AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION The AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION enjoy full privileges of voting and holding office was formally organized in Philadelphia, October in the Student Branch of which they are a member. Associate (student) member dues are $3.00 a 6-8, 1852, following a preliminary meeting of leaders of the ,profession in New York City in year, including the Practical Pharmacy Edition of 1851. Perhaps the most important factor leading the JOURNAL or the Scientific Edition of the JOURto the formation of the organization was a de- NL4L; or $5.00 a year when both editions of the sire on the part of the pharmacists and physicians JOURNAL are included. Of these amounts, $1.00 of that day to improve the quality of drugs which is remitted to the Student Branch for its support. The by-laws also provide that any person apwere being imported. The leaders in the movement to organize the ASSOCIATION were practicing proved by the Council as meeting the qualificapharmacists, members of faculties of Colleges of tions for active membership in the ASSOCIATION Pharmacy, and other persons of scientific train- may be granted life membership if he pays to the ing who were anxious to maintain and achieve Treasurer the sum of $200 during the first ten higher standards of professional practice and im- years of his connection therewith and also to any provement of the quality of drugs offered to the active member, not in arrears, who after 10 years shall pay the sum of $150, or after 15 years the American people. The objectives as stated in the Constitution sum of $100, or after 20 years the sum of $80 or were to “unite the educated and reputable phar- after 25 years the sum of $50. Any member who macists of America in an effort to improve and may have paid annual dues for 40 consecutive regulate the drug market by preventing the im- years, may become a life member upon approval portation of inferior, adulterated, or deteriorated by the Council. Separate subscription to the JOURNALS is drugs, and by detecting and exposing home adulterations; to encourage proper relations with the $4.00 a year for each JOURNAL or 87.00 a year for other health professions; to improve pharmaceu- both editions. Publications of the ASSOCIAT~ON include the tical science by diffusing scientific knowledge, fostering pharmaceutical literature, developing National Formulary, which is now in its ninth talent, stimulating discovery and invention, and edition; the Pharmaceutical Recipe Book, now encouraging domestic production and manufac- out of print; the Scientific Edition of the JOURture of drugs and medicines; to regulate educa- NAL OF THE AMERICANPIwRMACEUTICAL AStion and training of pharmacists; to suppress SOCIATION, now in its i-orty-first volume; the empiricism and to restrict the dispensing and dis- Practical Pharmacy Hition of the JOURNAL OF ASSOCIATION, tribution of medicines to qualified pharmacists; THE AMERICANPHARMACEUTICAL to uphold standards of authority in the education, now in its thirteenth volume; and Drug Standtheory, and practice of pharmacy with a view to ards, formerly known as the Bulletin of the the highest good and the greatest protection to National Formulary Commitfee, now in its twentieth volume. The ASSOCIATION also publishes the public.” The ASSOCIATION’S membership includes prac- monographs on selected subjects a t irregular inticing pharmacists, wholesale druggists, pharma- tervals. The ASSOCIATION holds annual meetings. The ceutical manufacturers and their representatives, 22 Local Branches and 68 Student drug importers, teachers, research workers, edi- ASSOCIATION’S tors and publishers of pharmaceutical litera- Branches in various cities hold monthly or semiture, pharmaceutical chemists, food and drug of- monthly meetings. The ASSOCIATION makes two scientific awards : ficials, hospital pharmacists, association officials; students, and pharmacists in the government The Ebert Prize, consisting of a medal, which is awarded annually to the author of the best paper service. Annual dues for Active Members are $10, in- presented before the Scientific Section; and The cluding both the Practical Pharmacy Edition of Kilmer Prize, consisting of a gold key, which is the JOURNAL and the ScientiJic Edition of the awarded annually for the best paper submitted on a subject related to pharmacognosy. JOURNAL. Associate Membership is open through At the request of the Chilean Iodine EducaStudent Branches to students in accredited has acted as schools and collegesof pharmacy. Such members tional Bureau Inc., the ASSOCIATION have all the privileges of active membership sponsor of an Award for Research in the Pharexcept those of voting, holding office, or serving maceutical Chemistry of Iodine. This is an on standing committees of the Association. They award of $1000 given in recognition and encour1
