291 Principles of Chemistry: Dr. A Course of Lectures on Richardson, Monday, Tuesday, The course, £44s. Mental Diseases, by Dr. D. Mackintosh...

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A Course of Lectures


Richardson, Monday, Tuesday,

The course, £44s. Mental Diseases, by Dr. D. Mackintosh.

Wednesday, and Thursday,

at six.




1, 1853.

Mr. Thornhill and Mr.

Vegetable Physiology:

Oliver, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,


The course, £33s. Medical Jurisprudence: Mr. W. Robinson and Mr. W. Chater, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at four. The course, nine


.E3 3s.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Dr. T. Humble,

Saturday,) at three. The course, £33s. Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women Frost and Dr. Gibson, daily, at eight

daily, (except

and Children : Mr. A.M. The course,

£ 3 3s.

Operative Surgery, &c.: Mr. G. Y. Heath. Practical Chemistry: Dr. T. Richardson. Pathological Anatomy : Dr. Fenwick and Mr. C. J. Gibb, Wednesday, at four. Perpetual ticket to all the lectures qualifying for the diploma of the College of Surgeons and licence of the Apothecaries’ Company, £42. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE INFIRMARY. The Newcastle Infirmary contains 178 beds, where clinical lectures are regularly delivered. Medical and surgical practice, twelve months, £77 7s. ;perpetual, X17 17s.

upon cases of interest, by the physicians. Surgical casualties are attended to, in the accident ward, at all hours, by the resident dresser, under the immediate superintendence of the house-surgeon. By payment of a small fee, students may be instructed in practical pharmacy, in the laboratory and dispensary. Medical and surgical pupils may become, when qualified, clinical clerks, in their respective departments. Pupils have access to the library by payment of .61.



Surgeon’s pupil (non-assistant),

first year, X- 20 ; second year,

.612 10s.; third year, ;S7 7 lOs.; for three years, at .635.



first year, .635; second year, £30; third year, .625 ; for three years, at one payment, .680. Physician’s pupil, for six months, £8 ; one year, £15 ; eighteen months, £20; and for unlimited attendance, £30. Each dresser resides in the infirmary for a week, in rotation, to attend upon the casualties. SUPLE SCHOLARSHlPS.- Two scholarships founded by the late R. Suple, Esq., of Clifton, each of the value of 1:,20, will be awarded annually to the two most approved students attending the medical and surgical practice.

Surgeon’s pupil (dresser),


hospital contains 228 beds, and, upon an average, 922 inand 2230 out-patients are annually admitted. It has wards specially devoted to lying-in patients, and an asylum for pauper lunatics. The medical officers are in attendance daily, from twelve to two Opportunity for studying practical pharmacy may be had, upon the payment of a small fee. BRISTOL MEDICAL SCHOOL. Physician’s pupil’s fee, X15 per annum. Pupils are also admitted at the Bristol General Hospital, and WINTER SESSION, COMMENCING OCTOBER I, 1852. at the Bristol Dispensary. The medical practice of the General Surgery: Mr. Clark and Mr. Prichard, Monday, Wednesday, Hospital is received by the Apothecaries’ Company on the same and Friday, at a quarter after eight A.M. Sessional course, terms as that of a dispensary. Fee for attendance on the X4 4s.; unlimited, £6 6s. physicians’ practice for eighteen months, £15. Theory and Practice of Physic: Dr. Budd and Dr. Stanton, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, at a quarter after nine A.M. Sessional course, £44s.; unlimited, £66s. SHEFFIELD GENERAL INFIRMARY. Chemistry: Mr. Herapath, last four daysof the week, at a quarter after nine A.M. Sessional course, £55s.; unlimited, £88s. Physicians-Dr. Thompson, Dr. Branson, Dr. De Bartolome. General Anatomy and Physiology: Dr. F. Brittan, daily, at a Surgeons-Mr. Overend, Mr. Henry Jackson, and Mr. Samuel Gregory. quarter after ten. Sessional course, £55s.unlimited, £99s. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy: Mr. Prichard and Mr. Ho2cse-Surgeon-Mr. Law. Neild, daily, at three. Sessional course, £5 5s.; unlimited, Fee for medical practice, one year, £10 10s.; perpetual, £9 9s. ’










X15 15s. Fee for



Vegetable Physiology:

surgical practice, one year, £10 10s.perpetual, £21. Upwards of four thousand patients are annually attended at £3 3s.; unlimited, this hospital.


and Dr.

at six P.m. Sessional course, sE55s. Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Dr. Stanton, daily, at eight A.M. Sessional course, £44s.; unlimited, £66s. Midwifery: Dr. J. G. Swayne, daily, at nine. Sessional course, S44s.; perpetual, £66s. Forensic Medicine: Dr. Kay, and Chemical Toxicology, Mr. Herapath, daily, at ten. Sessional course, £33s.; unlimited,

Brittan, daily,



X5 5s.

Practical Chemistry: Mr. Herapath. Fee for the perpetual attendance

Sessional course, X33s. on

all the above courses,,


SHEFFIELD MEDICAL INSTITUTION. SESSION, COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 1852. General Anatomy and Physiology: Mr. S. Gregory, Mr. Skinner, and Mr. Allanson, daily, at twelve. One course, E44s. Practical Anatomy and Demonstrations: Mr. Barber, Dr. E. Jackson, and Mr. Atkin, daily, at four P.M. One course, =e2 2s. Chemistry: Mr. Haywood, daily, at one P.M. One course, £6 6s. Medicine : Dr. Hall, daily, at five P.M. One course, .E44s. WINTER

excepting practical chemistry, forty-five guineas. The dissecting-rooms are under the superintendence of Mr. Clinical Medicine : Dr. Bartolome, on Wednesday, at seven P.M. Prichard, Dr. J. G. Swayne, Dr. Brittan, and Mr. Neild. Mr. W. Jackson, and Mr. Hunter, four days in the Surgery : At the conclusion of the session, prizes for the students of the week, at seven P.M. One course, £33s. several years will be distributed in accordance with the regulaClinical Surgery : Mr. H. Jackson, (at the Infirmary.) tions of the school. ____

SESSION, COMMENCING MAY 1, 1853. and Diseases of Women and Children: Mr.



Parker, One course, £33s. Medica and Therapeutics : Mr. Law, daily. One course, Physicians-Dr. Wallis, Dr. Lyon, Dr. Bernard, Dr.Wm. Budd. Materia .64 4s. Surgeons-Mr. Harrison, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Clark, Mr. Green,I Medical Jurisprudence: Mr. Barber, daily. One course, X33 3s. Mr. Prichard. Mr. W. Jackson and Mr. Atkin, daily. One course, Botany : Smith. N. Honorary and Consulting Surgeon-Mr. .E3 3s. House-Surgeon-Mr. H, A. Hore. Practical Chemistry: Mr. Haywood. Assistant House-Surgeon-Mr. N. Crisp. The fees for all the lectures required by the London University, This hospital contains 240 beds. In 1851, 2300 in-patients the College of. Surgeons, and the Society of Apothecaries, will were admitted, and about 16,000 patients relieved. The physicians and surgeons are in daily attendance, from not exceed £42. This, however, is exclusive of the fee for Practical Chemistry, which must be subject to special arrangehalf-past eleven A M. till two P.M. Clinical lectures are delivered weekly by the surgeons, and ment with the lecturer. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL PRACTICE.

Midwifery daily.