Xese, G.: Leech Treatment in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. y Gynak. 117: 306, 1944. In order to study the effect of leeches, the author examined the blood of healthy obstetric patients who had been operated on and women with thrombosis as regards the bleeding time, coagulation time, and prothrombin values. A definite prolongation in coagula· tion and bleeding time was found only in the local"9ozing blood, but there was no alteration in the prothrombin values. The good results obtained following treatment with leeches is explained by the local withdrawal of blood thereby eliminating pain and the sense of tension. There is also a decrease in the amount of edema and lymph congestion due to improvement in the lymph and collateral circulation. Leech therapy decreases the time of healing. Although it is not understood how the hirudin in the living leech acts, ten years' experience leads the author to recommend strongly the prophylactic and therapeutic use of leeches after every obstetric and gynecologic operation. J. P. GREENHILL. Scheidegger, S.: The Question of So-called Gra.uulosa- and Theca-Cell Tumors of the Ovary, Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. 114: 175, 1942. From an experience with four cases in women 6,. 52, 75, and 82 years of age, the author came to the conclusion that there are transition forms between the classical granulosa-cell tumors and theca-cell tumors. Pure granulosa-cell tumors are extremely rare. In most cases of granulosa! neoplasms, typical theca-cell formations may be found. Sometimes the granulosa- and sometimes the theca-cell formations predominate. It is impossible J. P. GREENHILL. to make a sharp differentiation between the two types of tumors.
Labor, Management, Complications Ascanio, Escobar R.: Breech Presentation in the ''Concepcion Palacios Maternity, • • Rev. de obst y ginec. 5: 5, 1945. The incidence of breech presentation at the "Concepcion Palacios Maternity" was 3.4 per cent. Premature babies constituted more than one-third of the babies, aild more than two-thirds of the patients were multiparas. The duration of labor was within normal limits. The total fetal mortality was 30.9 per cent and the corrected rate was 7.1 per cent. The most frequent complications during delivery were prolapse of the cord and lacerations of the genital tract. The author recommends routine version during pregnancy by means of laxatives and enemas. If these fail, manual external version should be tried. An experienced physician should aid the breech extraction in order to reduce the fetal mortality. Forced traction on the head should be avoided in order to lessen intracranial lesions. Episiotomy should be employed more frequently in multiparas as well as in primiparas, especially in the presence of premature babies. The increased use of forceps on the aftercoming head will avoid the dangers of the Mauricean maneuver. As parts of the instrumentarium, vaginal retractors and an electric aspirator should be included. .J. P. GREENHILL. Biro, S.:
Labor in Overweight Women, Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. 117: 185, 1944.
The author studieQ. a series of 160 overweight pregnant women observed over a period of six years. He found that these women had a greater incidence of toxemia and malpresentations of the fetus. The children were larger than usual, their average weight amounting to 3,698 grams. Almost one-fourth of the babies weighed more than 4,000 grams. Labor was not prolonged in these cases but uterine atony, puerperal infection, and operative interference were Illore frequent. The death rate was 2.5 per cent. These facts indicate that overweight pregna~~ women require special attention. .J. P. GREENHILL.