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agement of outstanding research in the chemistry take final action on any item of business acted and pharmacy of iodine and its compounds as on by the House of Delegates. The reports of all Officers and Committees and applied in pharmacy or medicine. The New York Branch of the AMERICAN of the Council are referred to the House of DelePHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION also makes an gates and the House takes action on recommendaannual award known as The Remington Honor tions offered from these sources and from inMedal to the man or woman who has done the dividual members of the House. Usually such most for American pharmacy during the preced- action is taken through the Committee on Resoluing year or whose efforts during a number of tions, which submits its recommendations to the years have resulted in the most important con- House. The recommendations are then debated and finally acted upon. They must be approved tribution to American pharmacy The ASSOCIATION is governed between annual a t the final general session of the AsSOCI.4TION k ~ conventions by the Council consisting of sixteen before they become the policy of the A members, and its principal business a t annual on the subject covered. The Council of the ASSOCIATION acts for the meetings is carried on by the House of Delegates in which is made up of representatives of State and House of Delegates and for the ASSOCIATION National Pharmaceutical Associations, Sections the interim between national conventions. Since of the ASSOCIATION and the Council. the Secretary of the ASSOCIATION is also the SecreThe ASSOCIATION participates actively in the tary of the House of Delegates and of the CounAmerican Council on Pharmaceutical Education, cil and is designated as the General Xanager of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical the ASSOCIATION, it becomes his duty, as the AdEducation, the American Documentation Insti- ministrative Officer, to implement the actions tute, the American Society for Testing Materials, taken by the ASSOCIATION with the help of the the U. S. Pharmacopoeia1 Convention the Com- other officers, committees and the staff at the mission on Standardization of Biological Stains, headquarters building. the American Association for the Advancement The varying interests of the members of the of Science, the International Pharmaceutical AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION are Federation and the Pan-American Congress on provided for a t the convention through meetings Pharmacy. Its representatives are called into of the Sections of the ASSOCIATION.There are consultation by various Government agencies on five Sections, namely, the Scientific Section, the matters pertaining to pharmaceutical education; Section on Practical Pharmacy, the Section on manpower; and production, standardization, and Education and Legislation, the Section on Phardistribution of drugs and medicines. It also maceutical Economics and the Section on Hismaintains a close liaison with the armed forces torical Pharmacy. These sections provide opporand with other professional and scientific associa- tunities a t a number of sessions throughout the tions, foundations and conferences. annual convention for the presentation of papers The activities of the laboratories of the Asso- and discussions on a wide variety of subjects. CIATION are directed toward the establishment There are also a number of affiliated and reand improvement of standards of purity, quality, lated organizations which meet either immediately and strength of drugs and medicines, particularly prior to, or subsequent to, the annual meetings of those of the National Formulary. They also in- the AMERICANPHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION. clude researches and routine procedures asso- Of these, the American Society of Hospital Pharciated with prescription problems, establishment of macists and the American College of Apothecaries tolerances for extemporaneous compounding, dis- are affiliated organizations, which means that pensing techniques and the development of dos- membership in these Associations is limited to age forms for drugs. persons holding membership in the A. PH.A. Through its Committee on Pharmaceutical ReThe ASSOCIATION also has affiliated with i t the search the -4SSOCIATION makes research grants for Women's Auxiliary of the A. PH. A., which is an studies relating to the standardization and devel- organization of wives and other female relatives opment of drugs. of male members of the parent Association, The ASSOCIATION maintains its own building organized to assist in carrying out the A. PH.A. and laboratory, library and museum facilities in objectives. Although i t is principally a social Washington. The building and grounds, including organization, the objectives of the Auxiliary inthe memorial to all pharmacists who served in the clude development of scholarship funds and other wars of our country, occupy the block on Con- activities in the interest of women pharmacy stitution Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets. students. This building also houses the editorial and adAs the ASSOCIATION enters its 100th year of ministrative offices of the ASSOCIATION. activity i t is geared to the presentation of a wellThe members of the AMERICAN rounded program designed to sponsor and carry PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION function as individuals in the out activities in the field of health and medical general sessions of the ASSOCIATION at the na- care, which will serve the best interests of the tional convention. The general sessions may public and the profession.