne de Metallurgie (Brussels). Supported by L'Universit~ des Sciences et Techniques de Lille. This conference aims to emphasize recent developments in the field of vacuum metallurgy, with a view to getting a clearer insight of future prospects in laboratories and plants. Without trying to restrict the subject too specifically, the organizing committee wishes to promote the following : Winning Melting and Purification under Vacuum : rough vacuum range, high vacuum range, ultra-high vacuum range; Comparison between electroslag method and vacuum melting and casting ; Vacuum casting; Thermal and surface treatments ; Comparison between the results obtained after a treatment under vacuum and the treatment under a controlled atmosphere; Vacuum and residual impurities in metals; influence of residual impurities on the properties (papers on those subjects may have either a fundamental or a technological character) ; Pressure range
required for a given application (examples of realizations. The economical aspects are to be emphasised) ; Thermodynamic and kinetic problems arising during vacuum metallurgical treatments. Plenary lectures are planned on the following subjects : Survey of vacuum metallurgy, Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, and Influence of residual impurities.
Molecular Beam-Surface Interactions The Thin Films and Surfaces Group of the Institute of Physics, is organising a meeting on Molecular Beam - Surface Interactions to be held at Imperial College, London on 22 October, 1975. Theoretical and experimental aspects of both reactive and non-reactive scattering from surfaces of thermal or higher energy molecular beams together with related condensation processes will be discussed. Short contributed papers will be welcome and abstracts should be sent to Dr C T Foxon, Mullard Research Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey by 15 September 1975. Further details and application forms will be available in September 1975 from The Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SWIX 8QX.
5th Congress on Vacuum Science and Technology The 5th Congress on Vacuum Science and Technology will be held in Perguia, Dipartimento di Chimica dell' Universita, Via Elce di Sotto, from 29 September to 2 October 1975. The organizers of the congress propose, as on previous occasions, to offer workers in industries, universities and general research the opportunity of exchanging ideas and experiences on topics and problems of common interest. As usual, the congress subjects will mainly concern vacuum production and measurement. Nevertheless, ample space will be reserved to the following themes, connected to fields where application and development of vacuum technology are determinant: Space problems; Thin films; Solid surfaces; Molecular beams; Chemistry and biochemistry and other applications of a fundamental character.
IPHEX 7 6 - - A New International Exhibition for Britain's hydraulic and compressed air industries A new international exhibition to be staged in May of next year is IPHEX 76---The International Pneumatics and Hydraulics Exhibition to be held at the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham. This major promotion which is aimed at obtaining a high quality of overseas visitors, particularly buyers and sellers, is to be sponsored by the Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers and organised by Industrial and Trade Fairs Limited. IPHEX 76 will cover not only hydraulic and pneumatic aspects of power transmission and control but also related aspects. The use of the National Exhibition Centre is particularly significant in this respect as two other exhibitions with elements common to IPHEX will run concurrently with it. In adjacent ha(Is at the same time will be lEA 76uThe international Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition and Electrex--the biennial exhibition covering heavy gear aspects of the electrical industry. Appreciating the relationship between all three exhibitions, arrangements are in hand between organizers, sponsors and the National Exhibition 221